Neek's Family

Story by espeonyiffer on SoFurry

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My name is Aneeka, or Neek for short. I'm an Espeon, a dull whitish silver in color with light lavender eyes. I exercise often, so I'm somewhat more toned than your average city Espeon, but it pays off. I'm quite comfortable with my appearance, I like what I see when I look into the mirror, though I'm not obsessed with my own appearance I do like looking pretty.

I live in Manhattan in a large apartment with my human friend Lenny and a bunch of other Pokemon, and were all a big happy family. Lenny makes sure that I'm always looking me best. Every week or so he'll comb my fur and give me a nice hot bath. When I get a little dirty I can turn on the shower and rinse off real quick. I need to look nice and decent, my vocation and hobby demands it.

My hobby is not exactly conventional or traditional, many creatures like myself enjoy battling with their trainers, others like agility training and catching Frisbees or herding sheep. I personally aren't into any of those things.

I'm not a nymphomaniac, but I do enjoy mating more than most Espeons. My lifestyle to a large degree revolves around it, or else I wouldn't be surrounded by the humans and Pokemon like myself whom I've come to call my family.

Lenny is obviously very important, as he's the one who keeps us sheltered and fed. He loves mating as much as the rest of us do and my first time doing it with a human was with Lenny.

We were both in a bad situation at the time we had met up. I was a year old and was in a city shelter. My old family got rid of me. When I was newly evolved the teenage son of the family in private started to lick my vulva, which was what got me into sex to begin with. One day his parents walked in on us and like true assholes tried to pin it all on me and left me to die in the shelter.

Fortunately a young guy named Lenny happened upon me in the shelter. He was having hard times and was was working there for a little extra cash, and to search for a potential "playmate" to bring home with him. So one day as he was feeding me he snuck in a feel at my teats and quickly moved on as though it were an accident. Each day he got more and more playful, and eventually it would become a daily routine.

He would come in and hug and pet the other canine Pokemon in my particular kennel then he'd walk over to me and kneel beside me and then very discreetly slip two fingers into my vagina. To any humans watching from afar it looked as though he were merely petting and stroking me while he was actually fingering me and pinching my teats. This would last for no more than a minute, then he would go on with his cart stacked with bowls as though nothing had happened.

He made advances like this toward most of the other canine and feline Pokemon in my cage and those around mine, but I was the only one who really accepted it and enjoyed it. After these sessions with Lenny (whom at the time was only an nameless shelter employee to me) I felt horny and needy.

I would start licking myself down there, I would slurp myself madly and not really care if any of my cage mates or human shelter workers were watching, I was really wanton and all my cage mates could scent that I was horny.

During this window of time I mated for the first time, with an older Ninetails who I never really knew the name of. We mated very frequently, he made me aware that he disapproved of me letting humans "play" with me in that way, but there was nothing he could really do to stop me, and he couldn't have minded too much because we started mating many times a day.

This continued a week or so until some prissy old nanny moved him into the stall to the right of mine because one day a married couple with a little girl came looking to adopt, and we were in the middle of mating and the little girl saw as and she was like, "Mommy, why is that Ninetails jumping on that Espeon?".

So basically we were separated for corrupting the youth, which is somewhat ironic as it human youth that had turned me into a freak in the first place. After that my sex life consisted mainly of Lenny fingering me briefly during feeding time and me licking my self for a minute or two later until I had decided I had enough. I wasn't able to find another playmate, so I basically slept all the time and waited for Lenny to show up.

Then Lenny got promoted to a job at the adoption department desk, so he didn't get to come back and see me much anymore. I missed him, I started to realize that he had become my best friend in this place.

One night Lenny got stuck with the midnight shift, it was the least desirable time slot, but he had volunteered, which was unusual among the shelter employees. He waited till about 2:00 when all the other employees had left for the night. He closed the blinds in the front and locked the door, the place looked closed for the night.

Lenny came over to my stall, and woke me up, I was surprised to see him as he hadn't been around for days and I was lonely. I nuzzled his jeans and he knelt beside me. All the others in my cage had been long asleep, I raised my tail and waited for him to start massaging me. Instead of how things usually went though, Lenny stroked my head fur and scritched my behind an ear.

"Come on Neek', I've got a place for us to have some fun." He said as he motioned out of the stall. I grinned and nodded. As I followed him, out of the stall I trotted happily and sniffed the air, I hadn't been out of that damn stall since my bastard "family" dumped me there.

