FearForm [Chapter 3]

Story by NightlySnow on SoFurry

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#3 of FearForm

A new game show on the internet is gaining popularity, FearForm! Unwilling contestants are forced to face their fears. If they fail, they are transformed into the object that scares them the most. If they somehow conquer their fear, they get 11 Million dollars and get to go home.


PanPan FA: javelina123

Snow and Story (c) nightlysnow

FearForm [Chapter 3] by NightlySnow

"Police are still looking into the mysterious FearForm website that was only created two weeks ago." Came the voice of the news woman on TV. "They swear they will catch who ever is responsible for kidnapping these poor souls and forcing them to transform."

Snow turned off the TV, yawning. She rubbed her eyes, trying to stay awake. She couldn't go to bed yet. It was Thursday after all. She walked to the computer and opened the website. She pressed play, just in time to watch the live stream.

"Welcome to FearForm." Came the familiar distorted voice. "This week we have kidnapped PanPan, a red panda / Belgium draft horse, from New Jersey." The live camera feed showed up showing a small room with a metal table in the center. Tied down on the table was PanPan, fast asleep. "Will she conquer her fear and go home with a 11 million dollars? Or will she be transformed into the object she fears the most? This week on FearForm."

The camera zoomed out to max so the whole room could be seen. There was a crate hanging above the panda's head. She stirred, trying to move her hooves.

Her eyes snapped opened when she realized she was tied down. She struggled harder, trying to break the rope that held her down. She stopped, panting. It was no use.

She looked around the room. Besides the table, there was only a create and a camera, that was flashing red. She knew it was recording and it made her heart pound harder. Some creep was watching her being tied down. She let out a scream of disgust.

"Good evening." Came a distorted voice from somewhere in the room.

"Help!" PanPan screamed.

"Welcome to FearForm." The voice paused. "Let's begin your challenge."

"What!" She yelled.

Her cries for escaped seemed to not even been heard.


Before she knew it, the box opened. She stared as multiple black blobs fell from the wooden create. Most of whatever it was, landed of her. She closed her eyes just in case whatever it was fell into them. She slowly opened her eyes as she felt multiple things moving in her fur.

"Spiders!" She screamed as she watched at least 20 crawl all over her. She attempted to fight the restraints again, fighting with more strength than she originally had. But she failed again.

Her breaths become short and sharp as she felt and watched the creepy crawlies climb all over her. Her limbs began to feel numb but she knew the spiders were still crawling all over. Soon, her whole body started to tingle. She let out a scream as she watched one of her finger fall off. She stopped as she noticed it didn't hurt. She blinked multiple times but no blood came out.

She stared at the detached finger with question. What was going on? It wiggled. The world seemed to stop all around her as she watched this finger wiggle. Black sticks started to pop out of the reddish fur. She watched as they got longer and touched the metal table. The sticks lifted the finger off the table. They were legs! She watched as her finger got fatter and took the shape of another spider. It turned around, its creepy eyes staring at her.

She screamed as she watched her other fingers beginning to fall off and transform in to spiders as well. She closed her eyes. "This isn't real." She whispered. "This can't be real." Tears fell down her long face. Her eyes snapped open again as she felt tugging on her mane. Multiple spiders were pulling at it. She watched as her mane started to falling out, the spiders running off with multiple strands.

All her fingers and two hooves had become spiders and the rest of her body followed. Her hands popped off, then her arms, followed by her ankles, and so on and so forth. She no longer screamed but just watched. It was all she could do.

She felt her face go numb. She slowly closed her eyes and let out another silent scream as she felt her face change form. She opened her eyes again to see thousands of the same image. She felt her mind go blank as she scurried into the crowd of spiders.

The camera zoomed in to get a good shot of the spiders before it faded to black.

"Looks like PanPan, from New Jersey, didn't make the cut. See you next time on FearForm!" Announced the distorted voice before the live feed cut out.

FearForm [Chapter 2]

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