Entertainment of the Gods: Chapter 12 Strange Dreams
Warning: This story, but not every chapter in this story contains acts of a homosexual nature. If your squeamish and don't like homosexual sex depicted in graphic detail then don't read this story, otherwise enjoy.
Check out the story overview at the beginning of chapter 1
A few comments from me on chapter 1
Chapter 12: Strange Dreams
Seth woke the next morning just as the sun was coming up over the horizon. He woke suddenly, and was wide awake. He was woken by a dream that was so real, that if he were still human it would have left him drenched in sweat.
He was never a morning person, and would often snooze for an extra 10 of 20 minuets before finally getting up, but not this morning. He could feel nervous pent up energy saturating his body, and he couldn't stand laying down any longer. He looked down at Vor who was still sleeping, and carefully lifted his wing off of him. Vor had slept with his back against him, and he had to unwrapped his arm from around him before he could get up.
Being careful not to wake him he got up, and walked towards the rear entrance of their cave. The cave was still pitch black, except for the low amount of light that was coming through the entrance. He walked as softly as possible, knowing that even the slightest sound could wake him. He took a deep breath as he reached the edge. The air for once was cool and crisp without even the slightest hint of fog, which usually filled the air just about every morning. There was a slight breeze, and he could see the dark shapes of trees swaying in the distance. The sky for the most part was still dark, but in the distance he could see oranges and reds reflecting off of the clouds. He could tell that it was going to be a beautiful sun rise.
He looked back, and was relieved to see that Vor hadn't woken up. He turned his attention back towards the jungle, and spread his wings. He leapt from the edge, and glided softly towards the rocky pool below without making a sound. He looked around, and took a seat on a rock which looked out over the dimly lit lake, and the jungle further off in the distance.
The dream was still fresh in his mind, and as he sat he replayed the dream, which consumed his every waking thought. It was unlike any dream he had, had before. He could remember every detail. Not only could he remember what he saw, but he could remember sounds and smells as well. He remembered standing at the edge of the lake looking towards the jungle. It was dark, but the area was dimly lit by light being cast from one of the moons from behind him.
As he was looking towards the dimly lit jungle, he felt a presence like someone was watching him, and he scanned the jungle. He saw a dark shape, and it took him a minuet to realize that it was a foot. It was so large that at first he mistook it for a boulder. He stared at it and could see long curving sickle like claws, that were as big around as his legs protruding from the ends of long toes. He followed the foot to the creatures front leg, which stretched upwards towards the tops of the trees. The leg looked black against the night sky, but he could see light reflecting off of the curves of it's darkened muscular form, which stretch high above him.
He had to arch his head back, as he looked further up, and onto a huge protruding chest. He could see a long neck extending into the darkness, and at the top was a head which was looking down at him. The head was similar to the head of a dragon, but it's muzzle was longer. He could see light reflecting off of it's teeth, which were protruding from it's closed crocodile like jaw. He could see row after row of long horns which disappeared into the night sky.
He realized the dragon was siting, and had propped itself up on it's front legs with him in between it's feet. He should have been terrified, but for some reason he wasn't. He stared at it's eyes which glowed with a soft green light, but didn't feel any fear.
As he looked up at it, it's front legs flexed, and it leapt into the air. Everything went dark, and he could feel himself being forced to the ground, by the powerful down draft of it's betting wings.
As light returned to his vision he found himself soaring high above the trees. He briefly saw the lake and waterfalls far beneath him, which quickly fell out of sight. He could feel the muscles in his wings and back flexing with every movement, and hear the sound of the wind, as his wings moved up and down, but he had no control over it. All he could do was watch as the landscape passed by beneath him with incredible speed. He could tell he was moving far faster than he should have been capable of. He passed over lakes in mere seconds. Hills and mountains passed by like he was in a car driving past buildings at 100 miles an hour. In a few minuets he could see light on the distant horizon as he flew towards the rising sun. The sky quickly came alive with color, and in an instant it was light out.
With the landscape lit up, he could see row after row of green mountains with blue lakes and rivers filling the valleys. For some reason as he flew he could feel a force propelling him forward which was making him fly faster. He couldn't control it, but he could feel himself being pushed forward, and he knew it wasn't coming from the flapping of his wings.
