Corsi INC 13

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#13 of Corsi INC

It's the little things that make life great.

Jaxx awoke in the room lying comfortably on one of the tables. He was curled up in a content little ball and left his eyes closed for a moment. In the moments between being asleep and fully awakened, he pondered the night before. The feelings of being used like that were all too wonderful for him. He sighed deeply and reached out for a body to snuggle and almost fell off the table. He jumped up with a start finding himself quite alone.

The room had been cleaned and he had been dressed. He reached up to his neck stroking the collar that was there and sighing in relief. He looked around the room to get himself situated and found a glass of milk and a bagel on a coffee table next to a couch that was not there before.

"What in the hells?" he said to himself and sat down on the couch. There was a note under the glass and he picked it up to read.

Typewritten lettering 'Eat and relax for a few moments. Then exit the door and follow the instructions.'

Almost reflexively he went right for the door only to see a sign just outside that read, 'Eat the bagel Jaxx.'

He slowly closed the door and sat back down on the couch. He finished the bagel off quickly for he had not eaten the night before and taking the glass with him he went to leave. Upon opening the door the sign outside NOW read 'Leave the glass inside Jaxx'

He quickly swallowed the milk and put the glass back to the table. He couldn't have taken his eyes off the sign for more than five seconds. But, when he went back to it, it had changed again to read 'Leave your collar here and go down the hall to your right.'

Jaxx stood there a moment and looked down the hall. The nearest door was 30 feet down to the right. There was no way anyone could have made it all that way and replaced the sign, was there?

Nervous he took the collar off leaving it across the back of the sign and hurried down the hall. He turned around a corner to an open foyer and staircase. Another sign pointed him up the stairs. He started to climb up the stairs when he remembered being led UP when he first arrived but never down. At the first landing there was another sign pointing to the left. He also remembered that he was taken to the right before. He looked around puzzled and started to wonder. Had he been in that first room the entire night, or was he taken away to a room that just looked the same? Yet another sign at the top of the stairs read 'Take off all of your clothing and talk to no one'.

"Is this a joke?" He voiced out loud. He turned hearing a sound down below. A large sign rolled out from the hall he had entered from reading 'NO!'

Jaxx took off the clothing he wore and left it draped over the sign and headed down another hall quite nervous and unsure of exactly what was going on. He knew this was a test of some sort but how was he to pass if he had no idea what he was trying to do.

Bare-footed now, he silently crept down the hallway. He was not used to being naked as a jaybird but if this was what his master wanted this was what he was going to do. After only a short distance he passed Lone. He was seated comfortably and just as naked as he was. Lone was sitting on one of the couches that lined every one of the halls in the huge mansion. He smiled as Jaxx walked past.

Just seeing Lone in his undressed state was enough to get him aroused. He turned around to take another look. Lone was standing up and started walking behind him. He stopped and was about to ask why when Lone put his finger to his lips. And motioned for him to move along. Jaxx turned back around continued on his way. He turned another corner and glanced back again. Lone must have slipped into one of the rooms. Another sign greeted him a short ways down reading, 'Very good. Put the collar on.' Behind the sign was indeed, hanging up on a small hook, was his collar. Attached to the collar on a small string was yet another note. At this point Jaxx had started to get a little frustrated. But he didn't want to fail his master. He took the tag off the collar and put it on his neck. He read the tag, 'turn around'.

This had to be a joke this time. He stood there refusing to obey leaning on the sign with a smirk on his muzzle. But then he heard a door open quickly and a sign just like the ones he had been following rolled out into view reading, 'Turn around!' Followed by a slam of the door just out of his sight. He ran to the door the sign had come from and tried the handle. Locked. He turned back looking down the hall where he was ordered to look. There tied to a tiny chair was Corsi. He ran over to her seeing the sweating and panting through her nostrils, mouse with what looked like a tiny chastity belt on her. He barely heard the soft humming of the vibrators that were inside and filling her deed. She had a tiny ball gag on her muzzle as well.

Jaxx couldn't help himself from laughing. Here was his roommate sitting here all tied up and obviously very frustrated. And he was not yet allowed to say anything. He reached down smugly, untied her from the chair, and took off the ball gag from her muzzle.

