Wage Slave

Story by Cameron Winter on SoFurry

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Wage Slave

By Cameron Winter

Please note that Cassandra "Cassie" Doyle is not my character and appears by permission of her player and owner, Ferryt. Please do not use her character or mine without our permission. Both Ferryt and I can be contacted through yiff.furrysanctuary.com.

"Come in Miss Doyle," Mr.Winter said smoothly, sitting behind his massive, polished oak desk, in front of the large plate glass window. Mr Winter was very young for his position of Senior vice president, only being about twenty five. The gray fox was handsome too, sleek shadowy grey fur, with a white muzzle, darker gray head fur combed back and intense jade green eyes that glimmered in the sockets as he regarded his young secretary.

Miss Doyle was a cat, white furred, with long hair tied up neatly, very pretty and having emerald green eyes that were just as intense as her boss', if a little softer and more welcoming. There were two small slashing scars on each of her cheeks, the result of her break-up with her first lover...She didn't like discussing the story. She stood nervously before the fox, ears flicking as she heard the door locks clicking into place. The locks were controlled by a small pad in Mr Winter's desk, that only he could access to let people in or out. She was trapped with him and she swallowed as he watched her with predatory intensity.

"Now Cassandra, I hope you don't mind me using your first name, do you? Well anyway, it has come to my attention that several members of the board are under the impression that you've been trying to advance yourself breakthrough's we say, less than ethical methods," Mr Winter said, steepling his hands before his muzzle, the white tip of his tail briefly flashing above the desk as it swished up and down. Cassandra? She almost shrunk away from him, just from the way he used her name. Mr Winter was just as cold and ruthless as his namesake, his ruthlessness being the very reason he'd advanced so far and so fast in the company. Cassandra swallowed again and shifted nervously on her high heels.

The room was forebodingly dark, despite the big plate glass windows, but then Cassandra remembered that they were tinted, meaning no one could see in from the other buildings nearby and the other three walls were painted black. The lack of noise from the busy offices outside or the street far below, also showed that the room was soundproofed too. One wall was lined with cabinets, on the other, there was a big leather couch and in front of Mr Winter's desk, were several deep, leather covered chairs. The effect was that Mr Winter's office was somewhat more akin to a dungeon than a place of work.

Mr Winter stood up and stepped around his desk. He was taller than most foxes, just shy of almost six foot and possessed an athletically perfect body, the product of serious investment in medical care and physical training. He stood nearly a foot taller than Cassandra as he stalked closer. He wore a black, tailored suit, probably an Armani...No, not Armarni, it was something far more expensive and exclusive that he imported from London. Mr Winter was English, his accent alone telling you that much and he was very proud of this fact. Cassandra was also wearing a black suit, tailored like Mr Winter's but not nearly as expensive, with a knee-length skirt that was slitted high up one side, white blouse and a buttoned jacket that was tight across even her slender frame, making her small but shapely breasts all the more distinct.

Mr Winter stood right in front of Cassandra, looking into her eyes and a stern look in his own. "I won't stand for this sort of behavior Cassandra, you know my rules. I cannot have you selling yourself to those slugs on the board," he said, circling Cassandra. She tensed and felt his strong hands on her body, one squeezing her right breast through her jacket and the other on her left buttock. "You are *mine* Cassandra Doyle, my slave and my property to do with as I wish," He growled into her ear and squeezed her pert ass tightly, pinching her with his claws when he did so. It made Cassandra whimper a little and his hand moved up from her breast to her throat, pulling at the neck of her blouse, so that it came open and a black leather collar was revealed underneath. "You are going to be punished for this Cassandra and then I will see to it that those pathetic yes-men who thought they could put their hands on you without my permission are going to be next...But I assure you, I won't enjoy punishing them nearly as much as I will enjoy punishing you," He continued.

Reaching into the inner pocket of his jacket, Mr Winter pulled out a set of metal, police style handcuffs. Pulling Cassandra's wrists behind her back, he snapped on the cuffs and then strapped a heavy, metal-studded, leather blindfold over her eyes. Pushing the feline face-down over the desk, Mr Winter pushed her skirt right up past her hips and caressed her bare ass. "No panties, at least you still remember some of my rules it seems," He said, stroking the cat's firm, pert backside. Though she wore no panties, Cassandra was wearing black silk stockings and a matching lace garter belt. Mr Winter insisted that she dressed this way and had in fact forbade her from ever wearing panties.

