Equine Togetherness

Story by Danny1988 on SoFurry

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I changed the ending slightly by adding a tiny bit more info, I also changed the Stallions name to Light :3

Here is something ive been thinking of writing for a while, its quite different to my other stories and has a merging theme where two people merge so be warned. Its not a permenant merge though.

Its a short sweet story hopefully, hope you enjoy :)

"James? You in here babe?" Shouted a hyperactive twenty something guy with messy brown hair.

"Yeh over here hun, I was just making preparations for our week of fun." Said James giggling and also a little excited, it wasn't every week they could be this close to each other and both of them cherished the moments when they had a week off work and their studies. Sam moved over to one of the stalls in the barn following the beautiful voice of his boyfriend, seeing him empty one of the bags of horse food into a large container. James turned around and smiled and gave Sam a warm hug and kissed him on the lips as they both shared a moment of passion and enjoyed each other's warm embrace. Breaking their kiss James looked at Sam lovingly and said "You ready to have a lovely week with me babe, were going to have so much fun as always."

"I sure am hun, I've been counting down the days till we could do this again. I can't wait until we are galloping, jumping and have our hooves back." Said Sam grinning at his boyfriend.

James giggled and kissed him on the lips again as he went to get the gear they needed for their week. It had been 6 weeks now since their first nervous attempt at trying this strange fetish they both had and only their third time actually doing it. They didn't know what would happen the first time but still their excitement and thrill of trying it gave them the drive to go through with it. Still they were still nervous and it thrilled them every time they did this, not just because it excited them both so much but because they didn't know what would happen each time.

Sam watched as James carefully pulled out a large box from the corner of the barn and opened it up in front of him. They both took turns each week they had done this and now it was Sam's time to be in the back which Sam didn't mind in the slightest. He really didn't care if he was in the front or the back all he cared about was sharing this special experience with the one he loved.

"Yay I get to have a massive horse cock this time." Said Sam excitedly and giddy. James giggled at his boyfriend's excitement.

"Well you're going to be nothing more than a horse's ass and cock soon enough hun, so enjoy your horse cock while you can." Said James giggling.

"Don't worry I will babe, I think I'm going to try something new this time." Said Sam smirking.

"What do you have in mind hun?" Said James curiously.

"Just you wait and see babe, I think you will like it." Said Sam happily and grinning. The horse suit was a beautiful black with a light blue tipped mane, the suit itself came in two parts the front with the beautiful equine head, mane and fore hooves and the rear with a large black equine cock, tail and rear hooves. The hooves shone black in the light and together both halves made a magnificent black rubber stallion suit.

With both guys holding their respective parts of the special suit they stripped down inside the warm barn with the sunlight shining a little through the gaps in the wood. James and Sam in unison pulled off their t-shirts and threw them into a large wooden box at the side of the room so as to keep them safe and clean for when their week was over. Next they both unfastened their belts and pulled off their Jeans with Sam taking a little longer for wearing some black skinny jeans which made James grin and smile at his boyfriend's sexy body.

Sam was sort of an emo boy, but he didn't really go with stereotypes he was just him and he loved wearing skinny jeans, it was Sam's I don't care what anyone else thinks approach to life which first attracted James to him. James was already naked now as he watched Sam finally escape from his tight jeans and pull off his boxers and socks, both of them put their clothes away safely and closed the box as they walked over to their rubber suits and picked them up smiling at each other. James scrunched up the rubbery material as much as he could and pulled the suit over his head as his head made a popping sound as it was sucked into the muzzle of the horse almost like the suit was welcoming him happily. He could feel his face change shape as it morphed and moulded itself to the head of the horse, there was no pain just excitement and pleasure as this happened and Sam looked on knowing what James was feeling having been the top half last time.

