Warm Company

Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#18 of Commissions

A commission for zsisron

Artwork for this story is coming but it hasn't been completed yet, I'll post a link and swap the thumbnail when it's done.

On a violently stormy night, a reptilian shaman is marooned on an island and seeks shelter in a warm cave, but he discovers the cache of a dragon, and then a dragon himself who seems innocuous thanks to a glowing blue stone that keeps his eye. Now Khan'da must "entertain" Pyrax, but things turn out quite differently when the tables turn.

"Warm Company"

The rain pouring down made the seas all the rougher as lightning flashed overhead. A loud boom of thunder shook the very logs of the raft under its sole passenger's feet. The reptile moved about as best as he could under the heavy cloak and hood, but it did little to protect him from these violent elements. His bare claws tapped the wood and squeaked as they slid along them, each tilt of the raft drew him closer and closer to the edge. He shrieked a bit and caught himself by the line as he hovered for a moment in the wake of a massive wave that bobbed his rickety vessel. He was due to land soon, he'd seen an island as the storm rolled in, but had completely lost sight of it.

*CRASH!* The sound of splintering wood, and the twang of twine breaking occurred at the same time that he felt himself swing forward and the mast itself cracked and wrapped the sail around the lizard's body. He felt his hand drag across the rocks as he hit the cold water. The shock of pain kept him from immediately slipping into a frozen mass of flesh as he was thrown roughly against the rocks, then tossed effortlessly over them onto a hidden sandy shoreline. He grasped at the sand which squished in his hands as he slowly pressed himself onto his feet. This storm was raging out of control, the wind threatening to lift what little protection he had from the elements right off his slim body. He quickly hugged his arms around himself and ran toward the rocky mountains that began pretty much at the edge of the beach.

He crouched low against the wall, trying to find a way of keeping the wind from blasting at his muzzle. His teeth exposed as his lips curled back from the cold air. He could deal with a lot of weather, but this was even testing his limits. The wind was cutting like ice and he was shiverring uncontrollably. He found a rocky wall that led up the side of the hill, but realized in sudden pain that his left hand would not hold his weight. It was battered, bruised and likely broken as he cradled it under his other arm and continued along the beach. Lightning was still streaking across the sky, the crack of thunder constantly made him feel like shrinking down inside of his own body like a turtle, and the sand he ran across felt like quicksand under his feet as he trudged along the seemingly endless wall that blocked the beach from any other part of the island.

Finally, he spotted a small crack in the distance, the lightning illuminated it and he made his way toward it. The crack was little more than his body was wide and he had to squeeze through. His coat shredded along the jagged rocks, leaving the extra layer of clothing behind as he finally fell into the cave. Khan'da was dressed in a traditional white loincloth, decorated arm bands and ankle bands, as well as a necklace of bone that rattled as he caught himself from falling. The chill had followed him into the cave, and he turned a sharp pair of red eyes toward the entry to see his cloak vanish due to the persistently aggressive winds. But it was much, much warmer inside now. He nervously clicked his thumb claw at the centerpiece of his necklace, muttering a protective chant as he moved warily into the increasingly lower lighting of the cave. The stone was smooth under his feet, almost like a trail had been carved out by hand. Though oddly enough there were deep gouges at either end that provided a little traction down the otherwise slippery slope. The passageway was wide too, much wider than the crevice that let him in, he could stretch his arms out from side to side and still had a great amount of space between the walls. What sort of cave fills out so perfectly? He tapped a bit more nervously at the bone, listening to the sound reverberate throughout the cavern that seemed to be more cavernous than it originally looked.

After what felt like several dozen yards, Khan'da felt a slight tingling in his hearing receptors and they popped slightly, making him wince. Had he really gone so far below sea level? This tunnel seemed to continue on forever, every foot just meticulously cut out as he descended in a spiraling staircase fashion. As he finally was about to give up and just lay down on the ramp, he noticed that it suddenly leveled off and he came to a stop of a flat ground of further smooth stone that led onward. The illumination of the cavern seemed a bit brighter now, but how was this possible? He'd just gone down at least four hundred feet in a slow decline, how could it be getting brighter? Still the warmth coaxed the reptile and he continued onward, still tapping nervously onto his charm as he went.

