To Love a Dragon

Story by bobbyjohnford on SoFurry

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#1 of Lit

Hello everyone and thank you for taking the time to read my very first story! 6 chapters of a human/anthro tale of love. This story is an idea I had after seeing a picture by the one and only hattonslayden! A great guy and very talented artist so check him out on here or deviantart. All rights to the picture shown here go to hattonslayden and story by me! Like I said, this is my first story to write so read and let me know what you think!

ADULT WARNING! - I have posted this under adult so that should be enough. BUT just in case, CH.2 has a lemon and there is violence and graphic depictions of death through the later chapters.

Again, thanks for stopping by and enjoy To Love a Dragon


Park kept quiet. The morning fog still filled the forest and his vision was not as good as theirs. He would have to rely on his stealth and wits alone if he were to make it through the trees undetected. He had to leave his horse behind as well he thought at times of ditching his armor to make less noise as he crept through the forest, but he knew that would be unwise should he be discovered.

His heart raced. Park knew he was close. With every step his breath deepened, his heart sped faster and faster, his brow perspired more profusely and his eyes darted in every direction. He would have to calm himself or he would faint before he arrived.

With one stroke of his arm, he slowly parted a bush and saw down into a small clearing in the wood. With only a few boulders covered with moss, the clearing was empty. Park knew he would have to wait.

For her.

An hour passed. Park has managed to calm his nerves while he sat. His eyes remained focused down into the clearing, but his mind was elsewhere. He thought of his mark. He had seen her many times before and was determined to do so again. She was not like any of the others he had fought before. No, she was different. Since the war was declared by his king on the race of dragons, he had fought many great warriors of their proud race. But she was different.

She was swift, agile and deadly. One of the deadliest he had ever seen.

Park thought to a year ago. Park was with a squad of his men on the way back to the castle to report to the king. It was then a group of dragons ambushed them. He had become separated from the rest of his men during the assault. During the confusion, he found himself in a clearing. Alone and outnumbered, Park only had to wait for the dragons to come; there was no more need to run. It was here, he would make his stand. With his sword drawn, he heard the rapid footsteps against the dry leaves. He looked around for a place to surprise his coming attacker, but found none. He would have to face death head on.

Overhead, he saw the figure of his assassin spring out from the bush down into the clearing below. She was garbed in the traditional clothing of the dragons, but a bit different from the rest. This was no ordinary foot soldier. She was an elite dragoness. He looked upon her as she was crouched from her landing into the small valley below where he waited. In one instance, she looked up and directly into his eyes. He gasped slightly as she peered into his very soul. He saw oblivion in a shade of green. Beelzebub himself dressed in horns and a tail. And as if she could read his thoughts, she smiled menacingly at him. He almost fell back at the sight of this.

"I wouldn't try to run, human. You know you cannot escape me."

It was true. The dragons were twice as fast as humans, and 3 times on all fours. They were stronger, too. One on one, a dragon could easily defeat a man in combat. There were even stories of the dragon whelps killing full grown warriors. Humans have had to change tactics during the war so as to actually stand a chance. But Park would not be able to rely on that now. He was alone with only his sword in his hands. Park was an accomplished knight, though. He had fought bravely for many battles and proved himself to be one of the greatest warriors in the kingdom.

His eyes narrowed and he gritted his teeth. If death itself was here to take him to hell, then the bitch was going to have to come and get him.

The dragoness stood up to face him. She was no taller than he was, not counting her horns. From head to tail, she was covered in scales. She wore a brown strapless tight leather skirted outfit and a large necklace with an emerald in the center of it. The dragons used no weapons of steel. Their only weapons were feet and hands armed with black claws and an 8 foot tail that was capable of wrapping around and grabbing things--

"Like your neck", she hissed. He growled at her. He had almost forgotten the females were capable of reading the minds of humans.

"It won't be an easy task, devil. You might get my neck, but it will cost you your head."

She dropped her head slightly and gazed up at him, smiling her menace to him again. He almost hated thinking it, but her eyes were one feature that she had that didn't stalk him in his nightmares. No, her eyes would be something of his dreams. They were deep and penetrating with a slight yellow tint. Her face and muzzle were not scaled like the rest of her body. They were smooth and inviting. His eyes widened as they crept down her neck, examining her features. The contours of her body were flawless. He examined her torso. Her breasts were so very supple. He became lost in her body. With every inch he looked upon, he became more entranced, so much that he didn't even notice the first attack.

"Wha-? GAHH!" he screamed as he was struck in the side of his helmet. She had seen him looking up and down her body and decided to teach the man a lesson about respecting a dragoness (or at least paying attention when you are about to be killed by one) The swipe from her clawed hand sent him flying against the side of a boulder. If not for the helmet, he'd surly be dead.

Amused, the dragoness slowly paced around the edge of the clearing waiting for him to get up. "I didn't even need to read your thoughts to know what YOU were thinking of, human."

His head ached from the blow and his back pained from the impact. His thoughts quickly returned to the battle and how he may wind up dead. And after that attack, he thought that it may come quicker than intended. Using the sword to stable himself, he made it to his feet. He yanked the helmet off and threw it to the ground. Due to the large dragoness hand dent in it, the helmet had been squeezing his head much too tightly.

"You vile temptress! You will not be able to catch me off guard again with your charms! With your lustful eyes, smooth face and cheeks...your perfectly sculpted backside...the way your tail sways back and forth as you walk...mmm and your life giving round, perky and...and, hey HEY!"

The dragoness erupted in laughter at the knight drooling at her. He was enraged now at her contempt. "STOP THAT AT ONCE! I WILL NOT BE MADE A FOOL!" he screamed.

And with that said, he ran and jumped to her. His sword directly held behind over his head, he aimed to cut her in two with one massive stroke. His sword came down to the ground, splitting a boulder into two separate pieces then exploding into dust and gravel. His eyes widened in shock. Did he get her? Park peered from the corner of his eyes and saw the dragoness standing to his left. Immediately his jumped to strike again. He slashed again, hitting only air. He didn't even see her move, only that she wasn't there when he finished his attack.

"Too slow, human..."

He spun around to face her. He only began to realize she had been toying with him from the beginning. He stared at her in shock as she stood there smirking at him. Ye gods she was fast, faster than anything he had ever seen before. She dropped her head, crouched slightly and narrowed her eyes.

"My turn", she hissed.

He raised his sword to prepare for the oncoming attack. "This one may be it", he thought. Park was already winded, yet the battle had just begun. The dragoness raised her arm ready to strike. With her claws shining in the sunlight, she raced toward him. But he was ready this time. With his sword raised he swung to greet her with cold steel before she was able to reach him. She saw the counter attack coming and grabbed the sword before it could reach her neck. Mere inches away, they looked into each other's eyes as the two struggled against each other. He pushed all of his might into the hilt of the sword hoping to at least cause some damage. With some effort she held the sword at bay, both feeling it start to crack. Her hide was tough but his blade was still sharp. Blood ran from her hand down to the hilt trickling down his hand onto the ground. With one last mighty crack the dragoness snapped the sword sending shards every which direction. She threw the broken steel behind her and delivered a mighty kick to his chest, sending him off his feet. Park hit the ground with a thud. He sputtered and coughed up blood. He held what remained of his sword in his hand as a last defense to his approaching death. She walked toward him with her hands on her hips, eyes gazing evilly into his.

"It will be a shame to kill one so handsome and who fought so valiantly", she said.

" Save it", he growled. He raised the last remaining piece of his sword behind his head intending on throwing it like a dagger. Before he could even think of delivering, her tail whipped around grabbing the sword from him. And with the second whip, she sent it flying into the woods above. Nothing left. At least he found comfort in knowing at least he was to die by the hands of such a skilled and beautiful warrior like her. It would be a glorious death.

She approached and stood over him. "Any last words, human?"

He glared up at her. The dragoness dropped down. Straddling him, she pinned his shoulders down with her hands."Hmm? Speak up, human." She was so close to his face now that he could feel her breath against his cheek as she spoke into his ear. She opened her mouth and flicked her forked tongue out. She licked around the edge of his ear. This strangely aroused Park, but it was only cruel punishment now as his life was about to end. The dragoness brought her eyes back up and peered into his eyes and his soul once more, Park knowing she was about to extinguish it.


