Forbidden Fruit, Part II

Story by StrangeInterludes on SoFurry

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Part II, the conclusion! Again, Specter and Shade never canonically did anything mentioned here (and Shade never ended up with Evening Star). This is sort of an alternate timeline, written for fun.

Brilliant Shade & Brilliant Specter belong to Lynneth

commissioned by Lynneth

_ _ "Specter, are you staying for the night?" Evening Star asked, lowering her book. She was sitting on the pillows with her legs folded to the side and leaning on Shade, who was in a similar position with her legs pointing the other way. Specter was still on the couch, also with a book in his hands and no pillow on his lap. He raised his eyes from the book. The earth pony's personal library was surprisingly well-stocked with interesting tomes. Specter could see why Shade, who always liked intelligent types, had started dating her.

"I'm... not sure, actually," he replied after a second. "Night Sky said she shouldn't be off for more than a day, and that she would send me a letter telling me she was coming back home. But I didn't get any letters yet."

"Do you want to use our guest room?" she asked.

"I think I'm going to take that offer," replied Specter, "although I didn't bring a change of clothes for the night."

"Oh, that's fine!" Evening Star nodded enthusiastically. "I've been trying to help Shade with the house chores, and I just learned a new alchemical formula for washing clothes! I can wash yours while you take a shower!"

"Really?" Specter smiled, pleased. "That would be great, thanks! I don't know how the pegasus manage it so well, but flying makes a pony sweat quite a lot."

"Not the only thing that makes a pony sweat a lot..." Shade giggled quietly, then winced and protested as Evening Star jabbed her ribs with one finger. "Gee, you're such a prude, Evie!" She leaned over to steal a kiss from the flustered bookworm, then stretched her arms and yawned. "Well, it's getting late here, I think I should probably get dinner going. It's going to be a pretty warm night, so what does everypony think about a refreshing celery and lemongrass salad?"

"Sounds great!" exclaimed Evening Star. Specter agreed with a nod.

"Ah, Lord Brilliant Specter is not going to demand fancy Canterlot cuisine for his supper?" Shade grinned, then winked playfully at her brother, who just rolled his eyes in return. "It's decided, then!" She stood up and walked to the kitchen, pausing at the door. "Specter, can you give me a hand with the dressing? I want to try out mom's secret honey and yoghurt recipe, and you were always better at it than me."

"Sure," the stallion replied, putting the book away and following the short and pudgy mare into the kitchen. "But be warned, I can barely remember it!"

"That's fine, I still remember the ingredients."

Specter stood to the side as Shade made her way around the kitchen, selecting ingredients and placing bowls and knives upon the counter. Entering somepony else's kitchen always brought about a strange feeling, as if he was entering a different world. Nothing was where he expected it to be, yet it all felt eerily familiar. The best choice in that situation, Specter concluded, was to let the host guide him through the traps and pitfalls of an unfamiliar kitchen. He glanced out of the door to see Evening Star still on the pillows, absorbed by not one, but now two books at once. He chuckled quietly.

Shade pulled him to the counter by the arm, standing him in front of a few bowls. "Here are the ingredients, get to work!" she ordered with a playful authoritative tone that was almost convincing, then stood besides him to prepare the salad itself. He sighed, smiling, and did as he was told. The secret to their mother's recipe was how it was whisked. The exact movement relied on a very specific flick of the wrist that simply baffled most ponies, but that Specter had learned after much effort. Mixing the dressing required full concentration.

"I'm thinking about adding some grated cheese to the salad," said Shade, holding up two wedges, one pale white and the other a rich yellow. "What do you think? Which one should I use?"

"The yellow one should be fine..." he replied vaguely, staring into the small bowl he was mixing the yogurt and the honey in.

"Yeah, it should add a nice flavor to it. I'll add some croutons to go along with it, too!" Shade nodded and started humming to herself as she worked, shaking her hips side to side in sync to the catchy tune she had heard at the market that morning. Specter shook his head slowly at his sister's antics and focused on his work. He knew Shade would try to distract him, and he told himself he would not allow it to happen.

