Another Hug

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#7 of Poke-Treat 2

I apologize for the silence, work worries and depression has kept me from writing much. It is short but here

The day's walk turned out to be uneventful. They did, however, managed to make it to the ancient, dead volcano base that crowns the center of their worldly habitat. They made camp midday knowing that it would take a full day's climb to make it to the tunnel entrance that cut through the line of mountains to the other half of the island.

"Alright," Adrian held his fist up as he held his fighting pose. "Now you need to focus on my movements not only with your eyes but your Aura as well, I know it is limited, but it is there."

"Ri, rio." Mona nodded as she tried to listen to the lesson she was getting.

Todd, however, leaned over to Lisa as the group and their Pokèmon watched from the sidelines. "I don't understand her... but I am guessing 'Yes, dad.' or sir, right?"

"Sir. It may be monotonous context to your ears, but if you study the language, you can understand it eventually. I have heard of a rumor that Trainer Red can understand almost all species. Most fluent, of course, would be Pikachu."

They watched Adrian drop to a Low Kick and swipe Mona off her feet. She landed with a grunt and a 'tsk' from her father. She rose and flicked her tail clean.

"Try again."

Mona growled as she folded her ears back and focused her premature powers. This time she succeeded on dodging her father and landing a kick herself.

The lesson lasted an hour, but for the group, it was worth the time to watch the life lessons of the Lucario clan. After, words were spoken between the two combatants and the lesson affirmed. Then the various Pokèmon group up leaving the three Trainers to themselves, most of them knew what Adrian and Lisa had done with Todd and that they planned on doing the same with Macy. Her team envied the Lucarios, especially her starter Priscilla who wanted to stick her snout between her Trainer's legs since the day they met.

The path that they had decided to take and make camp on was an officially abandoned route that was not on the newer maps. Darla guided them this way in hopes for a higher chance of encounters with the stronger Pokèmon but their search just ended up wasting time. The Trainers were fine with it, to a point.

"Once more." Lisa commanded. "Try to guess his actions in a true spar. Begin."

Adrian did not even give Mona a chance to ready herself, he went right for a punch, which she barely dodged and retaliated with a knee to the groin. As he doubled over, Mona got out of his reach and prepared herself properly. Once Adrian got to his feet, he took a limp step forward as he built up the energy needed for an Aura Sphere. Mona used Copycat to mimic her father's attack. As he threw his attack, she did hers. Her attack hit first and sent him out of the ring they made. His attack failed.

When Adrian failed to move after landing, Mona dropped her guard and looked at her mother. Lisa nodded then Mona went over to Adrian and stuck her footpaw on his throat.

The light pressure on his windpipe woke him and seeing his daughter with a kill shot on him, he drew what air he could and stared at his capturer.

"Dead." Mona announced then lifted her paw then slammed it into his lower ribs making him gasp.

He rolled and coughed before saying, "At least you didn't break my tail this time. Nice Copycat... and strong."

"Thank you." Mona's lessons had become quite evident to everyone, including her maturing attitude.

"I have a feeling you will evolve soon then we'll be fighting off every male that even thinks to sniff in your direction."

"When the day comes I will request to go home to seal the Divine pact with Mickey. It is our fate."

"When we get to the next Center, I'll see if I can't convince your mother to allow you to check in with him."

"He's doing well, he, too, will be evolving soon."

"And how can you know that?"

"We four were bound at birth; we have no choice but follow our fate. As of right now, Angel and Little Jason are forming a small army now to aid them for their duty to protect Mickey and I."

This made Adrian worry; he looked between his mate and daughter quickly. "Protect you from what? We would never let you fight the Dark One."

"I cannot say for I do not know yet."

"Adrian, let her be. We can only prepare her for her future, not control it."

"I can try."

"You and every other parent in the universe. Now rest up, you have other duties to perform in a while. Mona, show the others how to prepare a meal without Trainer intervention."

Mona bowed and did as instructed.

Macy had been brushing Priscilla's white fur during the sparing. The Pachirisu muttering her sexual wants while everyone else ignored the rodent. While the rest of the Pokèmon went to do their task, Lisa explained the plan for the night. Macy half-heartedly listened. She saw the logic of it all, but she wondered if it actually had to be done through sex. The classes she had in school always taught that it was wrong to be with Pokèmon yet could be forgiven given the amount of time one spent alone with their team. Was it any different from what they had planned now?

She finally sighed and nudged the Electric squirrel off her lap. "Well... let's just do this. Right now."

Todd and Adrian smiled.

"Enough, boys. Macy, do you wish to bond with me alone or have Adrian as well?" Lisa sighed and hoped that her mate-bond would not be damaged by her choice.


Adrian growled quietly.

"Very well. Tonight we shall go into your tent."

Macy nodded.

