Chapter 17: Submission
Spitfire woke with an odd feeling between her legs. Caramel was sleeping behind her, tickling her neck with each breath. The pegasus lifted the sheets up enough to get a look underneath them, moving very slowly to keep from waking her coltfriend. She...
Chapter 15: Experimentation
Almost exactly one week after the failed kidnapping attempt, Blueblood found himself sitting next to his aunt while they waited for the gryphon ruler to show up in the castle's dining hall. He was not looking forward to this meal, although Celestia had...
Chapter 14: Mind=blown
"The good news is that this sort of thing has happened before. You aren't in any danger." The doctor looked over some medical charts while Octavia and Vinyl waited anxiously to hear his diagnoses. "Vitality transfers aren't normally dangerous, so...
Chapter 13: Doing It With Class
_The night before Blueblood's punishment began..._ Octavia arrived home at around eleven o'clock at night. Her orchestra recital had gone much later than she'd anticipated, and she was quite irritated about it. Vinyl was busy playing at one of her...
Chapter 12: Role-playing
Blueblood was on his way back to his room after another session with his aunt. Several days had passed since he had played his trick on Celestia right in front of the foreign dignitaries, and he had slowly been growing all the while. Sadly, his horn...
Chapter 11: Braeburn's First Time
The train to Appleloosa was almost always right on time, unlike those native to Phillydelphia or Manehattan. For the first time, Braeburn almost wished that it would be a little late. There was a very special pony on that train coming to see him, and...
Chapter 10: Celestia's Gift
Blueblood spent most of the next morning in the library. He struggled at first to find what he was looking for, and then struggled even more to make sense of it. The article that Celestia wanted him to read was on "advanced mystical metadynamics",...
Chapter 9: Worship the Moon!
As Blueblood was settling in for the night, Luna was doing much the same. She had spent all evening attending to royal duties, and was finally finished. All that she wanted to do now was relax and unwind. She admitted that it was a very bizarre way of...
Chapter 8: Disrespect
Days passed slowly for Blueblood. His life had become bizarrely embarrassing, but as long as nopony he cared about saw his predicament he felt that he could stand it. His third day passed, and his forth, without incident. Every morning he woke with a...
Chapter 7: A Muffin in the Oven
_Earlier that morning..._ The bedroom was completely silent apart from the sound of fabric sliding against fur. It was about four in the morning. Derpy shivered, cold despite the heavy blankets piled on the bed. The bad thing about living in an...
Chapter 6: Training
Blueblood had only been walking the halls of the castle for three minutes, and he was already getting tired. He missed the strength and stamina of his old body even more now that he actually had something heavy to carry around. The box of anal plugs...
Chapter 5: New Blood
Blueblood was not satisfied with his new guards. It was bad enough that one was a gryphon and the rest were filthy commoners with not a penny to their names, but he soon learned that they wouldn't even be following his orders. They had been ordered to...