A flick of her hips made him a liar. His eyes were naturally attracted to the movement of Shade's skirt, bouncing from side to side and going higher and higher the filly's impromptu dance became more energetic. The hem almost cleared her upper thighs, and he averted his gaze.

"Shade, your skirt is moving in the wrong direction."

"Hmm?" She glanced up at him, horn glowing to hold the celery stalks in place as she cut them.

"Your skirt's moving up," he repeated, forcing his eyes back towards the bowl and focusing on the whisking. "You know, from the dancing?"

"Oh, gee!" she laughed. "It keeps doing that, I dunno why! Here, let me fix it!" The magical field around the celery vanished, but Shade's horn kept glowing. Her skirt was lifted until it was bunched up under the base of her tail. The weight of her full tail held the skirt in place, exposing her naked, shapely butt as she kept shaking her hips and resumed chopping the celery as if nothing had happened.

"Sh-- Shade, that's exactly the opposite of what I intended...!" There it was again. His cheeks felt like they were on fire. He was impressed at how Shade had managed to move about with her usual energy through the evening, and even spend a few minutes cuddling with Evening Star, without the other pony noticing her lover's lack of underwear. Shade ignored his protest and resumed humming to herself, hovering the even-shaped pieces of celery into a big bowl and bringing over the lettuce and lemongrass.

Oh, that was too much.

"Shade?" Specter brought his mouth closer to his sister's, lowering his voice so it would not echo across the rather expansive kitchen. "Is there anything you'd like me to do? Like... maybe tease you again?"

"Oh, no!" she whispered back, giggling coquettishly. "Why would I want you to do that?"

"I don't know... what with you sliding your skirt up like that...?" He shook his head and leaned in to kiss and nibble her ear gently but hesitantly. Shade grinned, her ear jiggling.

"Because I wanted to tease you."

Specter straightened up a little by instinct, feeling her telekinetic presence sliding gently between his legs, moving upwards from his knee.

"You're a very silly filly, do you know that?" he replied, putting the whisk and bowl down onto the counter and moving closer to nuzzle her neck. Tentatively, he placed one hand on her rear and left it there, listening for her reaction.

She smiled and let out a content murmur, tilting her head to the side to give her brother more space to brush his nose against. She felt him taking a half-step to the side, his thigh brushing against her bare rear. "I'll let you have a little taste..." she said, her breathing becoming a little heavier as her telekinesis moved his hand down the curve of her bottom and towards the center, making it slide between her thighs. His index finger brushed between her damp folds before it was pushed away, the brief contact enough to leave it slick with her juices.

"You're evil..." said Specter, licking his finger clean to taste his sister's indecorous nectar. The sweet flavor of the forbidden fruit. As he gloried in that thrilling scent, he pressed himself against her, the bulge in his pants rubbing on the small of her back. He could feel her body trembling lightly as he brought the wet finger to her lips. "Do you want a taste?"

"Not this time." She turned around and poked his side, grinning. She pointed at the counter. The salad was ready. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

"Aw, I don't get to tease you?" He sighed glumly, picking up the whisk and the bowl again. Maybe the dressing could still be saved. Shade slid a hand into Specter's pocket and pulled out the handkerchief he had used before. Smirking at him, she brought the paisley-patterned cloth to her nose, closing her eyes as she inhaled his musky scent. He blushed hard, aware that the scent of the soap he had used before leaving Canterlot had long been gone by the time that handkerchief had been... no matter. The intense shiver crossing her body told him Shade had enjoyed it anyway.

"This will be enough for now..." she exhaled, steadying herself against the counter as her legs faltered. Specter moved in. He saw her eyes closing, he felt her ragged, excited breathing. His lips approached her, close enough to feel her warmth...