Park was frozen, unable to move let alone think. Shock was not a word to describe what he felt just then. For he was not dead. No, what he felt was not a dragon's claws tearing out his throat, nor was it the cold taste of steel penetrating his heart. It was something else...

The dragoness was kissing him.

His eyes shot open and stared at her in horror. His thoughts ran into each other like the fools the king employs for a good laugh. His very soul screamed to run out of his own body and get away. He screamed in the realm of his own mind "BY THE GODS, WHAT IS SHE DOING?!?"

The dragoness felt somewhat differently about the ordeal. She broke away from his lips for only a moment. "It's called a kiss, human. Doesn't your kind do it too?" she giggled.

Park frantically answered back, "YES WE DO, BUT NOT WITH A DRA-MMMPHPHM"

Once more he was silenced by her kiss. She was deeper this time. The kiss was harder. She slid her forked tongue into Park's mouth and explored his. There was nothing he could do. She was much too powerful to struggle against...but why struggle he thought.

"WHAT? Are you suggesting I lay here and let her have her way with me?"

"Why not? I mean you were the one who thought she was beautiful"

"I did NO SUCH THING! It was her who was tempting me with her wiles and features...and her eyes, and perfectly round backside...."

"...don't forget supple breasts"

"Oh yes, thank you-CURSE YOU! STOP THAT!"

The dragoness lifted up once more and looked at Park. He didn't see the same ferocity or deadly determination as before. She looked tenderly into his eyes. Park lied motionless not knowing what to expect next. Was this a game she would play with her victims before she killed them? Perhaps the dragons were more sinister than he thought, toying with their kill before sending them to the afterlife.

"Are...are you going to kill me now, dragon?"

"Hmm, no I think not, human. I've had my fun." She replied as she stood up.

The dragoness turned away from him. Her tail rubbed against the side of his face, caressing his cheek. Park sat up and watched the dragoness walk away swaying her hips with each step. The dragoness looked back to him once more. "Perhaps we shall meet again one day...Park."

And with one lightning quick jump, she was gone.

Park held his hand to his cheek where her tail rubbed. He sat there for what seemed like an eternity. No words or thoughts came to him. Nothing could describe what happened. Outmatched in a battle against an elite dragoness and he survived. In a day where he should surly be dead, instead kissed by death itself. Her eyes that looked into his, he could never forget them. And he would never forget her.


Park sat motionless in the bush waiting for her to show up. This was not some random meeting place. It was the spot of what should have been his tomb. They had chosen this same spot as the spot where they would meet in secret every time.


Park looked over to the other side of the clearing, staying low. He hoped it would be her, but had to always stay on guard. If either were discovered, it would spell the end for them both.

Nothing. Perhaps a deer walking through.

A clawed hand shot up to his face from behind, covering his mouth. Another wrapped around his chest"

Park's eyes widened and then closed. He gently took the hand around his mouth and kissed it. The hand around his torso loosened and he turned to face the mysterious figure.


"Park, my love"

The lovers embraced and held each other tenderly. Park placed his hand on her cheek and looked into the eyes he dreamt about every night. He leaned forward and kissed her. Lillian wrapped her arms around the human man she so desperately needed. They shared a passionate kiss as they have so many times before. They broke the kiss and leaned their foreheads against each other. It had been too long since they had been able to hold each other and feel the warmth they created being together.

"You have been worried as of late, Park. What is wrong?"

"It's nothing, Lillian. I'm only happy now that I can be with you again." She knew he was hiding something. Lillian lifted his chin so that she could look into his eyes. "Park, I know when you are not telling me the truth. Ever since the first day I read your mind, you know I have stayed connected with you. No matter how far away you are. Now tell me what is troubling you."

Park sighed. "I have been taken off the lines. I have been assigned as a guard at the castle."

Lillian perked up. "Well you have said you don't want to fight anymore. Isn't this better?"

"Yes, but now I am under more scrutiny. Coming here to see you will be even more difficult. Before, when I was on the lines, I could disappear and no one would be the wiser. But now it will be much more difficult. The Captain of the Guard, Andre is suspicious of me leaving today. I told him I was attending to a sick relative. I do not think he believes me."

Lillian looked down. "Perhaps this was to be a short lived fairy tale", she said.

Park placed his hand under her chin. "No, my dear. I could never stop seeing you. Even if I must fake my own death, I will find a way to see you. No matter what the cost." And with that he kissed her. He embraced her and held her close to his passion. The two shared a love that was unheard of in their world. Nothing that would ever be accepted by any living being. And it was a love that would have to remain hidden from all.

"Park." Lillian whispered. "I want you"

Park needed not to reply to know what to do. Loving his dragoness was something that came natural to him now. It was neither foreign nor perverse. It was beautiful and holy. Park looked deep into Lillian's eyes. He saw the want and need in them. He could not deny her the love she craved from him. He could never say no to her for what she desired was the same as him. Her body was truly a temple that he would kill to worship. He would cross time and space itself to gaze upon the majesty of her divinity. And would die to drink of her essence.

Park slowly ran his hand down from her cheek to her neck. He felt the warmth radiating from her body. He leaned over and kissed her again slowing moving his lips down to her neck. Lillian moaned softly and ran her fingers through his hair. She enjoyed stroking his hair. She had to come to love the touch of it. Park continued to kiss her neck and decided to venture further down. He reached the top of her chest and knew he would have to do something if they were to continue.

"I couldn't agree more, my handsome knight" Lillian remarked after reading his mind.

Park reached around to grab hold of her garment. It was a single piece so he would have to lift the whole thing over her head. He knew to be careful when doing this. Once before, he caught it on one of her horns. He was more cautious this time and around and removed it with no effort. Lillian giggled seeing her triumphant human examining his prize. Park leaned over to kiss her once again, but was stopped.

"You must wait, my love. If you want to 'slay this dragon' that armor of yours is coming off." she demanded. Park had almost forgotten he was suited. With the object of his desire within his grasp, it was no wonder he would forget about everything else.

It was the dragoness' turn now. She carefully started to remove his gauntlets and his forearm pieces, followed by the elbow and upper arm pieces. She unstrapped the neck guard and breast plate. "Blast it", she thought. "Why do human insist on wearing so much armor? Every square inch of their bodies covered in metal." She knew the reason why. Years fighting them, she knew how difficult it was to penetrate, it was only now she found a new annoyance for it. Still, she pressed on. Making her way down she removed his leggings and pelvic plate. Now he was only covered in his cloth. She smiled at the site of this. Park started to sit up and take his turn again, but the dragoness was not finished yet. She pushed him down onto his back and gave him a look to say 'I want more'. He didn't fight. He knew how fruitless that would prove. She pulled his shirt up over his head and threw it to the side. His chest was muscular and smooth. She ran her claws ever so gently down his chest. She could do this without hurting him. He liked it in fact. It didn't hurt him, but in fact sent chills down his spine feeling her hand and claws running down his skin. She didn't stop there, though. Lillian leaned forward and began kissing his chest. She let loose her forked tongue and ran it around the outlines of his pectorals. Park gasped as she made her way lower. Lillian reached her hand down to his pants. She ran her hand around his bulge and felt his excitement. Without delay, she slipped her hand inside and grabbed hold of his manhood, stroking him. Park moaned loudly not being able to contain himself.

Lillian grabbed a hold of his pants and slowly pulled them down, revealing his member. She would never grow tired of seeing this. He had to be hers. Lillian lowered her head to his cock and grabbed hold. She kissed the tip of it and began licking the shaft. Park closed his eyes and laid his head in the grass. Never before with any human woman he knew could he have felt anything like this before. Park reached down and rubbed the back of her head as she placed his penis in her mouth. The feeling was pure bliss. Park moaned louder and louder as Lillian moved her mouth faster and faster on his cock. Park wasn't going to last much longer. He grabbed hold of the sides of her arms, bracing himself for what was to come. Lillian went faster now as she felt her love peaking. With one final thrust, Park screamed out his dragoness' name to the heavens. "Oh gods! LILLIAN!" His hot salty seed spilled into her mouth. The dragoness swallowed down his juices and licked up what remained.

