The Lottery

Story by NightlySnow on SoFurry

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#1 of Vore

Vore in the morning, vore in the evening, vore at supper time. When a prey comes wondering in, you're going to enjoy vore every time!

This is my first hardcore vore so hopefully I pulled it off. This story is based off the original concept of the short story "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson. So, I guess this is the dirty, vore version of it ^.^

The Lottery Concept (c) Shirley Jackson

Story and other original content (c) NightlySnow

The Lottery by NightlySnow

Stoneford was a quiet little village. There were no airports, so couldn't fly there. There were no roads, so you couldn't drive there. The only way you could reach the amazing small village was purely by accident. They were secluded high in the mountains, there existence was extinct to the outside world.

Scott had just become a young man, the age of 18. He happily hummed a tune from his church, while completing his morning chore of milking the cow. He couldn't help but feel himself get a little aroused by the act of grabbing a long, slender, warm object and watching it unload its contents into the bucket. He shook his head, trying to get such a dirty thought out of his mind. He heard trotting of his father's elk, Venise. He turned his attention to the door, waiting for his father to pass.

"Good morning, father!" He called as he saw him pass the barn door. He was a tall man, with short gray hair and a gray mustache. He dismounted the elk, raising his hand in greetance.

"Good morning, son. Happy birthday. How old are you now, my son?" His kind voice spoke, guiding the elk into the barn and into his stall.

"Thank you, Father. I am 18 today." Smiled Scott, happy that his father remembered his birthday. His big grin lessened as he saw a spark of fear enter his father's normally happy face. Scott scratched his short brown hair with his hand, his hazel eyes trying to figure out what they had just seen. "Are you okay, father?"

"Yes." He spoke, trying not to sound worried.

"Oh, okay." He knew his father was lying but didn't press the issue but instead changed the subject. "I'm really excited for today. It's the yearly ceremony and I can finally enter now that I'm 18."

His father dropped the pitch fork he was hold, almost impaling himself in his foot. Scott jumped up, almost spilling the milk he had collected, rushing to his father's aid. "I'm okay!" He spat at him. A shiver of fear ran down Scott's spine at the sudden tone of his father's voice. The father took a deep breath, calmness returning to his face. "I'm sorry. The behavior I displayed was uncalled for and I apologize. We need to have a talk, Scott. Meet me at the breakfast table, when your chores are done." He locked the gate to the elk's stall and walked out, not waiting for a reply.

Scott stared in awe as he watched his father leave. He rarely called him by his name, it was always son. He got a weird feeling but shrugged it off as he went back to Bessy, and finished his chore.

He walked into the house, carrying the heavy bucket of milk. He pushed the door open and turned into the kitchen. A dozen empty bottles laid on the counter. Carefully, he filled them up with the newly made milk and put them in the refrigerator to cool. With the last bottle filled, he went to the dinning room. At the end of the table, sat his father, puffing on a pipe and staring at the wall. Scott sat down at his normal spot, waiting for his father to tell him why he requested they meet.

"Scott." He spoke. "Now, that you are 18, you do indeed get to participate in the ceremony." Scott's face lit up with excitement, just to be greeted by a horrible frown from his dad. "Its very simple, Scott. They will bring out a worn down wooden box and you will draw a piece of paper. If that piece of paper has a dot, you win."

"Wow! So, it's like a lottery. I hope I win!" Scott shouted excitedly, the smile returning to his face.

His father slammed his fist hard onto the table. "That's enough!" He yelled at his son, almost bringing him to tears. "Stop acting like a child! You are a man now!" He took another breath, trying to calm his temper. Scott was so confused by the display of outrage. He hadn't seen him act this way since his mom disappear about ten years earlier.

His dad stood up, walking to the wooden treasure chest like object in the corner of the room. Scott was told never to touch it and he happily obeyed his father. He opened the lid and reached inside, pulling two black cloaks from it. He handed one to Scott. "Put it on." He whispered as he put on his own, raising the hood so his face was covered. Scott did the same, the hood covering the smile that came across his face. A bell was heard in the air causing his dad to jump.

"It's time." He spoke complacently. "We must be off."

Scott nodded as he followed his dad out the front door and down the path that took them to the center of town. Many others soon joined them as they got closer to town, wearing their black cloaks as well. A weird feeling passed through his mind as he continued to march with the others. He shook his head, dismissing it. This was the first time he got to play the lottery!

