Misplaced Legends: RotDK Chapter 2, the Cursed Woods.

Story by Zolgar on SoFurry

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#2 of Misplaced Legends, Reign of the Dragon King.

Warning: This story contains scenes of bestiality, and is not for everyone, please consult your fetishes to find out if it's right for you. In the event that you experience an erection lasting more than four hours, consult your doctor immediately. Okay, I'm done. On with the story! * * *

Chapter two: The Cursed Woods The crowd in the market place gave strong indication that the arena was cleared out. The meant it was time for him to clear out of town. He didn't like cities anyways, preferring to be surrounded by trees, or better yet vast open fields where he could run. But, crowds made it so much worse. Throngs of people shoving together, oblivious to the world around them, only worried about getting the best deal on whatever it was they wanted, and getting it before someone else did. Because gods know, that merchant is going to sell out in the next ten seconds. Trying to maneuver through that, is hell for a centaur. So he checked his list and made his way towards the forest. Most of what he needed, he could get from nature. But some things were harder to come by or just made life a little nicer. He was brought back from his thoughts by a distinctive tingling between his hind legs, that quickly developed in to an erection. He knew it wasn't his thoughts that brought it on, which left one thing. *How many times have I told you to warn me before you start fucking something?* He scolded his companion via the same connection that was putting him in a slightly embarrassing spot. *You know exactly how the connection works. Besides, weren't you supposed to be hunting?* *Sorry?* Came his companions response. *Not fucking though. Just tasting. Was hunting. Found something, you should see.* *Show me.* He came to a stop, ignoring the people around him. A moments focus established a full sensory link, allowing him to see through the eyes of his companion. First the scent of blood caught his nose. Blood, and a vagina. He knew what his companion meant by 'a taste' now. His companion turned, allowing him to see the scene. It was a small clearing, fairly close to the road if he was thinking the right one. In the middle of the clearing there were two bodies. The first an orc in a city guard uniform lying in a pool of blood, and a stab wound in his chest. The other a panther, stark naked and pretty beaten up. *Orc dead.* His companion said. *Panther sleeps. Badly injured. Smells of sex. Multiple men. Raped?* *I'll be there shortly.* He replied, shutting off the sense link and galloping through the city, which at least that made people get out of his way. *Leave her alone until I get there.* The run was a little over a mile, taking him less than two minutes to reach the clearing. He went right to the injured feline, kneeling next to her and examining her. Slowly and carefully checking her over for serious injuries that would need to be treated before she could be moved. *Panther OK?* his companion asked, sitting next to him. "She should be fine." he replied, reaching over to scratch the wolf between the ears. "Her wounds are mostly superficial. Though she does have a couple of broken ribs, but physical wounds I can treat. It's her mental state I worry about, I'm not sure what she went through, but she was obviously raped, and the amount of blood on her, most of it isn't hers." *Helping?* "Yes. Of course." He replied, carefully lifting the panther off the ground. "Not here though. Too close to the city. Near the river, so I can clean her. You get back to hunting, you'll know where to find me." *Will hunt. Yes.* "Try to avoid finding anymore naked women though." He said with a chuckle as he trotted in to the woods, moving effortlessly through the trees and leaving the road behind. He looked down at the panther wondering, something he had over heard in town today came back to him. The 'trial' had been against a woman today, a rather notorious thief. No one had mentioned the species though. "Nah. Couldn't be, was a six judge match. No way she could have won." The destination was less than a mile from the road, a beautiful clearing next to the river, where the water was crystal clear, mostly because this was up stream of the city. He knew he wouldn't be bothered here, because no one from the city would ever come this far in to the woods by choice. Kneeling, he laid the panther on the soft grass laying his hands over her chest. He closed his eyes, focusing, calling out to the Earth. A soft green light radiated from the space between his hands and the panther, broken bones began setting themselves, her