The Academy

Story by zanian on SoFurry

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Commission for Cornel

Jack Morison was a good student; not the best, but still, he was productive fellow, one that cared about his future. He knew that the competition was fierce; everybody wanted to have access to such a glorious destiny and was ready to outsmart him to leave him behind in the race toward such a destination.

But there was a major obstacle in his path; to fulfill such an accomplishment, he had to possess wealth or connections. Without those, he would doom to fail, his quest sabotaged by his own inability to progress forward.

He could always try to amass the necessary amount or attend enough social gatherings to gain favors from elites and high-placed individuals, but the truth was there no purpose for such a thing. It was too late for him to start; people who were planning such a road had thought about if years ahead, not a few months before. There was no time to accomplish the goal he had in mind, unless luck would bless him; he could win the lottery, gain a heritage from a far, distant relative or become friend with a celebrity. All these were air brained schemes, which had little to no chance of success.

What was the point of pressing on? He could build his hopes up as much as he desired; in the end, he would still fail to fulfill his potential. There was no purpose of dreaming about a better tomorrow...

Until that fateful day, when he opened a letter he received in the mail; it was a strange correspondence, one he wouldn't have expected to arrive at his house. He expected this sort of thing to happen in novel and fantasies, like that story of the wizard that lost its parents to an evil, power-hungry wizard. But he couldn't deny that this was the reality he was now living in, one that was offering him an opportunity he couldn't deny without any majors consequences in his life.

It was a letter of acceptance to a college; it was wonderful news for him, although he had no clue how they could have accepted him in the first place. Perhaps it was one of the letters he send that day, when he wanted to prove to himself that he was able to be someone important. It was a foolish move, when he posted applications over and over, flooding the mailbox with the hope that his candidacy would be accepted. It was the work of a fevered madman, one that kept him awake for day and nights, wishing that someone, somewhere would respond to him; at one moment, he almost thought that his sanity would leave him, for the task was straining in such a way that he couldn't handle it anymore...

But it paid off, in the end; there it was, a letter that attested that he was a full-fledged student of the Lorringting boarding academy. How such a thing was possible was beyond his comprehension, but he had to bless his luck, for there he had a chance to strike big and build a new life...

He packed his belongings and kissed his old life goodbye; this was the beginning of a new age, one that would open him so many opportunities. All he had to do was to make sure not to mess up such an incredible offer, for a single act could lend him up in the same position as he was a moment ago...

With the money he possessed, he bought himself a bus ticket, knowing that this sort of entry would lack flair and panache, but it would be sufficient for him, for now. He had to deal with his situation as he saw fit, for now.

The trip was long and bland; he expected to see nature, beautiful landscape or at least something that would catch his eye, but nothing seemed to pop out of the ordinary. Maybe it wasn't a good thing to build his hope too high; if he would imagine a scenario that would impossible to fulfill, then he would always be disappointed, in the end.

Or maybe it was an expectation he needed to quell, for the bus stopped in front of the building he was supposed to find. As he walked out of the transport, he couldn't believe that such a jewel would be present in such a place, hidden within the dark bowels of the lower city that surrounded it.

It was a beautiful sight, one that made him wonder why it he would even doubt about the intention of the owners in the first place; even the gates that blocked his path were golden, making him wonder if they were made of pure gold or just gold-plated. Either way, it inspired him images and dream that he never thought possible in the first place.

He pressed a button near the gate, wishing that someone, somewhere would respond to the call of the intercom; if he was lucky, it would be the case. If not, he would have to come back and try again, until fate would decide that he was worthy of such award.

``Yes, this is the Lorringting Academy, how can I help you?'' said a voice coming from the intercom, making him wonder would could be really talking to him, behind the walls and the gate. But for now, it wasn't important...

``This is Jack Morison; I received a letter of acceptation to your academy and I wish to enroll as a student'' he replied to the voice, hoping that there wouldn't be any troubles ahead of him. He was running out of ideas to deal with them...

The voice stayed silent for a moment, searching for information about him, as if the demand was not adequate. Perhaps he underestimated the degree of difficulty that was linked to such a task.

``It seems like we do have your candidacy here; you will have to meet the director before rejoining the rest of the students, to learn about the rules and the raison d'être of this establishment'' said the voice, as the gates opened in front of him. Now, all he had to do was to impress that person and the future would be his...

