This story is about a thieving glaceon, being in the local area of a flareon, and happens to choose his house to rob.
It's a rainy night. A flareon, alone watching videos and talking to friends on his computer, remains in the house for the night, instead of going out. He sighs with boredom as he closes his computer for the night. He walks over and checks the fire, but it's out. He grabs a couple of logs, and lights them with ember. "That should be good for the night." He goes to his room, puts on a scary movie, and turns the lights off.
It's a rainy night. A glaceon, searches the neighborhood for a good house. Sporting a full face muzzle as a mask, to protect her identity, and a black hoodie. She finds a house with no lights on. "The owners are either sleeping, or gone." She walks up to the front of the house and slowly looks through the window. A standard living room, with a fireplace, still lit. "So they're here, it'd be stupid to leave a lit fire when your not home." Thinking to herself. She walks around the house examining rooms through windows, making sure there's no movement, and looking for a back entrance. She finds one and gently tries to open it. Unlocked. She slips in and slowly closes the door behind her.
The disguised glaceon, searches the first two rooms, but before she enters the third, she hears noise coming from the other side. She puts her ear to the door and hears talking, and music. She quietly backs away and looks around for other things. After she collects a couple of dollars, she makes her way to the bathroom. She thinks of something risky, but can get results. She flushes the toilet, and quickly runs to a hiding spot near the off limits room.
The flareon, watching his movie, hears a flush from the bathroom. Suspicious, he gets up, leaves the room, and heads to the bathroom. The glaceon gets out of the hiding spot and enters the deserted room, she closes the door behind her, and locks it. she searches the room, and sees that a movie was playing, and is on pause. The confused flareon, decides to ignore it, and makes his way back to his room. He tries the door, but it won't budge. The robber hears the door handle jiggling and shaking, alerting her that she doesn't have very long.
She quickly scouts the room once again, then makes for the window. She draws back the curtains, and pulls the window, but it doesn't slide open. She tugs and tugs it, but notices that it's screwed shut. "Shit!" she thinks to herself. The flareon, walks over to the kitchen, and pulls open a drawer. He digs around inside of it, and pulls out a key. He heads to his room, and slips the key in the lock, and jiggles the key a bit. The ice type on the other side, hears the door click, runs to the bed and crawls under it. She pulls her legs under, just as the door opens.
Flareon walks in the room, shuts his door behind him, and throws his key on the end table. "Weird." he says as he yawns. He jumps up onto the bed, pressing down on the glaceon underneath. He hits play on the remote, and continues to watch his movie. Thoughts of being caught race through the glaceon's head, as she saw the flareon.
She tries not to breathe to hard, giving herself away. Examining the surroundings under the bed, she notices a box beside her. She slides it towards her slowly and opens the lid. She sees a sketch book, and photos of a group of pokemon with the flareon as one in the group.
The glaceon digs through the box a bit more, drawings and memories. She closes the lid and puts it back where it was. A scream comes from the movie, and startles her. She bangs her head off the bottom of the bed. About to shout, she covers her mouth and holds her head. The movie stops. She falls still. The flareon gets up off the bed, and reaches under it. The hand almost touches the glaceon, which scares her, but grabs the box instead.
She watches as it's pulled from underneath the bed. He opens the box and pulls out the photos of friends and family. He laughs as he relives old memories. She crawls to the opposite side of the bed, and peeks her head over the top. The flareon is sitting with his back facing her, and his head down looking at the photos. He puts the photos back into the box. He hops back onto the ground and slides the box under the bed. She quickly ducks her head back down before he turns around. He turns off the movie, and everything's dark.
She crawls from under the bed, and silenlty make her way to the door. She stubs her toe on something, THUD. She wants to swear but the muzzle mask prevents her, which is probably a good thing. Although, rustling is heard on the bed, and the lamp turns on.
The flareon stares at the shocked pokemon at the end of his bed. "What are you doing in here!? In MY house!?" The flareon exclaims, but the glaceon is unable to answer back. She points to the muzzle mask on her face, and mumbles. "Mmmm, MMMM!". The flareon, runs up and tackles the glaceon to the ground. He grabs the sweater hood with his teeth, and drags her to the living room. He runs to the phone and is about to dial for the police.
