Getting into the Spirit of Things

Story by Zipeau on SoFurry

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?Here is a little story which split opinion, me and most people didn't like it but a few people did! Tiger is inclusive, so here it is!

Getting into the Spirit of Things

Urban exploration had never felt so rural. Clay had always liked to explore the dark spaces underneath buildings. Tunnels, basements, storm drains and this castle presented something on an entirely new level.

It was hardly an abandoned ruin. Although it was authentic and dated back to the middle ages it was a tourist attraction and its upper levels were well presented and commonly visited. The underground areas however had always been sealed off to tourists. There were rumours and legends it was haunted but the association that owned the castle always just said it was dangerous and too expensive to make the warren of rooms safe.

That wasn't going to stop Clay though as he slipped through the small drain hole at the back of the building and slid down into the lower levels. He landed on his feet in a swirl of dust and looked back up the narrow stony passage - there was no way he was going back up there, he would need to find another way out. All part of the fun though the deer thought as he let his eyes adjust to the gloom and he peered around the small room he had landed in. It was stony, dirty and featureless but with several corridors leading off in various directions. Picking one at random the cervine wandered off and deeper into the bowels of the old building.

The tunnels and small rooms and went on for some time - the general direction was downwards but so far there was very little of interest. Finally the deer came across what appeared to be a more significant chamber. It was large with a high vaulted ceiling. Around the walls were long burned out torches. The room must have been some sort of dungeon originally - chains and manacles hung from the walls, broken old racks and tables lay about and cabinets and units stood locked presumably full of the tools of torture.

Clay smiled, this sort of macabre exploration was exactly what he came for. He moved over to one of the units and examined the lock - it would be great to see what was inside.

Suddenly a chill came over the deer and he shivered. He thought he saw something move out of the corner of his eye and he spun around.

In an instant a chain clacked and a heavy iron collar slammed shut around the deer's neck from behind. Clay spun around again but the chain, which was anchored to the ground, cut him short and he choked.

He saw the flash of motion again and suddenly his trousers were whipped down and his shoes pulled off. Before he could even think about what just happened the mysterious force struck again and ripped his shirt from his body. Finally and to his horror his boxers were torn off leaving him totally naked in the middle of the dark, cold room.

Clay examined the collar around his neck and the chain leading from it. The chain was about 5 feet long and anchored solidly to the ground. Its links were heavy and looked as strong as the day they were forged. The collar was made of two heavy iron half's hinged in the middle. It was only slightly larger than the deer's neck which made it a reasonably snug fit. Fumbling around its circumference Clay's heart suddenly stropped... He could feel a padlock shut around the hasp where the two half's of the collar met - locking it on him.

'How the fuck did that happen' the deer muttered in disbelief

He gave the padlock a tug but it wasn't coming off. Moving his paws back around to the sides of the collar he tugged at that - trying to pull the two half apart, but that too was futile. Getting increasingly panicked by his trapped situation, Clay grabbed hold of the chain with both paws and threw his whole bodyweight against it - trying to wrench it from the stone floor.

He failed, and defeatedly slumped on the hard floor in despair. How could this have happened and what had happened? Clay didn't know - all he did know was he was trapped, naked, in this deserted and dusty sub-terrain world where no one had visited in centuries. Remembering his nakedness the deer tried looking around for his clothes but they were nowhere to be found and he knew from the way they had been ripped off they would be only rags now anyways. What he didn't know was how they had come to be ripped off. Having settled down slightly this thought caused rising panic to serge through the cervine again - he was scared and he had to get out.

He went at the chain again but it held just as strong and eventually he settled down. This pattern repeated over and over - each attempt exhausting the deer until he could not continue. There was no way to tell time in the bleakness but it must have been dark when Clay finally drifted into an uneasy shallow sleep - still chained to the cold stone floor.

Clay awakened in what must have been morning. His body ached and he was still exhausted - the stone floor wasn't a very good bed. The deer's eyes slowly opened with his head still on the ground and it took him a few seconds to react to what he saw. Standing before him were a pair of paws.

The deer looked up in disbelief - he was saved! Standing before him was a large proud lion - wearing nothing and with the tip of his cock poking from his sheath.

'Akkk oh thankyou...' was all he managed to cough and stammer

'What brings you intruding into my domain commoner.' the lion said coldly, Clay responded with bemused silence

'Answer me deer, you are trespassing in my royal castle.'


'Enough, you have 5 seconds to get out of my sight or you will see a side of me you don't much like.'

Clay panicked and tried to back away from the intimidating, and clearly crazy, feline on his hands and knees but the chain cut him short and he choked.

