Chapter 3 - Gilbert VS Dragon

Story by Lionhart on SoFurry

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#3 of Country of the Forgotten

Chapter 3 - Gilbert VS Dragon

The rush of adrenaline that coursed through Gilbert's vein showed in the amount of speed he exerted into his running. He leaped over gaps between buildings as the dragon flew higher and higher into the sky. The closer he got, the clearer the dragon looked. The long neck extended towards the sky with its triangular head pointed down at the approaching enemy. The dragon roared again but Gilbert was not affected by it as he jumped onto the side of one of the sky scrapers and ran up its side. By the time he made it to the roof, the dragon stopped ascending to the sky and they had a clear view of each other. The dragon is approximately 10-12 feet in length with blood red scales and a yellow to gold underside. There is also a harness at the base of the dragon's base but Gilbert couldn't get a good look at it.

Lifting his sword and high and pointing it towards the dragon, Gilbert said, "So you're my foe. I'm taking you down with my own two hands."

"Pitiful human. No one can defeat a powerful dragon as myself," boomed the dragon.

"Ya, ya, ya. Are we going to get on with the show or not," said Gilbert annoyed.

"You are reckless like all the others. You're life is too feeble for me to take," said the dragon.

"Feeble? What are you trying to say? That I'm weak?" laughed Gilbert.

"Yes and yet you still laugh," said the dragon.

"That's because I think you're weak for not fighting me," provoked Gilbert.

"A dragon such as myself is not weak," said the dragon angry.

"Then prove it to me or are you just a tiny helpless lizard," provoked Gilbert even more.

"Why you despicable fool! You will not get away with that!" shouted the enraged dragon as it dove down at the sky scraper.

Gilbert dashed for the edge of the sky scraper and leaped high into the sky with the sword pointed downward. The dragon moved quickly and found an easy opening that Gilbert has and took that to its advantage. It swerved to the right and reeled into a large arc aiming for Gilbert's side that is open but Gilbert expected it and shifted his body such that his back is to the dragon. Not thinking, the dragon saw this as an even bigger opening and lashed out with its left fore claw only to miss Gilbert's back and make contact with the sword.

"You really are stupid," taunted Gilbert as he pushed off of the fore claw and dropped down to the ground.

The dragon became enraged even more and pursued Gilbert. Gilbert seemed to be floating down to the ground. It is all a ploy that the dragon easily fell into the moment they were only 10 feet away from each other. Gilbert turned around and made a long horizontal swing with the blade even though it was no where close to touching the dragon. A thin stream of dark light erupted from the swing and flew towards the dragon's right wing. The dragon is able to evade the strike in time but not without scraping it's scales against the side of a stone building. The left wing snagged onto a balcony that soon broke off yet left a tear in the thin skin causing unbalance.

"Shit," breathed Gilbert as the dragon plummeted down to the ground.

The dragon landed with a loud thud causing a large quake to surge through the land. Leo held onto the green dragon's hind leg in order to stay standing as the cowering people toppled down like dominoes with some still standing sporadically. Gilbert could be squashed under the dragon or clinging for his life on a stone building with his sword stuck in the wall. Instead, he's standing a few feet away from the dragon's head and breathing hard as he just barely escaped death underneath a very heavy dragon.

"That was way to close," panted Gilbert as he looked at the dragon's head.

Gilbert is able to live because he touched the ground before the dragon made contact with his body. Upon touching the ground with his hand, he immediately pushed himself at an angle to get him out of harms way as the dragon collided with the ground. A very risky attempt though. The wind picked up into a slight breeze that moved Gilbert's hair slightly to the left and curved around to his cheek.

"Ow," moaned the dragon slowly as his senses began to return to him.

The dragon lifted its head and looked around at its surrounding through the dazed eyes. Gilbert's pants started to lengthen as he recovered his breathe and soon stood up straight with the sword tip on the ground. The dragon's focus returned as he concentrated his attention at Gilbert who did likewise to the dragon.

"You're a smart human," said the dragon.

"Thank you," replied Gilbert.

