Decisions and Sacrfice One

Story by whipblade on SoFurry

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#2 of Decisions and Sacrifice Fic

Chapter one.

Authors note: Thank you to all those who have helped me through this peice. And to Sick Puppy, Karin & Ylva who without, I would be pulling my hair out.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Biker Mice From Mars characters in any way. They are being used and abused without permission by their founders and copyright holders. This is purely fiction (Not Real) and I am making no money from it.



Decisions and Sacrifice



[email protected]


The thick black smoke didn't help the situation any as the building continued to crumble around the combatants. The old printing warehouse- converted to serve Limburger's latest scheme- Now currently being ruined by the heroic Biker Mice- was failing to hold up to the on going battle.

Concrete and dry wall fell from above, adding to the already choking atmosphere. Walls trembled with the gun fire and explosions, vehicals skidded upon the heaving floors.

"YOW! Rock on!" Vinnie yelled as he maneuvered his sleek red racing bike around the falling slabs of cement. His white tail whipped in the air catching a goon up side the head, sending him flying out of his dune buggy, which crashed into a printing press.

Noticing his deminishing army the seven foot leader hollared. "I'm gonna a-blit-r-rate you mouse-ies!" shaking his fist in the air, oil splashed with each movement.

"Right, you and what sling shot, Greasepit? " Retaliated Modo who, astride his bike, fired at the giant human-like alien from behind a stack of ink barrels.

Greasepit continued to fire at the giant gray mouse, although the head henchman of Limburger's force had yet to actually hit a mouse.

"This place isn't going to take much more!" Throttle yelled as he popped a wheelie, his bikes front cannons returning the favor to three goons who thought it wise to take on the biker mice leader.

Throttle hit his rockets, avoiding a big slab of concrete falling from above, it crashed to the uneven floor shattering. One such piece hit a dune buggy forcing the driver to vacate.

"AAHHHWWWWOOOOOOO!" Vinnie shouted in pure glee, he stuck a flare and tossed it into Greasepit's lap. The big dolf gave a shout as he did the 'Fallen cigarette in crotch dance'.

"We better book bros!" Modo yelled as he gunned his engine, thankful for Greasepit's predicament and burned overalls. "Or we'll be Biker Mice pan cakes." He finished sending a barrage of fire towards fleeing goons in dune buggies.

"I'm with you big guy!" Throttle yelled gunning his engine. "Let's Rock ... AND RIDE!"

Modo joined in on the battle cry as Throttle blasted a large hole in the buildings side.

"Right behind ..." Vinnie's shout echoed along with his revving engine from somewhere deep inside the warehouse.

Modo and Throttle escaped the confines of the unstable printing warehouse, they both skidded to a stop pulling a U-ie just in time to see the derelict building come to a crashing end.

Black smoke tumbled skywards from the heap of rubble as flaming green bills fell downwards. Movement from the other side of the ruins caught the attention of both mice.

"This isn't over mouse-ies." Greasepit yelled as he retreated in his Grudge cycle.

"Tell it to the fan club!" Throttle shouted back watching the environmentally hazardous vehicle become smaller. He shook his tan head at the idiocy of some folks.

Modo's eye scanned the area for their thrill seeking bro. "Where's Vinnie?"

Throttle hummed while searching around the crumbled building. "He was right behind us." Throttle paused, his focus shifting to the pile of flaming rubble. "Oh man,"

"Oh momma" Modo whimpered as he started towards the building remains. His expression was that of worry, concern and fear. Heading left, he scanned the ruins through the heat and flames, hoping that his sometimes annoying but life-loving bro wasn't in there.

Throttle headed right, cruising slowly as he searched the rubble. He didn't have the fire to contend with, but rather the thick black choking smoke. The tan mouse was praying to what ever Martian gods there maybe, that they would find Vinnie, before it was too late.

A splash of red among the rubble grabbed Modo's attention. The big mouse leapt off his bike and tossed a slab of concrete and steel out of his way. He picked up Vinnie's intact helmet, shifting slabs out of his way, he dug around only to come up empty handed. The heat of the fires forced the mouse to retreat from the spot. Helmet in hand, Modo continued his daunting search.

