From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 7: Needs

Story by Douredd on SoFurry

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#7 of Diary of Jun

The aftermath of Lily's encounter with an asshole bison

(Guess which paragraph I had way too much fun writing)

Also, this is probably the final of the rapid fire chapters. Sorry guys, out of steam.

From the Diary of Jun - Excerpt 7: Needs

The phone rang not too long after I'd put my pencil down for the night. Lily.

"Jun. Could you come see me tonight?"

Of course I went,

I arrived a little after dark, head still buzzing from earlier, and let myself in. Lily had given me a key. Her parents, she had said, weren't home often enough to mind. She'd laughed after that. I did too. But after thinking about it later on, her voice sounded a kind of bitter when she'd said it.

I locked the door behind me, dropped my bag, and headed up to her. The door to her room was shut.

"Lily," I called, opening the door and stepping inside. The electrical lights were off, the room instead illuminated by candlelight. Lily lay on her bed, facing away from me. Naked. Her front end laid flat on the bed while she held her backside high. I understood.

Without another word I shed my clothes and climbed on the bed behind her. I reached down and placed one of my paws on her belly and began to rub it as my other held her waist. A contented purring sound came from her throat as she felt me make contact with her.

She smelled intensely of soap. She'd probably been showering for hours. Even still I could smell Bobby's scent on her. And if I could, then she could. It was a shitty situation, but I was going to make the best of it. Lily needed me to take the lead tonight, so I took what I could from it. Bobby's stink hitting my nose shifted me back into full gear. That, at least, was a positive.

I positioned myself and pushed forward. As soon as we touched she started to press herself onto me. After two months together our bodies were perfect for one another, and with just enough resistance from hers, I slid home. She was mine. I was hers. Today had scared her, and she wanted, needed, to know that that remained true.

My withdrawal was slow and measured, hauling myself from her with maddening deliberateness. With just my head in place, I thrust back inside. I repeated the motion. On the third repetition Lily thrust back just as I pushed forward. She'd picked up my rhythm.

I leaned over her. Wrapped my arms around her. My breasts pressed hard into her back and we continued, our combined efforts increasing the speed of the cycle. I was too short to reach her neck in this position, so instead I kissed her between the shoulder blades.

We continued like this for a good long while, this slower paced love-making much less explosive than our usual fucking. Eventually, however, I was at the limit for my first load. I drew back with the intent of pulling out, but Lily's tail wrapped around my back and pulled me forward.

"Lily, I'm about to..."

"I know." They were the first words she had spoken since my arrival. "I want it. All of it."

She turned her head and our eyes met.

"I go after what I want."

I wasn't about to deny her.

I raised myself back on my knees and was able to give her three more thrusts before finally...


The first shot went off like a bomb directly into her womb and I could tell she was already full. The next shot stretched her out some. By the third I could feel her belly rounding out. I continued to cum embedded deep withing Lily for the next four minutes. Each wad audible as it flooded her. Her tail remained on my back holding me in place the entire time, making sure I didn't try to separate from her.

By the time I was finished, Lily's usually tight tummy looked severely pregnant. She rolled over onto her back and gave me her sunniest smile.

"It's heavy."

"It should be."

"Feels good. What time is it?"

"Seven something I'd guess."

"So you're still the birthday girl."

Her belly sloshed as she struggled back up on her knees.

"And I still need to give you your present."

Her tail raised straight up, exposing the little puckered star of her ass. She looked over her shoulder and what her once sunny smile was now smoldering.

"Happy birthday, Jun."

Hours later I laid in Lily's bed with her sleeping tucked into my arm. In my other hand was my cellphone. I dialed my home number. The phone rang a few times before my dad finally picked it up.

"Hwhoo. ?Hey, Jun." He sounded winded.

"Hey, dad. I'm going to be staying at Lily's tonight. I think she needs me here."

"That's my girl."

"Haaarooollld," came the needy voice of my mom.

"Oops! Hey, kiddo, I gotta go. Your mother and I were in the middle of a long talk. And detailed. Very, very detailed. Love you sweetheart."


About mid way through the next day I was called out of class. The assistant principal wanted to speak with me.

"We know what happened in the trigonometry classroom after school yesterday, Jun."

I was surprised. I hadn't said anything, Lily was too embarrassed to go to anyone, and Bobby probably was too.

"I can tell by the look on your face that you're surprised. Well Robert Calderon is a model student and came forward regarding your improper behavior towards your classmate this morning."

My jaw dropped.

"MY improper behavior?"

"Yes, improper behavior," he responded, clearly missing where my emphasis had been. "Sexually assaulting a fellow student is a serious offense. And a crime. Who knows what would have happened if Mr. Calderon hadn't stepped in?"

"I didn't..."

"You'll have plenty of time to plead your case at your expulsion hearing. You'll be allowed to finish out the day, but after that you will be on indefinite suspension until the hearing."

"I... Can I please speak to the principal?"

"The principal is quite busy. She does not have time during the day to speak to students. If your parents would like a meeting at a later date, that can be arranged. Good day, young lady."

I was devastated. Bobby, that liar, had pinned his crimes on me. But they couldn't stick, Lily would set things straight.

