Ms. Toki Feathercat’s Wild Ride Called Life

Story by Rowyin Darkwulf on SoFurry

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Ms. Toki Feathercat's Wild Ride Called Life

By Rowyin Darkwulf

Editing by Evertide

All characters used with permission.

Soft candlelight illuminated a vast library, stuffed to the brim with many different books. Sitting at a desk with the most illumination was what seemed at first glance to be a bunny, sitting in a large recliner and examining a rather thick tome. The green-furred rabbit's long, spade-tipped tail swayed languidly across the carpeted floor. A soft feminine humming emanated from the bunny in the seat, her hand falling from the desk to the vast dome of her stomach. To say that she was pregnant was an understatement, her swollen belly dwarfing any mortal pregnancy. Her breasts, large furry orbs the size of melons, sat enveloped in a sheer silk top, propped up by the swell of her great belly. The silk garment hung limply down her sides, and if one could see under her immense tummy, a pair of matching panties clung to her lower belly and covered her nethers. Her fingers traced over a small bulge in her side as the door to her library opened, a short ferret walking in carrying another large book.

The ferret stopped alongside the desk, clearing his throat and placing the large book onto the desk. "Mistress Clover...I have the fertility reports for the week, as you requested. It appears that a young collie female has recently prayed to you. She was wed not too long ago, and now wishes to conceive a healthy boy to please her husband," he said upon gaining the bunny's attention.

She nodded and took the book, looking through its pages. Being a goddess was turning out to be more work than she had initially thought, especially one attributed to the constantly-in-demand mortal aspect of fertility. "All right, then...I'll have to send you to pass on the catalyst then...she is known for her taste in fruit, especially cherries. Here's a bushel of normal cherries..." she began, waving her hand, a trail of sparkles following her fingers, and manifesting a large basket of cherries, "and as for her, take this smaller container to sell to her, which will put her on the road to motherhood," she finished, manifesting the other object, pushing them over to her subordinate. She flicked her wrist, the ferret's body aging in appearance until he looked like an old man. "No go off to that town and get the woman to purchase the special berries, so that she may receive my blessing," she ordered, sending her minion off to do as she had bid as she looked through the ledger he had brought her.


"Gods...I so need this..." a feminine voice exclaimed from behind a tall wooden fence, above which floated a generous amount of steam. A nude female feline slowly slipped into the hot water, shuddering lightly as her tense muscles were relaxed by the hot springs. She slipped her wide, motherly hips into the water, and soon settled down on her plush rump, slipping into an alcove carved into the rock. She leaned back against the rocky backrest, letting her upper chest slip into the water as well, her generous bosoms floating in the water, taking their weight of her taxed back. Her grey and silver striped fur soaked up the hot water as she relaxed, her eyes closing as she reflected upon the day's events.

She couldn't believe the party she had been with was foolish enough to have gone up against a beholder with their amount of experience, but thanks much to her own contributions they made it out with little difficulty. Hell, she even managed to get a few of the beholder's eye stalks, which would fetch a nice price with the mages of the area. She let out a content sigh and sunk lower into the hot water, only to have her relaxing bath interrupted by a familiar, yet annoying voice.

"Wow...I didn't know your tits were so buoyant, Toki..." a masculine voice said, causing Toki to bolt upright, her eyes shooting open and scanning the area around her. She spied the furry thing, a feral ferret in shape, perched atop one of the fence posts, her hand tossing a stone she had picked up from the side of the pool, nailing the ferret upside the head and causing it to fall from its perch, tumbling down into the hot springs. By the time he surfaced again, Toki had covered her top half with a towel, one of her arms reaching down and scruffing the ferret while lifting him from the water.

"Dammit, Ramirez, this is the ladies' area...get out of here!" Toki yelled, tossing him across the pool, bouncing him against the fence. He grunted as he landed on the ground at the far side of the bubbling pool. He shook the dirt from his fur and muttered something under his breath, looking back over to the feline, only to find that she had sat back down in the pool, towel wrapped tightly around her chest. "Well, if you're going to trespass, maybe you can make yourself useful and find me something to snack on...maybe some fruit or something..." she said as she reclined once more, closing her eyes again.