Throttle broke hard springing off his bike and onto the rubble. The thick smoke didn't part as he scrambled over sharp mortor, his helmet visor in Deep-space mode. Swingng blood stained concrete out of the way he came across Vincents bike, moving a partly melted beam he spotted Vinnie's limp entangled leg over the back wheel.

"MODO!" Throttle screamed in near panic as he hefted the scratched and dented bike out of the rubble. Throttle caught site of Vinnie, still partially buried.

Recklessly tossing more bricks, mortar and concrete aside, Throttle came across a sight he never wanted to see.

Vinnie's mask was indented into his cheek, blood ooze from beneath. The poor white mouse's jaw was crooked and slack, blood trickled out of the open mouth. The leg that had been trapped underneath the heavy Martian bike, was angled wrong.

Kneeling, Throttle leaned over and with a shaky hand, he nervously searched Vinnie's blood soaked neck for a pulse. He held his breath trying to find anything.

Modo's bike screeched as it came to a halt.

His shadow fell over Throttle. Looking over his bros shoulder, Modo uttered more than 'oh momma,' a prayer and tears mingled with curses. "He.." Modo trailed off unable to say the words. He didn't want that to be his bro, he wanted to think it was a civilian who got trapped, but deep down he knew. He just couldn't help but realize the white mouse wasn't breathing.

"He's alive, barley." Throttle sighed watching his fallen bros chest slowly rise and then fall with uneven shallow breaths. "Call Charley, I don't wanna move him just yet." Throttle said clearing more debris away from his bro.

Modo made a mad dash for his bike and the radio mike.

The Last Chance Garage owned and operated by Charlene Davidson was for once in tip top shape. Everything was clean and in its place, the garage practically twinkled it was that spotless.

"Those mice make house cleaning an Olympic sport." she muttered wiping the last streak off her bay window.

"Charley girl! Pick up! Please." Modo's panicked voice came over the CB radio.

Charley wandered over disposing of her rag in the trash bin. She never heard any of the guys sound so panicked and terror-stricken before. Picking up the CB mike she clicked in "I'm here."

"Vinnie's hurt bad, we need yah and yer truck Charley ma'am." Modo said in a rush.

"I'm on my way." She replied dropping the mike into its cradle, she grabbed the two first aid kits before the keys to her tow truck. She wasn't too sure what to expect.

Throttle placed the neck brace on Vinnie before kneeling down at his bros head. Carefully lifting Vinnie's shoulders, Modo slid a stretcher partway under Vincent.

Modo moved to Vinnie's waist, feet straddling his bro. Modo carefully lifted Vinnie up, the sickening sound of blood and fur being pulled away from pavement gave both Throttle and Modo the shivers. Throttle finished sliding the stretcher under Vinnie, Modo gently laid his bros body down. The two carefully maneuvered the stretcher over the uneven terrain. They tenderly laid Vincent down on the sidewalk.

"Throttle.." Modo started.

"Yeah?" Throttle didn't look at his gray furred bro as he took of his vest and cover Vinnie with it.

"We can't take Vinnie to a doctor." Modo said as Charley girl readied her truck for transportation, she had yet to see Vinnie's condition.

"I know Modo, I know." Throttle muttered, a course of action already forming in his head.

Twin green eyes fell on the bloodied battered and broken body of Vincent. His snow white fur was stained in red, dark bruises and welts showed through, and his leg. The audible gasp from Charley turned both mice heads. Her hands covered her mouth as tears filled her eyes.

"Vinnie..." her voice strained to hold back a sob.

"He's alive.. is there..?"Modo's puppy dog expression aimed for Charley Girls heart.

"I never..oh Vinnie." Charley bent down to look over the poor white mouse. "I don't have the training for this guys, this is way out of my league."

"A doctor will turn us into extraterrestrial experiments if we bring him to a hospital." Modo said solemnly.

"You watch too much Tv." She said, her voice light and humorless. "But we wont be able to hide you from the authorities if we go to a hospital."

"Get him on my bike." Throttle ordered. "We gotta do something for him, and there's only one place he can go." He didn't come to the decision lightly, but it was the only way. They were out of options and time.

"Throttle your not seriously thinking.." Modo started looking at his bro, who he respected, admired, but seriously doubted at this moment.

"Get him on my bike." Throttle almost yelled his teeth clenched in frustration. His tail giving away his true emotion: fear.

