Tower of pleasure tale IV. superfatty345�s request

Story by zidane on SoFurry

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#4 of Tower of pleasure


1)This story contains: M/M sex. If you get disturbed with that and/or don't have legal age, please don't read further.

2)Sorry for any grammar mistake, English is my second language

3)This is a fantasy story. So don't bother if you see modern stuff mixed with ancient.

4)I don't know how much is a pound, so I'll use kilo.

Mathias was a 30 years old black wolf who weighted 202 kilos. Many times he felt jealous of all muscular furries who lived in his city, however many envied his 20 inches long cock.

He loved spend most his weekends in the Tower. It helped his to relax from all stress from his work as a lawyer.

He got into the tower and soon greeted Nicolomos, a black furred horse who also worked in the tower.

"Hi! How are you doing?"

"I'm fine. Nyx is monitoring some servants clean their mess in hall on 3rd floor."

Mathias chuckled and said: "Isn't he a little bit too old for a job like that?"

"Man, don't let him ever hear you say something like that. He beat the crap out of one servant who dared to speak the same thing another day. And the servant was twice of his size."

Mathias swallowed and made a mental note of think twice before talk to the old lion.

"Do you want be to show the catalogue with the available furries?"

"No, I'll go look for a hot stud myself for some entertainment. I'll be back when I find one."

"Sure, good �hunting'."

Then Mathias left. He went straight to the gym. For him, it was the best place to find a muscular guy. He saw 10 furries working out through the opaque glass window. A otter, a crocodile, a elephant, doberman twins, a bengal tiger, a dragon, a husky, a siamese cat and a fox.

The fox, the siamese cat and the otter were lean, probably had just decided to start body building. Mathias gave a good look at their cocks, the fat wolf guessed that even if they were hard their cocks would be 5 or even 6 inches long and that wouldn't be even enough to be able to enter in his ass.

He barely looked that the dragon and the crocodile, he didn't like anything with scales to have sex with him. The scales were always cold and slippery and it just ruined the sex to have a "ice block" over him.

The elephant had the same problem as the otter, cat and fox. his dick was pretty small for someone of his size.

He almost drooled at the sight of the Doberman twins. He never had sex with twins before. And their cocks were fairly big. He guessed 15 inches long when hard.

The husky basically had the same type of body as the Doberman twins.

But all his attention focused on the Bengal tiger. His rippling muscles, shining orange fur and his cock was hard it seemed to be as big as Mathias.

The wolf ran as fast as he could back to Nicolomos and said trying to recover his breath from the short run: "I...want... to...have sex.... with Bengal tiger... that is in the gym. I want... 2... hours and a blue...wristband..."

The horse said: "Geez, man. You should exercise a little bit. The gym isn't far from here and you're already panting...Very well, I know who you're talking about. His name is Zack, he's new around here. Here's a key to his room. Luckily, for you, it's on the first floor."

When Mathias arrived at the room. He removed his clothes as fast as he could. But before he could remove his underwear, his servant arrived.

At first the tiger seemed shocked. It was the first time he had to serve a fat master. �Great...I bet I'm going to be squashed...' Zack thought.

"Hey there..."

"Hi..." replied Zack uninterested.

The tiger moved to the bed and lied down over his bally and said: "Ok, let's get thought it quickly."

The wolf looked puzzled. "What?"

The tiger sighed and answered: "Look. I just want to get over it. I don't know about you, but I'm not the type of guy who likes to be squashed by a fatso."

Soon the tiger realized his mistake. No servant is allowed to insult a master. The wolf crossed his arms and said: "Do you have something against people like me? Don't worry. I won't tell Nyx a thing. Just give me an honest answer"

"Look, it's just that...I don't like lazy people who just want to eat and do no exercise..."

"I see...But not all of us are fat just because we want to!"

The two stayed silent for a couple of minutes when Mathias said: "Anyway, I'll show you how fun can a �fatso' be."

The fat wolf laid down on the bed and lifted Zack like he didn't have any weight at all. �How can he be so strong?' he thought.

Mathias laid the tiger over him and ordered: "Suck my nipples!"

Zack groaned and obeyed. He first aimed for the right nipple and started sucking it. He sucked the fat tit like it were coming out milk. He grabbed and squeezed the fat it while biting carefully the nipple. Mathias groaned in pleasure. His hard dick was already leaking some pre-cum.

Zack stopped and tried to give the other nipple some attention, but Mathias put his hands on the tiger's cheeks and said: "Now it's your turn."

The fat wolf lifted the feline and put him on the bed. After that the bigger furry turned over near the edge of the bed with his butt on the air. "Get some lube and fuck me"

The tiger smiled, got up and grabbed a bottle of lube and put it all over his cock. Then he moved to behind of the big and fat ass and slowly put it inside of him. The wolf bit the bed's sheet while the tiger tried to control the orgasm. The wolf's ass was really tight.

He moved his hips slowly trying to enjoy the moment. Each thrust mad them both moan. After a while Zack removed his dick from Mathia's anus and rubbed the hard shaft between the fat but cheeks the thrust again inside of Mathias and he kept doing this movement.

The bigger furry was possessed by lust. The big, thick, hard and pink cock rubbing against his prostate drove him to spill much more pre-cum. The fat wolf decide to do a surprise and when the tiger thrust inside of him he clenched his anus with all his strength.

Mathias was felt that and tried his best to not to cum so soon. He tried to move his cock, but it wasn't easy because his dick seemed to be locked inside of the wolf. However he managed to pull back the dick and gave one more thrust which made him cum inside of the big wolf.

Zack's legs trembled while the flow of cum filled the wolf. He even tried to keep fucking some more but he was exhausted. He removed the cock and went on the bed.

Mathias turned over again and his dick was full erect and a flow of pre-cum was coming from it. Zack understood the message. He sit down on Mathias and started sucking the cock.

Mathias put about 3 inches of the wolf cock inside of his mouth. It didn't took long for Mathias to cum as well. Zack tried to swallow everything, yet many cum fell over the wolf's body.

The tiger eagerly licked it all. Then he climbed on the wolf and kissed him.

"So...did you change your mind about fat guys?"

"Oh yeah..."

End of superfatty345's request.

Tower of Pleasure Tale III. ff-n-fma's request.

Warnings: 1)This story contains: M/M sex and castration. If you get disturbed with that and/or don't have legal age, please don't read further. 2)Icy belongs to ff-n-fma. He allowed me to use his character in my story 3)Sorry for any grammar...

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Tower of pleasure tale II. Kusho's request

English is my second Language. This is story is not for underage. Please enjoy. Hank was a 18 years old gold furred lion, he had 2,10 meters tall and a cock of 19 inches long. He has been in the tower for 1 month and his fame has spread all...

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Tower of pleasure-Introduction and first tale

Forbidden for underage!!! Sorry for any English mistake. It's not my first language, it's the second. I own the characters of the following chapters and the plot! In ancient times, all male and healthy furries who had just turned 18 years...

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