Sam was smiling as he saw James human head morph under the suit as the beautiful equine head was filled out more and more by James form. Next James pushed his left arm into the suit and again felt a pulling and a pop as his hand reached the hoof of the suit and was sucked into place. A warmth and tingling once again spread throughout his arm and hand as they too morphed and moulded themselves to the left hoof and leg of the suit. As this happened James felt all feeling in his fingers disappear as his hand became a hoof which he moved and experimented with, enjoying his new appendage.

Lastly James pushed his right arm and hand into the suit which followed the same process as before as it was sucked into its new home and morphed into something far more appropriate for the horse he was becoming. Nickering slightly and feeling his arousal at an all-time high with his human cock standing proud he enjoyed his new hooves clopping them together and enjoying his transformation. Sam watched James transformation with fascination and his own member was rock hard enjoying his boyfriend's transformation into the front of a horse. Hearing and seeing his boyfriend play with his new hooves made him nearly cum there and then but he knew he must hold his pleasure until he was in his suit also. After all he wanted to try something new before they spent the week together and was excited at the prospect.

"Looking sexy there babe, looks like it's time for me to take my place as your rear." Said Sam grinning happily.

"Thanks hun, well were both going to be one sexy horse soon. There is no one I'd rather have as my cock and ass, together we make such a beautiful stallion in mind and body." Said James nickering happily. Now was James's turn to watch excitedly as his boyfriend sat down on some hay and pulled up the tight rubbery suit over his legs. Sam slid both his legs into the suit which clung to them tightly as his feet and legs were sucked down into the hooves and rear legs of the suit, with two loud pops Sam's feet popped into place in the hooves of the suit and he smiled happily.

James was dripping pre as he watched his boyfriend be morphed and transformed into the rear of the horse they would both become. Sam felt a tingling and warmth as he lost all feeling in his toes and feet as they became hooves and watched as under the tight latex his muscles moved and grew preparing his body for the next stage of the transformation. Sam pulled up the rest of the suit and positioned his rock hard cock into the massive horse cock which was dangling from its sheath in front of him. He nearly came once again but managed to hold off after all he wanted to have a little fun with James first.

Sam felt his cock merge with the large horse cock as feelings of pleasure now emanated from the large shaft in front of him. It began to throb and leak new equine pre onto the hay below with Sam's human seed and balls already having been replaced with potent equine cum and large equine balls. Sam moaned and James watched on with his own human member leaking even more pre too as James saw their new equine member come to life in front of him.

"You ready now hun?" Said James excitedly, anticipating the change from two lovers into one sexy black stallion.

"In a bit babe, I just want to try something first. Come over here and sit down on this bale of hay would you." Said Sam grinning at the half human half horse James. James didn't mind, the anticipation was just as erotic and exciting for him as the actual transformation and looked forward to what Sam had planned. James walked over and sat on the bale of hay near to Sam with his rock hard member standing at attention wondering what Sam had planned. His pondering was quickly cut short as Sam leaned in and kissed James on his horsey muzzle and began to rub his large equine cock against his lover.

Sam and James both moaned out in pleasure as the two of them succumbed to the throws of passion, Sam held onto James with his hands and pulled him closer as he kissed his boyfriends muzzle deeper. James was enjoying his boyfriend's attention as waves of pleasure washed through him as he felt immense pleasure from his own member and Sam's playful and animalistic kisses. With no hands and only hooves James did his best to hold onto Sam too with his equine limbs as Sam's throbbing quine cock leaked pre all over James from Sam's love of being held by James's hard hooves.

Nickering a little James was lost in the moment until he felt his lover's large equine cock spread him open as Sam thrust it into James's tight still human ass. Sam moaned out in pleasure feeling James's ass pull on his equine member as it throbbed and leaked pre into him, James let out a loud neigh and moan as the large piece of horse meat was thrust into him feeling it spread him open. "Ohhhhhhhh my god hun, don't stop." Screamed James as he felt his lover's huge equine cock fill him and send him into new realms of pleasure.

