Nickel's Plush Collection

Story by TiranMaster on SoFurry

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A commission for kingthomasx. Sorry for taking so long for me to get this up here, life has been getting in the way as of late. XP

Cyric doesn't want to talk to his family, and as of that fact he doesn't like talking to his younger brother Nickel. But when his sibling leaves a doll by his door he decides that it might be a good idea to bring it in, but that leads to a bit of trouble...

I hope you all enjoy, I would love to hear what you all think! ^_^

"Cyric, you can't just avoid us," his mom complained as the moody nineteen year old stomped upstairs; he just wasn't in the mood to converse with them.

"Try to stop me, I'm nineteen now," he shouted back to her. Cyric then rushed into his room, making sure to lock the door behind him. "Damn it..." he muttered as he hopped on his bed. The bear wolf hybrid rubbed his eyes as he laid on his bed, he heard his father's voice from below as he talked to his wife. The polar bear obviously wasn't amused by his son's mood demeanor as he rose voices with his wife. "Maybe I should move out," he moaned to himself as the stairs creaked as his father climbed them.

"Cyric, get out here right now! You're going to apologize to your mother!" his father roared as he pounded his fist against the door, attempting not to break it down in the process.

But Cyric didn't respond, he just turned over and closed his eyes as his mother ran up the stairs to prevent her husband from breaking down the door. "Cyric, just come out when you're ready to talk," she called through the door before walking downstairs with his dad.

There was silence as the couple went deep into the house away from their son's room, the anthro sighed in relief as he was finally left alone. It had been like this for weeks, Cyric constantly avoiding his parents as he hated to converse with anyone lately. He had withdrawn into himself after going to college, he just couldn't take the stress of life anymore.

"Cyric?" a small voice called through the door, Cyric moaned in annoyance as he realized that it was his younger brother. Nickel, his younger brother, was very effeminate and acted younger than he actually was. He was about fifteen, but due to a gene in their family he had grown until he was about eight and stayed that height. With that came a bit of a younger personality, Nickel acted like he was eight as well as he looked. "Big brother, come out. I want to play with you..."

Cyric couldn't help but wince in guilt, he had always played with the younger cub. But he was tired of Nickel's youthful demeanor. "Go away, Nickel. I told you that I want to be left alone!"

There was a moment of silence as the younger hybrid stayed at the door, his shadow apparent under the crack. "But, Cyric... I brought my dolly up!"

"I don't care!" Cyric shouted, "I'm not a little girl unlike you; you really need to grow up sometime, Nickel!"

There was a sniffle as his younger brother started to cry, just as he did every time Cyric yelled. "But... but, Cyric. I miss you big bwother..." Nickel's voice started to sound younger as he started to pull into himself.

"Go away, Nickel!" Cyric yelled with finality as he turned over, completely done with his younger sibling. There was a few more sobs from the other side of the door before Nickel finally stopped, but before he left there was a crinkle as Nickel set his doll on the floor.

"I'm leaving Mister Poofer here with you, Cyric. Just in case you want to play with him..." Cyric closed his eyes tight as his younger brother stumbled down the stairs; as much as he hated to say it, his little brother meant a lot to him, and to shut him out hurt far too much for him to handle.

The room was quiet once more as Cyric stared at the roof, his fur ruffled as he moved a few times to get comfortable. It had been hard shutting himself off from his family, but at the same time it was so relieving not to have to deal with anyone. At this rate, he may lose his home though as his father's attitude was getting worse as his oldest son was shutting himself down from life. Cyric glanced at the shadow that was protruding from underneath the door, Mister Poofer was just sitting there.

Cyric grunted, he knew that if he just left the doll there his brother would start crying again. "I'd best grab the little guy Nickel might throw a fit if I don't..." The hybrid hopped off of his bed and opened the door to reveal the doll, sitting upright and staring at the door still. It was a hyena, many times when Cyric had seen it he was reminded of his old friend Adam. The hyena had always been a cheerful guy, though he had always been mean to Nickel which pissed off Cyric to no end.

One day Adam just disappeared, the last thing anyone had heard of him was when he had been walking by the elementary school. Cyric had freaked out at first, but when Adam's parents had left claiming that they had found their son Cyric had relaxed though it was a bit sad without his best friend. Thankfully Nickel continued to be a good brother, even though he acted so young for his age.

"Come on, Mister Poofer. Let's be lonely together," Cyric said as he picked up the stuffed animal. It was diapered, and as Cyric had found out a while ago, it had the capability to use its diaper. Which would explain why it felt heavier than normal and why it stank so bad. "God, I don't see why Nickel likes you so much..." Cyric gagged.

