Corsi INC 14

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#14 of Corsi INC

Partners in Life

Alps was on his way back to the docks. Yoiko was driving on the highway with Corsi on her shoulder. Yoiko had asked Greyson if she could drive him to the ship but more for Corsi's benefit. She quite enjoyed the wolf and a few other interesting perks about him.

He just stared at Corsi the entire ride not saying a word. He was used to living in a less civilized community where horses and carts were the way to travel. He had never even been in a plane before and instead he came all the way over by boat and was returning the same way. His intrigue over the little microfur just continued to increase as his mind wandered over the possibilities that such a creature was capable of.

"It's a shame you have to go so soon Alps." Yoiko said wanting to break the silence.

Alps's attention snapped up, "Oh! Yes Ma'am, I would like to stay a little but my owner is in need of me and I wouldn't want to stay away from her for too long."

Corsi jumped over to Alps's lap and sat down looking up to him. "You really love your owner don't you Alps?"

"Yes Corsi I do. But I am just her slave. Things are different here. You are slaves for your owners in a similar way but you have your complete freedom where as I do not. I have more than most slaves ... but I am the happiest that I have ever been in my life Ma'am Corsi. I am in love with my owner and I have everything I could ever need. I wouldn't give up my life for anything."

The rest of the ride went very quietly until they pulled up onto the dock.

Three females stood at the top of the gangplank. Alps stepped out of the car and with Corsi on his shoulder and Yoiko close in tow. An emerald green lupine started her way down to the dock with a soft grin. "Alps! It's good to see you again! Nita missed you a lot."

The taller of the other two ladies coughed unable to hold back a snicker.

The shorter, gray furred vixen whispered, "Uri! Shhh!"

"Quiet yourself Misha." The midnight warrior snapped back, "Or I'll beat you."


"Quiet, both of you!" The emerald wolfess whispered and she turned back to the trio. "I guess you are Greyson's servants then. Thank you for taking care of our Alps. He has really needed a vacation. Some time off to get his stamina back." She turned specifically to Alps; "You did enjoy your time off right?"

The blush of that wolf was bright pink as he simply nodded.

"And who and what are you miss?" She said with a quizzical quirk of her brow to the ebony and gray mouse.

"Corsi. My name is Corsi and I am one of Greyson's highest pets. And you are?"

"Nidaja. How exactly are you able to pleasure your master with as tiny as you are?"

Alps touched one hand to Nidaja's shoulder whispering something softly to her.

Her bright emerald cheeks flushed over a deep red. "Are you serious?"

Corsi nodded softly with a sly grin. "You ought to see what I can do to you."

Yoiko started singing softly those famous 'Nine Inch Nails' lines and Nidaja backed up slowly. "Sorry Corsi but no thank you. The thought of a living thing inside me..."

Corsi shrugged her shoulders. "It's not for everyone to tell the truth."

Misha looked over unable to keep herself quiet; "I would try it!"

Uri looked down to her with a smirk. "Maybe we will have to arrange to borrow her from Greyson some time."

Nidaja frowned and turned around, "Now you both know that Greyson's pets are only willing pets. Though Alps isn't asked to do anything he really wouldn't want to, we can't just suggest something like that."

"I wouldn't get involved with any fur that I am not completely comfortable with. Albeit I get comfortable with a fur a lot quicker than most but I am choosy with the furs I climb inside and lick places no other fur can reach until they are brought to a delightful orgasmic frenzy the likes of which they have never felt before." Corsi finished with a soft suggestive grin.

And at that moment Nidaja turned back around closely regarding the little mouse. And with a large bright glow of surprise in her eyes Corsi knew full well that she just went from skeptic to believer. "Maybe we would be interested in having your company some time in our castle."

Misha and Uri kept dead silent.


Corsi stood on Yoiko's shoulder waving of the handsome wolf and his owners as the boat left the dock. Yoiko whispered down to her, "You know Corsi, I know a thousand furs in this country that would easily give their tails to be in his shoes."

"Yes, but I know one that would consider it torture" Corsi replied back.

And as the ship faded out of sight Yoiko and Corsi turned back, heading to the car.

"We have to talk to Jaxx." The midnight mouse commented.

Neither of them said a word for the rest of the way home.


