Chapter 8 - Into the Fire

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#8 of Dusk to Dawn

Chapter 8 - Into the Fire

You guys know the drill don't read if ur younger than 18... though I cant really control who accesses this. This story contains sex between teenage males, and all that jazz... Hope you enjoy it.


A few hours later...

Skye's eyes flickered open, and he leapt to his knees gasping for air.

"Skye, relax you're okay," Becka's cool voice sounded from the speakers of the Bridge.

"What about Alex... and Spencer," he quickly looked around to see the other two boys getting to their feet.

"How's the battle going now?" Alex looked at the main control screen.

"It's almost over; we've managed to destroy every ship except for another capital ship that dropped out of slip space about five minutes ago." Becka reported, "Oh and Skye."

"Yeah go ahead," Skye replied.

"I've taken the liberty of naming this ship the Orion, it seemed fitting to honor the three of you as the great hunters of space," Becka appeared on a holo pad smiling warmly at them.

"Thanks Becka, it means a lot," Alex replied.

"Now," Skye snapped back into his earlier state of mind, "open a com channel to the rest of the fleet," Skye ordered.

"Channel is open Skye, go ahead," Becka replied.

"This is the Orion, let's take out this last ship and jump into slip space, we need to get out of here ASAP." He commanded.

"Why, what's the rush?" Blake's voice cracked over the channel.

"I don't know it's something that I saw the moment that I killed Shawna; it was like our minds some how crossed and I saw what she was thinking, death, destruction, the remainder of their fleet knows exactly where we are. They're rallying in a near by star cluster before they jump to our location... their entire fleet." Skye's voice actually had a hint of worry in it.

"All right then, let's finish this off!" Andrew, the 'new' captain of the Shroud of Shadows replied.

Together the three ships shot everything they had at the single capital ship, rockets, plasma charged and lasers bolted across space impacting on the ships shields, and finally hitting their hull. The Draconian ship began shaking as the secondary explosions inside the ship began to shake the ship apart, just before it erupted into an explosion of energy and ceased to exist.

"This is the Prospect of Intent, are our ships ready to jump?" Blake asked.

"Shroud of Shadows is ready to go, turning over controls to the AI," Andrew replied.

"We're ready here too Skye," Blake stated, "Controls are over being transferred to Becka now,"

"Becka, you've got control of the fleet, set us a slip space entrance and let's get out of here!" Skye Immediately commanded.

Several Draconian and what looked almost like glyph symbols flashed across the main control panel as Becka connected the ship's main AI's and networks together. Using the three slip space engines aboard the ships she began opening the seem of the portal, the energy building in the ships preparing to jump. Seconds later a single slip space portal grew out of the darkness, however, once it reached normal size it rapidly exploded outwards making an Advent Horizon about four times larger then normal. The calm black of space around the gateway was ripped apart, massive streaks of white light and ribbons of matter themselves thrashed about. The massive energy of the portal began sucking the debris of the shattered cruisers and battle ships into the entrance, evaporating them instantly.

"Slip space portal is open," Becka advised, "Stabilizing... okay, we're clear to enter."

"Take us in," Skye ordered.

Slowly but with exact precise timing, Becka piloted the three ships into a "v" shape, the Orion in front, followed closely by the other two ships. Slowly but surely the three ships slipped into the Advent Horizon, disappearing through the fabric of space. Seconds later the portal collapsed in on itself, shattering into an explosion of energy, disintegrating a good chunk of the asteroid belt that they had just been in.

"Systems show that all three ships have transferred into slip space without any problems," Becka announced over the three ship's com systems; "Commencing repairs now, estimated time of completion... six hours."

Blake beamed attempted to create three crews with the amount of persons available at his disposal; beaming over what he could to the Shroud of Shadows and recently named Orion.

"I suggest that we get to an Earth station as soon as possible," Blake's voice washed over the bridge, "We're going to need some new crew and techs aboard these ships, we can't run on a third of the crew in each ship, even with Becka working them both.

"Aye, setting a course now... re-routing slip space fields, ETA, one hour." Becka reported, "Sending message prior to arrival... now."

"Great job Becka, Skye, how are you guys doing?" Blake turned his attention.

"We're okay, it's a little weird not having our own sleeping quarters," Skye replied.

"There are some cots coming on the next transport, set-up some makeshift quarters and get yourselves combat ready again." Blake ordered.

"Aye," Skye replied as he walked over to tell Alex and Spencer the news.

"So we're staying on board the Orion?" Spencer asked.

"For now it looks that way," Skye replied resting a hand on his shoulder.

"C'mon, there has to be some sort of showers on this ship, lets go find them," Alex urged.

"Yeah, all right, I'll tell the crew," Skye walked over and handed the bridge off to LT. Jacobs and walked out the doors to the ship followed by Alex and Spencer.

Together they searched the ship, using Becka's intel she had gathered on the ship while taking over they finally found themselves in Shawna's quarters, the only one with a real shower in it; and even then it was more of a communal shower with four shower heads pointed to make one large stream.

"This'll do," Alex approved, and stepped forwards, armor and all and turned on the water.

"Right, let's get out of this armor and clean off a bit?" Skye suggested.

"Yeah, right behind you," came Spencer's voice as he stepped into the communal shower as well.

As they stepped into the water the armors systems adjusted to the water, displaying the temperature and contents of the liquid before they depolarized and went clear enough for the boys to see the water cascading across their gear.

First they un-sealed their helmets, carefully removing them from their heads and setting them on the ground, taking a moment to allow the warm water to wash over their faces and through their hair, the dirt flowing down the remaining armor and down the drain.

Next was the torso, front and back, followed by the legs and adjoining parts, they soot and ashes from the ship to ship and personal battle still washing off of their armor and bodies.

