Family History - Ch1

Story by daveb63 on SoFurry

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#1 of Family History

This sequence will be updated less frequently than any Dafydd Owen story. It's a longer-term project. It will contain more sex scenes than the detective stories but I'll be doing my best to not make it gratuitous.

John Carrick is a historian and writer of historic fiction. in 2196, his father-in-law presents him with a recently unsealed box of family records, some dating from before the world had any idea that the "human population" contained anything other than ordinary humans. Mikhail asks John to use those documents to write the history of the family.


In earlier times, I'd have thrown my pen across the room at this level of frustration. The virtual keyboard and holographic display in front of me didn't throw so well. I was three chapters into the third of the novels on my contract and I'd been thoroughly blocked for weeks. What little I did manage to produce was an endless sequence of corners to write myself into, good for nothing but deleting and starting over. I was sure I'd be getting another grumpy call from my editor tomorrow. I rested my muzzle in my paws, rubbing at my eyes. It was no good. I wasn't going to make much progress this evening. Uncurling from my seat I stretched, feeling little pops and crunches in my back that hadn't been there ten years ago. People made remarks about how flexible ferrets were, but nobody mentioned the backaches as we got older.

Well, if I wasn't going to get anything done at my desk, I may as well be a little productive around the house, although it was no great chore keeping things in order now that I wasn't sharing it with a teenager any more. The only thing strewn around the house in disarray these days was dust, and taking care of that was pretty easy. I found dusting to be curiously meditative, to be honest. My mood only got disturbed as I shifted the family photos on the mantel. There was Steve, at a high school athletics meet three years ago, as a snuggly little pup in his moms arms, at prom with his girlfriend and most recently at his first college athletics event. There was Sandra's and my wedding photo, and there she was in the last photo I had of her, heavily pregnant with our daughter, and with the faded ultrasound printout tucked into the frame with it. They were buried together in the small family cemetery a little way up the hill in the forests behind the house. She'd taken a fall on the ice that winter and had started hemorrhaging, nothing seemed to control it, and she didn't survive the emergency c-section that delivered our premature daughter, who we had decided to call "Janine".

Janine followed her mother four days later, leaving me the single dad of a three-year-old and with half my heart buried with them.

A subtle but insistent electronic chime started sounding in my ears. I blinked away the tears that had started to form and said "House, answer call." A hologram formed in front of me, it was Jenna, Sandra's mom, and she was crying.

"Jenna! Are you ok? Is it Mikhail?"

"Yes, John. It's Mikhail. It won't be long. A few days at most. We're gathering the family. Can you bring Steve?" Once again the old guy with the scythe was making his presence felt. Sandra's dad was in the last stages of an aggressive cancer and it was eating him up from the inside out. "I'm afraid in the next few days your position in the family will be real, not just practical."

"Of course, Jenna. We'll both be there as soon as we can."

"Make it fast, John. I'm sorry to cut this short, I've got to call Marie now."

"Of course. I understand. Stay strong, Jenna. Bye."

I paused a moment. I loved Mikhail like my own father, he was probably the only guy who understood how bad losing Sandra had ripped me up, because it had done the same to him. We had gone on one memorable bender sharing stories about his daughter and my wife and alternately sobbing on each others shoulders or laughing until it had hurt. Part of his heart was buried next to mine.

"House, call Steve Carrick. Priority." A soft contralto answered me.

"Alert. Timezone difference. Confirm?"


A few seconds later I got a view of my son that he probably didn't intend to send. I guess waking him up in the middle of his local night had some advantages when it came to parental control. He was sitting up in bed and had pulled the sheets clean off his girlfriend.

"Dad? It's the middle of the night here! What's up?"

"Your grandpa isn't going to make it much longer. We're gathering. You need to book the earliest scramjet you can get back here for a few days. Bring Karen if you want, the family is good for it."

"Oh... Damn... OK. I'll ping you the details as soon as it's booked."

"Thanks, Son. I'll see you at the airport."

SeaTac airport was crowded, as usual, but Steve was easy to spot because he was much taller than most ferrets. Karen sort of drew the eyes as well, the slender ermine lass being sufficiently pretty to stand out in the crowd. They'd both spotted me and were hurrying over pulling their bags behind them. We didn't say much, just exchanged hugs and headed for the parking ramp. The mostly-silence persisted as I got the car out of the ramp and headed for the airport exit. As I eased onto the freeway ramp the car pinged at me... "Guidance engaged" I let go of the controls as the car locked on to the guidance signals and sped up to match the rest of the 120mph traffic.