"Do you need any help?" Evening Star's voice came from the living room. The siblings straightened up in a hurry, their backs stiff with fright. Shade tugged at her skirt, making it slide back over her rump, and cleared her throat before replying:

"Oh, we're fine!" She nudged him on the side with one elbow, pointing at the spilled yoghurt by their hooves, then stuffed the handkerchief back into his rear pocket. "Specter made a bit mess with the dressing, I think we'll have to make another batch! But I'm bringing the salad out now! Can you set the table up?"

"Sure!" Evening Star replied. Shade looked at her brother as he kneeled down to clean up the spill and shook her head. She took the bowl of salad in one arm and ruffled Specter's mane as she left the kitchen.

* * * * * * *

"Shade? Where are you going?" groaned Evening Star sleepily. Her voice was quiet and muffled as her face was still buried firmly in the pillow and she did not intend to move.

The other unicorn had her hand on the doorknob. She turned towards the bed, startled. After a second of apprehension, she let out a quiet laugh and replied gently. "I'm gonna have a midnight snack, Evie." She smacked her shapely rear softly with one hand, grinning as the sharp sound reached her ears. "I can't keep this big butt of mine if all I eat are light salads. Do you want anything?"

"No, I'm good..."

"I'll be back in a few minutes. Love you." Shade waited for a reply that did not come. Evening Star had fallen asleep already. The grey filly smiled to herself and headed downstairs.

* * * * * * *

What a weird day. Specter thought to himself, staring at the ceiling of the guest room. It was very late and he was still fully awake. The bed was comfortable, he felt tired, a breeze came in through the open window, making the hot evening rather pleasant. Everything should have been set up for a perfect night's sleep. Yet he could close his eyes and will himself asleep all he wanted, his mind refused to obey.

And so he stared into the dark ceiling and tried to keep his mind empty.

He lay naked under the covers. Not by his own choice. As it turned out, the alchemical formula Evening Star had learned was indeed great for washing clothes, but its scope did not seem to include drying and so he left the bathroom after his shower to find his clothes still dripping wet. The astronomer suggested Shade cast a charm to accelerate the drying process, and it took both Brilliant siblings a few minutes to dissuade her from that idea. It was late, and Specter did not want to risk having his clothes singed by a miscast spell. And so Shade hung his clothes out to dry. He could hear them fluttering outside the window, their faint smell of lavender making its way into the room.

What a day! He turned to lay on his left side. It was the sixteenth time he had turned to the left in the past two hours. The other thirty five times he had turned to the right or just lay flat on his back. The fact he was counting how many times he tossed and turned on the bed was a good indication of how sleepless he was. It was also a very good way to avoid thinking about it.

Every time he allowed himself to feel distracted, she took over his mind. When he closed his eyes, Shade appeared, as if imprinted into his eyelids. She danced and winked at him, taking off her clothes piece by piece and beckoning him to take her, to ignore what everypony would say and defile her with his dirty, incestuous seed. He closed his eyes tightly and shook his head, turning once more to face the ceiling. There she was again, teasing him. Mocking him with the impossibility of their relationship. He could never have her, he did not want to have her, but his body raged for her. His arms yearned to take her and hold her as he would thrust deeply inside that curvaceous body, his malehood punishing her insatiable walls... and then his ears would drink her climactic moans like sweet wine. She would scream his name as his hot, thick seed flooded her. And then--

Specter opened his eyes again, gasping for air. With a sigh, he looked down to confirm what he already felt: in the blue moonlight, he saw the tent his reverie had formed under the sheet. His member stood proudly, the head rubbing up on the sheet as it throbbed. He reached under the blanket and wrapped his fingers under the base. Exhaling another defeated sigh, he decided: might just as well just get it over with.