"Looks like you heard the news."

Bobby had crawled out of whatever hole he'd hidden himself in.

"How could anyone believe your lies," I shouted. I didn't notice it, but my body was carrying me right at him.

"What can I say? The principal likes to win. Star players win games. She likes to keep her star players happy. "

I was an arms length away from him.

"Besides," he began in a whispered tone, fat, disgusting tongue popping out, "she was all for it when I promised her a new little pussy licker."

I took another step forward, Bobby actually flinched.

"You won't win this. You can't. Lily's not going to lie for you."

""Your hearing isn't for months. You won't be able to protect her with that indefinite suspension. By the time me and Ms. Thorne are done with your little bitch she'll be so addicted to cock and cum and pussy she'll say whatever we want her to so she'll be allowed the privilege of being our cum rag."

"Fuck you."

"You blew that chance."

I sneered. I had to do something. I didn't know what I _could_do. But it started here. I had to win this confrontation at the very least.

"Not the way I remember it. Did you tell her the real reason you want me gone, Bobby?"

"To see the pain of having your sweet girlfriend stab you in the back? Yeah."

I took another step, for an instant we were right on one another, Bobby stepped back. I smirked, feigning a confidence I sorely lacked at the moment.

"So she doesn't know that you're my bitch, yet?"

I didn't wait for an answer. I had a call to make.

The three of us sat in the main office. I don't know how he'd done it, but my dad had arranged a meeting with the principal the very same day. We'd all been called out of physics and now waited as he spoke to her.

When my dad had arrived I saw the change in him immediately. Like just being in the same room with Bobby set him to Alert. His lax posture straightened up. The chill look in his eyes went to cool self-assurance. Everything about him seemed the same, but just a little sharper. A little more dangerous. He didn't say a word to any of us, just tossed me a wink and marched into principal Thorne's office without so much as acknowledging the secretary.


"You can send them in."

The secretary looked at the three of us as if to say "you heard her."

We all stood. Bobby was closest to the door, a swagger that indicated he had all but forgotten how I'd brought him low just a day before. I was in the middle separating him from Lily who brought up the rear. We were all caught off guard by what we saw once we'd entered.

My dad sat in the big chair behind the principal's desk, feet kicked up, an easy smile on his face. The principal herself sat on the edge of the desk, legs crossed. Her dress had already been straining against her prodigious bust to not pop a seam, but now the cum baby she nursed in her stomach required her to undo a few buttons in order to have any hope of saving it. This left her engorged belly exposed for the world to see. If anyone hadn't already figured out what was going on between the bear and the hare, the dried white stains at the corner of her lips told the rest of the story.

"Well, now. Quite a mess we have here, eh?"

Principal Thorne slid her bloated form off of her desk top and waddled over to us, sloshing with my father's seed filling her guts all the way.

She leaned down, being the second tallest person in the room, and said

"Your father has told me quite the story," she said with a conspiratorial wink.

She stood back up

"At first I thought he was just trying to feed me a load. Indeed, I found it quite hard to swallow because of the huge ram ifications. As he reached the thrust of the matter, however, I found it much easier to stomach. And now that I've had some time to let it digest, I have made up my mind."

My dad saw the look on my face. He offered me a cocky grin from behind those glasses he didn't need. Ms. Thorne continued.

"I am deeply apologetic, Jun, for allowing myself to be so easily misled by Mr. Calderon's lies. It won't happen again, I can promise you that. And I am very hopeful that before you graduate you Lily, and I can develop a much closer relationship. As principal and students, I mean."

Ms. Thorne turned to Bobby, looking him dead in the eye.

"As for you Mr. Calderon, you," she started, but was interrupted. A loud groan rang out from her exposed tummy. "Ooohhh. Ohhh..."

Her paws went to her stomach to rub it calm. Eventually the sound stopped.

"Better. As for youuUUUUUUURRRRRRRPPPP," issued forth the belch from Ms. Throne, no doubt heavy with my father's scent, right into Bobby's face. I could see his knees nearly drop out from under him again.

My father finally stood up and walked around the desk, ushering Ms. Thorne back to her seat.

"I think you'd better sit down, Ms. Thorne. It seems your heavy work load is getting the better of you. I'll finish up here, if you don't mind."

"Oh please, Harold, be my guest. Jun is your daughter after all."

My dad walked right up to Bobby. At his full 5'7" my dad was almost two feet shorter than the linebacker and infinitely less dense. Still, at that moment, Bobby seemed to be the small one.

I saw Ms. Thorne flip a button on her desk. The P.A. system.

"Look, Bobby, Bobby Calderon, I know you're embarrassed. But these things happen. You're having good sex and you end up sucking down a gallon or so of cum. But you don't have to be ashamed that you've got a bellyful of my daughter's swimmers. And that's certainly no reason to come after her."

Bobby looked like he wanted to sock my dad, he also looked terrified of him. My dad gave a signal and Ms. Thorne cut the P.A.

"On a more personal note, Bobby. If you ever lay a finger on my daughter or her girlfriend again, after she's done with you I'm going to bend you over that table and break my first bitch in almost twenty years."

~ Jun, Age 18