"Your crazy!" Charley exclaimed as she helped Modo with Vinnie. Throttle helping bind the stretcher in place. "Putting him in the truck would be easier." She turned to the tawny mouse once Vinnie was secured.

"But the truck can't out maneuver the towers defenses." Throttle's low voice said as he mounted his bike, his tail wrapping around Vinnie's waist.

"Bro, you can't do this! It'll be suicide to go to HIM!" Modo pleaded.

"Maybe, but I refuse to let my bro die without doing everything possible." Throttle snapped popping the clutch, Throttle looked to Modo. "Take care of her." Revving his bike, taking off as fast as he could towards Limburger tower.

"Oh mama." Modo said watching the exhaust fumes Throttles bike left behind.

Sirens sounded in the distance. Charley secured Vinnie's bike to the tow before hopping into the trucks cab. "We better be scarce before those sirens get here."

Modo nodded in agreement as he sat a stride Lil' Darlin'.

"Maybe Throttle will be able to get Vinnie to Mars." Her soft voice whispered out the open window.

"I dunno, ma'am." Modo started as he escorted Charley girl back to the Last Chance. "I don't think anyone on Mars can help Vinnie."


Throttle took a deep breath as he activated his bikes weaponry. Blasting through Limburger's weak building defense was one thing normally, but with Vinnie out cold on the back, this time it was a challenge. Even with the drag created by Vinnie's prone body and Throttle's delicate maneuvering to ensure minimal jerky motions. It ended like always, the defenses breached and a new hole in the buildings side.

Once inside the Limburger Tower, Throttle made his way to his intended destination.

A hole erupted in Karbunkle's underground lab wall, Throttle skidded to a stop in front of the transporter, dozens of blasters pointed at him.

Karbunkle stood rather nervously near by.

"Got a deal for you doc." Throttle said as he tossed his weapon to Karbunkle's feet and removed his helmet.

"Go on, I'm listening." Karbunkle wheezed watching in suspicion as the biker mouse dismounted the motorcycle, resting the helmet on the handle bars.

"You take care of Vinnie, fix him up with no funny stuff. And " with a sigh the mouse continued "I'll be cooperative as your prisoner." Throttle said, his body reflecting calmness, although inside his mind was screaming to hit the transporter button and get Vinnie to Mars, to at least to die on home soil.

Karbunkle waved his hands for the goons to shoo. As the company left Karbunkle walked closer to the mouse. "I see, and just how do I know you will ahhh.. co operate?"

"You have my word, as a Biker Mouse." Throttle said as he watched Karbunkle remove Vinnie's helmet.

The red stained mouse didn't even groan as Karbunkle gingerly examined him. "All right, you... have ahh... a deal." Karbunkle said as Throttle carefully picked Vinnie up.

"Put him over there." Karbunkle said pointing to a steel table.

The tawny mouse winced slightly at the order but he obeyed none the less. He didn't give a damn about his pride, he would bow down to Limburger himself if it meant keeping Vincent safe and alive. Throttle gingerly laid Vinnie down and whispered in the white mouses ear. "I'm not losing you bro."

Karbunkle studied the Motorcycle carefully, touching a saddlebags flap, the bike revved loudly forcing the scientist to jump back with a startled shout. Throttle's bike knew that it wasn't safe here, as much as her rider mattered to her, so did her own safety. She fled.

Throttle chuckled hearing his bike crash and battle her way out of the building. He didn't see the shadow fall over him till it was too late. Grease covered hands roughly grabbed Throttle from behind pulling the tan mouse away from the injured. "Hey! I wanna see him at all times." The mouse protested as he was tossed into a jail cell.

"You'll see whatever wes want yahs ta see...rat." Greasepit grinned as he practically danced out of the lab to Limburger's Office.

"we won! We won! We Won boss!" Greasepit sang happily entering the Plutarkian's office.

"What do you mean. We won?" Limburger demanded. He stood up glaring in disgust at the oil dripping off the henchman and onto his new carpet.

"Boss, two of them mice-ies are in the lab." Greasepit smiled. "We won!"

"You infuriating dolt! There must be a reason!" Limburger snarled as he whacked the greasy goon over the head with his cane.

