Ragnarök Now! chp 2: The Ride and the Truth

Story by Ulrik the Fell Handed on SoFurry

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#2 of Ragnarök Now!

All characters and situations between them are copywrited to me and further, are my intellectual property. Any use of them without my express written permission will be prosecuted.

The following contains material of a graphic nature, if you are under the age of consent(whatever that may be in your area) and do NOT have the permission of your parent or guardian do not read this.

I beg your indulgence, for the sake of grammar, readability and most importantly my on going sanity. I ask that you imagine all characters with a west Texas drawl.(unless otherwise specified)

"Thankee ya'll that's mighty kind of ya" I am from Texas By the way so I get to talk like this without feeling shame. :D

note that {} denotes that this speech is in another language;

"...Love is a funny thing, it tends to make one see the very worst in those who are the very best. It can keep a man on his feet, riddled with bullet holes and still have a smile on his face. It can even give a person a sense of purpose, and what is a man if he has no purpose?"

_____Audi Murphy, Most highly decorated soldier in world war two.

"...Lo there do I see death, and he seems unto me as thus, and so I embrace him as a brother"

_____Ragnarok Lothbroksson,

_____________________________Sunset in the desert._________________

Rick sat on the edge of granite cliff, a stony plateau thrusting a good 200 feet into the desert sky. He had been coming up here for the past wee, attempting to reconcile his thoughts.

He had woken up in his own bed and immediately leapt up searching for Katie, only to be greeted by a blinding headache. He had walked to the bathroom with the thought of a shower to help his mind reboot properly, but as he passed the mirror he noticed a large bruise crossing his face.

'She really did hit me' he thought to him self. Rick decided to wait on his shower and instead went down stairs to find his father.

"Hey dad!?" he called into the living room as he descended the stairs.

"Yeah son? You feeling any better this morning?" said Rick's father as he poked his head into the stair well.

"My head hurts like hell, do you know what happened?"

"Well Katie brought you home around 1:15 this morning, said you had taken a stage dive or some other fool thing and cracked your head a good one. I told you not to jump of shit unless you KNOW someone's gonna catch ya!" said his father jokingly, shaking his head all the while.

"Yes sir I remember, did Katie look... well different at all? You know did she seem strange or anything?"

"Not that I saw, she was more then a might worried about you but that was all, you sure your ok son? You look an awful mess."

"Yes sir I feel as fine as I think I am going to, would you mind driving me into school? I already missed the bus and I don't feel like walking." Said Rick as he looked up at the clock.

"Sure no hassle, grab your gear and will hit the road."

Rick gathered up what stuff he needed for a Tuesday, not needing his guitar he grabbed only his rucksack and a fresh shirt, printed with an armless and legless knight with the words; "Tis but a flesh wound!" across the top in red letters.

After grabbing a few cereal bars out of the pantry he dashed out back to where his dad was waiting in the ranch truck.

The ride to school was uneventful, spent mostly by Rick staring out the window trying to come to grips with his memories. On the one hand, Ricks father had said that Katie had looked normal, no fur, long tail or pointed ears. On the other if what he remember WAS true, then for 17 almost 18 years Katie had somehow passed her self off as a human instead of whatever...else she was.

He did his best to think of a solution before arriving at school, but when the building finely came into sight he was still drawing a blank.

"I'll just have to talk to her" he had thought. "Then I'll be able to tell what's going on."

But Katie was not at school that day, nor was she the next day, nor even the day after that. At a complete loss as to what to do Rick simply went home in the hopes that familiar surroundings would relax him enough that he may might think straight.

His stepmother had arrived home that afternoon and Rick was overjoyed, not for the return of his stepparent but over the return of his truck. Now that he could drive him self where he needed to go it seemed obvious what he should do.

And so here he was, a Friday afternoon spent sitting atop a cliff over looking the desert.

Rick often came here to flush the day to day strife and grief from his system, there was just something about the frosty, nighttime desert winds that kept his mind clear and focused.