Corsi screamed out a long needed cry of desperation as soon as the gag was gone from her muzzle.

Jaxx jumped back stumbling a little and peered closer as he approached her again. Corsi was in need badly. Her thighs soaked with her juices from what appeared to be a long overdue orgasm. To hell with the orders and games Corsi needed help. "Corsi." He whispered as he picked her up.

Corsi between pants was not about to wait for him to ask. She croaked out through a dry throat. "Water...please..."

Jaxx spun around and ran down the hall with the mouse. Back to the foyer he was in only a short time before. He remembered a small fountain there. At that point any water was good. He jumped down the stairs with her. Carefully insuring that he didn't harm the mouse. He brought her to the water and held her just above the surface with his paw.

Corsi dove right in. The pool of the fountain was shallow enough for her to stand and thankfully the chastity belt was 100% waterproof. Unfortunately that had no effect on the vibrators that were still running. And Corsi, after drinking down a few desperate gulps of water, started to feel them once again. She sank down and under the surface, unable to keep her legs steady. Jaxx picked her up after barely a split second. Corsi looked up to him as if to plead with him for a release. Jaxx had started to head back to where he found her, but when he started his way up the staircase, there was Lone.

Lone stood there looking like ice. His muzzle was devoid of expression and his eyes cold and foreboding. He merely pointed to the other end of the foyer towards a large set of double doors. Jaxx turned around and started heading back to them as Lone appearing very displeased walked off disappearing down the hall. Jaxx was about to open the door to leave when he stopped.

He had just practically saved the life of the little mouse that was in his hand. His other paw clenched as his anger grew quickly. She turned around and screamed, "NO! I am not leaving until I get answers!"

His voice echoed through the mansion. It was almost creepy in a way. Still there was no answer.

Jaxx turned and was about to leave when he heard a voice come from behind him. "Jaxx my pet, what seems to be the problem?"

Jaxx's head snapped around to see Greyson now sitting on a railing at the top of the stairs. He was dressed in a black silk robe but that was all the fox could see from where he was. "I want to know why Lone is sending me away? Corsi here needed help and all I did was give it to her. Why should I be punished for that?"

"Who said you were being punished?" was all the tiger replied. He started walking down the stairs as he continued. "And do remember to address me correctly."

Now Jaxx was more puzzled then before. "But if I am not being punished Master, Why am I being told to leave?"

The Bengal tiger just smiled. He stepped right up to him and rested a hand on his shoulder. "Why not open the door and find out?"

Jaxx nodded still not quite understanding but he turned and opened the door regardless. There on the other side was one final sign. 'Kindly remove your collar and take your reward from behind the sign.' Jaxx removed his collar, Greyson offering to take it. He looked behind the sign finding a gold collar this time. Alongside was a small remote control. He picked it up inspecting it closely. There on the underside was a label reading 'Corsi's belt.'

"She is a gift to you for the remainder of the day. Go home and enjoy yourself. Just be sure you play with your toy and let her go when you are through with her. She is a higher ranking pet than you after all." Greyson explained.

"Higher ranking?"

"Corsi will explain. Just go back home and see your other surprise."

Jaxx nodded softly and obediently stepped out the door. He went to turn back but Greyson had already gone. He was still nude and being told to leave! Jaxx looked around nervously. The only thing he saw was his car. He rushed over very relieved to find his clothing left inside. He carefully placed the squirming and desperate mouse on the passenger seat and hastily put his clothing on. As he did he noticed his car, even though it definitely was his own looked very different than before. It was repainted the same black as it was before but now there was a new sticker on the back windshield where there wasn't before. It was of a white heart and a gold collar tightened around it of the same design as the one Greyson had given him. The interior was the same as well but instead of red vinyl it was made of leather and flawless material. He leaned into the window to Corsi whom was still trembling and desperate for release. "Corsi, What happened?"

She was in absolutely no position to answer him. Her body wet from the water and from herself.

Jaxx shook his head and got into the car thinking to just ask later. He knew Corsi was in need and he couldn't just let her sit like this. So he turned the vibrators down.