Taking care to set Mister Poofer away from his nose Cyric looked at the diapered doll a bit more. It had quite the stomach, different from Adam who had been thin and stalky. Around the doll's waist was a pink diaper with hearts on it. "Dear God it looks like my little brother took away your manhood..." Cyric chuckled to himself.

The smell coming from Mister Poofer was getting more powerful, but Cyric didn't notice as he was far too busy taking care of the doll to really realize how much the smell was affecting him. His eyelids were getting heavier as his limbs started to fail him, Cyric slowly lowered himself to his bed as he looked at the doll's eyes. He realized as he was falling asleep that it was Adam, he didn't know exactly how but Adam seemed glad that he was falling asleep...


Nickel's room, it was the first thought that registered as Cyric awoke from his sleep. But he was standing with Mister Poofer in hand. "Have fun you two I'm glad that you're feeling better, Cyric!" his mom called down as Nickel smiled up at him.

Blinking a few times Cyric glanced around in confusion, taking in the bright pink room and the plethora of dolls scattered around. "Nickel...?" Cyric questioned; he couldn't quite comprehend what had happened as he realized Mister Poofer was in his hands.

"Good job, Mister Poofer!" Nickel chirped as he took the doll from his older brother's hands. "I'll give you cake later!" Cyric didn't quite know how, but he knew that the doll was very happy about this fact.

"What's going on, Nickel? Why am I in your room, why can't I remember coming down here?" he asked the younger hybrid.

Nickel giggled as he set Mister Poofer on his bed. "Well older brother, it's time I told you the truth," he said as he turned around. "You're not the older brother, I am!"

This thought took a moment to register for Cyric. "What do you mean? I've always been the older brother..."

But Nickel just laughed as he skipped around the confused hybrid. "Nope you haven't. I made mom and dad think that with my special powers. You see, Cyric. I have special powers, I can make anyone think anything and make anyone anything. Just like Mister Poofer!" he said happily as he patted the doll on his head.

"How old are you then, Nickel?" Cyric asked honestly dumbfounded.

"Twenty," his brother answered with a devilish grin, "but mom and dad won't remember that fact unless I let them. Just how they won't remember they have a second son."

"They have a second son?" Cyric asked, he didn't remember a second son.

"Exactly! You're already forgetting, Mister Tuffy!" Nickel said as Cyric started to shrink, his skin and fur becoming felt. "You see, Mister Tuffy. Whenever I like someone a lot and don't want them to leave ever, or if they don't make me happy I change them into my doll," Nickel explained as he picked up his lightening brother and set him next to Mister Poofer.

"Is that right?" Mister Tuffy asked; he remembered being Cyric but that thought was so far as he had to listen to Nickel, the center of his world.

"Yup, I didn't like Adam very much so I changed him into Mister Poofer when he was walking by the playground where I was playing. You were growing so distant so I wanted to keep you forever with me," Nickel giggled as he pulled off Mister Tuffy's pants revealing his remarkably aroused cock. "Looks like my doll is all pent up, I'll let you cum one more time before you're my dolly forever!"

Tuffy grunted as Nickel started to rub off his shrinking arousal; he knew that when Nickel was gone it would disappear, and that thought didn't bother him. As Tuffy's eyes turned into buttons he let out one last squeak of arousal as his cum splurted over his brother, and his cock disappeared into his crotch where he couldn't remember there being one any longer. Nickel licked off the pre as he whistled happily, his own arousal apparent through his shorts. "Mister Tuffy, you're going to be so happy as my doll!" The doll let out a brief moan as his insides started to turn to cotton, as the feeling was near orgasmic.

Where Cyric had been moody, Mister Tuffy was feeling very happy about his new role in life, being so happy and relaxed though he didn't care for the fact that his body was stiffening up and he could no longer talk. He loved to Nickel talk though, and he would adore being held and cuddled though he needed to use the bathroom soon.

Just in time, his master wrapped a new pink diaper around his crotch. "There you are, Mister Tuffy. I thought you might need this after all of that milk that you drank."

Mister Tuffy would've nodded if he could've; the diaper filled up with his crap as he started to smell just like his brother Mister Poofer. "I've gotta go you two, my mom and dad are going to be confused when my older brother is gone, so I have to make them forget! Have fun being dolls together!" Nickel kissed both of the dolls on their heads before skipping upstairs.

The two dolls were able to communicate with their minds and told each other how happy they were to see one another, Mister Tuffy and Poofer would be happy together always as long as they were with their big brother Nickel!