wounds closed, scabbed, scarred over and then the scars faded all in the span of a few seconds. Immediately there after he muttered a few quick arcane syllables, causing the dirt, blood, semen, and anything else that might be matted in to her fur to break off from her fur and fall to the ground. All that was left now was to wait for her to wake up. * * * The night was like any other night, a quiet night spent patrolling the innermost wall. The capital city had three walls. The main one that surrounded the city, it served not only to protect the city, but held most of the kings army, too. The second was the largest, and separated the royal grounds from the common city. The third and final was the wall around the castle itself, a final defensive line. Indeed the night was like any other one. Except tonight, the princess wasn't around to keep him company. No one approved of his interest in her, nor would they accept that she had an interest in him. Not only was he lower class, a simple member of the royal guard, but he was also a cheetah, one of the few demihumans in the royal guard. The princess was, of course, human. Footsteps alerted him of someone coming. Human, he paused, it was the kings advisor. The Archmage, no one knew his name, except presumably the king, but not even the princess knew. "Good evening, Archmage." He said, turning. "Isn't it rather late for you?" "It is, indeed, Gavin." The Archmage responded. "However I have had the most terrible premonition pertaining to the royal family. Their lives are in grave danger if they pass by the Cursed Woods on their return from Grey River. You are the fastest in the city, you're the only one who has a chance of making it in time." "It's four days away." Gavin responded. "For a horse drawn wagon. You can walk it in two days, at top speed it should take you less than ten hours." "I cannot run at top speed for ten hours straight, sir." Gavin said. "Take these," The Archmage replied, handing Gavin three small bottles. "Three is all I had on hand, but they will fully restore your stamina each time. You are the only one we have who has a chance of making it. I do warn you, when the effects of the last potion wear off, it might spell your end, as all magic has a cost." "As a member of the guard, my life is forfeit to that of the royal family." Gavin replied, taking the potions and turned to leave. "I will go." "Godspeed, Gavin." Gavin stripped his uniform off as he moved. Chain mail would only serve to slow him down. By the time he reached the ground level, and the gate, he was wearing nothing but a loincloth, his twin blades crossing his back, and the three potions hanging from the straps that held the swords. "Open the gate." He ordered the guard watching the gate. ".. Eh, no one said anything about anyone leaving tonight." The gate man said. "'sides, where's your uniform?" "The kings life is at stake." Gavin growled, walking up to the guard, stretching to his full height, well over a foot above the guard. "If you do not let me through, I will be forced to tear your throat out, and then sort through your keys to let myself out. Your life is nothing compared to that of the kings, and time is of the essence here." "Okay okay!" The human squeaked, opening the gate. Gavin was through before the gate was even half way open. Luck was on his side for the second gate, he was able to slip through as it was open for a shipment for the cooks. The third gate, he went for the main entrance to the city. The portcullis was just large enough he could slip through the bars. The advantage of being the fastest runner in the city, was that he moved faster than news of him did, so no one expected him, or tried to hinder him. * * * The aroma of something cooking brought Qiari out of her slumber, venison it seemed. Then it struck her that nothing hurt, she wondered for a moment if she might actually be dead, though she thought better of it once she opened her eyes, it was too dark for heaven, and too pleasant for hell. So she surveyed her surroundings. She was laying in a bed of soft grass, not two feet from a running river in a rather small clearing. Immediately to her left, opposite the river a large gray wolf lay sleeping. Closer to the center of the clearing there was a sizable fire, with several large hunks of meat cooking. The source of the smell, she presumed. But it was the one tending the fire, that caught her attention. A centaur knelt within arms reach of the fire, and appeared to presently be carving arrow heads from bone, occasionally reaching over and rotating the meat. He wasn't unattractive, as far as centaurs go, she had never liked the whole furless-flesh-thing that they had going on on their torso, but he made it