Seeing Stripes: Even in Your Sleep

Story by Frost Byte on SoFurry

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#4 of Seeing Stripes

Another sleep over between "friends" but this time, one of them actually goes to sleep! What is a cock hungry bear to do when his feline friend is no longer conscious to help a bottom out?

Here's the squeal to Seeing Stripes: My Turn Next Seeing Stripes: My Turn Next I would like to thank everyone for reading it and all the votes and faves! You can also send a thanks to avatar?user=10837&character=0&clevel=2 JVanAnKat for putting the idea into my head for this story :P

This was a fun little piece did based on a comment from the first story with our black bottom bear. I did say that Chris was a heavy sleepier :3 I wrote this one quicker than usual so I am sure it is choke full of errors and mistakes, but hopefully you still enjoy it.

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"Thanks for dinner Mrs. Parker," the young tiger said with a huge grin.

"Yeah, thanks mom," Daniel followed up.

The pair made their way through the house to the black bear's bedroom, the stripped feline trailed slightly behind to get a good vantage point. The tiger snuck his white tipped tail to the other side of his buddy and tried to snake his way under the ursine's shirt.

When Daniel felt something stir near his belly he flinched and tried to brush off whatever it was. He caught sight of the orange appendage and turned to huff in the tiger's face. All through dinner the devious feline kept tickling him with that flexible limb, brushing the underside of his pawpads, his ribs, his belly, and other places he wasn't even sure how the big cat managed to wiggle in to. It made it really hard to keep a straight face in front of his family when the tiger started using his footpaw to titillate him. All Daniel could think of was what tiger paws were capable of, and how they smelled and tasted. His mother thought he was sick at one point during the dinner when he stopped eating and looked flush. There was no way he was going to tell his parents the only thing sick about him was how hard his sheath was from being teased by tiger parts.

As soon as they reached the usine's tidy room, Chris began to shuck his clothes off revealing his muscled body.

Daniel quickly shut the door and made sure to lock it as well. "What do you think you are doing?" the bear whispered harshly. Even though a pang of panic ran through him, he couldn't take his eyes off the feline's great physique and the way the black stripes danced over the buff tiger's orange and white body as it flexed and twisted.

Once he was just in his boxers, Chris looked over at his friend, who moved to sit on the futon at the other side of the room. "Just getting comfortable like always dude."

"Yeah, but what about my parents?"

"Don't sweat it. They're downstairs. And your brother left, remember?" the tiger added when he saw the bear's jaw open.

Chris gathered his discarded garments and stuffed them into his backpack he had tossed in a corner. Daniel watched as the tiger hunched over, getting a nice view of the feline's tight ass and tail flicking about.

"Did you remember to bring the condoms?" The questions popped out of the horny bear.

"We don't need them, not unless you've been sucking on someone else's cock."

"SSHHH!!" the panicked cub looked around quickly to make sure no one was lurking in the corners of his room. "Well... no, but there was your dad. With your parents being swing-"

"AAAHHHH! LA! LA! LA! LAAAHHHH!" Chris went into a loud frenzy rolling on the floor, paws covering his ears, eyes closed, tail batting against everything in the vicinity.

Daniel laughed as his friend tried to block out images no kid wants to think of about their parents.

"TMI! I did not need to know all that about my parents," the feline said finally calming down. "Besides, we tested clean, remember."

"Yeah, but you always make a big mess."

"Me!? This coming from the guy who leaks like a broken fire hydrant."

"I don't leak _that_much."

"Pfft. My footpaw was soaked after 2 minutes that one night."

Daniel blushed hard as he remembered that night where he kept the butt plug in him the whole time, along with the cock ring, through two blowjobs while being pawed off by the feline's footpaws.

Chris loved teasing his bear buddy and making husky teddy blush, that bashful look that Daniel made was adorable. So much so, that the feline pounced on the ursine from behind nuzzling the crook of that fluffy neck. He could feel the big bear's temperature increase when he started licking.

"Not that I'm complaining. I love it when you get all hot, bothered, and wet," the tiger whispered into the flicking round ear.

Daniel was panting and could already feel himself slipping out of his sheath. "Kn...knock it off," he hissed through a moan. "My parents are down stairs. Just... just wait until later tonight."

"Fine," the feline pouted, but reached his paws under the chubby bear's shirt to caress that big muscle gut. "But at least take off your shirt so I have something sexy to look at, to keep me hard." Chris whispered the last part in the round ear that batted his nose.

"No, what if my parents come up and-"

"Come on dude. They've seen us together without our shirts before. Besides, they know we sleep in just our boxers."