He took the road, hoping that he was making the right decision; he didn't know anybody there, but he had the impression that this was irreverent, for the time being. This would a perfect opportunity to create new bonds...

He opened the doors and entered the hall; as amazed as he was by the gates and the outside façade, the interior was a sight that was beyond what he ever imagined. It seemed too luxurious to be a school and yet, there it was; it was refined, using the fanciest materials around, as if presentation was more important than the curriculum itself.

But this wasn't the time to ponder on such things; he had to meet up with the director, to make sure his inscription would be completed. He climbed the stairs, wondering what could be awaiting him ahead in the room that he could see at the end of a long corridor. There were several offices, but there was only one he was interested in, for the moment; perhaps, in the future, he could explore the building, to see what purpose they served...

He knocked on the door, hoping that there would be a response to his inquiry; he wouldn't mind waiting, but it would be quite pointless for him to have done such a trip for nothing, unless it was to test his patience.

``Please enter'' said a voice behind the door, surprising him. He didn't expect such a quick response, but since it happened, he would have to deal with him in a reasonable fashion, one that would propel him in the spotlights.

He entered the room, looking at who was waiting for him; it was a dragoness, a bit taller than the one he met before, but he couldn't let such a thing impress him. Covered with silver scales, it stood calmly behind a desk, waiting for him to take place on one of the chairs that were disposed near it.

``Welcome to Lorringting Academy; I am Fenenrg, headmaster of this academy. I am most pleased that you agree to enroll as a student, for at Lorringting Academy, we have the mission to prepare our students for the world that awaits them. We believe that by preparing the mind and the body, while making sure that the fashion and the esthetic are mastered, our pupils can enter the workforce as productive members'' he told him, giving him a long examination.

Before he could reply, he saw the dragoness make a hand gesture, forcing him to stay quiet; this wasn't the time to interrupt the one that could determine his fate. He wondered what could be added to this introduction speech, one that was already hard to follow. Not that the message itself was hard, but he was distracted too much to follow it completely; how could he be able to follow what she was saying when all he could do was to look at the beautiful pair of breast that was in his sight?

Of course, this wasn't the only thing he shouldn't focus on, but there was something that attracted his gaze, especially the way she winked at him, as if she wanted him to have these sorts of thoughts. After this, he would need some time alone, to try to refocus on himself, to change his vision; there was probably something wrong with him, if he could only focus on this, without being able to hear what she was saying...

``I suggest you go to your assigned room, which is located in the student dormitory; do not worry, your name is engraved on the door. The student council will greet you there and show you the basics of how to act in this prestigious establishment'' he added, dismissing the student away. There was something promising about him, but he had to be... properly trained before he would reach the image the academy desired...

Although he wanted to explore the school grounds, to see what sort of wonders he could find, he had to find his room, to drop his belongings and meet this mysterious student council, the one that was supposed to introduce him to this new world. Would there be some sort of initiation, he thought as he descended the stairs and returned to his original starting point, where it all began.

That, if he was able to find his way throughout the maze of corridors that composed the lower floor; he wished he had a map, but without the presence of mind to ask for one, he would have to find the path himself, or condemn himself to wander aimlessly, until he would find what he was searching for.

``Are you the new student? '' said a voice behind him, taking him by surprise. He wasn't expecting to hear someone so close to him. Perhaps he should learn to pay attention to his surrounding a little more, so this sort of thing wouldn't happen anymore, for the next time could be his last...

He turned around, to see a vixen smiling at him; as heartwarming as the sight could be, he still desired to find his room before anything else. Although, to see her in such an outfit, while winking at him, made him wonder if his priority was the best thing for him.

The outfit was revealing, but not enough to be considered scandalous; his mind was racing thought, forcing him to focus on something else, an element that wouldn't arouse that much. One doesn't need to be nude to be erotic and this was the perfect example; the clothing, light, tight and short was made to value the body of the one that would wear it.

How could such clothing be permitted in this school was beyond him, but the sight was too pleasant for him to complain; he could the curves, the exposed fur, taunting him, promising possibilities beyond his wildest dreams. He could swear he saw a bulge, but that must have been his imagination...

``Yes I am; could you indicate me where is the student dormitory? It seems like I have no map and I have no desire to turn in circles for hours'' he told the vixen, not sure if she could help or not. He had to keep his guard up; after all, she didn't tell him her name, which was a bit suspicious, but there was still time for such thing, later...