After about an hour sitting and contemplating his situation, Rick heard the sound of tires in the distance. The road up to the cliffs switched backed up from in front of where he was sitting so he looked down to try and spot the car.

The sun had already set on the ground below him, so all he could make out was a pair of headlights trundling their way along the poorly maintained dirt road.

It was a good 15 minuets before the car pulled up beside his truck and its occupant exited to walk over and stand behind the relaxing teenager.

Rick did not look up. Anyone who knew to come looking for him here would know not to disturb him when he was thinking.

What he received for his indifference was a sharp kick to the back of the head.

"What the HEL did you think you were doing?!"

Rick would know that voice even in his sleep.

"What are you talking about!? On second thought never mind! Where have you been! I was waiting for you at school, we need to talk about what happened." Rick had started off shouting, but by the end of his tirade his voice was little above a whisper.

"I can't believe you! I already know what happened, you came bursting into my house not two seconds after my dad got back from a bachelor party. Then you punch him through the fucking wall! I had to hit you with my softball bat and drag you out to my car to get you home, so I say again. WHAT THE HELL WAS WRONG WITH YOU?"

Rick was speechless for a moment, was that what happened? Had he gotten stoned at the after party? He didn't think so, he remembered everything else with crystal clarity. What then, had happened? Was Katie lying to him, had he really seen her covered in fur? Was he going crazy? He did not know what to think, so he did the worst possible thing in this situation. He spoke.

"What do you mean what's wrong with me? I saved you from your dad, he was raping you and you were tied up and covered in fur and..." belatedly he realized the absurdity of the words he had just spoken. Katie had gone from an irate to a strange resigned almost detached expression.

"You must have been messed up to be that far out of it...look I convinced my dad that he was more drunk then he thought, I told him he fell through the wall. So your not on tap for assault or anything...But I don't think I can stay friends with someone who would get that messed up AND go that crazy on an older guy who couldn't defend himself.

Don't come by my house anymore, don't talk to me at school, don't call me, text me, or...or any thing all right? Just don't talk to me anymore at all period. I just can't handle this!" and so saying she turned smartly in her knee high boots and stomped back to her car, but before getting in she had to make sure he had gotten the point.

"I can't tell you how much I hate you." She added before getting into the vehicle. Then once inside the car adding the words "right now" to the end of her sentence.

Katie then drove away, leaving a stunned Rick still sitting on the edge of the cliff. He stayed there all night, attempting to dredge out of his memory anytime he might have gotten stoned. He even thought about the different drinks he had had throughout the night, wondering if maybe someone had slipped him a "Micky Finn" while he was not looking. He came up with nothing. It was about 7:00 in the morning. When the sun was just revealing it's shining countenance from behind the far off mountains, that Rick fully incorporated what Katie had said.

"I hate you" she had said, until last Monday he would have been upset, but it would not have been the end of the world. Now though? Now it felt as if his entire universe was imploding.

He could hear, inside his head these words repeated in his own voice, with great malicious glee. "She hates you, she haaaaates you! What are you going to do nooowww? Now that she HATES YOU! She hates you she hates you shehatesyoushehatesyoushehatesyou!.....and she'll never speak to you again."

Rick finely left his cliff top perch, got in his car and drove to school by autopilot. The last thing he noticed before slipping into a trance like coma, was the song playing on the radio. It was opera day and today was the Die Walk..re, as written by Richard Wagner. They were playing the beginning to act three, The ride of the Valkjyries or the Walk..renritt. As the tones from the famous song sprang forth from the speakers, Rick was forcibly reminded of the movie "Apocalypse Now!"

"Strange" he thought as he shifted lanes. "I am dead, why do not the Valkjyries come for me?'

This was to be his last coherent thought for several days.