"Why should I go when you can just-" he began, before getting cut off by her.

"Because I don't want to waste one of my daily spells, that's why, now go!" she shot back, emphasizing her statement with a shot of fire, which landed behind the polymorphed ferret. He yelped and scurried off to find her something to eat before she decided to try a more potent spell.

Ramirez grumbled to himself as the slipped through the crowded streets, dodging the feet of the other furs as he searched for something for Toki to snack on. After almost a half hour looking, an older male carrying a bushel of fruit caught his eye. He smirked and slipped his way through the crowd, dodging the feet of the other market-goers till he reached the fruit vendor. Being so small limited his carrying abilities, but looking through the vendor's wares he found a small pouch of cherries, small enough for him to carry back to the impatient tabby cat.

Toki was apparently waiting for him to return, because her bust was still wrapped in the same cloth from before, her arms crossed under her large breasts. She sat up when she spied Ramirez climbing over the wall, grunting and pulling a pouch-full of something over the top of the wooden wall. He slowly climbed down to the pool, dropping the bag of berries within her reach.

"All's your what do I get?" he said, taking a glance at her towel-encased bosom.

" get to not bother me for the rest of the night, and in turn not get a baptism by fire," she replied, taking up the pouch and pouring some of the berries out into her hand. She smiled as Ramirez clambered back up the fence and disappeared over the other side, almost certainly intent on harassing some other busty patron of the hot springs. She leaned back once more, removing the wet towel from around her bust and snacking on the berries, not knowing their magical enchantment. As she ingested the berries their magical potential was released into her system, but with them having been meant for a different fur the magic ran wild. Deep in the feline's belly the magic effected her usual ovulation cycle, a single egg rapidly maturing and departing her ovary.

The magic seized hold of the egg, fertilizing it and preparing Toki's womb to carry the new life. All this went unnoticed by the cat save for a small stomach cramp, which was dulled by the heated water she lounged in. She finished the berries quickly, pulling herself from the warm waters and wrapping another towel around herself before heading back to the changing rooms. It was getting late, and Toki knew she should head back to the inn so she could get a room for the night. She slipped into her tight leather armor, picked up her staff and left the hot springs. After grabbing a proper dinner the feline retired to her rented room and soon fell asleep in the middle of counting out her gold haul from her last adventure.

Toki awoke as a beam of sunlight shined across her face, causing her to grumble and slowly roll onto her stomach, facing away from the window. She was wrenched from sleep as she did so though, an uncomfortable pressure in her belly. She rolled over quickly, hands flying to her midsection. Her normally flat midsection was bulged out slightly, about the size of a grapefruit. She probed the bulge, but it wasn't soft like fat, but tight and firm as if something were inside. She tried to sit up, but the bulge in her middle restricted her forward movement. She rolled to the edge of the bed and tossed her legs over the side, sitting up fully with her hands still holding her belly. It was quite difficult to see her belly past the mountains of her bosom, but parting them allowed her a good look at her belly. Had she known better she would have thought she was a few months pregnant. She dismissed the idea though. She hadn't had sex in forever, so the sudden fluttering she felt within her belly came as a shock to her. Her hands flew once more to her stomach as she felt the movement inside, her ears lowering as worry flowed over her face.

"I...I need to find a cleric..." she said to herself in a panic, quickly gathering up her things and squeezing into her leather armor. She rushed out of the inn, heading towards the town's temple, the bulge in her belly making running a bit more difficult. She noticed Ramirez bugging some poor busty commoner, but had no patience to deal with the lecherous male at the moment. She burst through the temple doors, spying one of the priests and rushing up to him. "I a cleric...that can detect...pregnancy!" she huffed to the short dog priest, who was taken aback by her sudden demands.