And so he started stroking. At first, it was slow and awkward, his length being such that the act itself was more than a little ungainly. He tried to push Shade out of his mind by conjuring a softly glowing image of Night Sky in the air in front of him. His beloved pegasus. The mare for whom he would give everything. The one he swore to love with all his heart for all of eternity. His heart was in the right place, he loved her. Yet the pony in his illusion was his sister. He felt amused as he noticed the analytical part of his brain was still active enough to tell him the filly dancing in front of his eyes might have looked like Shade, but it still had Night Sky's perfect proportions.

It was useless to resist, and he eventually gave up. He threw the sheet to the side, his hand sliding faster up and down his member, brushing past the median ring. Having reached the conclusion that masturbation would be more acceptable than the act itself, he accepted the sight his illusion offered him and allowed himself to enjoy it for what it was. There would be no fooling, no edging, nothing to increase pleasure. His entire body ached. His nether regions, doubly so. He did not want pleasure anymore, he just wanted relief as quickly as possible. Reaching under the pillow, he grasped the "gift" his sister had given her earlier that day. The garment was dry and a little stiff by then, but her scent remained strong. He pressed the thin white cloth against his nose and sniffed Shade's indecorous fragrance as he intensified his efforts! His balls throbbed. So close...!

Suddenly, hoofsteps. He froze for a second, then gathered his wits and covered himself up again, holding his member flat between his thighs with one hand. It hurt, but the sudden burst of adrenaline made him barely notice it. Somepony was walking down the stairs, past the guest room door, which was between ground floor and the first floor of the tower. He held his breath and listened as the soft hoofsteps vanished again. The guest room door had no lock, he was lucky nopony heard him thrashing about the bed and decided to check if he was all right. No matter, he would simply wait until whoever that pony was went back to sleep, then prop a chair against the doorknob and tell anypony who came knocking the door was stuck.

Some time later, the sound of hoofsteps returned, this time going up the stairs. He listened closely, waiting to hear the loud creak of the first step after the guest room door. Instead, he heard a knock. The blood drained from his face and he lay very still on the bed. For all intents and purposes, he was asleep. Except for the fact that he wasn't, he tried to make himself look and sound as asleep as possible. Another knock.

"Specter, let me in," said Shade. "I know you can't sleep. It's a very hot night and I brought you a something to help cool off."

Specter exhaled loudly and sat up on the bed, covering his lower body with the crumpled sheet. "Come in, Shade."

The door opened and a warm glow invaded the bedroom. Shade stepped in, wings folded behind her back but still giving off enough light to make Specter cover his eyes. For a few seconds, he saw her only in silhouette. She was carrying a shallow bowl in each hand, silver spoons gleaming as they reflected her wings. Specter grimaced.

"Shade, did you really need to go around with your wings on in the middle of the night?" he asked, blinking to try to adapt his eyes.

"I wanted to practice the spell, okay?" Shade replied, sitting on the bed and offering him one of the bowls. "Here's some ice cream. Strawberry, chocolate and vanilla."

"Thank you, little sis." Specter smiled at her, then his eyes went wide. He could not see it before, but Shade was wearing a sheer, almost transparent light pink babydoll, which would be fine were she alone in the tower with Evening Star... but not so much sitting on his bed. She looked a bit sweaty, her fur glistening and making the fabric cling to her form. Not for the first time in the past twenty-four hours, he cursed his existence. Maybe a bit of humor would defuse the situation before it went too far. "Ah... interesting outfit, Shade. Where's the rest of it?"

"Very funny," she said, giving him a sarcastic smile before taking a spoonful of the multicolored dessert into her mouth. Specter could not decide whether he was just imagining it, or if she really was licking the silvery spoon that deliberately.

"You... didn't come here just to give me ice cream, did you?" Specter started eating. The chill in his mouth made him realize just how hot he had been feeling up to that point.

He had time to shovel another large spoonful in before Shade answered his question, her eyes bright even in the faint indirect light reaching her face. "Well... I was just going to give you the ice cream and go back to bed..." She licked some cream off her lower lip and the corners of her mouth curled gently upwards before she ate another bit of her dessert, "... but it smells like I might have interrupted something."

