The Twelve Guardian Deities

Story by Malakye on SoFurry

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#8 of Encyclopedia

I actually forgot to upload this from ages ago, around the same time I made the Encyclopedia V2.0. ?So this is a list of the Twelve Guardian Deities from my story, you may already have read some of the details about them from the character summary I posted, but all of those details have now been removed from there and the updated information is now here. They get mentioned several times through the story so I thought I'd compile them in a list with some details about them for anyone who want to read about them.

The picture for this was made by the very talented Spypolygon.


The first born, and considered by many to be the most powerful, of Asurmen's children. Guardian of the Ocean, he commands the power of sea and all the creatures in it.

Tridenn is commonly represented by a trident.

There is bad blood between Tridenn and Hesh'na, and they often fight with each other. This fight commonly takes the form of powerful storms. Sailors pray to both Tridenn and Hesh'na for peace so that they may have a safe journey.


The second son and child of Asurmen. Guardian of life. It is commonly thought that Abor'Vita is the one who decides whether or not individuals are able to have children. While this is not strictly true there is some truth to it as Abor'Vita is said to mold the destiny of individuals and future of the world. He seeks to create a perfect future where there is no war, no demon lords or any form of tyranny.

Abor'Vita is represented by the symbol of a sprouting tree.

Worshipped by many wishing to start families. It is a common tradition of a mating ceremony to ask for Abor'Vita's blessing for many children.


Third son and child of Asurmen. Guardian of sky and storms.

Hesh'na is commonly represented by both a sea-bird and a cloud with a lightning bolt.

Worshipped by sailors and farmers for good weather.

There is bad blood between Tridenn and Hesh'na, and they often fight with each other. This fight commonly takes the form of powerful storms. Sailors pray to both Tridenn and Hesh'na for peace so that they may have a safe journey.


Fourth son and child of Asurmen The Guardian of the Earth.

Gias is symbolised by a stalk of grain.

Worshipped primarily by farmers for good harvests.


Fifth son and child of Asurmen. Guardian of Fire, often called the Guardian of balance due to the destructive qualities of fire has as well as the positive qualities it brings to the lives of many. Pyrrat is often called 'Pyr'.

Pyrrat is represented by the symbol of a flame.

Worshipped by many black-smiths and those who live in cold regions.


Sixth son and child of Asurmen. The guardian of beasts.

Callen is commonly represented by a feral animal, more commonly a predator to represent his superiority. The animal he is represented by varies from race to race.

Worshipped primarily by hunters.


Seventh child and First born Daughter of Asurmen. Twin sister to Jan'Zar.

The Goddess of compassion, love and forgiveness. Her teachings are about showing love and compassion to others. It is common practise for those to pray to Shal'Naresh during a mating ceremony, to pray that their love remain pure and that they may have a long and loving relationship.

Shal'Naresh is symbolised by two flowers in full bloom.


Eighth child and second born daughter of Asurmen. Twin sister to Shal'Naresh.

The Guardian of war. Her teachings is of proper conduct in war, and the way of the Warrior.

Jan'zar is represented by a sword and axe placed behind shield.

Jan'Zar is worshipped by many villages who are in constant conflict and by clans and tribes that are renowned for their fighting prowess.


Ninth child and seventh son of Asurmen.

Guardian of the cycle, judge of the soul. To prevent Maugan Ra and his followers from escaping from the Underworld, Kunsel judges the souls of those who die before they can enter the cycle. If found wanting their soul is banished to the Underworld. This maintains the pure energy that forms what is most commonly known as the cycle.

Kunsel is symbolised by a two-sided scale.

Kunsel is prayed to by those who want guidance on a moral decision.


The tenth child and eighth son of Asurmen.

Guardian of Crafting. Gallium is said to have taught the first furs, how craft weapons and tools. During the 'War of the Gods' Gallium crafted many weapons to help aid in the fight against the Demon Lords, these weapons are said to be immensely powerful and a few are rumoured to have survived to this day.

Gallium is often represented by a hammer and anvil.

Gallium is worshipped by smiths and builders.


The eleventh child and ninth son of Asurmen. Twin brother to Luna*.

Guardian of the sun. Solas lives to protect the sun from any who would dare desecrate the life giving energies the sun provides, to both the land and those that live there.

Solas is symbolised by an eye within the sun.

Solas is primarily worshipped by farmers.


The Twelfth child and third daughter of Asurmen. Twin sister to Solas.

Luna is the guardian of the moon, using the moons light to reveal those who would hide the the shadows of night. The moon affects the tides and is often referred to as being the source of many mystic energies for various religious and cultist beliefs and rituals.

Luna is symbolised by a crescent moon.

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