"Ummm...yes, stay here for a moment and I'll go and find one of them," he said, rushing off deeper into the temple. Toki couldn't stand still, pacing back and forth in the foyer of the temple as she waited for the cleric to arrive. She practically jumped the cleric as soon as she arrived, the tigress almost getting knocked off her feet. It took a while, but she finally got Toki to calm down enough so she could cast the spell and look over the tabby.

Toki stormed back into her room, collapsing exasperatedly onto her bed. Her fingers probed the small bulge in her midsection as cleric's findings repeated in her mind. The baby wasn't officially hers; due to a mix-up with the goddess of fertility she wound up intercepting something intended to get another female pregnant. After the cleric consulted with the goddess, Toki was told that due to the magical nature of the pregnancy that it would be over in a few days, whereupon the rightful mother would take the child. After that she would be returned to her pre-pregnancy figure, as promised by the goddess.

Her stomach growled suddenly, and for the moment she was willing to forget the current problem and focus on something she hadn't had since the previous night: food! She made her way down to the tavern part of the inn, surprising the cook by making a huge order of food. She then took a seat at the table nearest the kitchen, waiting rather impatiently for her meal. When the waitress wheeled out her order she quickly slipped her a tip, then began chowing down. The feline was oblivious to the world as she fulfilled her craving for food, and before she new it she had cleaned every plate. She felt overstuffed, but happy, and didn't notice the feeling of her belly pressing into her leather bodice until she felt something squirm against the bottom of her breasts and the front of her belly.

"My, Toki, you're looking rather motherly today...even have the bloated breast look down-pat..." a familiar voice stated, emanating from the cat's lap.

Despite not being able to see her lap, she quickly reached under her breasts and gripped the ferret around his throat, lifting him into view. "I'm not in the mood for your lechery today, Ramirez...and I really don't need you fondling me either..." she growled at him as she held his scruff. Not able to stop himself, the ferret gripped at his jaw with his forepaws as he was forced to yawn, hanging above the feline's bountiful cleavage. Toki put him down though, as his comment finally clicked in her head and her eyes fell upon her breasts. Indeed they did look bloated, her flesh bulging over the top of her bodice like rising bread dough. The tightness of her top finally registered in her head, her tightly packed breasts trying their best to break the ties of her bodice. She groaned, leaving her payment and Ramirez sitting on the table as she rushed back up to her room, slamming the door behind herself.

Toki plopped down upon her bed again, reaching to the ties for her bodice. With a bit of struggling she managed to get them untied, and was therefore taken aback as her tits exploded from the confines of the bodice. She felt her back protest as her breasts flopped down towards her lap, but came to rest upon something else, their weight pressing more against her stomach. Her hands came up to part her enormous breasts, letting her see how bloated her own middle was. Earlier she didn't look much past 3 and a half months, but now she looked like she was pushing five, the curve of her belly starting a few inches below her sternum and disappearing near her pubic area. She sighed and let her breasts roll back into place as her hand pressed into her tummy, the bulge not giving any just as before.

" least this means it'll be over quicker...I just need to find something to wear 'til then, seeing as I can't fit into my armor anymore..." she said, idly drumming her fingers upon her belly. She hefted one of her breasts, her fingers sinking slightly into her flesh. Her nipples had grown to the size of her thumb-tip, the crinkly flesh around it having turned a darker brownish-red. She shivered lightly, her breasts particularly sensitive to her touch, her finger's exploration sending a pang of pleasure down between her thighs. Her little self gratification session was cut short though, as Ramirez choose that moment to poke his head into her room and comment on her compromised position.

"Heh, I heard boobs that big are quite you're having fun, eh?" the ferret said with a sly grin as he slipped into the room and let the door close. Toki dropped her breast, giving the ferret a glare that could melt glaciers. Ramirez seemed to like to tempt fate as he approached the bed.

"I told you I'm not in the mood to deal with you, Ramirez. I have enough problems as is," Toki reiterated, drawing a mock gasp from the ferret.

"Oh, I know...I heard your rather loud tirade while in the company of a rather busty acolyte of that same temple you made a scene in. For the record, she had a thing for cute cuddly ferrets," he replied with as much of a smirk as a ferret can make.