The stallion went pale. He babbled for a couple seconds, trying to find a reasonable explanation for the guest room to be impregnated with his scent. Shade giggled and swallowed another spoonful.

"So I did interrupt something," she grinned at him, reaching to caress his naked chest with one hand. Her fingers brushed over the mark left by his medallion. She looked into his eyes. "You're a perverted colt, big brother. Trying to get off in Evening Star's guest room. What did you think you were going to do to hide your mess, hmm? As far as I know, neither of us is an expert in cleaning bedsheets overnight..."

"I could think of something," replied Specter, a hint of a pout on his lips as the blush across his cheeks started to ease up. He found himself surprised to be more annoyed than embarrassed about her insinuations. Nopony insulted his magical skills. He opened his mouth to defend himself further, but almost choked as Shade hovered his spoon into his mouth.

"You think too much, Specter," she said simply. While he pulled the spoon out of his mouth, she grabbed on to the sheets with one hand and yanked them off. He scrambled to cover himself with one hand, trying to hold the bowl of ice cream steady with the other. A squirrel trying to put out a forest fire with a tea spoon would have been more successful. His hand alone was too little, too late. He thought about using the pillow behind him, but quickly saw that would be useless as well. Unrestrained by pants or underwear, his member had reached its peak. A glob of thick, clear precum shimmered in the low light, teetering on the edge. Shade smiled gleefully, taking another generous helping of tri-colored frozen goodness into her mouth before cooing playfully: "Big brother, when did you get so big...?"

"Oh, shut your mouth," Specter replied, shaking his head and eating his ice cream. To hell with being self-conscious, that situation was weird enough as it was. "I've grown a few inches taller since you last barged into the bathroom while I was showering, it stands to reason my, er... member... also got proportionally bigger."

"I can you turned out a few inches _longer_as well, Specter..." Shade laughed, provoking him with a wink as her horn glowed almost imperceptibly. The door, which she had left open, slowly swung closed behind her. Specter motioned as if he was going to roll his eyes, then glared at her.

"Hang in there, Shady," he said seriously, pointing his spoon at her. "Were you peeking at me back at our parents' home?"

"Of course not, silly! Gee, stop taking everything I say so seriously!" She leaned forward, licking a drop of chocolate that threatened to fall off the spoon. Specter squirmed a little as her arm brushed against his length. She noticed the reaction and raised her eyebrows. "Sensitive, aren't we?"

"Like you wouldn't imagine," he groaned, running a hand through his mane. "You might think it's a lot of fun to tease me like this, but it does leave me in shambles."

"Oh, it is fun." Shade nodded, then dug the spoon into her ice cream, lifting up a big, dripping dollop. "Aw, see? We're taking too long! The ice cream is melting!"

"And whose fault is that?"

"Not mine, clearly." She shrugged. "I am merely a well-intentioned little sister who brought her brother a midnight snack!"

"Oh, yeah. You're such a pure little thing..." Specter leaned back against the headboard, frowning in annoyance. Shade looked into her bowl and sighed.

"Well, I better make the most of a melted ice cream," she said. Specter looked at her confusedly. Her horn glowed and a bubble made out of streaks of vanilla, chocolate and strawberry flavors hovered out of the bowl. The mare floated it in random directions for a few seconds, and Specter followed it with his eyes. At the end of its trajectory, it splashed right against the end of his shaft. His eyes went wide as he felt the sudden cold on such a sensitive place and it took him almost supernatural self-control not to yelp. Before he could question Shade about the meaning of that silly prank, she had already floated her bowl onto the nightstand and leaned down to lick the melted ice cream.

