The Bus Ride

Story by Nightmask1367 on SoFurry

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A dominant lioness goes on the prowl for some 'prey' and finds it in a most unlikely place: a bus. Hopefully you'll like the naughty action of dom lioness on subby human.

The Bus Ride


Charles E. Terrell Jr. aka Nightmask

Soft white light lit the area cast its glow around the small crowd waiting for the arrival of the last bus of the evening. With the sun already set the fluorescent lighting set behind sturdy protective covers in the top of the shelter against the elements for the waiting passengers. Not that they had much need of such as the evening was mild and the breezes, while redolent of the scents common to city streets soothing rather than harsh. That only served to heighten the degree to which one of those in attendance drew attention to herself as she stood back with a restless eye wandering over the others.

Standing a good head and shoulders above the rest even for the tallest of the others at the bus stop stood a golden-furred lioness of exceptional proportions and seemed out of place compared to the others around her. While the rest were more casually or conservatively dressed she came with a different look; a snug-fitting emerald green overcoat that came down to just below her knees and revealed her every curve to anyone daring enough to look at her. Buttoned along the front it stopped below the line of her breasts revealing an ample expanse of white-furred bosom and buttoned the rest of the way down to mid-thigh. Along with her shapely digitigrade legs she had a matching pair of emerald green heels to accent her look and protect her from the litter that accumulates anywhere sentients gather together. Rather than have a hole in the back for her tail to emerge through it instead curled up through a slit that ran up to the half-way point between her knees and shapely derriere and gave a fine view of her legs no matter what angle one regarded her from.

For those who were regulars they knew she'd started riding the line a few weeks before, a distracting sight with the way she dressed and the natural musks that clung to her and only strengthened within the confines of the bus. Her intimidating predator heritage was enough to keep even the normally bold males of other species at a fearful distance of her; simply meeting her gaze was enough to leave them feeling sized up and dismissed with a smirk.

Her tail flicked about behind her as she brushed her hands over her sides, smoothing the material down with nary a hint of undergarments outlined although one couldn't be certain of that given the thickness of the overcoat and her care in moving about and while sitting. Anyone familiar with the signs would have picked up from her body posture and scent that she was on the hunt and while not knowing for what she'd found her prey this night. Unfortunately for those present the rarity of lionesses left those signals unnoticed and everyone blissfully unaware of what was to come.

Ebony lips drew back in a little smile as she heard the bus drawing near, tongue flicking along them as she wetted them in anticipation of her completing the hunt she'd been on. She was careful not to let her gaze linger on anyone in particular but the temptation was there to lock her gaze onto her prey with things so close now. The nervousness she could read in some of them from the twitch of tails and ears and glances her way left her chuckling to herself as she knew none of them were the target of her interests. Soon though her prey would know.

Impatience to get aboard as the bus drew near had many of the group crowding around near the edge of the road roughly where the doors would open once it was stopped which made it easier for her to hang back and watch the rest including her target. With the hiss of the air brakes still echoing on the air the mix of species and genders jostled at each other as they pushed their way towards the opening doors and stepped up into the bus while the last of the residual rocking of its coming to a stop was still dying off. The driver, a bored middle-aged badger watched without emotion as everyone passed through the ID scanner that would bill them automatically for those with compatible tags and stopped the occasional few who tried to slip on for free and getting them to pay up with cash until the lioness was the last to board.

An amused smirk crossed the lioness's muzzle as she took her time heading down the isle, giving everyone who'd got on ahead of her the opportunity to find their seats and see if her prey would end up where he had the previous times she'd carefully observed over the preceding weeks. Most females dressed as she was could expect at least one person to try and look up into her outfit from their seated position in the high-backed seats but few would risk doing so with her and what reprisals might occur and tonight was no exception as she padded far more quietly than one would expect for one in heels to move down the isle. This meant the surprise of her prey was total as she entered the last row of seats where he sat and slipped into the seat next to him.

The shock at someone having a seat next to him was writ large across his features as the human looked up at her, the dim light within the bus reflecting off of his glasses and giving her a view of herself reflected within them given the angle they were presented at. Given that even seated as they were his head didn't come up even to her shoulder the fact she effectively had him trapped in the corner was as inescapable to him as he was to her as she crossed her left leg over the right in the whisper of silky-soft fur.