work. Maybe it was due to his long hair that flowed down far enough to blend in to his coat, or perhaps the neatly trimmed beard. Or maybe just the simple fact that he was clean. She still wasn't exactly sure she wanted to stick around though. She had heard stories about centaurs. Centaurs tended to believe that everything was a trade, and would oft want payment for unrequested aid. And the fact that this centaur was male, centaur females tended to be in short supply, and Qiari had nothing to pay with, there was a good chance she knew what this one would want. She stood up quietly as she could, but still wasn't quiet enough, the wolf lifted its head up, looking at her. "Good morning." The centaur said, standing. "I hope you are well rested?" "Yes, thank you." Qiari replied, edging away from the wolf. "I should be on my way, you know. Things to see, people to do." "Traveling at night can be dangerous." The centaur replied. "If you must, Grey River is not even three miles away, I can have Ash guide you, if you like." "Er. That's OK." Qiari shook her head. "I'll be fine alone, honest. And I .. uh.. I'm not exactly welcome there." "At least stay to eat. It should be done rather soon, and you've been out for several hours, I'm sure you're hungry. Don't worry, I don't bite. And Ash only does if you ask him to." "I suppose." Qiari said after considering it a moment, she wasn't sure if she trusted the centaur yet, but she hadn't eaten a real meal in over a week. "One question. Who is Ash?" "Ahh, forgive my lack of manners. I rarely have any form of company, other than Ash." The centaur said. "I am Korin Thunderhoof, and the wolf there is Ash. He is my companion." "I am Qiari. I suppose I should thank you for healing me." "Think nothing of it." Korin replied with a smile. "It's what I do. I dare say I am curious, would the condition I found you in be any relation to the fact that you're not welcome in Grey River?" "Yeah. Just a little." Qiari replied. "I .. uh.. won my trial.. sorta? I bested five of the six judges, but by the end of the fifth I lacked the strength to even stand. The sixth had me, he even fucked me. Then decided to let me go. And I tell you, that lizard blew his load so fast that I was actually disappointed by the job he did raping me." "So you're complaining that you got raped and it was over too fast?" "Yeah, pretty much. I know it sounds kinda weird, but imagine a girl grabbing your dick, stroking it, fondling it and sucking on it until you got hard, and then walking away." "I suppose you have a point." Korin nodded. "Anyways, next nearest towns are the Capital, and Silver Vail, both those are a couple days on foot. I'll accompany you if you like." "Let's cut to the chase." Qiari said with a sigh. "What are you going to demand in payment?" ".. Ahh yes. Payment." Korin laughed. "We centaurs are known for that. Let's see, unless you have something shoved in to one hole or another, you have nothing of value on your person. I suppose that would only leave one option." "Yeah, I suppose it does." Qiari rolled her eyes. "This one is on the house." Korin said. "I have slightly different views than my kin. While I still have the ingrained sense of fair trade, I also pride myself in the fact that I see it on a larger scale. While I do my best to everything I take from the Earth, to repay and more, when it comes to personal things... I do it a little different. "If no deal was made, then any trade offered is fair. If no trade is offered, I have no room to argue, because there were no negotiations. If I make a simple offer, with no form of compensation requested, then I am simply offering a favor. In the case of going to Silver Vail, that's where I'm heading next anyways. "And, on a global scale, I find things tend to equal out. Call it karma or whatever you will. Those who continually take, tend to lose more in the long run. Those who continually give, tend to receive more in the long run." "You have strange views, Korin." Qiari said with a chuckle. "I know. Ash tells me this constantly." Korin grinned. "He's spent the last two minutes telling me what I should ask you for." "What's that?" Qiari asked. "And for that matter, he can talk?" "Fellatio." Korin said. "And yes, more or less. He can communicate with me mentally. He lacks the capability of actual speech." "Bit perverted too, isn't he?" "You don't know the half of it." Korin shook his head. "He enjoys his new found intelligence, and the realization that sex isn't strictly for procreation. He likes to experiment, and has yet to quite grasp that not everyone sees it the same way." "Sounds like a lot of men I've met." Qiari said, chuckling. "Anyways, if it's ready I sure could use some meat in me." "Ahem. Yes. I