Corsi went wide eyed feeling her toy stop altogether. "NO! Jaxx please don't stop now!"

But what Jaxx had in mind was something a little more than just the toy. He pressed the small button on the remote labeled 'release' the snaps came off of each side of the chastity belt and Jaxx looked over to Corsi with a smile. He pulled the toy off of her, the interior completely soaked through.

Corsi knew what was about to happen. "Oh Gods Jaxx ... Yes ... Please" She gasped. The intense feelings she was already flooded with washing over her. She was just about ready to cum right then and there at just the mere thought but she was going to use every ounce of training she could to stand up to him.

Jaxx picked her up carefully and settled her down on his long vulpine tongue belly down.

Corsi looked back to him, blushing a deep crimson. She grabbed a hold of his long canine fangs just in time to feel that wondrous tongue curve around the length of her tiny body. The tip of that tongue flicking from one breast to another as she shivered in the intense arousal that his warm muzzle surrounded her with. Then what Jaxx really wanted to do to her really came through. That long pink muscle slowly worked its way down to her already moist and pulsating clit. As tiny as it was he couldn't help but hit her just right. But with his thinner muzzle than the wolf and the longer muzzle than the tiger she was used to this was a wondrous new experience.

Jaxx was enjoying his new snack completely. He suckled softly on her body as his teased his tongue all over her. He knew what he was about to do would take a lot of concentration but he thought he was more than ready. And to Corsi's surprise he started his car and started to pull away. Jaxx flipped her over in his muzzle and just smiled like a playful little fox.

Corsi didn't know whether to be scared or thrilled. Jaxx just teased his tongue over her as he drove off. He was keeping her at a position where her arousal was so intense she was about to be sent into torrents of pleasure but just far enough away that she couldn't achieve that final step. "Jaxx!!! Please!!!"

Jaxx slipped his tongue under her and poked her out of his muzzle for a moment. "Yoo arr my pet for the tay. I ge to do waa I wan wit yoo." And although she could barely understand word one, She knew that the fox meant business and there was no way out. Not that she wanted out anyway. And as they pulled out of the gate she knew that they were going to give a whole new meaning to the term 'joyride'.


Jaxx pulled into the apartment complex about an hour later. He had purposely gotten himself lost on the ride home. Corsi was quivering in the passenger seat holding into her thoroughly pleasured sex. It had been ten full minutes since Jaxx had pulled the little lady from his muzzle and with how many times she had cum in a row she was not moving on her own accord for at least another half hour.

He parked his new car next to a Volkswagen Rabbit, Yoiko's car. He had always marveled at how beautiful it looked and for the first time he noticed the same white collared heart insignia on the back window. Yoiko was standing with a soft smirk in her usual wool sweater to completely cover her gorgeous figure.

She winked over to Jaxx and looked around a moment. She lifted the fur around her neck to show off the thin designed diamond studded collar so she could hide it perfectly. "I have a present to show you from Master Greyson, but you have to release Corsi first."

He hadn't even had the chance to pick up the mouse. How did she know? He looked to her for a moment and after considering the options, "Now why should I hand over Corsi to you if Master Greyson gave him to me, and what you have to show me was given by the same?"

Yoiko couldn't help but smile, "You'll have a diamond collar soon enough you know. You already have me speaking for you." She raised her eyebrows watching Jaxx take the mouse out of the car, damp and still slightly shaking from her personal ordeal. But at least now she was sitting up. "And by the looks of it you have Corsi too."

Jaxx was about to say something but thought the better of it and decided to watch and keep quiet. "Well then Yoiko, show me what Master brought."

"You didn't say the magic word."


Yoiko shook her head and once again showed off the diamond collar to him. "Try again Jaxx"

The collar colors must be ranks of some kind and obviously diamond was ahead of himself, "Would calling you Mistress be more acceptable then?"

"You're learning." Yoiko said with a grin. "Come on hun you are going to love this." And she slipped into the building.

