Chapter 2 - AIM

Story by Lionhart on SoFurry

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#2 of Two Worlds One Heart

Author's note: Any reference to actual events, people, or places are just coincidental. FURRIES are to appear later in the series. This is done on purpose. Kitty is human.

"Liek" is pronounced like the word "leek"

Chapter 2 â€" AIM

Location â€" Liek's House: Liek's Room (Afterschool)

Everything that happened at school is still fresh in my mind even though things didn't turn out the way I expected it to. Who was that person? Why was he there? Why did the officials have to die? There are just way too many questions to ask but is there enough time?

"Liek sweetie? Are you okay?" asked Liek's mother at the door.

"I'm doing fine mom. I just need to rest a little," answered Liek.

"Well, if you need anything, I'll be downstairs making dinner," said Liek's mother as she moved to the kitchen.

"Mom?" asked Liek.

"Yes dear?" responded Liek's mother.

"What would you think if people just died on my school campus?" asked Liek.

"Well, I wouldn't know what to do. I'd be shocked from fear no doubt but after that, I don't really know. I'm only a mother so I can't work miracles to help you and your problem with the dead officials at school," said Liek's mother.

"You were at school?" asked Liek alarmed.

"Yes I was. Had to deliver something to the principal. One my way out though, there was a large explosion and the next thing I knew, there was a head right in front of me," answered Liek's mother.

"What did you do afterwards?" asked Liek.

"Well, I can't really say because everything for a few hours after that was a blur to me. The most I do remember though is screaming," said Liek's mother in a happy tone.

All I could say was, "Oh."

"Want something special for dinner?" asked Liek's mother.

"No," answered Liek.

"Well, I'll be downstairs if you change your mind. Dinner's not going to make itself you know," said Liek's mother.

I tried to go to sleep but that was nearly impossible because all I could think about was the dead body and the explosion. Again, so much for a normal school day. I guess this is supposed to help me in the long run some how but I can't really imagine it. Repression plays a role eventually but it just doesn't feel right to me. Then again, how many more traumatic experiences can I have compared to those who remember 9/11.

"Such a fucked up day this turned out to me," muttered Liek as he sat up and starred at his door.

At times of depression, I always turned to my laptop and surfed the net until I found something that will lighten my mood. Today, like all of the previous events of the day, is different. I grabbed a book that my dad gave me a couple years ago. Well, made a couple of years ago. It was titled "How to Do Stupid Things." For once, ever since I got it, I opened the book and started to read its content.

"The first thing that you must always remember is that you are already doing a stupid thing by reading this book," read Liek out loud.

Location â€" Liek's House: Kitchen (Evening)

"Liek, it's time for dinner!" shouted Liek's mother.

"What smells good?" said Liek's father as he entered the kitchen.

"Strawberry pie," said Liek's mother as she wacked him upside the head with her hand.

"Ow! What was that for?" exclaimed Liek's father as he backed away and rubbed his wound.

"That's for not eating healthy at lunch. Mary called me about your little escapade with Will at the famous fat restaurant near your work place," said Liek's mother politely.

"Damn Will! Why'd he have to tell Mary?" muttered Liek's father.

"Even if he didn't. George saw you and so did Malik and Grace," said Liek's father.

"Shit! How can I get caught like that? I shouldn't have gone with Will. Fucking idiot," said Liek's father.

"You're the idiot for submitting to peer pressure. Open your mouth and taste this for me," said Liek's mother.

"Oh no you don't! Last time I did that you stuck chili peppers and honey into my mouth. You try it," said Liek's father.

"It's not going to be like that. It's chocolate and strawberry cheesecake, Liek's favorite," said Liek's mother with a slightly depressed tone.

"Well, if that's the case then I'll do that," said Liek's father opening his mouth wide as Liek's mother stuck a small piece into his mouth.

"Well? How does it taste?" asked Liek's mother.

"The best cheesecake you've made in ages, Lily. What's the occasion though? It isn't his birthday or anything," said Liek's father smiling at Lily.

