The Mayan Sacrifice

Story by Lost Soul on SoFurry

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A young virgin male volunteers to be sacrificed to the pent up and horny Ruler of the Mayan Kingdom, to give up everything he has and everything he could have been to let his feathery Ruler do whatever it is he wishes with him, though it turns out to be more than he could have ever dreamed of.

Dedicated to GryphonWings A wonderful Master ;)

The first rays of a new sun broke over the treeline and flared against Xakial's' bare back, the sensation of sudden warmth sending a shiver up his spine as he took a deep breath then released it slowly, looking forwards and up at his destination. The temple of The Feathered One, Ruler of the Skies and our Kingdom towered above me, large sandstone blocks sheathed with white marble, painstakingly crafted over years to reach the sky.

Xakial's first step forwards was hesitant, the feeling of a great weight of anticipation bearing down on him as he walked the few paces before him to the start of the stairs of Ascension. Xakial hesitated slightly then resumed walking, taking the first step of a thousand and one steps to reach our Guardians Aerie. Ordinarily the Temple's surface would be crowded; the priests who served a dual function as guard and worshipper. They kept in line the numerous pilgrims who visited to pay homage and the many servants required to feed everyone and keep the Guardian's chambers clean. However, during this day the temple was deserted, the only one allowed to approach was the chosen one. Him.

Despite the large crowds not many got a face to face meeting with the Soft Feathered One few talked about their encounters, the priests only spoke praises and the servant's gave strange looks at anyone who asked. Xakial could remember seeing the Guardian flying in the skies every other week, long golden brown wings spread as he soared through the clouds. I'd fallen in love with his magnificence at first sight.

As Xakial walked slowly up the steps he considered the significance of his position and this event. The Soft Feathered One protected and guided them, yet we knew very little about our Ruler; every few decades he sired a child that took his place when he retired, disappearing into places unknown. Likewise, after the current Guardian had been in place for some time he called for a choosing. One young male, untouched and virgin in all ways was chosen from the surrounding villages for the honour and privilege of giving his body to the Soft Feathered One.

What this meant exactly the priests and servants kept silent, except to say that the one who was chosen had to volunteer, with no doubts or worry about whatever he may be asked to do. To give his body, his life and soul to their Guardian without resistance; despite the thousands of people the priests surveyed surprisingly few had no sexual encounters and fewer still willing to do anything at all for our ruler. It didn't help that like any other mysterious figure the Ruler of Skies was sometimes viewed as a god, and some thought they weren't worthy of his presence. Other times it was because of the dark stories that passed about the chosen; some said they were sacrifices like those in the more barbaric lands, their hearts cut out and burned, or they were eaten by their Guardian. Likewise some also claimed the chosen would live like royalty for the rest of their lives. All anyone knew for certain was that anyone who went to see their ruler never mentioned what happened to the previous chosen.

The Shining One's light warmed Xakial's back as he drew closer to the peak and he rolled my shoulders nervously. Xakial was certain in his conviction of serving his Lord, but it was a strange sensation to be walking to meet his idol naked; he was clad in a special set of ceremonial 'clothes'. The loose, naturally fallen feathers of his Guardian had been picked up and sewn together; he wore a small skirt that barely served to cover his hips, a few dozen had been tied into his hair and the rest formed his anklets, bracelets and were tied around his chest so that he resembled a bipedal bird in homage to his Guardian.

As Xakial neared the peak he felt himself slowing down, his shoulders hunching within the soft warmth of the feathers. No one spoke much about it but in whispered corners, but there had never been any information given on what happened if the Guardian didn't like who the priests chose. There had never been a retesting; one and only one the priests chose, given the titles of Bearer and Chosen, was given to the Lord of skies on the first rising of a new Lightgiver when he finally requested one

Finally Xakial reach the peak, a massive, flat plateau where the actual temple was; pillars rose to nearly the size of five men and levelled off with a peaked roof, all made of yet more carved marble, almost glistening in the sunlight. He paused for a moment and took a deep breath. Before him lay the home of our Guardian, a powerful, magnificent creature who looked after them, guided their lives towards peace. Their request of one fresh man for each successor whenever they'd acclimatised to their position was easy to fulfil.

As Xakial approached the inner sanctum of the temple he began to make out two huge oak doors, ornamented with yet more carvings of massive creatures in flight, wars spread across the land stopped by our Guardian hovering overhead. They were but a small part of his history with the first, the first time one their priests worshiped took interest and actively involved himself in our affairs. That had been generations ago but he and his sires still looked over them.

The doors themselves didn't actually serve the normal process of protecting our Guardian, but protecting others from him, and keeping the inner chambers warm and draft free. The early days had seen the priests overwhelmed trying to keep people out initially, before the first had personally disposed of every assassin and shown displeasure at the interruptions.

The first and only other human presence in the area stood by the doors. Two ceremonial jaguar guards stood on each side of the doors, spears clasped in hand and grounded firmly into the floor.

"Are you ready to give your body to the Soft Feathered One, Bearer?" intoned the first.

"Are you ready to serve your Master for life, Chosen?" the second guard intoned with the same voice after the first.

"I am." Xakial replied, trying to keep his voice from quivering.

"Then enter," They replied at the same time, pushing the doors open with their spare hand. The doors opened slowly and he stepped forwards into a darkened anti-chamber and waited as the doors closed behind him with a resounding thud. Xakial paused to let his eyes adjust to the different tone of light, windows interspersed with torches. The antechamber was a large corridor that had been sealed off with another, smaller set of doors that this time had no guards to open it for him. He crossed the room quickly, a strange sense of anticipation building up in him as he approached the final doors and gently pressed his hands against them. The doors miraculously seemed to be weightless and swung soundlessly on their hinges as he stepped through them into a well-lit, cavernous room and even as he closed the doors behind him he found his gaze riveted to the center of the far end of the room, where upon a massive pile of blankets rested Xakial's idol, a gryphon, the Guardian of the Skies.