"Jenna asked that we go directly to their place. Apparently Mikhail has something he needs to say to me in person while he still can. I hope that's ok right off the flight?"

"Not a problem, Dad. It's not like the old subsonic days anyway. I'm not even properly jetlagged yet."

Mikhail and Jenna lived a few miles away from me, about as far away from my place as it was possible to get and still be on the roughly 5 square miles that we thought of as "family land" - The 60 or so houses in that area had varying amounts of acreage attached to the property, but it was all interconnected and we were all at least distantly related so we didn't bother with fences. Covenants on all the deeds kept the properties in family hands. It wasn't long before we were pulling in to the front of the largest of these houses, the driveway already crowded with other vehicles. Blake opened the door to greet us before we had a chance to ring.

"Good to see you again, Mr Carrick. The others are in the long room, but the master asked if you, personally, would be able to see him as soon as you arrived."

"Of course, Blake. Thank you. I'll join you two and the rest in the long room shortly."

Death has a scent to it, not the smell of corruption that sets in after the event but something different, hard to describe.. it lay like a pall over Mikhail's room where he lay, hooked up to various medical devices. All they were doing now were controlling his pain, Mikhail had been adamant that hanging on, supported by machinery, for weeks or months was not for him. He'd told us as much at the last holiday gathering, shortly after his diagnosis. That he had, in his words, told the doctors that "At the end, when both lucidity and pain control are no longer possible, let me go." He looked over to the door as I walked in. Jenna was sitting by his side. His voice was quiet, far from the rich tone he had once had but that voice had lost none of the authority and power it had always had.

"John. Come over here and take a seat. I need to talk to you." I did as I was told and Jenna got up to give us some privacy. "No, Jen, stay. I want you to hear this too."

"Mikhail, I'm here. Whatever you need, you got it."

"John, there's so much bullshit about the early days, so much stupidity. I never understood why so much was kept secret, both by families like ours and by the government. It's time to set a few things straight. There was a head of this family who was there, and he left a box of papers and other records to his son, with instructions that it should remain sealed until a hundred years after his death. That time ran out three months ago. The story told by the contents of that box is my legacy and I want you to write it. Jen, dear, the box is in my personal safe and the key to unlock it is in the top right drawer of my desk. Since it will be his by right fairly soon anyway, I'd like you to make sure that John is given both tonight."

"Mikhail, why me? I write second-rate historical fiction and teach the occasional class on medieval and renaissance history at the U. What's more I'm not making much progress with the writing right now either!"

"Because you're the only historian and writer I've got, son. I don't want somebody who isn't family writing this and also because of your position in the family after I'm gone there wont be anyone else in the family who will deny your right to reveal or hold back anything. You wont hurt the family with what you write. Write some historical fact for a change." I nodded, reluctantly.

"Ok, Mikhail. I'll try."

"Do this for all of us, John. Too many people still fear us although we're now a good percentage of the worlds population, and families like ours catch it from both morphics and humans. Show them the truth."

"So, no pressure or anything...." The tired eyes looking into mine regained a bit of their old sparkle and he grinned at me.

"Not much, no. Now get yourself off to join the rest of the rabble. You'll probably have to rescue Steve's girlfriend from his aunt Marie."

...three months later...

My study was a mess. I'd enlisted the aid of a family member who was a high powered computer geek to get the papers scanned, the obsolete media translated to modern molecular storage, to track down software that could interpret these ancient file formats. Finally it was all done and I had everything on molly. Sometimes, though, a historian has to read the original, has to hold the documents he's consulting. There was handwriting in front of me from over a hundred and fifty years ago, written by one of my wife's remote ancestors. Next to it was the shiny disk of a piece of early optical media, almost as old. Those disks were the real treasure trove of information - they had been used by the guy who packed this box to store images of even older documents before the originals were lost or deteriorated beyond readability. The problem was, that media wasn't designed to last this long either. I had maybe 60% of the data that was originally encoded on them and so far had only cracked the file formats on about 80% of that - even with the help of the AI at the U. I didn't have a clue where to start with this project. I needed to clear my mind and think. I found myself wandering downstairs and grabbing a light coat from the closet by the back door. It was a mild spring, I wouldn't need more than that. I walked out the door and up the hill, unconsciously following the trail that led up through the woods for about half a mile to a clearing where wildflowers were blooming all about the few rows of granite blocks, each bearing an inscription. I stopped before a pair of them. "Sandra Carrick. Beloved daughter, wife and mother. Janine Carrick." and "Mikhail Tarniyev. Much-loved husband and father" When my turn came I'd be on Sandra's left, as he was on her right. I looked down at his headstone and shook my head.