There was a lovely spring he passed as he walked, with a seemingly endless spout of bluish clear water that filled a slightly darker naturally created basin. He bent down and dipped his palm in, the water was cold to the touch, quite obviously rundown from the rain up top, but it was fresh water and he placed his lips to his palm for a quick sip.

That was when he heard it, a snorting sound, or something that dragged along the stone. Perhaps something of both got the shaman on high alert as he crouched, took a step back and extracted a small pinch of white powder from his satchel. He tossed it onto the ground, and a brief shower of white shot from where it had landed, creating a curtain-like shape that had appeared in front of him. He could look through it, but those on the other side wouldn't be able to see him. After a two minute window, the powder fell to the ground as the magic faded. Khan'da scratched the bottom of his chin in confusion; he was sure he sensed something else there, but now it felt like nothing had changed.

The open passage led even deeper into the rocky interiors of this mountainous island, and the further he got, the more coarse the stone became under his feet, and somehow the more ferocious the echoing rumble of the storms outside seemed to become. It was definitely a raging blast of weather outside and Khan'da was even more thrilled to have found a way inside out of the storm. He felt the frill about his neck loosening a bit from the heft he felt against his flesh, it was moving a little more freely now as the emerald lizard then found a slope upward, then back down again. As the caves grew deeper and even a little brighter, he couldn't help but ask himself "Will this ever end?" there was a bit of loose stone under his foot, and he didn't move it quickly enough as the gravel gave out from under him, and he let out an echoing cry as he bounced against the stone, then down the ledge into the dark pit below. He fell several yards before coming to an abrupt halt in something else; thousands of scattered coins had broken his fall. The thickness of the gold held no account for how soft the metal actually was and he found himself momentarily swimming in it as he submerged and struggled about in the metal before surfacing again.

Gold. Jewels. A lifetime of fortunes, twenty lifetimes of fortunes filled the cavern in dunes of shine. Khan's eyes widened, his maw gaped open as he realized what he'd fallen into. An untold treasure buried deep within a mountain island. What sort of trove could be hidden for so many years? He'd settled on the side of a massive dune and ran his hand over his head before leaning back against it; surely this can't have gone unnoticed.

There was a shifting in the dune behind him, and Khan'da cast his gaze to see a large sweeping tail slide up under the dune which made the lizard suddenly skitter along the coin-covered ground as an extremely massive head rose from the pile, coins spilling everywhere as the crimson head and golden eyes emerged from it. He opened his mouth and let out a bellowing yawn, one that shook the entire cavern as Khan'da couldn't look away from those razor sharp teeth that filled that maw, that whiplike tongue flailing as the dragon's equally impressive body shook off the coin covering and he again rested, rolling over on his size and revealing his nearly onyx black stomach. But Khan'da still remained trembling underneath the dragon's gaze, mentally preparing himself to be devoured. But the teeth never came, that flesh rending appetite didn't even approach him as the dragon rested his head on his claw lazily and observed the lizard.

"What brings itself into my cave?" The dragon asked, letting his tongue slide out briefly before it retreated back into his mouth. "Have you come to take my treasure?" He asked, raising an eyebrow, but not granting him much more mind than that.

"N-n-no..." Khan'da was shaking like a leaf, even realizing the dragon may not eat him after all. "I'm--I'm ship wrecked on this island, oh, great dragon." He whimpered.

The dragon's head cocked to one side. "Great, am I?" He asked. "And what... what makes me so great?"

"W-w..." He couldn't really think of anything off the cuff, but he blurted it out quickly. "Why your fantastic collection of gold, of course!" He said, chuckling nervously. "Only a great dragon could be able to accumulate so much, hm?"

