Kalyan's Dread

Story by Warryn on SoFurry

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This is a story about a husky who absolutely does NOT want to become a deranged scientist.

You may find more enjoyment in this story if you've finished reading Meeting Warryn, first.

I'm happy to thank Blake Foxx for the time he spent brainstorming this story's initial concept with me.

This story is rated ADULT, and is intended to be read only by legal adults.

My name is _______Kalyan___________ ,and this is how I wish to be treated within Warryn Pleasures:

_________I enjoy the idea of being treated like a puppy around the workplace. The ideas of being teased, petted, pleasuring others, and being pleasured all excite me! However, if I feel I'm being treated rudely or being forced into something I don't want, I will not react pleasantly. I want to be an office puppydog, but I also want to feel appreciated and cared about. Treat me gently and keep me close, and I'll be your most precious puppy._________________________________________

Signed __________Kalyan__________ Dated ___________4/29/2011___________


"What a good boy, Kalyan! You've hit the finals again!"

Kalyan had become used to being praised in this fashion when one of his designs made it through a voting tier. Once again, his imagination and creativity came through, and another gem of an idea had been cooked up and submitted for voting. Only a couple of days ago, one of Mistake's labs officially marked their project as complete. This opened up that lab for the standard procedure of voting a new design into development. The involved scientists, all of Conception's designers, and the big boss of Warryn Pleasures would get to determine which of the many submitted ideas would find its way into the lab. For most designers, Kalyan included, it was very exciting to find out whose design would be brought into reality. On this day, however, the silver husky was not so enthused.

"Serik, I'm not in the mood." The dragon's claws were nudged away by an oddly abrasive furry hand. Kalyan usually loved being petted like that, and Serik knew this.

"Okay, what's got you in this slump? You seemed fine yesterday. Is there something you want to talk about?"

"...Yea." Kalyan's ears folded back over his head.

"Then go ahead. You have my undivided attention."

Kalyan had met Serik before he had even finished his job training. The two of them became fast friends, and quickly became very comfortable around each-other, as well. The dragon loved to treat Kalyan like the puppydog he wanted to be just as much as he respected his feelings, and he would always find himself enthralled with the husky's aberrant imagination. The ideas and designs Kalyan would think up were always so exciting, so enticing; he was both thrilled and honored to be so close to such a beautiful mind.

"... I don't want my idea to win." Kalyan was nearly whispering; he didn't want anyone but Serik to hear him.

"What!? That's just silly... Why do you feel that way? You've always been so in love with your designs!"

"Last night, I was kind of dwelling. There's a lot to love about a morph sphere that changes its user into a rubbery snake..." He squirmed a little in his chair. "It's the other parts, the finer details. My idea is dangerous."

Serik brought his hand back to the husky's head, softly stroking. "Kalyan, I think you're being ridiculous. Morph spheres aren't considered finished until they're entirely safe to use."

Kalyan looked up at Serik from his seat. "But my idea involves the user being manipulated... They'd be made to think they were really a rubber snake- a dominant rubber snake. And they'd be able to control others with their gaze... I was only thinking of what'd get me off, and anyone who votes for this design to win would be of the same mind. It can't win- it can't reach the labs."

"You're not thinking this through. There's no way an unsafe product would make it out of Mistake and into Cloud."

"What if I'm the only one who can tell that it's unsafe?"

Serik shrugged. "You're the only one here who THINKS it's unsafe, going by how many votes it's been receiving. I think you're being a bit of a goof. If it's really dangerous, it won't leave the labs until the scientists have ironed the dangerous elements out."

"I just... Don't want it to win. If it doesn't win, then this isn't a problem."

"I don't think it's a problem at all." Serik warmly placed his other hand on Kalyan's furry shoulder. "How about this: If it does win, and you can't get over this concern of yours, why not go speak with Warryn? I might be a senior designer, but Warryn would definitely know more than I would about something like this."

"...Yea, okay. Thanks." The husky didn't seem to relax, but Serik could tell that, on some level, his advice was appreciated. He brought his hands away from his friend after a few more tender rubs.