"Mikhail, you old stoat, did you have any idea what you were letting me in for? You're setting me up to be the Alex Haley of fur, but you've handed me a life's work here. What the fuck were you thinking?" I honestly didn't know whether I'd have jumped at the opportunity or told him where to shove it, had I known what I was getting into. I sat there in the sunlight for almost an hour before turning around and walking back down the path.


It was a typical con environment. There were the usual long lines at the registration desk, the usual steady stream of folks away from the front of the line, loaded down with programs and freebies, clutching their registration badges and separating out in to little knots of people in the open spaces as they renewed acquaintances and caught up on gossip. Gradually each group would disperse, it's members flowing into other groups or heading for their hotel room to emerge a few minutes later, transformed.

David and Zia where not amongst the gossiping crowds. This was their first experience of a con like this. They were hanging out by the pool and just watching people come and go. Some were more worth watching than others. A couple two tables over was drawing a lot of looks and it was obvious why. David nudged Zia with his elbow.

"Holy crap, Zia.. look at the quality of those suits!"

"Oh my god.. now THAT's what a fursuit should look like!"

Both David and Zia were instantly looking at the couple with professional eyes. Zia was a costume designer for a local theater company and David a freelance special effects artist. The tiger and his curvy vixen companion were seemingly oblivious of the eyes on them and wrapped up in their conversation. David and Zia lowered their voices and started comparing notes.

"Look at the eyes move, the ears.. and look at the tails.. miniaturized animatronics in the mask and all over the suit.. Christ, I wish somebody would give me enough of a budget to make gear like that.... Where the hell are they hiding the controllers?"

"Look at the fur - it's perfect. Makes almost everyone else here look like they are wearing a bodysuit with a rug stitched to it!"

"No way those were commercial - that's a labor of love right there.. Shit!, did you see that? they've even modeled the inside of the mouth on those masks."

"And they bothered to make clothes to fit.. what are you betting the suits are anatomically correct underneath?"

"I just want to know how they pulled it off!"

"So ask them"

"Zia, I can't do that! I'm in the industry, I can't go asking somebody that good to give up their secrets!"

"Ummm. did you see that.. her boobs jiggled"

"Yeah, we're talking medical grade silicone built into the suit there... or it's totally skintight and she really does have tits that big."

"Well, I'm going to ask about how they got the fur so perfect and about the clothes. You coming?"

Hesitantly both walked over to the impressive couple, who saw them coming and looked up.

"Let me guess... " said the tiger in a low voice. "You are wondering how we pulled this effect off."

"Yeah," mumbled David. "We were..."

"Have a seat.. I'm not going to reveal all my tricks but I'm more than happy to give you a few totally misleading hints. What about you, Danni? You up for it?" The vixen laughed.

"Oh, sure, Jase. Why not?"

"OK, then.. let me see.. the eyes look where I look, the ears orient on sounds I'm listening to and as for the tail.. well tails have a mind of their own anyway. Your turn, Danni."

"Umm.. I spend way longer brushing my fur than I do my hair, the patterns for the clothing were mocked up by standing there in the fur then pinning cloth around us and designing pants with a tail-hole that don't look stupid is hard."

All four at the table laughed, then David got a thoughtful look.

"Ok, you said misleading, so I'll take you at your word, but I'm thinking eye-tracking, audio receptors with logic to seek greatest clarity by moving the ear. Tails have a mind of their own so I suspect an independent controller for that, although you have to have so many actuators in there I'm surprised you ever got it to work."

"Not bad. Let's just say you would not believe how many microcontrollers are stashed around my body at the moment. As for making the tails work properly - again being totally misleading - did you know there are polymers available that respond to electrical stimulation by contracting much the same as natural muscle does?"