"Well hello, I guess we'll be riding together tonight," she purred softly to him with a smile that might have been disarming if not for the hint of teeth that flashed bright and white in contrast to her lips. Her pleasure broadened as she noticed how he wriggled away but not as far as he could, measuring whether or not she'd take offense if he went and cowered in the corner away from her.

She had to admit he was a nice little specimen as humans went, with a trim body that wasn't too skinny and not too fat and a full head of black wavy hair to reflect his general health. The fact he was also wearing more expensive designer dress pants and sweater with accompanying white undershirt also spoke to what a nice choice she'd made in selecting him the moment she's crossed paths with him.

"Uh yes, yes I guess we will," he eventually got out after the bus got underway, eyes darting around looking for escape but only finding the LED strip along the back of the seat in front of them that displayed what the next stop would be and roughly how long it would be before they got to it.

"Since we'll be together a while what's your name? Mine's Debra," she purred to him as she offered him her hand, claws retracted to set him more at ease although her tail ended up flicking against his leg with a steady tap as it was naturally held down between he legs once she was seated.

"Oh, uh hi Debra I'm Todd, nice to meet you," he replied as he went through the pleasantries, his hand almost lost in hers as she shook it with a firm but careful squeeze. "So which stop are you getting off at?" he asked, clearly hoping it was the next stop with the way he nervously looked at her.

"The last one, so I'll be here till the end, what about you?" she asked even though she already knew the answer from her previous watching of him enjoying the interplay with her prey.

"Oh! I don't get off until the last stop myself," he replied. Debra could hear his heart skip a beat and run a little faster as he realized how long they'd be together there in the back of the bus where few if any would see them.

"I hope you don't mind talking then, I hate long awkward silences," she lied while sliding a little closer to him and bumping her hip to his. "You don't mind talking and keeping me from being too bored do you?" she asked as she leaned towards him practically pushing her chest and its bathykolpian depths into his face.

"Oh no not at all!" he squeaked as quietly as he could as he nearly ended up with his face planted between her breasts from the way she arched towards him.

"That's good; I like to keep myself occupied," she purred huskily to him, her left hand dropping to rest on his left knee while her tail curled around his ankle. "Long bus rides are so boring without something to do wouldn't you agree?" she asked in her teasing escalation of things; she didn't want to lose out on her prey after all by drawing out the chase.

"I try to bring a book or just watch out the window at things as we drive by," was his reply as he tried but failed to keep from staring into her cleavage especially with how abundantly clear it was that the only thing covering her breasts was the overcoat she wore and it was unbuttoned so daringly deep.

"Now why would you want to stare out the window when there's much nicer you could be looking at?" she pointed out with a wink and a nod towards her bosom after he looked up to her eyes as part of his failed attempt to not look at her bosom.

"L-like what?" he stammered out under the influence of the aggressive lioness's actions, including the slow stroking of her hand up from his knee rest it along his inner thigh causing him to squirm in embarrassment at her bold contact.

"Oh I think you know," she purred richly, her left hand reaching to open another button then another in the flashing lights of passing streetlamps that lit then hid her emerging bosom. With each button she gave a little tug to pull the unfastened sections farther and farther apart, soon to reveal the black rims of her areola as he watched. He simply couldn't turn away as she let first the right and then the left breast flash into view as the bus idled at a streetlight.

"Better than any book wouldn't you say?" she whispered huskily into his ear before taking his left hand into her right and moved it onto her right breast and rubbed his fingers over her full mound until he started doing so himself. A silent nod was all he could get out as his fingers brushed over her hardened nipple to draw a hiss of pleasure at the contact from her. Meeting no resistance to her demands she slid her own hand up to cup against the front of his pants and give it a squeeze as she checked to see how good a job she was doing and liked what she felt starting to strain against the insides of his pants.

Debra was even more pleased when Todd reached on his own accord to touch her other breast with his free hand and she could enjoy both his hands on her chest, her sensitive nipples throbbing whenever he touched and squeezed them. She'd picked just the right male to prey upon she thought to herself while finishing up unbuttoning her overcoat and letting it fall away reveal the rest of her naked form beneath. Her nether folds stood out in stark contrast to the golden fur that covered her as the smooth, furless black petals glistened with her dampness whenever the light flashed onto them.

