Collar Games

Story by Keirish on SoFurry

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#2 of Stories

This is a story about two incompatible furs finding that they can still have fun without strings attached. And it wouldn't be fun without some spanking, paw play, light bondage, and squirting now would it?

Keirish nervously shifted his weight from one paw to another. The dark grey fox is holding a sign that read "Jess" and chewing gum rather intently, scanning the crowd. A nearly incomprehensible announcement blared over the bustle of paws, hooves, and claws in the airport. Jessica was flying into town for a few days on business and Keirish was putting her up. They had been friends since high school, but had not seen each other for several years; they weren't exactly out of touch though.

At first their communications were just pleasantries; keeping in touch online. Catching up, telling funny stories, talking about how classes were. But slowly it became more and more personal. She would talk about her relationship, how she felt about her lover, how she felt about the dates they went on. He talked about his pursuits with finding a mate and the disappointing results. The more they talked the more came through. She would talk about how he never really seemed happy with her, picking at little things. Keirish watched over the years as her self confidence dwindled and it hurt him. When they finally broke up, she was left devastated

Keirish had spent the last two months talking to her every day. Texting, Facebook, and even the occasional phone call. He had managed to convince her to try dating again; even psyching her up before she went out. Though she had no luck in finding a partner, it helped her get some of her confidence back. They knew that they would not make it as a couple, their differences and tastes conflicted too much, but that did not exempt them from enjoying each other.

Late at night, in lieu of another failed date, their conversations started to turn raunchy. It started tame, just talking about kissing each other and teasing, then their opinions about masturbation. They started texting each other every time they serviced themselves. Keirish loved getting them at work, some of them turning him on so much that he was forced to paw-off in the bathroom. They began sexting each other during, though Keirish had to get her riled up with a few choice words before she would agree to it. Her heat became self motivated after a few days, to the point that their sexting sessions became video calls.

_ He watched as she lay on the bed before him, rubbing her clit. Keirish sat on his bed, watching her on the laptop between his legs, teasing himself. She gasped as she slipped a finger inside her slit, grinding her hips against her hand. He whispered for her to put another in and she cried out as she gingerly slipped in another digit._


Keirish could see himself fondle his knot in the corner of his screen as she bucked at her self-induced pleasure. He asked; then begged for her to cum for him, driving her deeper into heat. She bore her teeth and shut her eyes, her hand turning into a blur. Her back arched as her snatch erupted, sending squirts of fluid streaking down her bed as she screamed in toe curling euphoria.

Keirish flicked his tail at the memory. He strained his neck trying to see over the crowd. He thought he saw her, but after a few seconds he saw that it was a man. Laughing at his mistake, he checked his phone again. No messages and her flight should have landed twenty minutes ago.

_ Taken by surprise at this spectacle, Keirish lost track of what he was doing. In a few seconds his laptop screen was dripping with semen. Jessica was pretty embarrassed about her orgasmic eruption to say the least; saying that she was a freak. Keirish tried his best to tell her otherwise, while doing his best to both wipe his view clear, and keep his seed from running into every nook and cranny of his computer. Seeing that his word was not enough to dissuade her, and having saved his laptop from the horrors of a digital bukkake, he decided to share his own oddities to try and share in some of the embarrassment._

He told her about the various forms of role-play he enjoyed, expressing his pleasure in being a pet. He told her about his rather large toy collection; from the tame masturbators, to his prostate toys, to his selection of various collars and restraints. She had become rather excited at his list of female-specific toys, having only heard about many them in books. After that, her penchant for gushing did not seem like such a big deal.

Maybe her flight was delayed. He padded over to the monitors and searched for flight 2289, squinting intently at the screen.


Jessica embraced him from behind to keep him from bolting from her scream. He turned around to see the red fox smiling back at him, her excited expression bringing back memories of when they last met face to face, five years ago. He hugged her back, picking her off the ground in an attempt to best her enthusiasm.

"Hey Jess, glad to see you"

"Me too"

She looked down at the sign in his hands and gave a little giggle.

"Did you make a sign for me? Are you going to be my chauffer today?"

She had a bit of a mean tone; she liked to poke fun at him whenever possible.

"Sort of, but I didn't know how I should address you"

He turned the sign around, revealing the words "Little Squirt" written in big elaborate lettering. Jessica's eyes widened, her ears dropped, and she turned beet red. Keirish answered with a sly grin.