"Great. Well, I'm going to head back to my floor. The voting finals will start soon..." The dragon waited until he was in front of the elevator doors. "I think I know what I'm gunna be voting for!"

"Don't! Rrrrgh, just don't, Serik!"

His outburst drew a little attention, and he slumped back into his chair with a huff. A few minutes passed before a little tune over the intercom was heard, a signal that Warryn was about to speak.

"We're down to one idea remaining per design floor, so this is going to be the final vote. Who's ready to pick their winner?"

"Not me..." Kalyan quietly mumbled.


Not a moment after the votes were tallied was Kalyan rushing out of the Conception building, hurrying toward Leadership. The winning announcement hadn't been made, yet, and the husky was determined to reach Warryn's office first. He was ascending through the upper floors of Leadership, nearly at his destination when he heard the familiar jingle over the intercom.

"Our wonderful winning design is a rubber snake morph sphere, straight from the mind of rainbow floor's Kalyan! Such a smart boy... All of you be sure to give him a pat on the head and tell him what a good boy he is when you see him. He'll be eager to return the favor ten-fold, won't you, puppy?"

"Rrrgh! Shoot!" The elevator doors finally opened, and he made a dash for Warryn's office. He didn't even bother to knock; the gator was actually a little surprised to see his favorite husky suddenly show up.

"Oh!" Warryn's grin spread wide, his finger still depressing the intercom button. "Look who's here. I bet you're hungry to be rewarded for your victory, aren't you?" With his free hand, the gator gently patted his naked thigh, inviting Kalyan to kneel down behind the huge desk and between his spread legs.

"Sir, I need to speak with you about something."

"It can wait until after you've had a nice, tasty fill, puppy. Come over here; you look rather famished."

"I-" Warryn quickly held up a finger, silently instructing Kalyan to hush. He complied.

"Mmmmnnnnn... Rrrrrrgh. Puppy, you have such a delicious mouth... Such a hungry puppyslut wants more, doesn't he? Always hungry for his favorite gator's shaft..." Kalyan watched quietly, rather unfazed as his boss performed for the intercom. "That's right, puppy... Go even deeper... Your muzzle is so at home when it's all over my cock, isn't it? Hmhmhm... Ah, everyone, carry on." He finally released the intercom button, his office becoming a place of relative privacy once more. "What ever is on your mind, Kalyan, let's keep it between us. I can see you've been dwelling on something."

"I've actually got a problem... and unlike any usual workday, it's not the kind of problem having a cock in my mouth would solve."

"So I've gathered. Tell me what's going on."

"It's..." His ears folded against his head, and he brought his hands close to his chest, fidgeting nervously. "After thinking about it last night, I've been feeling like I didn't want my rubber snake idea to win."

"Didn't want it to win, huh? ... It's a delectable idea you've come up with. What changed your mind?"

"It hasn't occurred to you already? Sir, It isn't safe! My design involves the morph sphere being able to take over its user AND manipulate the minds of others with its eyes! It's exciting to think about, sure, but to make this idea real? It's just not safe. If my idea didn't win, I would've just trashed it..."

The gator stood up from his desk, stepping around to place a hand on Kalyan's head between his ears. "Listen, Kalyan. You have nothing to worry about. I don't employ idiots to work in my labs, you know. You can trust them to handle your design with great care, intelligence, and reason."

The husky softly nuzzled his head against the gator's fingers. "Can't you just... cancel this one? Let the design in second place win the vote?"

"And miss out on the wonderful rubber snake action cooking up in our heads? Silly puppy... Trust in my foresight, and don't worry; no one in my company has let you down before, and no one's going to let you down now."

"But this is a new problem. This hasn't been an issue before."

"Hmhmhm... You'd be surprised. Anyway, I'm aware of your concern. Is there anything else you'd like to talk about?"

Kalyan sighed and headed for the door. "No... I just-... No, Sir."