Oil splashed onto the Plutarkian, using his red hankie Limburger wiped the grease off. "Mice don't surrender, irritatingly enough they pretend surrender before they destroy my precious building!" hitting a button on his desk. Limburger, desk and all, vanished through a hidden elevator in the floor.

The lift slammed against the labs floor. "Karbunkle!" Limburger called out looking over the laboratory. Seeing the doctor bent over something on the rack and something in a cell. Limburger did a double take. It was a mouse, the leader of the Biker Mice pacing the cell. "It is a glorious day indeed." the fat man in a purple suit said walking up to the cell. "To have you behind bars, your friends must be in a state of loss." he grinned his fish breath causing Throttle to gag.

"Try just one." Throttle growled, his tail twitching sharply.

"OH? So it is just one." Limburger said turning to study the thing on Karbunkle's table. "Well Karbunkle, what are you doing?" The Plutarkian asked as he strolled away from the tan mouse.

"Working." Karbunkle snapped ignoring his boss.

Limburger peered over the doctors shoulder to gaze upon the red stained mouse. It took him a couple of minutes before he realized he was looking at the white Biker Mouse, without the mask on. The fish shuddered in disgust at the mouses scared half face. "I see. Enjoy experimenting Karbunkle." Limburger said as he pranced off like a young child who just received a prized Christmas gift.

"I hope their all right." Modo uttered for the umteenth time.

"They'll be fine." Charley shouted over the noise of her air compressor and wrench. "Don't worry."

Hearing an odd rumble that wasn't the compressor, Modo turned just in time to jump out of the way. Throttle's silver and black knock off of a Harley's soft tail came barreling into the garage bay, she skidded to a stop just inches from where Modo had been pacing.

Modo leaned closer to the bike as it blinked and beep frantically. "Easy darlin' Throttle n' Vinnie will be fine...." he promised the bike, although didn't believe it himself.

The A.I. calmed down before turning off.

"Throttle took Vin-man to HIM." Modo sighed.

Hearing Modo's voice, Charlene paused her activity, the compressor going silent. She looked up over the red wreckage that somewhat resembled a motorbike. "How do you know?" she asked unable to see anything below Modo's neck.

"Throttle's ride just danced in." Modo explained pointing downwards.

Charley girl ducked her head underneath the dented red frame. Sure enough Throttle's bike was resting in her garage bay, right beside Modo's Darlin'.

"Now Modo, you can worry." She said her face wrinkling in concern.


Throttle groaned as he started to wake up. His head pounding as if a rock concert was still going on inside of it. Opening his eyes he quickly closed them against the bright light that burned from above.

He tried to recall where he was, the thick fog in his head seemed to slowly dissipate as he remembered Vinnie on a torturous operating table, and a goon standing in front of the cell door, a gun aimed at Throttle himself. The loud pop was the last thing he remembered.

Groggily, he tried to sit up only to slowly realize that he was shackled to a table. He turned his head away from the light, squinting, he could just barley make out Fred the Mutant gnawing on an exposed wire, electrical currents clearly zapping his body; the mutant was in ecstacy.

Weak moans made him turn his head in the opposite direction. He could just make out the cell door, but not inside where Vinnie was recovering.

"Don't talk Vincent." Throttle's sandy voice recommended.

The tawny mouse faintly wondered if Vinnie was given drugs, or if it was the pain from the injuries and surgery that made his bro groan in pain.

"Good advice rodent." Came Karbunkle's sadistic voice as his cold gloved hands took a hold of Throttle's face. "Your mine." He hissed leaning close to the mouses face.

Throttle grunted as wires became hooked to his eyelids forcing them open. The pain from the hooks was one thing, but the light was burning his eyes, a weak scream escaped his mouth.

"Don't talk" wafered into Vinnie's ears, he kept his eyes closed while his mind wadded through the murky darkness of pain and confusion. The surrounding smell wasn't of the hangout or the garage. The air seemed thick with smoke and alcohol, the under laying scent of Plutarkian, the arid smell of various chemicals and metals were abundant.

Vinnie recalled Throttle and Modo giving the order to vacate the printing warehouse. A chunk of falling mortar knocked his red and silver helmet off, not pausing to retrieve it, he blasted a hole in the side of the building then the world went black.