Toki narrowed her eyes at the ferret, moving her hand in the air as she prepared a fire spell. "If you don't leave now there will be a scorch mark and an ashen corpse where a ferret used to be!" she growled as her other hand pulling the sheets of the bed up to cover herself. Ramirez seemed to get the picture that time, as he hurriedly left the room. Toki grumbled for a few moments after the ferret left, getting up and locking the door to avoid being surprised again. She looked again her large breasts, trying to figure how she was going to stuff her 'assets' back into her bodice so she could go out and get herself some clothing to cover her expanding frame.

Shortly later she departed her room, breast flesh budging out over the top of her bodice, the strings tied as loosely as possible to compensate for her belly. She could feel the eyes of everyone she passed upon her, stares of wonder, lust, and other expressions falling upon her busty, pregnant form. She ignored them as much as possible, leaving the tavern quickly and heading out to search for a tailor. The search didn't take too long once she hit the marketplace, slipping quickly into the small shop. There was a small jingle of a bell as she walked in, attracting the attention of a rather startled young canine, a black labrador by the look of him. It was quite obvious he was taken aback by the lightly bloated-looking feline, his eyes getting lost in the cleavage bulging from the top of her bodice. She frowned, clearing her throat and drawing the canine's attention away from her chest. "Listen...I need some, ummm...maternity clothing, just something with enough room to grow into..." she asked, uncertainty clearly evident in her tone of voice.

The canine regained his composure, entering into sale mode. "Ummm...all right, ma'am...I think I'll have to take your measurements then, if you'll come into our measuring room," he said nervously, stepping through a curtained door into the back. Toki sighed and followed closely behind the canine, who had picked up a measuring tape. "Ok miss...if you can remove your armor so I can get some measurements..." he said, not expecting that she wasn't wearing any undergarments under said armor. Toki was in the buff before the canine had turned around, so he was caught off guard when he turned around once more. The young canine stammered for a few second before he regained his composure, noting the feline's impatient expression. He swallowed hard then moved over to the feline, wrapping the measuring tape around her bust, quickly taking notes in his head of her figure as he measured her important parts. He hurriedly wrote down her measurements, and then looked through the stock of premade clothing, shaking his head disappointedly. "I don't have anything currently that'll fit you...but if you're staying at the inn I can make some as quickly as I can and have them sent to your room..." he stated as Toki squeezed herself back into her ill-fitting armor.

"All right, that is fine...I'll pay you on delivery then..." she replied with a sigh, stepping out of the back room and leaving the shop. She hurried back to her room at the inn, making sure her door was locked this time around before she removed her armor and plopped herself down upon the bed. She could tell she was bigger than before, her fingers once again prodding the bulge of her womb. She let out a gasp as she felt her passenger wiggle inside her, feeling much like she swallowed a dozen butterflies. She followed the movement of the baby, poking along from the outside as the baby poked her from the inside.

She giggled happily to herself as she played along with the child in her belly, until it finally calmed down to rest. She leaned herself back on the bed, breathing in a happy sigh. Her eyes once again fell upon her expanded bust, and then carefully looked around the room. She was alone this time around, and her door was locked, so she didn't have to worry about certain furs sticking their nose where they weren't welcome. Her hands found their way to her breasts once more, fingers gently prodding the flesh around her nipple. She grinned as a shiver of pleasure vibrated down her spine, a pair of her fingers closing in around one of her quickly hardening nipples. She gently pulled the hardening nub, her teeth biting down upon her lip at the shock of pleasure assaulting her mind.

She hardly noticed the warm wetness that began to seep out onto her fingers until she felt the warmth trickle down onto her belly. She cracked her eyes opened and looked down at her breasts, seeing the thin white liquid seep out and mat down the fur on her hands. She mentally groaned, but soon cared little about the fact she was lactating, the sensitivity of her nipples killing any annoyance that had built up in her mind. She gave her nipples another slightly harder twist, her warm milk spurting down upon her belly more vigorously. She released her left nipple and gripped the breast itself, raising the nipple up to her mouth and wrapping her lips around it. Her tongue traced the contours of her areola, lapping up the dribbling milk. She savored the small taste of her own sweet milk, the thought of indulging herself in her own milk sending erotic shivers throughout her body.