Yoiko pulled up to the apartment building. Jaxx was home though he should have been at work for that time. She walked into the complex with Corsi on her shoulder and went into her apartment.

Jaxx was lying there on the couch, bags packed, and an unhappy frown on his red muzzle. "Yoiko, I think we need to talk."

Yoiko and Corsi both looked at each other and then to Jaxx, "You are leaving?" They said simultaneously with a voice of disbelief.

Jaxx just nodded. "Yes, I suppose its best if I come straight out and tell you guys." He paused a moment before continuing. "After last night I realized that I am still gay. I'm not bisexual. I have been up all night trying to think of how to tell you..." he trailed off lowering his head.

Corsi and Yoiko couldn't help themselves but to smile. Yoiko walked over hugging Jaxx warm.

"You know we were about to point out that very thing." Corsi whispered to him, "I noticed you were fantasizing about Alps while I was playing with you."

Jaxx's eyes went wide and he pulled himself back from Yoiko's grasp looking bewildered at the mouse. "You ... you saw that?"

Yoiko nodded softly, "Yes hun. But, you do know you don't have to leave."

Now Jaxx smiled. He reached down picking up his bag. "I don't want to intrude between you. From what I have seen of the two of you, you have been in love with each other for a long time, and I am just getting in the middle. Besides you guys are fully cared for by Master Grey so its not like either of you are going to be in any sort of worry for anything." He picked up his backpack slinging it over his shoulder.

All at once the past year started flashing through the two women's minds. In truth Yoiko lost her virginity to Corsi and not Red. Corsi was the first inside her that night on the couch so Corsi was Yoiko's first. Corsi was Yoiko's Mistress the day she was collared in Greyson's mansion. The two women had been together the entire time Corsi was home and had become very close. Yoiko never really went to work at all and did the majority of her research from home with the mouse keeping her company. All in all at that very moment of revelation, the two realized that their closeness was not just casual. Yoiko and Corsi were in love with one another.

And as the two ladies stood there looking at one another, Jaxx turned without a word and walked out of the apartment.

Yoiko blinked and turned over to the kitchen, "Okay I need coffee."

"Me too." Corsi agreed and Yoiko walked into the kitchen.

Corsi hopped off as they entered, landing on the counter. Greyson had really set them up. She turned the automatic coffee maker on setting it for two cups. It was hooked up to its own water line. The beans ground inside the machine and the water poured into the pot while Yoiko got out the sugar and cream. The pair working without a word in total tandem with each other.

Jaxx walked back in at that moment and walked into the kitchen with them. "I'll be moving in with Master Grey if ever you need me. Or for that matter if you ever see a cute guy wandering around that I might be interested in."

He looked down at the mouse with a smile, "Treat her right little mistress. Though I don't really have to ask you that now do I?"

Yoiko almost dropped the mugs to the floor.

Yoiko: Shade factor 7

Corsi: Shade factor 9 and rising

"With the way you got me off last night I would pay money to feel what its like for Yoiko to cum." Jaxx said turning around and starting for the door.

Yoiko: Shade factor 15 and rising FAST

Corsi: Shade factor (immeasurable)

Yoiko poured the coffee and dipped Corsi's tiny mug in for her. She added three grains of sugar to her coffee and fixed her own after trying to keep some of her dignity.

"So when do we get married?" Yoiko looked down to Corsi with an innocent grin though she was still a cherry red.

Corsi looked back up to her as Jaxx stepped into Yoiko's room. He came back out a moment later mumbling something about Greyson not changing some things and handed Yoiko a very, very small box.

Yoiko opened the box and took out a tiny little engagement ring. "I have had this a while Corsi. I thought it looked nice when I bought it but I never thought I would actually give it to you. I mean ... well things just..." Yoiko kneeled down to the floor looking up to the mouse with a loving smile. "Corsi, will you marry me?"

For a rare change the little lady was speechless with shock and surprise. She nodded softly tears forming around her eyes.

And as Yoiko placed the ring on her finger, neither of them heard the soft click of the fox walking out the door.


Months had passed and there they were, Yoiko was standing at the front of a seated group larger than any wedding party that had ever gathered before. Her maid of honor, an adorable squirrel named Sandi stood next to her. Two skunks Chitter and Yona were her other two brides maids. In the rows next to them, sat Corsi's Maid of Honor, another mouse full height, named Rose. Next to her were Corsi's other two bride's maids, Tyche a hermaphrodite mouse also full height and Chiana an ice blue vixen.