The dragon smiled, his teeth glimmering from the shining gold that filled the cavern. "Yes... yes I suppose so. And what are you, Khan'da? You look like my kind, but you're puny and walk upright..." He paused as he watched the lizard's cringed form. "I think... you're very nearly man like this, the way you wear clothing, and wield magic. It is... unappealing." He paused, his gaze becoming glassy as his claw dug into the dune he'd broken out of. "I... like to be appeased." He said, almost awkwardly to nobody but himself before rolling over onto his back and crashing hard on the floor, running his back along the coins, expressing enjoyment in the scratching it was giving him as he extracted a strange blue crystal from the pile. "Yes... this pleases me." He said to his own reflection in the gem as swirls of cloudy white reflections rolled along every inch of the surface, causing the dragon to grin as he basked in its glow. "Very... much..." He growled a bit as he dropped his massive claw down in front of Khan'da who had been trying to slip from the room. "Do you intend to leave me without saying goodbye?" He asked.

"Oh! N-no of course not." Khan'din spoke and bowed. "I simply thought you would want to be alone with--erm... that."

"It is beautiful, is it not? It almost pales in comparison to a dragon's might, Khan'da. So very captivating."

"I see that, uhh..." He paused as he realized he hadn't gotten the dragon's name.

"Oh! How terribly rude, I've forgotten to introduce myself. I am Pyrax the dragon, and suffice to say that now that you've discovered my hoard, I cannot permit you to leave until you've... appeased me with your company.

Khan'da's throat went dry, so dry that he had to swallow to remind himself it was already there. "App-appease you?" He asked nervously.

"Perhaps I've used a bad phrase. I've been alone for many years. I often neglect my manners. Erm... en-entertain me? Is that a better phrase?"

"A bit." Khan'da said. "If you'd like I could entertain you with my grasp of magic, I've mastered all of the elements; earth, air, water and--"

"Fffffire?" Pyrax asked before chuckling through the nostrils of his nose. "Oh that will not do, we cannot have two masters of the flame here. Shall we have a contest then? Pit your wick against my volcano?"

"Uh... I'm... no, thank you. I've no "wick" that could stand up to your power, Pyrax." He stuttered.

"Lord Pyrax has a better ring to it, do you not think?"

"Yes! Yes, of course... L-Lord... Pyrax. Please forgive me."

"Heh... you amuse me, lizard." He admitted. "I will permit you to remain here as long as you like, so long as you do not disturb my treasure. But I ask that you entertain me when I beckon it. I get so terribly bored..." His gaze had cast itself upon the stone in his claw again as he leaned back to stare into its dull glow.

Khan'da felt a strange allure to the gem as well, but he assumed his magical ability or maybe his more humanoid nature was keeping it from having such an impact on him. There was a buzzing in his mind that tugged at his senses, it almost felt like he'd been drinking ferments. He cautiously seated himself opposite Pyrax and watched him carefully as he looked happily into the glass, his mouth moving slightly as if he was saying something to it. Another sight caught the lizard's attention out of the corner of his eye as the dragon's sheath began to slip from its hidden hole in the lower part of his abdomen. It was barely peeking out, but it slowly continued to unfurl, and Khan'da couldn't take his eyes off of it. Whatever this stone was doing, it was almost worth it.

"So, erm... Pyrax." Khan'da asked awkwardly trying to avoid eye contact with the phallus as he got the dragon's attention. "Are you alone here?"

"Yes, quite alone." He answered almost monotonously as he turned the stone over in his hand. "Alone for a very long time."

"Really? I'm surprised that a big, powerful dragon like yourself would choose to stay alone."