Park breathed deep. He laid in silence gaining back his strength. Lillian moved up to lie beside him. She nuzzled her nose into his neck and purred slightly. Park looked down at her. "I have never heard you make that noise before." Park whispered. "We only do it when we are content. Usually when we are in love." Lillian replied. Park leaned over and kissed her again. He climbed over her with his hands on either side. He started to move down yet again, but this time he wouldn't be denied.

Park caressed her breasts and moved his fingers around her erect nipples. Her breasts were smooth to the touch, firm and un-scaled. Park kissed her down the center of her chest to her breasts. He licked the nipples and ran his tongue around them. The dragoness moaned in ecstasy, "Oh Park" she cooed. He now had to return the favor to his dragon lover. He ran his hand down to her leather panties she wore and gently massaged the lips inside. He grabbed hold of them and pulled the undergarments to her feet and flung them to the ever growing mountain of iron and cloth. Park examined his now vulnerable dragoness. Lillian quivered, rubbing her legs together. She ached for his love, she couldn't stand to wait for it. Lillian ran her hand down to her womanhood and rubbed it while Park watched. He had always been amazed that the dragon's vagina was almost exactly the same as a human woman's was. There were a few minor differences, but all in all everything was the same. He watched her run two of her fingers around her labia lips, spreading open her cunt. With her other hand, she licked her fingers and ran them down to her clit and rubbed. And in one last feat of amazement, she brought the tip of her tail and teased the opening until moving it inside of herself. She moaned lightly from this, but it wouldn't be enough. She needed her knight to bring her to climax. Lillian moved her hands away and with her tail she moved Park's head down to her womanhood. He would not resist. He wanted this as much as she.

Park began moving his tongue around her labia tasting her. Her cunt moistened with every stroke of his tongue. She took this opportunity to run her fingers through his hair again as he licked her over and over. Knowing that teasing would do nothing but frustrate her, he plunged his tongue deep into her. She let loose a growling gasp. Park startled momentarily, he had never heard her growl before. He pressed on, determined to bring her to orgasm. Lillian was close, and showed it in every way. She grabbed hold of a tree root next to her as her climax built. The root splintered and snapped in two as she moaned. Her tail came down with a mighty thud, smashing a nearby boulder into pieces. Park could only smile and feel a bit of pride knowing he was the one responsible for this destruction. Lillian put her hands on the back of Park's head and pushed his face further into her cunt. It was happening now. The dragoness arched her back and screamed out "PAAARRKKK!" And with that final bellow of pleasure, a volley of fire shot out of her mouth. Her cum splashed out and covered Park's face. Park continued to taste his love, swallowing down the juices.

Out of breath, the dragoness looked up and her love and said, "You had better not be done, human."

"I wouldn't dream of it, my dear" Park replied.

Lillian placed her hands on his cheeks, pulling him back up to her lips. The two kissed passionately as they had so many times before. He was directly over her now and knew what come next. He positioned himself and slowly moved his member to her sex. It was so swollen now, begging for this union. He wanted to savor every moment of this. Rushing things would only cause them to be done sooner. No, he would make this last. Forever if he could, if not at least for a little while. Park rubbed the tip around her swollen lips and up a bit to her clit. The teasing made Lillian moan in pleasure. She gave him a look as if to say 'No more teasing, do it already'. Park knew what it meant and without hesitation, slowly pushed himself into her. At once, they both gasped for air as they had been holding their breath. Park started slowly, thrusting gently and kissing her all the while. Lillian dragged her claws along his back, breaking the skin every so often. Park felt the pain of her claws, but enjoyed it. Every sharp pain he felt released more waves of pleasure down his body. Lillian wrapped her legs around him as Park's thrusts quickened.

He breathed rapidly as he went deeper and deeper into her. He felt himself building and getting ready to climax again. Lillian saw this and knew he was about to cum again. She grabbed Park and turned him onto his back. "Not yet, love. I don't want this to end so soon" she whispered. She straddled him and moved his penis back into her. She loved this position, but knew to take care as to not hurt him. She moved herself slowly on him, running her claws along his chest. The scene was beautiful. Never before had such a union blessed the world they lived in. Light shined down from the canopy of trees above illuminating the pair. It was as if the heavens above had preordained the two and their love.

Lillian was drawing close again as was Park. They saw it in each other's eyes. It would be perfect for them to finish together. Lillian steadily moved faster on Park. Their breathes hastened. Lillian leaned forward and kissed Park.

"Park" she moaned. "I love you".

"And I you Lillian"

Lillian rose back up and arched her back as she climaxed. Park bellowed in pleasure as he shot his seed into her. Winded, the two collapsed onto each other. They held each other close as Lillian rested her head on Park's chest. Lillian purred contently and smiled. The sound and sight of this made Park smile. Never before had he felt such a deep love for any being in his life. And never before would he have thought it would be a dragon. But it didn't matter to him if she were dragoness or human. Any hatred he may have had for her race was long since gone. He loved his dragoness and she loved him.

But their worlds could never allow such a thing

Park embraced Lillian and the two said their goodbyes. It would seem for the two an eternity before they could meet again. Lillian looked into Park's eyes without saying a word. It killed her every time he had to leave. But it was necessary. If they were to ever keep this up, they had to leave. Park watched as Lillian leapt from the clearing and out of sight.


Park sighed as he made his way back to his horse and started the long journey back to the castle. It was a day's ride back home and he made pace by riding his horse hard to make up some time. He worried every time he had to go back. Would anyone know? He had always worried about being followed. And damn him if Andre wouldn't interrogate him about the sick relative Park had claimed to be attending to. Andre was a cruel man, cold and uncaring. He would rather see another's entire family starve before duty was broken. But fortunately for Park, a senior officer to both of them allowed Park to go and attend to his "sick uncle".

All the while, Lillian had made it back to the edge of her kingdom's borders. The fighting had stopped for now. An uneasy truce had been made by both kingdoms, but in truth, neither side truly believed the other would respect it. It was viewed by many not to last, but only create a short break for both races. Lillian had enjoyed the temporary peace. It was a way for her to sneak away and see Park. As well the two had grown tired of the war. Through their love, the two had been able to see the other's race in a new light. They had grown to forget the other's past and see only their love for each other now.

Lillian had made sure not to be seen from the direction she came. She was always good at keeping hiding from the humans, but to her own kind it was much harder. But she was still an elite dragoness. Stealth and ferocity were a few of her greatest attributes. She darted through the trees until she made her way to the base of the mountain. She gazed up at the kingdom of dragons. Towers and caves carved the side of the mountain as rivers flowed freely from the cloud covered peak. With one mighty leap she flew upwards, jumped from rock to rock to make it to her cave. Never once did she lose her footing once she finally made it back to her home. Lillian stretched, walking inside. She made her way to the torches that lined the walls. She put her face to the wall and looked down the row of torches and shot out a single flame, igniting them one by one as the flame passed by. The flame traveled to the end of the cave until it hit the wall. The cave lit up in majesty. She never had many belongings, only her rack where he clothing hung and a pile of gold coins, gems and other precious things that she would sleep on. But she never needed much, her cave had its own beauty.

The walls were low in the beginning, but travelling further in revealed the ceiling going up much higher. The walls were decorated with gems un-mined from the earth. And the best of all, a natural hot spring welled up inside her cave allowing Lillian to bathe. And with that, she decided it was time to do so. She removed her clothes, revealing her naked frame. She closed her eyes and rubbed her neck, running her hands down her breasts and to her hips. She thought of him. She would imagine him with her here. The two would undress and slip into the spring. She would massage the human and kiss him down his body. She imagined making love to him here. Keeping him safe from everything. She wanted nothing more than no harm to come to her human. Lillian stepped into the spring and leaned back against the rocks. She closed her eyes and smiled at the thought of Park. "My love..." she thought.

"And what are we so happy about?"

Lillian's eyes opened wide. She gasped and turned to see another in her cave. She jumped back in the water, covering her breasts. She dropped her head down and shut her eyes.

