Star Fox Chronicles: Chapter 16: Mission - Search and Rescue

Story by Ryan-masterpaladin-Lewis on SoFurry

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#18 of Star Fox Chronicles

There wasn't much to do on the Great Fox as the team looked on. It had been five days since they first took off, and the search seemed hopeless. Their target ship's tracking system had been turned off to ensure that the Claxan had not found them. The only way it would be on is if they were already found. It just didn't seem like there was much they could do. Fox was busy doing system checks in his chair on the bridge, while Falco and Krystal were practicing on the training floor. Slippy had been checking up on all the arwings while Peppy was busy keeping a look out for any signs of the ship. Falco and Krystal returned shortly after the Great Fox passed Katina and they sighed. Slippy returned shortly after as the ship made another turn as deciding to check Sector Y really quickly.

"This is nuts," Falco reminded Fox again, "how are we going to find them if they can't turn their tracker on?"

"The same way we can't turn on our tracker Falco," Peppy explained.

"We have to worry about the Claxan showing up," Slippy said.

"Not to mention their group of soldiers," Fox stated, "the Dawx rebellion." They continued looking on discussing more about what the Claxan is thinking.

"I want to know where he got so powerful," Krystal said, "I can sense his energy getting stronger each time we meet up. The question is how..." She remained silent for the next little while as the rest talked.

"I wish Ryan was here," Falco said, "I feel like the team has gotten much weaker without him around."

"He should be fully recovered by now," Peppy said, "the only way to know is when we see him again. My suggestion is patience."

"Ryan is kicking good by now," Slippy said, "Zio is one of the best." Everyone nodded in agreement as if to ensure one another and went back to being silent for a little bit. As they neared the end of Sector Y, Fox continued thinking about the Claxan. The ones they met was bad enough, but there were 23 of them total. They had not even met half of the force, and they could expect some real trouble if all 23 attacked at once. There was Cougar, Draxor, Arxgon, Natoya, Roxanne, and Mayson. That was only six of the 23 total.

'Hoo boy,' Fox thought on, 'we're in for the biggest fight of our lives. And this could only get worse.' He got up out of his chair and stretched before heading to the elevator. Everyone looked up with a little concern, Falco and Krystal in particular. Krystal glanced at Falco and he spoke.

"I'll go talk to him," he said before heading out of the room to catch up to his comrade. He spotted Fox to the left shortly after and ran to catch up.

"Hey," he shouted and Fox turned around. Falco could easily tell by Fox facial expression that he was stressed out and depressed. He felt that it was necessary to help him out.

"What is it Falco?" Fox asked.

"Fox, you're really taking it hard right now," Falco explained, "you need to relieve some stress a little."

"Are you suggesting the usual?" Fox asked, he knew exactly what the usual was.

"Absolutely," Falco said right on Fox's suspicion, "I'll give you some relaxation." He grabbed Fox's hand and joyfully walked him to his room. As soon as they were there, they quickly shut the sound proof door and headed over to Falco's bed.

"Get yourself nice and ready for when I get back," Falco flashed a wink and gave a playful slap right on the fox's ass. Fox looked on as Falco headed into the bathroom and shut the door. He blushed a little with a giggle and stripped off all of his clothes. Once he was completely naked he got onto Falco's bed and lied down on his stomach. He rested his head comfortably on the pillow as Falco headed out of the restroom, he didn't look at the bird, but it was a no brainer the way Falco hummed to himself that he was naked also. Falco opened the nearby drawer to his desk and pulled out a bottle of scented lotion. He squeezed some of it out and lathered it on his hands before climbing right on top of Fox and began rubbing his shoulders.

"Now just relax foxy while I work you," the bird said as he continued rubbing. Fox said nothing but nodded in response before resting his head on his pillow again. Falco continued rubbing over his shoulders before moving downwards toward his middle and lower back, where he paid special attention to. Fox gave a sigh of pleasure, signaling that Falco had hit a sensitive spot, this caused Fox to begin arousalment as his erection began to form. Falco sensed this coming a mile away and went down lower before he was quickly rubbing Fox's firm bubble butt.

"Yeah," Falco began, "you like that don't you Foxy?" Falco smirked and snaked a hand around to Fox's erection before stroking it nice and easy. Fox arched up a bit and moaned as Falco brushed his intimates. As he brushed, he could feel his own hard on come into play and he took it to his advantage. As he poked his member at Fox's entrance he stopped.

"Ready for the next course?" He asked Fox. He looked back at him and nodded before relaxing onto the pillow again. Falco nodded back and began to push inside. As soon as he was hilted he began a very sedate thrusting rate, going slow to make sure that Fox was enjoying himself. He very well was and his rock hard erection showed it, as Falco took it into his hands and started a firm and soft stroking rate. Fox maoned and arched his ass up closer to Fox as he got impaled. He managed to speak up in the middle of his fine treatment.