Jaxx walked in right after and the scent of fresh paint hit his muzzle. He didn't think of it at first but as soon as he opened his eyes he did. The outside appearance of the building had not changed in the least. But the inside had. He stepped out of the building just to make sure he had the right apartment building and upon returning in his eyes slowly crept along the new marble stairway and down the freshly painted and carpeted floors of the newly refinished building. It didn't look strikingly different than it did before but it was very different. The new carpeting was of fine plush unlike the tight fiber carpeting there was before. The walls were painted just a few shades darker than before, just enough to give the place a more homelike feeling to it.

Yoiko walked back to him and grabbed hold of that free paw of his, "Gawk at the place later. Your present can't wait forever."

"What do you mean it can't wait forever?" Jaxx protested as he was shoved through the doorway to the new apartment. It had been completely refurbished. On the door was a plaque with the words, 'Home Sweet Home' and that little white collared heart insignia. But inside, the place looked more like Greyson's castle. The couch was of the same soft plush and the walls had been painted an inviting lavender. There was new glass furniture as well. Something that he had always dreamed of having. The kitchen had been remodeled specially for the needs of a microfur and full sized furs as well. But the one thing that had really stood out was the beautiful white wolf sitting on the couch, bound and gagged with a bow over his head. "What the..." was all he could muster.

Yoiko calmly took the mouse out of his hand and set her down in her new house. Specially built for her but this time closer to the kitchen and with a toy racecar track for her to get from one part of the house to another. "Actually he's more a present for me. Alps here is straight but you are more than welcome to watch. After all Corsi was given to you. You think you would be given two furs as pets as a gold?"

Jaxx sat down. He didn't even realize what he was sitting on at first. Not until after his hands rested on the black crushed velvet chair. It even had the hole and pouch in the back for his tail. He squeezed the arms of the soft sleeper chair and the arm jarred a bit. He flipped up a hidden panel in the arm of the chair to reveal a hidden compartment for a small cooler. Enough to fit a bottle of wine or a few cans at best but very well hidden. "As a pet for you? What do you mean?"

Yoiko smiled softly and took out a long coil of rope. She walked over to Jaxx slowly and as Jaxx started to get the idea of what was going to happen, he sank back in the chair appearing very worried indeed.


Yoiko had finished binding the poor fox to his chair. He had been stripped of all his clothing and sat with his hands securely down to the arm rests. His feet had been tied as well and the rope brought under the chair. The rest of the rope was wrapped completely around the chair holding his chest back so he couldn't stand up at all. Jaxx was completely immobile.

Yoiko rested her hands down to Jaxx's thighs and looked him straight in the eyes. He was hard as a rock and dripping pre down the length of his throbbing shaft. Yoiko just leaned down and cleaned the sweet juice off with the very tip of her tongue.

Jaxx cried out. "Yoiko ... What are you going to do to me?"

Yoiko took a small ball gag from her pocket with a grin. She bound his muzzle tight so he couldn't speak at all and as she did she whispered. "To you, nothing. But I'll let you have your mouse back if you behave." She laughed softly and turned around to the handsome wolf. "Introduce yourself.

The wolf finally stood from the couch. He walked around the coffee table and kneeled to the floor, "I am Alps Aris Sarsis. I am the personal pleasure slave to Queen Mistress Nita here visiting Master Greyson. He has asked me to come here for Mistress Yoiko and evidently yourself..." He paused a moment and looked up to the lavender furred rabbit.

"You may speak Alps."

"Mistress, Am I to be with him as well? I mean I have never..." He trailed off uneasily.

"No you are not Alps. Jaxx will be taken care of by the mouse he came in with." Yoiko said quite harshly. This was quite unlike her indeed. Yoiko had always been a quiet and gentle fur. She never really did anything that might offend and DEFINITELY didn't seem like a dominatrix. Yet here she was barking out orders. Jaxx could do nothing but sit and watch.

Alps looked up to Yoiko. She had already started to peel off the baggy sweater she always wore. Underneath however she was decked out in a leather cat suit complete with a single tail whip coiled at her side. Yoiko turned over to Alps and snapped her fingers pointing over to the couch. In one quick jump he was on the couch sitting down. Yoiko wasted no time at all. She strolled right over to Alps looking back to the poor defenseless Jaxx with a playful grin.