"Choose?" The dragon's attention finally turned from the stone as he glared down at the lizard. "Do I look like I would choose a life of solitude? I have my treasure, I have all that I need! I am Pyrax, I am a master of my domain!" He opened his mouth and a hot spiral of flame spewed from his mouth, it didn't quite hit the ground but instead spiraled around the lizard who remained unphased. Casting a familiar incantation, there was a blast of air that froze the flame and Pyrax watched as his fire turned into a frozen dust that fell to the floor. Still undaunted by this act, Pyrax noticed the look of fatigue in the lizard's eye as he rolled to his enormous height and towered over the emerald intruder. "You dare accuse me of being alone?!" He roared outraged as he pressed his snout against Khan'da's chest, but the nose could have easily covered his entire body. The warm air of Pyrax's breath washed across the lizard's ankles, making his clothing flutter in its heavily meat soaked stench. "I live here because I am home, I am not alone by choice, I am alone because I prefer it! Unlike you, little lizard far from home. Perhaps I was too gracious in my offering to let you remain here. Perhaps I'd rather a quick meal as opposed to accommodating your prying tongue!" His eyes suddenly dilated and he pressed his snout harder against the lizard's chest as Khan'da noticed a strange blue glow dancing across the dragon's gaze, and again Pyrax seemed to vaguely respond to his own impulses as he leaned away. "Besides, I do quite well on my own. I'm a dragon of impeccable talent." He said as he strutted loudly back toward his larger piles and crashed down onto it lazily. He looked back at the lizard, his tail sweeping slowly behind him as he smiled.

The pose that Pyrax presented to the lizard seemed almost provocative if it weren't just lazy. Khan'da felt his heart beating a little bit faster, but not from fear. More from the gauge of mountainous size that the dragon presented him with. "Erhm..." He cleared his throat. "What sorts of talents?"

"Oh, all sorts of talents." Pyrax said proudly as he let his body slide into a semi-upside down pose on the dune of gold. "I like collecting things. I've collected this entire cavern in gold. I can eat a man, whole, armored and not get that terrible stomach upset from him struggling for freedom after he's passed down my gullet."

"And these are good?"

"They are great skills!" Pyrax said suddenly as he turned his eyes to the shiny bluish stone on the floor. "You ask anyone, I've been called "amazing" by many, and "terrible" by many more. I'd like to see you tote a talent worthy of a dragon's greatness."

"I am quite talented!" Khan'da said as he summoned a spark of light into the palm of his hand. "I control the forces of the elements." The light shifted into a crystal of ice. "Water and earth." He swung his arm and left a trail of flame behind it as he clutched the shard in his hand. "Fire. I can even unleash the wrath of the sky!" He roared and thrust his fists together, pulling in a massive bolt of lightning that exploded the room in a brilliant blue light.

"Parlor tricks!" Pyrax shrugged indifferently. "A talent is something that comes naturally, a boasting ability that few others can pull off, or at least in my case, those that survive showing me up."

That was when the idea hit him, Khan'da smirked a bit and unhitched the loop of his loincloth to make it fall free from his slim hips. The dragon's expression changed considerably. "Wh-what are you doing?"

"Well, you said it was in a human's nature to wear clothes." Khan'da said coyly as he seated himself beside one of the cool stone walls. "Why the sudden modesty?"

"I have no need for such frivolities." He retained his dignified glance. "I simply asked why you're suddenly removing your garb."

"This talent really does not need clothing, and it's mastered by very few people I've met." The lizard explained, his cock had already started to grow rigid from the sight of the dragon's enormous feature, but he adjusted it calmly anyway as he turned to face the wall. Lying back, he pressed his weight onto his hands and craned his neck upward. He enjoyed watching the dragon stare at him as he lowered his legs over his body, displaying an incredibly limber spine as he did so. His lips wrapped around the head of his cock and he let it slip into his mouth. Khan'da had to hold his breath on this part, he couldn't maintain the pose long, and the long forgotten throbbing in his left hand was beginning to let itself be known again, but he had to give Pyrax a good impression and he couldn't give up right away.

Barely making his way past the head of his member, Khan pressed his hand against the small of his back to maintain his balance, spreading his tail and cheeks apart a bit as he did so and inadvertently exposing himself completely to the dragon who was obviously thrilled with this display as he grinned and watched. Finally, Khan'da pulled his lips away and his body flopped back to the wall like a fish before sliding down to the floor. The lizard was obviously out of breath as he did so but he still grinned at the dragon. "And that's a talent." He admitted.