"Tricking me like that but I assure you I won't fall for such tricks again," said the dragon taking in a deep breath.

"Are you sure?" said Gilbert.

"Yes, I am," replied the dragon as it let out red flames from its mouth.

Gilbert dived to the side as the fire scorched the ground before the dragon. The flames licked onto his bare feet and scalded a small portion of the heels. He landed on the ground and skidded a few inches as he winced at the intense heat. The dragon stopped breathing fire and redirected his head to point at the fallen warrior with a large grin.

"I have to say, that's some mighty flame," complimented Gilbert.

"I knew you'd appreciate it. Only a noble dragon such as myself can create beauty like that," said the dragon.

"Still, even noble dragons must fall at one point," said Gilbert getting up and wincing at the pressured pain on his heels.

"You still fight?" questioned the dragon.

"Of course, not everything is invincible," replied Gilbert dashing towards the dragon with the sword pointing away from his body.

"Stupid human but you are amusing me," said the dragon getting up on all fours.

Gilbert leaped high into the air and brought the sword down in a large arc upon his descent at the dragon's face. The dragon deflected the attack with its right fore claw and breathed fire at Gilbert's opening. Gilbert brought the sword up as if he is a samurai doing sword exercise. The fire split on contact with the sword but the flames licked away at his exposed arms that shook at the great force. The force the fire is exerting to the force it took to keep the sword from flying back made Gilbert's shake as well until the fire subsided. Scorch marks lined Gilbert's arm as he dropped his sword in exhaustion and fell onto all fours.

"You see, you're nothing but a stupid human who doesn't know when to give up," said the dragon grinning even wider.

The dragon walked over to Leo and placed its right fore claw on Gilbert's back pushing him hard to the ground. It pressured Gilbert's body with such great force it was excruciating for Gilbert to endure without being crushed. The dragon smiled wider as it exerted more force onto the helpless human. The sword laid just a little beyond Gilbert's reach as he screamed in pain.

"I thought you would actually have defeated me but I guess that I thought wrong. Not many humans survived as long as you did but that doesn't matter any more, you will die here and now," said the dragon exerting 90% of its weight into the pressure.

Gilbert scream echoed through the stone building and everyone continued to cower in fear. Leo fell to the ground struggling for air and screaming in pain. He felt the same pain that Gilbert felt. The green dragon saw this and feared for its own life but soon overcame that fear. The fear is replaced with anger. What this anger is is unknown. The green dragon took to the skies and flew towards the screaming. The louder the screaming became the closer the dragon approached the dying human. The green dragon soon found the smiling dragon and dived down to ram into the dragon's broad back. The red dragon fell onto its side with surprise and released Gilbert from his torment and Leo stopped his screaming as well as he gasped for air.

"What are you doing Esmeralda?!" shouted the red dragon.

"Stopping you from doing something you will regret, Ruben!" exclaimed Esmeralda.

Gilbert couldn't feel his legs as he attempted to get onto all fours. Ruben and Esmeralda were still shouting each other as Gilbert finally decided to roll onto his back after a few attempts. The struggle to flip over is excruciating because each movement resulted in a large stab of pain which Leo felt from where he is lying. Gilbert managed to flip over but it was still painful even to breathe.

"What were you doing near the tainted ones then?" shouted Ruben.

"You of all do not need to know," responded Esmeralda roughly.

"I have the right to know. I am your superior!" shouted Ruben.

"No your not! I am your superior and you know it but won't admit it!" retaliated Esmeralda.

"You were born by dragon disgraces so I have all power over you!" shouted Ruben and the damage is dealt.

Esmeralda didn't speak any further and Ruben grinned widely before turning his attention to Gilbert. He brought his fore claw down upon Gilbert once again and resumed squishing the human until there was nothing left but crushed bones and a large pool of blood. Gilbert is screaming at the top of his lungs again and so is Leo. Esmeralda didn't try to save Gilbert this time and allowed Ruben to have his fun. She watched with painful eyes at the torment and impending doom.

"I'm sorry," whispered Esmeralda turning her head away.

