Corsi INC 16

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#16 of Corsi INC

Chapter 16

"And CUT! That's a wrap guys!" Came the bellow of the black and white feline dressed in camouflage pants and an open jacket of the same material. He walked over to David and Tracy De Allura with a smile. "Alright you two, that ought to be it. I'm surprised we finished things up so quickly." He lowered his muzzle down to them looking at the two mice with his yellow slit eyes.

"Well Fisk, we wanted to get back home to Corsi. We only just recently got her back and this job called us away." Tracy replied to him. "We're hoping that one of these days we'll get her to come on and act a part with us."

"That's not very likely love. She doesn't like to have her face seen all too much." David returned.

"What does she look like anyway? I never saw a picture of her." Fisk questioned standing back to his feet.

David jumped down to the floor; "I have a picture of her in my briefcase. Just a sec." He walked off the set and over to his tiny chair off to the side. He pulled out a folded picture from the case next to the chair and unfolded it as Fisk came over following him.

He took the picture from him as it was handed to him and his eyes widened. He looked over the picture to the mice and then back to the mouse in the picture. "Well, maybe Corsi wouldn't mind being in film since she has been in pictures before."

"What do you mean?" Tracy and David asked simultaneously.

"I have seen her before. I freelanced for a little while in a few adult films and as a photographer for Playfur. This mouse used to pose in the background with some of the stars. She was so small you could barely see or recognize her. I had no idea then that she was your daughter."

Tracy and David's jaws dropped to the floor. "That's the magazine her friend Greyson produces." David squeaked.

"Sounds like you need to have a talk with your daughter about this one."

"Fisk, that's the understatement of the year. I'm not mad at her for posing nude but I would like to see her come on camera with us at the very least."

"Well either way its getting late and you two are on vacation. So get out of here already." Fisk shot out with a half grin.

David and Tracy hopped down off the set and headed to their dressing rooms to pack up and leave. Talking along the way about their daughter and finding the magazine she appeared in.

Fisk turned to the cameraman with a sly grin. "You know how hard it was not to eat those two after all these months?"

The serpent looked back at him with an even wider smile. "Trust me alley-cat. I know more than anyone."


Tracy and David were riding in the back of their limousine and drinking from a freshly popped bottle of champagne. They looked out through the front window before them and the city they called home.

"It will be good to get back. We kind of ditched everyone before this." David said to her and he kissed her softly on the cheek.

Tracy leaned into him with a soft and content sigh. She trailed her finger along the curves of her husband's chest and rested her head in his lap. They were sitting on the top of the back seat comfortably and dressed in casual clothing. Her in loose fitting jeans and a tee-shirt with a little red heart in the middle and him in black dress pants that he always liked to wear and also loose fitting and a plain white tee under a button down blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up ... easy access.

"Hey if you two are going to get frisky back there again, I want to watch this time." Came a purr from the driver.

"Spoodge, you listen anyway, why do you want to watch?" David snapped back with a smirk.

Tracy pounced onto his lap and proceeded to help the tiny mouse off with his shirts. She took her own off as well and nuzzled down closer to David's neck. She chittered playfully and laid him down onto his back crawling on top of the like sized mouse.

Now it was too late for David to do anything about shutting the window this time. He wrapped his arms around his wife snuggling her close to his tiny frame.

The sound of screeching tires broke the romantic moment and both of the mice jumped just in time to see another limousine run right through a stop sign and into the intersection in front of them.

Spoodge slammed her foot on the brakes but it was already far too late and before either of the mice in the back could think they were sent flying off the top of the seat cushion amidst the sounds of ripping and tearing metal. The last thing they saw before slamming into the seat cushion on the other side of the limousines back compartment was Spoodge out cold on the steering wheel and the PlayFur logo on the side of the other limousine.


The hospitals waiting room ... An all too familiar place for Corsi and Yoiko. But there they sat in the same chairs they were in before. They had been informed of the accident almost immediately after it happened. Tyrant had called. The breaks had failed on Greyson's limo. Greyson and Entai were in the back seat and in direct line of the crash. Spoodge was sitting next to Yoiko and David and Tracy were sitting in the one chair with Corsi.