She suckled upon her nipple lightly at first, drawing a quick spurt of the sweet liquid into her mouth before swallowing it down. Her other hand released her right breast, trailing down her belly towards the apex of her legs, her fingers greeting her already soaking petals. She suckled harder on her nipple as her fingers spread her lower lips, her middle and ring fingers slipping into her flesh, her breast muffling a moan of pleasure. Her whole body shuddered as she swallowed pull after pull of her own milk, her right hand groping her breast as she suckled upon it. She began to pump her fingers into and out of her flesh, her thumb pad grinding into her erect clit. The flow of her milk began to wane from her right breast, so she let it drop, her free hand lifting her other tit to her mouth and began to suckle the milk from it.

She began to pant through her nose as she fingered herself more vigorously, filling her belly with her sweet milk. Her inner flesh clamped rhythmically around her probing fingers, her pungent nectar leaking out onto her hand and trailing down her buttocks. She arched her back what little she could off the bed, her fingers scissoring upon her clit for a moment before delving back into her slit. As her milk finally drained she let her breast fall from her mouth, her sex fluttering upon her fingers as she felt the fires in her loins grow, her nectar dripping from her slit and making a mess of the fur on her inner thighs and rump. A bolt of pure pleasure raced up her spine as her fingers grazed a sensitive spot on her inner flesh.

Toki stroked her fingers along the spot, grinding a knuckle against it while arching her back and biting her lip to stifle the moan trying to claw its way out of her throat. She was panting heavily, her body quickly approaching her peak as her fingers plunged in and out of her slit. Her free hand gripped her left breast, groping it harshly as her thumb ground into her clit, her fingers plunging deep into her canal. She bit her lip hard to muffle a squeal, a spurt of fem juices squirting around her fingers as her body shuddered. Her back arched off the bed again, her inner muscles clamping down upon her fingers as her orgasm coursed through her body. She flopped back down onto the bed, her breathing coming in sort pants as she removed her now sloppy fingers from her folds. She had no more energy to move, and so as her breathing slowed, she curled up as best she could and let herself slip into blissful unconsciousness.

Toki purred softly as she slept, blissfully unaware of her growing midsection, which pushed her thighs further away as she slept. She was awoken later by a rough rapping upon her door. She heard the voice of the tailor and let off a groan in response, saying she'd be there in a moment. As she sat up she noticed the increased weight in her belly, her eyes focusing in the dark room upon her midsection. She easily looked 7 months pregnant, her former innie belly button having popped from its hiding place, making her belly look like a much larger breast. She didn't think she'd fit in anything she had left, so she took the bed sheet, which not surprisingly still smelled heavily of her juices, and wrapped it around herself before grabbing her cash and heading to her door. She unlocked and cracked it open at first, peeking out and seeing the black lab holding a parcel wrapped in paper and twine. She quickly passed him his payment and took the parcel, not waiting for any reply from the tailor before closing and locking her door again.

She took off and tossed the sheet back onto the bed, breaking open the paper parcel. She smiled as she pulled a nice dress from the paper, holding it up to her body. She let off a small giggle, slipping the dress over her head and pulling it over her expanded features. It was a little tight over her bust and belly, but the material seemed fairly stretchable, and looked like it would fit till her abnormal pregnancy was over with. She pulled the rest of the outfit from the package. While she wasn't fond of the pregnant commoner look, the clothing would keep her decent for the time being. She placed it all aside and yawned, returning to the bed to rest up for the rest of the night.