"I'm just worried about Liek and what happened at his school today," said Lily as she started to spread the batter into a pie pan with a gingerbread shell.

"Something happened at Valley High? Tell me," said Liek's father.

"You remember Val from the principal's office right? Well, I went to deliver something to her for taking care of my flowers while I was out for the weekend. When I stepped out, there was this large explosion and a head landed at my feet. I didn't know what to do except scream and run back inside to Val," said Lily sticking the pie pan into the oven to bake.

"That..." began Liek's father.

"There's more. Earlier, Liek asked me what I would do if people were murdered on the school campus. I felt unprepared Howard. I didn't know what to do or what to say to him for the first time in my whole entire life. I wasn't prepared for what happened either," said Lily. "What do you think I should do? The most I can do is make a cheesecake."

"Lily, what you did is what you believed is right. Not everyone is prepared for anything. Hell, I wasn't even prepared to hear about this incident at all. I just thought he got into a fight or something. This is something that he needs to decide for himself. Just as much as we need to decide what to do," said Howard softly.

"Will I feel this way if one of my relatives dies?" asked Lily.

"Well, I can't say for sure. I mean, I think that you'd feel crushed and sad but that doesn't mean that you will be terrified like right now," said Howard.

"You're right. I just have to be ready for the worst when the time comes," said Lily.

Liek walked in as if he didn't over hear the conversation.

"What smells good?" asked Liek innocently.

"Lasagna," answered Lily as she set the dish down.

"Wow, that looks really good," exclaimed Howard as he sat down.

Liek sat across from his parents and just starred at his empty plate without saying anything. Lily cut out large pieces of the lasagna and placed it upon everyone's plate before she sat down next to Howard.

"Well, let's eat!" said Howard as he took his first bite of the food.

Lily followed right after but Liek continued to star at his food for quite a while. This awkward silence wasn't normal in their household but it seemed like common sense to at least have some silence for the death of the officials.

"May I be excused from the table? I don't feel very hungry today," said Liek.

"Yes you may dear. I'll bring up some food if you want later," said Lily.

"Thanks mom," said Liek as he got up and left the room.

Liek left the room and Howard stopped eating his food. Lily couldn't bear to eat her food anymore either.

"What are we going to do? He's usually such a happy person but today, it seems like he got a complete make over and now I don't know him anymore," said Lily.

"Don't think about it too much. We'd be in the same state as well so it is actually inevitable," said Howard.

"I hope you're right about that," said Lily.

Location - Liek's House: Liek's Room (Late Night)

"Things just don't add up anymore. No matter how hard I try, I can't stop thinking about it," mumbled Liek as he lay in his bed.

What happened to the happy person that I was just a while ago? It seems like I can't even remember what has happened to me at all so what do I do now? I'm everyone at school is just as shocked as I am. Kitty might not be now that I think about it. Jared and Kitty are complete opposites but they always help me when I'm in trouble or disturbed about something.

"Now where's that laptop?" said Liek quietly as he looked around the room from where he was laying.

How can I find anything if I'm lying down on my bed? Last time I used the laptop was just yesterday so it shouldn't have vanished from the room that easily. I don't want to lose everything that I worked on for the past few years.

"There it is!" said Liek as he reached down and picked it up from the foot of his bed.

This is fairly new but it looks like it's an ancient thing. What in the world have I done to it? Then again, what didn't I do to it? I'm just lucky that it still works so I'm happy about the outcome of everything.

Liek turned on his laptop and signed onto AIM to see who was on. Almost everyone he knew at school was online and every head line is about the explosion and the dead body on campus. He scrolled down until he found Jared who was also online but idle. As for Kitty, she was away.

Guess I can't talk to either of them at the moment but what about everyone else. I'm not on good terms with them though so I can't say what's going to happen. Well, Farel will have to due until Jared or Kitty returns to their computers.

Liek moved his pointer over to Farel and started to chat with him online but there wasn't must to say between them. Farel was just as shocked as Liek about the murder and the explosion but he didn't really learn about the body until after school so he was saved of the gruesome sight. A few theories came up about how the body got there and what happened but each theory didn't have enough support to be believed the other. After a couple minutes of silence, a topic that Liek didn't expect appeared.