The hospital had never seen such a crowd outside the main room. The place was literally filled with furs of all shapes and sizes. Every single one of them had their collars on and everything. Lone walked in with Calli and sat down across from Corsi with his normal expressionless face but in his eyes you could tell he worried.

"This can't be happening. It just can't be" Corsi cried. As she sat there on the arm of the chair. Her father was massaging her shoulder blades to try and calm her down a little but to no avail.

Yoiko said nothing and just stared down at the floor waiting. Lone and Calli watched the doctor come out of the emergency unit and walked over to the waiting room. A pair of vixen twins stopped him before he could enter the room. They talked for a moment and both lowered their heads. Corsi knew then and there what the doctor was going to say. He walked in and sat down next to Lone.

"Misses Hibiki and Misses Hibiki. Would you come with me please? Greyson wants to speak with you." The wolf doctor said with as little expression as he could.

Yoiko leaned over to pick up Corsi in hand. Everyone else went to stand as well.

"Master Greyson requested just them." The doctor said as he tugged a little at a tight gold necklace that readily resembled the collar that a pet of Greyson's wears.

Yoiko and Corsi silently walked with the doctor. Hundreds of furs cleared a path for them with the entire waiting room flooded with standing room only. Pets, centerfolds, and fans stretching wall to wall. And each not looking too happy that the couple was the only ones to be allowed past.

The doctor opened the set of double doors and led them in to just outside the room where Greyson lay. He whispered to the pair, "I am going to be direct as there really isn't any other way to tell you this."

Just from the opening the two expected the worst. Their insides felt twisted as Yoiko. "How are they doctor?"

"Entai was gone before she was pulled out of the car. All you want to know is that she will have a closed casket funeral." The doctor was almost crying himself as he spoke. "Sorry ladies, she was the one that trained me and it's a little difficult to say it."

Corsi looked up to him with a little hope amidst the loss. "So Greyson will still make it?"

The doctor shook his head no. "He is still alive but he won't make it through the night I'm afraid. We can't stop his internal bleeding at all." He paused a moment as the entire ER went silent. "Let me take you in to see him. He wants to speak to you."

The doctor opened the door. A tigress nurse stepped aside as they walked in. The doctor pulled a curtain aside and there on a hospital bed lay Greyson. He could barely move with his great loss of blood and had to strain to beckon the two over to him with the arm that was not broken in a sling.

Greyson whispered to the two as they stepped aside them. Yoiko was already in tears and Greyson whispered, "I'm going to die my loves." He took in a deep breath again as much as he could to speak. It looked as if his words were a strain on him to get out. Each one draining him and bringing him that much closer to the inevitable. "Entai didn't make it either." He had to keep his words short as again he took another breath. This time coughing hard before speaking again. "I will be with her again very soon though."

Corsi jumped down from Yoiko's hand and next to Greyson's muzzle She leaned in and held him tightly with her tiny arms. "No. You will be fine. Master you have to be fine."

Yoiko could tell that Corsi's words, though how she wanted them to be true, just would never be. She knelt down beside the bed and took Greyson's hand in her own stroking the soft fur lovingly.

"Corsi..." Greyson whispered.

"Yes Master?"

"I want you to do a favor for me."

"Anything. Just name anything you want and I'll do it."

Greyson's body started to fall limp. His eyes started to glaze over as the angel of death began its decent upon him. "There was a lot of furs that depended on me."

Corsi looked up to him crying hard. She grabbed onto his whiskers holding him tightly. "Please ... don't leave me."

"Corsi, you are under orders to take care of those furs and see to it that the magazine is taken care of." Greyson forced a smile over his muzzle and started to kiss his beloved mouse. He fell back gasping for breath knowing the end was near. "Yoiko ... You are under order ... to take care of ... her."

The sound of Greyson's final release of breath was the only thing breaking the silence of that room at that moment. And as Greyson's soul left unto the next realm, the last words he heard were his two favored and beloved pets whispering their solemn vow. "Yes Master Greyson."


Corsi never realized just how many furs were in with Greyson. Not until she had seen just about half the town wearing black armbands and proudly displaying their collars. Even police officers that normally wore a necklace were fully decked out. Corsi wasn't sure what to make of things at all. Her life had changed in a day. Everything she knew for those years just sent shattering with Greyson's last draw of breath. She had a lot more responsibility now and she wasn't sure how she was going to handle it. The will had been read several days before and each of Greyson's pets in attendance at the mansion.