A circle was formed around a well, where a small podium lay with the wooden box on top of it. He smiled, praying it was him that got the piece of paper with the dot. Soon, the whole town had gathered and joined the circle, minus the children 17 and under. They were forbidden to be at the ceremony which made Scott even more excited.

A fat man walked to the middle, next to the box. His head was completely bald and he had a long gray beard. Scott remembered he was the mayor of their little village. "Greetings all. Today is the day. Do we have any new comers?"

Scott's father raised his hand, drawing the attention of the fat man. "My son, Scott." He spoke, setting his hand on his left shoulder, giving it a slight squeeze.

"Ah yes. Thank you Mr. Tellerson." The mayor grabbed a slip of paper from his black jeans pocket, pulling it out and folding it. He opened the lid, tossing the paper in and stirring it with the others with his hand. He closed the lid as he spoke. "You know how this works folks. When I call your name, you come up and grab a slip. Do not open it 'til everyone has one. Anderson! Bethney! Dons!..." Three men and two women walked up to the wooden box, grabbing their pieces of paper. The man continued to call names, even drawing his own piece of paper.

"Tellerson!" Scott looked at his dad, who gave a nod and the both walked up to the box. His father drew first, then he. They walked back to their space in the crowd until everyone got their slips. Scott's excitement was building. Please let it be me!

Everyone returned to their spots, holding a slip of paper when the mayor spoke once again. "Okay, open them!" Everyone quickly but nervously opened their sheets. Many sighed reliefs filled the air, including his father. Scott opened his and a smile appeared on his face. There, on the piece of paper, was a black dot, just like his father had said. He raised his hand proudly into the air.

"I have the dot." The crowd grew silent, staring silently at the young man. His dad turned to him with panic in his eyes.

"Come up here, son." The mayor spoke. Scott did as he was told, shooting a smile at his dad. "I'll take the piece of paper, young man." Scott handed it over, happily. "Now please lift your arms and interlock your fingers."

"Like this?" Scott said as he did what the mayor told him.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered as he pulled hay twine from his pocket and began wrapping the twine around his wrist. "Why did it have to be someone so young." Scott felt a bit of horniness sensation take over his body but he was unsure why. Do I like bondage? I know the ladies will love that. He shifted his legs so the crowd didn't notice his growing member.

"So..." Scott paused. "Why am I being tied up?"

The mayor shook his head. "You won, dear boy. You get to be the sacrifice to the mountain god."

"Oh, that's coo....wait! What!" Scott started to get nervous. "I miss heard you right?" He looked at the crowd expecting for them to start laughing at the funny joke. But, no one laughed. They stared at the ground, heads down, including his father.

Two men broke from the crowd grabbing the young man so he couldn't run. Scott's heart was about to jump out his chest. A sacrifice? The men started to guide him down the forbidden trail when his father clenched his fists, running towards the mayor.

"Stop!" He yelled. The gentlemen stopped, turning around. "You can't have my son!"

"Mr. Tellerson, I understand that this is hard for you..."

"No!" He screamed! "You took my wife, you can't have him!"

The mayor got into his face, angry by Mr. Tellerson's rage. "Would you prefer to take his place?"

His dad took a step back by the words of the mayor. He looked at his son, a tear following from his eye. He slowly moved back to the crowd, shame entering his heart. "Dad!" Scott cried, but he turned his head, pretending not to hear his son's cries.

"Move along gentlemen." The two men pushed Scott forward, towards the forbidden mountain trail. An endless rain of tears left his eyes as they approached a cave. The two men handed him a small lantern, pushing him into the entrance.

"Go, boy!"

He took a few steps forward, looking back. The gentlemen stood there, as if guarding the entrance so he couldn't just run out. He slowly went in, following the trail of light. Maybe there's nothing in there and they're all just superstitious bastards. He seemed to walk forever. The cave was gradually getting colder and colder with each step. He wished his hands weren't bound so he could warm up his arms. He stopped.

"Wait, why am I walking. I should just stand here and wait awhile. I'm sure the guards won't stick around forever and then I can just escape." he talked to himself, finding some kind of comfort.


His attention was drawn to further down, a weird sound echoing in the cave. "What was that?" He walked a bit more out of curiosity. He soon spotted a brown blur. He held the light up, trying to identify the object. "What is tha....."

The brown blur let out a roar, charging at Scott. With a swift swipe, a paw hit him in the chest, sending him to the ground, the lantern falling out of his grasp and sliding a bit away. The light source lit up the brown blur, revealing a giant, brown grizzly bear. He whimpered as the bear stood on his two hind legs, just for the 500 pound bear to come crashing down on his stomach.