think it's ready." Korin said, fighting to keep from laughing. The three settled near the fire to eat, Qiari was rather amazed at how good it tasted, although that's possibly because up until now, everything she'd eaten for the last week had tasted like orc cock. Afterwards idle small talk was made, mostly Qiari relating random stories of her life (which she had a great many of, some were even true), until Korin was ready to turn in for the night. Qiari sat awake a while longer, staring at the dying fire, poking it with a stick from time to time, lost in her thoughts, until she, too, decided it was time to sleep. * * * Seven hours later, Gavin felt good about his chances, he was near the city, and he'd only bothered with one of the Archmage's potions. A scream from just around the bend took away that feeling, he drew his blades, charging ahead, only to come to a dead stop as soon as he rounded the bend, his body paralyzed with fear. The kings wagon was stopped in the middle of the road. Both of the horses, and the two guards that road outside the wagon, had been torn apart and flung asunder. The sight would have made Gavin sick, if not for the terrible sight that held his attention. A great red dragon stood over the wagon, having ripped the top off. The beast reached in to the wagon, Gavin pushed past his fear, yelling at the beast, not that he had any chance of stopping it, but he might be able to distract it long enough to let the family escape. "Ahh, the future king." The dragon said, ignoring him, as it lifted the young prince from the wagon. None of this made sense. The king had a pact with the dragons. They never attacked any under his protection. Regardless, this beast had to be stopped. Gavin charged it, his swords grazing the beasts scales, this at least got it's attention. "Begone, fly." The beast growled, slapping Gavin with it's tail, sending him flying in to a tree. The impact stunned Gavin, but only briefly. He came back to his senses just in time to see the dragon toss the prince in to the air and then snatch him in it's mouth, blood spraying everywhere before the beast swallowed him. Gavin growled, the Guard had taught him to push aside his anger, to never let himself lose his cool in battle. His heritage, said otherwise though. He touched that heritage, harnessing his anger. His muscles tightened, he felt like a bow under tension, ready to snap. He charged towards the dragon again, this time ducking under it to bring both swords up across its soft stomach. The dragon howled in pain and anger, reaching down with one clawed hand to catch Gavin, and slam him in to the ground. It then reached in to the wagon, lifting the princess out. Gavin began thrashing, clawing at the dragons talons, trying to break free. "Play nice, and I'll let you leave with her." The dragon said, exhaling a gout of flame, filling the wagon. The screams of the king and queen filled the air. They were mercifully short however, dragons fire makes short work of any human unlucky enough to be caught by it. "So young, so beautiful." The Dragon said, looking over the princess for a moment. She was whimpering in fear, the dragons claws holding her tight. "Don't you think, fly?" "Please, let her go." Gavin pleaded with the dragon. "If it's the destruction of the royal family you want, I'll take her away from here. To another land." "Why would I waste such a fine young virgin?" The dragon asked with a laugh, setting the princess down. She tried to run, but didn't get far, the dragon caught her with its free claw and pinned her down, stripping her of her dress with its teeth. It's tongue then slid in to her panties, tearing them away. Gavin growled, trying to get himself out from under the dragons claw. He simply lacked the strength to over power such a beast. "She's perfect in every way. For a human at least, don't you think?" The dragon said, sniffing the princess' crotch, and then forced her legs apart. The beasts tongue slid across the princess' pussy, before plunging in. The princess screamed in pain as the large tongue drove itself deep in to her. The tongue was far thicker and longer than Gavin's cock, and in so far as he knew, he was her only lover. He knew he was her first, at least. The dragon's tongue slid back out of her, nearly two feet in length and dripping with blood, the princess was just whimpering, unable to scream anymore. "Imagine that, she wasn't a virgin." The dragon growled, looking at Gavin. "If someone could have kept their dick in their pants, she'd still be alive... Too bad." With the the dragon lifted the princess off the ground, dangling her in mid air for a moment. Gavin could only watch, helpless as the dragon began to squeeze, slowly crushing the