Mona came up to the group after a moment and announced that the meal was cooked. Todd and Macy stared at the Riolu. Lisa translated for her and smiled as she gave the humans the main dish. Berry stew a harsh, yet hearty meal for those out of rations and forced to live on nature's vegan bounty. Todd groaned but went to the steaming pot to join his team. Macy joined without complaint.

After the meal, the sexes broke away leaving the males to hunt for firewood while the females cleaned up camp. When that was done, Macy went to her tent and slipped in. Lisa gave her a couple minutes before slipping into her tent. She found the young girl sitting naked with a grim smile. Lisa had passed off her broach to her daughter earlier; therefore, she pushed her thoughts into Macy's mind.


"Yea, so how will this work?"

Just let me lead...

Lisa crawled on top of her and licked the girl's lips. Then she slowly went down the prone body licking every inch of the way. Almost too fast for Lisa's liking, but she nuzzled her muzzle between the lightly haired hips and lick the small, unused lips of her fellow female. The girl moaned as she felt the big, flat tongue play with the tiny button within the folds of her body.

Macy groaned as the ministration stopped then gasped as she felt soft fur press against her. She looked over herself to see Lisa pressing her own womanhood against her. Only when Lisa started to rub the flesh with her own. The two females moaned as their clitorises pressed together and sent waves of pleasure through them. Lisa growled as she opened herself and allowed her Aura to flow freely; it met with her temporary partner's and blended the colors. Lisa sent herself into an orgasm first made Macy go into her first ever orgasm.

She screamed out Lisa's name as she rode her high. When it fell, it fell hard. Macy slammed back into her travel mat and pillow panting and barely conscious.

"Have fun?"

"Y-yes." Macy gasped out, "Hey, I understood that."

"Good. Now, how about we cuddle for a bit and rest up before the boys return."

"Sounds good."

An hour later, the boys returned with more than enough wood to last them the night. Adrian could smell the scent of his mate and the other Trainer; he smiled and went to rap on the tent. When he only received a single moan, Adrian tempted fate and stuck his head into the tent.

"Now that's hot." He chuckled then ducked away from a shoe thrown by Lisa. "Come on, time to clean up."

"Bite me."

"I just might. Get up or I am coming in with a sword."

"And scare her?"

"I really doubt this sword would scare her. Maybe excite her, but not scare."

"Fine, I'm coming out." Lisa crawled out of the tenet to come muzzle to male flesh, she smirked seeing her mate stand there aroused. "Before you get carried away, check my Aura. I think you might find something."

Adrian closed his eyes and focused briefly before taking a step back. "When did you find out?"

"During my bonding with her. What do you think?"

"I say Mona is a big sister."

"So, I guess you still want to play?"

"I... I think I lost it. We need to celebrate."

"Next town, we will then. But for now, I need you to focus on supper."

"What a buzz kill..."

"Whatever, love. I'm going to have Darla spar with Mona while you cook."

Adrian sighed, "Just don't get her hurt."

Lisa did not respond outright, she went to her daughter and interrupted her playing with the Pachirisu. The Riolu sighed and went to find her spar partner. Once found, Darla grumbled about losing her focus on the plant life.

Mona tossed a rock over to get the Darkrai's attention. With a grunt, the dark entity flung herself toward the Fighting type. Mona dodged, but was still caught. She struggled within the grip of her teammate as Lisa ordered Darla to drop her and ready for a battle. Darla hissed but did so, she turned away from the Riolu long enough to gain some ground.

"You can find another flower after an assessment battle."

"I am too strong to do this. I knock her out with one hit." Darla sighed and powered up a Shadow Ball.

"Darla, please try to keep the power levels low."

"I... I do not know how to do that. You grow up as I did and you would know what I mean." She tossed the small ball of energy at the ground in front of her opponent and watched it send dirt flying at the Riolu."

"Mona?" Lisa watched helplessly at the dirt cloud. "Mona!"

"I'm... fine." Came a coughing voice.

"Okay... I see your point. Go... back to doing whatever you were doing."

Darla left to go sulk while Mona coughed and brushed dust from her fur. Lisa apologized to her daughter then went to grab her brush from her pack. Mona took the brush once she saw it. She sighed as a tangle was pulled free.

"Mom, when we get to the next town, can we make an appointment at the groomers? I need a trim."

Lisa smiled. "Sure. I am sure all of us need some R & R."

"Thank you."

After helping Mona clean up, Lisa went to the fire and plopped down on the ground. No one said anything as they looked at the Trainer as she stared into the flames. A few minutes passed before Todd grew the courage to approach her.

"So, you ready to head into the volcano path yet?"

"Yeah, and remind me never to make Darla mad... ever. I do not think very many could survive her wrath."

"Yeah... kinda agree. Um... while we were out yesterday, I learned that Adrian's father is a Scizor."