________________________________The Ride______________________________

Rick ate. He slept and drank; he used the bathroom and brushed his teeth. But he was not among the living. He had found love and his love had more then rejected him, she now hated him. It was more then he could handle all ay once so his brain shut off higher functions. Eating, sleeping, defecating. These things his body did of its own volition, he did not care for his body for his heart was already dead. This went on for several weeks, with his friends and family expressing great concern for his well being, he paid them no heed. He would often be seen, wondering the town looking around him as if in a daze. This fact was commented upon by some of Katie's acquaintances.

"I don't know what's up with him" she would say. " I just hoe he comes through it alright. Rick no longer did his weight training at the school, in fact he did very little at the school, except that is pass tests with alarmingly high grades.

"Do you think it's some kind of new drug?" inquired one teacher of another."

"No, if it were then we would have seen more students exhibiting this sort of behavior."

Rick no longer played his guitar; he no longer participated in ANY of the activities he was signed up for. Indeed the only thing he seemed to retain an interest in was his combat, if he was not walking the streets then he could be found on top of granite cliff, wielding his set of personalized weapons, going through ever more complex routines until he dropped from physical exhaustion. His family could not see an end to this in the foreseeable future and were forced to start looking for an affordable mental hospital. This nearly broke his fathers heart, for when he told his one vibrant son that they might have to put him in the "loony bin" Rick simply smiled a smile that was all teeth and said. "What ever you think is best dad" and would say no other word on the subject.

It was on the last day Rick was to be allowed to roam around as he pleased that he stopped in his meandering about town and let the breeze gently ruffle his long unbound hair. They would make him cut it off he knew, make him dress as all the others make him eat certain foods and do certain things. He could simply not bring himself to care about it. He knew that he SHOULD care about it, knew that he should care about his father begging him to talk, to say something that would indicate his sanity. He just simply couldn't. he knew not for what reason, something to do with one of his friends. "Which one was it?" He thought, "Oh yes it was Katie. I always liked Katie, she's sweet and fun and smell's nice."

As his mind was lost in fantasies his eyes were still roaming the town square, what they found served as a jolt of high voltage to Rick's higher reasoning. He saw out of the corner of his eye movement. As he turned his head to further inspect this surprising explosion of motion, he felt a light sting burn it's self across his face. Raising his hand to his cheek he encountered blood. Rick looked from the blood on his hand to the glass wall of the bank across the street, where there was a perfectly round hole in the glass with a rapidly spreading circle of cracks surrounding it. For a wild moment Rick thought that it might be someone shooting at him, but as he looked closer to the building he noticed that none of the tellers were at their posts and that all of the patrons that had gone in have yet to come out. It was then that he saw the four men with firearms and ski masks walking around the building, turning the windows opaque with the tinting function on their blinds.

Rick was for a moment only at a loss as to what to do, then it hit him as though he were being crushed by all the weight in the world. Katie hated him. She hated him and he was going to live out the rest of his life knowing that. Maybe if he died in combat he would be chosen by the shield maidens of Odin, and be allowed a seat in Valhalla. There he could fill his days with activity and not think of his unrequited love. But Rick despaired; he must wait until he gained a death in combat before he would be allowed admittance. Rick decided then and there, he would not make it a very long wait.

As a woman was walking past him Rick grabbed her arm and said "call the police, that bank is being robbed," the women turned a very interesting shade of green, but never the less pulled her cell phone out of her pocket and began dialing.

Rick meanwhile was already across the street observing the would be robbers through he tinted glass. One of the men seemed to be gesturing toward the safe room while the other three were busy standing guard over those unfortunate enough to have decided to do their banking this day.

One, he noticed was standing right along side the glass wall not 10 feet away from him. Deciding he needed to think a little before charging to his death, Rick slowly crawled his way over until he was directly behind the robber. Satisfied that no one had seen him, Rick gently pressed his ear against the glass. I looked like the leader was getting increasingly angry with one of the women on the floor. She was obviously pregnant and was considerably frightened, to the point that Rick was concerned for the health of her child. Rick was contemplating just how one was taken out of his rational control.