Vinnie's red eyes popped open to the sound of Throttle's scream. Through the blurred vision Vinnie made out Karbunkle standing over something sprawled out in a chair like object. Vinnie tried to open his mouth only to find sharp pain and a metallic taste over his tongue. The white mouse wisely took Throttle's advice and didn't talk.

Instead with his vision clearing, he watched in pain filled silence as his bro screamed. Karbunkle looming over Throttle with a drill and a small suction hose. The sound of machines, suction of blood and other noises that Vinnie never wanted to hear again, was being heard. It sent shivers up and down his white spine.

It seemed like an eternity had passed when the insane scientists hands finally left his face. His tawny tail lashed violently with the pain and his blackened world. He scarcely thought of Modo and his bionic right eye.

Throttle felt gauze being placed over the sockets where his eyes once were, then bandage wrapped around his head to keep the gauze in place.

On watery legs in a dark world, he was led across the room before being shoved hard in the back.

Throttle slammed against the brick wall, the clang of a cell door shut somewhere behind him. Feeling along the walls, he came to a bunk, and an out stretched hand.

"Bro?" Throttle muttered softly, his voice horse from screaming. He felt along the arm to the mouses head, feeling the left ear, the ear rings, the cheek. Throttles fingers danced over the shaved fur of the young adult face. "It's alright." he said groping Vinnie's face, feeling the stitches, the metal object around the muzzle, the two furred cheeks.

Throttle paused, 'Two furred cheeks?' he felt up wards on both sides of Vinnie's face until his fingers just grazed a mass of scars on the right.

Vinnie abruptly jerked his head away from Throttles curious fingers.

"It'll be over soon." Throttle whispered sitting down beside his bro. 'How could that twisted scientist take Vinnie's mask?' he snarled to himself. 'I didn't even know it could come off.' "You'll be fixed up in no time Vincent, just gonna take a bit for your jaw to heal." Throttle said trying to convince himself that maybe Vinnie's mask had been moved slightly but wasn't off.

Vinnie gathered his leader and bro in his arms, hanging on for dear life. Vinnie knew of Throttle's fear of blindness, their shared fears of Karbunkle's twisted lab. Vinnie had his own fear of being seen by anyone who meant anything to him, without the flex-plate shielding covering his scared right side of his face, he felt naked, exposed and hideous.

Unable to recall how he had gotten into Limburger's clutches or why he was in Karbunkle's lab where once again the deranged doctor eagerly resumed torturous experiments. He wasn't even sure if he escaped the warehouse before or after the collapse.

Vinnie wanted to ask so many questions about why and how they had gotten there and where their bikes and Modo were. But with out a mouth, the silent white mouse just curled up with his bro. Both nervous as to what was going to happen next.

Vinnie watched as Karbunkle adjusted the rack, and set up a new surgical pack. A goon strolled from the shadows holding a gun.

Throttle's tail whipped erratically back and forth, the sound of it slapping against the cold concrete walls started to ease Vinnie's mood as he was once again on Karbunkle's table. Vinnie's own tail joined in with Throttle's. They somehow managed to come up with the rhythem for Bad moon Rising.

Vinnie didn't groan, grunt or even complain as Karbunkle worked over him. The feeling in his mouth wasn't pleasant, but it didn't hurt as much either. If he could only get near a toothbrush, it would make his day a whole lot better. He wondered if the psycho doctor actually used morphine for once, or if the lack of pain was a result of destroyed nerve endings.

Throttle listened to Vinnie's silence and Karbunkle's complaints to the lack there of. Throttle hated not seeing, it was bad enough that the Plutarkian's had taken his vision back on Mars, now, the deranged alien doctor had taken his eyes away. It was infuriating, frightening and frustrating all over again. Throttle didn't let his uncertainties show in his face or voice, he had to be strong, he had to be there for Vincent. At least until Vincent was safe and out of harms way far, far away from Karbunkle. Then Throttle decided that would be the time to worry. Right now, it was time for information.

"Hey doc, what are you doing to him?" Throttle asked overly politely, the various drilling sounds had been silent for mere seconds.

Karbunkle paused in his work to gaze over his shoulder. "Reinforcing your rat friends jaw."

"Mouse. With what?" Throttle's almost sing song voice pried.

"The strongest substance in the universe."

Throttle grinned playfully. "Adamantium?"

"No, that's too hard to work with you over grown flea bag!"