Xakial stared in wonder at the gryphon as he raised his head to look at him. He'd thought that the Guardian had been beautiful at a distance but it was like a pale imitation compared to how he looked this close up; a sharp, curving beak between two large beautifully golden eyes that stared at him with a piercing clarity. At his side his wings spread themselves and ruffled slightly, lush golden-brown feathers perfectly groomed almost begging for Xakial to run his fingers through those feathers.

"So you are the one the priests have chosen?" the Guardian spoke, his voice rich and resonant in the chamber.

"Yes my Lord." Xakial stuttered, almost jumping to attention.

The gryphon stood up and slowly walked towards him, those bright eyes running over him with a calculating look as he walked close to him before moving in a circle around him, only speaking when he'd returned in front of Xakial.

"Hmm. Such a pretty little bird you are," He murred softy and Xakial blushed at such an abstract praise. He'd been chosen partly because he'd fallen in love with just the far sight of the Guardian, yet the intimate compliment was a shock to him.

"My name is Xakial my Lord," Xakial said to cover his blush.

The gryphon looked at him and tilted his head slightly as he repeated his name, "Xakial..." as if tasting it, "Not a bad name. Tell me Xakial, do the priests tell you exactly what is required of you, or what happens if I don't like the one my priests chose?"

Xakial shivered at the second question. The priests hadn't been very forth coming about what he'd volunteered for, and had been completely silent about what would happen if they weren't accepted by the Guardian.

"Not much my Lord. They told me I had to have no reservations about whatever you may ask of me without ever saying no. That I would give my body and soul to you and never return to my old life, my Guardian."

The gryphon chuckled and shook his head,

"It shouldn't surprise me that they don't make it public, and they normally are very good at choosing the Bearers. Only my great grandfather was unfortunate in getting one who couldn't cope with having no free will. So he used him for the purpose you're here then ate him."

"Ate him?!" Xakial yelped then covered his mouth and mumbled, "Sorry my Lord."

The gryphon lowered his head to level with his and nodded imperiously,

"And you should be. You need not be willing for your purpose, but if you truly give yourself over to me you will not be hurt, but live in pleasure."

Xakial smiled weakly, shocked but deep down he wasn't too surprised by that, and he had a growing feeling of what the true purpose of being the Bearer was,

"I am yours completely my Lord. I won't resist anything you ask of me."

The gryphon grinned and turned gesturing with his claw to a door to the side,

"My private chambers are through here. I believe the priests made a good choice, but we shall see my little bird, after I have plucked a few of your feathers."

Xakial hesitated, waiting to see if the Guardian was going to lead the way but after a pregnant pause where the gryphon looked at him expectantly he nearly tripped over his own feet as he rushed to get to the door. The whole way he could feel the gryphon's heavy presence behind him, claws clacking softly on the stone tiled floor.

The door opened into a smaller, well-furnished room but the centerpiece was a spectacularly large bed that could have easily held several gryphons the size of the Soft Feathered One comfortably.

"This is my bedroom... and yours now until we one day move on, but that won't be for decades."

Xakial stood in the center of the room nervously as the gryphon walked around him towards the bed, giving him a tantalising view of his rear moving side to side as he walked, that leonine tail swaying gently. He had been chose partly because he'd never had any close interactions with any female or, as the priests were careful to ask, any males. He'd simply had no interest in anyone, but here in the company of his Guardian he felt strange, his mind filled with the subtle and not so subtle hints, the seductive swagger of the gryphon as he approached the bed and jumped up on it.

The Guardian of the Skies sprawled lazily across the bedspread in front of Xakial who remained rooted to the spot, unsure of exactly what he was supposed to do. He'd somehow never taken too much time to think about what his service would truly involve; just that he was willing to do anything for him, without question or restraint.

The gryphon considered him for a while as he stood there and Xakial resisted a sudden impulse to look over himself for something wrong, instead managing to stand relatively still and the minutes wandered by. Eventually the Guardian nodded and smiled,

"Good, you have patience. A fidgeting hen would quickly become irritating and would have had to be... broken in."

Xakial blanched slightly, not wanting to know what that would have involved and he had a growing feeling of what his services to his Guardian would involve especially when the gryphon rolled with a deliberate slowness onto his back, putting himself on display for Xakial to see every glorious inch of his package. A large, creamy furred sheath thicker and longer than that of Xakials forearm, below which rested an impressive ball sack, the large, heavy orbs the size of oranges visible against the scrotum. Partially hidden by the low weighing sack was a small, dark puckered tail hole.

"I am your Master now my little pet, and I've been waiting years for this," the gryphon said, purring lightly and Xakial watched as he ran a claw idly along his sheath.

"My family made a pact with your rulers to look over the kingdom and instead of taking a ripe hen as a mate we would rule with a human male instead. My ancestor took your then Emperor's son when he came of age," he smirked at Xakial slightly, "He became willing after a few weeks, but his initial reaction is the reason for the selection process, and of course we couldn't keep taking the males from the royal family for inbreeding - can't let our line get stale could we?"

Some part of Xakial felt he should have been running to the door, screaming in terror at what the gryphon was telling him, yet he wasn't, he was... intrigued. He'd been in love with just the far sight of the Guardian, but here with him fully displayed he began to realise it was a deeper feeling than he'd ever imagined.

"Come closer pet, so that I can introduce you to your Masters body."

Xakial walked slowly towards the gryphon with a growing sense of finality, the air around him seemed to grow thicker, heavier, an earthy scent filling his nose. The gryphon smiled slyly and reached a claw down idly and hefted his sack up,

"I made especially sure to be clean for your first time my little hen, so be a good pet and have a nice, deep taste of your new Master."

Xakial quickly climbed up onto the bed below the Guardian and shambled forwards on his knees so that he bounced lightly on the soft mattress within touching distance of that dark, puckered tail hole. The gryphon's scent that had permeated throughout the room was much stronger this close to him, and every time he breathed in his lungs filled with that heady smell his body. It was intoxicating, filling his body with strange, heady warmth even as he leaned down, putting his face close to his Master's rear.

The gryphon leaned forwards slightly and Xakial raised his head so their gazes met when the Guardian gave him further orders,

"Take a good long deep breath my pretty bird. Take in the scent of your Master, then show me how much you enjoy it; taste me, appreciate my body."