``Sure thing; you just have to follow me; once you memorized the way, you won't be lost anymore'' she told him, turning around and walking away, leaving him not too far behind, following each step. It was a pity that he wasn't able to enjoy the scenery; all these corridors were beautiful to the sight, but for now, he had to hurry.

He followed for a long while; was he really going to reach his destination or where they were going somewhere else? He had no clue, but since he let his fate between her hands, he had no choice but to trust her, until they would reach the destination. Her noble intention could only be a ruse, one that could lead him into a world of trouble, but he had no choice; wandering into the corridors alone would do the same thing anyway...

When they left the main building, to walk outside, he wished that he brought an umbrella; it was now raining and the water was cold. He wished that they could hurry, to take cover from the elements, but his guide seemed not worried about such a thing. Could she be enjoying the rain?

He had to admit it had some advantages; as the water fell on them, he was able to see her curves with more precision, giving fuel to his fantasies. Was it done on purpose? To tease him, to fill his mind with images that would never see the light of day? Or was there no purpose to it, only the enjoyment of the elements? He didn't have the courage to ask her, but he could always enjoy the show, until they would reach the destination.

``Vivifying, isn't it?'' she asked him, without taking time to stop. She could enjoy the weather while traveling, a simple feat that he could do as well, but since he had no desire to join this sort of pleasure, he decided to focus his attention on her chest, envisioning what they would be without the clothes on them.

He was so distracted by the sight that he didn't realize that they arrived at the other building, where the sign ``Student lounge'' was clearly indicated on the front, on the top of the door they could see.

She opened it without hesitating; he followed her, wondering if he was more than a mere lackey. But a lackey for such a beauty could have its advantages; he wouldn't need to worry about the future, nor himself, anymore... All he would have to do would be to stare and gorge himself on the images...

``Here is the student's department, where the rooms and the association are located; we are not too far from the association room, where you will be able to meet up with the seniors of the Academy'' she told him, still walking. It was a rhythm he was able to keep up with, but he was wondering why she didn't look at him...

He wondered how long he would have to walk until he would reach that fated destination; it shouldn't be that long, although there was a chance that they could walk in circles for a while, for he was still under her guidance. Was she one of the seniors, or just a regular student, like him? It was an element he was about to discover, when he would reach the fabled destination he was seeking.

He was surprised that it didn't take too long to actually reach the room in question; perhaps he overestimated the time it would take to get to that place... or he underestimated the capacities of the one that was guiding him. Either way, there they were, at the destination; he would now be able to meet the ones that would introduce him to the school policies and help him integrate into the fabric of this institution.

``Oh, you must the new student we heard about; please come in, for we have heard about your potential arrival. You are probably filled with questions and inquiries, but before you start, you must face the initiation'' said a voice from the back, from a person he couldn't see. As he tried to look around, he felt someone grabs his arms, as a cloth was wrapped on his head, blinding him temporarily.

He could hear footsteps, as he heard other people surround him; he wondered what was going to happen next, but since it was part of the ritual to be a member of the academy, then he had to accept it.

When he felt hands on him, removing his shirt and his pants, his started to wonder what sort of initiation this would be. He would be easier if he would be able to see what they were planning, but since his sight was out, all he could do was to listen, to try to paint the situation in his mind.

``Now, who wants to start with him? I have to say he is quite the delicious morsel; who could have thought that we would have the chance to perform today?'' said a voice near him, as he felt a hand grope his behind.

``He is quite firm; mind if I have the first round with him?'' said a voice he recognized; he could have sworn it belonged to the one that guided him here. What she meant by first round escaped him, but he was about to find out...

He was pushed down; he thought that he felt the hard floor under him, but all he felt was a soft bed, making him wonder if this was just an elaborate prank, made to scare him before he would be considered a true student.

As his undergarment was removed, so was his confidence that it was just a simple trick, to make him believe that something out of his control was going to happen. He could still feel several hands on his body, as if she wasn't the only one that was going to have a round with him, whatever that was.

``Could you pass the material? I can't see it...'' he heard, as some rustling noised were heard; he wondered what they were talking, although a part of him wished he wasn't so inquisitive. At least he didn't make the mistake to directly ask them; he didn't want to attract more attention toward him.

``There it is; next time, try to make sure not to place it at the wrong place'' said another voice, closing in. He wondered what sort of material they were talking about. When he felt his arms being spread, touching the hard, cold metal of the bed, he had the feeling that this wasn't the same situation he was imagining anymore.