princess, drawing it out to torture both of them. When the dragon finally finished with her, it dropped her mangled and twisted body to the ground carelessly, before turning to Gavin. "You are to tell everyone of this. I, Kilgair the Bloody Lord of Hellmouth, bane of Siirgath and Slayer of the Seven Kings, have destroyed the king and his family. I will destroy any further rulers who rise in his place. Any would-be heroes who attempt to rid this world of me, will meet a slow and painful end without ever setting eyes upon me. You tell them of this." With that, the dragon took to the sky, and flew in to the rising sun. Gavin lost sight of the beast, and with it, any will to live. Gavin crawled over to the princess' broken form to cut a lock of her hair. He bowed his head for a moment before rising to his feet, steeling his resolve. "I will join you soon enough, my love. But first, there's a dragon to slay. And Gods be my witness, that beast shall die upon my father's blades." He headed for Grey River weaving the lock of hair in to a bracelet as he walked, the news must be told, and they needed a proper crew out here to recover the remains and clean up. * * * Korin woke as the sun began to crest over the horizon. He glanced around the clearing. Qiari and ash were curled up together near the smoldering remains of the fire, everything was in order. He fished around his bag for a moment, recovering his spell book, and an empty bag before trotting off in to the woods. First an hour spent meditating, embracing the world around him and readying himself for the day ahead, whatever it may bring. The next hour, was spent studying his spell book, and occasionally checking with Ash to see if Qiari was awake yet. Finally about half an hour was spent foraging various roots and berries and edible things for breakfast before returning to the clearing. "Go ahead and hunt yourself some breakfast, Ash." He said, dropping his spell book back in to his pack. "I'll wake Qiari so we can move on, but you can catch up." *Will do.* Ash replied, darting off in to the woods. "It's mid morning, time to wake up." Korin said, reaching down to nudge Qiari. "Didn't you sleep enough yesterday?" "Feh!" was the only response Qiari gave, swatting at him. "Don't you 'feh' me." Korin laughed, reaching down to pick her up. "You can either wake up, or go for a swim." "You wouldn't dare." Qiari growled, shifting in his arms. "What if I can't swim, huh?" "I wouldn't let you drown." Korin said. "But the threat worked." ".. Feh." Qiari hissed. "Bite me." "Don't tempt me." Korin chuckled, setting Qiari back down. "Anyways, we aught to get a move on." "Why so early?" Qiari asked, grumbling something incoherent. "Early? It's almost eight." Korin said. "Way too early." Qiari said, nodding. "I tend to be a night person." "I wonder why." Korin said sarcastically. "Well, look at it this way. The sooner I get you to Silver Vail, the sooner you can be rid of me." "Didn't say I wanted to be rid of you." Qiari purred. "Just need to convert you to nights." "Good luck on that." Korin laughed, turning to head off in to the woods. "Should take a few days to get there, so, you'll have your chance to try." "Never met a man I couldn't bend to my will." Qiari purred, jogging to catch up with Korin. "... You know, we could move faster if you carried me." "I was wondering how long it would be." Korin shook his head, laughing. *Not even a minute after we started walking, she asks.* "Huh? How long for what?" Qiari asked, looking at him funny. *Quicker than expected.* Ash replied. *Letting her?* "Every woman I travel with asks to ride me." Korin said, chuckling. *Don't I always?* "Oh, sorry. I didn't reali-" Qiari began, but was cut off by Korin scooping her up and setting her on his back. She shifted a little to get comfortable, and wrapped her arms around his torso, purring. "Onward, valiant steed!" Korin chuckled and trotted in the direction of Silver Vail, he knew these woods well enough that he could avoid the roads. After almost an hour, that proved to be a rather good thing. The steady rolling of his muscles across particularly sensitive parts of Qiari's anatomy proved to have rather unexpected results. The scent of her arousal, and the feel of her naked body pressed against his back, however, had an entirely expected result. "... I think it'd be best if you walked." Korin said, coming to a halt. "Aww, why?" Qiari purred, rubbing against his back. "It's nice up here." "You're quite ... distracting." "Oooh, I see." Qiari purred, dropping off his back and reaching a hand out to stroke his stiff member. "Make you a deal. I'll take care of this if you'll let me keep riding you." "That sounds fair." Korin replied, his body