He took me into a narrow hallway which I had never been down, I knew from overhearing the employees talking that the vet room room was down that wing, as well as the employee lounge. The lounge was at the end of the short hall and up a staircase, Lenny took out a key and opened the door. It was dark, and silent but for the faint droning of the air conditioner.

The light was flipped on, I could see that the room was relatively small, to one side against the wall was a water cooler, and a vending machine. To the side of that on a small table was a coffee maker as well as an assortment of paper cups and other coffee related stuff. There was a thick green carpet, which felt very soft and cushy beneath my paws. There was a slider on the switch, and Lenny dimmed the lights to about candlelight level.

There was a long orange leather couch against the wall beneath a picture window, which had the shades opened to provide a view of the city streets below and the night sky. The building across the street was a low rise, and nobody down on the streets could see us anyway, so we didn't have to worry about anybody to seeing in. It was obvious that Lenny had the place set up in advance, as there was a large beach towel spread across the floor before the couch.

The night table had also been moved to the side, I knew enough to figure out that the coffee table normally would have been directly in front of the coffee table. Instead it was crookedly placed to the left of the couch near a plant.

I stepped onto the spread out towel, it's softness added even more spring to the carpet as I walked upon it, but it felt nice and comfortable. I was still a tad sleepy, and if I wasn't anticipating this opportunity to "have a little fun" with Lenny I might have curled up right there and fell asleep.

Lenny immediately kicked off his shoes (for some dumb reason I remember that he was wearing Hanes socks that day) and crawled over to me. Immediately he started kissing on the side of my muzzle. When us canine and feline Pokemon are being affectionate with our mates we usually nuzzle each other or neck, but humans just love to kiss all the time.

I was always a bit grossed out by kissing, but being smooched by Lenny was actually kind of cool. He eventually started kissing me on my nose, at which point opened my muzzle and licked him on the face. He laughed after I did this and wiped my slobber from his face with his tee shirt, which he then ripped off and tossed onto the couch.

"You rock Neek!" He laughed as he hugged me and started groping at my upper body, his fingers kneading through my fur as he pressed his chest into my side. He leaned his weight against me and I fell onto my side with a heavy thump, the soft carpet cushioned my short fall.

Lenny fell right beside me, he wrapped an arm around me and held me closer to him as he petted me and kissed my muzzle as he giggled impishly, and I couldn't help but laugh too. We were having fun. The forked ends of my long prehensile tail rested upon Lenny's legs as he snuggled up to me. My forelegs and paws were pressed between our bodies, it was a bit awkward, but not uncomfortable.

He took two fingers and brought them to my face, he very gently worked my mouth open and put them inside. They tasted salty, and I shot Lenny a questioning look.

"Just suck on them for a second." He instructed. I did as he said, and once his fingers were covered in my sticky saliva he removed them from my mouth. Lenny took his moistened hand straight down to my crotch, feeling around for my vulva for a few moments before I helped him out and lifted my hind leg for him to get to me better. With my cooperation he found his target and his two saliva lubed fingers penetrated me.

"Ahh! Yeah!" I shouted out, not caring that Lenny couldn't understand Pokemon language. Despite the barrier my partner got the picture, and started fingering me. I really am not the type that moans and screams and talks dirty during sex, so I just rested my head against the soft cushioned floor, closed my eyes and took deep slow breaths as I enjoyed the feeling of my walls grabbing at Lenny's fingers as he penetrated me.

I was too busy enjoying getting fingered to realize that my tail was slowly swaying in a feline like way, or that my ears were twitching slightly as my adrenaline pumped. Lenny kissed my face as he continued to work his fingers deep inside me.

Personally I was just glad that I could sit back and enjoy being stimulated and not have to worry about trying to hide it from any passing shelter employees and know that I could only enjoy the sensation for a precious minute or so before Lenny had to move on or risk being caught.

As Lenny continued to finger me he held me to his bosom with his free arm and began to rub his crotch against my shaggy belly fur. He was still wearing those worn out blue jeans and his bulge was obvious as I felt it rubbing through his pants and bumping into my teats.

Then, it came to me. Duh, I could mate with him! The thought had eluded me for so long, even though many my early sexual encounters were with humans the thought of a Pokemon and a human actually mating with one another had never crossed me.

