Inner City Fun Chapter#5

Story by forsakenwerewolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Inner City Fun

Chapter #5

Soft touches of water met her skin as she walked through the trees, while dense fog lay heavily upon the ground as if it was shielding it from the sky. Bare skin brushing across the soft ground as feet moved her ever forward, sinking into the soft forest floor. Clouds of steam rose from her mouth to join the mist that enveloped her form now, softly kissing her flesh as she moved. The blanket of mist shied away from the heat of flames kiss as she moved, circling the large pyre as it reached out at the sky with fiery arms.

The air around her shook as claws and hands met the leather of drums, brushing at her soft flesh as if to urge her onward. Her body moved with the beat of the drums, heat blossoming in her core as if to try to match the fire she now flowed around. Soft flesh met soft flesh as her body met another, eyes closed as the waves of music flowed around her.

Flesh rubbed and ground against hers as the other form moved around her, heat building more and more inside of her core as hardened peaks brushed against her back. Familiar feeling arms worked under hers as heated breathes brushed against the soft hairs of her neck, teeth and claws changing as warm hands roamed across soft flesh. Waves of sound grew harder against her flesh as the hands found their targets, caressing her chest and dipping into her moist heated depths as if it were their own. Her tail grew to rub and grind at the heated body behind her, bodies arching and grinding as the hands grew more desperate in their work. Heat soared like molten fires through her body as knuckles passed her folds, hands reaching back to kneed at firm hips as a tail wrapped around her thigh.

Needy hips bucked against her grinding rear as something grew and enveloped her tail in gripping heat, pleasure and heat driving bodies further and further. Moans and growls added their own way into the crushing waves of drums, soft lips kissing and suckling at flesh as peaks grew closer. Backs arched as bodies reached their peaks, heat flowing from their bodies as the roars exploded through the air to fight away the beat of the drums. The world went silent and still as their bodies slowly fell down from the peaks they'd reached to grace the soft soil with their flesh. Hot breaths met the air as heads turned to press soft lips against hers, eyes finding the world blurred as her senses slowly returned.

As the world focused around her the lips left hers and drew back, leaving her feeling as if she were staring into a pool of water. The face that greeted her was her own, though slit eyes stared back at her cool blues. Her own soft smile flashed at her quickly as the mouth opened. "Hello my sister."

Tara screamed and clawed at the bed as she woke, sweat dripping from her flesh as her juices still ran down her legs. As her breath came back to her it left again in a roaring scream that hammered against the walls of her room, her feet quickly finding the floor as she ran for the bathroom. Fire still coursed through her veins as icy waters from the shower blasted down at her flesh. She ignored her ears as they picked up the sounds of her bedroom door leaving it's hinges, focusing on the cold water that beat at her body as she tried to fight away the fire. Her eyes snapped around as she heard shouting and a yell of pain, feeling a soft hand grip her chin and turn it.

Denise pulled Tara from the water and wrapped her quickly in towels, before her eyes locked onto hers. "You have to go see your Aunt Cloe now!" She ordered as she moved away. She quickly found her mate and slapped him hard across the face to focus him as she knew the scent from the room would be affecting him. "Go to the club now and call your sister, I'm taking Tara there as soon as I get her calmed."

Paul shook his head as he dragged Denise from the room and then outside into the fresh air, his mind quickly clearing as he breathed in the fresh air. "What happened?"

Denise growled lowly as she looked at him. "You of all people should have known this would happen sooner or later...she had the dream like they all do." She sighed softly. "It's time she met her other half...and she's gone into a true heat." Her claws pressed against his chest as she spoke. "I've got some things I can mix that will help, but take the kids and go to the club right now!"

Denise moved quicker than she ever had before, having had to help one of her friends when this had happened to her. Her claws grew and tore her clothes from her flesh before they hurled the bed against the door. Tearing cords from various things as she moved in to find a writhing Tara, prepping knots as she got closer. She dragged the writhing teen into the bedroom and lashed her wrists and legs to the bedframe, seeing that the poor girl's eyes were still unfocused. She moved to where she'd stashed an emergency kit and pulled out a few things she'd hoped she'd never need.

Tara shifted before Denis's eyes as she moved toward her, quickly tying the ball-gag into place as her maw opened. She ground herbs up into nearly a powder before running her hands across Tara's soaked flesh, dipping her hand into the powder as she smiled. "Happy eighteenth birthday...." Her fingers pushed up into Tara's folds to make the girl writhe and growl as she removed them to gather more herbs into her fingers. Her fingers worked up into the gripping depths as her tongue reached out to lick Tara's needy clit. Growls and purrs greeted her ears as she started to piston her fist into those quivering folds, her tongue lashing and raking at the over-sensitive clit before her to make the girl arch her back in her need of more.