The mountains he was soaring over soon got shorter, and eventual turned into hills. The lush green landscape below leveled out into a far stretching sea of green. As he flew on, he started to see water through the tops of the trees. The tall trees soon gave way to a swamp, and he could smell it's stink even from as high up as he was. The swamp was unlike anything he had ever seen on Earth. It was flat with a patch work of land and water. Except the water was covered with a layer of aquatic plants that grew so thick they turned it a light green. He could see large clumps of trees, which rose into rounded domes scattered across the flat terrain.
He quickly flew crossed the swamp, and began to see hills again, which abruptly turned into mountains. As he flew on the mountains continued to grow in height, and he flew higher to stay above them. All of the mountains he had seen before where covered with vegetation from top to bottom, but as he flew on the tops of these mountains soon started to develop bald patches of bare rock. As he noticed the change in the mountains he flew into a cloud, and everything went white.
He could feel himself rising faster to get above it, and he could feel the sting of cold air against his skin. The white clouds gave way to clear blue sky once more. He blinked several times as the sun shown in his face. As his eyes adjusted, he found himself looking at the top of the clouds. Scattered throughout the white clouds below, he could see the tips of white mountains poking through the cloud cover. The mountains almost seemed to float, as the clouds swirled around them.
He again felt the sting of the cold frozen air. The air was cold and crisp, and he could feel it stinging his nose with every breath, but it wasn't slowing him down.
The clouds soon disappeared, and turned into the green mountains he was familiar with. He could feel himself go into a dive, and the ground quickly rushed towards him. As the ground got closer his wings stretch wide, and he glided low over the trees.
As he past over the trees he saw something strange pass by beneath him. Still not able to control his actions, he turned around, and hovered in midair, his wings flapping like craze to keep himself aloft. He stared at a building of some kind, which was protruding through the jungle below. It was black, and looked to be made of stone, and he could see that it was either partly finished, or was the ruins of a destroyed fortress. His gaze was turned to the area around the building, and he had no choice but to look at the surrounding country side.
He could feel his body twisting around in midair, and as he came about he could see water not to far off in the distance, and he was flying towards it. The green landscape turned blue as he flew over the water. He could smell the sent of the ocean in the air, and as he looked down he could see his shadow in the blue water, and he knew that it wasn't his. As he looked away from the water below, the blue sea and sky suddenly rushed forward, and blurred past his face. One minuet he was looking out at an endless sea of blue water, and the next minuet he was looking at a green shoreline again. It was like someone had simple hit the fast forward button, and skipped past the dull part of crossing the ocean.
As he neared the coast he could see a fortress of stone, and small ships in a harbor. He flew over it, and he could see that it was unfinished, but was closer to completion than the previous fortress he had seen. He continued on, and flew over more green hills, until he could see a vast walled city in the distance. He came upon it quickly, and as he did that was when he woke up.
He had been so focused on thinking about the dream he just had, that he didn't notice that the jungle was now lit. He also didn't hear Vor until he walked up to him. When he heard the sound of claws scraping against stone, he turned and saw him standing there yawning. His mouth stretched wide, and his lips curled back showing off his sharp teeth and curving fangs. His head came down, and he smacked his lips several times, and started to scratch at his ribs.
"Your up early. I never even heard you get up," said Vor with a yawn. Seth didn't say anything and looked back towards the jungle. "What's wrong?" he asked with a curious and still sleepy tone.
"Nothing," said Seth with a sigh. "I just had the strangest dream, and it woke me up." Vor sat down, and Seth turned to look at the jungle again. Seth could see him staring at him out of the corner of his eye, and he turned to look at him.
"Well tell me what it was about," said Vor sounding impatient.
"It's nothing. It was just a strange dream."
"Dreams may be more important than you think."
Vor put his hands in between his legs, and lifted himself off of the rock he was siting on, and pulled himself closer. Seth turned around to face him, and proceeded to tell him about his dream
Seth never talked about his feelings, and at first he wasn't even comfortable talking about his dream. He had never been close to anyone before, at least anyone who was human. He was always ridiculed for his ideas and thoughts, when he had been human. He tried to keep his personal life to himself, and he had to get over his past fears, as he started to recant his dream. But as he started to talk about it, he realized Vor wasn't laughed at him, or making fun of him. He didn't ridicule him, or try and put him down, like so many people he knew had done before. Instead he listened very carefully with an affectionate expression on his reptilian face. The more he talked the easier it was, and before he knew it he had finished describing his dream.