"Oh you little son of a bitch," she whispered.

Keirish nuzzled her and stepped around her, picking up her luggage.

"Right this way little lady"


"I can't believe that you have never heard of the RedRock Group!" said Jessica. Their conversation followed them as they got out of the car. Keirish pulled her bag out of the trunk and closed it, revealing Jessica looking back at him.

"Nope, never heard of them. So they play music or something?"

"Well, not exactly. They put on a show where they make music, but I wouldn't buy their album." Jessica walked toward the front steps of Keirish's house, leading the way.

"That sounds... weird. But if you say I should go, I will go with you."

Keirish couldn't help but watch his friend's butt as she climbed the stairs. Her jean shorts hugged the bottom of her buttocks, making their motions more enthralling. She turned around, catching him red handed.

"Eyes up here hon."

"Heh, sorry." He quickly climbed the stairs after her and unlocked the door. He gave her butt a little slap as she walked in past him. "I just couldn't resist."

Letting out a tired sigh she put down her bags and turned to him. She wore a disappointed look, making Keirish's stomach sink with regret. Had he overstepped his bounds?

"Keirish, listen. I know we talked online, and you have been a really good friend, but..." her eyes welled up, "you don't have to pretend anymore. Thanks for making me feel better, but I don't want to be a burden on you anymore."

"I... you... uh. What?" Keirish babbled back.

"I know you don't really like me, you even said so. I don't want you to pretend you find me attractive just to make me feel better anymore."

"FFFFFFF--what the hell are you talking about?" Keirish rolled his eyes. "You fucking think I was pretending? Yes, I don't think we would work as a couple, but I still think you are hot."

"I just got to thinking on the plane. You never seemed too sincere about me. I know we did not get along that well in high school and, well..." She shrugged, "I started to get it in my mind that this was all just a game for my benefit."

Keirish massaged his forehead, taking in her comments with very little honey and adoration.

"This is why we won't work. You read the littlest things off of me and get these silly ideas in your head then--" He saw her face sink. No, this is not what he wanted; he shouldn't yell. He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to regain his composure.

"Jess, listen, you are an attractive person. No matter what you think and no matter what that manipulative bastard of an ex-boyfriend said, you are an attractive girl. And yes, I have every intent of fucking you silly tonight. So quit putting yourself down; it really hurts me to hear you say that."

Keirish stared at her, searching her face for some sort of reaction. She padded up to him until her toes were touching his, an inquisitive look in her eyes. She put her hands on him.

"Is it ok if I kiss you?" asked Jess

Jessica looked nervously up into Keirish's eyes. Her paw was resting on his chest, mouth just an inch from his, her breath playing across his nose. He looked at her, trying to find the best way to answer; searching for some witty quip, a joke, anything. Giving up, he leaned in and brushed his mouth with her, feeling the warmth of her muzzle. He breathed out, moved in just a bit more, and kissed her.

They embraced in the kitchen, interlocking tongues in a show of their passion. They held each other's paws, kissing again and again, feeling all of their online talks play out again. A final short kiss and they hugged; Keirish rested his head on top of hers. The air about them was electric.

"I have something to show you" said Keirish.

He took her paw in his and led her toward his bedroom. She became nervous and excited, being led into the bedroom of the friend who she was ready and willing to fuck at the drop of a hat. She tightened her grip on his paw, reminiscing about their earlier exchanges. Despite having been warned, she was not quite prepared for what awaited her behind that door.

She stared at a wall full of toys. Dildos of every species and color sat erect on a shelf. Fox, canine, human, dragon; she couldn't help but stare at the big stallion cock sitting the shelf. She thought of its flaired tip forcing its way into her and flinched. She quickly moved on to the next shelf.

Vibrators of many intriguing shapes and pastel colors filled her view. She picked up a rabbit model, turning it over in her paws. It was smooth and firm, but comfortable. She found a button on the back and pressed it. The little toy sprang to life, buzzing quietly in her paws. She held it against her face, tickling her whiskers.

"Haha," she giggled at the sensation.

"Jess?" Keirish asked from behind her.

She forgot that he was standing there with her. She turned around and gasped; covering her muzzle with a paw and dropping the toy. Keirish was standing there, naked from head to toe, except for a red collar about his neck. The light grey fur on his neck and under his arms also covered his stomach, crotch, and inner thigh, lightening his completion from the dark grey that was used to seeing. The toy vibrated lightly on the floor, slowly working its way across the carpet.