"Wow. How do you keep the weight down?"

"I work out. Seriously though, as a tiger I'm about eighty pounds heaver than I am as a human, but it's well distributed so I dont notice it. Say, I think I've seen you somewhere before.. no, your picture... Was it you who did the effects for that Lovecraft production a couple of years ago?"

"Yeah, that was me. Went way over budget but it looked pretty good."

"That was awesome work, man. I loved that show. Well, we have to get to a panel but tell ya what.. if you're interested in swapping some real secrets about this, meet us in the bar at about six? If you want we can go to your room or ours and I'll take it off and let you see..."

The tiger and vixen got up and wandered off.

Just after six, David and Zia walked into the bar. It was packed but the tiger and vixen couple had snagged a booth in the back. The vixen saw them and waved. As David and Zia eased into their seats she looked over at them.

"We weren't properly introduced before. I'm Danielle, but mostly go by Danni, and this is my husband, Jason."

"My names David, and this is my girlfriend, Zia. We both work in theater, costumes and effects."

"No wonder you're so interested in how Jason and I pull off the look."

Zia looked at her "It's not just the look, though, its the body language, the mannerisms.. if I didn't know better I'd swear that neither of you were wearing a suit."

"When the effects are right, the acting is a lot easier. Isn't that right David?"

"Yeah, Jason, it is."

"Call me Jase, please.. 'Jason' is what I get from Danni when she's mad at me."

The two couples shared a few drinks getting to know each other better. Jason taught theatrical effect design in Toronto and Danni was an artist. Unlike the majority of folks wearing suits to the bar, Jase and Danni did not remove their masks to drink, instead opting to use straws to prevent them spilling their drinks. morphic muzzles and glasses didn't go well together.

By 8: 30, the four were relaxed and thoroughly enjoying each others company. Jase finished off his drink and looked over the table.

"So, if you're still interested in us taking these off and learning their secrets there remains just one horribly cliche question.... Your place or ours?"

Zia and David looked at each other before Zia replied. "Let's use ours, it's only a couple of floors up."

David nodded. "Yeah, unless you need any special kit to remove it or put it on?"

"Thanks for the thought, but we should be good.. except unless you mind nudity - it's not practical to wear anything other than the fur."

"Zia and I met on a nudist camping trip, so I think we have that covered."

"Jase and I have never had any nudity issues either, so let's go"

Closing the hotel door behind them, Zia turned around to see their guests already shedding their clothes. Jase pulled off his shirt revealing sculpted muscles but what really caught her eye was Danni. The vixens ample endowment was completely anatomically correct, pale areolae and nipples clearly visible through slightly thinner fur. As she shed her shorts it became clear that she was anatomically correct there too, as was Jase who revealed himself a second later. She found it a little hot, to be honest, and from the way he was looking at them so did David. Their guests stood there without a trace of selfconsciousness.

"Ok, you remember I said you wouldn't believe how many microcontrollers I was hiding, David? Well you're not going to believe it until you see it, because the answer is zero."

With that, both Danni and Jase blurred and changed, finally standing there before them as a perfectly normal looking naked human couple.


So how to proceed from here? I'm sure the "big reveal" wasn't a surprise to any of my modern readers. After all, shifters make up nearly half of the world's population these days with the rest evenly mixed between human and morphic statics. The question I need to ask is do I gloss over what happened next on the grounds that every shifter and most statics that have read up to this point know exactly what's coming or do I continue the narrative thread? Zia Williamson - or Cameron as she was at this point in the story - kept a pretty explicit diary. I should probably honor the source material by continuing.


David sat down heavily in a chair. Zia's mouth dropped open and she just stared. As a human, Danni was as curvy as the vixen had been, with long tawny-russet hair that echoed the shade of the vixens fur. Jase was less bulky than the powerful-looking tiger but had a wiry athletic look to his body. The silence in the room lingered for a few long minutes before Jase broke it.

"Everybody has two shapes, one morphic, one human. We've learned to use both. By any chance are you two interested in what your alternates are? We can show you if you want."

"At the moment I'm thinking there was something in that last drink and I'm hallucinating."

Danni shrugged. "If you are hallucinating, David, enjoy the hallucination. If you're not, do you want to pass this up?"

"Not particularly."

"Well, my boyfriend can dither around all he wants. I want to know. How would you show me?"