"Then what?"

"Plutarkian glass steel. Now shut up!" Karbunkle ordered starting the drill back up.

With a chuckle Throttles tail stilled as he sat down on his bunk and listened to the various surgical noises.

Vinnie had heard everything he wanted to groan. 'A glass jaw? Him?' That small little tidbit was going to be kept secret. It was just too uncool, he could almost hear the ribbing from his bros. His tail stilled when Throttle's did.


Modo looked to Charley girl who was already suited up and leaning against her maroon and black motorcycle. "I dunno, it's dangerous." he said slowly debating the few choices.

Charley sighed the CB repeated the emergency once again. "Modo, with Vinnie and Throttle doing who knows what, presumably in Karbunkle's lab, we have to." Charlene stated as a matter of fact.

"Yeah, but you might get hurt. And.. I don't want to see you getting hurt." Modo confessed.

"I know big guy." Charley smiled as she reached up and rubbed the big gray mouse behind his ear. "But it's a chance I gotta take. I am not going to let those fish ruin this planet too." She said backing away from Modo.

Modo sighed as Charley mounted her motorcycle. "Just... be careful? Please."

"I always am." Charley smiled softly at him. "Now, let's go kick some Plutarkian butt!"

"Your singing my song." Modo agreed as he mounted his Hoss and lead Charley out of the Last Chance Garage.

The two roared down the streets of Chicago, Charley wearing the same out fit she had on during her snit as the Masked Motorcyclist, same bike too. Racing down the 110 towards the Exotic World Trade Show being held at the Cross Winds Farms, where they intended to cut Limburger's back up forces off from the front men. In theory, the plan seemed good, in reality, they were just a tad bit late.

As they rounded the bend, Charley and Modo both clenched their teeth. Cross Winds Farms, more of an arena than a barn, was already being demolished by Limburger's machines.

"Modo, Take out the hardware, I'm going after the thugs." Charley stated as she split right.

"Just be careful Darlin'." Modo muttered as he headed towards the crab-like backhoes. Modo knew the half demolished arena was a lost cause. Settling for demolishing the backhoes so they couldn't do anymore damage was his objective now.

Charley revved her bike she sped towards the five thugs in buggies coming towards her. All five goons were firing their hand held laser weapons. Using her bikes weaponry to first shoot out their tires while dodging the opposing laser blasts, then once each vehicle spun out of control, Charley shot the top rollover bar on three buggies sending them roof over wheels onto the other two. One vehicle flipped through the air, tossing the driver out before landing heavily in the windshield of a backhoe.

None of the drivers of any of the vehicles were injured other than minor scrapes and bruises from diving out of the way of flying debris.

"That'll teach them to ruin the trade show." Charley said "I wonder how Modo is doing."

The big grey mouse on his purple low rider sneered as the buggy took out the controls of one machine. Using his bikes front guns, Modo shot out two legs of the same backhoe. It toppled over useless.

"One down, three to go." He said, his bike revved loudly in reply.

Together bike and rider made short work of the remaining backhoes.

Charley skidded to a stop beside Modo just as the last machine fell over. "Great work big guy." She complimented flipping up her visor.

"Couldn't have done it without you, Charley ma'am." Modo confessed sheepishly.

"Come on, lets head back." Charley suggested flipping her visor down before she drove ahead turning around.

"Right behind you." Modo replied following suit, he eyed her lean body a moment before pulling up beside her .

To Be Continued..

December 10, 2003


Decisions and Sacrfice Two

**BIKER MICE FROM MARS** **IN** **Decisions and Sacrifice** **_BY_** **_WHIPBLADE_** **_([[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection))_** **Part Two** Vinnie stretched his cramped legs. Wincing at the slight pain the leg cast caused, he...

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Decisions and Sacrfice Open

**BIKER MICE FROM MARS** **IN** **Decisions and Sacrifice** **By: Whipblade** **Title:** D n' S **Series:** Decisions n' Sacrifice (15 issues) **Sequel:** Shattered Freedom **Author:** Whipblade **E-Mail:** [[email...

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Shattered Freedom, Chapter Twenty Three

**Shattered Freedom** **\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*** **Chapter 23:** **_End Game_** _\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*_ **_By: Whipblade_** Throttle made his way down to the lower...

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