The priestess was at the front on a small platform. The twin tailed kitsune vixen standing with a long flowing, very thin robe. The outline of the beautiful vixen was unmistakable, the robe being virtually transparent. Her fur being a lush crimson and white on her belly up to her neck. Twin tails flitting playfully behind her. She held in her ink black hands, a white book with Corsi and Yoiko's names written in beautiful gold lettering. A red ribbon wrapped twice around the book.

In fact the entire wedding party, and everyone gathered was dressed similar if at all. The ceremony was pagan in nature and held on the grounds of the Darkwolfe Mansion.

Greyson himself was playing the organ and on the priestesses signal he started to play softly the tune for Corsi to make her way down the aisle.

Corsi started her way down. Tailors had specially made her a dress out of a silk scarf. A long streamer, stretching a full two feet behind her. She wore a gold bracelet doubled over around her neck that she had from her childhood for the 'something old'. On the bracelet hung a very small locket that her parents had given her as an engagement gift as the 'something new'. The scarf the dress was made from originally belonged to Mako and was the 'something borrowed'. And she had sewn in the dress a tuft of Chiana's fur as the 'something blue'.

Corsi looked up to her soon to be wife. She was dressed in a shimmering white bridal gown beautifully crafted to flaunt every inch of her wonderfully seductive figure. Corsi had never seen her love as beautiful as at that very moment. And as she took the last steps to the altar, Yoiko leaned down and held out her hand for her to hop up into.

The pair stood there more nervous than they had ever been in their lives. The priestess smiled down to them whispering. "Afternoon ladies, looking forward to today's events?" And before they could say a word, she began to address the crowd. "Friends of these two very special women, we are here this afternoon, surrounded by the mind and spirit of the god and the goddess to witness the greatest commitment they can give to one another.

All Greyson's pets and a few select family members of Yoiko and Corsi in attendance stood from their seats. They formed two wide circles around the altar and the three women. It was at that time that Corsi, Yoiko and Kirzen gave the real reason why the ceremony was being held of Greyson's compound. After setting Corsi back to the ground, the three of them removed the gowns and robes from their beautiful bodies leaving themselves bare to the elements. They were to have a sky clad ceremony. The Brides maids and Maids-of-honor, formed the tightest third inner circle.

"Before the god and the goddess and all their creation you two have come to share your undying adoration for one another." The vixen whispered as she kneeled to the floor. "Now as well before them and with them, share that love freely."

Kirzen's tails swung out from behind her, one taking Corsi up, and the other, wrapping around Yoiko. She pulled the three of them together with a soft smile.

Yoiko snuggled herself warm against Kirzen but more with her soon to be wife mouse as they too knelt to the ground. She gave her a delicate kiss on the top of her head

Kirzen picked up the white book once again whispering the words of the ceremony as she read. "Sister Yoiko, will you take sister Corsi in your heart? To comfort her in ill and support her in her times of need? To please her completely and worship her as you would the goddess until you part from this world and move on to the next life?"

Yoiko nodded softly, "Yes, I do." And she once again snuggled the mouse warm. She gave her an affectionate kiss on her belly and lay down to her back, letting Corsi hop up on top of her.

"Sister Corsi, will you take sister Yoiko in your heart? To comfort her in ill and support her in her times of need? To please her completely and worship her as you would the goddess until you part from this world and move on to the next life?" The kitsune continued snuggling close to them and taking the ribbon in her hand.

"Of course I do." Corsi responded as Yoiko and Kirzen started to cuddle close as well.

Even though they had gotten to know each other well and were prepared for the day, nothing could have made them ready for being intimate with so many people around. And at that moment Corsi and Yoiko both realized just what Kirzen meant before about the ceremony being a 'trial of their love'.

Kirzen herself was not quite certain how she was going to go about doing this. She like most furs had never been with a microfur in this manner. And for the requirements of the ceremony she just let the couple take the lead.

Not sure where to start, Yoiko and Corsi noted the vixens sudden bout of nervousness and set out to make her more comfortable. Yoiko caressed her delicately along her slender frame and cuddled close to her, their soft and supple breasts melding with one another. Corsi in the meantime had jumped over to Kirzen, proceeding to stroke her hands along her neck and slowly down her back.

