A Tangled Ball of Yarn - Ep6

**A tangled Ball of Yarn - Ep6** So... Somebody went to a certain amount of trouble to get my associates and I into the same place where Franks family and associates were going to be, along with sufficient wealthy individuals to be considered a...

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A Tangled Ball of Yarn – Ep5

**A Tangled Ball of Yarn - A Dafydd Owen Story - Ep5** "Kelli, my name is Dafydd Owen. I'm working for your father. Peter called him and gave him this number to reach you." _"Oh my God.. No.. They must have found him.. No.. "_ "Kelli, it's going to...

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A Tangled Ball of Yarn - Ep4

**A Tangled Ball of Yarn - A Dafydd Owen Story - Ep4** I was on the phone to Jase, my technology artist, as I finished off my breakfast in the apartment where Sarah and I were staying. _"Mr Owen, I've got a line on the boyfriend.The Russian...

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A Tangled Ball of Yarn - Ep3

**A Tangled Ball of Yarn - A Dafydd Owen story - Ep3** Having agreed that whatever made Kelli vanish wasn't to be found at her office, Sarah was off closing out that side of the investigation. I was back in my usual business suit and was looking...

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A Tangled Ball of Yarn - Ep2

Jake and Cannon led the way and we pulled up in front of an old warehouse on the outskirts of the city. From a quick count of the hogs lined up in front of the building there were probably about twenty folks waiting for us in there. As we walked in...

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A Tangled Ball of Yarn - Ep1

"I believe, Sarah, that I have this dance?" "Why yes, Sir, I think you do." I extended my paw, she took it in hers and we wandered off to the dance floor. This was nothing to do with our mutual careers as PI's, we thought. This seemed to be all about...

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Nine Lives - Ep7

**Nine Lives - Ep7** "Where the hell is that boat being kept? We know it's on the river somewhere!" That was Cy, venting his frustration at twenty four hours of no results, even after we identified the person we were after. No sign of their car, no...

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Nine Lives - Ep6

**Nine Lives - A Dafydd Owen Story - Ep6** Sarah, Paul and I were in my office making another dent in my supplies of whiskey. I was pretty sure that Cy would have like to join us but the team from Quantico had snagged him off into a conference...

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Family History - Ch4

_2197_ After Dr Teale's defection, facility alpha was rapidly shut down, left empty. Dr Teale know of two other facilities, named beta and gamma, but he did not know their location. In the highly connected place the world had become, that didn't...

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Nine Lives - Ep5

**Nine Lives - A Dafydd Owen Story - Ep5** As I watched the ME load all that was left of Monica Wilson into a body bag I leaned over to Sarah. "Can you catch a ride back with the feds or with Paul? I'm going to the morgue. I want to sit in on this...

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Nine Lives - Ep4

**Nine Lives - A Dafydd Owen story - Ep4** This team looked like they meant business. I'd heard about teams like this, of course, but watching them move in and set up made me understand why Cy said they were the best in the business. The big dobie...

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Nine Lives - Ep3

Sarah and I watched as another pretty girl's body was hauled from the river. Just like Carole Miller, Taylor Daniels was naked, crudely declawed and had the same oversized zip-tie digging deeply into her neck. We were listening in on the conversation...

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