Alps said nothing. For what he knew he was not allowed to. But what happened to him were words enough. One look at the beautiful Yoiko and he was at full attention. He kneaded his hand along his thigh to ease the pressure of just how turned on he was. Though otherwise he was not moving an inch.

Jaxx defeated and aroused himself just looked at the pair knowing full well what was coming. And when Yoiko unsnapped the crotch-piece of her outfit to let the air catch her already dew-laden flower, he almost lost it right then and there. He had only been intimate with her twice before and just looking at her beauty stirred something inside him. She straddled herself on Alps's lap and immediately sank his quite the large and intimidating member inside herself. She positioned herself so that he could watch her every move.

Yoiko looked over her shoulder to the fox with a grin. She loved exhibitionism and knew he loved to be the voyeur. So this was a double treat for her. And with a wink over to the dollhouse it was about to become more intense than he was about to be able to handle.

Fully revived from who knows how many orgasms she was pounded with on the ride home, Corsi was going to take her revenge out on Jaxx. She slid down a chute in her house and walked out of the base of the table it sat on. Jaxx didn't see a thing yet. She crept over to his chair giving the 'silent as a mouse' treatment the meaning it deserves. She climbed her way up to the top of the chair from behind and sat herself down just above Jaxx's head.

Alps couldn't help himself. He lifted his hands to the rabbit's hips as he trembled underneath her. He was quite uncomfortable at having the male watch and it was more than obvious at how he was reacting to the situation. The only movements he made with her were to insure her pleasure. It was what he was purchased so long ago to do that now it just came naturally. He looked back up to see the fox staring at him and for the first time he caught a glimpse of Corsi. He had never seen a microfur in his life and it seriously intrigued him. And when she slid down the fox's shoulder to his lap, he was even more enticed by what might happen.

Corsi took note of the white wolfs interest and settled herself on teasing him as well as the fox whom barely noticed her presence. That was until she spun her tail around his erect length. That got his attention fast. Jaxx looked down to her in almost utter horror as the realization of just how badly he was going to be teased settled in on him.

Back on the couch Yoiko was hard at work. If mounting the wolf was at all thought of as work. She was leaned forward into Alps. Her soft breasts and hardened nipples pressed up to his muzzle. She purposely kept herself from sinking the white wolf fully into herself just to show Jaxx and Corsi every little detail. Each drive down was slow and methodical. That is until Alps brought his muzzle to one of its great talents. He licked softly at her fur covered breast grooming over the soft mound until he came to her perk aroused nipple poking through her fur. He licked once to her and flickered his tongue tenderly along the sensitive flesh. Yoiko squealed with pleasure adoring this attention and the wolf she was mounting. For a moment she completely forgot about what she was trying to do in the first place.

Underneath her, Alps had positioned himself slightly at an angle on the couch. More so he could continue watching the little rodent while he was being thrust down upon. He was mesmerized watching such a tiny creature get such a larger fur to pant as heavily as he was. And after a moment he thought about wanting to have the chance to be used by her as well.

Jaxx pulled tightly at his restraints. Corsi, with her overly long tail massaged that hot cock while she just looked up to him. "I hope you like the show and entertainment that has been provided for you sweetheart." She whispered.

He looked down to her, his eyes pleading but he could say nothing with the gag in his muzzle.

"Its not like we are giving you a choice either." She giggled. "But don't you worry your handsome little tail any." She said as she stood up and straddled herself on his hot cock. Adding her hands and feet to the intense mix. She worked onto to keep him fully aroused and on the edge. But she was not going to let him finish. And as Corsi continued the realization of her intentions hit Jaxx and he know that this was only the beginning.

Yoiko looked down to Alps seeing his interest in the mouse. But she was in control for this scene. She took a hold of his muzzle and kissed him hard and desperate. She lifted herself off of him giggling, "Well Alps. Since you want to watch so much we will just have to keep your attention this way." And she sat down on the couch. Spreading let legs slightly apart. "Alps, You are normally used for others pleasures. Now Alps I want you to tell me to do what you want. My body is yours."