"You know it might sound ridicules, but it didn't really feel like a dream. It felt more like the dragon, or whatever it was, was trying to tell me something. It was like he wanted me to go to that city," said Seth adding his own opinion to it.
"Tell me, the city you saw at the end of your dream what did it look like," said Vor sounding very serious.
"Well it had a wall around it. The wall was very high, and it was taller that the trees. Lets see, humm." Seth paused and though back on it for a minuet before continuing. "There were a lot of buildings inside the wall, and they were covered with ivy. The city looked like one large garden. O, and the roofs looked like they were made of metal, but they were a bit of a bluish color. It looked very different from anything I knew from Earth, and yet it was probably the most beautiful city I have ever seen."
"Was their a large building in the center?"
"Yes. Why?" asked Seth.
"Did it have six sides to it that tapered into a point at the top?"
"Yeah." Seth didn't know what to think as Vor described the details of the city he had seen in his dream. The scary part was, was that every part of the city he described matched what he had seen in his dream.
"Because that is where I grew up," said Vor. "That wasn't a dream it was a message from our God Sagna," and he paused for a minuet before speaking again. "I guess it could have been his father, but there's know way to be sure," said Vor shaking his head.
Seth didn't think it was possible, and at first he refused to believe that a god of any kind would send anyone, let alone him a message. But like so many times before, he had to tell himself that this place wasn't normal, or at least from what he though of as being normal. And if it was true that some great and all powerful cosmic beings had conspired to removed or reduced magic in his universe, then that would mean Earth, and every planet in that universe were the ones who were abnormal.
"You know I had once heard a rumor that my people were building a new city on this continent. This continent is the only one that is completely surrounded by water, and is why we have never settled here. All other large pieces of land on my world are connected in some way. Most importantly there isn't a shortage of food here, which supposedly is why my people would want to settle here. But it is only a rumor."
"So what do you think we should do?"
"Well it sounds clear that he wants you at least, to make the journey to my homeland."
"I'm not going to leave you know matter what some God says!" said Seth getting defensive.
"Then I guess I will just have to go with you then," said Vor with a smile.
"It's a long ways off, it's going to take us forever to get there," said Seth not sure of the whole idea.
"Then I guess we had better get moving."
"Right now?" asked Seth sounding surprised.
"Sure why not? It's not like we have anything better to do. I think you would like my people, and the sellga, and the humans to," said Vor.
The sun was still coming up over the mountains, and the idea of going on an adventure was strangely appealing. He loved to explore and see new things, and having Vor at his side would make it just that much more fun.
"You know your right lets go right now!" said Seth jumping up onto his feet with an energetic bounce.
Together they made the climb up the many rocky waterfalls, and away from the cave they had made as their home. They followed the river at the top towards the narrow lake they had explored before. As they followed the twisty river towards it's source, Seth practiced speaking Vor's language. They described different things to each other, and made small talk as they walked. He was getting better at understanding Vor's native language, and had tried to use it as often as he could. It hadn't seemed that important before, but it would be useful if he ever met his people.
As they came into view of the lake with the step mountains on each side, Vor ran down the beach chasing after a group of lizards. They were the same kind of lizards he had caught the last time, and he stopped to watch his friend chase after them.
As soon as the lizards saw him they took off. Vor ran after them, and lunged down, and scooped one up without even breaking stride. He turned suddenly, and Seth could hear stones being kicked around as he took off after another one.
The lizard he was chasing made it to a tree, and got part way up it, but wasn't fast enough. Vor grabbed the end of it's tale, and pulled it off the tree, and tossed it into the air. He turned, and looked at Seth as he caught the lizard in his other hand. He caught the second lizard without even looking, and Seth could tell he was showing off.
"Show off," said Seth with an approving chuckle as he walked up to him.
Vor smiled, and offered Seth one of the lizards, which was struggling in his grip, and making strange hissing noises. He took it, and he watched as Vor tilted his head back, and swallowed the lizard he was holding.
Seth was capable of swallowing live prey, but for some reason he didn't care for his food to be moving when he ate it. It had been hard enough to learn to eat raw meat. His body may have changed, but his mind was still the same, and he couldn't bring himself to eat live prey. Instead he brought the lizard to his jaws, and bit it's head and neck off, killing it instantly. He swallowed it down, and took another bite, as he casually looked out across the lake.