"Elder Ryu" Lillian spoke.

An older and hunched dragon stood before her. He was garbed in a silk robe and had leathery whiskers that flowed from the sides of his muzzle like a human's mustache. His body was different than hers (not counting the fact he was male). He was longer and skinnier than she was, but usually kept the length of his body bunched together to seem smaller and even in his older years, it was harder for one of his kind to stretch out fully. He walked to her slowly, keeping his balance with a staff.

"Lillian, my dear, how have you been?"

Lillian's eyes rose to look upon the elder dragon. She calmed herself as to not seem guilty or raise suspicion. "I am good, elder Ryu."

Ryu raised an eyebrow at her. "How have you been during this break in conflict? I trust you are holding up well while we try and keep peace with the humans."

Lillian responded, "Yes, elder. I have been enjoying the peace as well. I have been able to finally visit the west peak beyond the valley. My place of birth."

"Ah yes, that is where you hatched. Raised by your mother until you coming to the mountain kingdom for your training. I'm happy to hear you were able to visit. I was afraid you might have gone to the eastern borders."

Lillian's heart stopped. The eastern borders were what separated the two kingdoms. And where Lillian would go to see Park.

"No Elder Ryu. I would not go more near to the human world than needed. Especially not now." She lied.

Ryu paced around Lillian's private spring. He didn't even look at her as he walked. "Good. We can't have any conflict between the races. Too many lives have been lost because of this war. It matters not if it is dragon or human, all life is sacred and we must do what we can to preserve all life. We fought this war out of necessity, not desire for bloodshed. Even now, the human king has been coming around to thinking the same. Even if it is from pressure of the other humans."

"But even you know how important it is to not go near the borders, Lillian." Ryu had made his way to the rack where Lillian hung her clothes. He picked up her leather with his staff. Lillian's mouth opened slightly. She knew. He knew. Park's scent was on her clothing. Ryu looked over to her. He dropped the leather back on the rack. Lillian closed her mouth, not knowing what to expect next. Ryu sighed and started to the mouth of the cave.

"You know that I am a kind and forgiving dragon, unlike the other elders. If you are to continue to see your human, the consequences could be dire for both kingdoms. Such a thing will never be taken lightly by either race and could send this peace into a spiraling doom for all." Ryu sighed and held his head low.

"Believe me when I tell you, I know your heart wants what the heart wants. There was a time in the island nation called Japan where I am from, I fell for a human woman. I was but a simple river dragon and protected all beings who came to my river. A human woman came to my river to bathe, but was swept away by a strong current. I rescued her, and we fell in love. She was ultimately killed by her own family for the love we shared and I was the one to blame. Many of my kind were hated there and were forced to leave for my selfishness. That is why I left and came here. And in these years of my life, wisdom is what I have to offer."

Lillian closed her eyes slightly and hung her head. He was right, this love could not only destroy them, but others of their own races that have nothing to do with this.

Ryu stepped out and was gone. Lillian exhaled deeply. Not knowing what to do next, she slumped into the water. Lillian put her face into her hands and sobbed. The last flickering torch on the wall dimmed to its last ember. With one last flick, it went out in a stream of smoke. The cave went dark and Lillian was alone. Before drifting off to sleep, she thought of Park. She prayed to the gods her dreams would not be the last time to see him.

Park rode in to the edge of the town surrounding the castle. He watched cautiously as he made his way to the bridge. People were out talking and trading in the market as usual. Cattle and horses led around to the usual places. People chatting and laughing and the drunks still sleeping outside of the tavern. Park rode past the local black smith to see him yelling at his apprentice. He chuckled from this, the sight always lifted his spirits. Having to leave his love left him with a spirit in need to raising. Park cautiously approached the gate to the castle.

He yelled up to the gate guard, "It is I, Park of the royal guard"

The guard looked down at him for a moment as another walked up to him and looked down as well. Park shot his eyes to the second man. He was weary of this. Never before had it taken so long.

"Park, you will report to Captain Andre upon entry."

Park's eyes narrowed. "Blast" he thought. No good would come from this. The gate slowly began to lower until coming to rest upon the ground. Park tapped his legs on the sides of his horse and trotted inside. Making his way inside, a squire ran to Park and took the reins of the horse. Park lowered himself off of the horse and looked around. No one was present. He wasn't sure what was going on.

"PARK!" a voiced shouted.

Park looked forward to see a brute of a man walking toward him. Outfitted in armor, greasy matted hair and an unruly beard, Andre, captain of the guard made his way to Park. Park looked at him with disdain. He truly hated this man. He was the epitome of disgusting. A deep booming voice, a laugh that would make children cry, his beard lined with pieces of uneaten food and filth, a stench that reminded him of a dire wolf's uneaten kill and breath that could surely paralyze a griffin.

Andre approached Park, growling."Where in the hell have you been?! Your time of leave was for a day! You have been gone for three, Park!"

"I told you before, Andre. It is a day's ride to my uncle's estate. So two for travel alone! Or did you forget your abacus?"

"Mind your tone with me, boy." Andre grabbed park by his breast plate and pulled him close to his face. His hot breath smelled like rancid fish. "You will do best to remember to address me as Captain. It is the rank I have earned, whelp."

Park immediately pushed Andre's arm away. "I care not how many nobles you had to pleasure to 'earn' your rank, Captain. And don't forget I will be leaving in a week again."

Andre grumbled to himself. He watched as Park walked away to his quarters.

"Guard!" A guard trotted up to Andre. "Yes, Captain" the guard announced.

Andre peered at Park walking away. "Watch Park. And when he prepares to leave again, alert me. We may have to go tend to his 'uncle' with him."

Park made his way into his quarters of the royal barracks. With his time served, Park had been able to enjoy the fruits of his labors with his own private quarters. He still preferred to keep one at the barracks with the rest of the soldiers. His leadership demanded respect from the rest of the soldiers and knew they would follow him. Park sat down into his chair and sighed in a heap. He cared for his men, but would trade it all away to be with her for only a moment. He went to his writing desk and opened a hidden compartment below the top drawer. Inside was a single piece of parchment. He placed it on top of the writing desk and gazed upon it.

It was a drawing he made of Lillian and himself, holding hands together.

He could remember every detail and contour of her face. Her image was burned into his memory. He would not forget it even if he had tried. Park hated to be away from her, but his drawing helped ease his heart's hurt. He reminded himself that he would see her again and would count every day until it was time to leave. Park kissed the picture, folded the parchment back up and secured it in the compartment from which it came. The day was growing late and he was tired. Park stood up and began removing his armor. Piece by piece it came off and hit the floor. The task was tiresome and he thought to Lillian, "I think this is how she feels when she has to take mine off" Finally Park removed the last piece and laid down. His eyes almost immediately grew heavy and shut. He could see Lillian's face in his head before finally drifting off.


The sun rose gently over the horizon lighting up the hills and valleys and waking all the animals of the land. A week had passed since the interspecied lovers saw each other and were wasting no time getting back to their point of rendezvous. Lillian had risen early in the morning to fish before leaving. A lake formed at the base of the mountain kingdom and was plentiful in fish. She greeted the other dragons and the hatchlings playing by the lake. She dropped off a few fish to the hatchlings after having her fill and leaving. She never told anyone where she left to and for good reason. But it wasn't until elder Ryu said anything that she thought anyone even wondered where she left to. Park was riding his horse hard to get to the clearing where they would meet. He wasn't as fast as Lillian and didn't have the luxury of stopping for breakfast before dawn. He would have to ride his horse the entire time until he arrived. Lillian had hunted while waiting for him in past meetings, having a meal waiting for him. He appreciated it and she understood that he did not have the time to do so if he were to make it in good time. But she never minded anyhow. She loved to do things for him as he did for her.

Park slowed his horse as he came to the clearing. He hopped off and tied the horse to a stump that became a staple of where he kept the animal while he enjoyed his love's company. Park finished tying the horse and turned.

"You're late, human"

Park smiled at the sight of his dragoness. A sight he would never tire from. He ran to her and they embraced. Lillian wasted no time and leaned forward and kissed Park.