The curtains were drawn in the feline's room, allowing her to sleep late as the sun rose from the horizon. What did wake her, on the other hand, was the inability to roll over, and the bloated feeling inside her breasts. She sat up slowly, feeling even more weight pressing against her thighs as she sat on the edge of the bed. She groaned as she ran a hand along the curve of her belly, the swell pressing against her thighs and causing them to spread apart. She looked almost ready to drop, which fine with her because it meant this ordeal was almost over. She grunted as she hefted herself to her feet, her back complaining of the load it had to carry. She took a few test steps around the room, the usual sashay her walk used to take on completely replaced with a full-blown waddle. She groaned once more, placing her hands on her back as she attempted to rub the soreness away.

She seemed to ignore the soreness in her breasts, a thought that perhaps she should make her way back to the temple in order to be ready in case she went into labor, so she collected up her new clothing, slipping her pregnant figure into the outfit. Once again, the going was a bit tough when she slipped the dress over her head and attempted to pull it over her belly, but the material stretched with a bit of coaxing. She waddled out of her room a short while later, and as the smell of food wafted up the stairs from the tavern portion of the inn her stomach reminded her that its energy level was less than adequate for her body's current consumption level. She waddled as quickly as she could down to the tavern, plopping herself in one of the chairs and catching the attention of one of the serving girls. The poor girl's eyes nearly bulged out of her head at the sheer amount of food Toki ordered, and at the poor feline's pregnant form, yet rushed off quickly to place the order.

Not long later several trays of food were delivered to the grinning cat, who didn't even wait for the food to be set on the table before digging in, the child inside her drumming its feet on the walls of her womb in demand for food. That demand was quickly answered as she scarfed down food like a starving beggar at a free holiday feast. The trays of food were soon cleaned, the feline sitting back and rubbing her belly after finishing her large meal. Her dress felt even tighter around her belly, the bloated feeling having increased after stuffing herself full of food. She could hear a few of her dress's seams creaking, but at the moment she couldn't have cared less about it, the satisfied feeling creeping from her stomach drowning out any other cares at the moment.

As she rested a new hunger began growing in her. She had heard about women going through mood swings while pregnant, and while knew this was no natural one, it still followed some of the same rules. A small thought of sex popped into her mind, and despite her wishes didn't want to go away. It soon grew into a niggling hunger that she couldn't dismiss, so she hoped a small walk would. With a bit of help from the serving girl, Toki levered herself onto her feet once again, paying for her meal and waddling out of the tavern. She began to waddle slowly away, with no definite destination in town on her mind, but soon found herself walking through the small riverside docks of the town, idly watching the river fishers prepare their lines and nets for the day. Unfortunately the niggling urge for sex did not go away as she had hoped, as she found herself fantasizing about what she could do with some of the strapping young lads working at the docks.

The feline's urges soon got the best of her, a young raccoon male catching her eye as he sat tending to fishing nets. He apparently did not see her approach until her shadow fell upon the net he was working on and sat there for several moments. His eyes looked up, only to have his vision filled with breast and belly, his head level with Toki's belly. He audibly meeped, noting the small wet spots on the front of the feline's dress, surrounding two rather large bumps in the fabric of the dress. He stood quickly, almost dropping his tools as he addressed the very pregnant female with his eyes.

"Greetings, sir...I was wondering if you wouldn't mind aiding a mother-to-be with something real quick...if you're not busy..." Toki stated with an unintentional purr, her voice taking on a playful seductiveness which caught the raccoon completely off guard.

"Ummm...s...sure ma'am...whatever do you need assistance with?" he asked with a bit of a stutter, his eyes darting down to the wet spots on her shirt quickly, then back up to meet her eyes. She beckoned him to follow her down the street a ways.

Toki stopped near and alleyway, and damn near dragged the raccoon by the collar into it, surprising him with her strength. She stopped behind a tall stack of crates, pressing the raccoon to the wall and kissing him passionately, her belly and breasts pressing against his own torso, her hands running down his chest. He could feel the wet spots around her nipples grow, the dampness seeping through the fabric of his own tunic. She broke the kiss for air, a deep purr resonating from her throat as she took one of the raccoon's hands and led it to her breast, making him squeeze it in his fingers as her other snaked its way down to his waistband, undoing the buckle on his belt and diving into the crotch area of his pants. Her nimble fingers caressed the growing erection and fuzzy sack residing inside, giving him heated gropes as he returned the treatment to her breast. She soon grew tired of her binding clothing, quickly squeezing her way out of her outfit and tugging the raccoon's pants around his knees, hand still firmly planted on the now erect shaft jutting from his hips.