"So what do you think of this?" she purred with a soft panting going on after tracing her finger through her wetness and brushing it against his nose and lips.

"It's tart and musky?" he half-replied and half-asked, but blushed fully knowing he was being given a taste of the feline's feminine honey.

"My aren't you funny," she just as tartly replied even as she unzipped his pants to make it easier for her to slide her hand inside to take firm possession of his erection. "You want to keep this you'll find a better reply than that," she threatened.

"I meant it tastes great may I have more!" he gasped out uncertain if she was serious or not but not about to take any chances and moved his head forward to lick at her finger for emphasis.

"Much better," she praised him before pressing her finger to his lips to silence him as they reached the next stop. Holding him like that with occasional squeezes to his shaft she looked up to watch as a few of the seated passengers got off while more got on. With the angle of the seats no one could see she was basically naked but she had to look forward enough to meet the gaze of anyone coming back too close to the back and warn them off as only a lioness could from coming back any closer.

"Now where was I... Oh yes now I remember," she declared while withdrawing her hand from inside his pants and stroking it over his tummy. "You were going to show me how good you are with that tongue of yours," she purred to him, legs uncrossing as she spread them wide giving him a clear view and free access to her sex. "So be a good boy and get to work," she ordered after sliding closer to the aisle and plucking the glasses from his head before drawing it down into her lap until his nose bumped against her hooded clitoris.

Todd was hesitant at first, uncertain just how to proceed since all he knew about oral sex was from what he'd read in erotic novels and books so began with a few tentative licks at her damp folds tasting her juices fresh from the peach while her right hand rested on the back of his head. With his awareness narrowed down to the heavy musk of her arousal as he licked along her folds he slipped his left arm around her waist to make it easier to bend over in the seat and with the right he caressed the insides of her thighs, fingertips brushing lightly through the soft golden fur.

While she had to keep her noises to a minimum Debra still managed with her silent encouragement to let him know when he was doing good, although had to restrain herself several times when she almost pressed his head too hard into her sex when he licked an especially sensitive location. As he got the hang of it she simply lay back and let the heat in her loins spread throughout her body as he started suckling on her clitty and slid two fingers into her hot pink depths to supplement the attention to her sensitive love button.

Given the opportunity to learn from hands-on experience (and not really having a choice anyway) Todd worked his fingers deep into the lioness's velvety passage; stroking and rubbing in a gentle twisting pattern to learn about as much of her insides as he could reach without being able to get his entire hand inside of her. When he found a particularly nice spot that caused her to shiver and let loose with an inadvertent moan he rubbed it more firmly only to find himself having to work to keep from being bucked off when she jerked particularly hard from the stimulation.

Given the feline's heated state and the unexpected dividends resulting from his curious exploration of what was given up to him (complete with his tongue sliding into Debra's clitoral hood to lick about inside and bat her clit all around) and the excitement of being naked and serviced in such a public location it wasn't long before she found herself biting down hard on her lip to keep from crying out as she climaxed with a gush of juices helped along by the clenching of her sex that left Todd' face covered in the orgasming lioness's juices while he coughed a bit as it got into his nose and tried to drink up what he could to keep from drowning from the wash of juices.

Debra wasn't sure how long it took for her to recover but as she sat panting with her crotch and the seat (along with her target) covered in her juices she knew it was one of her best orgasms in a while, with the spice of being so daring having only added to the experience. True she could tell once she was seeing straight again that those closest to the back were able to smell by now what was going on but were too afraid to confront her over it or try to join in but that was the best part; doing it where they couldn't really see but would eventually learn what was going on without being so blatant as to cry out or do it in the isle. She also couldn't resist a throaty chuckle at Todd still licking away at her like she'd told him to.

Disengaging him from her sex by the simple and direct route of pulling him back upright (after suitable warning so he'd release her clit) she cupped his head between her hands and drew his face close to hers. As a reward she pressed her lips to his, blunt feline muzzle meeting blunt human face as she kissed him with gusto, tongue soon pushing into his mouth to lap inside with gentle care as to not injure him with that rough feline tongue of hers. She couldn't resist a silent laugh as he placed his hands back onto her breasts for support and squeezed them firmly, nipples poking into the palms as he held onto her. When she broke the kiss she set about licking his face as clean as she could get it before nuzzling into his neck and giving it a little nip.

