Brotherly Love Day 4: Mischievious Planning

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#5 of Brotherly Love

As the sun crept up over the horizon and shined through the window at 6 o' clock, Katie came in to the boys' room to wake them up for the day. Once up and two soggy diapered butts changed, the boys made their way down for breakfast. As the day before, Justin and James were sent off to school diapered and in girly clothing. As the day went by so did the harassment by school mates and teachers. As the day slowly went by, period after period, James and Justin started to learn how to block things out like name calling and such. By the time 4th period was over and lunch came around the two were nice and soggy, much to their dismay, as they met up with Fred and Jasmine.

"Hey there," Fred said waving them down at the same place they ate yesterday. "So how's today going you two?"

"Pretty much the same as yesterday went," Justin said.

"Ya, and I think mom gave us more laxatives this time," James said. "I actually had to go to the nurse to get changed once I pooped in 3rd period. I barely made it out of there before I let it all go."

"Ya, same here last period," Justin said.

"Well only to more periods and a day to go," Jasmine said, patting her boyfriend on the back.

"Ya, just hang in there," Fred said reassuring James the same way.

"I don't even wanna come to school tomorrow," James said. "I mean really, it's the last day of school and all its gunna be is sit around in class and do whatever we want so what's the point in coming?"

"Attendance, that's why," Jasmine said. "You know that schools rely on attendance for future funding from the government."

"Ya I know but it's just so annoying and it's only gunna be worse this time with our situation," James replied.

"Well maybe our teachers will let us visit other classrooms like last year," Fred said.

"Ya, maybe we could all hang out at the track field with P.E. every period, givin that our teacher will let us that is," Jasmine added.

"I guess, at least then we would all be together that way," Justin said.

"Ah man," James said grabbing his stomach and empting his bowels into his diaper.

"Well come on, let's hurry up and eat so we can head on over to the nurse's office for you to get changed," Jasmine said spraying perfume on James like yesterday to cover the smell.

Once the four were done eating they threw away their trash and made their way over to the nurse's office. Once they made it to the nurses office, Jasmine said she had to go meet up with some friends and that she'd meet the boys later after school. As the remaining three boys entered the nurse's office they were greeted by Jesse who was finishing bandaging up another student's knee.

"Hey there guys," Jesse said as they walked in.

"Hey there," James and Justin said together.

"Hiya Jesse," Fred said much more casually and then turning to face the Pikachu boy getting his knee bandaged. "Hey there Jake."

"Hey man, what's happening," Jake replied.

"Nothin much, ya ready for Summer Break," Fred said walking over to give jake a high-five.

"You betcha," Jake said with a grin and then turning to face Justin and James. "Hey there squirts, what's hanging."

"My freedom," Justin replied lowering his head and flattening his ears.

"Same," James replied coping Justin's body actions.

"Hehe, figures," Jakes said. "So I can pretty much imagine that you're in this situation because ya fucked up with Jasmine, huh Justin."

"Ya, you could say that," Justin said.

"But what I'm curious about is to why you're in the same bout James," Jake asked.

"My mom apparently thinks that I've been negative for no reason lately and so I guess Jasmine gave her the idea to teach me some kind of lesson," James stated.

"Ouch man, that sucks," Jake said.

"Well, all done," Jesse said getting up and patting Jake on the head.

"Thanks nurse Thompson," Jake said.

"You're welcome bud," Jesse replied.

"Hey, catch ya later man," Fred said holding out a paw.

"Yup," Jake said, shaking Fred's paw before heading out the door.

"Well, who wants to get changed first," Jesse asked with a grin.


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"Hey there Jasmine," Jake said, flagging her down.

"Oh there you are Jakey," Jasmine said.

"Ya I scrapped my knee so I had to go to the nurse to get it bandaged up," Jake stated. "Fred slipped me this note saying where to meet up with ya before lunch ended. You already talk to the rest of the team?"

"Yup, come on I'll fill ya in," Jasmine said with a sly grin.

"There we go, all done," Jesse said as he taped up Justin's diaper.

"Thanks," Justin said.

"Don't mention it," Jesse said striking a dramatic pose. "It's my job after all."

"Hahaha, good one Jess," Fred laughed.

"Well thanks again," Justin said as the boys headed for the door.

"No problem, see ya tomorrow," Jesse said waving.

"Ya, I'm sure of it," James said waving back.

As lunch was brought to an end and the day crawled by, James and Justin continued on through the constant bullying. During P.E. they chose to jog around the track again to try and avoid some forms of torture from their classmates while Fred ran off with Jack. Once School was over and the four all meet up again at the front of the school they decided, with much disagreement from James and Justin, that they would go to the park down the street for a little while since none of them had any homework with it being the second to last day of school.

"Come on, do we have ta," James whined.

"Ya Jasmine, why can't we just go home," Justin added.

"Cuz me and Freddy here are the ones who hold the keys to those chastity devices you guys have on," Jasmine said with a grin.

"Ya, and we're also the ones who decide how long you to stay diapered sissies," Fred added in.

"Fine, but can we be home before 4:30," Justin asked.

"What's the rush," Fred asked.

"Honestly, I just wanna be able to get changed into a fresh diaper and then sit down and watch World's Dumbest at 5 so I can forget my troubles from theses past couple days," Justin said.

"That'd be nice," James said.

"Sure, I guess you two earned a little cool off time," Jasmine said.

"Thanks," Justin and James said.

"Welcome, now come on," Jasmine said as she lead the way to the park.

Once at the park, the 4 cubs played a game of tag on the large play structure that was in the middle of the park. Justin and James nearly forgetting their ordeal as they zipped down the slides and maneuvered through the under workings of the structure dodging whoever was it or doing chasing when it was one of them. They played for a good 45 minutes before they were all tired of running and decided to lie down and rest under a nearby tree for a few minutes. Once rested, they played a quick game of hide and seek before deciding that it was time for everyone to go home. As Justin and James waved good bye to Fred and Jasmine they started on their way home. Once home Katie changed both the boys out of their soiled diapers and into some fresh new ones. As the day crawled on the two boys sat down and watched a couple episodes of World's Dumbest until dinner was ready.

"So you boys ready for your last day of school," Katie asked.

"Maybe," Justin said.

"Why's that," Katie asked.

"Because if I know Jasmine like I think I know her then I'm pretty sure that tomorrow is gunna be the worst day of the week," Justin said.

"And knowing your friend Fred he'll probably involve me in whatever Jasmine may have in store for you," James said.

"Well ya never know until the time comes so just hope for the best," Katie said smiling, having added no laxatives to the night's meal knowing full well what was in store for the boys tomorrow.

"Ya, I guess you're right," James said with a meek smile.

Once dinner was over the boys decided to watch some cartoons before heading upstairs where Katie gave both boys a nice hot bubble bath to make sure they were nice and clean. Once they were clean and dried off the boys were diapered back up and sent to bed.

"Can I sleep with them again mommy," Andrew asked.

"Not tonight sweetheart, maybe tomorrow," Katie said patting the boy's head before carrying him off to his room.

"Good night boys," Katie said as she closed the door and shut off the lights.

"Good night," Justin and James replied.