Day by day, Kalyan's worries were festering and growing. He quickly distanced himself from his co-workers, who gave up trying to console him after a couple of weeks. Eventually, Serik was the only one who still tried to spend any time with the husky. Any talk of how 'things would be okay,' or how 'worrying was ridiculous' would find no resolution, and those topics found themselves replaced by quiet and discomfort. The dragon hated seeing his friend in this state, but he didn't know what to do; he could only watch as Kalyan failed to deal with his self-wrought struggle, so adamant now to not allow anyone else in.

The ideas stopped flowing, and as other labs opened up for new project votes, Kalyan found himself without any designs worth submitting. With his problem bleeding into his work performance, the concerns of those around him were renewed. Neither the friendly encouragement nor the hopeful questioning made him feel any better; to him, his terrible idea, being baked and stewed so nearby and yet so far out of his reach, was going to bring harm and turmoil to innocent souls. It was going to be his fault. If his closest friends considered his worrying to be without merit, would anyone take his fears seriously? No, he had decided. No, they would not.

Kalyan began to make frequent use of one of the rainbow floor's private offices. The general isolation felt very different from what he had grown accustomed to within Warryn Pleasures, and the change helped him resume designing. His new ideas were poor, slipshod, mediocre at best, and not one found its way beyond the first voting tier. Kalyan didn't care; by this point, a month and a half after his rubber snake design had made its way into the scientists' hands, the husky found solace in forgetting.


Subj: Kalyan, some questions regarding your rubber snake design

Sent: Feb. 15, 2014

Your project has been coming along marvelously =) We're wrapping up the initial programming and debugging phase, now. Thanks to our incredibly flexible morph sphere tech, we're nearly ready for the initial testing phase after a mere two months! Before we move on, though, we have some questions and need some input.

1: Since you didn't specify, are there any particular colors/patterns you want us to apply?

2: Regarding the-

The husky didn't want to finish reading. He was finally beginning to relax back into his job; this email was the LAST thing he wanted to see.

"I'm past this. I'm not claiming any ownership. Someone else can take this one and run with it... It's not mine."

He rubbed his face in his hands, mumbling and groaning to himself. He didn't get back to his work; rather, his work came to him a couple of hours later in the form of a gentle knocking on his office door.

"Kalyan? You're in there, aren't you? May I come in?"

The husky slumped over onto his desk, making for a miserable display. "Yea... fine."

A tall, orange tiger wearing nothing but a white lab coat stepped into the office. He nearly grimaced at the sight before him, but he caught himself and summoned a polite smile onto his muzzle instead.

"Kalyan, I'm the scientist in charge of your project. My name is-"

"I don't care. I don't know what you're talking about. What project?" He couldn't even make eye contact with the tiger, whose smile had quickly vanished.

"... Your rubber snake project. You should have received an email this morning. We've been waiting for a response; we can't really move forward without you."

Kalyan shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his fluffy tail shivering while his eyes locked on to the wall at his right, intent on studying its pattern. "I don't have a rubber snake project; you're mistaken. I never got any email."

"Kalyan..." The tiger found himself suppressing a growing irritation. "You know we can see when an email has been viewed by its receiver. The design was submitted by you-"

"I didn't. I didn't submit it! It isn't mi-"

"Yes. It. Is." The pleasantries faded away as the tiger planted his big hands down, leaning over Kalyan's desk; he'd had enough of this pathetic behavior. "I don't know what your malfunction is, Kalyan, but we have a job to do, and you're a part of it. We can't move forward into testing without yo-"

"Then don't move forward! Drop the project! Rrrrrrgh!" Glaring and growling at the tiger's stern face was a mistake, and not a moment later was Kalyan up and away from his desk, storming out of the office and straight for the elevator. "I'm using my sick days, my vacation days, whatever! All of them! Someone call me when I'm out." Concerned and confused faces watched on as their co-worker barged into the elevator the moment the doors opened. Serik stepped out before he even realized Kalyan was entering.

"Kalyan!" The husky's expression was fully communicating his mood. "W-what happened?"

"Not now, Serik. Please."

