Chapter III: When A Ruby Shines

Story by Aeon Shadowflux on SoFurry

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#3 of The Outsiders

Ok, if you missed it, Koji, a Shark and his friend Ro, a Wolf are appart of the Outsider Organization, with n theEric a Wolf-jackal hybrid and Jackson, an Orca, their leaders. The Kagen Gods, a group of long forgoten animal protectors have sent Twilight the guardian of sharks to protect the world. Un"Fortunately" Twilight used the last of his energy to enpower Koji and has to renew himself into a younger-form, J.D to continue to protect the likes of shark-kind. Koji takes him to the outsiders base and suddenly an alert of the Ruby gang attacking on other sides of town pops up, they split up and head out.

"Seriously Ruby I can't leave you in a jail cell for more than one night before you send your gang out to break you out of one of the two prisons, try some of the food or maybe become a working class citizen, is that too much to ask.", Koji wined as he stood before Gang Leader Doyle Ruby.

Him and J.D, Semi-God Shark, entered the prison and walked past many worse criminals that he could face, until he reached the back room where the wolf waited surrounded by 20 members of his gang and tied up prison guards.

"Please, they organized this heist and carried it out, and of course I have a way to get away come find me. Lawton, Hazel is it ready?", He asked the male orca and the female wolf next to him, they both nodded. Above them a suddenly a white circle was cut though the ceiling above them.

The material in the circle cracked and dissolved into tiny glowing flakes. A loud whoop sounded out though the room, a rope ladder was dropped down from air and Doyle, Lawton and Hazel all grabbed on to the robe. They were all pulled up into the air. "Deal with these Sharks.", Ruby said as he disappeared into the air.

"Seriously, lower members.", Koji wined again to Ruby. Ruby said nothing as he climbed into the helicopter, but instead gave Koji the middle finger as he flew away in the helicopter.

"Well that was unexplained and yet totally called for.", Koji said as he watched Ruby fly away. "Well J.D time to prove your Semi-Godliness.", Koji said backing off and getting ready to face the gang members. Red energy lines flowed out of his hands.

The 18 other gang members pulled out various types of guns and they stood at a stalemate. "Ok, well you guys make this too easy lets see we're in a prison so steel bars.", He slashed hands back and the energy lines hit both sides wall, they traveled back until they hit the nearest cells.

The energy swriled around the collections of bars on both sides of the wall until the lines changed to a steel-like color. The energy released from the bars and retracted back to Koji. His hand was covered in a steel-like color, and soon it followed covering his fins, his arms and soon all of his body. Joints formed on joints and he was covered in a knight like armor.

He moved forward, steel creaking as he walked forward. He slowly approached the gang members who look at him in suprise and fear. "Hahaha, look at that the poor shark is too heavy to do anything, fire boys.", A fornt member a Doberman said laughing at Koji.

They all pointed their guns at Koji who looked the same, emotionless and empty. Bullets were fired, they streamed at Koji. The bullets bouced off the armor only leaving tiny dents in the armor. They looked horror, a Koji ran at them.

He appeared in fornt of the Doberman that laughed at him and slashed his arm the steel of his fin slashed against the unprotected chest of the Doberman, who screamed in pain as a long gash was fromed in his chest.

"Well, ok my turn.", J.D said as he watched the gore. "Try this one on for size.", He put his hands forward and he was covered in purple aura. He fired a purple beam from his hands and on to the gang members.

The beam collided with the members bodies and they were knocked back. They hit the wall, tears forming in wallpaper. They hit the floor, their bodies taking the blunt of the impact. They were knocked out.

Only 10 more stood and they all looked in fear. The put down their guns on the floor and looked at Koji fear radiating from their faces. "Ok, we'll put you guys in the cell and let Sherrif handle you guys.", Koji said as he untied the prison guards.

"Ok, we are surrounded by twenty or so gang members, each with a gun. Our guns were taken from us and we are crap aren't we.", Jackson said as the space between them and the gang members was become closer.

"Please tell me you have an actual power.", Eric said as his face turned looked around trying not to get himself killed. His face showed fear and he was trying to not do anything that would be stupid.

"Nope, how bout you?", Jackson casually asked trying to get one last laugh out of the wolf before anything worse could happen. "This is normally the part were Koji comes in to save us but don't think that will happen today."

"Well if we're lucky we'll get a deus ex machina.", Eric said uncomfortably laughing while a gun was placed on his chest by a gang member.

"Yeah, how's Twilight doing?", A wolf sitting down on a throne said. His name was Dusk and he was the Kagen God of Transformation and Madness, which could go hand in hand if one over uses them, he was also the guardian over canine animals. He was talking to his friend and fellow Kagen God, Sundown, guardian of avian species, speaking about Twilight.

"Your kidding, he's regenerated and he stole the black book and he went to earth, well thats crazy, none of us have done that in like 2000 years, something big is about to happen, but then again we're all getting older.", He said, they were indeed getting older, his furs were changing to grey.