He felt an electric shock running up his spine as his eyes reassured him there was no deception involved. His sister, dearest little Shade, was leaning forward. Her warm, slippery tongue was scooping up the goopy cream she had just placed upon his shaft and she swallowed it eagerly. He gasped, feeling his entire body tensing. Another drop of precum emerged from the tip, mixing with the ice cream. Shade did not seem to mind it, licking up both with the same gusto. Specter fought to close his mouth, trying to find his words.

"Sh--Oh, Heavens...! Shade!" His voice was quiet and husky as he tried to avoid waking up the owner of the tower. He sibilated from between clenched teeth as her tongue flicked over the tip. "What are you doing?!"

"I'm finishing the job." She smiled wide at him, lifting something up with one finger. The panties she had given him. "Also, you might want to be more careful when you try to hide incriminating evidence, dear brother." She placed a final kiss onto the tip of his cock and sat up straight once more. She was not wearing any of her accessories besides her glasses. The lack of her hairband made her look like a different, more adult pony with her hair framing her face.

"I've said it before and I'll say it again, Shady..." Specter closed his eyes, bringing a hand to the base of his shaft and squeezing it tightly. Pre spurted out of the end as he started stroking. He could not stand it anymore. "You're an evil little sister..."

"And I'm about to get a lot eviler..." she declared, putting a hand onto his and stopping it at the base. "We can't do it, I don't want to do it and we won't do it. But I'm so horny it hurts, and that doesn't mean I can't give your fiancée a little gift."

"What?" Specter shook his head in confusion, then gasped as Shade's majestic wings lifted her up into the air and she straddled his lap. He felt panic rising to the surface, his body getting ready to surge into action as he felt her rear rubbing up against the base of his shaft and her tail brushing its length. "Shade...! What...! Don't!"

"Don't worry." She pulled at the thin straps holding her nightgown in place, slipping them over her shoulders and letting go. The garment fell down to her chest, its insignificant weight held in place by her nipples. "Whoops!" she said, bouncing a little on top of him and letting the transparent cloth slip down her form and rest around her wide hips. Specter looked at her, wide-eyed. Her beautiful, round breasts were in plain view, going up and down slowly as she breathed steadily. At any other time of his life, he would have averted his gaze. This time, he looked. A hand moved towards her chest, but she swatted it away. Specter looked at his hand, then at her, puzzled. She waggled her finger in front of his face. "I said you wouldn't touch me unless I let you. Behave."

He stared into Shade's eyes, those beautiful eyes, full of purpose and intelligence. And he nodded apologetically. "I'll behave."

"Good. Here's a little something for you." Something white and damp landed on his nose and he tried to look at it without looking cross-eyed. What it was became obvious as soon as he took another breath. The scent of Shade's honey, fresh and warm, flooded his mind. He briefly wondered just when did she manage to remove her underwear, but the thought was quickly forgotten as he picked up the damp panties. He flicked the garment between his fingers, feeling the wet patch of cloth in the middle, and brought it to his face again. He closed his eyes, letting out a quiet sigh as he lost himself in bliss.

As good as that felt, it seemed Shade had yet further plans to assault his senses. Holding on to Specter's shoulders, she slowly pushed her hips back. The stallion was instantly thrown back into the real world with a jolt, eyes opening wide as he felt his hard shaft sliding between his sister's wet folds. Her honey oozed out profusely, and she slid back and forth, raising her hips to allow his member to stand in its natural angle. Specter froze in place as Shade's strong thighs lifted her body further, allowing her nether lips to kiss the head of his cock. It throbbed, pre-ejaculate gushing out in a thick jet. The feeling made him squirm. His hips bucked up by instinct. Shade's eyes widened as the tip snagged against the end of her labia and slipped away between both halves of her rump, leaving a trail of pre and honey under her tail.

"Be-have," she gasped after a second of hesitation, as if trying to confirm he was still outside her. Specter bit his lower lip and nodded. It would be useless to try to convince her it was not voluntary; he would have to control himself instead.

"I'm sorry, Shade..."