"Faster... Falco," He moaned again and Falco smiled to his pleasure. He firmly gripped the Fox's ass and sped up very quickly. Fox gritted his teeth against the pain but it quickly dulled and replaced itself with pleasure. Once he got a good rhythm going in Fox, Falco quickly stroked his partner off again, getting the action in motion.

Unknown to them, Krystal had managed to quietly snake in and stripped her clothes off as she watched the love fest going on. Fox let out another moan and began panting as he felt himself get closer to climax. Falco, although dominant he is, came first as he climaxed a good seven shots into Fox's ass, as he continued pumping into Fox's ass, he stroked him off further. Fox tensed up a bit as he cummed over Falco's sheets repeatedly. After a few minutes of pumping, they managed to settle themselves down. Falco pulled out slowly and gave a playful lick behind Fox's ear.

"I'll be right back don't move," he whispered and slowly got off, he turned around to spot a waiting naked Krystal. He flashed a wink at her as he headed off to the bathroom and shut the door. Krystal quietly crawled onto the bed and turned Fox onto his back. He looked up in surprise.

"Now it's my turn big boy," She said as she flashed him a deep kiss. He returned it with vigor as he brushed over her large breasts. She brushed over Fox's flacid cock as he quickly got reerect again. With one swift pull, she pulled Fox on top of her as she fell on her back. Fox flashed her wink as he slowly entered her. She let out a playful moan as Fox hilted himself into her and held it there. After a half a minute holding the position, he got a good grip on Krystal's hips, before thrusting at a medium rate. Fox quickly got to panting again as he impaled her. This treatment couldn't stop Krystal from doing the same and she began to thrust herself. Matching Fox's thrusts they began a myriad of moans, Falco crept out of the bathroom and looked on the scene in admiration. Krystal closed her eyes as she got herself closer to climax. Fox had already neared his second climax and closed his eyes also as he kept thrusting. After another half a minute, Krystal let out a cry of delight before she climaxed over Fox's member. This sent him over the edge as he climaxed right into her. They quickly settled down after that and Fox pulled out of her, before jumping up in surprise as he saw Falco, who let out a chuckle.

"It's getting late," Falco said, "we'd best get some rest. Feel free to stay if you want." Krystal and Fox looked at each other and nodded at Falco, before climbing into the covers. As they got comfortable Falco climbed in after them, idly switching off the lights as he pulled the covers over the three. As they got in closer to each other, they exchanged good night, and quickly got themselves into sleep.

The three slowly got up the next morning, it had been six days now with no success, and they knew that they'd have to find them within the next two days or else it will end in failure. They shared a lovely shower with each other in Falco's bathroom before heading straight into the bridge. They continued observing for a while with deteriorated expectations. Peppy however, had never wavered from the bridge. For him, this meant like life and death to him to find them. It seemed to pay off for him as he spotted a figure up ahead.

"What's that?" he asked and everyone jerked up in surprise. They looked on to where Peppy pointed at and focused. As they got closer the figure continued growing, and it soon became apparent that it was a dark ship. But that wasn't all that they saw, as they got closer they noticed smaller ships flying around the area, and many small flashes of light soon became noticable. They soon realized what was happening.

"Fara and the others are under attack!!" Peppy shouted.

"Time to move," Fox said as he, Falco, and Krystal busted out the door to the hangar bay. Peppy rushed to the intercom again and switched to the engine room where Slippy was working.

"Slippy, report to the hangar bay. Fara's ship has been spotted under attack by enemy ships." He shouted and got the correct response.

"I'm on my way," Slippy said. The four of them quickly arrived at the hangar bay and they rushed to their respective ships. The immidiately took off shortly afterwards as they headed for the battle field. They were soon able to tell it was the Claxan's Dawx ships from their identifiable logo. Fox recieved a call from Peppy.

"Fox, I'm getting a transmission from the ship."

"Put it on screen," he replied, and on his console showed a picture of General Pepper.

"Fox, just in the nick of time," he said, "best get rid of these ships fast before more of our soldiers get toasted."

"Right on it," Fox said before switching off his console and switching to his comrades. "Keep your eyes open guys. There seems to be a lot of them." The others gave him conformation before breaking rank and taking on the different ships. They flew chasing into enemy ships and taking them down one by one. After a few minutes of thinning out ranks Peppy gave another call.

"Fox, more enemies coming in from all angles."

"What?!" All four members shouted in surprise.

"How did we get into this?" Falco asked.

"It's a trap," Krystal stated.