"I don't intend to babe, I'm going to fill you up with my tasty seed." Said Sam panting and moaning as he felt intense pleasure and euphoria from having his equine cock squeezed tightly by James's ass. Sam kissed all over James muzzle as he pounded harder and harder into him, both of them were screaming and neighing loudly in the barn as both of them approached their climax. Sam was first as he pressed hard into the ground with his new hooves enjoying the feel of them as he did so, this sent him over the edge as he looked at his lover held him tighter and screamed in pleasure. Sam could feel load after massive load of hot fresh equine seed travel from his huge equine balls up his large black member and unload into his lovers waiting ass.

Sam screamed more and more as each load of tasty seed was pumped into his lover filling him up and making James feel all warm inside. James neighed out loudly and screamed too as the feeling of being filled up by his mates seed sent him over the edge and he came. In comparison James's load didn't even compare to Sam's but it shot out of his human cock and splattered them both as they held each other tightly and kissed and licked each other.

"Wow hun that was amazing, we have to do that again. I've never felt so full it was wonderful." Said James panting and breathing heavily through his horse muzzle.

"For sure babe, that was amazing. It was nearly as good as what's to come next, nearly." Said Sam giggling and grinning.

"Ok babe you just lay on that bale of hay and put your hooves onto the ground and we can get our week of equine delights underway." Said Sam beaming at his boyfriend.

James positioned himself on the bale of hay leaving his hooves and arms in front of him and dug them into the hay and soil of the barn floor. Both of the guys were very excited at this point, they both loved the transformation and it always gave them a thrill each time they did this. Seeing James was in position Sam walked over to his boyfriend on his hooves hearing a little thud as they hit the soil and hay, he was nervous as usual but he knew if there was anyone he would have to be joined with it would be his mate.

James was also a little nervous but he felt the same as Sam and they always enjoyed these weeks together literally. As Sam approached his mates legs he lifted them both up and slid them into his half of the suit underneath him as a tingling feeling began to spread throughout the two.

"Here we go babe, see you in a week." Said Sam a little giddy and excited feeling the transformation and merging take hold of him.

"See you then hun, were going to have a lovely week." Said James happily as he began to feel his legs loose definition as the tingling feeling increased, Sam pulled himself closer to his mate as the two halves of the suits seemed to merge and melt together. As the two halves of the suit sealed themselves around Sam he couldn't help but feel aroused again as he lost himself and transformed into just a horse's rear end. The large horse cock beneath both the lovers was leaking pre once more and was at full attention from the transformation. As the two halves merged the whole suit began to sprout black fur as the suit changed from shiny black rubber suit to the horse's new skin sealing the two lovers in.

James was nickering and neighing slightly as he too merged with his boyfriend as his legs melted into his lover and his lover's human form was lost completely to the new horse they both were becoming. James felt Sam finish his transformation becoming nothing more than his rear end as he felt his and Sam's consciousness's merge together creating a beautiful new being from the two of them. As this happened the muscles in the new horse began to bulk up more and more enabling the new stallion to support his own weight and gallop at amazing speeds through the nearby fields.

As the two lovers minds blended together James and Sam fell asleep a new mind awoke from the two, blinking his large beautiful eyes a few times like waking up after a long sleep the new horse just smiled. Feeling the immense pleasure and built up sexual tension the two lovers gave him from their transformation the stallion's now even larger equine member throbbed harder and harder. Having both of their memories and some of his own the stallion remembered back to their transformation and their feelings, he neighed loudly shaking the barn as he sprayed load after load of hot sticky equine seed all over the barn and walls revelling in his new form.

Standing there in the barn in place of two young guys in a horse suit was a magnificent black stallion with a blue tipped mane, as he looked over his body he nickered in approval and let out a loud neigh and stomped his hooves triumphantly.

"Ahhhhhhhh it's good to be back, thank you boys I'm going to have a great time. Now let's go find some of those other sexy stallions." Said Light as he clopped around the barn for a moment and headed out to the field enjoying being alive once more. Seeing a group of horses in the distance he galloped off as fast as he could to join them neighing happily feeling the ground beneath his hooves once again.

The End...

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