Tara bucked her hips in time to the flesh and bone that was slowly pumping into her insides, growling and mewling as it and the tongue at her clit fought back the fire the flowed through her. The fingers pumping inside of her depths quickly turned to a tightly balled fist as knuckles dragged against her sweet spot to make her fangs plunge into the gag inside her maw. She felt her release building quickly as the pumping fist picked up pace, encroaching lips driving her into bliss as they suckled at her clit. She cried out against the gag as her orgasm slammed into her like a runaway train.

Denise heard the cry and felt the writhing muscles but kept going, even suckling harder as Tara sprayed her juices into her mouth. She worked to fingers up into the smaller females rear as she writhed, hooking her thumb onto her own wrist as she pistoned up into those writhing and gripping depths even harder and faster. She knew the herbs were doing their work as the heat inside Tara slowly ebbed, remembering the trick the worked on her old friend. Her finger extended deep inside to poke at the willing and waiting depths, her fist going to one last deep push to feel it fingertip ensnared by Tara's innermost parts.

Tara's enraptured mind imploded as her inner most depths were reached, her down juices pushed deep into her core even as her world went black. Her body still worked on for minutes at the invading flesh, until finally her body slowly shifted back and released it's hold.

Denise laid back on the cool floor and rested for what seemed like hours as she thought about what she was going to have to do now. She slowly got up and untied Tara from the bed and carried her into the bathroom, before having to wash herself and the unconscious girl.

Tara woke hours later to find herself in Denise's minivan flying down the highway, her eyes slowly scanning the vehicle to find only herself, Denise, and a few bags. Her body still felt hot with the ac blasting, though she was thankful for the tank-top and....skirt? "What...happened?" Her voice was raspy and dry as her throat felt.

Denise tossed a water bottle into Tara's lap. "Drink, you're dehydrated after what happened." She watched from the corner of her eye as Tara downed half a liter of water in under a minute, before tossing some freshly pressed pills into her lap. "Now take these before the other stuff wears!" She ordered the last part as she went back to focusing on the road again. "Hungry?" She asked as Tara finished the bottle and tossed it onto the back seat.

"Horny..." Tara said flatly as she slowly remembered everything that had happened earlier that night. "Just what the fuck is going on? I've gone into heat before...but nothing like this shit."

Denise sighed and pulled off the highway into a parking area for a long since dead store, shutting off the van after making sure no one else was around. "For're having something that's very rare, it's what most females call a true heat. It's a throwback to when our kind first truly came to be." She watched as Tara nodded slowly, before continuing. "The second part is about that dream you do have a sister." She slapped her hand over Tara's mouth to silence her. "A twin sister which is rare to our kind, like the problem she has..." Denise sighed softly as Tara's brow rose. "She's a chimera, Her body cannot truly hold any one single form. So she had to be taken care of by someone who lived away from the city and the harsh school rules that would have made her show off her parts."

Tara pushed the hand away and took a deep breath. "Aunt're telling me the cousin she never brought to visit is my sister! Why the fuck was I never told about her?" Tara growled out.

"Because if you two stayed too close together it would have sped you both up far too quickly, imagine tonight happening when you were eight..." She trailed off as both of them shuddered at that though. "It happened to your mother and aunt...both of them were my best friends growing up and none of us wanted to see that happen to you two." She help up a hand to silence Tara once more. "Now it's finally happened on its own and you two must meet and spend some time together, I've brought enough herbs to keep you both from going crazy until this is over." She smiled softly. "Your uncle and I prepped ahead of time and have been slipping Charley something to make him shoot blanks so long as he takes it."

Tara smiled at this and nodded. "I could tell....he's tasted different the last year and a half." She giggled some and bit her lip. "Does this mean he gets to meet her too?" She knew it was partially her heat talking...but she had been missing him the last few weeks with him having to run the club more and more.

Denise rolled her eyes and smiled. "Horny horny girl...yes he gets to come up. I've got to drop you off along with your things and he'll be up in a few days after we get things settled." She started to dig around in one of the bags and pulled something out, the skirt allowing her to easily smell when Tara was getting worked up again. "But first lets get you taken care of and to your aunt's to meet that lovely sister of yours." She tossed a unique strap-on into Tara's lap and smiled at her. "Your turn honey...I'm a little tired after sating you earlier, I don't know how that boy keeps up with you."

Tara smiled as she looked over the strap-on, finding that the dildo part moved and had a knot on either end. She quickly fit it to herself and moaned softly. "This is going to be the most fun trip since me and Charley went to the beach..."