Kirzen blushed considerably (shade factor 5 for those wondering) to the new mate's attentions. Still a little nervous she decided to go with what was familiar to her and slipped her hands along Yoiko's velvety soft fur. She held Yoiko around her waist, their warm and heated clits just inches away from one another. Kirzen was already starting to feel a little more at ease though the feeling of Corsi behind her added what felt like a third hand running across her skin under her fur.

Kirzen's fur was quite longer and had far more of a plush feeling than Yoiko's. Corsi was almost able to hide within the long fur. She worked her way down to the vixen's twin tails scratching her there for a few moments just to remind her that the mouse was there as well.

Kirzen almost jumped at the feeling and Yoiko smiled softly. She whispered to Kirzen, "Corsi knows what she is doing. Just relax hon."

The inner circle of furs could barely keep their eyes off the trio as they cuddled sensually. Tyche looked over to hir wife Sandi with a soft grin. Tyche being the only non-female in the inner circle made things a little difficult to hide hir obvious arousal at the scene playing before hir. Shi said nothing but the more than swelling in hir loins started to become evident and Sandi could tell almost instantly. Rose, the full sized mouse was on the opposite side of the circle unable to see the mouse but her view of the vixen was beautiful. Chiana and Yona, the two youngest, had the best views and just plain stared at the trio in utter awe up the length of their beautiful forms. Chitter was opposite them and was shifting in place, trying as best she could to fend off the urge to break the circle and masturbate. Not a one of them had ever witnessed microsex and even with some of the furs having a bad view, they were all extremely aroused and interested in how they were going to finish the ceremony.

Corsi and Yoiko on the other hand, though they were still very nervous, took the lead. Yoiko's touch went down Kirzen's delicate frame and massaged lovingly at her inner thigh.

Kirzen responding to the touch with a slight gasp parting her knees slightly. She allowed herself to relax a little more feeling the mouse behind her take advantage of things.

Corsi murred softly and curled under Kirzen's tails and stroked her hands along the soft fur of her rump. When she felt the vixen lean back to her, Corsi, wanting to pleasure her even more, gave her one slow lick at her tail-hole.

Kirzen's eyes went wide with surprise. She was about to say something but Yoiko stole the words from her with a tender kiss. Kirzen, as intimate as she was, melted into Yoiko with the feeling of that loving kiss. Kirzen let her feelings go completely. With hesitation gone, she pressed tighter to the lovely lupine and returned the kiss with hungering desperation. Her hands caressing Yoiko and reaching down to her teardrop tail cupping it gently.

Yoiko gasped deeply. Kirzen had found the one secret Yoiko blissfully adored. She was intensely hot with desire and the sounds of the vixen's little gasps responding to Corsi's attentions just drove her even more wild. She needed Kirzen, and she needed Corsi as well. And there was only one way to do that.

Corsi had slipped between Kirzen's slightly parted thighs and was already teasing her. Gentle licks and delicate caresses placed on the sweet petals of her sex meant to pleasure Kirzen, slowly working into the little mouse slipping herself carefully inside her. Corsi was in familiar territory almost at once. The extreme tightness, the nervousness of the vixen, and the one big sign of the cherry Corsi felt with her tail.

Kirzen was indeed a virgin. She wanted to hold tight to Yoiko but Corsi's attentions were far beyond belief. The kitsune vixen's tails bouncing excitedly behind her as her trembling caused her grasp to fail. And she turned to putty in Yoiko's arms.

Yoiko knew what she wanted. Other than Corsi, Yoiko had never been truly intimate with another woman. And with as yiffy as she was, there was no turning back now. She took a moment of looking into Kirzen's eyes and knew exactly what to do. She knew Corsi's limitations by heart. What she was capable of and in particularly at this point, how long she could hold her breath. But that was to come later. Right now she had other ideas in mind. She noted Corsi's position and rolled Kirzen onto her back.

The rabbit slipped herself down on the vixen not exactly certain how she was going to do this but ready nonetheless. And when she was muzzle to muzzle with her little lover, she gave her a soft and sweet kiss to the back of her head.