In the event that Entai was unable to inherit the mansion. Everything went to Corsi and Yoiko. All the assets, the magazine, everything.

Corsi sat in her little dollhouse looking out over the streets. Half the town was already addressing her as Mistress Corsi and her wife as Mistress Yoiko. And she wasn't sure how she was going to handle this sudden change.

Yoiko woke up and walked out of her room and over to the kitchen. Corsi normally by now would have had things started in the morning and without her in the kitchen, she crept over to Corsi's pad. She knelt down spying her in the far window. "Sweetheart?" she whispered to her.

Corsi watched a vixen walking along the sidewalk across the street. She wore a silver collar ... Another of Greyson's and now her pets.

"Corsi hon?" Yoiko whispered again.

Corsi jumped up and turned to her. She stood back up and walked to the window where Yoiko was. "Sorry love ... I was kinda staring off."

"Sweetheart you can't keep punishing yourself. You couldn't have done anything to stop what happened. And right now we both have bigger things to worry about." Yoiko said as she offered her palm to her to jump onto.

Corsi immediately took the offer and went with her beloved. "I know. It's been two months since Greyson died and we have a magazine to run." She sighed quietly; "I don't even know how to run the thing."

Yoiko smiles and glanced down to her. "Corsi, what were Greyson's last orders to us?"

"He ordered me to take care of the magazine I know. I'll have to figure out how to do it."

"And..." Yoiko added. "He ordered me to take care of you. I have done just that my beloved. I have seen to it that instead of you bending for the magazine which I know you will be uncomfortable, The magazine will be bending for you."

Corsi hopped down from Yoiko's hand as they approached the kitchen. Corsi heading to the grinder and Yoiko to the fridge. "What do you mean the magazine will be bending for me?"

Yoiko just smiled and reached up to the cabinet. She pulled out a large envelope with a little giggle. "I have seen to it that the magazine would be structured for your needs and for how I know you would like things run." She walked over to Corsi as she opened the envelope. "I have also seen to it that the name of it be changed and you are introduced as the one fur that has appeared the most in the magazine out of any fur in the entire run."

Yoiko pulled out a coversheet and set it down next to her. Corsi found herself staring down at the sheet in utter shock. There in front of her was a cut version of every picture she had ever made a cameo in. Hundreds of captions and there is big bold letters read the words 'Corsi Enterprises' and under it read 'previously known as PlayFur'

Corsi couldn't believe her eyes. Her grin brightened as ideas already started forming in her head. She looked up to Yoiko. Oh ... and I know exactly how to open up the first issue. But there's one thing we have to change.

Yoiko started pouring the cups of coffee as she looked over to Corsi. "And what might that be beloved?"

"Corsi Incorporated." She said with a small chuckle.


"Are ... are you sure you want us to ... um ... do this? I mean can't we like keep SOME clothes on?"

"Relax dad it's just me. It's not like I haven't seen everything you have anyway. I'm your daughter for goodness sake and these are just pictures. It's not like I will be yiffing you. That's mom's job." Corsi said to her father with a laugh and a twitch of her whiskers. She was sitting on the set specially tailored for her to be able to direct the action. Just as Yoiko had predicted, Corsi wanted to be right there for every photo shoot that she could.

But her mother was in no way amused. "Corsi ... I mean..."

"Mom ... You are an actress right?"

"Yes but what does that have to do with this?" She spat back. "Making love to my husband is one thing but being directed in how to do it is just ... well ... And with you being the one directing things..."

"Yeah mom its weird its gross is the most disgusting thing in the world." Corsi over-dramatized, throwing her arms up in the air. She jumped down from her chair to the floor and walked over onto the beachfront set. "Look Mom ... Dad ... You said you would do anything to see me get successful. You said you would do anything to help me. Yoiko had pictures done, Lone had pictures done, I had pictures done, and I'll be damned if you two are going to back out now."

"Corsi ... How dare you speak to your mother like that!" David snapped out.