Xakial nodded meekly, feeling the feathers in his hair flutter softly against the back of his neck and he began to wonder if there was a deeper reason to him mirroring the Soft Feathered One than simply honouring him.

Obediently, as he lowered his head back down, his nose hovering inches from the gryphon's rear he breathed in deep and almost choked as his head became light headed. The smell was so overpowering, strong earthy musk flooding his senses to the point where he couldn't think of anything but that smell. Before he could even think through what he was doing his lips pressed gently against the warm, supple flesh kissing it gently.

The sensation of hot, soft flesh against his lips was quickly pushed out of his mind as a rich, dark earthy taste filled his mouth and he loved it. His tongue ran out of his mouth and began to lick across the wrinkled flesh, tingling as the rich flavour filled his mouth again. A soft chuckle echoed above him even as Xakial found his tongue lapping across the puckered hole, pressing gently into the opening before retreating again.

"That's a good hen," the gryphon murred softly, "Learn my taste. Savour it and learn to love it. Now go deeper, don't be hesitant in using that tongue of yours"

Xakial obeyed, his deliberately pressing his tongue slowly inside the gryphon, feeling the tightly constricted flesh parting reluctantly around his tongue. The rush of flavour was maddening; thick, earthy musk dominating his mouth, demanding that he press deeper to get more, a stronger taste of his Guardian. Part of him still thought it was dirty, rimming a gryphon yet he didn't care about it anymore, instead pressing his face into his Master's rear, his tongue delving as far as possible to get the stronger, darker musk.

Slowly he felt a soft, heavy weight pressing on the top of his skull and he realised the Guardian had ceased lifting his sack out of the way, instead letting it rest on top of his head. It was distracting in so many ways, even as he tried to concentrate on pleasing his Master by spreading his insides with his tongue he could make out individually the two, heavy, bloated orbs resting atop his head and his thoughts turned to the contents of those balls.

He could barely imagine the amount of sperm the gryphon must produce, especially compared to his own comparatively miniature balls. All that hot, fresh churning seed waiting, begging for release. The thoughts surprised him but didn't deter him from his current, delicious order; he'd never had such thoughts before, rarely any about females and here he was lusting suddenly after a near god like figure of their kingdom, and he didn't care in the slightest.

"Such a good, eager birdy you are. For a virgin you can certainly use that small tongue of yours to great extent and my ass appreciates your attention. However I believe there is something more urgent that requires your attention."

Xakial pulled back slowly, reluctantly letting his tongue slide out leaving a thin string of saliva connecting them, his mouth still full of the thick musky flavour of the insides. The large sack gently fell back into position, partially hiding his rear, and Xakial glanced between the golden furred scrotum and his Master's twinkling gaze.

"Do you like them my pet? My balls are especially heavy for your first time, and I expect that by the end of the day I will be completely empty while you on the other claw..." He drew off, chuckling, before finishing with, "For now though hen, get your Master nice and hard. Show your worship for his body and cock, show me you want and deserve my seed."

Xakial shivered as he turned his attention to the gryphon's incredibly large package. If the sack and sheath were anything to judge by the gryphon was massive; he wasn't sure how he could make a creature so many times his size happy, to pleasure him with a small tongue and pair of hands. Yet it didn't matter. He was ordered to please the gryphon and he was going to do it to the best of his ability, anything to please the Guardian, anything to please his Master.

Gently he placed his hands on the bottom of the sack, feeling the short, lush fur running smoothly between his fingers. The heat coming of the sack was incredible, surprising Xakial even as he manoeuvred his grip so that the individual orbs were supported individually by his hands. Carefully, worried about gripping too hard he began to gently squeeze the curvaceous testicles, massaging them gently and found himself smiling slightly as the powerful gryphon began to purr gently.

Continuing to massage the balls, squeezing them softly and rolling them around with his fingers, he leaned forward and began to lick across the fur, tasting the salty sweat of the gryphon mixed with what he was recognising as almost the scent, the taste of his Master. Running his tongue across the sack a few times he pulled back to look at his Master as he asked,

"How am I doing Master?"

The Ruler of the Skies looked at him and grinned, "You are doing well my little bird, very well for one for no experience," His gaze narrowed slightly as the smile disappeared, "however, I do not recall telling you to stop."

He smirked as Xakial hurriedly returned to licking across the sack, slowly working his way further up across the warm scrotum towards where it joined with the sheath. He found himself smiling even as he felt the gryphon's purring vibrating through the genitals. He wanted to make his Master happy, and his taste was almost addictive, a salty, musky flavour almost blacking out the aftertaste from having rimmed the gryphon.

His hands finally moved up, gently lowering the heavy balls in his grip before running his fingers slowly through the lush fur to circle around the base of his Masters thick, plump sheath. Xakial had thought the heat from the sack was impressive but the shaft was beyond words. As his fingers settled into the lovingly wonderful fur he could feel the firm hardness within pressing against the sheath, filling it and pulsing with heat.

With a deep sense of admiration and wonder at what the gryphon was equipped with, what was hiding within that incredibly large furry housing of his, Xakial slowly began to run his hands along the length of the sheath to the tip before just as slowly running them back down. Xakial almost found it intimidating, running his fingers along the hot, protective covering of the gryphons cock flesh; even the protective housing for the gryphons' shaft was many times his own, comparatively feeble length, and here he was rolling his hands across it, ever so gently squeezing occasionally.

Xakial smiled as he began to feel the gryphon's purring through the grip on his sheath; it was strange yet wonderful to have such a clear reaction to his ministrations, the majestic creature purring as he gently masturbated him. He licked his lips even as his hands roamed once more to the tip, lingering over the entrance to the sheath, before he once more lowered his head back to the gryphons package and began to lick across the furry cock cover.