The distant sound of a handcuff snapping around his wrist made him realize that he was now trapped; should he try to escape his imprisonment, or should he embrace the virtue of patience, to see what was beyond this strange initiation?

His minds wanted him to escape, yelled that he should resist and run away, but he stayed in place, wishing to learn more about that mysterious ceremony. If he wussed out, he would never be able to be one with the student body, thus crushing his dreams. He couldn't let such a thing happen, although he could always find another place to belong. But should he try again, when he already succeeded? Why should he give up on glory and potential prosperity when there was some hardship in front of him? He had to face it, for the sake of his own potential...

``It's surprising that he's not fighting it; I suppose that he is already a bit prepared for what we planned ahead'' said a voice from a distance, muffled by the sounds of a few items falling on the ground.

``Be careful; we can't spend our time pick up things that fall down'' said another one, covering the first one. Were these people fighting? It seemed like their organizational skills would need some revision...

As he tried to understand what was happening to him, he felt a strange substance drop on his chest; it was hot, but it didn't burn. He could feel the substance harden on his skin, as if it melted before it reached his skin. Could it be a candle? Why would they be dripping candle was on him?

But he had to admit that it felt good; the hot sensation, cooling down, was a strange yet arousing one. He had to control himself to stop the urge that was flooding his loins; he couldn't ruin the moment with such a reaction. And yet...

``Look at the little slut; seems like he is enjoying it'' said a stronger voice, almost masculine, but there was something off about that voice, as if it was only pretending. But maybe his hearing was fooling him, since he couldn't confirm it...

He didn't expect the wax to be dripped on his now erected male hood; he gasped as he felt a slight burn, before it cooled down, making him pant for a moment. The pleasure he felt during that moment was new, almost humiliating; to be exposed to the others, to let them hear moan...

Another drip, another moan; he couldn't believe how much he enjoyed this sort of treatment. Perhaps there was a dark part of him that needed to bet let out, to be explored in this sort of fashion, so he could be complete...

He expected more of the wax to drip on him, but nothing of the sort happened; a moment of silence followed, as if they left him alone, covered with wax dripping. Perhaps they wanted to take photos or drag him outside; he had no clue what they had in mind, but all he could do was to wait for his fate.

He heard a sharp crack before he felt a hit on his shaft. It wasn't a powerful blow, or a crippling one, but it was sufficient to make him cringe for a moment; the sting of hardened leather was a blow he had to bear.

He could feel the leather mark his skin as it struck again, biting the sensitive flesh; at least he was shown mercy as the blows were not focused on the same areas. Perhaps there was a purpose to this maneuver that he didn't understand yet, one that create an effect on him with a latent effect.

But there was something delicious about it, as the pain gave way to pleasure. It was a sweet reward, for his resilience was leading the way. The more he could endure, higher it was; it was a sweet ecstasy, as another tap come into play, hitting him right on the tip.

``Who told you to enjoy this, slut?'' said the one that brought into the room, as she whipped his chest. He could have sworn that the blow was harder than the other one, as if he was supposed to learn a lesson from it.

He braced himself for the next hit, but nothing came; perhaps this was now the end, as they would leave him in the room, alone, nude and aroused, covered with wax and marks. He wasn't sure if he wished that it would end; there was so much that his mind was imagining, so much that could happen...

Maybe it was a wish that he should have kept out of his mind when he felt his legs being spread; he tried to wiggle out of the grasp of those that were moving him but, when he felt a tight, hard grasp on his shaft. It didn't hurt him, but it was enough to calm him; he knew that if he resisted too much, there could be consequences to his actions.

``That's a good boy; you learn fast. Now, for the next step...'' said the same voice, as he felt something rubbing against his back entrance. It was cold and felt like rubber, but it was hard at the same time.

He ground his teeth when it entered him, forcing its way inside him. The shock and the resistance of the flesh made him yelp in disarray. The intruder was massive, but smooth at the same time, making him wonder if this was a simple toy or something else.

When the device started inflating, pushing the limits of his capacity, fear took over his judgment; what would happen if they would push too much? Would his body be able to take such a punishment without any consequences? Or would he bleed to death, his body failing on the task that was imposed on him?

He was grateful that the device stopped growing, giving him a moment of respite; his body could now adapt to the size of the toy that was now lodged in him, surprising him how resilient he could be in the face of such trials.