Mr Winter's hands felt good as he stroked the smooth fur on Cassandra's backside. She might have enjoyed his touch like that, if she wasn't so tense. She knew what was coming, she'd disobeyed him and now she was going to be punished for it. She gave a yelp as his hand suddenly struck her hard right on her behind, just on the lower curve of her ass, where it would hurt the most. Mr Winter was stronger than he looked and she knew he could hit much harder than that if he wanted to. Cassandra yelped again as her ass was spanked with a loud slapping noise, hitting harder on her right buttock, then in quick succession on the left. He kept spanking her like this, holding her down over the desk with one strong paw on her back, holding her cuffed hands in place and slapping her harder and harder on the ass with the other until it was red hot and glowing.

"Now, perhaps you would like to take a seat?" Mr Winter said, standing Cassandra up and moving her backwards, still blindfolded and cuffed, to one of the leather chairs in front of his desk. He sat her down somewhat heavy and it made her spanked ass smart for a moment, making Cassandra wince, but then the cool leather felt good on her red-hot buttocks.

"Th...Thank you sir," She said meekly, acutely aware that this was only the warm up before her real punishment. She heard the sound of a belt buckle being undone and then the rustle of cloth. Mr Winter did not reply to her, but she then smelled the scent of an erect canine penis and could feel its heat as it was presented to her mouth. She didn't need any instructions, she'd learned this lesson on her first day. Turning her head to face her boss where he was stood next to her chair and opening her muzzle, she felt a hard, hot shaft sliding into her mouth and she sucked on it eagerly, rolling her rough, strong tongue all around the tapered head as the cock slid back and forth in her muzzle. Mr Winter's cock, like the rest of him, was bigger than average for a fox, being a good eight inches long and very thick. Cassandra was well acquainted with it and knew just what he liked.

"Mmmmmm, I'm certain not one of those old men you were offering yourself to would have turned you down, not if you were offering this," Mr Winter said, putting his hands on either side of Cassandra's head as he pumped her mouth full of hot fox-cock. Salty pre-cum dribbled from his tip onto her tongue and already, the bulge of his knot was starting to form at the base of his shaft, bumping against her lips. He then suddenly pulled out of Cassandra's mouth, trailing a thin line of saliva from his tip to her lips. "Get on your knees and turn around, I want this to go into your pussy, maybe go some way to making you all mine again by marking over the board's cum," He said, growling with renewed hostility.

Cassandra obeyed quickly, standing up, turning and kneeling on the chair, bending over the armrest, with her ass to her boss, raising her tail right up to expose her pussy and tail hole. Despite her situation, she was actually wet between her legs and was genuinely eager to have Mr Winter's hard cock inside her. He gripped her hips, placing the tip of his cock at her entrance. Though she was wet, Cassandra hadn't had the time to loosen, ready for the fox's large member. He pushed into her hard, making her squeal as she was stretched open by his cock. He suddenly stopped and pulled out of her quickly. "Stay right there," He snapped and she heard him crossing the room to one of the cabinets, opening it and then returning quickly. "Open," He ordered and Cassandra obediently opened her mouth. A hard rubber ball was forced into Cassandra's mouth, gagging her and the leather straps pulled tight behind her head. "I can't have you wailing and squealing, drawing everyone's attention," He said, buckling the gag into place. The room was soundproofed, so no one would have heard them anyway, regardless of how loud Cassandra was. The gag was just another thing to remind her, who was in charge.

Taking her hips again, Mr Winter pushed back into Cassandra, just as hard as before, but the time taken to get the gag and strap it into place had given her a brief repreave for her pussy to slacken a little. Even so, she was still very, *very* tight and she squeaked through the gag with each thrust, not least because her ass was still very tender and hot from her spanking, as Mr Winter slammed against her, rocking her forwards with the impact and making similar slapping noises to when she was being spanked, if decidedly more wet sounding. As was mentioned, Mr Winter's cock was bigger than that of most foxes and he stretched Cassandra's pussy, even when they'd had long periods of warming up. As it was, with only the brief and rather minimal preparation beforehand, Cassandra's pussy felt as if it was being forced open as Mr Winter thrusted into her hard. It didn't hurt, but certainly she would have preferred a little more foreplay beyond being spanked and then bent over.