Under his tongue and hands he could feel the furry sleeve pulsing regularly, thickening and hardening within the sheath as he lavished the furry, salty musky laden sleeve with licks. Even with both hands combined he could barely circle the sheath, yet he wasn't put off by the daunting hint at the size of the gryphons' actual cock. Instead Xakial quickly began licking ever more eagerly at the sheath, working his way back up to the entrance with his tongue even as he attempted to masturbate it. As his head moved up to the entrance of the furry pouch, his tongue flicking at the edge having left a saliva coated trail behind, cleaned of the delectable salty musk of the Guardian he hesitated.

"I hope you didn't think it would be that easy my little birdy," chuckled the gryphon, instantly noticing the hesitation and Xakial blinked as how perceptive the question was but felt he had to answer the question despite the put down,

"Yes Guardian. I'm so sorry Master, I shouldn't have thought so highly of my skills."

The gryphon's light purring ceased abruptly and he growled lightly in a warning tone, "I did not tell you to insult your own abilities pet. While you shouldn't think too highly of yourself you won't think yourself worthless in my presence, especially since I plan on using your beautiful virgin body again and again. No Bearer is worthless, and you are indeed skilled for such a young, inexperienced female." His tone gentled slightly, returning to the confidant dominating tone, "However, I desire you to make me hard. For you to see, to feel with hand and tongue that which you'll be spending time with for most of your life, and to do that you will have to go deeper. Lick inside my sheath and coax out my cock my beautiful hen, bring out that which you desire and worship."

Xakial blushed deeply as his Master finished; he'd never been told off before for thinking poorly of himself, then to be referred to as a female and have his duties so explicitly detailed... and he didn't mind in the slightest. With the gryphons' growing taste on his tongue he wanted to lick, to suck on, and to taste that massive gryphonflesh. He'd been ignorant of any of the duties when he'd volunteered and been chosen from many for this, and it had taken him some time, even as he pleasured the Ruler of the Skies to realise a deeper part of his position. Female. Hen, to pleasure the Guardian of the Kingdom wasn't a simple thing involving just hands and tongue, but the use of his body. He was to be mounted by a gryphon, the one he loved and worshiped. It was a fearsome thought that he was going to somehow take his Masters cock inside him, but Xakial didn't care.

Xakial found it an interesting notion that he actually wanted to be taken by the gryphon. He loved the mere sight of him and up close he would do anything, and everything to please him, including be the hen he'd been dressed up as, the female to the supreme male. As those thoughts rushed through his head he was shuffling forwards slightly so that when he lowered his head back to the cock sleeve his tongue had the proper angle and reach that he could lick around the rim of the entrance, the familiar earthy musk of the gryphon filling his mouth once more but with a strangely tangy tint to it.

Xakials' tongue delved inside the opening gently, licking along the room and quickly becoming coated in the tangy, sticky vent fluid causing him to have to pull back his tongue regularly to suck it clean before moving back to licking around the inside edge. The gryphon's pleased rumbling resumed almost immediately and Xakial smiled inwardly; despite knowing he was new to this and so much smaller than the gryphon, the obvious sign of him doing something right was pleasing and he pushed his tongue deeper into the cock sleeve.

Almost immediately his tongue ran up against the hard, hot flesh of his Masters cock causing Xakial to almost pull out in surprise, but he managed to maintain control, letting his tongue rest momentarily, pressed up against another males cock. After a long moment, where Xakial felt that his Master was about to speak up, he got his tongue moving in light circles, feeling the hot rigid cock tip under his tongue growing and expanding outwards. The taste was even more intense than ever, becoming all that he could taste or smell and begging for Xakial to lick harder, breathe deeper; anything to get more of his Master's musk into his system.

Despite the awkward position, having to lean his whole body across his Masters balls and sheath, Xakial quickly began to lick hungrily at the fattening shaft within swallowing copious amounts of salty fluid that coated the sheath. There wasn't much space left within the furry pouch to begin with, and as he began to lick at the hidden cock tip he felt himself being quickly pushed out.

"Hmm, such a nice tongue you have pet; I'm going to enjoy putting that to use for a long time," the gryphon purred happily, "You'd better be enjoying my taste hen, because it will only get stronger from here until I pump your mouth full of precious sperm and you will, as my female, swallow every last drop."

Xakial gave a last, long lick across the hot cock tip inside the sheath before pulling back, licking his lips as he replied to his Master's comment, running a hand down below his outstretched body to rub across the bloated sack,

"You taste delicious Master, such a wonderful mix of earthy musk and saltiness, and if your seed is even half as good I would gladly live on it. I will happily let you empty these heavy balls inside me Master."

With that he lowered his head back to the sheath, finding to his delighted surprise he could finally see a hint of red blocking the entrance and let his tongue swirl gently around it.

The Lord of the Skies chuckled happily, his pleased rumbling even louder than before as Xakial licked at his emerging cock, occasionally pressing his lips against it to give loving kiss against the hot breeding tool.

"I would like you willing my little slut, but if you weren't you wouldn't be able to deny me what I wanted. I would pin you down and ram my cock to the hilt inside you without worry for your health or pleasure. I would breed you hard and raw, leaving you nothing more than a meat bag to empty my balls inside when bored."

Xakial shuddered, and surprised himself when he realised it wasn't in fear or revulsion at the possibility of being abused like that by the gryphon, but lust that only grew as he stared at the pointed, shiny red cockhead leaving its sheath. He could almost see the shaft at full hardness, plunging deep inside his body, no holding back as the gryphon fucked him raw.

"Oh." Said his Master quietly, "Maybe I mistook you my little slut. Is it possible you want to be taken like that? Taken like I would a true hen and not a feeble, weak human?"

Xakial hesitated for the longest time before finally letting a hand move free and stroke lightly against the few inches of pointed red cock free of its housing as he looked up to meet his owner's narrow gaze.

"Yes Master. I want you to take me like you would one of your proud species; I want to feel you inside me, claiming me, taking me as your little hen Master. I'll do anything you wish Master, for whatever reward or punishment you see fit to serve me."

The Ruler of the Skies grinned suddenly, a deep, thrumming purr resounding from his body and beak.