The doors shut, and he was gone. Serik turned around to find only worry and nervousness being expressed before him. After a few moments, he saw a tiger in a lab coat leaving Kalyan's office, looking entirely pissed while heading for another elevator. Serik met his path and placed a hand on his shoulder.



Kalyan was given one full month to be away from work. Aside from Warryn's email recognizing and granting the husky's wish to be away, no one made any attempt to contact him. Even Serik left him alone. Kalyan wanted nothing more than for his design to have gone abandoned with him out of the picture. The lab would have needed to begin a new project, for sure. He confirmed this the day before he made his return to Warryn Pleasures, scanning through the active projects on the staff website. Neither his name nor his idea were listed for any of the labs, and finally he was put at ease.

The day for Kalyan's return to Warryn Pleasures finally came, and with his stress abolished he couldn't have been more eager to be back. Friendly voices greeted Kalyan left and right as he made his way to his workspace, and with the rubber snake no longer plaguing his thoughts, he returned those smiles in kind with his tail wagging wildly behind him.

"Kalyan! Did you enjoy your time off? You look so much better, now!"

"Someone's a happy puppy again! Just the way I like you."

"Hi, cutie... Would you be in the mood for some fun later? Maybe after lunch?"

He quickly found himself slipping into his favored role. Gentle, pleasant hands found their way to his head, along his bare chest, and over his springy tail as he headed for the elevator. The ride up to his floor was made eventful and exciting when one of the other passengers got up close to the fluffy husky, rubbing his furry body against Kalyan's by intention.

"You're lookin' good, puppy... That muzzle of yours must be hungry after months of going empty..."

It was. Kalyan felt so at home with his furry face mushed into his co-worker's crotch, a thick shaft filling his muzzle for the entire ride up to his floor. After enjoying one final, deep suckle, the puppydog stepped out into the rainbow design room. He was about to sit down at his desk when he sensed a presence behind him.

"Gotcha!" Two red and black arms wrapped themselves around Kalyan's front, pulling him into a tight hug against a smooth, warm body.

"Serik! ... Mmmmmmrr ... It's good to feel you again." The husky quickly felt himself relaxing into the dragon's arms, panting gently after having been rubbed, petted, and enjoyed with every step he'd taken toward his desk. He shivered and let out a moany whine when Serik lowered one of his hands, traveling down his furry friend's body and over the crotch of his shorts.

"Heh, silly puppy... Shorts in this climate?" Serik firmly thrust his naked waist against Kalyan's backside.

"You're right, how foolish of me." Off went the husky's only garment, and immediately he felt as close and as loved by the gentle dragon as ever, panting with a dopey grin as those scaly hands were allowed free roam of his entire front.

"That's such a good boy... Don't you want to put your shorts somewhere safe? You might lose them if you just leave them out." Serik knew his friend so well, and it was always so much fun to toy with him. He allowed one naughty hand to rub down through that wonderful fur, lower and lower, until it came to rest on Kalyan's stiffening cock. With a loving grip and a tender squeeze, he had the dog melting in his arms.

"D-don't care-rrrrraaaawwrrrraaawwrrfff..."

"Puppy..." Another squeeze, slightly firmer.


"Puppyyyyy..." Such a gentle jerk, it just enough that the dragon fingers became dabbed with slick pre.

"Mmmnn... Moooooore..." Panting with longing, Kalyan began to hump his needy shaft at that perfect grip. Serik rubbed his puppydog's head with his free hand and allowed him a few moments before releasing his hold. He carefully took one step away, making sure his cozy friend wouldn't crumple or flop over. After taking a moment to calm down a little, Kalyan spun to face him.

"Awww... Why'd you stop?"

The dragon chuckled to himself. "And to think I was nervous you might return to work in a bad mood! I'd even snagged one of the offices for you under your name, in case you were still gloomy."

Kalyan wagged his tail and tried to lean back into Serik's body, but his friend's hand met his chest, a thumb stroking through his fur before he was nudged away.