All three furs looked over to Yoiko in utter shock. She had up until that very moment always been in control of what she wanted. She had lost her virginity less than a year ago and for this to come out of her muzzle was quite unlike her. Alps though was no fool. He went straight to work doing as he was ordered. He was well trained and knew what the mistress wanted. He kneeled before her and leaned in. Reaching out with the tip of his tongue he caressed the soft succulent folds of her amazingly sweet sex. Sweeter than anyone he had performed the sensual tease to before.

Now it was Yoiko's turn to be shocked. She closed her eyes feeling the wondrous talents of the white wolf. She whispered down to him, her voice coming out more of a desperate plea. "Oh Goddess, Alps who taught you to do this?"

"My owners. Nita mainly but the royal court I am servant to as well since they are all female." He responded truthfully. Bringing his attention back to what he was doing. She was already soaked completely and his attentions made her even more so. He greedily licked the sweet juices flowing freely from within her and carefully worked a finger into her hot depths. Alps caressed her inner thigh with his one free hand to insure that she was as pleasured as he could make her.

Corsi, for the first time in a long time was jealous. Her eyes trained on the rabbit and the twists and turns of her face. She found herself so drawn into their scene that her massage became just that much more intense. She wrapped her legs around the base of his cock stroking her own tiny clit against him as her hands worked around the crown of his shaft.

"Oh Gods Corsi ... Please. I can't take this anymore." Came a cry from the fox. His wrists were starting to chafe from pulling so hard at the restraints in an effort to get relief from the sexual torture. At that moment He heard Yoiko scream. He looked up to her and trembled watching the lavender rabbit's orgasm rush over her.

Yoiko held the white wolf's head fur tight. What she was feeling was unbelievable. Her words were stolen from her with every continuing powerful lick. She wrapped her legs around his back pulling him tighter against her and between her desperate gasps she whispered, "Alps. Please ... don't stop."

He was not about to either. He had never been with anyone other than his owner and the rest of the females of the court and they were all lupine like he was. This was the first time he had been with a rabbit and for him her taste was quite exquisite.

Corsi trembled as she watched the scene before her. But she was more interested in Alps over there and playing with him than anything else. She looked up to Jaxx whom was straining. His claws driven into the cushions of his new chair as he panted deeply wanting to finish. He was so close but so far. The mouse knew just what to do. She spun herself around to a more pleasurable position on the fox licking carefully. He was almost ready to burst.

Yoiko looked over to Jaxx and Corsi as Alps and his skilled training brought her up to the edge again. She saw the pleasure in Jaxx's eyes and followed them down to exactly what he was looking at.

Jaxx was staring down at Alps' firm rump almost teasing him. The thoughts of holding him close and Corsi's delicate touch sent him over the edge. He shot off so hard that his cream was sent over the mouse completely and onto the coffee table. Literally an explosive orgasm that sent the poor fox out like a light.

Passing out seemed to be the thing as Yoiko herself holding Alps' fur tight to her and watching the mouse screamed, "Oh ... Corsi ... Alps ... I'm going to ... AHHHH" Yoiko tensed up and flooded Lapse's muzzle as she was filled with yet another orgasm. She desperately held onto Alps driving his tongue into her hot juices.

Alps lapped greedily at her sticky flow and looked up just in time to watch Yoiko tense up again. He slid another finger inside her quivering depths feeling yet another slam into her. This one however cutting short as she was sent into an unconscious trembling mass of lavender bunny fur.

Corsi hopped down from Jaxx's lap and for a change she didn't get anything in her fur. She hopped up onto the couch alongside Alps as he laid his mistress down.

"Alps. Can I talk to you, pet to pet?" Corsi said with a whisper not wanting to awaken the slumbering furs.

Alps nodded and sat down on the floor in front of Corsi. "Sure Miss, What can I do for you?"

"I noticed you were looking quite strangely at me. And that you weren't very comfortable with a male in the room. You aren't bisexual at all are you?" Corsi said flatly.

Alps wasn't a bit surprised. He shook his head no adding, "No I'm not. And I have never seen a little person like you either. What exactly are you and how did you make that male..." He trailed off not being able to find the words.

Corsi giggled, "How did I make him cum so hard?"

