Best Weekend Ever

Story by KJwulf on SoFurry

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This is my first story. Not a very good one, I know. I actually wrote it to fit a pic I saw, then turned it into a story. This was not a well thought out story, and I don't care. The ones in the future will be better, for now, try to enjoy.


I stirred then opened my eyes. The white ceiling always looked better on weekends. I sat up and twisted my neck in different directions to get the stiffness out of it. I turned and saw Lucario was still sleeping. I gently nudged his shoulder, and he opened his eyes.

"Morning, sunshine." I said

"Good morning." Lucario replied as he to sat up and twisted his neck like I did.

"It's Saturday, what do you want to do?"

"I say we just stay home with each other."

"Yah, I like that idea."

Lucario and I got up out of the bed. I got dressed, and Lucario stretched. "Last night was...incredible, Lucario. I didn't know you could cook." I said.

"I'm glad it was, you know I'd do anything for you." Lucario smiled. He was so cute when he tilted his head and smiled like he did.

Suddenly I felt an urge come down on me, one I had never felt before. I bent down and kissed Lucario on the mouth, tongue and all. I stayed like that for about ten seconds. Just as I was about to pull away, I felt Lucario's tongue slip into my mouth. I pulled myself back as I felt his cool smooth tongue enter my mouth.

"I- I'm sorry!" Both he and I yelled in unison. I turned away, got up quickly and walked out of the room. Lucario followed me.

I began to pace back and forth in front of the couch. Why did I just do that?! I thought to myself.


"I'm so sorry Lucario. I don't know what came over me."

"Its ok Marques, I understand."

"You do?" Lucario nodded

"J-just forget about it." Lucario said, he stuttered and sighed.

The day went on as it usually would have. We had a small lunch and just lounged around for the rest of the day. Time dragged on until dinner time came around. I cooked a large steak dinner for Lucario and I. We both ate in silence. When we were finished, I cleaned up. After I was done, Lucario and I settled down on the bed.

"I have to ask, why did you do it? Was it because you had an urge? You felt you should? Or because you still haven't found a mate? " Lucario knew exactly what I was talking about. He shrugged.

"To be honest, I don't want a mate." He said.

"What?! You don't want a mate? Why not, when did you decide that?"

"Well, I don't want a mate...because I want you." I jumped off the bed and staggered back.

"Me?! What? What are you saying?!"

"I don't want a mate because I want you, and besides if I did get a mate, she would keep me from being with you."

"So you're saying you want don't want a mate, because you'd rather be with me, and we can live and be with each other for as long as we live?" Lucario nodded his head. "Is that what you really want? I mean think about what everyone would say if I told them about this." Lucario got off the bed and stood in front of me.

"I don't care what everyone else thinks about us." He said. I felt a lump form in my throat, and my eyes began to water.

"I...I have always loved you with all my heart, Lucario. And I think that I've always had feelings for you that extend beyond friendship, but I didn't think you would understand. Now I know. I want to be with you, and no one else." Lucario's face had the happiest smile I had ever seen on it. He jumped on me and hugged me. I lost my balance and fell back on the bed. We stared into each other's eyes. His ruby-red eyes were full of happiness, lust, yearning, and peace. Lucario brought his face closer to mine, and we again kissed.

We continued passionately. I picked Lucario up off the bed and held him in my arms. Then I felt something. I looked down and saw that the tip of Lucario's penis was peeking out of it sheath. I smiled and giggled. He wiggled out of my arms and pulled down my pants and boxers, leaving me naked from the waist down. He licked my penis only once, but that's all it took. He grabbed me and threw me onto the bed. I was surprised he was able to lift me like that

"I'm going to make this day all better" He said. He then took off my shirt. Now fully erect, he grabbed my legs and inserted his cock into my asshole. He began sliding it in and out of me. God, it felt so good. He was slow at first, but with a little encouragement, I got him to go faster and harder. I moaned and grunted the entire time he was inside of me. Then I felt something filling my ass, and it dripping out.

"I love you." I said. Then Lucario did something completely unexpected. He began to lick away at my anus. Licking all the cum he had previously produced. I shivered and moaned loudly. His tongue felt so weird, so cold, but it felt so good. When he was done he sat up and leaned back a bit. Then he spread his cheeks, revealing his pink asshole.

"Your turn." He laughed. I smiled and got up as well. I was fully erect too now. I got close to him, and then I positioned my dick on the rim of his hole. "I want you all the way inside me. Don't hold back. I want you to go as hard as you can."

"That, I can do." I said. I shoved my dick into his ass so hard, he nearly fell over. He began murring softly, then he gradually got louder as I went faster and harder.

"Oh God! That feels so good!" He exclaimed. To make it even better, I started stroking his twitching length. I made him cum all over himself, and got a little on me. When I was done, he jumped on me again and began to suck on me. He turned his body so his penis was hanging right above me face. Knowing what he wanted I lifted my head and got his dick in my mouth. I had to push us both to the side because my neck was getting stiff from lifting it up and down.

Now that we were in a more comfortable position our motions became faster. Suddenly Lucario shoved one of his fingers into my ass. I let out a small yelp of pain, his nails were sharp, and his finger was slightly thicker than his cock. I had let go of Lucario's penis with my mouth, and winced from the pain. Seconds later it subsided as I got used to him taking it out and pushing it back in. Soon after I followed suit, but inserting my index and middle fingers into his colleen. He murred loudly. I tried to pull myself away from his mouth for I was about lose it, but he held me in place and I lost it in his mouth. He pushed himself away from me and got on all fours over me. His face was covered with cum, and from what I could see his mouth was filled too. He smiled and swallowed, grimacing as it went down his throat.

"That's kinda sick." I said looking up at him. He only smiled and laid down next to me.

He hugged my side, trying not to stick me with his chest spike. I hugged him back and began scratching him behind his right ear. He sighed and his ear twitched as I scratched him.

"This...was...the best day ever." I said, panting. Still tired and out of breath.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I said as I gave him one last kiss and goodnight. Then we both drifted off into deep sleep, dreaming about what Sunday had to offer.