As the device started to vibrate in him, he clenched his legs, trying to feel them deeper in him; although the pain from the forced insertion was still present, the soft vibrations were soothing, calming his flesh.

As they increased, he couldn't control himself, letting moans escape his mouth; it was massaging his inside, making forget all he went through before. Would it be enough to end this ordeal, or would he have to face so much more? The people around him weren't talkative about the purpose of these trials. He hoped that they weren't taking pictures of him, to humiliate him after this would be done...

But as silence once again fell on him, the vibration still teasing him, he wondered once more if they left him alone in the room; it would be quite the torment to leave him there, waiting for something to happen, while he would be unable to see what was surrounding him.

Perhaps this was the purpose of this whole journey he faced; as degrading as it could be, there was still fun to be had and probably a lesson to be learned. Maybe they wanted to teach him that even though some ordeals could be harsh, they would be there to support him in his academic path. But before they would be able to do such a thing, he would have to trust them, to let a part of his fate between their hands.

When he felt something forced into his mouth, something that tasted vaguely of plastic and cheap rubber, he wondered what could happen next. He could feel a hole in it and more he explored, the more it stroke his imagination as a funnel. But would they place such a thing in his mouth?

He heard a bottle tipping over, as a liquid was poured into it; were they trying to make him drunk? If that was the case, a blindfold and a funnel were not needed, for it would be able to do it alone...

He could feel his limbs getting weaker, as if the liquid he was drinking was robbing him of his strength; everything was getting fuzzy, making him wonder if he would be able to remember this whole session...

``Are you sure that this will be enough to suppress his memories?'' said the vixen, as she looked at the passed out nude human, the vibrating toy still in his rear. It was always fun to break in the new recruits...

``Oh, don't worry about it; it never failed before and I believe and it won't do it this time. His mind will be too focused on other urges to find what really happened during this initiation; let's just hope that he will be able to wake up in time for the classes. Trying to explain to him why he slept too much would a pain'' said another voice, removing the shackles, while the group was preparing to move him to his room.

He opened his eyes; he was in a bed, in the room that was prepared for him in the Academy. How he ended up in it was beyond is comprehension, but at least he felt good; he had no hangover or fever, making him wonder how he ended up there without remembering it. Was it possible that he blacked out? Or that he faced an injury that rendered him unconscious for a short moment of time? Either way, since there was nothing that seemed of the ordinary, he had nothing to complain about; he had other things to worry about than a mere strange event that escaped his logic...

But he could feel his loins ached, as if he needed to pleasure himself; perhaps he would have time to do it before class, but as he looked the clock near his bed, he realized that he had little time before the first course would start.

But where were his clothes? He couldn't go there in his underwear, for he couldn't risk expulsion out of this prestigious establishment. He had to find something to wear, to cover his shame. The fact that his clothes were now gone made him wonder what sort night he passed through; perhaps he took a little too much alcohol or spilled some food on himself, thus staining him. He could only bless those that cared about him enough to do such a thing for him; he didn't know that people could care for him in such a way...

As he looked around, he found something that captured his gaze; he couldn't believe that there were clothes available for him. Perhaps this a service offered by the school, so he could fit in without any trouble.

He didn't have time to wonder who placed them there; with a trembling hand, he grabbed them and put them on, wondering if they were looking nice on him. It was a shame that he didn't possess a mirror in the room, although he could see that they were made thigh. He just hoped that it would reveal too much...

He could feel a breeze on his rear, indicating that not much fabric was covering it, but it was still comfortable; he could get used to this, he thought, as he rushed toward his first class, the fabric clenching on his chest, leaving little to the imagination. As long as it wasn't creating a distraction, he supposed that it was still a good suit...

He was lucky, he thought; he was afraid that he would late for his first class, but as the bell rang, he was in front of the door, opening it. There were a few students sitting down, waiting for the teacher to arrive; perhaps they could tell what sort of course this was, but he wanted it to remain a mystery.

What would be the fun of asking the others what he was going to learn? This was a quest of his own, something that he had to face without relying on someone else. But he wondered why the other students were watching him with such strange looks; he supposed that what was normal, when one was the new student...

He waited a moment, before he saw the teacher entered the room; he was a white wolf, giving him the impression that he was starring a snow field. Beyond his youthful appearance, he was sure that something else that beyond this presentation. But he wasn't there to judge; all he could do for now was to wait for the lesson...