The sword, which is still only a few inches away from Gilbert's hand, moved on its own. It progressed to stabbing and slashing at the fore claw until it made a cut deep enough for Ruben to feel and scream loudly. Ruben quickly drew away and looked at what caused his pain. The sword changed directions and went onto a new job as blinding the dragon by cutting at his eyes and the sensitive snout. Ruben manages to deflect some of the attacks using his uninjured fore claw but the ones that landed, didn't pierce through the scales. Esmeralda took this opportunity to move Gilbert to a new location so that he can heal until someone spoke in her mind.

"Bring him to me," spoke the voice.

"Where?" thought Esmeralda.

"Bring him back to the tavern," said the voice again.

Esmeralda did as the voice told her to and she flew towards the tavern with great speed. The sword followed soon after she left, leaving Ruben's face with small nicks in the scales. Ruben quickly followed but on foot and soon lost sight of the sword as it disappeared over one of the tall sky scrapers. He let out a deafening roar before charging through the various streets to find Gilbert and Esmeralda.

Esmeralda landed in front of the tavern where Redrigal is holding up Leo as a support. Esmeralda placed the pained Gilbert on the ground before them face up.

"Who knew he is in way over his head for fighting a dragon," said Leo prodding Redrigal to walk forward and sit him down next to Gilbert.

Redrigal backed away a few feet before asking, "What are you going to do?"

"Just watch," said Leo closing his eyes and painfully lifting his right hand above Gilbert's abdomens.

Concentrating hard, he felt the surge of magic that flowed from all over his body into the right hand that sparkled glitter down. A large spell circle appeared beneath both Leo and Gilbert. The spell circle is outlined as a clock with wings in which the clock is made from the feathers that fell from the wings.

"The holy force that heals all wounds. Recuve," whispered Leo as the sparkling glitter became small faintly glowing lights.

The small lights passed through Gilbert's body and went to work on healing the many fractures that lined his body and the internal bleeding as well as the bruised organs. The pain faded away as Gilbert's face soon relaxed into calm and tranquility. The pain that Leo felt also diminished until there was no trace of the injuries left. The sword came flying down and rested onto of Gilbert's body where he lifted his hands and enveloped the hilt.

"You're not about to die," remarked Leo opening his eyes and pulling his hand back before getting up.

"I know. Just wanted to see what this feels like," said Gilbert moving the sword off of his body to get up as well.

"You are the dumbest person I have ever seen," said Redrigal.

"Dumb!" shouted Gilbert in anger.

"Yes, dumb. You don't go rushing in to attack a dragon," scolded Redrigal.

"Well all you did is cower in the corner," said Gilbert.

"At least I didn't attempt to commit suicide!" shouted Redrigal.

The ground began to shake lightly at first but it soon intensified and the people went and cowered in the corner again. Gilbert and Redrigal continued to argue regardless of the shaking as Esmeralda turned out to the open streets and Leo leaning against a wall for support. Ruben exploded from one of the stone buildings that are only a few miles away. He spotted Esmeralda and charged at her with full speed.

"I'm going to kill you you fucking bitch!" shouted Ruben at the top of his lungs.

Esmeralda prepared herself for the impact as Redrigal and Gilbert stopped fighting to see the charging Ruben. Redrigal joined the people cowering and Gilbert raised his sword while charging at Ruben.

"He doesn't know when to give up does he," whispered Gilbert as he drew in a deep breath.

Ruben saw the charging human and spewed out a large wave of fire that is impossible to avoid in any possible way besides dropping into the ground. Gilbert couldn't drop into the ground but attempted to slice through the fames. At first, he thought he successfully cut through the flames since it did part before the sword but the fire soon reconnected at hit him full in the face. He wasn't scarred or hurt in any way.

"You really are baka," spoke a voice through his mind.

"Leo?" thought Gilbert.

"Who else?" responded Leo.

"Freezing Lancer!" shouted Leo from the wall.