Corsi, still chest deep inside Kirzen turned for a moment looking up to Yoiko. She knew that in this regard that both of them were on virgin territory. More Kirzen than Yoiko though of course. Yoiko and herself had talked about this and how she was going to help her beloved. Still this was not going to be an easy task at all.

She turned back around running her tongue along Kirzen's pulsating clit getting a soft cry from her as her reward. Yoiko leaned in and caressed the same spot on her getting quite a different reaction. Kirzen reaching down to caress the bunny's long silky ears as she wailed out with pleasure.

Kirzen was used to masturbating and the feelings that were running through her now were more intense then anything else she had ever felt. Her long tails draping over Yoiko's back as her and the mouse shared themselves with the sultry priestess. Her muzzle flushed over though it couldn't be seen through her already dark fur. Still the inner circle couldn't mistake that look on her at all. And as the vixen tensed up after just a few moments, the inevitable was near.

Yoiko was greeted quickly with her reward. The slightly bitter taste of Kirzen's orgasm coupled with her screams of absolute delight hit her senses. But she was not done, not even close. Yoiko whispered to the completely drenched mouse and Corsi nodded.

Corsi started filling Kirzen with a little pocket of air, and Yoiko turned around. There was one way for the three to enjoy each other completely and if the rabbit had anything to do with it, at this point she was not about to take 'no' for an answer.

The entire group of the outer two circles had started to come closer interested in what was going on. They heard one of the three have an orgasm but no one had stood. A pity then that only the wedding party were allowed in the innermost circle. Each of who were panting hard, watching the scene before them, the trio lying down on the podium altar. A wedding that not a one of them would soon forget.

Yoiko entwined her lets with Kirzen giving Corsi a moment to settle herself in.

"All set love." Was the signal from the mouse and she disappeared into the vixen.

"OH GODDESS! What in the world are you ... Nngh!" Kirzen cried out, as Yoiko leaned into her. Clit to clit the rabbit held herself to the vixen. Her tails wrapping out around them and holding Yoiko tightly as she started to pump their clits together mixing their sweet and sticky tastes with one another.

Corsi was hard at work pleasuring the vixen from the inside. She was the only penetration. Surrounded by darkness Corsi knew her way around. Most females were built the same, and she had been inside a virgin before. She knew how not to break their cherry and still work her into an orgasmic mess. She massaged her sweet and sensitive G-spot as the sounds of the women's mashing filled her ears and exited her that much more. It had been years since she was able to be with two women at once so for the female preferred mouse on the happiest day of her life; this was the height of her entire life. All her heart and soul was poured out in her attentions to the vixen and by the sounds she was hearing, her efforts were well accepted.

Kirzen was overwhelmed. Yoiko, as much of a novice as she was, was doing a wonderful job. The feelings rushing through the playful lady were so intense she couldn't believe it. And with another scream she came again. Her fur bristling as goose bumps covered her underneath. Corsi was flushed out of her without warning and pushed inside her rabbit lover. She reached down grabbing hold of Yoiko's legs and grinding back against her as the pleasure started to settle down and the aftershocks rippling over her like the soft waves of a crystal lake.

Eyes wide in surprise, Yoiko fell back to the floor. She was not long in finishing herself and with Corsi's sudden intrusion, she was brought up and to the brink. Her body tensed up and with a high pitched squeal on delight, Yoiko's orgasm washed over her. She came like nothing before, Her juices expelling her wife back out of her and to the floor between the priestess and herself.

Corsi's whiskers twitched. She now knew what a tennis ball felt like and she laid down to her back tired but content.

Kirzen was the first one to sit up. She looked down to the little mouse with a soft smile. She turned herself around still feeling giddy at losing her virginity and having her first multiple orgasm ever. Panting hard she laid down on her chest as Yoiko finally started to sit up as well. "Corsi, you ... you didn't cum did you?"

Yoiko's long ears twitched hearing Kirzen's words and she herself started to turn around opposite the kitsune.

Corsi simply smiled shaking her head, "No I didn't. Honestly though it feels good I adore making others..."

Kirzen didn't let her finish. Her long tongue licked out to taste her own and Yoiko's sweetness from her fur. She giggled liking the mouse's reaction of a soft little shiver. "Well part of this ceremony is for all furs to share with each other." Her words meant more for seduction. "And you must, for the glory of the God and the Goddess, allow us to share with you."