tensing slightly with her touch. Any further reply was cut off by a sharp breath and a groan of sheer pleasure as she slowly slid her rough tongue along his sensitive equine penis. He wasn't sure if he should beg for more, or pull away. Her tongue felt like sand. Extremely warm, wet sand that curved to suit every ridge and vein. The sensation was exquisitely painful, and it only grew better as she reached the tip and lapped at the precum dripping out. She wrapped one hand around his cock before taking just the tip in to her mouth, teasing it with her tongue and slowly sucking it in deeper. As her free hand stroked the rest of his length, he fought to keep himself still, his body urging him to thrust in to the hilt. *Not common.* Ash's voice broke in to his thoughts. *Took my advice?* *Her idea.* Korin replied, barely able to concentrate on the conversation. *Sorry, will sever link.* Qiari continued to take his cock deeper in to her mouth, the head pressing against her throat. Korin moaned, losing what little focus he had, the vibration from her purring driving him mad. A taste caught him by surprise, her taste to be more precise. He twisted to look, seeing Ash there with his muzzle under Qiari's rump. Qiari adjusted her position and lifted her tail, a solicitation if he'd ever seen one. Ash needed no further encouragement and quickly mounted and began thrusting, without much success. As Qiari brought a hand down to position Ash, Korin knew what was about to happen, though he couldn't stop it. He could only hope it didn't do any damage he couldn't repair. When Ash gained penetration, Korin felt it too, the somewhat detached sensation of his cock sliding in to a warm and wanting pussy. His own body's urges blending with Ash's and growing uncontrollable, his more primal needs driving him to thrust in to her, forcing his cock down her throat. The two thrusting in unison, the link causing their senses to merge. Korin could not longer tell what of what he felt was Qiari's throat working, trying to swallow his cock, and what was her pussy working over Ash's cock. All he could feel was a tight, hot passage squeezing his cock, trying to pull it deeper. Korin's body tensed, digging his fore hooves in to the ground. He could feel Qiari shudder beneath him, her muscles tensing, tightening over his cock, he imagined she would be howling in ecstasy right now, if she could. This was enough to drive him over the edge, he didn't even bother to hold back to try and prolong it. He made one final, triumphant thrust before filling her with his seed. As Korin slide his cock out of her mouth, Qiari collapsed to the ground in a coughing fit, Ash still mounted and tied. *She OK?* Ash asked, concerned. *Not sure. Korin responded, kneeling next to Qiari and running a hand through her hair. "You all right? I'm sorry about that, the link between Ash and I links our senses, especially for particularly strong feelings, and when we're close. I lost control." "Yeah. Never better." Qiari purred, massaging her throat. "Never met a man I couldn't deep throat. Just warn a girl before you shove two feet of horse meat down her throat, eh?" *She mad at me?* Ash asked, dismounting her, though they were still tied, so he simply ended up tail to tail with her. "Of course." Korin said with a chuckle. "And, Ash is concerned that you might me upset with him." "Mmm.. Why would I be upset with him?" Qiari purred. "After all, I made the offer. And, he's not that bad. Could use some practice though." "Don't give him any ideas." Korin said, shaking his head. "He seems to be more interested in humanoid females as it is, and most of the don't return his interest. In fact, you're the only one who's ever let him mount her." "They don't know what they're missing then." Qiari said, squirming some. "Though, this is the part I dislike about wolves. The knot is part of what makes them so fun, but being tied for another twenty minutes.. isn't." * * * Around two hours later, Qiari was once again driving Korin nuts, this time quite intentionally rubbing against him, occasionally doing things like nibbling on his shoulder. Once again, Korin came to a halt. "What? Need 'attention' again?" Qiari asked teasingly, purring. "Ash says there's a merchant on the road we're paralleling." Korin said, shaking his head before taking a small pouch off his belt and handing it back to her. "So see if he has any clothes you can buy. Otherwise, we will be stopping every few hours." "What would be so bad about that?" Qiari purred, dismounting. "I know all three of us enjoyed the last stop." "True, but I don't like repeated delays." Korin replied. "No matter how enjoyable they are." "Oh fine, be that way." She laughed. "Which way's the road?" Qiari