A large circle of sparkling dust appeared a few feet ahead of him. Icicles exploded from the dust and passed through the flames only to melt. The intent is not to dowse the flames but to make some smoke so that Ruben would weaken his fire just enough for Leo to spot Gilbert amidst the flames. Esmeralda caught on and began to flap her wings at the ascending smoke. The wind pushed the smoke into Ruben's vision which did the intended action.

"There you are," murmured Leo as he took another deep breath and stood square in the middle of the street.

A large circle made of crystal emerged erected like a flat wall before fanning out to a diameter of 5 feet. The circles began to rotate counter clockwise from the center out on every other circle. The wind began to swirl around the crystals as Leo looked directly through the center at Gilbert who still remained where he is still standing.

"Fire from the forges that rings with metal. Sharpen the blade to perfection. Keen Edge!" shouted Leo.

A powerful light slid across the edges of the sword at met at the tip sharpening the blade as it went. Once the process was done, Gilbert felt the blade become slightly heavier and he decided to use its weight to his advantage. The flames behind him were barely there so he quickly backed out and stopped next to Leo who stood with eyes signed with death.

"This is my battle and I'll end it with one strike so just watch," said Gilbert.

Ruben cut his flame so that the smoke would stop rising into the sky. No one could see their opponents so they waited for the smoke to clear up just enough to see each others silhouette. When that happened, Gilbert charged at Ruben with his blade behind him. Ruben roared a loud and began to charge as well.

"This will end the stupid trifle!" shouted Gilbert as they were only 20 feet away from each other and closing fast.

At 10 feet, Ruben made a small jump into the air in the act of lunging onto the enemy like a lion pouncing on its prey. They both met at 0 feet and the strikes seemed almost apparent to have connected with one another but it was hard to tell for the blade made a ring of deflection. The distance between each other is small as they waited eagerly for the results. The first to buckle is Ruben when several long cuts appeared on the legs. Gilbert fell next with a deep gash on his left shoulder.

"A tie," said Leo restraining himself from screaming in agony.

Gilbert quickly got up and turned around to only see Leo direct him to sit back down. He sat down to relax and Leo went ahead and began a new spell. The same spell circle appeared beneath him and underneath Ruben and Gilbert. He concentrated the energy that flowed down into his legs and sank into the ground.

"Recuve," said Leo quietly.

The circles beneath Ruben and Gilbert shined with great brilliance as the wounds began to mend and heal. The various cuts on Ruben's face and legs, including the tear in his wings, closed up and looked as if they never existed. Gilbert's wound took a little longer but never the less, recovered as well. The spell was over in a few minutes and Ruben got up on all fours to examine his body for any wounds that Leo missed. Out of exhaustion, Leo slumped to the ground and slept peacefully without any further interruptions except to shout for no more fighting.

"There you are Ruben!" shouted a voice.

A woman, dressed in shiny silver armor, stood atop of a stone building. Her face is white and she held a long lance in one hand. Her hair is short and a light color of brown. Her eyes are also teal.

"Vanessa," said Ruben half annoyed.

"Don't go 'Vanessa' me. I couldn't find you anywhere!" shouted Vanessa as she jumped down to the ground.

"Um...but who are you?" asked Gilbert.

"I'm Vanessa Rights, a dragoon of the greatest dragon army ever known. Not to mention the last time guardian before the never ending cycle," said Vanessa proudly.

Chapter 4 - Start Up the Gundams

Author's note: Any reference to actual events, people, or places are just coincidental. I hold no ownership to the Gundams or any of the Mobile Suit Gundam series. "Liek" is pronounced as "leek" "Li'thel" is pronounced as "lee-thel" * * * ...

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Chapter 2 - AIM

Author's note: Any reference to actual events, people, or places are just coincidental. FURRIES are to appear later in the series. This is done on purpose. Kitty is human. "Liek" is pronounced like the word "leek" * * * Chapter 2 â€" AIM ...


Chapter 4 - Heartless or Not

DISCLAIMER: All characters cannot be used without my permission since this is a reflection of a certain life. Some events are fiction but the thoughts are true. * * * Chapter 4 â€" Heartless or Not * * * Leo returned to the two gates...

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