"You know we wont be able to walk to the other side of the lake. The mountains go straight down into the water. We will have to swim the rest of the way. Lets go that way," said Seth as he pointed to the right with the lizards tail still in his hand.
He finished his snack, and they followed the rocky beach towards the right side of the lake. They walked as far as they could before the rocky beach ended.
"I can carry you, but I don't think I can carry you all the way across," said Seth.
"That's ok," said Vor as he turned around, and pressed his back against his chest.
Seth wrapped his arms around him, and lifted him off of the ground. With Vor in his arms he ran the short distance to the edge of the lake, and leapt into the air. He carried him more than half way before tiering, and having to land in the water. They had to swim the rest of the way, but they both enjoyed the swim.
As they made it to the other side of the lake they found that it wrapped around the ends of the mountains, and spread out in both directions. They made the short climb up a rocky hill, and soon the lake was behind them.
Seth did some surveying from the air to determine which direction they should take. The terrain beyond the lake was even more mountainous, and was littered with cliffs and dense vegetation.
Whenever they ran into a cliff, instead of making the climb down Seth would glide down, and carry Vor with him. They saved a lot of time this way, but they still hadn't covered much ground.
As they made their way down another mountain it suddenly dropped straight down for about a thousand feet. At the bottom of the mountain there was a valley, which for once looked flat. They could see several small waterfalls off in the distance at the other end of the valley, but they couldn't see any sign of a lake or river through the trees covering the valley floor. The valley was surrounded by rocky mountains creating a U shape with two rocky outcropping marking the entrance to the valley. They both needed to rest, and they took the time to gaze at the scenery surrounding them.
"It'll be dark in about an hour. Do you want to go down or wait until morning?" asked Vor.
"I think we should wait until morning. We are lest likely to run into any predators up here."
"Yeah good thinking. Lets find some place safe to sleep just in case," said Vor.
"Yeah good idea."
It didn't take them long to find some caves, the mountains were filled with them. The biggest problem was finding one that wasn't already in use by something. All of the larger caves were filled with flying reptiles, which reminded Seth of bats. They did manage to find one which wasn't in use, but it was very small. The ceiling was low, and they both had to duck down to avoid hitting their heads on the ceiling. The floor was solid stone, and they both spent time gathering some large leaves, so they would have something comfortable to sleep on.
They finished gathering leaves, just as the sun was going down over the mountains. They had managed to gather a pile which was about 3 inches deep. Seth laid down on his back with his wings stretched out, and Vor laid down next to him. They both watched the sky as it started to turn pink and red. The sounds of animals constantly filled the air, but seemed to be getting louder as more nocturnal animals started to awaken.
As they laid there Vor leaned over, and licked Seth across the side of his muzzle. Seth leaned into it, and tilted his head back as Vor's smooth tongue moved across his lower jaw. Seth turned over slightly, and wrapped his arm around Vor, and pulled him onto his chest, and Vor eagerly let him do it. He could feel Vor's hard body pressing against his, and they started to move their hands across the curves of each other's bodies.
Seth wrapped his arms around Vor, and he licked him back. They both had their jaws locked together in the next second, and their tongues down each other throats in the second after that.
Vor broke off the embrace with a few more affectionate licks across the end of Seth's muzzle, and slid down towards his tail. He could feel Vor's hands moving across his crotch, and he could feel his cock starting to harden inside him.
The sun had completely disappeared behind the mountains, and the pinks and reds where quickly turning from purple to black, as night approached. Seth could still make him out, even in the darkness as his cock broke through the skin, and pushed it's way into the humid night air. His cock continued to grow, and soon he could feel it swelling and stretching, as it expanded, and grew thicker with the familiar sound of stretching leather. Slim spread across his crotch, as it oozed from his slit, and dripped from his cock.
He had excellent night vision which allowed him to make out Vor even in the dark. He could see Vor get up onto his feet, and he could see him motion for him to get up, and he did. Seth stood in front of him, and Vor moved his hands up Seth's legs, and onto his rock hard cock. Seth bucked his hips into the air, as Vor moved his hands up his shaft, forcefully squeezing each protruding ridge. Seth gave off a few pleasureful groans, as Vor's hands slid up and down his cock.