"Adopted, like me." She rose and then sent an Aura Sphere into the fire, which smothered the flames.

Lisa and the other two Trainers began to pack up. Their teams pitched in once they realized they were to be leaving. As soon as everything was done, the teams were recalled and then the Trainers started to climb up the old dusty path that led into the volcano. By noon, the entrance was in full view and very menacing. Lisa pressed on while the younger travelers hesitated at the dark passage. Lisa sighed then went back to them and coaxed them forward with a flashlight she pulled from her pack. The two humans finally followed the Lucario and slowly into the tunnel. Here they encountered mostly Zubats that just wanted an easy meal. With Lisa's ability, they did not get lost and found the quickest route through and made it out just as dusk began to overtake the sky. Lisa stopped the group at a flat clearing where a few other travelers had already made camp. Lisa went to the older human Trainers and asked for their blessing to camp along side them.

She gained acceptance by giving her autograph to them then settled down for the night. Her Pokètch stated that weather was to be fair through the night so she tossed her mat straight onto the ground and laid down. Macy and Todd followed her example and laid with a huff down on either side of her.

When sunlight broke, the other Trainers packed their things and went on their own merry way leaving the trio sleeping in late. Macy was the first to wake and screeched as she witnessed a small Scolipede scamper across her mat. The others woke to see the tiny thing crawl under a nearby rock.

"Oh, a newly hatched Venipede. Hope you didn't get bit. Well, we might as well have a light breakfast then head out since we are awake." Lisa stretched before getting up and rolling her mat up. She called Adrian out and had him gather berries while the others pulled out their supplies.

When he returned, Lisa took the berries and placed them into a container after pulling out the older ones.

"Thanks, Dear." Adrian nuzzled his mate before taking off with a few berries and his daughter's Pokèball.

After everyone ate, they left quietly with a small bag of trash that the other Trainers had left. Lisa scoffed at their messy habits but did not outright vocalize any of her thoughts. They moved down the trail, now on the proper one, and was stopped on several occasions to battle. Todd was the first to be dropped to one usable Pokèmon and had to stay out of battles. Macy laughed at him when he lost then she lost her own battle. Todd let a snide laugh out as she recalled her team. Lisa's battles were all in her favor giving her a good chunk of winnings.

With the battles lasting until mid evening, Lisa demanded they retire for the day at the halfway point to the city that glared at them from the horizon. Todd sat down with Killer, his Scyther, and was massaging her joints while Adrian paced a little uneasily around him.

"What's wrong?" Todd asked nonchalantly

"I'm going to be a father again and this time it is a natural event instead of a divine intervention."


"Never mind. I am just worried about Lisa, Mona's birth was... painful for her. We were not sure if she would be able to have young after Mona."

"Nurse Joy can do wonders, I thought you would know that by now."

"I know, I know... but it is how Mona came into this world. Never mind, you would not know unless you were a father yourself."

At least you two are not female. Just think of the pain we go through to have your spawn.

"True, Ma'am, very true."

"What did she say?"

"Well... let's just say she thinks our whining is better placed."

The bug rubbed her scythes together as she stared at the canine angrily.

"Let's just get some rest for tomorrow's walk. Before I get myself neutered. " Adrian went to his own Trainer and rubbed her back as she groomed her Dratini beside them sat her Pokèdex with the dragon's stats on screen. Just a battle away from evolving already and the serpent had been crying over nothing this entire time.

"We are going to have a Dragonaire soon and this tiny boy will be forced to grow up along with the new form."

"Hopefully he will be able to use Fire attacks, we need someone who can other than Fire Punch."

"We don't have that knowledge."

"We don't.... Mona does, it's in her registered list." Adrian had flipped the stats to his daughter and watched the digital output for the move examples. "It may be wise to have her practice this before the next Gym."

"Tomorrow then... Tonight, we are going to abandon the camp and spend some alone time before we are surrounded by everyone again."

"As long as they know what you are planning, we don't want anyone to panic."

"Smart, but already done. Meet me down at the pond over that hill after sundown."

Collector Manson

A pain filled scream echoed through a dainty neighborhood. A Salamander female was held down by straps as her legs were severed. Her arms were already gone and sutured. Her eyes filled with puss and tears. The one who had done this to her stood beside...

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Stoking the fire 2

"Hey, Lucky, that Lucario is on the TV again." A no longer skinny human girl shouted over her shoulder to her Pokèmon. "Char?" The confirming grunt from the Charizard whom was scrubbing dishes dried his claws and moved into the living room to view the...

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Bonding Session

Once they finally reached the creek, they found it full of Water types. Todd and Macy took full advantage of this opportunity to catch a few. While the area was distracted with human activity, the wild Pokèmon ignored Lisa's approach on a Totodile that...

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