"Jess, I was thinking. You need some help becoming more assertive. I feel like this would make you more confident."

"I don't see why--"

"I want to be your pet Jess. I think you could use it, and well... so could I."

Jess stood there, overcoming her shock, trying to process this proposition. She looked down at her feet and back up.

"Keirish, I am all for fucking your brains out, but this just seems... Well, I don't know how I feel about this."

Keirish held out the end of a leash in his open paw.

"Please, will you?"

She looked at the offering, feeling the authority it imposed. Then she looked at Keirish's face. He grinned back at her, his green eyes showing nothing but excitement and caring. He grinned a little wider and tilted his head a bit to the side.

"Well..." she put her paw on his, hesitantly wrapping her fingers around the leash, "we can give it a try."

Keirish's eyes lit up, his tail wagging in excitement.

"We don't have to do anything right now," he informed her, "let's go watch a movie on TV or something. You are in control, so don't feel pressured to do anything."

She looked at the red leash in her paw and followed it to her friend -no, her pet--with her eyes. The rabbit vibrator bumped up against Keirish's foot. He bent down and picked it up, making the leash tighten up in her hands. He didn't try to fight the leash; he just seemed to ignore it, picking up the toy and straightening up. With a deft claw he poked the button on the back, putting the toy to sleep. He held it up between the tips of his fingers, waggling the head around slowly, looking her in the eyes.

"Well, what do you want to watch?" Keirish asked.


"--Don't you see, you are blind!"

They laughed together, holding hands on the couch, Keirish resting his head on Jessica's shoulder. The movie played on the TV as they cuddled together. His owner relaxed, he turned and lay on his side with his head on her lap. Jess hesitated, the sight of the collar jarring her a little. She played with it, hooking her finder under it and running it around the restraint. Keirish did not react, keeping his eyes fixed to the screen. She scratched him behind the ears and played with his hair, toying with him for the rest of the film.

As the credits rolled, Keirish turned onto his back, looking up at Jess. She fooled with his ears; laying them out and pulling them around at odd angles. A silly grin washed over his face.

"So you are saying that you will do anything I tell you to?"

"Well, that is kind of the point." His grin did not waver.

"Hmm... well then, go get me a glass of water."

Keirish stood up and walked to the kitchen, returning a few moments later with a glass of water. It was not the command he was hoping for, but he fulfilled it anyway. Jess took it and stared at the cup of refreshment she had just commanded. A smile started to form at the corners of her mouth.

"I think I could have fun with this."

Keirish stood in front of her, watching his owner drink; his tail flicking back and forth expectantly. Jess finished and put the glass down. She stared at his naked form from the bottom of his paws to the tips of his ears. She held up a finger, twirling it in the air.

"Turn around"

Keirish complied. He thought about sneaking a look over his shoulder, but he decided to follow her command to the letter.

"Hmmm... stand on one paw."

Keirish stretched his arms out to his sides for balance and lifted his left paw. He couldn't help but look over his shoulder at her. With a grin and a bite of the tongue he wiggled his toes at his owner to show his confidence in his balance.

"Alright, put it down."

Keirish complied again; she did not seem impressed by this wondrous feat.

"Now lift your tail"

A smile started to perk up on his face as he lifted his tail. She seems to be testing out the role of owner pretty well. A hard slap on his bottom took him by surprise. He spun around at his attacker. Jess looked up at him and blushed.

"Oops, I am sorry."

"ANYTHING goes remember?"

He bent over and shook his butt at his owner to reinforce his message.

"Can I have another?"

She bit her lip and raised her hand. He looked forward in anticipation of her strike.

Slap! This one was a little lighter than before. He waggled his butt to goad a bigger strike.

_Slap! _ Harder this time.




_ SLAP!_

"AAHH" He couldn't help but let out a cry at the last strike. He panted as his butt tingled from her stroke, his heart racing from the excitement. The onslaught had stopped; he wiggled his butt again, begging for attention.

"More?" He asked, swishing his tail.

Slap! That lacked enthusiasm.

"I am sorry. I don't want to hurt you."

"You are not hurting me"

"Let's do something else for a little."

Keirish straightened up, a little disappointed.

"Give me your paws."

Keirish held his hands out, but she just shook her head and pointed at his hind paws. He blushed at this command, but lay down on the couch and put his feet in her lap as he was told. She played with his toes, gingerly separating them one at a time. She played with his toe claws, examining them in great detail. Satisfied, having found whatever she was looking for, she began to massage his paw pads.