The large black bear sighed and started to remove his shirt. Chris watched as more of that luxurious black fur appeared, hiding hard pack muscle under a soft layer he loved to grab. Before the ursine could completely remove his shirt, the tiger dove back in, running his paws through that wondrously soft black field.

"Hey! What did I sa- HGN!!" Daniel had to clamp his muzzle shut to stifle a whimper as he felt two large paws grope his pecs and give his hard nubs a squeeze. He turned angrily to the striped feline, but was disarmed when a raspy tongue swiped over his snout followed by a cheeky grin. Daniel huffed at the cocky pussy and suggested they play some videogames so he could pay him back with some ass whopping .

They passed several hours playing videogames and watching a movie. The whole time, Chris kept snaking his tail over towards the black bear to bat or tickle his footpaws, his gut, or his tush. The tiger paid special attention to that big, cushy rear after Daniel snuck a butt plug in just before they started the movie. During the boring scenes, he'd jam a paw or his tail into the ursine's rear to push that butt button and make the black bitch bear gasp and moan. It was a very boring movie.

When Daniel's mother came by to call for lights out, the two pretended to be going to sleep. They didn't actually have to, but Daniel's parents had been pretty strict about having all electronics and lights turned off, shutdown, and unplugged by a certain time. With nothing better to do in the dark, the two agreed to lie down while they waited for everyone else to slumber before they would have some real fun.

Daniel stared up at the ceiling while his eyes adjusted to the darkness. His little round ears swiveled about, straining to hear any noise that might indicate his parents were still up. It had been almost an hour since his mom came by and called lights out, so they should be well asleep by now he guessed. Still, he wanted to wait a few extra minutes before he would sneak on over to Chris, just in case. That didn't stop the horny ursine from playing with himself though. Daniel was itching to get out of his boxers, the wet spot in the front was starting to get irritating. He reached a paw down under the sheets and into his boxers, the tip of his fat cock was already sticking out of his sheath leaking everywhere. The paw ventured further past his thick fuzzy dick holder to the plump furry sack below. He gave his balls a squeeze while tugging on them and his dick gushed out pre as he rumbled at the pleasurable sensation. Further still, his paw traveled, until it reached the flat, round bottom of the butt plug in his rear. He flexed his gluts feeling his hole clench around the object lodged in him. A quiet moan escaped his maw as he gave the object a tap and a jolt ran straight up his dick causing more of it to slip out from his sheath.

After several minutes of playing with himself, the big slutty bear couldn't wait any longer, after all the teasing the feline did, he needed that tiger cock somewhere in him. Daniel shimmied out of his boxers, keeping quiet as the butt plug bumped against his prostate. He slowly got up on his knees to talk to Chris on his bed.

Daniel almost had to beg the feline to sleep in the bed instead of the futon. Chris only agreed to do so after Daniel revealed he wanted the tiger to sleep in it so that kitty's scent would be there. The tiger was sprawled out on the bed on his back, covers up to his waist so that Daniel got a nice view of the orange, white, and black striped physique of his buff buddy. The feline hadn't stirred yet, that muscled chest rising and falling slowly to a steady breath.

"Hey, you awake?" Daniel asked.

After a moment of no response the bear asked again, this time nudging the side of the quiet feline. He still wasn't getting an answer from Chris, even after the fifth time of nudging the kitten. Daniel huffed in frustration that the stupid pussy fell asleep after all that teasing.

Daniel was about to go back down to the futon and take care of business on his own when something under the covers moved and pulled the sheets back a little to reveal the sight of a plum tiger sheath. The bear's jaw quivered when he saw that Chris was naked, in his bed, and now exposed. The ursine's paw was already hovering above the fuzzy sheath when a voice told him this might not be a good idea. The heat radiating off of the tiger's loins slowly evaporated that voice inside the bear's head. Daniel made full contact with the feline's groin and froze. He looked over to Chris' face to see if the tiger responded to the touch.

When the feline did nothing, but continue breathing softly, Daniel dared to give the stiff sheath a gently squeeze. He glanced up again to see if the tiger woke. The feline remained asleep, eyes still closed, though, some other part of the tiger was starting to wake up as the bear began to rub his paw up and down. Daniel found himself biting his lip as more and more of the tiger's cock emerge from its hiding place. The fact that Chris was still asleep and could wake up at any moment only fueled the black bear's arousal, his own cock fully hard and leaking.

