Chapter 9: Worship the Moon!

Story by Softpony on SoFurry

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#9 of Teaching Blueblood

Luna unwinds after a long day. One of Blueblood's old guards, now her consort, is happy to help.

As Blueblood was settling in for the night, Luna was doing much the same. She had spent all evening attending to royal duties, and was finally finished. All that she wanted to do now was relax and unwind. She admitted that it was a very bizarre way of unwinding, but she greatly enjoyed it.

Luna liked to play games. She had been introduced to the magical devices shortly after her return from exile, and immediately fell in love with the enchanted "toys". She didn't call them toys anymore, of course, since she had learned that many of them weren't at all suitable for children.

While the games themselves were quite amusing, Luna often felt like she needed help to relax completely. She usually took care of it herself with the help of one of her toys, but right now she happened to have a very obedient and affectionate guard at her disposal. She had cast an illusion to disguise him as one of her night guards, so nopony would think to question his presence in her chambers.

Punishment had been very light for Spear Point. The princess had realized right away that the poor unicorn had only gone along with what Prince Blueblood wanted out of fear, and his conscience had bothered him endlessly. She had seen his dreams, and they were plagued with guilt. It set him apart from his friend, who had not shown the slightest hint of remorse.

Rock Steady had been sent to therapy as soon as Luna noticed his mental state. There was a time to play, and a time to seriously seek help. Fortunately, he seemed to be doing quite well thus far.

Luna calmly hooked one of her legs around her consort's back. "You must try harder," the princess said. She was sitting in a very comfortable cushioned chair, legs spread and game controller resting on Spear Point's head. The guard was hungrily lapping at her sex, and at her request immediately began pushing his tongue deeper into her.

Luna grunted in appreciation. He was inexperienced, but he was a fast learner and she was a great teacher. "Better. Deep lick, followed by soft nibble, then hoof rub." She groaned as the routine she'd laid out was carried out perfectly. It was nice to be able to let her mane down, relax, and slip back into the royal "we" whenever she felt like it. "Splendid. Try your typical pattern at medium depth."

After a while, it became hard to concentrate on her game. Luna paused it so that she could fully enjoy her servant's attentions. She gently ran her hooves through Spear Point's mane, quietly praising him for doing so well. "You have come quite a long way," she said fondly. "We are certain that your punishment will be short-lived."

Spear point's ears drooped slightly. "Oh," he said. "Yes, I... I suppose so."

"The poor thing is growing fond of me," Luna thought with amusement. "He can be such a vulnerable little creature." She tapped his head, and he immediately pulled away so that she could stand up. The goddess stretched and sighed happily. "We are pleased with your efforts," she said. "We will test you now."

Before he could ask what she meant, Spear Point was lifted into the air and laid out on his back. His hind legs faced away from Luna's chair, so that he had to look up to see her. She knelt over him, grinning hungrily, and gently kissed him. "Have you been practicing?" she asked. "One cannot serve a creature of the night if one is not schooled in the art of seduction."

"I've been trying," Spear Point said meekly. He whimpered at Luna's disapproving frown. "I really have, b-but Celestia's bedmate is really busy. You t-told me not to bother her if she had work to do. I memorized everything that I could!"

Luna hummed thoughtfully. "We shall see. Lip Twist." He wrapped his forelegs around her head and pulled her into an upside-down kiss. It was awkward, as he wouldn't have done it from this position even if he had practiced. Still, he was able to kiss her and add a slight turn of his head. Normally he would switch the direction he was leaning, but from this angle...

"Very well. The Rush, followed by the Lip Twist, finishing with Breathless." Spear Point kissed her hard, putting as much passion as he could into it. Slowly he turned his head, released her, and darted in for one final breathless kiss before letting her go.

Luna's smile made him shiver with excitement. "Wonderful!" she cheered. "Your execution was sloppy and you are still too reserved, but your transitions were flawless. Such improvement after less than a week of study! We are quite pleased." Luna climbed onto her bed and motioned for him. "You may join us."

Spear Point did as he was told, and Luna gently pushed on his chest. "Lie down," she ordered. He obediently lay down on his back, and she climbed on top of him. "Worship my moon," she said with a giggle, and gently sat down.

"Back to business, then," he thought. Luna's royal hindquarters pressed against his face, and he gave in to his training. He lapped at her sex, establishing a rhythm that he could maintain for a very long time. Luna could last for hours if she chose, only moving beyond foreplay when she was done for the night. She took pride in her self control, and Spear Point had to admit that it was downright impossible to hurry her along.

