
Story by DragonMasterX on SoFurry

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"So? What's on the menu for tonight?" Mar, the large hulk of blue and white scales asked as he reared his neck back on the couch he was sitting on playfully. His draconic tail swayed lazily on his side as it hanged from the edge of the soft cushioned sofa while he fixated his sapphire-blue eyes onto the idly artist on a table mere feet away from his location.

The artist in question, too busy sketching and drawing, simply waved her creamy-brown paw in the air, giggling as she responded: "There's some fruit in the kitchen! Help yourself, Marrie!" she said with a soft, yet sweet tone, before she resumed her work.

"Fruit?" Mar groaned, sitting up on the couch correctly, before he got rid of some of his laziness and decided to stand up, his towering, muscle-bound frame bulging with even the slightest of the movements as the white-haired dragon walked around the couch, going to his girlfriend's study. "C'mon, can't you fix me something up real quick? I'm up for some chicken today!" he grinned hopefully. However, the lioness in the rather colorful dress didn't budge, and focused onto her work more.

"You ate an entire deer yourself for lunch. And you said you'd start a diet this week!" Lily said, averting her gaze from her work and towards her 10 feet tall boyfriend, having to arch her neck backwards slightly to be able to match her vision to his face. "Dinner's fruit! Healthy, and without so many calories! Tee-hee!" she said, her final offer always followed by a giggle, or any other affectionate expression by default.

"Aww man! I said I'd start a diet on meat this week, but I didn't mean today! Not fair!" Mar complained, always a child at heart. And knowing him perfectly, the lioness closed her eyes and smirked a bit.

"Fine, you can have some ice-cream, if you eat a banana and two kiwis!" she added, knowing how much he hated to be talked to like a little spoiled kid.

"Hey!" the tall dragon growled, never one to hide how he felt. "Why you! Fine. I'll..." but before he turned around, ready to leave, something clicked on his mind. "I'll eat some fruit and ice-cream." He grinned, this pleased Lily.

"That's my Marrie! Now go, I need to finish these requests soon or I'll get in trouble! And if you're not going to watch TV anymore, turn it off." She ordered, closing her eyes, although slightly opening one to watch him as he did like she said. She giggled, "How cute..." she chuckled to herself.

Soon enough, Mar was in the Kitchen as due. He looked around for the basket on top of the fridge, very easy to reach thanks to his tremendous height, "These should work!" he said, grabbing a few fruits from the basket and holding them all carefully on his right arm as he opened the door to the freezer in the appliance, his tongue hanging out of his maw as he focused to 'fit' his large, bulgy arm inside, struggling a bit once his biceps started to get in the way. "Why'd we have so much ice in here anyways?" he pondered to make mental note to plan to buy a smaller fridge, then again, the amount of food kept there was majorly meant for him, thus getting a smaller container would not be as 'efficient' to him.

"Dang, stupid... ice cream bucket... where... grr..." he said as he continued to search inside, knocking the frost food (half pigs mostly), when his big claw suddenly bumped onto something small (for a change), and it made him grin in anticipation, "Great!" he said, pulling out, glad his arm hadn't got stuck like a week ago. "Whew, got it!" he said, holding up the bucket in victory. He smiled as he took the lid off the bucket, checking the contents, "Aww mint?" he disappointedly said, folding his ears behind his head, "Where's the chocolate?" he complained, before the cup-board to his right caught his attention, "OH! Yeah!" His ears lifted up again, "We bought a bag of chips the other day!" he grinned to himself, "This'll be perfect!" the grin turned into a smirk, his tail had begun to wag excitedly.

Back to Lily, she stretched her arms up on her chair as she yawned a bit, a single fang from her mouth stuck out cutely when she closed her maw. "It's getting late..." she said to no one in particular as she watched all three of her drawings finished on the desk. "I'll scan them tomorrow!" she smiled to herself, satisfied with her work as she switched the table-lamp on her left, getting ready to leave for her and Mar's bedroom, however, in her dark walk, and thanks to the distraction from a second, bigger yawn, she bumped onto something in the way. "Oww, I must be really sleepy... I bumped onto a wall!" she giggled, still holding her open palm in front of her face.