"Zia, Jase can help you find your other shape and move you into it, temporarily. You'd see it in the mirror."

"Temporarily, huh? How temporary are we talking about?" Jase handled the reply.

"If I do not maintain physical contact with you, you'll shift back in about 20 minutes."


"I've decided, David. I'm going to try this. Jase, what do I do?"

Jase had shifted back to his feline form and was kneeling on the floor with his back leaning on the bed. "Well, I hope you weren't kidding about the nudity thing because you probably want to start by losing the clothes. I've no idea what form you'll take. If it's something slender like a weasel the clothes will fall off you anyway but if you end as something like a bear or a buffalo or a mare you're going to rip them to shreds and whatever the incredible hulk might tell you, switching into a shape too big for the clothes it's wearing can hurt in all sorts of ways, although you'd be spared the worst one for a guy."

Zia giggled and stripped down. "I wasn't kidding. Do you see any more tan lines on me than Danni has?"

Jase laid his arms over his thighs, reaching forward so his hands rested on his knees, palm up. "OK, kneel in front of me and place your hands over mine." Zia did, laying her hands palm down over his. "..Now close your eyes... I want you to breathe with me.. slowly and deeply.. count of five in through the nose.. pause.. count of five out through the mouth.... That's right.. Stay with me. Synchronize your breathing with mine.. my fingertips can feel your pulse, can yours feel mine?"


"This is what we call the meditation of seeking.. You are wearing your birth-shape. We are seeking your soul-shape. Turn your awareness inwards on yourself. Forget the body you currently inhabit... feel only your breathing and the pulse you feel under my fingertips and under yours. Tell me about yourself.. "

"I'm a pale golden-brown. I've got spots not stripes but my tail is a lot like yours. The air conditioning is tickling the hairs on top of my ears... "

"Open your eyes, Zia."

The female kneeling in front of the tiger opened her pale blue eyes, looking down at her paws covering his... "Wow.. I'm a lynx, right? Before I look in the mirror.. David.. How do I look?"

"My God, Zia.. you're.. beautiful!"

Zia giggled and went to look in the full length mirror on the inside of the closet door. It revealed a slender lynx morphic, with firm c-cup breasts standing above her paler belly fur, the faint pattern of spots running down her flanks accentuating her waist and the subtle swell of her hips. Her tufted ears pricked upright at the sight of herself. "Wow.. David, you've got to do this.. I want to see what you look like.. "

Danni looked over to David, sliding off her seat and once again becoming the vixen. "How about it? Should I do the same for you? Zia, go back and take Jase's hands again. It will delay your shift back to human."

David didn't say anything. He just shed his clothes and knelt in front of Danni the way Zia had with Jase.

"Ok, David.. you remember how this goes... start by following me, sync your breathing with mine...."

Zia watched her boyfriend. As Danni worked with him she saw slight blurs, maybe a flash of brindled fur until they all stopped and Danni was saying "Tell me about yourself...."

"I'm bigger than I was.. white belly fur, the rest brindled with some markings around my face... I feel like I've been working out for hours.. Geez, I wish the guys in the next room weren't drinking that rotgut.. it stinks. And.. umm.. no I'm not going to say that one.. "

"Open your eyes, David."

Zia struggled to control her reaction. "Ok, Zia, pull your tongue back into your muzzle and stop drooling. So your boyfriend was pretty hot before but as a wolf.. Girl, your man is totally ripped. Now get your head out of the gutter before your boyfriend and everyone else in this room smells you getting horny." Zia shook her head and blushed at the thoughts that had started to crawl across her mind. David had transformed into a muscular brindled timber wolf and as he walked across and looked in the mirror his jaw dropped open in a canine grin.

"Oh yeah, I can live with this.. 20 minutes.. it lasts that long, right?"


"Can it.. last longer? Like can I learn to do what you do and change whenever I want?"

Danni and Jase shared a look.. then Danni shrugged. "Go ahead and tell them, Jase. There aint no way to sugar-coat it."

"No, David. You can't learn it. You can be given it. If you mate with a shifter while transformed, you will become a shifter yourself. Controlling it, gaining the ability to transform others, those you will have to learn."

Now it was David and Zia's turn to share a look. It ended when David nodded and Zia looked around to stare into Jase's eyes. She paused, looking at him.. "Jase..." her voice tailed off.