"That..." Pyrax blinked in confusion. "That is normal? Do people try to do this often?"

"Oh, yes. It's a tradition in my tribe, though I've surpassed my teachers with how far I can go."

"It doesn't look that difficult." The dragon said.

It was working, somehow Khan'da's suggestion that fellatio was normal behavior registered with the dragon, who now looked at himself with a stare of inadequacy that could only be met head on. He got up and lumbered to the top of his treasure pile and seated himself. He adjusted, then rolled backwards so his foot claws were awkwardly over his head as he landed on the broad black horns on top. The dragon's blooming cock head was rested against his stomach, it ached with its erection but it was too heavy to not lay mostly against the dragon's torso. He kicked his feet up and finally managed to unanchor his head from the ground. He slid partly down his gold as he curled tighter into almost a ball. His tongue wrapped around the large shaft first, then he pulled himself to it. As Pyrax's lips wrapped around it, his cock pulsed with the arousal and he whimpered, the hidden sack distended from the opening at the base of his cock and dangled there along his member as he began to run his lips along its length. He growled a bit and untwisted his tongue from it as he continued to run along the length. "If diff how you 'oo thif?" He asked, almost oblivious to the cock taking up the room in his mouth.

"Oh, yes." Khan'da answered, fondling himself a bit as he watched the spectacle. "In fact, many of our strongest warriors try to achieve the spilling of seed into the mouth." He advised.

"Amm diff if no'mal?"

Khan'da had brazenly begun to stroke himself. "Oh, yes... the fuller the better."

Pyrax's tail whipped wildly as he craned his neck even harder. Having a longer neck than the lizard definitely made things easier, but his body was still roughly a massive obstruction and he had a hard time concentrating. The dragon's feral claws flexed and his feet kicked a bit as he continued to indulge himself. His lips began to slurp louder as his arousal swelled in his mouth and saliva started pouring down his jowls, that crevice of his covered ass opening wide each time his tail swung the other way, this big old baby was a total bottom. Whether he realized it or not, this was almost far too hot for the smaller lizard to stand. He gazed over at the blue stone now shimmering brighter and increasing Khan's sense of intoxication. It beckoned him to pick it up, he could almost hear it whispering at him.

Khan'da got up and walked over to the stone, as he picked it up, he noticed the dragon fell completely still and stared at it. As the lizard brought it closer, he saw the blacks in the dragon's eyes grow wider as they focused on the cloudy blue stone that felt cool as a wet rock in the shaman's claw. He displayed the stone to the dragon and brought it within inches of his eye. Pyrax had grown completely still, his cock sliding in and out of his lips just by the motion of his breathing as the lizard uttered a single word: "Cum."

Instantly, the dragon bellowed a furious roar that was quickly quaffed out by the gargle of cum shooting down his throat. Pyrax shook violently as he shot load after load of white fluid into his own throat, which filled quickly and spilled over his cheeks. As his legs straightened out at the height of his orgasm, the dragon's cock slipped from his mouth and shot several heavy streams through the air and across the room in front of where he was propped up. He shook so hard that his shoulders hitting the ground made the entire floor vibrate. His claws dug deep into the ground as the orgasm took him, and by the time he was finished, he was covered in his own heavy, musky leavings and his body was finally growing more relaxed, but his eyes fixated on the blue stone and Khan'da realized he wasn't quite finished yet. The dragon's foreclaws raised slightly in an attempt to paw at the stone, but the lizard stepped just out of reach.

"Pyrax." He said in a deceptively dominant voice. "I want you to stand up. I want to try something with you." He said as he started climbing up the dragon's scaly back.

