Pages of Crime (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The streets of the trade district were a grinding mess of sound and sights, gleaming with the tones of cart wheels and wares on display. Tucked into one of the buildings, Varner's Books held against the tide of diversions as an oasis of dust and...

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Legend High-Prologue Part One

._ _"... it is here in downtown nyc where a bank robbery had just taken place. the police are in hot pursuit!..."_ _the ice cream vendor was across the street, just up ahead.

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Robbery And Joy

-jeff magill ====================== robbery and joy ====================== hello there, i truly hope you do not mind me asking you a question. have you ever been shot at? no, i do not mean those paint-ball or air-soft guns.

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Island Robbery

After days of travel against the harsh ocean waves, Nestor was ecstatic to finally see the pale sands on which the waves crashed and even more elated at the sensation of warmth the beach spread across his tired body when he took his much deserved...

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The Hadfield Robbery

This is "the hadfield robbery", one of the stories i have written for inclusion in khakidoggy 's "the voice of dog" podcast.

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An event in a robbery.

'This just can't be happening.' My brain kept screaming, as I stared at the group of masked people that were surrounding me and the group of people in the bank. This sort of thing only happened in the movies. But my brain told me they had to base it...

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Streets of His City | Chapter 4

The thought of his father coming down to the city prison to bail him out was even more frightening than the robbery itself. if his father found out about his night-time activities, the consequences could be severe; he could even lose his inheritance.

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New story test beta

A black SUV sped through the streets of downtown Sentinel City. It was clearly on a mission. There were five men inside it, all wearing some form of...

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ROUGH DRAFT: For Lucieth

In the room before him sat darnell, his fur matted with dirt and disheveled, a madness burning in his eyes reminiscent of what had been there the day of the robbery so many months ago. he was drooling.

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A Galaxy Divided 2

A Galaxy Divided In Claris' Apartment... The alarm clock goes off next to the bed, I shut it off. It's six thirty, time for my morning workout. Claris, a.k.a....

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A Simple Job

> A Simple Job > _By Evan Drake_ > _© 2019, Evan Drake, All Rights Reserved_ It was supposed to be a simple job. Nothing fancy, nothing special. Basic breaking-and-entering. Get in, grab the goods, and get out. To ensure everything went smoothly,...

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