"Hey, I'm not a wall!" the obstacle spoke "And I'm still hungry!"

"EEEK!" Lily screeched, jumping up. Mar flipped the switch on the wall that was next to him, the light filled the room, revealing the feline female clinging to the ceiling with all four of her paws. "Mar! Don't do that!" she scolded, still shaking in place as she blushed in embarrassment, her fur standing up like a porcupine in a defensive-stance. The dragon stuck his tongue out mockingly.

"Well excuuuuse me, I wasn't planning on startling you! You were the one to switch the lights out!" he laughed, resting the objects he had brought with him on the couch he had been using earlier, before he extended his strong arms in a catch position, "Drop. I'll catch you." And so he did when she let herself fall.

"Aww, I love being in your arms..." Lily said with a lovely sigh, as if she had forgotten everything once she hugged his arms along his thick neck and gave him a peck. "Makes me feel like a princess!" Mar nodded at this.

"You're a princess, alright. Princess of the scared cats that is!" He laughed, making Lily blush furiously as she swiped her paw clean onto his face, leaving a few marks on it, a vein twitching behind her head. "GAAH!" Mar held his face in pain with his palm, holding her safely with his other one. "Okay, mental-note, never comment about your reflexes." He grunted a bit, Lily sighing.

"I want to go to sleep; did you eat the fruit like I told you?" She asked to change the subject quickly, this made the aching Mar grin again.

"Not yet, I wanted to share some with you." He said, his throat emitting a rather deep murr, making Lily blush, this time feeling better about it.

"Aww, you're so sweet, but unlike SOMEONE here, I'm on a diet, and I already ate my fruit. I'm not over-eating tonight." She giggled, seeing Mar set her on the couch next to all he had brought, "Oh?" she said, looking down at the couch.

"Heh," Mar smirked, walking around the couch and kneeling in front of it, smiling sensually to her with his eyes narrowed "Nobody said you'd eat anything cutie." He said, his dirty smirk growing even more as he grabbed the banana he had brought, "I plan on doing something new!" he exclaimed while laying the yellow fruit on her side again, Lily shivering slightly at how he said it.

"Uhm, Marrie... I think maybe we should," but before she could object any further, Mar had put a finger on her lips, his still dirty, sexy smirk making her blush further on as he slowly traced the large claw lower, and lower, until he pressed it against her chest, just on the trim line her dress made. "W-wait!" she said, knowing what was on his mind already, but it was too late, as he clawed downwards, her dress splitting in two in less then a second. "Marrie! That was one of my favorite dresses!" His smirk never died though.

"Don't worry, I'll buy you a prettier one later" The horny dragon growled in an arousing way as he removed her dress completely, throwing the wrecked and torn fabric onto the puffy cushion next to the TV, in front of the sofa. He marveled over his girl's figure, and he was glad his offer had shut her up; he still had no idea how he'd re-pay the dress, but this was more important for now! Mar put both of his claws on either side of her well-endowed hips, just below her slim waist as his fingers tangled onto the laces of her panties, starting to drag it down, making her whimper a bit.

"Ahh..." Lily gasped, looking down as her cheeks crimsoned even more, but the whole situation was only arousing her, she felt her cunt drip and leak as her pre-cum moistened her sacred area, the dragon admiring the sight with his a semi-dumb, equally aroused smile. Her arms spread over the back of the couch as she spread her legs for him while she looked down and smiled sweetly, "So this is the alternative to a dinner, hm?" she purred, her thin tail waving below as Mar replied with another dirty smirk and nuzzle to her inner thighs with his white snout.