Even so, the fox's cock felt good inside of her, especially with his knot forming, now almost the size of a tangerine orange. The still growing bulge surrounding the base of the fox's penis, pulled at her tight pussy lips with every stroke, so that her clitoral hood rubbed back and forth over her hard, red little button and of course, his knot pressed almost directly on her G-spot. If it were not for the hard rubber ball-gag in her mouth, Cassandra would probably have been moaning loudly as her boss banged into her. Not to mention, she enjoyed being tied up and dominated.

Even before Mr Winter had presented her with her collar and had formalized their...'special employment arrangement', Cassandra had to admit to a certain submissive streak. How deep that streak ran, she never could have guessed until the day the handsome gray fox had snapped the collar around her neck and made her his slave. Of course there was nothing official or actually legal to this arrangement, but Mr Winter was of such background and wealth, that it didn't really matter...besides, he'd been sure to train Cassandra and to fully break her in, both as his personal assistant and as his personal pleasure toy, something he was highly possessive of. Cassandra wasn't sure, but she'd heard a few rumors that she wasn't Mr Winter's only slave, that there were other young females, whom he had hired and then subsequently broken in to be totally subservient to him.

"You enjoy my cock inside you, don't you Cassandra? You love having me using your tight pussy for my pleasures," Mr Winter said, keeping his tone cool and level, even as his cock was swelling up inside of her, ready to burst with hot fox-cream. Cassandra nodded and 'Mmmmmhmmmph'ed through her gag. Not only was it the response she'd been taught to reply with when asked that question, either by Mr Winter or the few others he chose to lend her to, but it was the truth none the less. Mr Winter was a skilled lover, who gave her a great deal of pleasure, so long as Cassandra was sure to be obedient to his every whim. He could be tough on her though and any disobedience on her part would be met with severe punishments, but even when she was punished Cassandra found a certain pleasure, knowing that Mr Winter was being satisfied through her punishment.

Cassandra's squeaks were getting louder and higher pitched as her own pleasure mounted quickly. Mr Winter's knot was pushing hard against her G-spot and her clit was fully exposed, rubbing against the smooth leather of the armrest under her as the fox hammered the cat's pussy from behind. She was mounting closer to an orgasm, getting close...so close...so...Then she was dropped screaming from the heights of her pleasure. The hard, warm cock was suddenly yanked out of her pussy. She bit down on the ball-gag, to keep from wailing through it at her disappointment, remembering that she was being punished. Mr Winter was the only one who would decide if she could cum or not. Strangely through, she hadn't felt the fox cumming himself. He hadn't tied with her and she didn't feel the splashes of his cream on her backside. She certainly knew he would never cream onto the expensive carpet of his office, simply to deny his slave her orgasm. He'd forgone his own climax, for the sake of punishing her, by dropping her just short of her orgasm...and it was an effective punishment as Cassandra squirmed, trying to run her clit against the leather armrest, to desperately try and regain some of the pleasures that were rapidly rushing away from her.

Without any words from Mr Winter, Cassandra was pulled up by her collar and marched, cuffed, gagged and blindfolded across the office. She knew the layout of the office well enough to know they were beside one of the large cabinets along one wall of the office when they stopped. Cassandra's skirt had begun to slip down as she stood waiting for the next part of her punishment. "Now that simply won't do at all," Mr Winter said, grabbing Cassandra's tail and pulling it down through the slit in the back of the skirt that allowed it to poke through. He then ran it down under the back-hem of the skirt and pulled her tail up so that it pulled the skirt up with it, keeping her ass and pussy exposed. He then took a small cuff from the cabinet and buckled it around Cassandra's tail, about two thirds the way up to the tip and then clipped it to the back of her collar. Then he undid her jacket and blouse, pushing them down so that they bunched up around her elbows with her hands still cuffed behind her and exposing the lacy black bra she was wearing. It was only a half-cup, just barely covering her nipples and pushing up her small breasts delightfully. She felt Mr Winter's strong hands again, dipping into the cups of her bra and scooping out each delicate breast.

He twisted her nipples between the finger and thumb of each hand and Cassandra whimpered a little through the gag again. "These are so hard and hot. If I didn't know better, I'd say you were enjoying your punishment just a little too much Cassandra," He said, pinching her nipples and sending little jolts of mixed pleasure and pain through her breasts. Cassandra's nipples had always been very sensitive, something Mr Winter took advantage of a great deal, both to reward and to punish. She shuddered a moment as she heard the familiar, light *click click* noise and squealed as sharp lances of pain shot through her breasts. The nipple clips weren't sharp, in fact they had rubber covers on them so they didn't cut into her flesh, but they were very strong and almost felt as if he had latched a baby alligator to her tits. "There now, thats much better," Mr Winter said, running his claws around Cassandra aureoles and making her shudder and squirm. "Now spread you ankles wide," He ordered, Cassandra obeying swiftly.

