Shattered Illusions

Story by arkangel on SoFurry

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Just a simple short story, I don't want say too much don't want ruin the first time to read

The mighty predator stalks through the tangle of overgrowth. Knee deep in the tendrils of the cloth like floor, its victim lay inert defenseless and innocent its single thread like tail remained motionless and unaware. The mighty beast attacked pouncing towards its victim. The predator was victorious sinking its saber like claws into the prey tumbling forward with its captor as if they were wrestling, the savage hunter tying to subdue his prey. The victim with the thread like tail is unable to fend off the mighty beast, but is too large to be held onto for long and the predator loses its hold. The predator springs forward but misses by a hair, the prey moving down the steep incline. The prey lands with a taunting thud as it waits in apparent safety. The voracious creature glared down at its taunting prey the thread like tail flinging about. The predator takes a moment to calculate then jumps down the first of many inclines, each requiring a leap of faith and great precision or there is the risk of plummeting to an early demise.

The prey lay in apparent safety at the base of the incline, unaware the voracious creature was slowly descending, making his way down. The predator stood at the top of the final rise, looking down upon his victim. The creature could no longer wait and sprung down like a hawk diving, smashing its powerful jaws and saber like claws into the prey. The prey could not escape. The predator had it in his grip once more. The saber like claws dug into its softness, as the prey is held by the predator like a snake entwined. A mighty and triumphant roar sounded from the voracious creature as it held its prize, until a much more powerful beast came with a thunderous stomp of its feet.

The predator looked up in shock as the monster reached down and pulled the captured prey free. The victorious predator was appalled at how this giant could steal his prize. The predator let out roars of protest, the predator did not understand why the behemoth could steal from him. Suddenly the predator noticed the creature with the thread like tail had escaped from the giant's grasp and flew through the air falling to the ground bouncing, trying to run away. The mighty beast seized the opportunity charging forward, but soon noticed where his prey had fled to. It rolled into the open land with no tendril like overgrowth instead the ground was slick and shiny. The courageous beast must be careful now for one wrong move and he will tumble over himself. The predator crouched to the ground to ensure his victim would not flee again and slowly stalked the prey his feet falling silently and slowly as he approached.

His prey continued taunting him by not moving or acknowledging his presence, but the beast would make it pay for its insolence. The stealthy shadow like hunter was close enough to his prey and pushed off now with his hind legs. That was a mistake the elegant beast forgot about the slippery ground, all he focused on was the defenseless creature and now his hind legs had slipped, giving him no momentum. His legs burst out from underneath himself. With a squeak the hunter landed flat on his stomach embarrassed by his foolish mistake. Behind him was the laughter of the giant who guarded the way out, he scampered to his feet determined to get the small creature before the giant could steal it once more. The hunter was too eager and his feet slid madly across the ground as he desperately tried to lunge his body at the prey but instead his legs flew everywhere, like a clown dancing. At last he caught a break, a moment of grip and he was off. The determined beast struck like a blacksmiths hammer strikes the hot iron of their forge he was determined not to let go of his prey as he slid across the ground and into the white pillar that looked much like an obelisk and contained a mighty light inside, but his luck ran out.

The giant came over and smiled an eerie smile, and once again it reached down and grasped the hunter's prey. The predator roared out his disproval and refused to let go as the defenseless creature was lifted up with the hunter still clinging. He looked to the giant as its mouth widened its teeth were reveled and more noises came like a deep chuckling from the chest. The hunter released the prey fearful of what this action meant. As the beast crashed he let out a small roar of pain when his feet hit the ground. Suddenly a titan of giants appeared before him with its long black locks of hair upon its head and down its back. The great giant made harsh growling noises to the smaller giants who then dropped the smallest creature and left. With a brief stroke from the titan along the head and back of the mighty hunter, the prey was returned to him. Once more he tumbled and wrestled. Till finally he grew tired and he found a warm beam of light to sleep in with his prey close by.

For hours he slept unaware the giants came and left, the one with long hair even addressed him. Letting out a drawn out sigh the titan said "Oh Scrap, your one goofy little kitten, mummy needs her ball of yarn back." She gently tugged away the yarn and Scrap but a kitten in the real world remained asleep dreaming of adventures that only mighty beast can have, the mighty beast that he is in his heart.

Tales of Nine 3

Time alone, I wish Me and Shimmer returned to the rock I normally slept on "tomorrow your making us a real den" she said already bossing me around. "Cant we use an empty one" I asked being to be lazy. "Not if you ever want to live in a nice place"...

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Tales of Nine 2

My life sucks I ran through the forest going as fast as I could try to keep track of Shimmers scent. Then suddenly I stopped dead in my tracks. Her scent, it was no where, I back tracked but couldn't find it. I panicked and returned to Areia's den,...

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Tales of Nine

Author Note: this is a old completed story and will be posted as is Tales of Nine Waking up I wake trying to think of what has happened in the last few days. I remember images of my Ninetails bringing me water and always looking worried....

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