Yoiko knew exactly what was on the playful kitsune's mind. She lay down on her chest as well giving the unsuspecting mouse a soft lick up her thighs and along her tiny tailhole. And when Corsi turned around to regard her wife, a soft flush coming over her muzzle, Yoiko whispered, "Sweetheart, you sacrifice your own pleasure for mine. You do it far too often. From now on until the day we die, I will personally see to it that you are always happy and never neglected."

The six furs surrounding the trio, in unison, silently wished they were that mouse.

Kirzen leaned in, kissing Yoiko. Corsi directly in the middle of the kiss, Kirzen's tongue slipping out and snaking across Corsi's body and caressing her tenderly.

Yoiko returned the kiss knowing exactly where to take this. Her tongue came out as well to lick softly up the length of Corsi's entire body.

Twin tongues along her. Covering every inch of her body, her wife and the vixen had found something she never experienced in all her years as a pleasure pet for Greyson. Every part of her body was completely pleasured. And the fact that she was in the middle of a kiss when it happened made the feeling just that much more intense.

Yoiko sighed softly feeling immeasurable pleasure. Corsi was leaned down against her muzzle so she got a wondrous taste of her tender, tiny breasts and sweet succulent slit. At first She thought only of pleasuring her wife. But after a few moments when Kirzen flipped herself around alongside her, she started to feel like a lot more was going on then just enjoying her wife.

Kirzen had just experienced things she never for the life of her thought she ever would. She was not about to let this pair go without feeling like that once more. She stroked her hand down along Yoiko's thigh reaching up to her already ravaged slit. The already drenched rabbit easily letting her fingers slip inside. All the while the passion she shared with Yoiko and the mouse grew more and more intense.

"Mmm, Oh Goooddessssssssss" Corsi moaned as her body was ravaged from all different directions. Twin tongues lifting her up and massaging all over her tiny seductive body. She held tightly onto Yoiko's fur not knowing which way to lean. "Oh you both feel so wonderful." Her breath coming out in desperate gasps with each deep caress. Giant tongues along every inch of her body and the gentle suckling all over her drove her insane.

Yoiko was heavily into the scene herself. She had already started returning Kirzen's favor and was sending the kitsune well on her way to another orgasmic frenzy. She gyrated herself down onto Kirzen's probing fingertips, as she tasted her beloved. She was already sensitive from cumming just moments before and felt herself tense up quickly. A soft murring vibrating against the mouse and the intimate kiss of passion to the beautiful vixen, were driving Corsi into a fit.

So the ceremony was lasting a little long, who cared? By the looks of the furs all around them no one minded in the least. Save Tyche whose erection was readily showing through the robe. That was hir only gripe. Though the way hir lover Sandi was eyeing hir, they were going to have their own ceremony in private later.

Corsi came hard. Her little drops of sweet cum filling the tongues of Yoiko and Kirzen. The echoing of that tiny mouse heard all the way in the back circle. Just the sound of Corsi's scream sent Yoiko into her own orgasm. The two wives shivering against each other. Finishing the ceremony with the good omen of simultaneously finishing.

Kirzen could not hold back either. And just as they were finishing Yoiko's quivering hand set her off. Not as powerful as before but with as much pleasure as she felt that day it didn't matter.

The three women laid there on the ground at peace. Kirzen forced herself up looking down to the bunny and her micro mouse mate. "I now with great pleasure and pride, pronounce you partners in life."

The End?

Corsi Incorporated is copyright

Joey Porter 2001

All characters mentioned are used with permission

And are copyright their respective players.

Corsi INC 15

Chapter 15 Things had finally started to slow down around town. Corsi and Yoiko's names were plastered all over the front pages of the paper right after the wedding as expected. For a while they were barely able to go out on the town without...

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Corsi INC 13

It's the little things that make life great. Jaxx awoke in the room lying comfortably on one of the tables. He was curled up in a content little ball and left his eyes closed for a moment. In the moments between being asleep and fully...

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Corsi INC 12

Now That's what I call Master Jaxx had gotten off work several hours ago. And as usual he went to visit Greyson for his usual training. His mind was wandering through thoughts of the past weekend and waking up on the floor with the rabbit. He...

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