"So, I'll call you later.", Dusk said as he put down the phone. Suddenly a twinge of pain was radiated throughout his body. He searched his mind for what was causing the pain, and found it. Something important was about to go down, he saw a Wolf and Jackal hybrid and an Orca surrounded by a group of armed hoodlums.

He knew he had the young canine hybrid because he felt that he would be important in the future. He focused his power from the realm, around him, Kagentora, once again like Twilight's it was filled with purple clouds.

The energy was gathered into his hand, and he thought on what he could best do, Empowerment wouldn't work and Werewolf wouldn't work on a wolf, but other Were species would work. He though for a second and made up his mind on the matter, he'd give the nerd wolf the best thing he could think of, the largest, strongest, rawest were-species he could.

He knew it would hurt the wolf, but his pain was the one of the ultimate prices. He put his hand forward and focused the energy, it disappeared from his hands and was transported into the realm of earth.

He knew what he did couldn't be undone but he felt that this would help the young wolf, and maybe they would meet one day in the other-worlds.

"Seriously, Jackson if we die do you have anything you want to tell me.", Eric said as he felt the gang member put the finger in the trigger ready to pull it and end their existence on the realm of the earth.

"Yes, I do. I would like to say that we are fucked and if we get out of this alive I will personally make you Vice Leader of the Outsiders, give us all a weekend vacation, and then I will tell someone of your choice to go fuck themselves, cause right now we're fucked, and their is no God in the Machine to save us today.

As the gang members started to pull the trigger ready to fire the gun that would send a bullet right into both of the furs heart killing them and ending their existence a miracle happened, a god had came out of the machine and was ready to save them.

Eric wined as a purple energy enveloped his body, much to the shock of both Jackson who he was standing back to and the gang members that surrounded him. A shockwave blasted out, the shockwave hit the gang member with the gun and knocked him back.

Both gang members treating to shoot them dropped their guns from the shockwave. It hit the next knocking them back and the next and the next until all gang members and Jackson were on the floor looking up in fear at Eric.

His body was covered in the energy and it started to absorb it. On his arms which were normal for a teenager, only a few amount of muscles showing, they started to bulge veins ripped down his arm. Blood pumped and muscles grew out. His shirt ripped from the muscles budling out growing larger and larger.

On his chest Eric felt his heart beat faster than it ever could, beats pumping out like fire from a volcano. Muscles grew out of his chest rock hard pecs forming, veins riddled in the pattern, all delivering energy. His nipples exploded out and grew. Showing out though his ripping shirt.

His body grew as abs formed the energy flowing down to his stomach, fat draining away from the area getting turned into energy. Eight rock hard abdominal muscles formed. Down his side fat was drained away turning him into the body of a real bodybuilder.

Down his legs the energy flowed muscles blasting out along his upper leg and knees, his calfs grew and grew until they were humongous. His feet blasted right out from his shoes, claws tearing the fabric.

His snout grew even larger his nose changing into a bump and two holes appearing. He opened his mouth and roared rows of large teeth popping out of his gums, replacing his old teeth. His eyes changed, the pupils narrowed and his irises changed into a glowing yellow color.

Finally his fur was blasted off literally landing on the floor and over Jackson. Replacing that fur green scales spread out over his body, covering it and shielding it from bullets that would hit his body. Claws ripped out replaced the puny claws he once had. Horns blasted out of his head.

He was fully transformed into a Were-Crocodile. He roared out, a sound wailing from his mouth. They all backed up against the wall as the transformed Eric looked around taking in the looks from all of the people. He roared again and approached a gang member.

He pulled his claw back and punched forward. Jackson looked away as Eric's claws ripped though the tiger's body, and killed him in such a gory way. They all ran away but were trapped in the room. The door was on one side they were on the other, the Were-Crocodile stood between them.

He ran at them, slashing and hacking his claws ripping apart gang members as they screamed bloody murder, all ringing out through out the prison and into other inmates ears, probably scaring them more than their crime ever would.

He quickly killed all the gang members and looked forward at the Orca before him. The Orca looked afraid yet not-afraid, he looked into Jackson's eyes and memories came rushing back to him, defeating his primal side as he collapsed to the floor, the same magic turning him back and repairing his clothes.

Jackson cautiously approached Eric who had a terrified look on his face, knowing what he just done. Jackson grabbed the wolf by the stomach which had retained some of the abs and put him over his shoulder.

He walked out of the prison not wanting to look back. He exited the massive prison and got in his car. That event would haunt Jackson and most likely Eric forever. He didn't have time to reflect, he took a breath of air and cleared his mind.

He put in an ear piece, and connected to Koji's. "Koji, do you have Ruby?", Jackson asked trying to hide the fear and horror in his voice but couldn't he was shaking and Koji knew it.

"No, are you okay?", Koji asked sounding worried, Jackson knew Koji knew something was or had just happened to them and he knew he couldn't lie, but he could avoid the truth.

"Where's Ruby?", Jackson asked, no demanded putting a serious, stern tone into his voice.