No sooner had he started this, he stopped, and walked around him, and laid down on the pile of leaves. Seth turned around, and he could hear the slime which was dripping from his cock hitting the stone floor. As he watched Vor lay down on his back, he lifted a leg into the air and squeezed Seth's leg with his clawed foot. He pushed his foot higher, until he was pressing it into the base of his crotch. He could just barely see Vor's face, but he could see his white fangs as he was smiling.
A strange feeling came over Seth as he looked down at Vor. He was inexperience, but he knew the feeling wasn't just sexual. There was something in the way Vor laid there, his young, naked, reptilian, body spread out in front of him, that triggered something within him. This was all new to him. He knew Vor wanted him to take him, to mate with him. It gave him a comforting feeling knowing that someone wanted him. It was all very intens,e and very confusing, and he felt apprehensive.
The feelings held him back, and after brief pause, he realized Vor was more than just a close friend. He knew he couldn't be feeling this way even with the most closest of friends. But he had never experience feelings like this before, even when he had been human. 'Is it love,' he asked himself. He knew it was, and he knew that there was still something more.
His feeling consumed him, as he finally lowered himself, and knelt down. He leaned forward, and ran his hands over Vor's legs, caressing the hard curving muscle under his hand. The feel of Vor's firm body made his heart beat faster with excitement.
Seth crawled up Vor's torso on his hands and knees, and placed his hands at Vor's sides. He spread his wings as wide as he could, and one tip hit against the far wall of the cave, and the other hung out the entrance.
Vor ran his slime covered hands up Seth's thick arms, and onto his chest. Seth moved his hips closer until the tip of his cock was rubbing against Vor's tail. He rubbed the tip of his cock around the base of Vor's tail, searching for the slight depression of his tail hole. When he found it he held his cock against Vor's hole, and Vor seemed to grow tense with anticipation.
He didn't want to keep him waiting, and he began to push the pointed tip of his cock into him. Vor groaned, and spread his legs wider, as Seth's huge slime covered dragon cock entered him. Seth could feel his cock being squeezed from all sides, as he pushed his cock slowly into him. He could feel pulsing waves of pleasure moving up his cock, as he pushed each sensitive ridge past Vor's tail hole.
He kept pushing until he had about 8 inches of his 12 inch cock buried in him, and he couldn't push any deeper. He pulled his cock back until the tip was half way out, and slowly pushed it back in. Vor took his hands off Seth's chest, and grabbed his legs, and pulled them even farther apart, as Seth started to thrust into him. He started to groan, and hiss as each protruding ridge moved in and out of his tail hole. He laid there in a stare of bliss, as Seth's slim covered cock slide in and out of him.
Seth thrust into him none-stop but slowly, and he listened to his, and Vor's increasing moans of pleasure. Vor could see the light of the moon as it reflected of the curves of Seth's lean and muscular body. He could feel water running down his lips as the pleasureful sensations consumed him, and he started to drool uncontrollably.
Seth had to hold himself back, he had to be carful that he didn't thrust to deep. He knew Vor couldn't take the entire length of his cock, and he didn't want to hurt his friend. He could feel his muscles grow tigh,t as his first orgasm hit him, and his thrusting became quick and short. He could feel his cum explode from within him, and force it's way down his cock. He could feel his cum filling Vor's insides making his cock slide back and forth with even greater ease. His orgasms kept coming, and he could hear his cum squirting out of Vor's tail hole as it filled him.
If Seth was still able to sweat he would have been drenched in it. His muscles burned as he lowered himself onto his elbows. With his cock still hard within Vor, he laid down on top of him. He turned his head from side to side, as Vor licked the sides of his muzzle. He was breathing hard, and he began to lose his erection. His cock was still inside Vor, as it began to pull itself back into his body. He spread his legs wider, as he felt the ridges on his cock pulling out of Vor, and back into himself. With just the tip of his cock protruding from his crotch, he got off him, and rolled onto his back.
Seth kept his legs apart, as the bulge at his crotch returned to normal, and the torn slit quickly healed. Vor started to get up, but as he got half way up Seth quickly rolled over, and put his hand on his shoulder, and pushed him back down. He gave him a powerful lick across his muzzle, and licked his way down his neck, and onto his chest. He pressed his hands into Vor's shoulders, and then slid his hands down his chest, caressing the curves of his body, as he moved towards his crotch. He slid a hand under the base of Vor's tail, and squeezed it, as he started to massage his crotch.