Daniel grabbed the pillar of meat before him and reveled in sensation in his paw. It was hot against his pawpads and he could feel the cock throbbing in his grip. He froze when he heard a sharp inhale, his ears swiveling towards the feline's head before his eyes slowly drifted over. He let out a sigh of relief when all that he heard was the sound of steady breathing and saw Chris was still asleep. He gave the feline dick a stroke to see how the unconscious kitten would respond. Another deep breath, but still asleep. The ursine continued his test, this time he kept a continuous, slow stroke as he began to jerk off his slumbering buddy. The tiger started to rumble a bit and his head moved. Other than that, the feline remained in deep sleep, except that lanky tail which started to snake around and thump the bed. The big bear's other paw soon found itself roaming over the white mounds of the buff tiger's chest, groping and teasing Chris' strong pecs and pinching the hard nubs on each.

Jerking off the tiger gradually became easier as the barbed member was soon coated in its own pre. Every time Daniel passed over the barbs, Chris' brow would furrow and his head would turn. The feline's breathing was becoming faster as well. The bear was getting quite the thrill out of molesting his buddy in bed at night like this. Soon the ursine's paw, the one not full of dick, was feeling up the tiger's abs, dragging his claws through the fluffy white fur and over the dense, hard packed muscles. Daniel jerked back, removing his paws from Chris when the feline's body twisted into the belly rubs and he saw something swiping at the air in front of his snout. With a quite rumble, the tiger's body settled back down. Daniel took a deep breath to relax himself, but that only made his unattended cock drool more. The air was thick with the tiger's scent thanks to the emerged, leaking sex organ. The bear took another deep breath, taking in the masculine feline musk, his mouth watered from the delicious smell.

The bed groaned from the added weight as the black bear crawled onto the mattress between the tiger's legs. Still, the feline slept soundly, even when Daniel had to spread the tiger's thighs so he could better get to the meaty treat in the middle. The ursine placed both paws on either side of the slumbering tiger's hips before dipping his nose right into Chris' fuzzy balls. Daniel inhaled deeply and drank in the intoxicating aroma. Soon, his tongue was all over the striped feline's sac, like tasty meatballs on spaghetti and Daniel like his spaghetti extra meaty. He cupped the slobbery, hefty sac in a paw, the heat coming off of the tiger's balls burned in his grip. Daniel gave them a little squeeze which caused two reactions: the tiger's tail started to bat his gut, trapped under his weight; and secondly, that long, barbed member jumped and shoot a glob of pre onto the white fluffy fur of its owner. The hungry bear teased the kitty with a couple more squeezes before he gave the fuzzy orbs a tug to lift that barbed pillar of meat off of the hard abs where it rested. Daniel drooled all over his paw and the tiger's balls as the feline's cock got ever closer to his muzzle. Once the barbed member stood up proud, the ursine huffed a breath of hot air at it and watched as the cock twitched, as if it were eager to get started.

Daniel first gave the pre slickened cock a big, sloppy, wet lick to sample the flavors. One of the tiger's legs started to shift around, so he used a paw to steady it as he went back down for more long, slow licks. Daniel could feel the tiger's powerful thigh flex under the torment of his tongue. The feline's hips involuntarily bucked as the bear's tongue slobbered all over the he barbed tip. The cock hunger bear got a really nice reaction from the buff tiger when he finally dove right in and buried the entire length in his maw. The barbs on the feline's dick tickled the back of his throat as the big cat arched his back as if trying to drive the cock as far as possible into the hot, moist confines. Daniel closed his eyes in bliss as he began bobbing his head and sucking on his friend's dick.

Chris started to purr in delight, a natural unconscious reaction to the wondrous pleasure his body was experiencing. His tail involuntarily thrashed against the usrine's gut and occasionally thumped the slutty bear's thick drooling cock and heavy balls.

At first, Daniel thought the little fucker had woken up and was trying to face fuck his maw, but after restraining the feline's gyrating body, he was able to glance up at Chris. To his surprise, the tiger was still knocked out, though a scowl of pleasure was plastered all over the kitten's face. The cock gobbling bear didn't realize how big a turn on this was for him, the thrill of being caught while he molested, blowed, and groped his friend in the dark at night. Unfortunately, having a long, leaking length was not enough for the slutty black cock muncher, so without completely removing that throbbing feline erection from this maw, he repositioned himself and put his weight on an arm across the tiger's well-defined abs while the other limb was free to lend a paw to satisfy his other need. Instead of grabbing his drooling, thick cock and giving it some much needed attention, he went straight for the base of the butt plug pressing against his prostate. Luckily, in this position, his arm brushed against his pulsing dick, his fuzzy black fur created a wonderful sensation against his sensitive skin.

Daniel was almost thrown off the tiger's body from a surprisingly strong thrust of those powerful thighs. The ursine knew the feline was close from the increasing strength of the bucks and that lanky tail thrashing around and trying to wrap around something. The bear had to shift even more weight on this his arm to keep the convulsing tiger steady as he hungrily started to suck harder on the delicious flesh.