"I have missed you so, Park. With the diminishing peace, I felt we would never be able to see each other again. My absences have been found out by one the elders. I'm not sure what to do anymore"

Park gasped. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, elder Ryu approached me and explained that he knew. But he wasn't angry...only he..."

"What is it Lillian?"

Lillian remained silent. Park wouldn't press on for an answer. He hated to see her this way and would do nothing to make it worse.

Park saw a tear fall from her eyes. His heart ached as he had never seen her cry before. "Lillian, no matter what, I will always love you. We will always find a way to be together."

"But this is serious, Park. If the other elders find out of this, they will stop at nothing to kill us both. I can't stop seeing you. I cannot live without you, nor could I see anything happen to you."

His dragoness looked sadly into his eyes. "And what of your king? Or your superiors? Have they suspected anything?"

"Only Andre. I slip away when we are not patrolling or guarding the castle. Since my new duty of guard at the castle, getting away to come here has been easier. I have been using the ruse of my uncle being deathly ill and I need to attend to him. No one has suspected much else." Park said.

"Good", Lillian replied. "The last thing we need is both our kingdoms finding out of this."

The two embraced again. Lillian nuzzled her muzzle into Park's neck. He held her close and swore silently that he would never let anything happen to her or their love. Lillian opened her eyes, a concerned look upon her face. She pulled back and looked at Park. Park stared back in question.

"Park there is something else I need to tell you"

"What is it, Lillian? " Park asked.

Lillian hesitated for a moment. There was something else now. Something impossible. She wasn't sure how she would tell him or even if she was sure about it.

"Park....I..." she stuttered. "I love you". She thought to herself that she would save it for another time.

"And I love you my beautiful-"


The lovers at once turned to hill above and set their eyes upon a man mounted on a horse. It was as they feared. They had been discovered.

Lillian looked in horror at the man and turned to Park. "Park who is that?!"

Park's eyes widened at the mounted figure. "Andre..." he whispered.

"PARK! BY THE GODS, what in the hell are you doing!?!" the Guard Captain screamed in fury.

Park didn't even need to answer. Andre had already figured it out. He saw the two embraced and had already witnessed their kiss.

"I am disappointed in you, Park", Andre spat. "I knew you had been sneaking away from your rounds and making stories to leave, but I thought it would have been for some maiden or bar wench. Not with a...a..GOD DAMNED DRAGON"

Park's eyes narrowed at Andre. He held his dragoness close not knowing what would come of them. Andre controlled his anger and paced around the edge of the clearing.

"The king will be most displeased when he learns of your treachery with this dragon temptress. Enjoy your time while you can with your scaled whore, for she will not be able to save your head from the executioner's axe. And as for you, demon, do you know how many of your kind he and I have slain in battle? How many of your young still in their eggs roasted over campfires to fill our bellies while we mounted the heads of your elders on pikes to keep the flies away?"

Lillian turned to Park. "Park? What is he talking about?"

"Still your lying tongue, Andre. I fought on the front line, but nothing more. Do not attempt to associate the atrocities you committed with me!" Park yelled.

Andre smiled through his brown stained teeth and cracked lips. "It matters not, Park. You are still guilty of heresy and you will still die for what you have done this day."

Lillian's eyes darted up. "Park, there are others"

Park noticed it too as two units of archers approached from all corners of the clearing and took aim at the pair.

"NO!" Park howled. He stood up with arms outstretched and shielded his dragoness. "Do with me what you will, but leave her."

Andre gritted his teeth. "You may have forgotten, Park. But we are at war with these beasts. While you were making a pact with the devil, I was still loyal to the king. It's time to bring this ruse of peace to an end." Andre raised his hand to signal the archers to take aim at Lillian.

"Stop!" Park yelled. One archer let loose his arrow aimed at the heart of the dragon. Park saw this and knew he could not see it happen. He dove in front of Lillian as the arrow pierced his shoulder through his armor.

"PARK, NO!" Lillian screamed. The arrow flew with such ferocity that it knocked park to the ground, hitting his head on a rock as he fell.

Lillian ran to her human. She raised him up and held him close. "Park, wake up please!" Lillian put her head to his. Tears streamed down her face as Andre and his assassins watched.

Andre cracked a crooked smile. "Please, demon. Do not cry for your whelp of a man. You will soon join him in hell."

Andre raised his arm again to signal the archers to ready. Lillian's eyes shut tightly and her teeth clenched together.

She laid Park down and trembled with rage. Her love was dead. And these humans would pay. Lillian stood up and clenched her fists, her claws digging into her palms. Blood ran freely from them as her anger built.

"Take aim!" Andre commanded.

A slow rumble emitted from Lillian's throat. The fire sparked in her belly as smoke poured from her nostrils. She shook and her eyes pressed together. Something started to happen.

Lillian's form began to change. Her arms snapped and cracked growing in size. Her claws on her feet and hands grew to talons the size of daggers. Her horns twisted and gnarled as spikes emerged from her tail. Her muzzle grew, new teeth shot forth and grew as she dropped down to all fours. Her clothing stretched and tore as her frame expanded. Seemingly finished with the transformation, Lillian opened her eyes. They were no longer the yellow tinted beautiful orbs anyone had known. They had become blood red with vertical pupils. She was no longer Lillian, but the primal form of herself. Her mind was gone as her inner dragon came forth. It was freed with only bloody vengeance as an instinct. With one last feat of power, she roared. A sound so terrifying, the earth shook and the animals throughout the forest ran for cover.

A chill of fear and horror ran down Andre's face. Mouth agape, he looked to his archers. "What are you waiting for, you fools?! KILL HER!!"

The archers let loose their arrows. The points aimed at some vital organ. The dragon saw the arrows and waited. Arrow after arrow bounced and cracked from the impact of her scales. She was not the same dragoness they saw before. This was a true horror, and none of them would survive this day.

The dragon looked for her first target. One archer sat in a tree, reaching for a second volley. She opened her mouth and released a fiery ball of death. The tree top and the archer exploded. She jumped out of the clearing and directly on to another archer, impaling him as she landed. An archer drew his sword and charged the beast. Without even looking, one swipe from her tail severed his body in two at the waist. She sprang forth, grabbing another by his head, crushing his helmet and head inside. Still clutching the dead human, she threw his body at one who started to run. She darted toward him as he fell and shot her claws through his chest from behind. Another archer fired with haste. Arrow after arrow bounced off her hide. Lillian leaped to him and pinned him underneath. Lillian drew breath and sang her fiery song to him, melting his eyes and skin off, charring his skull. Most had run, but one she wanted was still there.


She swung her head around and peered into his eyes.

"You want me, bitch? Come and claim your kill!" He shouted as he ran.

The dragon narrowed her eyes at him. She ran toward him gaining ground as he fled. Andre dove behind a large bush apparently hiding. She slowed her pace and walked slowly toward his hiding place. Opening her mouth, she started to draw her breath, ready to incinerate him. She would have her revenge on the man who caused Park's death. She would char his body and feast on his bones. As she prepared to volley, a sword swung out from behind, slightly slicing her back. The primal Lillian roared in pain stopping the fire in her belly. Merely another archer trying to ambush her. She turned around, enraged. The human's face turned to dread as the dragon roared at him. Lillian stood up on her back legs to tower over the terrified human. She lashed out with her talons, slicing his head and torso into strips. His body fell lifeless onto the ground as blood oozed from his mangled remains.


Lillian's eyes widen and her pupils dilated. No breath or roar could escape her jaws. She was frozen in place. She slowly crept her eyes down to see a bloody wooden spike emerging from her chest. She stumbled backward holding the spike, turning around to see her killer.

It was Andre. The bush where he seemed to be hiding was gone. The only thing it was hiding was a ballista. The giant crossbow was known to be able to kill dragons easily including when they were in their beastly forms. Andre peered at her from behind the ballista, a savage grin upon his face. She stared at him, snarling.

Lillian struggled to move. She struggled to breathe. With all her remaining strength, she reached behind her grabbing hold of the spike. She pulled with all her might to remove it. She reached up with her tail to help pull the wooden spike out. With every inch it moved caused her great agony. She roared in pain as the spike slid out of her back. Finally out, it fell to the ground. Lillian looked down to her wound. The hole was massive and her blood flowed freely out.