"Zia?" Both Jase's and David's nostrils flared as they caught a sudden scent in the room.

"Fuck me."

Jase raised a paw to rest it on Zia's cheek.. "No. But if you wish it, I will make love to you."

Zia reached up, took his paw in hers and turned it palm up, lowering her muzzle to kiss it. "Yes."

Danni looked at David, her eyes locked on his as she leaned forward, bringing her muzzle to his. "Last chance to back out, stud.. "

David simply leaned forward into her kiss, returning it with passion, the two of them rising up on their knees so they could press their bodies against each other, their arms finding their way around each other without any conscious thought as they held tight.

Jase felt Zia's kiss in the palm of his hand. He reached out , taking her shoulder and gently pulling her forward, turning her to lie across his lap. a sound that was part sigh, part moan escaped her as she felt his enormous paw caress her neck as he leaned down. She reached up, placing a paw each side of the tigers muzzle and looking into his eyes. Tawny gold eyes locked on ice blue and she drew him down to her lips, kissing him like she wanted to devour him as his paw skimmed softly down her flank, making her back arch and her tail twitch.

Breaking the kiss, David leaned back from Danni and muttered "There's condoms in the nightstand..."

"Not going to be any use, love. They wouldn't fit you and Jase would shred them on the first thrust. Besides, if you want to shift, it's bareback or it don't work. Don't worry though, the one that makes you a shifter is non-viable. You can't knock me up this time and he can't her. Forget it and enjoy it." Wriggling her ample breasts down his body she lowered her muzzle to his sheath, inhaling his scent. "Gonna be a big bad wolf for me?" The touch of her lips drew a groan that garbled his reply. "Mmmm? didn't hear that..." Danni returned to her hungry licking and nuzzling.

"How bad do you need, Danni.. "

"Oh, about bad enough to pin me to that bed, lick me until I cum and then knot me 'til I scream...."

David surprised himself. He didn't know how much power was in his new muscles. Without thinking he surged to his feet, Danni yipping in surprise as she was lifted in his arms and carried towards the bed. "Who could possibly refuse such a beautiful woman when she makes a request like that?"

Danni just leaned up and breathed in his ear "Hopefully not you.... " before fastening her muzzle on his in another hungry kiss.

Jase was trailing kisses up and down Zia's body, teasing and driving her crazy. He hadn't touched her breasts, he hadn't ever strayed onto her mound or between her thighs, and she wanted him to.. wanted it so bad.. He ran a single clawtip down each side of her body and over her hips, making those hips buck under his hands but not giving her what she was aching for.. "Please Jase.. touch me... " He lowered his muzzle to her breast, the rough tongue common to all felines stroking over her oversensitive nipple as he fastened his lips around it and suckled gently. "Oh God... " Without withdrawing his muzzle from her breast he lifted her easily and laid her down on the bed.

Zia stretched her legs, finding her toes reach the floor as her hips were poised on the edge of the bed.. she spread them as wide as she could.. begging in body language. She felt Jase's muzzle leave her nipple and then his breath blowing warmly over her oversensitive nether lips. She stretched herself wide and pushed her hips up, trying to reach him.. but he moved with her, letting her feel only the tease of his breath. She opened her muzzle to plead when he licked her once, deeply.. from bottom to top.. the tip of his tongue drifting over her clit as he savored the taste of her.Suddenly without breath, the only sound she could manage was a desperate needy whimper. Shuddering as she tried to catch her breath from that, she drew just one decent breath before it happened again and stole all of that breath away... "Uh.... ah.. mmmmmm... "

David gently let Danni down on the bed and positioned her in a similar posture to Zia. He was a little more enthusiastic than Jase, lowering his muzzle between her legs immediately. His tongue parted her nether lips, tasting the female nectar that gathered there, teasing her clit and thrusting his tongue into her, welcoming the upward thrust of her hips onto his muzzle. Curling his tongue within her to stroke the sensitive spot on the front of her sweet cunny and licking upwards to drag the length of that prehensile muscle over her sensitive button.. then licking at her depths and repeating it.