His hands returned to her breasts, pinching her nipples and causing little geysers of milk to spray from her engorged teats. She, on the other hand, released her grip on his shaft, pulling away from him and leaning herself partially over the stacked boxes, presenting her fleshy rump to him. Her tail raised and legs spread as she offered her warm, plump cunny to him, the lips red and swollen with her arousal, the occasional drip of her lubrication showing how hot she was for him. He didn't hesitate to take her offer, quickly moving up behind the randy feline and lining his shaft up with her nethers before thrusting fully into her needy flesh. Toki suppressed the need to moan as her heated body took in the raccoon's nicely sized shaft, his hands gripping her rump for leverage as he pulled back and thrust back into her. As he began to take on a good rhythm he leaned over the feline's back, hands reaching around and catching her breasts as they bounced off her belly, squeezing the milk from her nipples as he pounded her padded rump.

Toki was riding the waves of pleasure emanating from her nethers as the raccoon began to step up his thrusts, her body rocking back against each one, driving him further towards her molten center. The dirt below her chest soon turned to mud as he squeezed the milk from her swaying breasts, relieving the pressurized bloated feeling that had been nagging her since she woke up. She mewled out softly, her tail snaking around the raccoon's back and down between his legs to tickle and stroke at his flopping balls. The poor raccoon grunted as he pressed himself into her over and over, his thrusts getting slower and harder as his body began to tense up in preparation for his climax. Toki wasn't too far behind either, her sex leaking copious amounts of her juices down her thighs and onto the raccoon's hips, matting both his and her fur and making a rather large puddle between her feet.

The raccoon's hands once again took hold of her hips as he gave her a flurry of thrusts, culminating in one final hard thrust, his fingers digging into the flesh of her rump as he hit his peak, his seed spurting deep into her channel. Toki let out a yowl of pleasure as he came, the spurting deep inside her putting her over the peak into orgasm. A wash of her juices leaked from her cunny out onto him and herself, her breasts letting down and spurting out more milk to add to the growing mud puddle beneath her. She felt the raccoon's orgasm wane, but was distracted as her stomach suddenly tightened up, causing a hand to quickly shoot to her stomach, clutching it as it hardened into a tight ball. The sensation soon passed, but after a few moments more returned, causing her to mewl in pain. She felt something almost pop inside of her, a new wash of liquid spilling from her cunny, making even more of a mess of their legs. The raccoon, having regained his senses, let off a surprised meep, his eyes going wide as he realized what was going on.

"Please...g...get me to the temple, quickly!" Toki grunted through grit teeth as her belly tightened again, the raccoon quickly pulling from her and gathering their clothing together.


Toki's eyes fluttered open, a tired, sore feeling assaulting her brain, stopping her from moving. The memories if the previous day's events returned to her mind's eye. That raccoon she had used to sate her desires had helped her quickly to the temple, where the temple midwives were ready for her to deliver the baby she had been 'surrogating'. She remembered the pain of labor, until one of the clerical midwives cast something on her to lessen the pain. Things got blurry for her after that, but she did remember receiving a pang of longing as the baby was given to her rightful parents. She was glad now to have the ordeal over and done with...although a bit of motherly instinct remained, wanting to have a child of her own sometime soon.

She once more attempted to sit up, willing her muscles to ignore the soreness and sit up fully. Once she was she looked upon herself, pulling the white sheets from her body. Just as promised, she was returned to her pre-pregnancy figure, her body no longer containing the baby-fat she gained during the quick pregnancy. She sighed and laid back down, purring softly as she returned to her recuperating sleep, her dreams filled with her thoughts of her own chance at motherhood.

The End

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