A second later the three boys stood naked underneath the stream of water, taking the soap and cleaning themselves to a point where their skin actually looked white again.

Then as Skye turned to face Alex, he paused looking over his perfect teen body; the water making his hair mat into different strands of blond hair, the was they made his amber eyes look, before the liquid cascaded down his hairless chest and legs.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer," Alex giggled.

"I've got a better idea," Skye grinned as he stepped towards Alex.

"I like the way you think," Alex approved as he stepped forwards into Skye's embrace.

The water began to flow over both of them in the same way as Skye's lips met Alex's; down both of their backs and running between their taught chests and abs.

By now Spencer had turned around and was watching the two of them with a lustful look, but for the moment he stayed back allowing them to finish their kiss.

A few seconds later Alex separated his lips from Skye's pausing to look deep into the his brown eyes before mouthing, "I love you."

That was all it took before Skye pushed his lips forwards again, embracing Alex once more. His tongue brushed against the tips of Alex's lips, which he gladly parted allowing Skye and Alex's tongues to meet and intertwine.

Their kiss got more passionate, as they began to softly groan, not breaking their kiss for anything, but the life giving air itself.

Spencer stepped forwards once their kiss had ended and together, Skye and Alex pulled his body flat against theirs; Skye pushing his mouth to Spencer's neck while Alex took his lips.

Skye licked and slurped loudly as he made his mark of Spencer, Alex on the other hand was busy, fighting Spencer's tongue with his own.

Spencer found it hard not to scream with lust as Skye moved down, kissing a trail and licking his right nipple, before taking into his mouth and sucking it softly.

Alex moved position so that his body was almost flush against Spencer's allowing Skye the room he needed to tend to Spencer's nipple.

Skye slide lower, softly sucking and kissing the tight skin of Spencer's fit body all the way down to his belly button. Skye's left hand resting now on his smooth round butt and right hand slowly grabbing a hold of Spencer's hardening boyhood; he kissed and sucked on his belly button.

Alex had pulled Spencer into a tight embrace as they continued to make-out, this of course pushed Alex's hard member into the side of Skye's face, the foreskin sliding back.

Skye wasted no time and he quickly pulled both bobbing members into his hot, wet mouth, eliciting a moan from both boys.

Alex and Spencer slowly began to buck in unison, allowing their members to slide in and out of Skye's lips and soft tongue.

Skye let out a groan as he placed one hand on Alex's ass and the other on Spencer's forcing more of their cocks into his mouth, bridging on the top of his throat, the spurts of pre being hungrily swallowed.

Skye's best attempts at a word or comment came out as "mmph's" and the few moans that he could get out around the twin shafts were few and far between.

Spencer and Alex broke their kiss to look down at Skye before placing their hands behind his head encouraging him to take down their meat, his wet hair falling into his eyes.

Alex slid his hand around Skye's Jaw, pulling him off the two cocks, and raising Skye's head as he bend over lowering his lips to plant a long deep kiss on Skye.

Think the showers big enough?" Alex asked looking into Skye's eyes.

"Yeah, you ready?" Skye asked, the three of them read each others minds, they knew what those words meant; and seconds later the three of them burst into their morphs, two dragon cocks replacing their small human ones and a dolphin's meat standing tall emerged as they freed their meat from sheaths and in Spencer's case slit.

"Aww that's what I'm talking about", Skye groaned as he grasped Spencer's meat, "real ocean cock."

Spencer couldn't help but buck in response to Skye's hand motions and Alex's dragon cock was now fully erect, as was Skye's at around 12'.

By now each of the three had streams of pre running down the shafts of their dicks, eagerly awaiting what would happen next.

:You ready?" Skye asked Spencer.

"Hell yeah," he replied, stepping towards Skye,

Skye's movement time was almost unseen, but one second Spencer had been on his feet in front of the two boys, the next he was lying propped up on his back, his dorsal fin and elbows bearing his weight.

"That's how we like em," Alex laughed as he slide his dripping dragon meat down into Spencer's eager mouth.

Skye wasted no time either sliding Spencer's tail out of his way he hoisted the cetacean's legs over his strong shoulders to rest against his wings as he smeared the pre over Spencer's hole.

"You sure you're ready?" Skye asked as he pressed the tip of his hard meat into Spencer's tight sphincter.

"Mmmhmm," Spencer managed around Alex's hard member.

Skye leaned backwards and then thrust using his leg muscles forwards, impaling Spencer on his cock.

Spencer let out a loud groan around Alex's cock, but soon settled back into the rhythm as Skye began pushing in and out.

The three of them settled into a fluid motion, as Alex leaned over Spencer and started sharing a deep kiss with Skye, all while pushing in and out of Spencer's wanting mouth.

Skye could sense that Spencer wasn't going to last long, so he grabbed a hold of his Orca meat, pulling up and down on the slick pink cock.

Skye pushed deeper into Spencer's tail hole, while thrusting his tongue deeper into Alex's mouth; the two fighting for dominance.

Little did they know that a crew member had stumbled upon their little shower scene.

The passion was spread between the three of them, their powerful bond sharing the emotions and feelings between them; they knew when each of them was going to cum.

A second later, Spencer bucked, and Skye and Alex already had their tongued wrapped around his throbbing orca cock, as together they sealed the eight streams of hot sticky cum in their mouths.

Meanwhile they two were cumming, gasping and groaning as they filled Spencer up at both ends, spilling their very life seed into their friend.

Once they had finished they collapsed onto one another, their morph forms slipping from them, they fell in their human form into a pile racked with post orgasmic groans and hormone rushes.

The body who was watching them beside them shimmered, as he faded out existence.


To be continued, I hope you guys have enjoyed this chapter there is more to cum :P Any suggestions or ideas, comments/concerns feel free to email me [email protected]