The large dragon closed his eyes, followed by Lily, who reacted like that as Mar's serpentine tongue dragged lazily around her pair of wet lips. Soon enough, she started moaning and squirming, gasping softly as the pleasure from the big, slick muscle was driving her crazy. However, the ecstasy didn't hold for long, as even before a single, basic tongue-penetration, Mar withdrew, making Lily whimper in desire, "Marrie? Why did you stop? Weren't you..." she giggled, "Going to have your dinner?"

"Not exactly. That was just setting the table for dinner. Now I gotta prepare the food!" the dragon declared, reaching to the corner of the couch where he had left his stuff earlier. Lily spurted an imaginary question mark over her head as she looked at him expectantly; Mar showed her the banana he had waved in front of her before. She gave him a quizzical look, and maintained it even as he peeled the golden fruit. "Let's start stuffing my lioness!" he said, rubbing the long fruit's tip over her cunt lips, feeling them drool their juices over it, he felt tempted to just start eating it to try the mixed taste, but he had to wait, he had to endure.

"Ohhh... Marrie... that feels good too..." Lily said, smiling once again, although it was a new thing, she was loving it already. She saw him slicing the banana into even cylinders, which he promptly placed over her dripping pussy. "Mmmrr...! Oh you're a tease!" she said, making Mar grin.

"I know. But this isn't all." He chuckled, and pushed the first cylinder into the hole, the soft texture of the fruit getting mashed thanks to the tightness of the hole obviously. This made Lily squirm in delight as her mate pushed part after part of the banana, pushing more mashed fruit into her tunnel, before he lifted two glistening orbs up in front of her with yet another smug grin.

"H-huh?" the panting girl wondered, identifying the two spheres easily, "Kiwis?" she thought out loud, seeing the reason they glowed was because they were peeled already, and the light bounced on its semi-moist surface and reflected it back to her eyes. "Nngh... you're not going to..."

"Oh, I am!"

"Th-there's not any more space! There's no way,"

The lizard interrupted "Way!" Mar grinned, throwing the kiwis up and slicing them with two swipes of his claws, turning them both into dices of bittersweet green, which Mar collected in a basket made with his big, open palms. "Now, let's keep filling up!" he said, decorating the mashed banana area with the small dices until all the yellow had been covered with green, but not satisfied with this, Mar pressed his palm onto the kiwi, mashing it onto her crotch softly, causing the yellow pure to go further inside, making Lily squirm and whimper again, "See? And you're enjoying it lots even! Let me give it a small taste..."

Lily grunted a bit, feeling her waist and hips squirm as she felt her insides stuffed with fruit. "Ohhh, Marrie... it feels so good... I feel so hot... mmngh!" she moaned, looking down as she saw Mar leaning his face towards her crotch area again, gripping her thighs firmly, yet softly to support himself as he ran his large tongue over the basic salad fruit in her pussy. "Aahhhh..." Lily purred, gripping the couch's back with her paws as she arched herself back, feeling the jolts of pleasure course through her spine, giving her minor chills of bliss as well as sexual satisfaction. Before anything good happened though, she felt Mar stop yet again.

The dragon lifted his head and gave her a mocking grin, "You said you're feeling hot, hm? Let's give you something to cool off then!" he said, grabbing the open bucket of ice-cream on her side, he scooped it rather abruptly, with only his claw and no spoon, "Oooh! It IS cold! Let's see how cold. You tell me darling!" he laughed childishly, placing the scoop onto her crotch, coating it with mint ice-cream, which made Lily shudder and kick slightly.

"Oh god! I-ice-cream?!" she whimpered, shivering slightly. "Is that mint?" she asked, smiling a bit.

Mar nodded, returning the smile "Yup. Don't worry though, I have chips here!" he said, taking out a transparent bag full of chocolate chips in it, "It's the topping, of course!" he said, opening the bag to start giving her mint-covered area a rain of chocolate. "I have a feeling we'll both love this!" he exclaimed.