Scott coughed up blood, trying to catch his breath as the bear got off, staring him down. His breathing became rapid as the bear proceeded to sniff him. His nose traveled from his head, to his chest, to his crotch. He squirmed as the hot breath hit his penis. He felt his member coming to life at the sensation. He held his breath as the bear sniffed it again, causing his member to go full staff.

Why is this making me so aroused....I'm going to die!

The bear licked his jeans, causing Scott to give a quiet moan. "Please..." he tried to reason with the bear. "Let me go." The bear stared at him as if he understood. But, Scott was mistaken. The bear gave another lick at his groin, cause Scott to pre a little.

The bear became enraged at the new smell, letting out a horrid roar. His paws began to scratch at the crotch, tearing off his pants and underwear. He sniffed the long pole, giving it a quick lick, tasting saltiness. Scott let out another pleasureful moan at the touch of the slimy tongue. He reached for his member, he had to touch it. The bear watched as he grabbed it, slowly rubbing it the best he could with his bound hands.

The bear watched as Scott's fearful face turned to a pleasure one, more pre exiting his cock. The bear licked it again, swallowing more saltiness. Scott let out a loud moan, cause the bear to step back from the sudden sound. The bear became enraged, letting out a growl. Scott seemed to not notice, escaping into his own world of pleasure. The bear grabbed his shoulders, breaking him from his fantasy.

He let out a yelp as he was lifted high as the bear stood on his hind paws. It opened his mouth wide, shoving Scott's head into his mouth. Saliva covered him as the bear licked all around, covering his brown hair in it. He attempted to struggle but the bear gave a quick nip, pain shot around his neck. He stopped squirming, not wanting to make the situation worse. The bear loosened his grip with his teeth and continued to cover his feast with his slime. When he was satisfied, he pushed more of Scott into his mouth.

Scott felt his shoulders enter the hot mouth, wrapping around him like a tight glove. He coughed as the bear's breath became more rancid in his nose as he got closer to the back of the throat. His penis was throbbing with pleasure, causing him to let out a moan. He was about to get eaten but he could help but rub himself more. What's wrong with me. I'm about to get eaten but all I can think about is touching my love pole. He tried to reason with himself but lost. He continued to rub his sensitive dick as he felt more wetness dripped onto his neck.

The bear shoved more of him in, giving a massive swallow. He felt the inside of the throat grasp him and start to drag him down. He let out a scream but it was muffled as his head entered his throat. The pressure around him started to get too intense, too real. Tears fell out of his eyes as he attempted to struggle again. The bear gave another swift chomp to the middle of his back, to keep him in place. He cried out in pain as he felt his warm blood start to exit his body. He he felt the tongue run up and down his chest and stomach, licking up the new taste. He cried as he lay 'dead' again, allowing the mountain god to have his meal.

He felt the throat constrict around him even tighter as the bear swallowed again. His groin and hands entered the hot mouth. His cock twitched at the new sensation. The bear started to cover this part of his body with saliva for more of an easily enter. He felt the tongue flick his pole this way and that way. He felt his body release another round of pre, coming close to his climax. The bear let out a growl as he tasted the saltiness. The vibrations shook his whole body, causing him to feel a new feeling down below. It was almost time.

The bear swallowed again, Scott sliding more in, his penis running along the moist tongue. He let out a moan as the pressure he felt inside became too much to manage and released. His seed shooted all over the bear's mouth. The bear swallowed again in surprise as the new flavor entered it's mouth. Scott let out another load as he was thrown more in.

The bear tipped his head, giving his prey a straight shot to it's stomach. It gave one more massive swallow, sending Scott and all his sperm into his throat and down to his stomach. He felt his head come to a tiny opening, just to open up and dive head first into a cavern. His head landed in a burning liquid as he hit the bottom of the stomach. He let out a yelp as it sizzled his face. He tried to shift, only to cause his sensitive dick to shoot another load as it entered the stomach as well. He tried to fidget trying to get in some kind of easy position so he could to exit. But, it failed. His breath became harsh as the acid air made it harder to breath. The opening where he had entered started to shrink and close, making an exit impossible.

He sat in the darkness. Waiting. He felt hopeless but at least he unleashed before his life would come to an end. His whole body started to burn from what Scott assumed was the acid eating away his skin. I haven't even kissed a girl yet! He let out more tears as the burn became a numbing sensation.

"I wish I didn't win the lo....."

The bear let out a yawn before walking back to his nest. It carefully laid down, closing it's eyes, to continue it's hibernation.

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