"He got away, Helicopter.", He heard and Koji hung up. Jackson stood in the silence and touched his car's dashboard. He connected to the police data base and put in an order, no Helicopters leave Las Vegas with out a search for Jack Ruby. Suddenly a painful buzzing entered his ear like the connection between the two ear peices was right next to each other but they couldn't adjust.

"Teleport, once an hour thing, and how's Eric after his Were-Croc Transformation?", J.D asked as he and Koji appeared in the back seat of Jackson's car a layer of purple dust covering them. J.D put his head between the seat and put his hand on Eric's forehead. "Oh, Gods something big is about to happen, this is an amount of power I never seen, or even worse Dusk could sense he and the other gods are about to regenerate and go to war."

"And that's bad how?", Jackson said as he watched J.D feel Eric's inner energies.

"That's bad because their is no area to battle in the realm of the Kagen Gods, so the battle would take place on earth and since each Kagen Gods are on the verge of regenerating so they will be weak either way so they going to use their energy to make Harbingers to allow them to enter earth and defend them. This is bad because the energy kinds of casues them to become uncontrollable if they are inbetween realms, this why Harbingers are mostly people in a worst case scenario, which I assume you where just in.", J.D said.

"Then how did you enter earth?", Koji asked as he watched.

"Easy, one doesn't have to be a Harbinger to let them to earth, but if one takes a black book and goes into a mind of their speices and reads the book it will open a portal from the realm of the Kagen Gods to the realm of earth."

"And let me guess there is only one black book and it was far hidden until you found it.", Jackson said and J.D nodded, "So is he is the Harbinger of what Kagen God?"

"Well he transformed so most likely Dusk, Guardian of Wolfs, and over transformation and madness.", J.D said as he backed off Eric. "Based on that keep him calm, if he gets angry or worried he might transform."

"Ok, that's all we can do yada yada yada just look out for powered people attacking they are the Harbingers, think we have bigger clams to fry such as Jack Ruby who is currently escaping Las Vegas.", J.D wined as they buckled the passed out Eric.

"I think you might be right.", Koji said as he put on his seatbelt, followed by Jackson. J.D looked at him with a confused look not knowing what to do. "Put the buckle into the clip.", Koji told J.D speaking him like a child.

"God Dammit Ruby!", Koji shouted out of the car now with its roof up as they entered the Route 95 Freeway going north into the hottest areas of the states. After 5 hours of no news hell broke loose in the form of police helicopter chase.

The it was now about 4:00 PM and the sun would be setting soon, twilight already setting on the city, every one except the comatose Eric was determined to get Ruby before the sun would set and he could escape in the night darkness.

"Ok, we've chased him past city limits now can I shoot?", Koji asked sounding excited about finally getting shot the bastard that he was tired of dealing with.

"I'll allow it, just don't shoot any traffic and wait till I get on the side lanes.", Jackson said as he weaved in and out of the cars and quickly did a right turn placing them where Koji could freely shoot.

"Lets see.", Koji looked around as he switched seats with J.D. The red energy lines dropped out of his hands. He looked around and the energy lines shot out from his hands and towards the truck behind him.

The beams inconspicuously attached to headlights and the beam turned light white. The beams retracted and Koji's hands glowed the same color, "Jackson, side road.", Koji commanded, they traveled for 5 minutes until they reached a exit ramp. It lead to a dirt road which followed the freeway but closer to the helicopter.

They followed the masses of police helicopters while Jackson pushed the accelerator getting closer to the Helicopter. Koji stood up placing both hands in the air and focusing his energy. A blast was fired sending Koji into J.D both clashing against the car frame.

The blast radiated out flying over the desert a ball of pure light flowing over the desert filled with nothing but cacti and sand for miles. It approached the helicopter, the light alerting Ruby as it was far to late.

It impacted the rear rotor, destroying the structure. Gas leaked out from the rotor and caught on fire. The helicopter lost it and it started to spiral, it started to drop to the ground smoke flying out of the tail.

It hit the ground barely getting crushed, fire spreading around the crash. Jackson took a shark right and drove quickly to the crash, all of them agreeing (Except Eric) that while Ruby might be a pain it be better for him to rot in prison than for another death to happen wrongfully that day.

As they reached the crash site, Ruby was climbing out of the helicopter with his two lackeys, Lawton and Hazel. Koji, J.D and Jackson rushed in grabbing the three who were burned and covered in blood.

The police helicopters landed and the police rushed out. Jackson talked to the police officers and soon they were all loaded into a helicopter. "Take Twilight here home.", Jackson said maintaining their identities. "I'm staying with Ruby.", Jackson said, Koji noticed he had his hood and knew they were safe.

Koji, J.D and knocked out Eric were soon down the highway, night had fallen and the roof was up. "Ah, Koji Jackson mentioned a friend/fellow worker, so question where's Ro?", Koji heart skipped a beat and he nearly drove of the road when his friend who was probably waiting for them at the facility.