The woman apparently said something the robber did not like, and so to display his displeasure at her comment, he brought his sidearm to bear and shot her once in the leg.

As the man's finger tightened on the trigger, the world took on the appearance of a slow motion film scene to the teenager crouching outside the building. He knew, in some back corner of his mind, that this phenomenon was brought about by his brain recognizing a dangerous situation and ceasing all non-essential brain activity, all higher reasoning that did not pertain to tactics was shunted from his mind.

Philosophy, literature, debate and the hotness factor of the car wash chicks down the street were all locked up in a little corner of his mind. The result was that his brain now had far more "processing" power. This effectively allowed him to absorb the information his myriad senses were feeding him at an exponentially increased rate. Giving him the illusion of slowed down time. However, none of this information mattered to Rick at the moment, what mattered was the fact that the women in the bank had been shot in the leg. And that Rick could already see distinctive spurting common with an arterial wound.

He knew that if he wanted to save that women's life and the life of her baby, then he would have to move. Now.

Rick stood up, directly in the silhouette of the man in front of him, and drew back his fist. On a nearly subconscious level Rick knew that this would hurt, but on the level he was operating on now, he merely wished to reach his opponents as quickly and as deadly as possible.

Rick through is fist at the wall as hard and as fast as he could, in the process of the strike he felt something...shift through his whole body and come to rest in his hand. The hit shattered the glass, but when Rick made contact with the surface he felt the bones in his hand buckle and snap. With this sensation however he felt no pain, only an odd sense of the occurrence of the event.

Rick continued his swing, even as the shattered glass poured down atop his head, and wrapped his right hand around the man's throat. With his left he grabbed the robbers right shoulder and with both hands yanked in opposite directions, messily snapping the criminal's neck. As the man started his decent to the earth, Rick ripped from the sheath at his side a marine style K-Bar survival knife. With his prize in hand he ducked low and ran as fast as he could through the maze like cubicles. Seeing their partner slain in such a way naturally enraged the remaining thieves, the leader of the group instructed the other two to spread out and look for the man who had just made such a dramatic entrance. No sooner had the words left his mouth was the second man (busy being instructed by his leader) leapt upon by Rick, who had just vaulted off a copier machine. At the apex of his leap Rick extended the knife, which he had up till then kept folded in along his for arm, and brought it down across the man's throat, then on the back swing up under the rib cage and into his kidneys. Leaping up and dodging the hail of bullets that found their way into the little space, Rick made his way to the next most likely position he could adopt.

Before he reached it however, his progress was impeded by a line of bullet holes tracing their way down the cubicle wall in front of him.

"Come out here little hero, let us fucking shoot ya, cause if ya don't? we'll start shootin some o these fine upstanding folk!"

Rick peeked through one of the bullet holes and saw that, while the leader was scanning the area, his last remaining accomplice was standing guard over those taken hostage.

Making a split second decision, Rick popped up from behind cover and hurled his knife at the man with his gun pointed at the people on the floor.

As Rick had hoped the leader, already more then frightened by the deaths of his two fellow robbers, ducked automatically, allowing the blade to continue it's flight unobstructed to strike the last robber in the side of the head, in-between the two plate like bones of the skull.

As the leader looked behind him to see his last comrade fall with the knife sticking out the side of his head, he realized what Ricks true plan was, turning in time to see Rick with the second mans pistol aimed directly at his chest. Before Rick could pull the trigger however, the man raises his own gun and attempts to fire.

Both men fire their shots at the same time, the robbers hits Rick in the middle of his left side, he could feel it's path through his body. Feel it glance against a rib and exit out the side of his back. Again there was no pain, just the feeling of what was happening to his body.

Ricks shot however found it's way in between the thief's ribs, slid through his heart rupturing it, and exited his back at an angle down towards the ground.

Rick just stood there for a moment, memorizing all that he had just done, he knew that he would not die here today, his wounds were not grievous enough to ensure that. However, this was the first time he had ever taken a human life, and no matter how long he lived he wanted to remember this strange combination of disgust and accomplishment.