"Call me your little sister," she replied quietly, nuzzling his neck. She straightened up her back, arching it slightly and thrusting her chest towards him. She inhaled sharply as she resumed moving her hips up and down, nether lips gliding over his cock. Specter closed his eyes, sniffing the panties once more and groaning.

"Oh, little sister..." he whispered to her, running a hand up her side as she sped up. His fingers stopped shy of reaching her breasts, waiting for the refusal he knew would come. Yet, Shade did nothing to stop him. A quiet moan reached his ears as her efforts intensified, the filly rubbing the purple head, gently teasing and prodding it against her entrance. Her sex drank his pre eagerly, but she did not allow anything else to enter her body. Specter tensed, wondering for wild moment if Shade was in a safe day before his mind went blank with another jolt of pleasure and his hips bucked up again. He was almost there, just a little more!

Shade was ready for it this time, and deftly avoided his thrust. Once more, his length rested between her butt cheeks, the filly grinning down at him. "You just can't control yourself, can you?" She pressed her lips against his briefly, pulling back before he could hold her, and poked between his eyes. "Eat the rest of your ice cream."

"But..." He looked at the bowl. It lay forgotten on the bed in an angle, its contents almost spilling out. He picked it up and looked at her with a sulky expression. "It's all melted already!"

"I don't care," replied Shade, sitting on his upper thighs. Her clit was pressing gently against his sheath, and her folds oozed their lewd juices onto his heavy, blue balls. She poked his chest. "Eat up."

Specter protested the order but picked up the spoon, bringing the creamy liquid into his mouth. It was not cold anymore. Almost room temperature, in fact. He finally noticed the sweat drenching his own fur. Groaning softly, he kept eating. His family jewels burned, his shaft longed to feel Shade's warmth embracing it, but he focused on the task he had been given. As he scraped the bottom of the bowl for the last spoonful, he felt the pressure between his legs a little more bearable. He had come just so close. And again, he was so far away.

He showed his sister the empty bowl, which she examined under the light of her wings. Satisfied, she floated it onto the nightstand and wriggled her rear, presumably to make herself more comfortable. She brought one hand to her belly, holding on to his shaft with a firm grasp. Her hand slid up to the end of his cock and flicked the wet tip with a thumb.

"You colts are so silly," Shade commented, playing with his length. She pushed it against his belly, watching his face twist in reaction, then let it go so it would smack against her pudgy tummy. She tittered as he moaned, his pre coming out with such force it splashed against the underside of her breasts. She did it again, pushing, holding, and letting go. Specter's body tensed under her. "So very silly..."

Specter tried to reply with some witty observation about fillies, but lost his voice as he watched her push his member against his body once more. This time, however, she did not let it go. Instead, she pushed herself up his torso, her sex now rubbing against the sensitive underside of his cock. His hips pushed upwards again, but it only made Shade press down against him harder, squeezing his shaft and making him wince with pain. She leaned forward and kissed his cheek, giving him the least innocent look he had ever seen.

"See what you've made me do, big brother..." She slid back and caressed his sore member. Her hands held on to his shoulders and she pulled against him again. He closed his eyes, teeth clenched. "Will you behave now?"

"Yes!" he groaned at her, panting hard. "Just... please... little sister, please...!"

"It'll be over soon, big brother." She kissed his nose and placed her wet panties over it again.

Shade brought her soft, wet nether lips to bear against his cock once more, sitting on his lap and wriggling her hips back and forth. She moaned quietly as her clit bumped against the veins, every brush against his median ring making her shiver. Her tail lay flat between her flanks, the luxuriant hair brushing against his balls in a motion that managed to both soothe and stoke their fire.

"Oh, Heavens..." Specter muttered, throwing his head back and suppressing a moan. Shade sped up, breasts jiggling lightly as pleasure built up. He could feel her body tensing as she rubbed herself against him. She let go of his shoulders, balancing herself with her strong legs, and brought her hands to her chest. He watched in disbelief as his sister squeezed them, her labia pressing harder against him as she approached her climax. He groaned, holding on to her waist and trying to make her move faster. "Please, little sis... let me cum...!"