Just as he was settling in for a long session of gaming, Luna did something that he wasn't expecting. She leaned down on top of him, resting her hooves between his legs. She was very tall, and his stallionhood poked her in the chest on her way down. "I'm sorry," he tried to say. The moment he began speaking, she leaned back and bore down on him with all of her weight.

Spear Point grunted as Luna's rump pressed him into the mattress. It was wonderfully soft, but firm enough to have some weight to it. He normally enjoyed this part of his new job -not that he would admit it to Luna, since this was supposed to be a punishment- but right now she was bearing down just a little too hard. He was having trouble breathing.

He knew better than to struggle, and accepted his punishment without complaint. "You will speak when addressed," the princess said. She clenched her buttocks for good measure. "This is simply your reward for being such a good student." She leaned back down, and he was able to breathe again.

Luna kissed the head of his cock, and Spear Point grunted in surprise. She had never tasted him before, so this was quite a shock. "We wish for you to enjoy yourself," Luna said before she really got started. "Try to relax."

The goddess's mouth felt heavenly as it spread around his head. Her tongue circled his girth, taking in the taste of his pre. She was able to lie flat against him, pressing their bodies together while they pleasured each other. Spear Point was almost too short to reach her pussy, but he could just manage it if he pulled her close enough.

Spear Point heard a button click, and a small explosion sounded from Luna's game. "She's still playing!?" he thought. He felt something cold and smooth resting gently against his balls. "That' that the game controller?"

A long time passed, and Luna began to tease him mercilessly. He squirmed every time the controller vibrated, which Luna found incredibly amusing. Whenever he was about to come, she would suddenly stop sucking and just lie perfectly still on top of him. She always knew exactly when to back off, so that he couldn't have pushed himself to an orgasm even if he'd tried. It was so effortless for her that she hardly had to pay any attention at all to what she was doing.

Spear Point wasn't sure if he wanted to cum or not. On one hoof, it would probably be one of the best orgasms of his life. On the other, it might mean that Luna was finished with him for the night. He wasn't ready for the night to end, but he knew that he probably didn't have any say one way or the other. Luna would let him cum when she felt like it, and not a moment sooner or later.

Eventually, his need outweighed his desire for Luna to continue servicing him. "Please," he whispered fearfully, removing his face from her marehood for a moment. He hoped that she wouldn't punish him for it. "P-Please, mistress?"

"Hmm?" Luna asked with her mouth full. She grinned around his shaft, paused her game, and began bobbing her head up and down.

He hadn't even realized how close he was. Moments after Luna started paying him more attention, Spear Point cried out and bucked his hips. The princess swallowed several gushes of his hot seed, making sure that he was firmly buried in her tight throat all the while. Her full lips suckled at his base, milking him for every last drop.

After what felt like an eternity, but really couldn't have been more than a minute, Luna pulled him out of her mouth with a wet pop. She tried to speak, but had to swallow first. "You are forgetting your place," she reminded him gently. Spear Point immediately went back to work, and Luna giggled at his enthusiasm. "We will forgive you," she said pleasantly.

Tonight's session didn't last quite as long as the others. Luna came earlier than usual, and praised Spear Point's improving skills as she ground herself into his face and moaned. She finally hit her climax, and gasped cutely while she shuddered on top of him. Her pussy clamped down on his muzzle, and her divine fluids coated his face.

The princess turned in at around five o'clock in the morning, several hours after they both cleaned up. Spear Point lay against her, her hooves holding him protectively, and took comfort in the warmth she provided. He decided that, for a punishment, this kind of treatment wasn't half bad.

"We enjoy your company," Luna whispered into Spear Point's ear. Her pet smiled shyly, and she kissed him on the forehead. He was already half asleep when she spoke again. "We have an offer of more permanent service to make you. That, however, is a conversation for another time. Goodnight, dear consort." Her wings settled over him, and he let himself fall asleep with his head pillowed on her chest.

The full impact of her words wouldn't sink in until the next morning.

I know, this chapter is a little more...silly than the others. I couldn't help it. One look at this strangely hilarious take on Luna's day off and, well, here we are.

It was really hard to pick the picture for this one. I was stuck between Skipsy's awesome Luna and the colored version of Miketheuser's epic display of a full moon. In the end I picked this one because I think her attitude fit better with the story. Either way, I think I know who to call "best princess." Don't forget to let everyone know what you thought of the story in the comments <3 Note: I read over this when I was half asleep, so please tell me if it seems like I missed something.

...oh, god. I am never using that little heart symbol again. What am I, a thirteen year old girl?