"Good. I'm very happy to see you so willing my pet, and I will give you everything you deserve, every thrust, every scratch, every drop of seed you can handle... and more. I wasn't looking forwards to coddling a human fuck toy, but to have a willing hen, no matter how much smaller you are will be infinitely more pleasurable for the both of us," He chuckled suddenly, "Alas, we seem to have gone off track somewhat. I am not yet even hard, and I believe there is a load you asked to taste, so get back to work my pretty birdy."

Xakial nodded hurriedly and returned his attention back to the hardening cock, noticing as he leaned towards it the prick and managed to get longer and a slit right at the tip was exuding a clear, watery liquid. His tongue ran slowly across the upper part of the sheath onto the tip, feeling the change of lush, soft fur to hard, hot and slimy cock. The taste of salty avian musk was stronger than ever as his tongue cleaned a line across the top of the head towards the tip whereupon Xakial had to resist clamping his mouth around the tip and sucking like a madman as the sweet, succulent taste or the pre seminal fluid flooded his mouth.

As his tongue fell back against to lick from the entrance of the furry pouch he could see and feel the gryphon's pride swelling, getting longer. He'd barely started pleasuring the gryphon with his mouth before he found his tongue sliding against bumpy spines and he deliberately slowed his tongue down, letting it move slowly across the rigid shapes.

"Spines. All the better to fuck you with dear," commented the gryphon with a light chuckles and Xakial joined him with a shiver, thinking about them flaring inside his body. He never could have imagined he wanted something so badly. To be taken like a female by the ruler of their kingdom, another species so much larger than him.

Soon the cock was, Xakial assumed based on the gryphon's size, half hard and he was having difficulty trying to cover the whole length that was already twice his size and thicker than his forearm. He moved his hands up the sides of the shaft and got a better feel for the smooth, rigid length, often interrupted by one of the many barbs and covered the shiny red shaft. The temptation became too great finally and he lowered his head towards the drooling slit, placing a loving kiss on it before slipping the cock head between his lips, moaning in delight as the rich pre quickly spurted heavily directly into his mouth.

The rumbling purr of the pleased gryphon reverberated through the cock he held in his hand and mouth and Xakial smiled inwardly as he slowly took in inch after inch of hot flesh between his lips. All too soon the tip bumped against the back of his throat and a thick glob of pre spurted directly down his throat. Reluctantly Xakial pulled back slightly so as not to choke, and began to bob his head along the tip, hands roaming freely along the main length of the shaft, squeezing, rubbing, loving the feel of the hot flesh pulsing under his grip.

"Mmm, that's a good bitch. Suck my cock and tease out your big, fresh meal." Murred the gryphon in a low voice, "I'll be feeding you a freshly made batch regularly."

Xakial couldn't have even responded if he wanted to he was so immersed in trying to fully coax out the male gryphons pride. He could barely handle just taking the tip into his mouth let alone the rest of the long, thick cock so he tried to compensate by using his hands and massaging the rest of the shaft, finding himself fascinated with the barbed half of the shaft as his hands slid down and down until they were blocked

Xakial lifted his head of the leaky tip with a loud sucking noise, leaving the red surface shiny with saliva and pre as he looked to see what his hands were wrapped around and let out a light moan of lust. His hands were wrapped around a massive bulge of flesh, twice the width of the gryphons cock and seemed to pulse with the males heartbeat; Xakial instantly recognised it as a knot, but he couldn't believe how big the bulb was. Yet it didn't matter to him because he wanted the Soft Feathered one to take him truly, which meant he would take every single inch of the slimy shaft in his hands and the knot before being irrevocably claimed as he was filled with cum.

His head abandoned the tip of the length for a moment so he could get a good coupled of licks and kisses across the bulbous flesh, feeling the smooth texture become rougher and covered with pulsing veins. When his head moved back to the tip, leaving the knot shiny and lubed well with saliva, the gryphon moved suddenly, rolling and pinning Xakial on his back in a flurry of feather.

Xakial barely had time to gasp in shock but no fear as a tiny part of him wondered if his Master was about to breed him then and there, instead the slimy rigid length ground across his chest, ruffling and smearing his pain staking crafted feather bands. "I'm going to make sure you never forget who you belong to my little hen. Your skin and feathers will forever be marked, and any human or gryphon who sees you will know you are mine," the gryphon growled dominantly, thrusting against Xakials body, ignoring his attempts to lick across the tip and get a grip on his cock,

"Mine. My slut to fuck, to breed, to bathe with my seed..."

Xakial gave up trying to lick the thrusting cock as it pulled back beyond reach all too quickly and he had to lower his head lest risk having a cock to the eye, but managed to get a reasonable grip on the feline like shaft, masturbating his Master as it ground against his body. It only took a minute before Xakial noticed the gryphons grind become erratic's and the incredibly beautiful and well-toned legs either side of his head tense suddenly. A light screech reverberated around the room as the gryphon thrust forwards one last time so that his tip was planted firmly on Xakials jaw before it erupted violently.

Xakial barely managed to open his mouth before a flood of thick, creamy white semen showered his face, filling his mouth with its hot tasty goodness and covering every inch of his face and hair in the first spurt. He struggled to swallow quickly while savouring the incredibly delicious taste of musky sweet seed before opening his mouth once more to be filled instantly by the next hefty spurt from the gryphons cock. After the first few pulses of cum the Ruler of the Skies drew back slowly from Xakials face, letting his shaft pump rope after rope of his heavily pent up balls all over Xakial's body.

As the gryphon drew slowly back, his ball sack tensed up and partially emptying themselves, his cock drew across Xakial's own achingly hard cock and drenched it in hot avian sperm before finally drawing completely off Xakial. The last few, weaker pulses of cum splattered messily over Xakial's prone body, not even finding a empty space to drench white.

Xakial swallowed against and again as the rich hot semen filled his mouth, not even needing to actively scoop it up as the huge excess of spunk on his face quickly filled in his mouth. He was in heaven, swallowing like a starved beggar given his first meal after 3 weeks, incredibly hungry for just another mouthful of the rich, creamy seed of another male. Soon the euphoria wore down slightly and he managed to recover some of the rest of his senses as he lay there, breathing heavily with a tongue locked with the flavour of gryphon cream; he felt like he was wrapped in a warm liquid blanket and all he wanted to do was relieve himself of his suddenly hard erection and sleep in the liquid warmth.