It took him a moment to realize that the police and paramedics had arrived; they had already swept the building and pronounced it secure while he was in his reverie. A young female paramedic, eyes wide with fear, walked up to him and asked him if he was hurt. He replied that yes he was injured but that there had been a woman who was shot in the leg and that she should be cared for first.

The young women started to reply, but all Rick noticed were the little lights that had begun to float around his field of vision. He simply nodded his head numbly as she told him that the pregnant woman was alive and already in an ambulance headed toward the county hospital, these were the last words Rick heard before he slipped into unconsciousness.

_____________________Determination unwavering, Truth______________________

The first thing Rick noticed was that he was laying on his back. The second thing was a very annoying beeping sound that, no matter how hard he tried, would not go away.

That beeping sound is an EKG, I must still be alive. Thought the still mildly unconscious teenager.

He lay there for a few minuets, attempting to put the order of events into place, when he suddenly felt that tingly sensation that announces that one is being watched.

Rick's first thought was that the family of one of the men he had killed was looking to reap vengeance upon him. He could do nothing about this were it the case, but as the minuets ticked by with nothing occurring Rick decided to take at least SOME action.

He was about to open his eyes when he felt a hand stroke across his forehead. It took all is mental fortitude not to leap out of his bed at this unexpectedly gentle touch.

As it was he managed to simply let out a small groan and roll slightly toward the stroking appendage. It took Rick all of 2 minuets to realize that the hand that had been petting his head was covered in short, silky fur with pads along the inside of the fingers, not unlike those of a cat.

Rick's eyes shot open and beheld the most breath taking sight in the world. Standing before his slightly fuzzy gaze was a woman of radiant beauty, as his eyes began to adjust to the darkness pervading the room he saw that she, like Katie, was entirely covered in fur. However, unlike Katie, whose fur was silver gray with white running down the insides of her arms, legs and belly. Along with little black rings running down her back and face, this woman was entirely white with black stripes running across what little he could see of her bewhiskered face and paw like hands.

When he opened his eyes the woman had immediately withdrawn her hand, by this time Rick could tell he was heavily sedated and that the medication was interfering with his ability to form rational sentences.

And so instead of asking this non-human woman who she was, what she was, what she wanted or why she was in his hospital room in the middle of the night.

He looked her in the eyes and said the first thing that entered his mind.

"Kathryn?" he asked, and instantly regretted it, even if this WAS Katie; she would have slapped him for using the name that she despised so much.

Much to Rick's dismay the woman standing before him began to inch towards the window that he had just realized was open.

"No wait I'm sorry! Who are you?" this question seemed to upset the girl with both human and feline features. Upon hearing his utterance she made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a mewl, then dashed forward and clubbed Rick around the side of the head with hr fist.

As he once again descended the steps into unconsciousness, he heard a voice whisper to him "I'm sorry" only to then be drowned out by his own inner turmoil.

"Shehatesyoushehatesyoushehatesyou" accompanied him in his decent into blackness.

Rick spent the next two weeks in the hospital being visited by, what seemed like the entirety of Jomstown's city proper. Reporters from the local news station, policemen, his fellow class mates, friends and even a few of the hostages from inside the bank.

All these and more came to visit him during his recovery. The bullet, the x-rays showed, had been on a direct path towards his heart, but had been deflected by his rib and then exited through the soft tissues of his back.

According to the doctors he was very lucky, according to his father he was a lucky fool.

After being informed of his wayward sons condition, Rick's father had gone to the hospital expecting to find the same empty shell that his son had been for the past weeks. He was overjoyed then to find the youth once again his vibrant self, albeit somewhat restrained due to his injuries. Unbeknownst to his father Rick had come to a find new determination from his encounter at the bank, life was far to short to allow anything to get in the way of happiness, and though it may be selfish of him, he would be damned if he was going to allow the woman he loved to shut him out before he got the truth from her.