'2...1...' boomed the lion

'L...look whoever you are, let me go, you have no right to keep me here like this. What are you like a squatter living down here pretending to be a king?' Clay snapped in anger, surprised at his own temper

'Pretending?' the cat replied coyly 'I AM the king! Or rather I was...'

With a sly smile the lion suddenly disappeared into thin air and reappeared some two feet to the right of where he had been - only he wasn't all there. He seemed to be shimmering and semi-transparent like... like a ghost.

'WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU?!?' Clay screamed as the lion faded back to solidity in front of his eyes

'I was the king, this was my castle many many seasons ago. My queen and I had some, relationship difficulties, you might say. I was said to be possessed by a daemon such was my lust and my violent tendencies. The results of this possession left my wife dead and me crazed until my own demise. Once slain I found myself returned to consciousness as an eternal being of lust and greed - the incarnation of my deepest desires - an Incubus. Destined to roam my old castle dungeons in search of prey... the many centuries between my encounters are my form of chastity.'

The story was too much for Clay to take in immediately but the lion did not acquiesce his understanding or his compliance. The lion disappeared and remerged behind the deer with a heavy set of shackles linked by a short chain. Pinning the small, tired deer down with his foot the lion hastily fitted the cuffs securing the cervine's paws behind his back. Locking these with padlocks the demonic lion had no trouble flipping Clay over and pinning him down by his throat. He produced a heavy leather bound ring-gag and jammed it into Clay's maw, strapping it up behind his head and keeping his jaw spread wide.

'Your teeth will do nothing to me but this will make it less comfortable for you prey-slut and I like that...' the lion grinned menacingly his bright golden eyes piercing into those of the terrified deer. He was now fully erect.

Clay was paralysed with fear and shock while the lion applied these restraints but once the supernatural cat backed off having finished panic gripped him again. He kicked and bucked on the floor - paws fighting the heavy shackles and trying to spit out the gag. Both were obviously futile - the king knew what he was doing.

'Kneel slut and service your king, be willing and I might be merciful.'

The lion stood proudly with his chest thrust out and his hard cock dripping pre. His cock was massive, truly a king's furhood, and classically feline - barbs and all. Clay still couldn't believe what was happening but he was sure of one thing - no way was he putting that in his mouth.

The incubus and the ring gagged disagreed however. The lion seized the struggling deer and roughly grabbed the back of his head with a strong paw - forcing his captive down to his crotch. Clay was overcome by the lion's strong dominant scent - he may have been a ghost but this was very real. The king rubbed Clay's face up against his hard meat - bathing him in scent and bringing a deep blush to the deer's cheeks.

'So someone's going to be naughty eh? Fine, I prefer no mercy!' the lion used his free paw to guide his cock towards the deer's maw and without a warning thrust it forwards.

He only buried himself halfway in the cervine's muzzle but the head of his furhood still touched the back of Clay's throat - causing him to gag. The lion smiled and pushed further, sliding down the deer's throat and blocking off his air. The feline held that position for a few seconds and used his free paw to reach down and gasp the deer's balls. As he squeezed Clay let out a pathetic whimper from behind the cock blocking his muzzle. The lion moved up to the deer's shaft and Clay was shocked and horrified to discover he was hard.

'Heh, little slut' was the lion's only comment

After what felt like over a minuet with Clay's lungs starting to burn the lion finally withdrew before shoving in once again and starting to face fuck his captive. Clay gagged and spluttered as the mighty cock penetrated his throat each time but he could do nothing against the gag and the lion's massive strength. On each thrust the king started to grunt as his balls slapped the cervine's chin. It was evident he had a very strong sex drive and from what he had said earlier it seemed he was incapable of pawing or getting himself off - he needed a victim and the long gaps between his prey must have been torment. This showed as the lion began to speed up - fucking the deer's face like it was nothing more than a slutty ass - pumping in and out with all his might. His sexual tension built up over centuries welling up within him.

Suddenly the lion moaned and hilted himself fully as his cock sprayed its seed into the poor deer. His grip tightened on the back of Clay's head as sexual ecstasy overtook him and he lost himself in the moment. Eventually he let go of the deer who simply dropped to the floor in a heap - having had to swallow most of the cum and with the remainder dripping from his mouth.

The lion, having recovered slightly, kicked the deer over onto his front. He then reached down and forced the trembling creature into a doggy style position with his bare ass pushed up for inspection. The lion knelt down behind him and spread the deer's cheeks. He rubbed his cock up and down the white soft fur of the deer's rear - slathering it with cum and cleaning his cock in the process. When he poked up against the deer's hole Clay let out a horrified squeal and the lion chuckled.

'Anal virgin I think, don't worry I need to stretch you out a little before making full use of you back here. We can arrange that but first I like my bitch boys to wear a bit more...'