He buckled a long spreader bar between Cassandra's ankles, a good three feet long and made of hard, thick wood with absolutely no give to it and very little give in the leather cuffs at each end. Next, he clipped a leash to the D-ring on the front of her collar. "Keep your legs straight," He barked into her ear, pulling the leash downwards and forcing Cassandra to bend right over. The other end of the leash was clipped to the spreader bar, with a really quite short length of leash between the bar and Cassandra's collar. In her high heels, her tail was being pulled on hard by the cuff attaching it to her collar as she was bent right down, but with the leash attached to the spreader bar, she couldn't get any slack to take the strain off her tail. All she could do was arch her back, thrusting her nipple-clipped breasts outwards and raising her ass up higher to her boss. "There now, thats perfect," He said, stroking Cassandra's pert backside, before suddenly giving her two more hard slaps on the ass, one on each buttock. It made Cassandra jump and squeal as her ass was glowing again almost instantly as her previous spanks came back in full force.

"Now that my slave is all trussed up and ready for her real punishment, what shall I do to her I wonder?" Mr Winter said, running the tips of his claws over Cassandra's stinging ass cheeks. "Perhaps a good caning? An old school favorite, or perhaps the classic riding crop," He said and Cassandra shuddered as she felt the touch of leather against her backside. "No, for your punishment, I'm afraid only a paddling will do, but which one? I have so many of different sizes and hardness and they all make such wonderful noises when they strike your perfect little bum...and of course, even gagged, you yourself make such wonderful noises too," He continued, giving Cassandra a quick swat on each cheek again with the riding crop, just to make her whimper and illustrate his point. "I know just the one..." He then finished and Cassandra shuddered again when she heard another of the cabinets being unlocked. He was going for *That* one?

A wide, hard, smooth leather covered, circular paddle was pressed against Cassandra's raised backside, rubbing her glowing hot bum and caressing under her raised tail against her anus. She knew this paddle well and had come to fear it. Almost solid oak and covered in hardened leather, Mr Winter had had it specially made just for him...or rather he'd had it made just for her. Cassandra felt the paddle disappear as he reached back with it. She tried to shake her head 'No' and implore him for mercy through her gag, but it struck her hard on the rump, making her squeal loudly. The paddle made an equally loud *Crack* noise as it struck her on the ass four more times in rapid succession right on the lower curve, where it was transmitted to her pussy. Then he rubbed it, letting the full force of the blows sink in and Cassandra's ass was practically burning.

"There are twenty five men on the board, excluding myself and the female executives. This is a blow for each of them," Mr Winter said as he rubbed at Cassandra's backside after the first set of blows. He reached back again and landed five more hard whacks with the paddle on Cassandra's backside, making her cry out through the gag with each one. "You are *my* slave Cassandra, *mine* to fuck, *mine* to punish and you will *only* fuck those I tell you to," He said snarling into her ear, rubbing again and letting the burn reach full force before he paddled her again for five more blows, after which Cassandra was sobbing through her gag. "Do I not give you enough pleasure? Don't I fuck you enough? Perhaps it is my fault and once you have been properly punished, we'll spend a good long session in the dungeon at my place, where I can be sure you are properly satisfied. But for now..." He said, right before giving Cassandra a full fifteen whacks with the paddle without pause, making Cassandra shriek and jolt with each blow.

Cassandra was shaking as the last whack landed, whimpering and sobbing. Her cheeks were soaked with tears, streaming from under her blindfold...but she was also soaking between her legs too, as every blow had transmitted powerful shocks through her pussy, which was puffy and bright red, begging for attention and for release. Despite the paddling, Cassandra was still so aroused and so desperate for the orgasm she'd been denied before. Her backside was on fire, but so was her spine from the bent over position she was forced into with her back arched, but that didn't matter. Her legs were quaking with the strain of being spread so far for so long, but that didn't matter either. Far stronger than her physical aches was her ache to have Mr Winter's cock back inside her. She was so aroused that moment, it was almost as if she was in heat. Perhaps that was why she'd disobeyed him and offered herself to those men, so that he would take note and remind her of who her master was and just why she was his willing slave. Even if it meant being punished again, she'd gladly have done it again, enduring the pain, just to have the handsome, powerful fox screwing her.