"This is a bit odd, the whole pet thing, but I kind of like it," Jessica said.

"You treat your pets pretty well." Keirish let out a sigh, thoroughly enjoying the attention to his paws. He wiggled his toes against his owner.

"I feel a little bad about how hard I hit you."

"I told you, ANYTHING goes," he folded his arms across his chest and stared up at the ceiling, "besides, I enjoyed it."

She traced the outline of one of his pads with her claw.

"Well maybe I... OH. OH my...," Jessica stopped, shocked by what she saw.

Keirish had felt his cock unsheathing but did not say anything before.

"Plus I have a bit of a kink about my paws," explained Keirish bashfully.

She paused and started massaging again, this time more intently. She put her fingers between his digits and stretched them back. His member swelled.

"Ah, you are pretty good at that," Keirish whispered, humming a little with content.

They continued for a few minutes, sitting in silence: he enjoying several of his secret pleasures and she getting acquainted with the idea of her new pet. Keirish felt his cock start pulsing with his heart beat, having swelled to its peak. He looked down his stomach to look at his member and saw Jessica staring at it. His cock slowly pulsed, drawing her attention like a big red exclamation mark. He grunted a little to catch her attention. She looked up at him startled and blushed. Keirish grinned back at her, both in content and to reassure her that he was enjoying her gaze.

Jess picked up the end of the leash, which was lying next to her. She slowly reeled it in, picking up the slack. She pulled Keirish upright, drawing on the leash with steady, determined tension. She had a grin on her face as she stared back into his eyes. Keirish had to scoot toward her on the couch to approach his grinning master. With his butt on her lap she grabbed him by the collar and kissed him. Her hand played with the fur on his chest, her claws grazing the skin beneath. Their kissing escalated as their tongues interlocked. Her hand traveled lower and lower, exciting him further. She grabbed his cock, the soft fur and textured pads on her hand felt amazing.

"Lay back," she whispered as they nuzzled each other.

She slowly masturbated him as he lay back, playing with the tip of his cock with her thumb. Another tender hand lifted his balls, fondling them in her warm hand. Her pumps sped up.

"So I can really tell you do to anything?" She enjoyed having him in such a compromised position.

"y... yeah... an...anything," Keirish stuttered from underneath his haze of bliss. He was not going to last long like this.

"Well then," her hand work sped up, filling him with pleasure, "CUM."

Keirish took a sharp breath in. Almost on command, his cock erupted, shooting long squirts of cum through the air. His toes curled as she continued pleasuring him, even as the streams of semen arced over his naked body.

"AAAHHHH, YES." He emphasized the yes with a final pump of his hips. He collapsed onto the couch with an arm resting over his eyes. Keirish could do nothing but smile as she played with the fur on his thighs. He listened to his heart beat.

"Keirish?" Her voice was quiet. "Keirish?"

He looked up, drifting out of his afterglow. Jess had pulled off her tank top and was squeezing her breast through her bra. She had a desperate, hungry look in her eyes. Her hips shifted under him, unwilling to sit still. He sat up next to her, watching her writhe in heat.

"I... I... oh this stupid" She was fumbling with the front clasp on her bra.

Keirish reached out his clawed hand, wrapped it around the clasp, and tore through the fabric. Her breasts fell out; nipples erect with desire. He couldn't help but suckle on one.

"Ohhhhh, yes, just like that."

She held him to her breast by the back of his head. He tongued her nipple and nibbled on it. He put his hand on her other breast, feeling for her unoccupied nipple. He felt the perky nipple with his padded finger tip, grabbed it between his index finger and thumb, and squeezed hard.

"AHHHH, right there. YES!" she breathed. She ground her hips against her seat.

He did it again, this time nibbling and squeezing harder. He felt a shiver travel down her spine. Jessica leaned her head back and mouthed silent groans.

"Fuck, FUCK. Eat me out. I want you to eat me out."

She shifted around, fooling with her pants. He could hear her unzip her jean shorts, but he did not look up from his boob. The smell of heat wafted around him as she pulled off her pants and panties in one motion. Keirish remained unwavering, tonguing and tweaking her, driving her further into heat.

"I said EAAAAAHHHH" Keirish tugged on her nipples again, hard, making her convulse in pleasure.