A deep throaty chuckle surrounded him and Xakial opened his eyes, blinking away some of the cum that covered them before sitting up slowly, feeling yet more of the semen covering his body begin to slide down him slowly. His Master, the beautiful gryphon was smirking at him happily, a half hard shaft, covered in cum and dripping slightly hung between his legs.

"You look very delicious covered with my seed," the Soft Feathered one chuckled, "I could just gobble you up, but then I'd have no one to breed my pretty hen. But having you dripping with my seed is certainly making you look prettier, and I can tell you that even if you finally get a wash everyone will be able to tell whose bitch you are. So tell me slut how do you like the feeling of my precious semen covering you? How do I taste?"

Xakial raised his hands to his face and scooped up most of the thick cream covering his face and looked at if for a moment, loving the feel of the gryphon's spunk simply resting in his grip before he brought it to his mouth and ate it, swallowing hungrily as the gloopy sperm slid down his throat. After the last mouthful he looked at his Master and licked his lips, smiling happily as he replied,

"You're delicious my King, so hot, thick and sweet it's a treasure to be able to taste you. As for bathing in your cum... I feel wonderful Master, it feels like a warm, cosy blanket I could sleep in and would. I'd proudly go before any crowd, anyone and everyone, covered in your spent seed as it is an honour and privilege to be your chosen. Your Bearer."

The Ruler of the Skies smiled then leaned forward to lick Xakial's face fondly, "And I wouldn't have you replaced for even a female gryphon my pet. I'll feed you my cum daily, breed you several times a day and you will always beg for more," He pulled back slightly so his eyes met Xakial's, "As for the title Bearer... I think it's time I taught you what it means to truly be my hen. Get on your hands and knees my Chosen, and prepare to receive your reward for a good job."

Xakial shivered as a wave of erotic wave ran through his body. This was it, he was finally going to be mated by the most noble, the most powerful creature in the Kingdom, and he wanted every inch, knot and all of him. The mattress while soft was sturdy enough that when he got on his hands and knees he didn't sink into it, though he immediately felt the sperm he'd been drench in start dripping off his body and felt a pang of disappointment for the waste of such precious semen.

He was slightly surprised when instead of feeling a massive cock taking him, there was the feeling of a cold, hard beak nosing through his tail feathers, and nosing against his underside as warm breath tickled his virgin hole.

"I think you did such a good job relieving me my cum soaked birdy that I'll give you a reward. You did a good job eating me out that I'll return the favour and give you a rim job to prepare you for that which you will bear often. Very often, maybe more than a couple times a day."

Xakial let out a sudden moan as a rough, warm tongue ran between his cheeks, salivating over his hole. Part of the choosing had been ability to clean themselves out regularly which only fed the rumours of being eaten, not being fucked by the gryphon, but he hadn't ever recalled being so sensitive back there.

He shivered despite the warm coating of gryphon's life giving seed as his Master nuzzled his rear softly with that hard, cold beak of his, occasionally licking his hole but never pressing for entry. He loved it and was surprised at the same time at how incredibly gentle such a powerful carnivore could be, never pressing too hard or being too rough with the sandpapery tongue as the gryphon carefully licked his arse. The first tease at entry Xakial almost completely missed by the subtle increase of pressure from the tongue before it passed once more by his rear.

The next pass of the tongue wasn't so subtle and Xakial let out a moan as his hole, untouched but for that of his fingers was spread open momentarily by a tongue much larger than anything he could have matched before it withdrew again.

"Such a tight cunt you have my hen," the gryphon growled hungrily, pushing his tongue deeper into Xakial's tight passage, "I'm going to enjoy mating you every hour for the next few days."

Xakial couldn't even reply as he moaned loudly, shaking as the warm organ pushed spread him open, lubing him up with the gryphons saliva as it pushed deeper into him before retreating only to press inside him again.

"Not a bad taste either," his Master commented idly as he pulled back finally licking his beak, "you're quite the package my slutty bird; pretty, virgin, skilled and tasty. All you're missing now is a good cock stuffed inside you."

Xakial trembled slightly as the gryphon slowly stepped above him, placing his mighty body resting lightly on his back with those fearsome claws planted beside his own hands. The shard, curved beak dragged gently through his hair, almost in intimation of a bird preening his feathers as the gryphon adjusted his hips to suit Xakial's height.

"So let me hear it from your lips my hen. Tell me what you want and make me believe you. Beg for my cock my little bird."

Xakial took a precious moment to compose himself. Despite how much he wanted what he felt was inevitable no matter how poorly he begged, it was impossible not to feel intimidated by the simple presence of the gryphon around him, the knowledge that he was about to be bred like a female by him.

"Please my King, my Master, I am your Chosen, the one who volunteered, who worked so hard to be here between your legs. I am yours to do with as you will, all of my own free will, yours to fuck, to breed raw. Take me oh Soft Feathered one, take your Bearer truly and take him as you would any gryphon hen. Fill me with your magnificent cock and rut me hard, fuck me truly and fill me with your precious life-giving seed Master."

The gryphon's pleased purr vibrated through his whole body and Xakial gasped lightly as a hard, hot length slapped down across his back, sliding slowly towards his rear leaving a sticky trail of saliva and pre.

"Chosen," The Ruler of the Skies whispered into Xakial's ear, "I accept your plea to be my female fuck toy and will grant you that which you most desire and that which you belong for now."

Xakial felt in clear detail as the tip of the gryphon's pride dipped between his arse cheeks and the hot, pre spurting tip poke against his tail hole. The gryphon paused for a long moment, his stance shifting slightly then paused as if thinking before using one of his fore paws to grip Xakial's chest tightly. A final, long second passed then without warning the mighty gryphon rammed his hips forwards spearing Xakial on the tip and more of his cock.