It wouldn't be enough to stop her. She placed a hand to her wound and walked slowly forward, still on her hind legs. Every step toward Andre was excruciating, but the devil himself would not stop her from killing this human today. Andre stepped back in shock. "She should be dead by now" he thought. Andre retreated until he found himself stopped by a giant tree against his back. He saw her coming closer and closer. Lillian could feel her head become light. Her vision fades. She was almost to him when the sight of him became black. Mere feet away, her eyes started to close and steps slow. Finally, the beast fell, her head inches from his feet. Andre exhaled a deep sigh of relief.

Lillian's body started to change. Her frame began to shrink, her muzzle returned to its normal size, and the rest of her features returned.

Andre saw this and peered at the dragoness.

One of his men came running to him. "Captain Andre, sir! Are you alright?" he asked.

"I'm fine, fool. No thanks to you, coward." He shot back. "Bring the horses around and the wagon. Tie this bitch to it and make sure she cannot move. Shackle her with the chains as well."

"But, sir. You killed her. Shouldn't we leave her here for the buzzards?" the guard asked.

"You daft moron! She isn't dead! Her wounds have already begun to heal. This is obviously an elite dragoness. They can survive much more than the peons can."

From back at the clearing another archer called forth. "Captain Andre! Park is still alive!"

Andre laughed. "Good. Guards! Bring the traitor and tie him down next to his devil wife. I will bring them before the king myself. Perhaps I will be made a knight this day." He laughed.

The guards dragged Park's unconscious body to the wagon and tossed him down next to Lillian's. The ropes tightened around him and the horses were latched to the wagon.

As the guards started back with their prisoners to the castle, Andre mounted back on his horse. He looked down upon the scene. He thought about what he saw with the two interspecied lovers. He spat upon the ground in disgust. What could bring a warrior of such greatness to do such a thing?

Andre started his horse back to the castle. "Park, you bastard. Instead of killing the dragons you decide to fuck one."

Andre looked to the scene of what happened. Many guards were dead and in pieces. Not caring to tend to them, he pressed on. The journey back took a day, but Andre and his guards had arrived. At the castle gates, Andre yelled up for the gate guard to open. The gate came down and all made their way inside. A squire ran up to take control of Andre's horse, but Andre shoved him back with his foot.

"Get away, boy! Make yourself useful and alert the general of my return. I will be needing an audience with the king this day."

The squire ran off. Andre stepped down from his horse and walked to the wagon. He grabbed the blanket that had been thrown over the pair. They had to be covered in order not to alert the townsfolk. So many had pressed the king with their protests to end the war and he had listened to them. If they saw Andre walking in with a dragon, no doubt would suspicions be raised.

He checked Park. Still alive. He looked over the dragon. Her wound had closed up and looked more like a major gash than a gaping hole anymore. Andre took a flask of water hanging from his belt and drank. With some still in his mouth, he spit it on Lillian's face.

"This had better be good, Captain." A voice approached.

It was the general. Having been woken up in the middle of the night, he was sure something was important or else someone would be flogged publicly.

Andre stood at attention to the general. "Sir, I have a grave situation to report."

The general approached the wagon and shot a look inside. His eyes widened and his mouth hung open. "Andre. What in the hell is this?"

Andre approached the general's side. "General, I had discovered that Park had not been attending to any relative. He had been conspiring with the enemy. After taking the post within the castle, he was feeding information to the dragons.", he lied. "Park had been planning on leaving before the dragons struck the castle itself. He followed him to his meeting place with the dragons. I captured him and his confederate."

The general looked at Andre with concern. "Captain, are you sure of this? Because if what you say is true, the so called 'peace' was to have been merely a diversion to catch us off guard."

Andre straightened up. "I am sure of it, general."

"Very well then. Good work, Captain. I will report this to the king immediately. In the mean time, have these two placed in the holding cells." replied the general. The general turned quickly and made his way back to the main hall.

Andre watched him leave. An evil smile took his lips. Now he could see the whelp and his precious dragon die along with the rest of the devils. And for that, he would be made a hero. He took one last look to the pair. "You heard the general. Take these two and place them in the cells." The guards responded and rushed to bring them to the holding cells. Andre walked to the dining halls. After everything today, he agreed that he would need a drink.


Time passed and Park's mind began to stir. His head ached as did his body. Water dripped on his forehead as his eyes moved behind their lids. A groan escaped his throat as he moved his hand to his forehead to cradle his splitting headache. He tried to think and remember what happened. The last memories he had of the day were of Lillian. And then Andre. And then...

He struggled to remember. Park rolled to one side. Immediately his shoulder erupted in a flame of pain. Park winced and moved his hand to his shoulder. The memory of the arrow knocking him off his feet came flooding back. He pieced the headache together with his unconsciousness. No doubt he was abruptly introduced to a rock. Park felt the wound and realized the shaft of the arrow had been broken off. The head of the arrow was still in him. Park looked around himself. The smell was putrid and the air was damp. He knew he was in a holding cell, but had no idea which one. He took to his feet and walked slowly to the cell door. He looked through the small opening of the door and darted his eyes around. Only a few guards. None of them he knew well. Park sat on the floor, dizzying from his head wound. It was at that point a thought came to his mind.

"Lillian!" he gasped. He had almost forgotten and cursed himself for doing so. What had happened to her? Was she dead? Park could only sit and wait till someone came. He slammed his fists against the floor. A tear escaped his eye. He was trapped in this place without any way of knowing what had happened. Certainly a hell he would never have wanted to be in.

"Guards" a voice spoke from outside. "You are to man posts outside and in the towers. I will take charge of the prisoners"

"Andre" Park whispered. He gritted his teeth at the thought of him. A shadow cut off the torch light coming into the cell. Park dropped to the floor to appear to still be out. Andre peered inside.

"Sleep tight, blasphemer. I will have your head mounted next to your bitch's by sunrise."

Andre walked away from the door and out of sight. Park opened his eyes cautiously and looked to the door. He got up and looked outside. The guards left leaving Park unguarded. Park examined the lock on the door. It was able to be unlocked from the inside and the out. Very stupid design flaw, but Park was not about to curse that now. Park looked around his cell for something, anything that he might be able to free himself with. He was frantic in looking around his cell. Nothing. Nothing whatsoever. Park kicked a rat scurrying about in anger. Park hit the wall and his shoulder flared up again. He winced and put his hand to his shoulder again. That's when he realized. His eyes widened and closed again. He had something he could use already. The arrow still imbedded in his shoulder was made from steel. All in the kingdom were. The dragons proved to take a stronger metal in fighting them.

Park raised his hand up and grabbed hold of the broken shaft. He took a deep breath and cleared his mind. This would hurt and he had no wine to take the pain away. All he could do was take his thoughts somewhere else. Park took some cloth from his shirt, balled it up and stuck it in his mouth. Park knew one thing he could escape his mind to. He thought of Lillian. Holding her hands in his, looking into her eyes with love and caring. Silently promising to love and protect her for all time. Park gathered his strength and pulled.

A muffled scream escaped his throat as the arrow came out. Park put his hands to his mouth as to not make any more noise. The last thing he needed now was Andre to come investigating. The fool was stupid enough to send the guards away and Park need to capitalize on this.

Park stepped to the door and examined the lock. He had picked many a lock before, but never one like this, let alone with a bloody arrow. Park was relieved that the key hole was slightly bigger than the head of the arrow, so he was able to do something if anything at all. Park worked the arrowhead around, desperately hoping to catch the mechanism inside. It seemed like an hour as he sat there moving the arrow around like a fool. Park grunted in frustration. "This is foolish" he thought "I was an idiot to think I could really get this door-"


Park's mouth hung open in astonishment. He really did it. Park knew his celebration would have to come later as he had to leave his prison. Park slowly opened the door and peered outside and down the hall. Nothing. No one around, not even Andre. Park stepped out and quietly walked down the hallway. Park froze as he heard voices. He stepped back around a corner and waited. He wouldn't hesitate to kill them if necessary. But the voices were not coming his way. More on their way out of the prison area. Park caught a tail end of one of them talking

"...the will certainly plan to have them both executed tomorrow..."