Danni reached down, clasping David's head and pressing his muzzle into her center. She wrapped her legs around him and gasped as waves of pleasure began to flood her body. One more, just one more.. She got that one more, her inner walls trying to hold that tongue inside her, gasping as it slipped from her and caressed her clit again.. girl-cum flooding from her as she let go and surrendered herself to pleasure. Feeling her lover surge upright, the legs that were wrapped around his head now spread wide and her ankles resting on his shoulders as his manhood searched for entry into her. Her orgasm peaked and he drove into her, claiming her as she fell.

Zia moaned as Jase's tongue parted her again. His slow licks, timed to her responses, each one coming just as she recovered her breath from the last, were driving her wild. She felt like she was right on the edge, that each one should push her over into orgasm but instead they just built her higher and higher, her release just out of reach. "Take me, Jase... fuck me, use me, love me, FUCK ME! PLEEEAAASSE!" She felt his weight gently lowered onto her, wrapped her arms around him and held on tight as slowly, ever so slowly, he eased himself into her. Desperately she wrapped her legs around him and tried to pull him deeper but she didn't have the strength to make him go any faster. It seemed to take forever before she was stretched to her limit and all of his length was buried within her... and it still wasn't enough... she was gasping, shaking, NEEDING the release that was just out of reach. Then he moved. His barbs tugged at her inner walls and her feline body responded instantly, bringing her crashing down in a shattering orgasm. She made a sound that was somewhere between a gasp and a mew and tightened her arms around him as much as she could, crushing her breasts to his chest and bucking her hips to meet him thrust for thrust.

David was concentrating on prolonging Danni's orgasm, taking her more slowly than he wanted to but as deeply as he could. She thrashed on the bed, her head thrown back and her tongue lolling from her muzzle. He felt the tension at the base of his shaft as his knot started to swell, and briefly wondered "So, how do I do this?" before dismissing the distracting thought and returning his attention to the vixen beneath him. He need not have worried. Their bodies instincts were more than up to the task. As the swell of him touched her for the first time, she moaned and grabbed her legs, pulling and spreading herself as wide as she could. The swelling knot bumped her lips a few times bringing her close to an even higher peak, she felt herself stretch as it popped in and out twice, and then they were locked together. His hips moved faster and she let out a shuddering breath, instead of the scream she had promised earlier. She didn't have enough breath to scream.

Neither male lasted much longer. Jase buried his full length inside Zia one last time and held himself there, shuddering in his own release as Zia's body went rigid, arms and legs tightening around him to hold herself as deeply impaled on his body as she could be, feeling the surge of his release deep inside her triggering another peak. Danni's body went completely limp as David's knot throbbed within her, fully swollen and holding them tied together. She reached up and grabbed his muzzle, clamping it closed and muffling the howl he let out as he emptied himself into her, pulling it down and gazing into her lovers eyes.

As the two couples lay on the bed, holding each other close as they caught their breath and as their pulse rates slowly returned to normal, Danni let her head fall to the side and the vixen found herself looking into the lynxes ice-blue eyes. Zia smiled. "He did that 'take you in the middle of an orgasm thing' didn't he?" Danni just nodded. "He does that as a human too." murmured Zia. Nothing else was said in the room that night. Both couples drifted off to sleep, still entangled with each other.


That was how it started. Shifters arriving at cons and more shifters leaving than arrived. It wasn't sanctioned by the old enclaves of shifters which existed in limited numbers around the world. It was a quiet rebellion of shifters with children. They wanted to push the shifter population past critical mass, they were concerned that the enclaves were in danger of becoming inbred. They wanted their children or their children's children to be full members of society. They wanted their static morphic children to not be forced to become shifters if they didn't want to. They wanted all their shifter children with a morphic birth-shape to not be restricted to the enclaves until they hit puberty and the shifting ability manifested. They knew that eventually there would start being accidents outside the enclaves, that a female would wake up in morphic form and be unable to shift back to human, having been impregnated while shifted. It didn't take many, or very long. Cons all over the world being visited by one or two shifter couples each for a few years. As far as I can tell from the preserved records, they began in 2015, and in 2021 came the breakout, where shifters and morphics could no longer conceal their existence from the world.

The world, of course, freaked. Shifters and morphics were the subject of witch-hunts and hate crimes. Like most witch-hunts, they often mistook their targets. Hundreds, possibly thousands of static humans suffered because somebody accused them of being a shifter. It was a dreadful, dark time. There were, however, a few safe places where shifters and morphics could live openly...