And so when the day of his discharge came he asked to be allowed to wander a bit before returning home, his father agreed readily for he was still embroiled in the paper work that was generated from an 18 year old killing four men, going into the intensive care unit and then having all his medical expenses paid for by the city government. Shaking his head as he watched his father move rapidly down the road to a nervous break down, Rick walked out of the hospital feeling better then he had in about a month and a half.

As he climbed into the cab of his truck he examined his watch, today was the start of the Christmas holidays. Now was the perfect time to find out what exactly had happened to his friend, Katie's father had gone out of town on a family emergency and would not be back until right before Christmas. He counted back the days and figured he had about 3 days until he had to go up into the hill country to find this years Yule log.

Lucky for me we live in west Texas, there are plenty of Loblolly pines up in the hills that'll work just fine.

Rick new that he was trying to distract himself from what he was about to do, he could not help it. He still felt that voice clamoring in the back of his mind, waiting to be unleashed.

No he thought. I won't let that happen to me again, no matter what the outcome is I am a man and I'll damn well live like it.

But these words rang slightly hallow, even in his own ears. If she reiterated what she had said all those weeks ago he knew he would be just as heart broken.

Rick shook his head angrily, no matter what happens this was the course of action he had decided upon, and he was determined to see it through.

As he approached Katie's home he began to recite in his mind the oldest form of meditation he knew.

It was derived from the Scandinavian creation myth. "In the beginning there was only Fire and Ice, all things of this world are derived from the melting of Ice by Fire's heat"

Fire in the body, Ice in the mind.

Fire to burn away the emotions, Ice to crystallize the focus.

A flame in the body, a crystal in the mind.

This action steadied him as he stood on the front lawn, waiting...for he knew not what.

Finely giving himself a mental kick for waiting this long he walked up to the front porch and knocked on the door.

"Coming coming don't hurt yourself" he heard Katie's voice say from the other side of the barrier. A lump formed in his throat and was quickly swallowed; he would not run from this.

The door was opened and Katie's smiling face popped around the corner, that smiling countenance quickly turned to one of shock, then anger.

"What are you doing here? I told you not to come here anymore." She said this in a voice of utmost venom. For a moment Rick was at a loose, here was the girl he had known all his life, whom he had just found out was the love of his life. This woman was now standing here; in her front doorway telling him to get lost it was utterly mind-boggling.

Rick then realized he was standing there not saying anything, so he did his best to try to catch up.

"I think that we need to talk Katie, I need to know what is happening here I feel like I'm going crazy!"

"I think you are as well, now just go away." And so saying she shut and locked the door in his face.

Rick stood there for a moment, listening to the sound of the door being locked.

He, very suddenly, became angry. Why would she treat him like this? He had done nothing wrong, he had done nothing but comport him self with courtesy and patience. No longer, his patience had worn thin he would speak with her and he would know the truth.

Taking a step away from the door, he then took a two-step, running jump and kicking the door hinges off the door.

As the door fell off its hinges, Rick saw the shocked expression on Katie's spike haired face. As he then walked into the house he was shocked to observe the changes that had taken place since his last "visit."

The furniture had been moved up against the walls and a section of the hardwood floor had been removed and driven into the bare concrete was a three-inch steel spike ring. Attached to this ring were two chains one of them leading up the stairs, while the other was attached to a shackle that was secured around Katie's left leg.

Rick's jaw was most assuredly hanging on the floor, why was she chained down? It did not make sense. However he did not have any more time to contemplate it, for at that moment a very distraught young woman's foot was flying towards his face. He brought his arm up across his body just in time to catch her shin before its impact. His body was responding to the assault by reflex. By the time he realized she was attacking him Rick was already across the room, watching her open palm rapidly approaching his face. He lowered his head to allow the strike to connect with the top of his head rather then his nose.

"STOP!" shouted a voice from the top of the stairs, just as he was about to slip his foot behind hers, break her root and throw her to the ground. Both Rick and Katie stopped in mid-movement to look up toward the source of the voice.