Xakial screamed as he felt the virginity of his untouched insides forever taken from him by the thick, hot shaft that dove deep inside him; it hurt more than anything he'd ever felt before, a deep throbbing pain as he was stretched to unimaginable levels to accommodate his Master's girth. He was glad that his King had had the foresight to use a paw to hold him in place as his limbs had turned to jelly with that single penetration, and that his breeder paused with his cock inside his hole without moving because slowly the throbbing pain faded from his rear and he recognised something else. It felt good, unbelievably good despite the pain of something so large filling his rear.

"Oh damn you've a tight cunt my little hen," his Master moaned into his ear giving him a light lick, "I'll let you adjust this once because I'm enjoying this so much, but there will be no more respite from the true breeding you begged for bitch."

Xakial took the moment to try and strengthen his limbs, unable to stop himself from moaning as he shifted ever so slightly as the cock tip, the hot flesh so pleasurable against his sensitive virgin walls.

Xakial felt the cold, hard claws against his chest tighten slightly before letting out a loud moan as his Lord pulled back slightly, the first barbs inside him flaring ever so slightly. He couldn't believe how powerful the sensations of such a simple thing could be, scraping just a bit against his soft ass before the Guardian thrust in for a second time, harder and faster than before, sinking even deeper.

This time Xakial managed to retain some form of support even as his vision blurred as the one he'd willing volunteered to essentially give his life to for anything began to fuck him in earnest. He could feel every single wide inch of gryphon flesh as it pushed inside him, the slight bumps from barbs and every single throb as it spurted the delicious pre seminal fluid inside him, lubing him up for the next thrust.

The Soft Feathered One's pace was slow to begin with and Xakial welcomed it, knowing without the claw holding him in place he would have collapsed already, moaning and unable to fully remain aware with the new, incredible pleasure from being taken anally, and by a Master of the Skies to boot. Despite the pain though he would have begged to go through the whole first penetration for a minute longer of being mounted by his Master; the thick shaft spreading him so far open beyond what he thought possible and pressing ever deeper inside him.

The next thrust made his thoughts spill out of his mouth as the tip reached even deeper inside him, making his belly bulge slightly from the size of the Guardian.

"Faster Master. Please... fuck me harder, fill me more," his voice was weak with strain as he shook with each subtle movement of the cock lodged within him and moaned loudly whenever he caught his breath back from the last moan of ecstasy. Despite the weakness off his voice though, his Ruler evidently heard him as he growled back, not bothering to lower his head and whisper sultrily into his ear this time,

"Oh? The little slut not even able to support herself wants me to fuck her harder... well by all means my hen, seeing as how you've only half my shaft inside you so far, lets see how you do with the rest."

The shaft, already buried deeply inside him pulled back slowly, the gryphon purposefully dragging it out, emphasising the barbs flaring inside him before just the tip remained nestled snuggly inside his rear. Xakial shivered at the momentary sensation of emptiness, before the gryphon powered forwards, ramming his entire shaft inside him.

Xakial's vision blurred and his entire breath was lost in one sharp yell of overwhelming sensation blotted out all thoughts, the mixture of insane pleasure blocking the pain as he was filled beyond what seemed impossible. He could feel his belly distended just from taking the girth, while his insides shrieked from new sensations, the feel of hot, lubricated flesh spreading him open, all momentarily before his Master pulled back out. The sensation of the flared barbs against his virgin walls was even more piercing than before, drawing Xakial into breathlessness as he moaned loud and long, almost panting as the withdrawal seemed to take forever.

The Ruler of the Skies showed no mercy to Xakial and didn't pause or slow down, instead doing as he promised and thrust deep back inside in one perfect movement of the hips, using that same motion to pull back out again to position himself for re-entry.

"Support yourself slut," the gryphon pounding his ass growled dominantly as he withdrew his supporting claw and place it on the mattress. Xakial found his arms and legs locking, holding his body in the air despite the shockwaves that ran through his body with each thrust, threatening to push him over the edge into insanity.

With his grip the Soft Feathered one had nothing holding him back from properly breeding Xakial and he showed it immediately in jackhammering his mighty pride back deep inside, harder and faster than before. Xakial's moans became almost constant and weak as he struggled for breath, his body rocking with each thrust, barely able to stay up and despite it all he feebly ended up pushing back into each thrust. He loved each moment of penetration, the very feeling of being so overly filled by a gryphons maleness, of being the hen to his breeder. When the gryphon pulled back he groaned again as the barbs drew across his soft fleshy passage leaving behind a unwanted sense of emptiness that was satisfied fully by the impeding thrust.

Xakial loved the pounding the gryphon gave him, the harsh, brutal thrusting somehow fitting into a smooth motion as he was bred. Faintly he could feel his breeder's beak pressing gently against his skin, dragging back then licking his shoulder all the while those hips pistoned into his real; the familiar heavy sack wacked across his own aching balls repeatedly, and the incredible knot demanding entry inside him.

The thrusting got faster and harder, the gryphon's knot pounding against his already overly stretched entrance and all Xakial could do was wish for it inside him as he struggled to hold himself up with just the shaft sinking inside his body.

"Knot me... knot me Master, Knot me..." Xakial found himself muttering almost incoherently as his King's rhythm started to break, the thrusts rougher and the sharp beak scratched him lightly as it pressed ever so slightly too much into his skin.

"Knot you?" The Ruler of the Skies growled deeply as he powered his cock harder into Xakial, "I'm going to do more than knot you pet. You are my Chosen. My Bearer. You will take my cock, my knot, my seed, my legacy..."

Xakial lost track of what his owner was saying as the gryphon traded in the hard, long thrusts of taking his pride almost all the way out of Xakial's passage before burying it again to short, hard, rapid thrusts. The bulb of hardened flesh slowly began to grind its way inside him, spreading his once virgin entrance further and further apart making Xakial cry out in newfound pleasure.

The rapid hammering of just a few inches of cock didn't take long to sink the knot inside Xakial with a loud squelch as the large amount of pre the gryphon had produced let it slide in easier than possible. Even as Xakial felt his vision blur in pain and his voice go raw from yelling out he could still feel the knot shifting inside him, budging a few inches deeper with each hump.