Shade grinned at him, then gasped and arched her back, hips thrust forward. Her body froze in place. Her horn flashed into life, conjuring patterns and flashes of light all across the room in a spectacular orgasmic display. Her hips stopped moving, the entrance of her pussy almost enveloping the head of his shaft as she pushed down on him, his cock a mere inch from penetration. He could feel his balls swelling, ready to deliver their load. He desperately tried to push her back so he would be inside, but it was useless. Her legs were locked, he had no angle to thrust. He felt a rush of her warm, sticky juices bathing his cock as her body reached its climax, the contractions making him feel like her lips were kissing him. But it was not enough. So close. So agonizingly close...

But not enough.

Specter moaned and whimpered quietly, looking at Shade as she panted. Her horn gradually stopped glowing and she slid back slowly to be able to hug him. Her stiff nipples pressed against his chest. "That was good, wasn't it?" she asked, nuzzling his neck.

"Little sis..." Specter begged her with his eyes, his cock throbbing painfully under her. "Are you really going to do this to me...?"

"I told you I like teasing you." She nuzzled him again, then floated up and away from him. She sat down on the edge of the bed, bringing a hand between her legs and shivering with pleasure. "Ooh, I'm still so wet, I think I need to take a shower."

"You're evil... eviler than anypony who's ever lived on Equestria..." Specter muttered bitterly, bringing his hands to his length. Shade's horn glowed brightly and her magic blocked his movement. He glared at her furiously. "What now? Are you going to keep me from cumming forever?!"

"No, but I did say I was going to give your lady a little gift, didn't I?" Shade offered him a coy smile, light blue eyes gleaming beautifully in the reflected golden light. "It just so happened I was walking through the main room when a magical letter came in. I hope you don't mind me reading it... but it was from Night Sky, saying she would be back in Canterlot in two hours, and that she would really like to see you there." She licked her fingers, floating off the bed and picking her nightgown off the floor with her telekinesis. "Her tone seemed lonely. Or maybe it was the perfume she sprayed on the parchment. Mhmm, she smells good."

"Night Sky is calling me?" Specter's eyes went wide. For that instant, he forgot the burning in his loins. His mare was there! He had to get back home!He H Oh, it felt like it had been ages!

"I think your clothes should be dry already. They're just outside your window, should be easy enough for you to reach with your magic. You can wipe the sweat down with the towel in the nightstand drawer. There's also some lotion in there if you want to disguise the smell, too. Although I can't imagine why you'd do that..." Shade blew him a kiss and wiggled her fingers, winking playfully. "It was nice teasing you, my horny big brother, but I need to wash up before Evie notices I've been gone too long. I'll see you some other day. Have a safe flight!" She floated lazily off to the bathroom.

"Oh, yes..." She stopped halfway out of the door. "Do take the empty bowls to the kitchen before you leave, please?"

Forbidden Fruit, Part I

_commissioned by Lynneth_ _ Well, old boy_, Brilliant Specter thought to himself,_isn't this awkward?_ He stood in the middle of the main room of Evening Star's astronomy tower, holding a parchment from the Canterlot Court in one hand, and a golden...

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The Waterfall, Part II

_commissioned by Lynneth_ _ _ Faye woke up to Taylor's hand stroking behind her ears. She stirred lightly and purred, half-opening her eyes. The jaguar smiled down at her as she lay her head on his lap. "Good girl..." He said, his hand still dancing...

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The Waterfall, Part I

_commissioned by Lynneth_ _ _ "Hello, Mrs. Sostra!" "Ahh!" Diane Sostra started and turned on her heels, looking at the teenaged jaguar boy poking his head through the living room window. "Taylor, how many times did I tell you, don't do that?!" She...

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