"FUCK, I SAID." She grabbed him by the collar and threw him ass up over her bare lap. He knew what was next and raised his tail.







Each spank was harder than any before. He reveled in the sensation, having goaded his owner into punishing him. The spankings continued, getting faster and faster.

"AHHH" Keirish screamed out in pleasure. Playing his role he continued, "I AM SORRY, I AM SORRY."

She grabbed him by the collar again, this time forcing his muzzle into her wet snatch. The smell overwhelmed him as he licked away, her heat driving him to carnal instincts. She pulled him in harder and harder as he tongued her clit. Unexpectedly, she let go.

"AHHHHHH, FUCK." She screamed at the top of her lungs as she came.

Keirish fell back on his haunches to see his owner bucking against the air. She spread her legs as her pussy erupted. He watched as she squirted down the couch, and all over him. The stream pulsed with every buck of her hips. Jessica fell to the couch, moaning. Keirish sat silently, feeling his butt tingle from his punishment, licking his muzzle with the satisfaction of a job well done. He could see her pussy presented to him; he started to focus on the pink lips.

"Sorry, I am so sorry." Jessica sat up quickly, realizing what had just transpired. She looked at his wet fur. "Oh no, let me go get a towel."

She ran from the room, returning quickly with the towel from his bathroom. Jess's nerves got the best of her and she dropped the towel. She bent over to pick it up, apologizing profusely.

"I am so sorry. I never meant to hit you like that. I am sorry I forced you like that. Oh my, I am a terrible person." She was speaking so quickly Keirish could barely understand, even if he had bees paying attention to what she said.

As Keirish lay against the wall, dripping from his owner's orgasm, a spark ignited inside him. The primal look in his green eyes howled out with desire and his claws dug into the couch. Her smell enveloped him, swirling around in his head like a thick, electric fog. His cock had recovered and was throbbing again, waiting for its chance. Had Jess seen him, she would have known what was coming, but she was on the other side of the room, fumbling for the towel. As she bent over to pick it up, the inside of her wet thighs were exposed and the fur at her crotch was still dripping.

He crawled off of the couch, approaching her on all fours, not taking his eyes off of her slit. He stood up, just behind her, his throbbing member just inches from her butt. Her tail swished across his leg, and she looked back, surprised.


He grabbed her hips and rubbed his cock down, across the lips of her pussy. He answered with a grunt.

"Here, right now? I don't knOhhhhHHHHHHH..." She moaned as he forced his cock in. He thrust into her hard, fucking her in big, determined lunges. She screamed out in pleasure.

"OH... FUCK... AH... YES... P-PLEASE"

His knot slammed against her with every pump. She braced herself against wall as his grip on her hips tightened.

"Fuck, I want... CUM IN ME. KNOT ME. PLEASE."

His knot slammed into her, almost making it in. He felt the muscles under his cock throb. Not wanting to disappoint, he thrust in with all his might, stretching her and popping in.

"Oh!" She was not expecting to be stretched so much.

"AHHHH, FUCK," Keirish threw his head back and yelled as his seed pumped into her. A moment later, Jess joined in.

"Gahh, YES!"

They started dripping onto the carpet at their feet, their fluids mixing and squirting out around his knot as she came again. Their bodies heaving from heavy breaths and shaking form pleasure.

"Woah," breathed Jess, panting, "good boy."

Keirish wagged his tail lazily and tried to pull out to no avail. He sighed and looked around, his mind still drowning in afterglow.

"I think it is going to be a little. Let's try and lay down on the couch."

The couple moved awkwardly together, slowly moving to the couch, allowing Keirish to lie down. Jess had to spin around from reverse, to forward cow girl. They both tensed as their sensitive genitals rotated in each other. Not missing a chance, Keirish gave her foot paw a good lick as it passed in front of his face. She lay down on him, grabbed his collar, and kissed him, their bodies touching from stout to toe. His member still throbbed inside of her.

"What am I going to do with you?" Jess whispered to her now tame pet. She tightened around his cock and they started dripping onto the couch.

"Oh shit. Sorry about all the mess." She looked down and around at the thoroughly broken in room. He grabbed her butt, massaging it with both of his hands.

"Don't worry about it," he reassured her.

He worked the cheeks around and around then jerked up sharply. With a slight sucking noise he popped out of her, now much less rigid than before. More seed spilt out onto the couch. He watched as it dripped down his cock, onto his fur.

"Plus, I think there will be more to come."