"Well ... yes." Alps whispered with a blush. He looked down to the pattern on the couch quite uncomfortable at talking about it. The vision of the little mouse jumping down to the floor in front of him passed through his vision.

Corsi snapped her fingers.

"Yes mistress", came the trained reply from the white wolf.

"Lie down on the floor Alps. And don't move."

Alps blinked looking down to the mouse. His eyes fixing on the collar she wore. It was diamond studded with gold fittings. She was one of the highest-ranking pets of Greyson's. He had been taught all the rankings and nuances. Flat leather, Bronze studs, then Silver, and Gold. After that were the diamond pets in the same order. The lower rankings being progressively less dominant.

Alps did as he was told already highly aroused from pleasuring Yoiko. He relaxed to the carpeting that was now stretching wall to wall made of nice white plush matching Alps's fur and contrasting greatly against Corsi's. "Is this what you want Ma'am?"

"Corsi hon. You don't need to worry about calling me Ma'am or mistress. I don't go by those formal terms. You just sit back and relax. Let me take care of you. With as far as you have come, you shouldn't go home without enjoying at least something to remember us by." And with that she jumped up onto his belly, stroking her tail along his shaft. By the sight of the pearl drop of pre on him and the rumble of contentment, She knew he was NOT going to last long. But she was determined to make him stay as long as possible.

The victim looked down to the mouse mistress with a mixture of curiosity and fear. He watched how hard the fox finished and he had never once seen any fur fire off that far. And once he felt the tiny little mistress's tail stroke along his shaft he knew why. Alps had never felt anything quite like it. And at that very moment he too realized how close he was.

Corsi pulled herself closer to him and snuggled up warm with his hard as steel wolfhood. Her tail wrapping around the base and applying a little pressure. It was just enough to stave off the inevitable. She wrapped her tiny little body around him and stroked him with both hands. Each of her fluid movements made in a deep sensual worship of his overexcited cock. She licked her tongue over the crown of his shaft with his length at rest on his belly-fur.

Eyes wide and lips pursed Alps's back arced in a heated need to finish that was going quite unanswered. He wanted to cum. He needed to. But she was not letting him. Corsi's touch was driving him insane. His mind was completely gone with the intensity. Every touch, every stroke, every lick, and every strand of fur on her body was felt with wondrous sensation through him.

Corsi was giving him the full treatment. Her cock worship, working its magic over him. And as she circled her hands around the crown of his length she slid herself up rubbing her soft and supple but tiny breasts over him. She didn't want him to wait forever but she was waiting for one specific thing...

"Corsi..." Alps pleaded, "Please ... no more." And he growled low, his animal instincts taking over and his knot forming at the base of his length.

This was what she was waiting for. Her tail released slipping up to squeeze that knot in just enough time to get a blast of cum shooting her right in her tiny face as Alps howled out in ecstasy.

Yoiko and Jaxx were startled awake from the echoing sound watching the scene before them astonished.

Alps came harder than he ever thought possible. Corsi's tail was holding tight around his newly formed knot that he himself never knew he had. And with Corsi gripping him like she was he covered her completely. Alps's shaft continued to spasm sending him in and out of consciousness as he shot over Corsi like a fire hose. And when at last he stopped and settled down, he looked over to see Corsi sitting on his belly rising and falling drenched to the hide in his cum.

"And now my dear wolf. Take that little trick home to teach your owner." Corsi said and hopped off Alps's belly to the floor just as he passed out.

Copyright 2001

Joey Porter

Corsi INC 14

Partners in Life Alps was on his way back to the docks. Yoiko was driving on the highway with Corsi on her shoulder. Yoiko had asked Greyson if she could drive him to the ship but more for Corsi's benefit. She quite enjoyed the wolf and a few...

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Corsi INC 12

Now That's what I call Master Jaxx had gotten off work several hours ago. And as usual he went to visit Greyson for his usual training. His mind was wandering through thoughts of the past weekend and waking up on the floor with the rabbit. He...

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Corsi INC 11

The Grass is Always Greener "Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join these four furs in the bondage's of matrimony." The Bengal Tiger said with a grin as he stood up from the couch in Red's apartment. Several days after they met Red had...

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