"Do you believe in parallel universes?" typed Farel.

"Not really, why do you ask?" responded Liek.

"Dunno. Just had the compulsion to ask. Some guy on the street asked me that once though. Caught me by surprise."

"Really? Can't be that crazy...right?"

"Well, it can if you think about it."

"No theory supports it though. There's not even a single shred of proof."

"I know's still possible right?"

"Do you think it's related to the incident?"

"Maybe but that's what I'm thinking."

"You gotta get your head out of sci-fi land."

"I don't watch sci-fi, remember?"

"Oh ya. I just keep thinking what happened is just a dream but it all was too real for me to deny it."

"Same here. Gotta go and do some homework."

"Okay, see you tomorrow."

Farel went from online to away so Liek was alone again but not for long since Jared was no longer idol. Liek has a compulsion to IM Jared but decided against it and placed the laptop aside as he lay back in bed again, thinking about the possibility of a parallel universe.

"Parallel universes," smirked Liek.

Even if it isn't proven it still is something to think about. I wonder what another me would be like. What about that incident? Could that also have happened from a parallel universe? It's all sci-fi stuff anyways so what's the chance that it will actually appear in life. This is the real world anyways. Earth has nothing but humans and animals wandering the planet so another world is out of the question.

Liek continued to ponder the idea of a parallel universe regardless of how absurd the idea is. He was lost in thought when a "ping" caught his attention and he looked at his laptop that had an IM window open. The sender was someone unknown to him but the message that was there read "Do you believe in impossible things?"

"What the hell?" muttered Liek.

Another ping sounded and the same message appeared but slightly different. This message referred to parallel universes.

"Stop all of this parallel universe nonsense Farel," typed Liek.

Even though that was another question, the sender sent the same question but slightly different again. "Do you know that another world exists?"

"What the hell are you talking about? Who the hell are you?" responded Liek.

He expected the sender to say the same thing but didn't.

"I am you. You are I. We are the same person with just minor differences."

This doesn't make any sense. I wish I downloaded the tracker system.

"What are you talking about!? There's only one me," responded Liek quickly.

"Do you believe in parallel universes and different worlds that exist?"

This is really getting on my nerves with all of this parallel universe crap. There's no such thing as that anyways so why can't this guy get it through his head.

"No. I don't believe that parallel universes and different worlds exist."

Last thing I'd expect is that this guy hacked my laptop which I think he did the moment my conversation with Farel suddenly appeared.

"Doesn't seem like it to me."

"Who are you? How the hell did you get that!?"

"As I said ‘I am you. You are I.'"

I just gave up with this guy's mumbo jumbo about all this shit but he grabbed my attention again with "What you saw at Valley High was no accident. It was there on purpose. The body came from another world."

"Fuck off asshole! There's no way that's possible."

Closed my laptop so that I wouldn't see the conversation anymore but the last thing I saw before it closed completely was "Then I'll make you believe." How is that even possible? If there is no actual proof then that is just a complete lie to get my guard down. This guy is probably the murderer but I have my doubts. Some sort of feeling inside of my mind believes that what this mystery man said is completely true.

Chapter 1 - Where Dreams Supposedly Began

DISCLAIMER:_This is a purely fictional story that is and will be situated around M/M type of situations among other things that is made for those of 18 years and older. If you don't like that kind of thing, then please leave right now. All characters...

Chapter 3 - Liek and the Crazy Killer

Author's note: Any reference to actual events, people, or places are just coincidental. "Liek" is pronounced as "leek" "Li'thel" is pronounced as "lee-thel" * * * Chapter 3 â€" Liek and the "Crazy Killer" Location â€" Valley High...

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Chapter 1 - Fear of Murder

Author's note: Any reference to actual events, people, or places are just coincidental. FURRIES are to appear later in the series. This is done on purpose. Kitty is human not furry. "Liek" is pronounced as "leek" * * * Chapter 1 â€" Fear of...

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