With a sudden, raw growl of finality the Soft Feathered One clamped his beak on Xakial's shoulder, biting down hard enough to slice through the skin but not muscle. Xakial had a moment to experience the electric feeling of his Master's beak biting into him, a flaring pain before it all was washed away by the sudden heavy throbbing of the wondrously hot cock inside him.

There was a moment of a strange serenity where nothing happened and Xakial simply revelled in the feeling of being taken so utterly by the gryphon; the feeling of the beak biting his shoulder, the knot lodged firmly inside him before it was blown away by the first powerful pulse of ejaculate pouring inside him. The cock lodged deeply inside him, so thick and long Xakial could feel it distending his belly throbbed with each incredible spurt of hot, fresh churning seed as it began to pump the still heavy balls finally empty inside of him.

Xakial's aches and pains, the feeling of his raw, scraped and stretched insides was instantly washed away by the soothing feeling of his breeder's thick, creamy semen rushing inside him, quickly filling every little space left by the large shaft. The feeling didn't last long however as the third throb and wave of egg-makers was forced to continue deeper into Xakial who moaned weakly as he felt his stomach start to swell with cum.

He had thought that the first ejaculation over his face and body had been long but mounted of his Master's shaft the feeling of rope after rope of hot, thick cum seemed almost endless. He moaned weakly and constantly, oblivious to everything else but his job as a cum bag, swelling with his Master's rich ejaculate.

Xakial almost couldn't feel it when the cock within him began to slow down its ejaculation, the massive ropes of seed becoming weaker and erratic before finally trailing off with a few weak spurts into Xakial's seed bloated body. The gryphon withdrew his beak finally Xakial's shoulder and showed a remarkable tenderness as he licked it gently clean before finally speaking,

"I have never felt so completely spent in my entire life my stuffed little hen. Though I don't think you've ever felt so gravid before either," he chuckled lightly, letting a claw press gently against Xakial's massively swollen belly, massaging it gently, "But the thing is I'm not actually done yet."

Xakial managed a weak moan of a question but didn't get anywhere as his King shifted his hips a few times, bucking the knot and cock lodged within him gently. Xakial let out one of the strongest moans he could which sounded like a heavy breath as he felt his bellyful of sperm sloshing about a few times before it began to throb weirdly.

The claw continued to gently massage his bloated belly as he humped gently a few times while his knot and shaft expanded slightly inside Xakial surprising him that he could stretch any further than before. Slowly he felt something shifting from the knot into him, a hard, oval object pushing deeper inside him through the shaft.

"Is that.." Xakial whispered, his shock blocking his pleasure centers for a moment before he let out another weakened groan and the knot bucked within him.

"Yes my hen," His Master murred warmly, "The duties of the bearer is to truly bee our females. We take you as our mates for the whole of our lives and that means daily breedings as we pump you hens full of our clutches."

The ruler of the Skies paused as the large, heavy egg finally slipped out of his tip directly into Xakial's sperm bloated body He'd barely started marvelling in the feeling of the heavy, leathery skinned egg settling inside his body before he felt a second one being pumped into him.

"We will have dozens if children before we finally leave this Kingdom in the good rule of our eldest son, but there is no need to rush their creation." The claw ran softly against the hard bulge created by the first egg even as the second finally slipped free of his cock.

"I think three shall do for our first clutch my pretty hen. And when they are laid, I'll immediately pump a half dozen eggs into your gaping hole."

Xakial couldn't reply, let alone form a coherent thought as the third and final egg slipped inside his now truly gravid body to join its clutch mates. The gryphon held him up gently, purring happily as he massaged Xakial's egg heavy belly fondly. Xakial had fallen in love with his King, his Breeder as a child, and found his love more meaningful and deeper than he knew when he'd submitted truly to the Soft Feathered One. To not just simply be taken, to be bred by him, but carry his clutch. To have his own sons and daughters even if they were of the feathery variety was a dream come true.

"Thank you Master," Xakial said, forcing his voice to be clear," Thank you so much for this... for them, for everything."

The claw massaged his pregnant body for a moment before gripping him gently as he rolled onto his side, pulling a loud groan from Xakial as he shifted about on the cock to rest freely on the bed without need for a support.

"I'm glad you were chosen," the gryphon said softly, gently preening Xakial's feathers and occasionally licking the odd patch of cum clean. "I know you are human, but dressed in my feathers I can't but help think of you as the most beautiful hen I've ever seen. I want to make love to you every day, every hour, again and again whether your full of my children or not."

"I would... no, I will evolve and cherish every minute I spend with you Master," Xakial said dreamily, "This is more than I could have ever dreamed for, to spend my life with you and have your clutches."

Xakial sighed tiredly as he settled into the gryphon's warm and fluffy chest, closing hiss eyes and letting the strong feel of his Masters heartbeat resounded through him. He put a hand on his heavily swollen be;;y, smiling as he saw that he looked like a 9 moth pregnant women. He could feel the large eggs nestled against each other, swimming in their fathers seed. Life couldn't have turned out better for him and he let out a weak sigh as the gryphons knot deflated just enough that his cock slipped out with a leud schleup, cum leaking heavily from his gaping hole. Xakial let the new feeling of an empty hole fill him for a moment before he chuckled and asked his lover a question,

"What do you feel like about taking me again Master?"

The Ruler of the Skies chuckled heartily, "Gladly my gravid Hen, gladly."

How To Train Your Human

**This story contains the fantastic pair of Hiccup and Toothless with a twist. Warning, contains Mpreg, so if you don't like it, just skip it ;) Special** **thanks to Gryphonwings for his guidance and help with writing this** **(and the cheesy...

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Nightime Excursion

Shadows flickered gloomily from the bobbing torch, the flames dancing pitifully as its fuel burned away, seemingly in spite of the cold night air. The torch stopped moving then swung violently, almost guttering to a halt, distorting the shadows even...

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Pokemon Trainer - A New Regime

A rolling ball of fire tore through the air, roaring as it flew over the head of the teenager who had ducked just it time, swearing. The teenager wiped the black hair out of his eyes as he looked up fearfully, not getting up until he was sure there...

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