The glaceon makes a break for the front door, but the flareon drops the phone, and runs to catch her. She's turns, the handle but it's locked. She unlocks the door, and pulls it open. flareon, quickly grabs her by the sweater and swings her away from it. He closes it, and pins her down again. He looks at the phone, but the plug from the wall busted when he dropped it. He sighs, "Looks like I'm gonna have to keep you here until morning."
She tries to push him off, but he's stronger than her. "Stop struggling, I'm have to lose sleep because of you already." She works her arms up to her face, and pulls the muzzle off. "Let me go!" She spits at him. He gets excited about her voice, it's soft and subtle. She kicks him off and runs for the back entrance, but he gets up and beats her there, blocking the exit. The flareon studders, "I-I-I-" She turns around to run, but the flareon bites on her sweater, and it tears. The money in her pockets falls out onto the ground.
He stands there with her sweater in his mouth, staring at her, and her staring back. He opens his mouth and the sweater falls out. "I... uh... am sorry about the sweater." She gives him a dumbstruck look, gets up and instead tackles him down. He falls and hits his head on the ledge of the counter. They both fall to the ground, and roll. The glaceon, gets up to her feet, and heads to the back entrance, she glances back. The flareon isn't moving.
She backs out the door, and closes it. She takes off around the side of the house, but has second thoughts. She slows down to a stop, and turns around. The glaceon, worried, heads back inside the house. She'd rather not be arrested for murder. When she gets inside, she walks up to the body, lying there motionless. She put her ear up to his mouth. "Oh, what a relief." she sighs, feeling a faint breathing coming from him. "I need to be sure he's ok."
He wakes up half an hour later. He gets up off the floor and winces from the pain rushing through his skull. He begins walking towards the bathroom, when he notices the glaceon from earlier sitting, watching t.v. on his couch. "What are you still doing here?" He asks angrily. Startled she turns to him and shakily replies, "I-I wanted to make sure you weren't, you know-", "-Dead?" He cuts her off, and is followed by awkward silence.
The sad glaceon apologizes, "I-I'm sorry..." The flareon sighs, "It's ok. I'm pissed that you tried to steal from me, but glad that you stayed for me. -I mean for me, because I was injured, and-". She starts to laugh at his stammering. He smiles and laughs too, but she stops short. "I've really been thinking about this whole thing. The stealing, the sneaking around, the scouting houses. It's just not... how I thought I'd end up, you know?" She tosses the muzzle mask on the floor a few feet away from her.
The flareon walks over to the couch, and sits down beside her. His head starts droning while he thinks. He realizes it wasn't really an option for her to go into a life of crime. She must have been in a rough spot. After a couple of minutes, a sudden noise breaks his thought. "HEY!" She yells. The flareons startled at the loud voice. "What?" He turns to the glaceon. "I said that I'm going to head home. You didn't hear me, I said it about 3 times?"
"Sorry, I was somewhere else." He apologizes. "Do you have somewhere to stay? Because you can stay the night, well, the rest of the night if you want." She mulls it over, "Are you sure it's ok? I don't want to impose." The flareon assures her. "Yeah, I feel a bit more comfortable around you. That and the fact that I want you to make sure that I wake up tomorrow." He jokes, and they both laugh.
"Thank you." The glaceon accepts. "Well, I don't know about you, but I need some sleep." He starts walking to his room, "Let me know if you need anything.", "Ok." She confirms. The glaceon lies down on the couch, but has trouble falling asleep. She realizes she's shivering. "I should have asked him for a blanket." She gets up and tip-toes to his room. She slowly opens the door, and is about to ask him, but she hears quiet snoring from the darkness. "He's already asleep!" She whispers.
She heads back to the couch, and thinks. "I'm sure he won't mind..." She sneaks back over to the room, and enters. She closes the door behind her carefully, and sneaks over to the bed. The glaceon slowly puts her paw down on the bed, checking if he's lying on that side, but it's clear. She grabs the covers and slowly let's herself inside. She gets comfortable in the bed, and brushes against the flareon. "Oops." She thinks to herself. Flareon is nice and warm, being a fire type.