"Dad ... You know the proper way to say it." She said with a smile.

"Oh no ... no way in hell ... Its just not going to happen." Her father said holding up his hands in defense.

"You don't have to Dad. I am not going to make you do that." She folded her arms in front of her and lowered her head slightly. She looked up with the top of her eyes. "So are you going to do it? Everyone's here. Everyone's ready. I made sure to find a crew that was familiar with your movies and fans of them. You will be performing live for the best fans of yours that we can find..."

"Alright Corsi we'll do it." Her mother said with a soft smile.

David shook his head as he started to unbutton his shirt part way. "Corsi you know something?"

"I know a lot of things Dad. What in particular are you referring to?"

"You really have become a little bitch mouse since you got this position."

"Comes with the territory" Corsi said with a smile. "Okay guys ... LIGHTS ON AND LETS GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD!"

"Well ... What do you want us to do?" Tracy questioned her with a half smile.

"Picture yourself on your honeymoon. I want you to try and act as natural as you can. Mom I want you to seduce dad and undress each other. Its not going to be easy getting in the mood with all the camera's flashing but do the best you can."

David took Tracy by the hand and turned her head to look into his eyes. He was about to speak when...


David ignored the cameraman's catching the moment as he whispered softly to his wife, "Sweetheart ... remember a year ago? When Corsi came back? What you told me when we were on the way home from the first meeting we had."

Tracy blushed a deep shade of crimson. She nodded looking down to her husband's chest. "Yes I do." She whispered back.

"Fine then. Lets give Corsi what she wants and show her a thing or two about acting."

Corsi was already up on the director's chair and watching her parents talking. Once she saw her mother smile she gave the signal and...


"Oh this is going to be better than I had hoped." Corsi whispered to herself and settled back down on her chair. "Alright then ... Lone ... Calli ... You may fire off those cameras at will. I think we are about to get one heck of a show."

Yoiko was next to Corsi in her own chair. Corsi had made her co-owner of the company. Mainly because of her work with the business already but also because of their marriage. She watched the stage closely and to the actors that had proceeded to undress each other.

Lone had a digital camera and Calli had a 6, 35-millimeter cameras around her neck as she flashed away at the display in front of them. Lone had a case on his side of disks and a bin to toss them in when he needed a quick change. Lone snapped his fingers, pointed to a skunk that was in charge of a few of the lighting fixtures and called for the lighting to be brighter as Calli adjusted the zoom lens.

Terry and David were already used to performing under the lights so this was no different to them. They had even both been nude on screen briefly. But the intimacy they were sharing here in front of complete strangers was quite a bit more then the normal.

Tracy had unbuttoned his shirt and stroked her fingers through the long fur of his chest. She made certain to whisper low enough so that in the silence they were given, only he would hear, "David, I have fantasized about this you know. Sometimes when we are alone. Sometimes when we are on camera ... I have wanted to strip you down like this and make love to you in front of millions." She leaned in kissing him delicately on the lips. The camera's flashing again to immortalize the moment.

David smiled in pleasant surprise. He held his wife tight and returned that deep and passion filled kiss with love and admiration. Just in that kiss it was shown that he too had shared the same fantasy as she. Now this was already beyond acting. This wasn't for show at all but for them and their desires. Like in perfect synchronization the pair laid down to the towel covering a portion of the sand that had been poured out over the floor.

Tracy looked up to David from her back. She reached down to his pants that were still on and pulled him up to sit on her bare belly. She knew exactly how to drive her husband crazy. She carefully unsnapped his trousers as she watched the expression of pleasure already filling that cute muzzle she fell in love with.

David shivered as his cock was pulled free from his trousers and nestled right between his wife's voluptuous breasts. He closed his eyes, leaning back with a deep sigh of pleasure as Tracy took the head of that full inch shaft in her warm inviting mouth.

Corsi's eyes went wide in shock. She had no idea her father was so well endowed. And even though she knew it was taboo to think of intimacy with her father, she couldn't help but get aroused just watching.

The pair of cameras went ballistic. Calli's camera flashing one right after the other to insure she had the perfect angle and Lone's high speed digital camera only a few clicks behind.