Both!? Despite what the guard had said, hearing that made Park's heart skip a beat. Lillian WAS alive. Park moved around the corner and down the hall some more. He stopped at a weapon rack and grabbed the single sword left. It was rusted and chipped, but Park had no choice in the matter. The only thing now was to find Lillian and get out.

Lillian's wooden cell door opened. The darkness inside was broken by the torch light from outside. Through the doorway, Lillian opened her eyes to see a lone figure standing there. She needed not to squint to regain vision, as her eyes didn't need to adjust. She didn't even need to look to know who was there.

"Andre" she thought.

"Good evening, demon. I hope your accommodations are as uncomfortable as possible." he sneered.

Lillian was chained to a Crux Decussata or St. Andrew's cross. It was an X-shaped cross held in place by a large post rammed into the ground. Her hands and feet chained to all corners, spread apart. A metal covering masked her mouth, more than likely to keep her fire inside instead of melting a hapless guard. Clothing similar to her old ones covered her body.

Andre moved slowly toward her, the smell of wine on his breath. "I see your wounds have healed. You dragons are amazing creatures. So amazing that you can even tempt our bravest men."

Lillian remained silent. She would not give him the satisfaction of answering him. Andre stood in front of her gazing evilly upon her body. "Since I found out Park was sneaking out and tending to his 'uncle', I knew he was going out for a romp in the hay with a whore. I just never knew it would be with a creature like you. One so vile, yet so pretty."

Lillian gave out a muffled growl jerking her head forward in front of Andre's face. Andre stood motionless only smiling at the dragoness. Lillian glared at him.

"Oh and don't try and break free from your chains, whore. These are made from the strongest steel in the kingdom. Our blacksmiths made these specifically for your kind. You have nowhere to go now."

"You know something," he continued "I sat and wondered what made Park so mad over you. Why he would betray his own kind over the spawn of the devil himself. But now I can see clearly what made him lust over you." Andre ran his hand over Lillian's neck down to her breasts. He squeezed them hard in his hands.

Lillian clenched her teeth and turned away from the disgusting man. Normally she could have just killed any man or dragon who would have tried to have his way with her. But not now. Not this time. She was powerless to keep him from taking her if he wanted. And she feared that is what he would do. She shut her eyes and thought of Park. Tears came down again as she thought of her human lying dead in the place that was more special to her than anywhere else now.

Andre saw the tears come down and smiled. He brought his mouth to the top of her chest and licked up to her neck. "Come now, dragon, don't cry. I can make you feel just as good as he did. Maybe better." He jeered.

Andre stood back and unstrapped his breast plate, letting it fall to the ground. He grabbed his crotch and rubbed it through his clothing, causing the bulge to get bigger."You are going to love this, bitch."

Andre moved back to her rubbing her womanhood with his hand. He felt her twist and contort, trying to get away. Andre kneeled down and sniffed her. He liked the stink she gave off and began to lick her through her leather panties. A muffled scream came from Lillian as she struggled to get away from him. It was no use. She wasn't going anywhere.

Andre picked himself up. He reached down and his pants fell to the floor. He brought himself next to her ear. "Are you ready, dragon? I'll try my best to make it hurt." He said as he licked her cheek.

"Captain Andre" a voice shot out from behind.

Angry, Andre slightly turned his head "What is it, IM BUS-"


Andre's eyes widened as spittle fell from his mouth. He looked down to see a sword sticking from his chest. He yelled in pain.

Lillian's eyes widened to see the sword sticking through, barely missing her.

The sword shot back out from his back as air sucked through the hole in Andre's chest. Andre grabbed his chest where the wound was and turned. The light flooded in from the outside. He couldn't make out who was there.

A yell and another slice of the sword came from the unknown attacker. Only this time, the steel severed Andre's penis. Andre screamed in agony as his tiny member rolled away in the dust of the cell. Andre fell to his knees in excruciating pain. Blood poured from his wounds. Knowing he was soon to die, he looked up at the figure walking toward him. No words were said by either. Andre stared up in shock at the lone figure.

One last slash and Andre slumped to the ground, his head rolling to the wall.

Lillian stared in astonishment at the figure. He walked toward her with a sense of urgency and tore off the covering to her mouth.

"Park!" she cried. Park kissed her passionately as he had before so many times. He broke the kiss. "I told you I would always find a way to be with you." He spoke.

Hurriedly, Park ran to Andre's body and searched for a key. He panicked until he finally found it around his neck now missing a head. Park unlocked his dragoness' bonds and pulled off the chains. As soon as she was free, the two embraced. The hugged each other tightly, having thought the other dead, not ever wanting to let go. But they had to, they had to escape or they would both surely die tonight.

Park and Lillian ran up the stairs out of the prison. They ducked behind a few barrels and looked out to the courtyard. Soldiers were amassing and forming into ranks. This was not good. From the looks of it, they were getting ready to assault. Going out the front was impossible without a diversion. Not knowing what to do next Park and Lillian ran to the tower next to the prison and went inside. The tower was connected to the main hall and the king's chambers. They followed the stairs upward, looking for anything they could to draw attention away from the gate, but found nothing. Finally the stairs ended coming to rest at a door. Park stopped and turned to Lillian.

"This is the royal alchemists' chambers. Perhaps we can find something in here." He spoke.

Park opened the door and looked inside. Potions and chemicals of all kinds lined the wall and tables. Small flames boiled liquids of all colors and experiments. Park moved inside with Lillian following close behind. Lillian's nose wrinkled at the smell of the chemicals. Her heighted sense was bombarded by the rush of potions and powders.

Behind them, the door opened and a small cloaked man made his way inside. He was clutching books and rolled up parchment. As he set them down, he looked up and gasped at the two. Wasting no time, Lillian dove to him and grabbed his throat.

"Do not make a sound, or else you will die. Understand?"

The alchemist looked down at the dragon as he was pinned to the wall. A small and frightened "yes" escaped his mouth. Park rushed over and locked the door.

"Lillian, hold him there" he commanded. Park grabbed a handful of powder sitting in barrels and brought it to the alchemist.

"What is this, alchemist? It's smell is familiar" Park asked. The alchemist looked down to Park. "It is a combination of black powder and sulfur" the alchemist replied. "Please be careful with it. One spark and it will explode!" Lillian stepped forward toward the barrels as her mouth hung open in shock. She saw something that made her cringe. "P-Park. Look..." Park turned quickly and ran to her side. His mouth hung open and surveyed where the alchemist had been getting the sulfer from. Dragon eggs. Eggs that had been stolen from nests and harvested before the whelps could hatch. The insides of the eggs were coated with sulfur to ensure the young would be able to breath fire after hatching. Park's teeth clenched and his expression turned to rage while Lillian held a torn open egg in her hands weeping. Park turned to the alchemist. The old man's face turned to dread backing against the wall. Park charged at the alchemist and grabbed him by his throat. "SO THIS IS WHERE THE SULFUR CAME FROM ALL THIS TIME?!?!", Park screamed. The alchemist remained silent realizing his imminent doom. Lillian stood up, dropping the pieces of shells to the ground. "Park, we need to leave" Lillian was visibly shaken by this. Not just because of the killing of the innocent whelps, but for something else as well. Park said nothing and threw the alchemist to a chair and tied him there. Lillian piled the barrels of black powder and sulfur around the alchemist and took a bag of powder making a line of it from the barrels to the door. Park and Lillian opened the door and stepped out. Park looked at Lillian. "Lillian. You know what to do." "Yes" Lillian replied. She took aim at the powder on the floor and shot out a small flame at it. The powder ignited and started to travel to the end. Lillian picked up Park, needing to hasten their escape, and sprinted full speed down the stairs and out the door. Back in the room, the alchemist watched in horror as the spark traveled around the line of black powder. He closed his eyes one last time preparing himself for the blast. Lillian and Park ran out the door looking for any cover they could find. They could only run now. The blast was deafening. The explosion from the tower rocked the castle sending a shock wave knocking down the soldiers in the courtyard. The main hall crumbled from the shock wave and most certainly the king's chambers inside.