She wants to curl up to him for warmth, but he won't, not after what happened tonight, maybe if they met some other way. Without warning, he turns over, and wraps his arms around her. She blushes, and quietly asks, "Are you awake?" but there's no reply. She relaxes in his soft, warm arms and closes her eyes. She sighs happily and drifts off to sleep.
The glaceon wakes up the next morning, and turns to face the flareon, but he's gone. She sits up and looks around the room, but there's no sign of him. She walks leaves the room in search for him, but is stopped short when she sees him in the kitchen.
She walks over and sits at the dinner table. The flareon turns his head, "Oh, your up!" he says happily. She watches him as he hits a button on the cooker, and it fills a plate. He walks over with the plate in his mouth and sets it down infront of her. "I made breakfast. It's an omelette." He walks back to the counter, grabs a second plate, and sits across from her. The glaceon looks down at the meal.
Starved she digs in, finishing it in a few minutes. The flareon, surprised at how fast she ate, pauses from eating his own breakfast. "It was good I'm assuming?" he smiles. She looks up at him with the last few bites filling her mouth. She smiles back, "Mmm, hmm." She swallows down the mouthful. "Thanks." The flareon stares at her, "You're welcome."
The glaceon picks up the plate with her mouth, and walks over to the sink and puts the plate in it. "Do you mind if I watch t.v?" She asks as she walks by the fire type. "Go ahead." He says as he takes a bite of his food. The glaceon walks over to the living room, and sits down on the couch.
The flareon takes the last few bites of his breakfast, and brings his plate to the sink. He walks over to the couch, where glaceon is flipping between channels. He sits down beside her. "So I noticed that you didn't sleep on the couch." He says abruptly. The glaceon blushes and stops switching channels. "I didn't have any blankets, and when I went to ask you, you were already sleeping."
"I didn't mind." He smiles. She smiles and fakes a cough. "I have to tell you, I uh... kinda... like you." She blushes and draws her attention away from his face. "Well, I like you too." He says, still smiling. "I mean, I guess you could say I... 'Like' like you." She stammers out. "I know what you meant. I 'Like' like you aswell." He blushes and moves over, closer to glaceon. She leans over on the flareons shoulder, feeling his warm fur against hers. She looks up at his face, and kisses him. They both kiss and dig their tongues in eachothers mouths.
The flareon leans in, pushing the glaceon onto her back. He is on top of her and they continue kissing. The flareon's meat slowly protrudes from his body. His penis touches her upper thigh, and she looks down from their kiss. She sees his large cock hanging down in between her legs. She looks back to him and he asks, "Are you okay with this?" and she thinks for a moment. "Yeah, but follow me first."
The flareon backs up off of her, and she gets off the couch and begins to walk away. He follows her, and she gets to the bed room door. The glaceon walks inside and jumps up onto the bed. He enters the room, and sees her laying on her back, with her legs open, showing her wet and ready pussy. He knows she wants this. He walks up to the bed, and hops onto it. He moves up the bed so he's on top off her, face to face, in missionary. The look in her eyes says 'Do it.'
He presses his stiff length against her sex lips, and pushes it into her. She gasps, and he pushes it further in. Before she moans, he kisses her, exploring their mouths with their tongues. She feels her walls tightening around his meat, and it's hotter than ever. He pounds on her again and again.
After a couple of minutes the flareon is nearly there. "I-I'm almost..." He pants. He doesn't bother ending his sentence because he knows that she understands. Before he does, the glaceon hits her breaking point. She came seconds before he does, drenching themselves, and the bed, with warm juices from their bodies. The flareon takes his last couple of shots into her, before he pulls out, his cock dripping with cum. She lays on the bed sweating and exhausted. he flops down beside her on the bed, also panting with exhaustion. He looks over to her next to him, and she's looking back at him. They close their eyes, and the fire-type leans over and kisses her. Breaking the kiss she looks at him and says, "How long till round two?" She laughs, making him smile.
The End