``Welcome back class; I hope that you worked on your upcoming assignment, which I have to remind you is coming soon'' he said to his class, looking around, trying to see if all his students were present.

The wolf stopped his gaze on him for a moment, not surprised to see him in the classroom; perhaps he knew that he was a new student, or maybe he wasn't sure. Either way, there was nothing he could do but wait for the events to unfold...

``It seems like we have a new student today. I heard from that you were quite talented, but this is a bright new world for you to explore. I hope you will be able to keep up with the rest of the class; I have no intention of slowing down the pace for anyone, including you'' said the teacher, as he continued watching him.

He could the weight of the gaze on him, but he felt flattered by the attention on him; he knew that not everybody could gather such focus with doing something bad. But he knew that once the class would start, he would vanish back into the darkness, having to fight off the others for a short spot of light. It would be a fierce competition; the one that would emerge victorious from it would be the one that would deserve all...

``Jack, since you are new in the class, you will have to catch up a bit; just come in front and I will explain to you what you will be able to do'' he told him, waving at him. This was an invitation he couldn't resist; he would be on the same level as the other students. Who could resist such an offer?

He advanced toward the desk, wondering what sort of assignment the teacher was going to give him; he hoped that it wouldn't too much, as he gazed upon the deep, blue eyes of the wolf. There was something enchanting about them, as if he wanted to lose himself in them; perhaps, he was somewhere else, he could engage in another thing, but this was a school, he had to chase these thoughts away. This wasn't the time to indulge in such fantasies, for there was knowledge to be acquired and notes to be written down; but he could always put it aside for a moment, until the fascination would be gone...

He could have sworn that he heard him whisper a few words, but that didn't matter; the eyes, the deep blue eyes were staring at him, making him wonder why he wanted to focus on work in the first place. It felt so good to stare at them, to lose himself in the deep vastness of them; perhaps that's where he belonged...

``Yes, continue staring at me, like a good pet'' he heard, in a distance; was it the teacher that talked to him? He wasn't sure anymore, but it didn't matter; all he wanted to do was to stare at the blue eyes, letting his mind wander away...

He was in front of the class, wondering what he was doing there; his head was light and his mind, struggling to remember what was the point of his action. He had to reach the wolf, for the eyes were calling him...

``Good little boy; don't you want to feel comfortable? To be free of all worries that could trouble your little head?'' he heard, feeling the hands of the teacher on his shoulder, the gaze seeking his soul. It was troubling, but rewarding at the same time; he could feel his burden lighten, as his thoughts melted away.

All he wanted to do was to stare at the blue eyes; he didn't care about what surrounded him nor where he was anymore. More he looked at them, more he wanted to follow their order; they knew what was the best was for him...

``Take them off; you know you feel better without them'' he heard, the soft voice told him, as he focused on the gaze. The voice was right; how could he be still wearing these tight clothes? Obviously, it knew more about him than he could ever imagine; how could he disobey one that cared so much about him?

Without questioning himself, he removed his clothes, taking his time, unaware that the students and the teacher were watching him, enjoying the show he was giving them. He was finally comfortable...

The students looked at him, wishing that they could toy with him; he had so much potential, but for the moment, they knew that the teacher wanted to have a little session with him, which surpassed their need, for the moment. But they knew that if they waited a bit, they would have a moment with the new student...

``Such a cute student; I have to say that I'm glad to have you in my class'' said the wolf, passing his hands on the chest of his new student. He knew that he could rush things and his ways with him now, but there was so much to explore and discover; he had to take his time to explore what was offered to him.

As he felt the hands on his body, he wanted them to stay there until he would hear another order that he would follow. There were no doubts nor hesitations clouding his mind anymore; all he wanted to do was to obey the gaze, until it would be satisfied with his performance, an element that he would glad to improve.

When he felt the hands groping his behind, he closed his eyes, wondering what would happen to him next. The voice was soft and easy to follow; it was a pleasure to follow it, for he knew that it could lead him to a task that he would gladly perform.

``Take off your underwear; let the others enjoy what you have to offer, before letting me see'' he heard the voice, resonating in his mind. As comfortable as he was, he could always take it a step forward; the barrier that was still on him was still too tight; removing it could provide such a relief...

Without hesitating, he removed it, tossing it away as he turned toward his classmates, not really seeing them. He was elsewhere, his focus on the depth gaze, the soft voice that was still haunting his mind. He had to obey it, to make his worries at ease; he was sure that doing anything else would be troublesome...