But Lillian and Park were not spared from this either. The blast threw them forward, tumbling along the ground and into a wall. Lillian groaned as she picked herself up. She held her head, dizzy from the blast. She scanned the area and saw Park, pushing himself up from the ground. She ran to him hoping he had escaped injury.

"Park, are you alright?" she asked, helping him up. Park slumped into her arms.

"PARK" she screamed. Park looked down to his abdomen, seeing a jagged piece of metal sticking out. He screamed in pain.

"Park, hold on my love. I'm getting you out of here. She picked him up, cradling him in her arms. Lillian ran to the edge of the courtyard. Soldiers were running about as fire engulfed most parts of the castle. Most were still on the ground as chaos ensued. Lillian ran to the gate, now down. Knowing she would not have time for stealth, she ran to the gate and out of the castle. She could not go through the outer town as people everywhere were running to the castle. She looked to the lake to the west of the castle and ran to it. Lillian leaped into the water and swam on her back to the other side.

Lillian swam through the lake carrying Park to the other side of it. Off in the distance, the castle burned as more of the alchemist's devices and powders exploded. Lillian walked up the shore and laid Park down to look at him.

"Park, no!" she pleaded seeing his skin become pale and breathes shorten.

"...lillian..." Park whispered.

"I'm here my love" Lillian replied. Tears streamed down her face as she held his hands close to her. She couldn't lose him. Not now. Not ever.

"Park, you must stay with me. I can't lose you." Lillian held his head up. Park looked into her eyes one last time.

" you...Lillian" he whispered.

Lillian looked into his eyes. "Park there is something I wanted to tell you before all this happened. Something amazing has happened." She sobbed, trying to smile. Lillian took Park's hand and held it flat against her belly. Park looked to her and smiled, already knowing.

"I'm carrying an egg, Park. Yours and mine" she cried. "You can't go, Park. I need you here, please." She sobbed. With one last push of his strength, Park raised his hand to Lillian's face. She shut her eyes and buried her cheek into his palm.

She looked into his eyes one last time. Park smiled and his eyes closed. His head turned to the side and his arm fell to the ground.

Lillian wept at the sight of her fallen love. She laid her head on his unmoving chest and cried out for him. But he would answer her no more. Park was gone and Lillian was alone. The light from the moon shone down on the sad scene. Their love a thing of beauty had been destroyed. The only being in this world that she truly loved was gone from her. She had always been strong in her life, but there was no amount of her strength that could stop this.

Lillian scooped up Park and started her walk into the forest. Not knowing where to go or what to do, she left. And she would leave everything behind now.


Years had passed since the night fate stole Lillian's love from her, but time was better for her now. The two kingdoms had declared official peace. A new king came forth and rebuilt the human kingdom. He was the same one who rode to the mountain kingdom to meet with the dragon elders and speak of peace. The effects were felt throughout the land as the race of humans and dragons finally ended the great war.

However, Lillian could not rejoin her race. After all she had been through, she needed to leave. Eventually she decided to return to her place of birth beyond the valley. It was her home after all and she felt right in coming back. It belonged to not man nor dragon and she could stay there for all time.

Lillian was kindling a fire outside of her cave, roasting on top was meat from a goat killed earlier in the day. There was only one thing missing...

"Drake!" she called out. "Where could that boy be?" she said.

Moments later, feint sounds of flapping wings could be heard in the distance. A figure came into view. A boy with the look of 10 years was coming down to the mouth of the cave. He made his way down from the sky, hovering above the mouth of the cave before finally landing. His features were that of an average human boy. Hair, face, build and height. Only he had a set of leathery scaled wings on his back.

"Mother! I'm back!" the boy shouted.

Lillian walked out to greet him. "Drake, you know I worry when you stay out for so long. And it's not like I can chase after you anymore now that your wings take you wherever you choose." Lillian said chastising him.

"Oh mum, I wasn't out very long! Besides, I'm back in time for dinner aren't I?" he defended.

"Yes you are, my son. As it seems to be the ONLY time you make it back is when I have food waiting for you" she laughed. Lillian picked up her son and kissed his forehead.

"Mother!" Drake pleaded "I'm not a hatchling anymore; you don't have to carry me everywhere"

"I know. I hold you every chance I get, because before too long you will be too big to hold at all. You will one day venture out into the world and start your own life's adventure."

Lillian and Drake started inside their cave. The sun had begun to set and Drake was hungry. Lillian had prepared food for Drake that was outside of her own diet. She realized from his infancy that his food was different than that of a normal dragon. For he was not a normal dragon after all. His human and dragon heritage gave him a life new to the world they lived in. He craved milk as a hatchling instead of regurgitated fish. Lillian knew human babies drank milk, but she had none to give. After moving back to her home in the west peak, she knew of the plentiful goats there. Milking was never an easy task as the goats would run at the sight of a dragon, but she always caught them and got what her son demanded. Growing up, Drake had a taste for meat as her mother, but needed the fruits and vegetables as a human would. She found spots where wild vegetables would grow and retrieved them for him.

Mother and son sat down inside the cave and began to eat. Lillian ate slowly and watched her boy. Drake, who was more interested in the roasted goat, didn't seem to notice. It was alright though. Lillian was content to see her son grow day by day into the wonderful being he was. She thought more and more as of late where he would fit in the world. She would think to herself that he could stay in the cave with her forever, but she knew better. He would leave one day and she didn't know if the world would accept him for what he was. She knew that her love with Park wasn't understood, but they loved each other regardless. She would have to trust that Drake would find his own place in the world.

Drake finished his food and Lillian cleaned up the mess. Drake yawned as he sat outside watching the sun set on the valley.

"Drake, it's time for bed my son" Lillian called out.

"Yes mother" Drake replied sleepily. Drake walked back in and walked to his bed. He tucked his wings to his back and climbed in, pulling the bear skin over him. Drake had never been fond of sleeping on gold and gems as his mother had. Her species of dragon would do so, but his human side needed something more. So instead she lined the wall by his bed with gems and gold pieces. He liked it better that way. He was still his mother's son and enjoyed the sight of them. Lillian came to sit by his bed. She stroked his hair and kissed his cheek gently.

"Mum?" Drake asked. "Can you tell me a story of my father again?"

Lillian smiled. "Yes, son. What would you like to hear?"

"How about the time you were surrounded by bandits and he came to save you?"

Lillian had thought back to that day. There were many meetings between the two before the day Park died. She retold the story to Drake. Of how Lillian was caught in a trap and surrounded by 30 bandits, but was found and freed by Park. Together they killed every last bandit. She spared Drake the gory details and added in some action to keep it interesting and change up the story every now and then. There were only so many times she could tell the same story, but Drake enjoyed it just the same. Drake yawned and closed his eyes. She kissed his forehead and walked to sit outside.

Every time she told Drake a story of his father, it hurt to think of him. It hurt her not to be able to hold him as she had before. She wished he could be there. To see his son and watch him grow with her. She dreamed of him almost every night and every time was the same. He would hold her close and tell her he loved her. She would kiss him the way she had so many times before. But when she wanted to stay with him, the dream would end and she awoke in the world without him.

A tear fell from her eye. She never wanted Drake to see her this way, so she would step out when she felt this way. Lillian picked herself and walked inside. She put out the torch inside and climbed on to her gold. As she drifted off to sleep, she felt content. She would always love Park and never forget him as he gave her the greatest gift in her life: her son and love in a world that could never understand.

Lillian dreamt. She dreamt of her son playing in the valley below their home. He would run and take off into the air, swooping down just above the trees. While she watched, she felt a hand come onto her shoulder. She turned to see her love. Park gazed into her eyes and smiled. He wrapped his arm around her and looked up at his flying son.

"You have done so well raising our son, Lillian. You are a wonderful mother."

"Park, can you stay with us?" she asked him.

"I must go my dear. But I promised you long ago that I would always be here for you. I will always watch over you and Drake." Park replied.

Knowing it already, Lillian embraced Park and shared a kiss with him. As her dream began to fade, she knew she would always have Park with her and Drake.

Even if only in a dream.