The first warning was the sudden in hail and then the sight of the feline's face in a snarl of great pleasure. A second latter, the tiger gripped the sheets, claws digging into the fabric, as his hips tried to thrust up against the bear's weight through his orgasm. The feline's twitching cock shot load after load of hot, musky tiger cum into the greedy mouth of the usrine who slurped it all down.

Daniel kept sucking on the dick in his mouth milking every last drop, like he did to his milkshakes to get every last bit at the bottom of the cup. At the same time, his other paw juggled and pushed the butt plug lodged in his rear while his own throbbing erection rubbed against the soft fur on his arm. The sensation overload was enough to send the slutty bottom bear over the edge and he moaned around the cock in his throat as his own length squirted a huge sticky load all over his forearm and the mattress below.

Daniel flopped to the side, his head resting on the feline's strong thigh as caught his breath, Chris' cock sliding out of the his muzzle with a string of salvia and kitty seed bridged the two. Daniel was getting a little delirious from breathing in the strong, potent musk of his buddy, but he loved the intoxicating scent so much. The sound of soft purring came from above and he glanced up to see a very content, hunky looking tiger still sound asleep. Though, Daniel swore he saw the hint of a smile on the feline's muzzle. He closed his eyes for a bit, telling himself he just needed a few seconds to rest before he would get up and clean himself.


Chris slowly started to wake, though he kept his eyes closed while his brain fired up. A yawn escaped his muzzle and he smacked his maw a couple of times to get the kinks out of his jaw and the funny taste out of his mouth. He felt his tail stir and he tried to move one his legs but the right one felt funny, like it was still asleep. The all too familiar feeling of being a young, virile, male in the morning was present and it felt very nice, nicer than usual today. Nice enough that he started purring and thinking about seeing if his friend wanted to give a little attention to solider and put him at ease. A hot puff of air blew across his sensitive dick, it was like someone revved his car engine, and he shot up wide awake.

It took a moment, but once Chris realized what he was looking at, he gave a little chuckle. His bear buddy was lying bare, just like him, on his thigh like it was a pillow. That explained the weird sensation and why it was difficult to move the limb. Daniel's muzzle was also pointed at his prominent feline prick, the ursine's steady breathing created a nice sensation over his hard member. Chris took some time to ogle his in-the-buff friend, taking in the sight of that sturdy chest and gut, slowly moving with each breath. He saw that Daniel, too, was afflicted with acute morning wood as the black bear's thick cock was fully out of its sheath and even drooling on the bedding below.

A big tiger paw grabbed the base of his feline cock, lifting it off of his fluffy white abs, and slowly he began stroking up and down the long length. A rumble rose in the tiger's chest as he ran his paw over the tip of his member, his pawpads caressing his barbs and sending a wonderful sensation though his groin. After a few more strokes, his paw returned to the base and he used his dick to bat the noise of his sleeping friend. The first two hits caused the bear's nose to snuffle and the next hit left a bit of pre on the ursine's snout. Chris was about to deliver another smack when the black bear's tongue emerged to lick up the wet treat his drooling dick left and this time Chris's member made contact with Daniel's moist tongue. A jolt ran through his body, a pleasurable sensation that caused his hips to shift and the bear to stir from his slumber.

"Wakey, wakey, big buddy," the tiger teased with a couple of more hits to ursine's nose.

Daniel snuffled and slowly got up, still a daze. "Wah? Why are you... were you hitting me with your dick?!" Daniel asked irritated at the rude awakening.

"Don't get mad at me. You're the slutty bitch bear that likes to blow furs in their sleep."

Daniel turned to glare at the snarky tiger, frustrated at all the name calling. Before he could even growl, the tiger came in close and gave a long lick of this bear snout causing him to back up and snuffle at the funny sensation.

"It's a good thing I like cute slutty teddy bears," Chris said into the flicking round ear.

Daniel couldn't stop from blushing and tried to wiggle away from the seductive feline, but soon found himself falling forward onto the tiger's powerful fluffy white pecs. A spark in his rear cause him to moan and groan.

Chris could only laugh when he steadied himself under the extra weight and saw the bear's paw move towards that big black butt. He'd guest what caused the large usrine to make that sound.

Something was flicking against the underside of Daniel's throbbing erection and he whimpered when the studly tiger ran a raspy wet tongue over his muzzle and nose before whispering for him to, "leave it in".

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As always, let me know what you think. Any criticism is greatly appreciated!

I will probably take a break from these two to look at some other stories have brewing, but be on the look out. I'm also open to suggestions :]

Seeing Stripes: My Turn Next

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