There at the top of the stairs stood the furred woman who had visited Rick in the hospital.

She was clad in simple khaki shorts and a light blue top that Rick could not help but think complimented her blue eyes.

She wore no socks or shoes upon her feet so Rick could see that she stood upon the balls of her feet rather then the entire foot, her legs were shaped much like a humans save that her feet were longer to accommodate for balance. He also observed that there were claws slowly extending and retracting from the tips of her toes. Not small claws either, these must have been at least 3 1/2 inches long and looked quite deadly. The last two observations he made before she began to descend the stairs were that she had a long black and white striped tail snapping around angrily behind her. The last thing he noticed was that the other chain ran to encircle her ankle.

"What the hell is going on down here? Why is our door laying in the entry way, and WHY are the two of you trying to beat the living shit out of each other?"

"No disrespect intended ma'am but I was defending my self, she was the one doing the beating. Now if you don't mind my asking, who are you and why do you look like a tiger standing up?"

at this the women snapped her head away from Rick causing her long white hair to flip over her shoulder, but not before he saw that same look of hurt cross her eyes.

"We need to tell him, there isn't anyway to get out of it short of killing him, even if we could dad won't be home for a week, we'd be stuck with a body."

Rick was mildly concerned about this flippant talk of his murder but decided to let it run its course before taking any action.

"NO!" shouted Katie, Rick looked over at her and saw that she was entering into hysterics, something he had never seen her do before.

"We can't tell him! He hates us already, he'll tell people. the government will come get us! I don't want to be dissected I don't!"

At this point Rick was watching the strongest person he knew go through a visible breakdown, she was crouched on the floor rubbing at the chain around her ankle.

"Dad will be pissed when he sees the door, I don't think I can take the wedge twice in one month Risa! I think it'll kill me we can't tell him."

As she said this she glanced over to an object sitting on the shelf above the TV.

It looked very much like a block of cheese made from wood, but upon closer inspection Rick found that there was dried blood on it, along with various knobs and dials that from the looks of it, made the device expand in certain areas. Instantly Rick was reminded of what he had walked into the night of the concert, and knew instantly what this device was used for. If this was not enough under the device was a picture of Katie's father and what appeared to be a much younger and very unconscious tiger girl. The furry woman was bent over the back of a chair with this contraption shoved up her vagina, there were rivulets of blood pouring from the woman's genitalia and the man was leaning over her and smiling. Under this photo was a caption that read: I like my pussy stretched.

Rick observed all this in a moment, but in that moment he achieved a level of anger he had never thought possible.

By the end of her speech Katie was barely whispering but the tiger woman was kneeling by her side and giving her comfort, something Rick wished he could do.

It was at this point that Rick processed something Katie had just said.

"Did you just say you thought that I 'hated you already'?"

Katie looked up at him through bloodshot eyes.

"Of course you hate me, I'm not human, and you saw me the night after the concert. And if nothing else you saw dad...doing what he was doing." She finished rather lamely, obviously not wanting to say the word that applied to her situation.

"I think you need to tell me what is going on...and start from the beginning."

The second woman looked up at him through the curtain of her hair and said simply "alright."

And so they told him, everything. They told him of their father finding them in a box on his front step and of growing up with his constant abuses.

That told of the necklace that their father had found with them, they said it was this necklace that allowed them to assume a shape that seemed human to all who looked upon it.

Rick asked to see this necklace and in response Katie removed it from around her throat and handed it to him. As she did so she seemed to waver and shimmer as though he were looking at her through water. When this had ended there before him sat the black ringed furred woman he had seen bent over the couch the night of the concert.

Rick stared for a moment then realized he was being rude and dropped his gaze to the necklace. Ha immediately recognized it as the Yagdraasill tree, or the tree of life in Norse mythology. Looking back up he asked them to please continue.