The lion stood up and made his way to one of the cupboards where he retrieved a leather harness adorned with shiny metal rings. He came back over and forced Clay to stand up before breaking the chain holding his collar to the floor with a powerful tug - leaving a few links dangling from the collar.

'Stand while I put this on you' the cat ordered dominantly and Clay dared do nothing but obey

The harness was fitted over him, it formed an X on his chest and then a belt closed around his waist - below this a thin belt held a ring which his cock and balls were pulled through and then split in two running up each side of his ass cheeks to the rear of the waist belt - keeping his hole assessable. Each part of the harness was strapped up tightly and the deer felt it holding him, subjugating him.

'The collar stays.' the lion stated 'but your cuffs will need to come off for this...'

The cat removed the cuffs and then shoved Clay into a dark corner of the room he had not paid much attention to before - in it sat an upright rack. The deer's heart pounded as he was moved towards the medieval device.

'No need to cry slut, I'm not using the rack for its full purpose - merly to keep you put'

Clay's wrists and ankles were enclosed in the manacles hanging from the wooden frame and then the lion wound the rack up a few notches forcing Clay into an uncomfortable spread-eagled position and lifting him off the ground. The lion retrieved another device from a cupboard - this one was anachronistically modern for this old dungeon - a vibrating cock ring.

'Don't ask how I got this little gem, you wouldn't like the story' the lion warned as he slipped the ring over the head of the deer's still erect cock (the ring held in place by the harness was keeping him hard)

'This is more me I think' the car turned around holding a bulbous looking metal device

Clay knew what it was and he didn't like it one bit - it was a pear of anguish. For now its petals were closed and the lion moved around behind his captive. Using the spaces in the wooden frame of the rack to access his rear he slowly pushed the pear under the deer's tail. Clay's rear was still smeared with some cum which helped a little but it was hardly any comfort as the cold metal device forced his hole open. The lion pushed firmly and uncaringly and before long the pear was seated in Clay's rear. He then began to turn the screw on the bottom of the pear and the deer felt it begin to expand in his rear. The cat only twisted it a few times but already it was too wide for the deer to push out and putting and uncomfortable pressure on his insides.

'I said I was going to loosen you up slut and this should do it.' The lion turned on the cock ring and Clay's penis twitched as it was stimulated 'Every time you cum that pear is going to expand a full turn of the screw. So the bigger a slut you are the looser you're going to be come morning. Oh yes, I'm going to leave you here all day and night starting now. See you in the morning!'

The lion left with a smirk on his face and Clay looked on his total disbelief, cum still dripping from his ring-gagged maw.


Clay didn't sleep a wink. By the time the lion reappeared it felt like he had a basketball lodged in his ass. The floor was covered in the deer's cum - he couldn't remember how many times he had climaxed but it was too many by far.

The lion turned off the vibe and then let Clay off the rack with the pear still lodged within him. The lion bent the deer over and slowly wound the pear down, Clay's relief was unimaginable. The lion withdrew the pear slowly from the deer's stretched rear - now very loose. The king smiled at his work and led the deer over to a heavy wooden table upon which sat a small rectangular cage.

'This is how I like to fuck my bitches, with them confined and caged. GET IN'

Clay was lifted onto the table and the lion slapped him across his, still sore, ass as he crawled into the tiny cage. The cage was just big enough for Clay and he had to crush up inside before the lion could close the door. But he did and it was locked with a heavy duty padlock.

The bars were positioned so that Clay's hole sat directly between two and the lion reached between to spread the deer's cheeks open, revealing his abused hole.

The king moved around to his captive's front and stuck his fingers in the deer's gagged maw - collecting some of his saliva which he then rubbed on the cervine's hole to slick it up.

'I can wait no longer!'

The feline simply said as he grasped his hard cock and moved into position. The flared head pushed up against Clay's hole and quite easily pushed inside. Clay groaned as he was penetrated but it was more for humiliation than pain (although his ass still hurt from the pear). What was to follow though was more pain. The lion pushed in more and soon his barbs were slipping into the deer's rear. It was fine in this direction but the lion knew when he pulled out it would not be so easy for his play-thing. He kept going and soon the lion's cock was pushing deeper into the deer than the pear had gone. Clay gritted his teeth in the tight confines of his cage as the lion advanced - he was slow and smooth for the moment but Clay knew that wouldn't last.

The lion neared the end of his length and hilted with a final little thrust - extorting a yip from the deer as their balls met. Clay wasn't ready for what happened next...

The lion withdrew almost fully at great speed - his barbs raking the deer's insides - almost before Clay could cry out the lion rammed back in. From there he began to fuck the deer with a fast and brutal pace. He pounded in and out without a single care for his victim. Clay could do nothing as he was savagely raped - his tender rear abused way beyond its limit. The padlock on the cage clacked with each thrust - always reminding the cervine of his secure predicament.