In hindsight that was obviously what Lenny had intended all along, his interest in me, our brief blissful encounters in the past, how he had managed on this particular night to be all alone in the building, to have a room set up just for this purpose.

I thought back to when I had first started mating with that Ninetails, that had changed me deeply, the feeling of being penetrated by another creature's sex organ. Just the thought of it made me even more needy and wanton as Lenny massaged my mound and dry humped me. It had been two long weeks since I had last had the chance to have sex with Ninetails.

I had made up my mind, I was going to screw this human tonight. I had already been desensitized to the taboo on human/Pokemon mating that humans had always held, and to many of us mating is a personal thing, and you may mate with anyone or anything you choose so long as you aren't harming anybody.

With a pang of reluctance I rolled over, Lenny's fingers slipped out of me and I rose to my paws. As I stood up I realized how wet the fur around my vulva had gotten, and how sensitive my flesh had become. The air of the room felt freezing cold against me, and it was quite nice. I stretched out a bit, Lenny hadn't moved and inch and laid at that same spot from which he had hugged me earlier. I presented my rear end to him and moved my tail to the side, a universal request for mating.

I backed up into him until my tail was brushing against Lenny's face, I gave him a chance to scent my heat and was too horny to consider the fact that human's couldn't smell these things like I could. I lowered my rump to Lenny's face level and sat down with my belly to the towel and my forepaws at the edge of the towel. I had submitted to him and awaited mounting.

Lenny had other ideas. I felt his hands on my hind legs, gently he motioned for me to lay on my side, so I did. Lenny placed his head between my hindlegs, my raised hindpaw resting on the small of his back. I couldn't exactly fathom what he was doing, but trusted that whatever he was about to do was something my body was going to like, a lot.

I was right in trusting him. With his head between my legs he very gently pulled my lips apart and with the tip of his tongue started teasing the wet pink flesh in between them. That felt excellent, beyond excellent! Shut my eyes and arched my head back in ecstasy.

"Yikes!" I shouted in pleasant surprise. Though I didn't know it at the time, Lenny had been with enough creatures to know for the most part what they were saying during sex. Lenny said nothing, but continued to lick me.

I started writhing around from all the excitement and energy the sensations were giving me. Lenny held my thighs in place as he continued licking me, his stroked on my tender pink flesh went from a gentle tease with the tip of his tongue to him voraciously slurping on my mound in a way that made my toes curl and my tail twitch madly.

Him licking me down there made me feel like I needed to pee really bad, but I held it in tight, and the longer I held it in the better the licking felt. At that point in my life I had yet to have an orgasm (or know what one was for that matter), but Lenny's licking brought me very very close for a moment or two. Lenny kept on licking me for what must have been five minutes, though it seemed like much longer.

He retreated finally, and slumped back against the padded base of the couch as he wiped my sticky fluids from my lips and gasped, trying to catch his breath. I was also panting slightly, as I lifted my head from the floor I found the need to clean my crotch area, liking away all of the juices and saliva that had matted my fur around that area. Grooming myself down there was nice as I was already sensitive from the sucking and licking Lenny had just given me, but I lacked the urge to go all out and pleasure myself.

I looked over to the shirtless Lenny, the lump in his pants painfully obvious. I could scent the fluids that he had already been releasing just from sheer excitement. He unzipped his fly and pulled his pants down, tossing them to the side of the couch. He also yanked down his boxers and was now completely non clothed (not counting his socks).

This was exciting for me because I had never seen a nude human before, I always wondered what they were hiding beneath those clothes, now I knew. I examined him for a moment, he was already oozing sticky fluid and I had knew from my experience with Ninetails that his erection signaled a readiness to mate.

I raised my tail once again, exposing myself to Lenny. As I did this he lifted himself off the ground and was sitting on the edge of the thick couch cushion. With a hand gesture he motioned me over to where he was sitting he petted my briefly, patting my head and scritched me behind both ears.

He placed one hand on my rump and very gently motioned for me to turn around. I followed his guiding motion, accidentally batting him in the face with my tail as I did so. Instead of yelling at me or swatting my tail out of his face he stroked my tail for a few moments, even hugging it at one point before I politely placed my tail across the upper half of Lenny's leg, the forked end resting on the cushion.