And so they told him their names, the one who resembled a Lynx really was Katie as far as they knew for there had been two names on a piece of paper inside their box, Kathryn and Fenris. And these were the names they went by now.

They also told Rick of how they would trade places out in the world, of how one day Katie would ware the necklace and go to school and do everything one would expect a young girl to do. Then when she got home she would fill Fenris, or Risa as she liked to be called, in what had happened that day. Then the next day Fenris would ware the necklace and the cycle would continue.

They also told him of the many depredations the one left at home was forced to endure. The "Wedge" as they called it being just one of the many things their "father" forced upon them. Learning about such things enraged Rick even further, however he held his anger in check so as to allow them to finish.

When they were done Rick sat and thought for a moment, absorbing all that had been said. They did not know why they were the way they were, they were forced to be chained to the floor in their fathers absence, lest they try to escape. And finely they came to the reason that Katie had been refusing to speak with him, they had thought that with his knowing about their "oddity" he would no longer wish to stay in contact with them, hence the refusal to communicate. They had hoped that after a while they would be able to convince him of a drug induced illusion. They had had plenty of time to think this up, for the reason they had not been to school was their punishment from their father kept them at the house. As they said this both women glanced over at the self with the wedge on it.

After a long moment of thought, all the while feeling the girl's heavy stares boring into the side of his head. Rick asked his first question.

"Why didn't you tell me any of this sooner? Don't you think that this would have been important friendship information?"

"We figured that you would hate us if we did" said Risa. "Or that you'd tell someone and we'd get experimented on." Muttered Katie.

Not for the first time Rick noticed how scared they were. It was at this point that Rick kicked himself. He loved BOTH these girls, and he would be damned to the lowest, coldest planes of heel if he was going to allow that bastard they called a father abuse them anymore.

Making a decision he stood up abruptly.

"Come on" he said. And walked over to the chains examined them for a moment then went back out to his truck and retrieved his pry bar.

Walking back in he set the tip against the chin close to Risa's foot and before she could object, snapped the links. He then walked over to a wide-eyed Katie and did the same with her chains.

"Grab whatever you want from this place" he said in a determined voice.

"I don't think we'll ever be coming back here again they just looked at him shocked by his actions.

"You may not have trusted, and I may not have known the real you, but damnit your still my best friend....i mean friends, and I'll be damned if I'm going to leave you to this. So grab cloths, money, whatever you want from this place, cause I won't let anyone do this to you again!"

He finished almost shouting, once again incensed at what he saw happening here.

The girls quickly ran up the stairs while Rick proceeded to destroy anything obviously belonging to the owner of the house.

A good 20 minuets later the girls came back down the stairs, both with two 6ft duffel bags crammed full of things. As they were loading the things into his truck, Rick commented on the amount of hair products Risa carried under her arm.

"You have NO idea what it takes to keep this much fur clean." She said with a smile as she climbed into the bed of the truck along side Katie.

"I can only imagine" he said as he hopped into the drivers seat and started the car.

"You know, your taking this much better then you maybe should be" said Katie as she leaned to her left and lay her head on Risa's shoulder.

"Your not gonna freak out and scream cause there is a woman sized tiger in your truck are you?" asked Risa as she looked for a position to doze in.

Rick chuckled and patted his shoulder.

"Naw" he said as she rested her head on his shoulder, "Don't worry about anything, when we get there I'll take the anklets off you and I guess explain to my dad what the situation is."

It was at this point that he realized that he was completely and utterly calm, no little voices in his head telling him things that were untrue.

Maybe they didn't love him yet, but now they all trusted each other, and he thought that, given a little time they might just come to care for him as he cared for them.

A little bit farther down the road he had to suppress a laugh for two reasons.

The first being that Risa twitches her whiskers in her sleep and they were hitting his face

And the second being that he had just realized that he finely felt safe and comfortable only with a tiger woman sleeping on his arm!

END chapter 2.

I am tired and it is way early in the morning So I will put something here later.

WOOOOOO insomnia! 0)_(0