The lion didn't last long; the face fucking from the previous day had clearly not satisfied his demonic lust. He growled deeply and dominantly as his cock pumped cum into his victim. He kept fucking the deer throughout his climax but his pace slowed and eventually stopped before he withdrew his slick cummy cock and panted deeply.

'I am not satisfied, I want more!'

Clay despaired as he thought he was going to be raped again.

'But no. I will mark you and then store you until tomorrow that will give me time to fully recover and do it properly. And the mark will seal your life here.'

Clay was relived the rape was over for the day but he didn't like the lion's use of the words 'mark or store'. His cage was picked up off the table and carried along by the lion's side - with him still very much trapped within. Cum dripped from his raped rear onto the floor as they went.

'I'd make you lick that up' the lion taunted 'But that would mean letting you out of the cage and, eh, that padlock doesn't have a key!'

Clay was suddenly struck with despair and horror. Surely the lion didn't mean to keep him trapped in this cage for...forever? The deer's attention was turned as they reached another room in the dungeon. It had a gibbet cage hanging in the centre lit by the light of a red hot furnace against one of the walls.

'Would usually use the gibbet for this but can't get you out of that cage so we will have to improvise'

The lion placed the caged deer down on a ledge that made up part of the stone furnaces support. It was very hot but that wasn't what was making Clay sweat. He had spotted several metal poker-like bars and a pail of water and was pretty sure he knew what this room was used for. The lion selected one of the bars and put its end into the furnace before walking around to a set of bellows and headed up the fire.

He left the situation in silence for the next few minutes - letting the tension build before breaking it.

'All peasants are property of the king. This 'mark' will just display that' the lion smiled

He pulled the brand out of the fire to reveal a crown shape on the head - glowing white hot. Clay couldn't see behind him in the tight cage but he knew exactly what was going on.

'No, oh god please no! You can't do this!' he begged

'Just hold still and don't wriggle around or I will have to do it again on the other cheek' the lion warned and Clay held his tongue, paralysed by fear

The lion grasped the brand and carefully aimed it between the bars of the cage at the deer's left ass cheek. Then he pushed forward.

It took a second for the sensation to register in Clay's mind but when it came he suddenly streaked in agony. The red hot brand seared into the deer's tender fur and flesh. He squirmed in the cage with a primal desire to escape but the lion's grip held strong and he managed to keep the brand from moving around too much. He pulled it off after a few seconds which felt to the deer like a month.

The lion then grabbed the pail of water and threw it over his captive. The relief was immediate and Clay gasped as the burn cooled rapidly. Then he stood back and admired his work.

'Well it looks horrible now, but we'll see how it looks in a few days! Right let's get you tucked up into bed.'

The lion picked up the deer's cage again as tears streamed down his face and he was carried off out of the furnace room.

They travelled some distance in the winding tunnels of the subterranean dungeon until they came to a small chamber with a large metal disk in the middle of the floor - like a manhole cover. The lion dumped the cage and, using his demonic strength, removed the heavy rusted iron disk to reveal a dark hole beneath. The lion locked a long length of chain to the top bars of Clay's cage and before he knew it the deer was being lowered into the deep dark abyss.

The hole was only slightly bigger than the cage and he bumped the stone walls a few times on the way down. When he finally reached the bottom he found it covered in about 6 inches of cold water and it was almost totally dark.

The lion started speaking, his voice echoing down the deep hole and Clay was so tightly confined he couldn't even raise his head to see his tormentor: 'Welcome to my oubliette, your new home!'

Suddenly the water level welled up and covered the deer entirely - submerging his cage and him within it. He panicked and struggled, bubbles from the breath he had just taken escaping his still gagged maw. After 60 seconds or so the water level dropped back to its previous level and Clay coughed and spluttered and he sucked in air again.

'Oh yeh that happens, it will raise for a minute and drop for 10 seconds. Not sure why it does it, something to do with the moat, but I'm sure you will deal with it. Haha' the lion cackled 'Goodbye fuck slave, I'm going to have fun with you for the of your life!'

With that the lion moved the metal cover back over the oubliette all was silent and dark apart from the glug and drip of water and Clay could assume the lion had left and wasn't coming back. The water rushed up again after 10 seconds just as the lion had said and engulfed the sacred and trapped deer once more.

As he struggled to hold his breathe with his maw still gagged in the tight confines of his small cage he contemplated his fate once more. Whatever that lion was he was very real and Clay was to be his captive for the rest of his life, there was no respite, no remorse, no escape.


Story by Zipeau, a commission for Trapa


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