It was a longer trip than Khan had expected, but by the time he clambered over the dragon's face and his cock dragged along that rippled muzzle, he knew this would be a great idea. He climbed over the end of the dragon's snout, but nearly slipped. "Hold me against the wall." He said, and the dragon obediently did so, pressing his snout up against the lizard to hold him against the wall. Khan'da's cock was pressed against the lips almost perfectly and he slowly bucked his hips and slipped between the dragon's lips. The dragon didn't need an order to pass through the glow of that stone glazing his eyes over. He applied the pressure automatically and began to suckle on the cock in his mouth. To him, it was probably little more than a toothpick, or something caught between his teeth. "Hnn..." Khan'da realized how much he was enjoying this and didn't even realize how much he had been draining precum in the anticipation of this. He began to whisper softly to himself, trying to keep the inevitable from happening, but it did, and almost all too quickly, he clasped the dragon's snout and cried out as he came hard into the dragon's mouth. Pyrax grunted and shook his head slightly, but took the treat and closed his eyes, a grin crawling across his face. As the cum shots finally began to expire he opened them again and looked at the spent-looking lizard.

"Did I do well?" He asked.

"You were amazing." The lizard's response sparked an almost innocent grin from the dragon whose tail swayed wide in enjoyment. "And it looks like you're ready to go again." He said, noticing the cock dangling and dripping hard between the beast's legs.

Gently, Pyrax lowered Khan'da to the floor again and rumbled enjoyably as the lizard walked toward the dripping shaft and began to push the flesh back and forth in an attempt to gain another round of cum from the spent member which promptly twitched and again became an erection. Pyrax panted as he leaned back, feeling the flesh be prodded at and pushed against. His orbs, which had already begun to lift back into his inner chambers had dropped back down and were churning with the lizard's touches. Khan'da eventually resorted to using his spells to apply pressure to the massive cock. Each casting bringing the male closer and closer to another showering orgasm. Khan'da persisted, and after nearly an hour, he'd finally worked up a good, steady rhythm that made the dragon's foot tap loudly. A constant "Hnnnn..." noise from his throat marked that he was getting close, and finally he cried out, setting off a fountainous spout of cum that shot up into the air, striking him on his chin before showering down onto the lizard under him. Khan'da couldn't help but laugh at the mess when it was all over. He was dripping in cum, completely naked and the stone was keeping the dragon innocuous, there was no way he could--the stone?

Khan hadn't realized for the last several minutes he didn't have the stone in his hand. He nearly panicked when the dragon leaned down and opened his mouth, but was relieved when it was just a tongue bathing the seed clean off of him. The glow from the stone was still shining in the drake's eyes, even with it not in sight, but he wasn't sure how long this enjoyable nature would last. Pyrax rumbled deeply and curled his body around the lizard, cuddling into him tightly as he slowly drifted off to sleep.

"Pyrax?" Khan asked. "Pyrax, we need to find your stone..." He whimpered, suddenly realizing he wasn't able to move. "Pyrax!"

The storms outside were over when Khan'da came around again, he'd fallen asleep in the warm furl of the dragon's claws and he was sleeping. It was an extremely early morning, and as Khan'da roused, he heard a soft purring from the dragon who opened an eye and looked at him with a bemused expression on his face. "I am not sure what happened last night, little one... and frankly I am too tired to care. But thank you just the same." He spoke, almost humbled by the experience. He soon fell back to sleep, leaving the lizard once again in the darkness.

The morning sun hurt Khan'da's eyes as he emerged from the caves, this time from the entrance on the other side that served as the dragon's entrance and exit. The dragon nudged the lizard out into the open air with a chortle. "You see? I delivered on my promise to see you out." He said. "A dragon. Always. Keeps his word." He said. "If you follow that path, it will take you to a narrow sand bar that separates this island from the mainland. You can use it to return to your people.

"Pyrax. I can't thank you enough." Khan said with a grin. "But thanks just the same."

"Pff. Oh be off, little one. Get back to your clothed society and bizarre rituals. And Khan'da..."

"Yes?" The shaman turned to face the dragon again.

Pyrax grinned a bit. "Don't forget to pay me a visit. From time to time."

"Oh don't worry." Khan'da said as he turned around and tapped his claw against the bone on his necklace, turning it over to observe the shiny blue stone chip that he'd managed to break off the rock. "I will return."


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