"Mmmmmm, good job, I think you deserve a reward for that," she purred into his ear as she nibbled on it gently. "So I think I'll let you cum for me," she added before pulling him back down only this time leaving the back of his head to land in the sticky remainders of her juices he hadn't been able to lick up earlier. Before he could speak she put a finger back to his lips to silence him as he gazed up at the undersides of her exceptionally endowed breasts.

At least the view was great, Todd couldn't help thinking to himself, even if the back of his head was getting damp with leftover lioness juices and he was somewhat cramped bent around in the seat as he was. Things picked up even more as he felt her reach into his pants to take hold of his manhood once again; it had been so hard to focus on what she'd wanted with it throbbing away so insistently and having to put its demands secondary to what Debra wanted. While he wasn't totally over his fear of the lioness he's calmed considerably as her interest had stirred up his hormones and left him receptive to her attentions.

He couldn't take his eyes off the undersides of her breasts with them filling much of his vision (which thankfully being nearsighted he could see them just fine), her every breath causing them to move in so many delightful ways as he watched. Given the chance to hold them again he would but with her hand enveloping his erection as she stroked up and down along it he instead clutched at the seat as she masturbated him slowly and steadily.

It was all so surreal and if he ever got to tell anyone about it he was sure no one would believe him either; that a stranger on a bus and a lioness at that would expose herself to him before making him perform oral sex on her before casually masturbating him in return. She also had him panting fairly hard by now as well as his heart raced with pent up need and her stroking brought that to the fore. He almost felt like a child in comparison to her with the way she'd taken charge and the significant size difference between the two of them.

With her own release taken care of Debra took her time as she toyed with her prey now that he was so submissive to her, fingers and claws combing through his hair as she brushed at it idly. Whenever she could feel him getting close she'd back off or stop for several minutes at a time before resuming causing him to jerk and thrust his hips at her hand as best he could bent around as he was. Eventually though she saw that time was running out and soon they'd be at the end of the line and have to disembark and picked up her pace instead of stopping when she felt him growing close once again. In no time at all she had him climaxing with a spray of his seed over his sweater as she aimed his erection up and marveled at how he almost reached his own face with one spurt before he was drained and she couldn't get another drop out of him.

"My you had a lot saved up didn't you?" she commented as she patted his shaft and cheek while she gazed down at him leaving him blushing in embarrassment as his seed soaked into his sweater with an obvious stain anyone could figure out. "Better get straightened up looks like our stop's coming up shortly," she told him as if it was no different than telling someone to pick up a bag that they had on the floor.

Debra didn't seem to even notice Todd getting himself hastily put back together, zipping himself up and arranging his still hard shaft within the tight confines of his pants. Instead she casually focused on rebuttoning her overcoat from the bottom up, fingers nimbly putting each button in place until she was back to how she was before she came onto the bus. Well other than her overcoat and herself being soaked in her juices and stinking of sex so obvious one would have to lack a nose not to be able to tell what she'd been up to but one would think from the way she neatened herself up otherwise she'd just come back from the bank or grocery store.

With the announcement of the final stop Debra stood with feline grace and stepped into the aisle although instead of heading up the aisle she instead looked into the seat and smirked at Todd. "Well come on, get yourself out of there end of the line," she said while tapping her foot until the extremely embarrassed human came out so she could herd him in front of her. The remaining passengers had while having stood with the reaching of the final stop hadn't yet left their seats, all of them instead looking back to see who'd been so exhibitionistic as to have sex on the bus with others around.

To say there was shocked looks on their faces would have been an understatement, not for the lioness's contribution but for who she'd clearly been with. No mistaking that they'd both been up to something even if the crowd's assumptions were off the mark they were close enough and while Todd was clearly embarrassed at the attention Debra basked in it with a merry swish of her tail while she rested her hands on his shoulders and guided him up the aisle past everyone. A few grudging looks of admiration came his way from a few of the males and even some curiously interested looks from some of the females as the lioness led him out past the leering driver and into the more crowded area of the final bus terminal. He couldn't resist a soft sigh of relief that it all over or would be shortly, or so he thought before she whispered into his ear:

"You're coming home with me."

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