She wanted him so bad...She needed it...She...She squealed loudly again, but this time in pleasure as that familiar, rock hard and red hot shaft was shoved deep into her pussy from behind. Mr Winter gripped her hips and pulled her hard against him, snarling like a feral forest fox, rapidly fucking her hard and making her moan through the gag. Apparently, Mr Winter couldn't wait any longer either.

The hard bucking thrusts slammed against her ass, making it smart terribly, but she didn't care. Her breasts shook and sent lancing pains through her chest from the hard nipple clamps, but she didn't care about that either. All she cared about was that hard, wonderful fox-shaft, hammering into her and driving her towards the orgasm she was craving. Her hands were balled up into fists, gripping the cloth of her jacket and blouse and digging her claws into them as her whole body shook. His knot was fully formed again, pressing on her G-spot. She was so close...So close again...Just a little more, just a little more and...

Suddenly, the nipple clips were yanked off her breasts and tossed aside. Blood rushed back into the hard, abused little berries and a massive jolt of sensation ran like electricity through Cassandra's whole body. The sudden surge of pain/pleasure sent her catapulting over the edge, practically howling into her gag and squeezing down hard on Mr Winter's knot. A set of sharp, vulpine jaws clamped onto Cassandra's shoulder and hot spurts of fox-cream practically poured into her pussy as it spasmed and quivered around the shaft. Cassandra's orgasm seemed to go on and on and on, making her wail and gasp for breath through her nose. Finally, she blacked out with the force of her final climax.


When she finally came to, Cassandra...or rather, Cassie was laying on her front on the large couch on the other side of the office from the toy cabinets. The handcuffs, blindfold, spreader bar, tail shackle, gag and collar had all been removed and were laying in a pile on the floor nearby, along with her suit jacket and blouse, so all she was wearing were her underwear and her skirt, which was pulled up still, past her hips so that her sore, burning hot, pantiless bum was still raised up to the cool air. She jumped a little as something cold was applied to her buttocks and turned, seeing Mr Winter (or Cameron as her lover preferred to be called) putting an ice pack on it. He was still wearing the black suit, but rather ruffled up, with his tie off and shirt pulled open exposing his rather sweaty chest. There was also a rather noticeable wet patch on the front of his trousers.

"Dammit Cam, did you have to spank me quite so hard?" She asked, still a little woozy, but woken up a great deal by the ice pack on her backside and the cooling relief it brought.

"What? You're the one who wanted me to play it as real as possible. And I quote 'Cameron, I want you to make this fantasy as real as possible, don't hold back, I want a proper spanking', so I did just that. If you wanted a safe word or something you shouldn't have insisted on trying out being gagged," Cameron replied, somewhat defensive, but none the less, aware that he may have gone just a little bit too far. "Besides, you can't say you didn't enjoy yourself. You were so wet at the end, it was practically running down the backs of your legs and you should have seen the way you were cumming when those clamps came off," He added, stroking his hand slowly down Cassie's back.

Cassie closed her eyes and purred at Cameron's gentle touch, a far cry from the aggressive and domineering Mr Winter. "I guess so, but next time, just remember not to be quite so rough. I may like the occasional spanking, but I also like being able to sit down afterwards," She said quietly.

Cameron nodded and stood up, walking towards the door and opening it to the rest of the penthouse apartment that he and his feline mate shared. "Well you just rest there for a while and I'll see about getting some dinner. Does Chinese take out sound okay to you?" He asked. Cassie nodded and he walked out, leaving her alone in the office.

The office was a recent addition to the penthouse, after Cameron started taking a more active role in the writing and directing of his movies, young fox's skills as an actor showing in his little performance just now, in making Cassie feel as if she really was the sex slave of a powerful and ruthless corporate executive. The addition of the toy cabinets had been Cassie's idea, since she'd had so many fantasies that involved offices and powerful figures behind desks, she couldn't resist it and after a little 'convincing' neither could Cameron. And he was right of course, while he had gone a little too far with the spanking in the fantasy, Cassie had been so incredibly turned and she had been so wet. In fact, as she slipped her hand underneath her, she found that she was still very wet between her legs.

She purred to herself as she slid her fingers against her pussy, finding it still very puffy and sensitive. There was already another fantasy forming in her mind, one she had no doubt Cameron would gladly help her to act out...except this time, she was going to be the executive and Cameron...well, she hadn't decided what part he would play yet, but she was sure it would come to her...probably around her third climax.



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