Tracy suckled tenderly on the tip of her husband's length as she massaged his cock with her soft breasts. Her eyes looking over to the wolfess Calli with an unspoken look of deep desire. She had never been with a full-size fur but she had always thought of it before. Perhaps some day she would try.

David noticed the look and turned over to Calli as well with a wink. He glanced back at his wife as he felt her tongue lap generously along the underside of that throbbing shaft nestled between her full breasts. The camera's flashing and the look of contentment on his wife drove him wild with desire.

Corsi broke the intimate moment, calling out, "Alright crew, change positions."

David and Tracy were only too happy to switch up. And just in time as well. Any longer and David would have blasted his wife far too quickly.

David turned to his back and Tracy, knowing exactly what she wanted, straddled David's muzzle. The couple learned, after years of being together, exactly what drove the other to the peak of their pleasure. David took full advantage. His powerful tongue stroked greedily along his beloved's sweet slit and tasting her tangy juices.

Tracy howled out in ecstasy as her husband's tongue danced across her sweet folds. After just a few minutes, she was dropped to her hands and knees to hold her self up. Her body shivered with each flicker felt on her clit. She looked up to Lone with her expression of heated need and desire.

Lone flashed quickly a close-up of the mousette and raced around for a shot or ten of David's attentions. This was going to make for one hell of a set and most assuredly would get the magazine to really take off.

Calli was almost out of film ... as usual. And again as usual, she was heading over to Lone. After her cameras were exhausted, her job was to give the furs on camera, something to stimulate them. And Calli was in that sense of her job, a professional. She stayed behind her lover and wrapped her arms around his waist. She watched the mouse couple in front of her as her hands slid carefully into his jeans.

On the set, David patted his wife's rump, stroking his fingertips through her soft fur. His other hand scratching and stroking from the base of her tail and up her spine. His tongue licked deeply within her and caressed the delicate folds of her sweet depths. He could tell that she was close ... very close. And before anything else, he wanted to finish her off.

Tracy screamed out in ecstasy with her orgasm was about to slam into her. The intensity of it all swept over her. The lights, the camera's flashing, the heavy breathing of the lighting crew watching her ... and then she felt his fingertips slide into her.

David carefully stroked his fingertips along her sensitive g-spot inside as he flickered the tip of his tongue along her ultra sensitive clit. His muzzle was almost immediately treated to the delicious tastes of her juices with his muzzle getting well soaked in her screaming, orgasmic flow of euphoric bliss.

Lone's camera went crazy. As he clicked the high-speed digital cam, he dropped one disk with one hand, replacing it a second later with another to keep the camera going. His body responding to his mates touch with every tender tease of that golden wolfess's paws.

Calli loved this part of shooting, when she was able to try and distract the wolfox Lone. She carefully removed Lone's jeans, letting them drop to the floor. His fire hose cock pumping and twitching as the shaft was pumped up to its full thirteen-inch length.

Corsi and Yoiko couldn't keep their eyes off the set ... Or for that matter, exactly where her mother's eyes were set. Yoiko bent down to her wife to whisper, "Shall we give your parents our gift now?"

Corsi thought for a moment and a smile started to glow over her tiny muzzle. The little glow showing her mischievous mind hard at work. She hopped up to the arm of the chair and cried, "CUT!!!"

Every eye went over to Corsi. Her grin widened even more. Her eyes slowly slid over to Yoiko and she whispered to her, "Up on stage with you love. And remember what we talked about the other night when I..." she trailed off.

Yoiko nodded slightly nervously and turned to the stage. "Mrs. De Allura ... What are your sexual preferences?"

Tracy was shocked. " Bisexual ... but I have never been with another fur of my own height other than David so..."

"Never said I was your own height." Yoiko interrupted and Corsi sat back down. Yoiko walked over to the set letting her clothing drop to the floor.

David and Tracy, burning hot with lust for each other and for their daughter, were ready to go along with this. What could it hurt right?

Lone readied his camera again and Calli picked all hers back up and dropped all the finished rolls in a bag as one of the stagehands re-loaded her with new film so she would be ready for this new experience.

Yoiko had already settled herself down. "You know after watching Corsi and Tirant together some time ago, I have been fantasizing about this. I had just never thought it would be with yourselves." She laid herself down to the floor and towel keeping her mindful of the sand. And as she relaxed herself, the cameras flashed on the trio like wildfire.