He could feel Vor's tail swelling, and growing harder in his hand. His smooth crotch began to rise into a rounded bulge, as his cock took shape within him. He could feel slimy liquid under his hand, as the slit in his crotch started to rip apart. He pulled Vor's tail in between his legs, and squeezed it, allowing him to work his crotch with both hands. Vor bucked his hips into the air, as his shaft pushed it's way out of his body, and into Seth's massaging hands. He squeezed Vor's 8 inch cock with both hands enjoying the feel of his cock, as it reached the final stage, and began to expand, and grow thicker.
Seth rolled over onto his back, as Vor completed his erection. He watched the dimly lit form of Vor's body, as he crawled onto him. He could feel his clawed hands racking across his chest as he positioned himself. He felt a brief rubbing against his tail hole, just before Vor started to push his cock into him. The muscles in Vor's legs stretched as he forceful thrust the full length of his cock into him. Seth could feel a sharp stinging pain in his tail hole, as the thick base of Vor's cock stretched him, and he let out an uncomfortable groan.
"I'm not being to rough am I?" asked Vor.
Seth lifted his hips into the air, and told him to hold nothing back, and he didn't. The sound of Vor's reptilian grunting, soon filled the small cave, as he thrust into him. He started thrusting slowly at first, but was soon slamming into Seth's tail hole with such force that it shook his entire body. He could hear the sound of Vor's crotch slamming against his, as he buried his cock into him completely. In the dim light he could see Vor's legs stretching, and the muscles bulging, as his hips moved back and forth.
He had, had Vor's cock in him before, but this was different than riding his cock. He liked the feel of having him on top of him. The feel of his smooth scaly body moving against his. The weight of his body pressing down on him. Each powerful thrust had sent intense waves of pleasure through his body which he hadn't experienced when riding his cock. This time Vor was in control to use his body, as he was mating with him.
He could feel and hear, Vor's thrusting coming faster, as his first orgasm hit him. He shuttered, and he could feel Vor's cum flowing into him. He could hear soft squishing noises, as he shot his load into him. He could feel Vor's cum pouring out his tail hole, and run down his tail, as his orgasms went on and on, rocking both of their bodies. As Vor's orgasms came to a stop he laid down on Seth's chest, and Seth wrapped his arms around him.
As Seth laid there he realized that they weren't just friends or lovers, they were mates. Even though Vor was a different species and far different compared to when he had been human, he cared more for him than any human he had even know. They had become much more than friends, and they had become so close that they practical knew what the other was thinking.
He had never really loved anyone before, but he knew he loved him, and would do anything for him. He realized at that moment that Vor's race didn't show their love for one another like humans did. After all they were a race of reptiles, and he couldn't expect them to be exactly like humans. Apart from his physical differences, which were obvious, his personality was different. Maybe it was because he was physically capably of hunting and killing prey with his bare hands, where a human would need a gun, he didn't know. But what he did know was that he lacked any of the negative qualities that humans did. He also realized that he had more in common with him than he did with the rest of humanity. He realized that they didn't show their affection with words, and one of the ways they showed it was by rubbing their muzzles together.
He had been showing his affection for him, and didn't realize until now just how much the gesture conveyed. He now knew what it meant, and didn't hesitate to show his love for him. He gripped Vor's head with both hands, and caressed his lower jaw and neck against his. He fondled his ears, and stroked his muzzle with both hands.
Up until now he had been doing the gesture in a way that was casual, and lacked any real meaning. But as he caressed him with meaning and purpose, Vor seemed to light up with excitement. He couldn't mistake the gesture, and he rubbed Seth back with the same vigor and expression. They conveyed their feelings for each other in a way that was deeper than words. Even Seth with the mind of a human and body of a dragon, could feel the thoughts and feelings that the physical gesture conveyed.
They repeated the gesture over and over, and caressed each others bodies until both of them lost the energy to continue. They gave each other a few more playful pokes and licks, before Vor slid off Seth's chest. Vor's cock had retracted back into his body while he had lain there.
After he got up he laid down next to Seth on his outstretched wing. He pulled him closer, and they licked and caressed each other, until Vor's slit re-healed. Seth could feel himself about to fall asleep, and he could also feel the slick layer of cum and slime he was siting on. Together they removed the top layer of cum covered leaves, and when they were done they fell asleep in each others arms.