started in the direction Korin pointed her, jingling the purse. Her ears told her it was a mix of gold and silver, based off the weigh, the value was probably around twenty crowns. It didn't take her long to find the road, and the merchant, a human male probably in his early 30s, obviously not highly successful, as his cart was a small one, drawn by a single stallion. She flagged him down, putting on her best 'maiden in distress' guise. "Sir, you've got to help me!" Qiari said, sounding weary and frightened. "I... I was captured by a band of orcs... gods the things they did to me... I was lucky to escape with my life. Are you heading towards Silver Vail? Do you by chance have a set of clothes to spare?" "Aye, I think I do." The merchant replied, stopping his wagon and stepping down. "It's yours, for a hundred crowns." "I don't have that kind of money sir." Qiari said, briefly struggling to stay in character, as she dropped to her knees, looking up at him suggestively. "Maybe I could offer you a favor in exchange for a discount." "Hmm. Tell ye what," The Merchant said, eying her. "Fifty crowns, and you bend over this cart and lift yer tale." "I .. I don't even have that much." Qiari said. "Well, travel with me a while, I'm sure I can work it out of you." The merchant said with a smirk. "You don't seem to have much other choice." "Fucking pervert." Qiari growled, dropping the act. "I tried to do this nicely, but if you're going to persist in getting an obscene price for a suit of clothes, just because I'm naked, then the only gold you get from me will be shoved up your ass, followed closely by your cock. "Now, give me clothes, and your purse. And if you're lucky, I'll leave you able to walk." "Fuck you, little bandit trash." The merchant snapped, drawing a rapier from his cart. "Now, bend over and lift yer tail. And when I'm done, I'll let ye go and pretend this never happened." "Big mistake." Qiari purred, she could tell just by how he held the rapier, he had no skill with it. "Put the toy away, and I'll let you walk away with your dignity intact." "Hah, what will you do?" The Merchant asked, lunging for her with a poorly aimed trike towards her midsection, over extending himself in the process. Too easy, she side stepped and grabbed his arm, drawing him forward to slam her knee in to his chest. The merchant staggered, dropping his rapier. He didn't even have a chance to regain proper footing before Qiari slammed him in to the ground, stunning him briefly and stripping him naked. Then slamming his head in to the ground when he tried to get up again. She then rummaged through his wagon for rope, and tied him up, face down bent over the back of his wagon. Then found herself a suit of clothes and took the merchants purse and rapier. She then began to fondle and play with the stallion's cock, getting it hard and waiting for the merchant to wake up. When the merchant finally woke up, Qiari had the stallion hard as a rock and ready to fuck anything he could get his cock in to. She lead the stallion around to the back of the wagon, purring. "Now, I hope in the future, you remember this experience before you demand absurd sexual favors in exchange for simple commodities." With that she coaxed the stallion in to rearing up and putting it's fore hooves on the back of the wagon, directly over the merchant. "You crazy bitch!" the merchant howled "What do you think you're doing?!" "Just leaving now." Qiari purred, walking away, ignoring the string of obscenities from the merchant, and then smiling to herself when she heard an agonized scream. She found her way back to Korin, idly wondering how much she would have to explain to him, but at the moment also not really caring.

Only Human, Part 15

**Author's note** The scene right at the start here between Kasa and Maximus. Pretend you read it back in chapter 13, that's where it is chronologically. The reason for it's odd placement is it was actually the start of the scrapped 13.5, that I...

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Only Human, part 14

**Authors note** _I've been putting a lot of thought in to it as of late.. And I've come to the conclusion that.. I've .. little desire to write the 'yiffy sub chapters', because over all they add nothing to the story. As such, I have decided that.....

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Misplaced Legends, Reign of the Dragon King. #1: Arena

_Welcome to the first chapter of Reign of the Dragon King. You may wonder about the Misplaced Legends title. Fact is, this story is loosely based in D&D mechanics, and every campaign I run is Misplaced Legends (insert name). So I decided to carry it...

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