David and Tracy had heard how their daughter shared intimacy with Yoiko. Now with the chance presented to them, the chance to explore such a bizarre form of lovemaking, they felt like little kids again just getting to play with a new toy. But this time the toy would be playing back with them.

Corsi could barely contain herself. Seeing her wife on the set drove her wild but it was to be with her parents. She did her best to ignore that fact and let herself sink deeply into the intimacy of the lovemaking before her.

Calli and Lone burned through film. Calli's 35's being passed back for reloading and a stagehand returning with a second box of disks for Lone.

Yoiko, sitting down on the towel, was getting the treat of her life. Two tiny tongues exploring her sweet slit, four hands massaging and caressing her delicate folds, and twin tails curling with one another as they slipped carefully within Yoiko's hot sex.

David couldn't help but feel a little odd ... her daughter's wife. But as it seemed, Tracy did not seem to mind in the least. She was already starting to slip herself into the rabbit.

Yoiko was still very tight. Tracy made it up to her waist, carefully edging herself within. She had never done this before and curiosity drove her on. Her tail squirmed between the slickened walls of her sex, giving her bunny lover a familiar pleasure in a sweet and new way.

Corsi shivered in backed up frustration. She wanted to masturbate to the intensity of the arousal surrounding her like half the stage crew was already, but in front of her parents? She looked around right and left, looking for someone to play with for an intimate release.

Livia, a Hermaphrodite skunk, at the main lighting controls had hir eye on the mouse. Sie was getting ready to shift the main lights around to accommodate for David as well as Tracy now easing their way into Yoiko. While hir eyes were off Corsi for a moment, she didn't realize until it was all too late that she had scurried over. And the feeling of the tiny mouse crawling her way up hir sweat pants hit hir by shocked surprise.

Lone and Calli's cameras were going crazy with David and Tracy up to their chests inside Yoiko. Calli, with her zoom lens, caught the look of surprise on the wife's muzzle and knew exactly what was happening.

David held his beloved warm and tightly. His full inch of micro mouse cock throbbed hot inside her. He didn't have much room to pump himself into her to please and pleasure her as he wanted but that obstacle was quick in being overcome.

Yoiko was in awe of the moment. The blinding flashes of the cameras did nothing to stop her from enjoying this incredibly new experience. In fact it only heightened it. Just when she had thought she had felt it all, the intensity of the husband and wife making love to each other inside her, her burning depths quivered in excitement, helping David push every bit of himself inside his beloved to stuff her full and deep.

Everyone in the room froze. Each one watching the scene before them with an incredible intensity. Then all at once, the lights went dark. The sounds of a deep moaning pleasure echoing from the back of the studio. The running lights being the only thing left and letting a soft glow encompass the room.

Calli and Lone set their flashes higher to compensate. No one even bothered to budge to find out why the lights went out. They just watched the dimly lit stage with unblinking intensity.

Livia on the other hand knew full well why. Corsi was inside hir sweats, straddled at the base of hir cock while her long tail was down and flickering at the skunkettes sensitive clit. Sie had bent over the lighting panel holding onto the controls with a vice-like grip. Unlike Yoiko, sie had never been with a microfur. And neither had sie had both of hir sexes pleasured at once. Sie was only eighteen after all.

Corsi knew the lights were out by the pitch-blackness of no light at all being able to penetrate into the fabric of hir sweatpants. She had her mind set on getting this skunkette off in a big way. Her tiny hand working in trained surgical precision to excite and tease the sweet girl to an intense sexual ecstasy. Her body wrapped tightly around hir cock and stroking her soft, plush fur over that very sensitive flesh. All the while letting her tail tip stroke lovingly along the delicate petals of her pussy.

Back on the set, things were really heating up. With Yoiko's help, David, tightly pressed against his beloved, slid his hard and throbbing cock into her with driving love and passionate lust. His arms wrapped tightly around her, he kissed her, licking his tongue carefully over her lush lips. His free paw stroking over the much larger rabbit's sensitive clit to intensify her stimulation.