With no more words to add, the hunky dragon tightened his grip around her legs with his claws, his face sniffing at the strained scent of Lily's arousal, mixed with the fruit salad and the chocolate topped ice cream. The mint was strong and fresh, but it only aroused him more, he had to eat her now. Rolling the long, draconic tongue out of his maw, Mar began licking around her decorated entrance, tasting the edges of the made-shift dessert, which at the same time pleased the lioness to no end. Lily's eyes closed again, tightly, and her fangs grit together. She was not the perfectly fit one for strong teases, she didn't have the endurance, but it was no lie, that she loved them to no end.

He nibbled the tip of the green, spotted mountain and scooped some cream with his slick muscle, savoring the mixture of the chocolate and mint cream as he lurched forwards with his tongue to scoop more and more of the sweet treat.

Thankfully for Lily's impatience, Mar's tongue was big enough to scoop large quantities in short periods of time, and it was not very long before all the quick cycle of tasting and gulping rid her of the chilly feeling, and replaced it with heat again, this one coming from the tongue that had not delayed itself in feasting over the fruit salad within and around the vagina's depths. Mar stopped after the first two kiwi dices though. "Enjoying it?" he asked rhetorically, smirking widely.

Lily gasped, her cheeks crimsoning as she nodded slowly, "I-I'm trying not to cum... c-can you finish already?!" she demanded, and it was true. The moistness left by the ice-cream was nothing compared to the amount of pre flooding whatever vacant hole the salad didn't cover, she was dripping. Mar didn't let it go waste though, and with a quick head movement he positioned his tongue just above her tail hole, catching the few droplets of fruit flavored juice before they fell off, and he teasingly slurped up, higher and higher, until he started at her labia again.

The silence doomed Lily again as only her moans were audible enough to be considered any sound in the room again, let alone the occasional, hard slurps Mar made on purpose to excite her further on. He wagged his tail excitedly as he ate the banana and kiwi salad from her hot box, knowing she was near. Not long afterwards, Mar was trying to force his huge tongue inside her pussy, pushing the banana pure deeper, but he was able to stick it to the tip of his muscle, adhering it for long enough for him to pull it out and eat. Once clean, and without further warning, Mar re-positioned himself, making her mew like a kitten as his claws parted her legs and he re-penetrated her hole even harder, eating her out like a ravenous beast, drinking all the juice he could as she moaned out loud, calling his name in screams of pure joy and delight. Heaven had been reached, the whole ordeal to get up there had been done, and Mar was keeping her up there for minutes, holding all of her barraging juices in his maw, before he would gulp them down all at once, only to continue his feast over her once again cleared twat.

About six minutes of constant orgasming from Lily's part, Mar had thankfully decided to give her a break to take some air into her exhausted lungs. "Ohhh... ohhh damn... Mar... that was so good!" she admitted, getting an extra, affectionate lick to her swollen clit from the stud at her crotch.

"And I made a new record with it. No juice dripped off! I'm a good boy, ain't I?" he chuckled, "Not only I finished my fruit, I also didn't waste any drink." He winked, but got an apprehensive look in response.

"You skipped your food and went for your dessert straight!" she scolded playfully, and with a giggle she added, "But the table's clean. So I guess you deserved it!"

Mar grinned, standing up and picking her up in his arms, giving an affectionate lick to her cheek before he kissed her lips joyfully, both of them wagging their tails like content puppies. "The menu was delicious, by the way!" he said with a final chuckle.

"I know, but after seeing you eat your dinner so... energetically..." the lioness smiled, narrowing her eyes and sensually staring at him, her tail lazily caressing the protective pouch on the dragon's crotch, getting a murr from him as he walked, carrying her to their room.

"Lemme guess. You're hungrier than me by ten fold and won't stop until five in the morning?" He joked, but once he opened the door to their room she gave him a little nibble on his neck to get his attention as she whispered.