``Good pet; now stroke yourself. It would be pointless to let your public waiting'' the voice told him, as some of the students didn't bother hiding their arousal. It was quite the show that they were offered, after all; who could have refused to watch someone strip and caressed himself?

He didn't need any material or person to indulge himself; the voice was enough for the caresses to stimulate him, to feel the warmth of his flesh under his palm. But should he stroke fast enough to finish it all? The voice said nothing about pace nor duration; all he could for now was to repeat it, until it would tell what to do next...

He passed his hand in a slow pace on his hardened member, enjoying the sensations, as he could feel a warm breath on his neck. Was there more to it than he imagined it? Perhaps if accelerated his pace, he would please the voice.

But as the thought entered his mind, it soon escaped it as he felt hands grab his chest, sliding down his loins; he could hear soft whispers, as they stopped near his shaft, not touching it.

``Such a little tease... I know that you want to get on your knees, for the reward you deserve'' said the voice, a soft nibble accompanying the words that floated in his mind. A reward? For him? It must mean that he was indeed a good pet, that he was obeying commands like no one else could. It was such an honor, a privilege to receive such a thing...

Turning around, facing the wolf, catching a glimpse of the deep blue eyes, he knelt in front of him, waiting for his reward. He felt a slight caress on his head, while his member was pinched for a moment, making him moan a bit; the master was so good to him, making him wonder what would happen next. Although, if this was to be prolonged, he wouldn't mind at all, for this was a perfect role for him...

As the wolf caressed his head, pushing him toward his loins, he could see what the master talked about, the reward that was promised to him. He wanted to grab it, to stroke it, so he could please the one that brought the voice and the gaze into his life, but he knew that he had to wait, for he couldn't act on his without the approval of the one that was given him clear orders in the first place.

Moving the head of the student closer to his loins, the wolf gently tapped the side of the offered mouth with his shaft, making sure that his new student was docile and obedient. The fact that he was trying to suck it without being asked was a positive point for the wolf, but he still needed to be told when to act. He couldn't let him run free, deciding what to do with his life; he had to show him that he wasn't in control, anymore and that this state would be a comfortable, researched one...

Without giving him the chance to talk or ask a question, he grabbed the head near him and with a swift pelvic thrust, plunged his shaft in the hungry mouth. It was warm and inviting, qualities that were always a bonus for a student, these days. But how long would be able to keep up with the rhythm that he was going to impose on him?

As the hands grabbed him, he felt the member enter his mouth; he felt happy that the gaze wanted to reward him in such a way. He could feel the pace, the strength and the passion beyond each thrust; he didn't have time to savor the flesh as much as he desired, but the situation was more than he wished for.

He was being used, in front of a crowd; it was a pleasant moment, but he had the feeling that the master wasn't completely pleased, as if the action in question wasn't the one that he sought. Perhaps the master had another plan in mind, but all he could do for now was to accept the gracious gift of his presence in his mouth.

He was surprised when he felt the movements stop, the shaft exiting his mouth; did he disappoint? Did he failed to live to the standards that were projected in front of him or was there something else?

``That's enough of that, for now; as much as it was pleasant, there is a better way for you to show how much you want to obey'' said the voice, pushing the head away, while moving a hand near the student's bottom.

Without a word he moved away, assuming another position, while the rest of the class was still watching him, enjoying the show; patience was a virtue that would serve them well, as they would have a turn with him, after this would be over...

Grabbing the shoulders of the student, the wolf rammed his shaft deep in his rear, not giving him any time to relax. He would have to learn to enjoy being treated like that, to have it rough and hard...

``Don't worry, little one... when this will be over, you won't remember anything... but your body will'' whispered the teacher, as the trusted in the willing subject, wondering how long he would last in him...

Afternoon delight

It was a normal day, like any other day for Zack; he was a gray fox, ravishing the sight of those that he met with the play of the light in his fur, but this was an element that he was unable to take pleasure from. He was a shy individual, one that...

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Bad plans

It was supposed to be the perfect plan, one that would have brought them enough to remove any uncertainties toward the future. It wasn't the first time that they were in this sort of situation, but the targets were always small, easy to attack and run...

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Sumer's delight

* * * Documents and old tablets; he searched them all, hoping that one of them would reveal the secret he was seeking. Although it seemed pointless, he knew that he was getting closer to his goal, which was to uncover the secret of an ancient Sumerian...

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