Tracy never saw it coming. Out of nowhere, her body reflexively tensed up with an onrushing orgasm. She barely managed to catch herself and hold off a little longer before her tiny form quaked inside Yoiko like a living vibrator. Her hot sex gripping tightly around David and her arms clinging just as tightly around him as she whimpered in the pure pleasure of it all.

Yoiko cried out in intensity. Camera's flashing like crazy were the only thing that reminded her that she had to stay visible to them. The quivering pair inside her, though not as skilled as her beloved and with tails flickering like crazy, sent her sailing into her orgasm as well. Her sweet juices, soaking the pair and the blanket in a flood of her feminine ejaculation.

Tracy and David were ejected from Yoiko in a puddle of her sweet juices. Still coupled in a tight embrace and on fire with need and lust and dripping in orgasmic juices, David mounted his wife. He knew just the two orgasms he shared with his wife were not enough and with her legs wrapped around him, he slammed his shaft into her with a backdrop of passed out bunny.

Lone and Calli, like the rest of the audience, were stripped down nude. They were the only ones out of the entire room not relieving their own sexual frustrations. They had taken thousands of pictures and still they kept flashing to light the otherwise dark room.

The sounds of pleasure and the scent of sex filled the place from wall to wall. One cry of pleasure came from the back of the studio just as the lights came back on again. The shivering moan, echoing over the place had all eyes not on the set, watching the skunkette, back arched and leaning over the controls as she pumped herself against a lover that no one else could see.

A second orgasm shot through Livia. And Corsi, already covered in hir male cream, received a second treat, the tangy sweetness of hir feminine juices oozing out from hir depths. Again, Livia howled out across the room until she too shared in the same fate as her lover's wife and collapsed down to the floor in a soft content lump of purring skunkette.

Corsi's parents were really in their absolute glory. Their daughters actions, not being noticed at all. David relentlessly pumping his shaft into his wife as her legs gripped him tightly around his waist. The sounds of furs heavy panting over the drone of the cameras and their strobe-like flashing sending them into a wonderful bliss they never imagined.

Tracy, filled deeply, shuddered again. Her third orgasm blowing over her slowly this time until every fiber of her being tingled in perfect pleasure. This feeling heightened by the intensity of David's cum coating the ravaged depths of her sex.

David groaned out in ecstasy as his shaft exploded like a fountain. He pulled back and out, with ropes of his cream shooting over his wife's body and giving her a thick shower of cum with Calli and Lone catching everything on their rapid-fire cameras.

David fell near limp on top of Tracy in complete exhaustion. His cum, soaking into both of their fur and mixing with Yoiko's juices still soaking them to the core. A few final flashes of the cameras to catching the moment of cuddling warmth afterward.

Corsi was already back in her director's chair having caught the last few moments. Her fur still matted and soaked from Livia's exertion.

Tracy, panting hard, turned up to daughter and gasped out, "Kid ... now I know why ... you married ... Yoiko..."

"...GODDESS that was fun!" David panted, finishing his wife's comment.

"Mom and Dad you were great." Corsi said with a grin, sly but professional. "We have an hour for lunch and I'll meet you back here for the second take."

Corsi's parents looked up to her dumbfounded. Not a word came from them but their shocked expressions said it all.

"Jeez I wasn't serious guys. Lighten up." And amidst a sigh of relief and the groaning of Yoiko coming around she cried. "THAT'S A WRAP EVERYONE!"

All characters portrayed in this story are copyright

their respective owners and are used with permission

Corsi Incorporated is Copyright Joey Porter 2001

Corsi INC 17

Chapter 17 Corsi Incorporated hit the streets two months later. It did not take off immediately as the mouse had hoped but after a week of nearly nothing, word got out about exactly who was in the magazine and everyone was sold out of them...

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Corsi INC 15

Chapter 15 Things had finally started to slow down around town. Corsi and Yoiko's names were plastered all over the front pages of the paper right after the wedding as expected. For a while they were barely able to go out on the town without...

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Corsi INC 14

Partners in Life Alps was on his way back to the docks. Yoiko was driving on the highway with Corsi on her shoulder. Yoiko had asked Greyson if she could drive him to the ship but more for Corsi's benefit. She quite enjoyed the wolf and a few...

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