"Protect both major ships at all costs," Fox ordered. Everyone confirmed again and shifted direction so to take to the ships' defense. Fox spoted four ships from behind and swiftly reversed a 180 and barrel rolled as he fired, instantly destroying the ships. As he looked around for more ships he spotted Falco for a little wiping out a cluster of ships with ease. He then got a distress call from Slippy shortly after.

"Fox, I'm surrounded here." Fox spotted his ship as Slippy desperately tried to break the chase and he flew in quickly. Aiming carefully Fox sniped down the enemy ships giving chase. But shortly after they both found themselves with more ships on their tails.

"Damn it," Fox cursed as he barrel rolled out of the crosshairs of the enemy and continuosly shot them down, however, it seemed that the more he shoots them down, the more ships that he destroyed, the more that replaced him, until even Fox and Falco found themselves overwhelmed by the amount of enemy ships.

"Fox we're way outnumbered," Krystal exclaimed.

"Get out of there," Fara and Peppy shouted.

"It's no use," Fox shouted, "They've got us boxed in."

"Hang in there..."A familiar voice rang throughout all of the transmissions. As Fox tried to find out who it was who spoke he saw all of the nearby enemy ships getting demolished. After another few seconds he spotted a ship accompanied by a dark red ship. Fox saw another shot from behind him and as he pulled a 180 he spotted a blue ship shoot it down, and it took him a minute to realize who's ship it was.

"Ryan," he spoke in the mic, "you sneaky bastard."

"What else is new?" I asked him as I sped past him and then spoke again into the mic. "Alright everyone, break formation and head for the outside."

"Ryan," Zio nudged my shoulder and he pointed towards more oncoming ships. I noticed and nodded.

"Tri and Lucian," I ordered, "take the right flank with Fox and Krystal. Kuro and Red, take the left flank with Falco and Slippy. I'll take the middle and distract them while you pick them off." Everyone made comments of confirmation and sped off in their proper direction. I sped forward towards some oncoming ships, and with careful aim shot down a few ships. I let a few live and sped past it letting them follow up close and attracting more. I was mindful to keep moving around to avoid being in the crosshairs as I observed the groups wipe out the ships with ease, before Pepper called onto my console.

"Ryan," he said, "do a barrel roll." I nodded and spun around in a barrel roll, avoiding the enemy fire while Fox flew in and sniped the rest down. I continued to look on as the ships began to retreat. I could hear several cheers inside my headset as I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Way to go Ryan," Fox said, "we couldn't have done it without you."

"How in the blazes did you find us?" Slippy asked.

"We all split up into groups with a small distance increment," Adair explained.

"Ryan planned out exactly which amount of distance we could cover while still attaining easy visuals," Robert followed.

"We were able to cover a hell of a lot more ground because of that," Kuro said.

"Shows that Ryan is a very talented tactician," Red stated.

"Well that's not a surprise," Zio said into the console.

"Zio," Slippy said surprised, "you're here too?" He was about to say more before a bright red shot flew past me, knicking my right wing as it did. Then there was a loud static noise which I could just barely hear the statements of confusion from my comrades.

"What the hell?" I asked before a face appeared on my visual console. Well, I guess I couldn't really call it a face as it was covered in a shroud of blackness, but seeing the black trench coat and red symbol he was wearing on his shoulder, I could tell exactly who he was.

"The Claxan," Fara shouted and an unknown voice spoke through.

"So you're the famous Ryan Lewis," It was quite deep and he gave an audible chuckle, "I must admit I'm quite impressed that you defeated my forces like that. However, my associates and I don't like the path you currently tread. If you and you're friends want to live you'll follow my orders exactly." I wasn't inclined to listen to what they had to say, but with annoyance and curiosity I let them. I had to see who this new face from their motley crew was plus I didn't take any chances in case we got ambushed.

"Speak then and speak fast," I proclaimed. He nodded as far as I could tell and continued speaking.

"You are to meet me face to face on the planet Venom. You will head there immediately and will come alone, and even with your trackers off we will know if they come. Your dragon friend behind you can remain with the ship while you are there. You'll land precisely at these coordinates that I just sent you. From there you will head north for five miles until you come across some grand ruins as we like to call it. Head inside and you will meet me there. Looking forward to your visit." He gave another laugh before he sped past me heading for our destination. After he became a mere speck I headed after him.

"Ryan what are you doing?" General Pepper ordered, "you can't really go after him alone now. This is too dangerous."

"You heard him," I said, "you all did, they'll kill you if I don't and judging from past experiences every single one of their threats are very credible. Just hang back and recover, I'll be fine." There was a long pause before Fox spoke.

"Go then Ryan," he said, "our best wishes to you." I nodded and switched off the console before heading off, speeding up so I could follow this foe towards the planet Venom.