Lenny parted his legs a bit, just enough to fit my rear between them as he sat on the edge of the couch and I stood on all fours before him. With his hands he guided me back until my rump hit the soft cushion of the sofa. I could feel one hand on my back, another near my privates, spreading my lips apart slightly and holding me steady. I felt the tip of his cock kiss my vulva, our sticky fluids mingling for the first time. Slowly and carefully he arched forward on the cushion (the cushion was a bit saggy, so he didn't have to get up to thrust) and penetrated me.

I liked the feeling, it felt different from the cock of my previous partner the Ninetails. Not bigger, or better, but different, and new. I was still new to intercourse so anything new was exciting and adventurous for me.

He put his hands on my thighs, kneading my muscles through my fine lavender coat. I knew I was ready to be bread, so I backpedaled into Lenny and very slowly savored the sensation of being penetrated by a human cock for the first time. I started slowly swaying my tail again, the sensations were awesome and delicious, I probably could have shot a psybeam powerful enough to destroy the room had I not closed my eyes and calmed myself down.

Lenny froze too, he grabbed my thighs tightly, the pleasure was strong for him too. From his position on the couch he held me by the undersides of my hind legs and started humping me.

From that point I just sat there and enjoyed the ride, the hormonal high was sweet enough, let alone the sensual friction that was coursing in waves through me. As my mate slipped in and out of me I started to feel that "I need to pee." sensation emanating from within my loins, and like before it grew stronger and stronger as the stimulation from Lenny's cock continued.

I probably could have let my bladder loose right there as Lenny was mating with me, but I later learned that your body has a "shut off valve" to make it hard to pee during mating. Because of this fact, I stood there as I held in the urine as tightly as I could, and the tighter I squeezed the better the friction of Lenny's cock felt.

He continued to nail me for about six more seconds until Lenny slowed down his pace suddenly, grabbing my thighs and holding himself deep into me as I felt his seamen release in spurts into my womb. Compared to the Ninetails his seed felt very cool, almost like it came out of a fridge. The feeling of the cold sticky fluid entering me was beyond bliss.

For a minute or so I stood there with his cock in me and a wet sticky feeling around my stretched pubic lips. I took a step forward and yelped as Lenny's meat withdrew from me. I knew Lenny was spent, and I was quite satisfied myself even though I had yet to experience an orgasm.

I sat a few feet away from the spot where I had mated with Lenny, I curled up and started grooming myself around my belly and my vulva. The whole area was matted in body fluids, some mine, some Lenny's. The stuff didn't taste good, but I had to get clean, so I lapped it up and swallowed it down.

Lenny cleaned himself up too, and then rearranged everything to be as it was when he found it. He slipped the bottle of lube into his pocket and guided me toward the door. In hindsight it's pretty amazing that ne never even needed to use the lube.

I felt very tired afterwards, as I followed Lenny down the hall and back to where my cage was I instantly collapsed into a sleeping puddle of well laid Espeon. I don't remember what Lenny did as I passed out on the floor basking in my afterglow.

The next few days passed, nothing else happened, I never even saw Lenny, and I was afraid that Lenny got caught or something and was fired. It was four days later (and poor me without a good fuck) that an employee put a lead around my neck and took me into the front lobby.

Lenny was at the desk in shorts and a tie dye shirt, signing forms. He glanced over to me and winked as I was lead in, and I knew that he was adopting me.

I was happier then than I had been my entire life, I bounced around as he took my lead and guided me over to his beat up old car. I hadn't been outside in weeks and boy did the sunlight feel good on me!

My life with Lenny in his apartment was just about everything I could have wanted. On one hand I was sort of child like, I liked being walked out in the park and playing with children and watching cartoons on TV, and at the same time I also enjoyed tonguing myself, having sex with Lenny in every position imaginable, and watching porn. On average I would get laid by him two or sometimes three times a day.

I also exercised my psychic powers a lot, and with much practice I learned how to speak into Lenny's mind. He would then speak out loud to me to answer since he was not psychic. I also learned to read and type on his computer by holding a pencil in my mouth and using the eraser to peck out messages on the keys. This mainly was used to have cybersex and go on porn sites. I don't think most of the people I screwed over the internet could have known that I was not roleplaying when I told them that I was an Espeon, but who cares?

I was happy, very happy. I had finally had the beginnings of what seemed to be a loving home, though it was just Lenny and I couldn't help but forsee that we would soon become a much bigger, and happier family.