"Eager puppy..." He grinned as the husky's member visibly throbbed. "We're going to have so much fun today... I've even got a surprise for you- something I want to share with you more than anyone else here." Kalyan squirmed in place, his excitement radiating for all to see.

"Why don't we step into that office of yours so I can introduce you to my surprise?" Serik's hand returned to Kalyan's cock, further pre dribbling out of the tip from a sudden tug. "You haven't been around for a month, though. I don't want you to get lost. Come along, puppy. I'll show you the way."

Led along by the most pleasurable of naughty tugs and by the praising he craved, Kalyan embraced his eagerness and helplessness. He followed the dragon past his grinning co-workers toward the now-familiar office space.

"Cute puppy... Pleasured puppy... Naughty puppy..."


Kalyan was given some time to calm down after being softly tugged into the office. With his shaft released from that tight grip, his panting gradually slowed while the overwhelming pleasure subsided into a manageable sense of need. The husky watched his friend, waiting for his mysterious surprise; Serik seemed to very much enjoy taking his time, building the anticipation as he locked the door before slowly approaching the room's lone desk. Kalyan could tell that the desk had been moved; there seemed to be notably more empty floorspace than before.

Growing ever-more impatient, the horny husky squirmed about near the middle of the room. "Serik, what's the surprise? I want to see it..."

"Such a whiny puppy..." As he dipped a hand into one of the desk's drawers, Kalyan made to step closer. "Ah-ah, Kalyan... Stay."

"Rrrff..." He took a step back as he grumbled softly. A moment later, Serik produced a swirling red and black morph sphere from the desk drawer. The husky grinned and fidgeted in place, his excitement uncontainable. "Serik! You had another one of your projects completed!"

"You could say that, yea." He flashed a naughty smile at his friend as he gently squished the slick ball, letting it mush between his scaly fingers. "You're going to love what this morph sphere will do to me... And what I'm going to do to you, puppy."

With a squelching sort of pop, the toy found itself splattered roughly against Serik's athletic front. The dragon began to step back toward his puppydog as the sphere's rubbery goo began to spread down his body, eliciting a moan as it touched his sensitive crotch. "Nnnngh... S-sit, puppy." Kalyan never needed to be told twice, sitting himself down on command like such a wonderful puppydog should. Serik could never get enough of how his friend enjoyed displaying his yearning member when told to sit. The thick mess of colors were squishing themselves all over the dragon's cock as he sat himself down on the floor, right in front of his obedient boy; he was panting and groaning, and it was no mystery as to why.

"Mmmmmrrrrrgh... I bet a horny puppy would love to play with my soft, warm feet, wouldn't he?"

Kalyan whimpered as Serik slipped his legs together, bringing those luscious soles and toes right to the longing puppydog's rod. He couldn't bring himself to say a word in response; there was no need. He began to hump and thrust as powerfully as he could from his seated position, panting heavily as he listened to his dragon doing the same. He wasn't paying attention to the messy, slippery rubber, not noticing how it was leaving Serik's upper body mostly untouched; the ooze seemed intent on first covering everything below his waistline. A strong feeling forced the dragon's coated tail to slip down along his legs, and it wasn't long before Kalyan felt himself grinding his meat into rubbery goo instead of wiggly, scaly toes. He closed his eyes, whimpering in bliss from the sensation.

"Awwwrrrrrrff... O-ooooooohhh..."

"Good, pleasured puppy... Keep lusting and whining... Rrrrrrgh... You're getting just what you've wanted."

"S-seriiiiiik... Mmmmmnnnnn..."

"Does my puppydog want to cum?" The desperate husky shivered as he nodded. "So soon? The poor puppy has gone and made himself this needy already? I'll only let you make a mess... If you promise me more."

"Rrrraaawwwrrrff... Y-yes..."

"Puppy's not going to be done after just one naughty mess, is he? Good puppydogs are so happy to spoo again, and again, and again... You're going to be a good boy, aren't you?"

"M-mmmmmmrrrRRRRAWWRRFF!..." He was already beyond the tipping point as he nodded again. Serik squirmed from his own pleasurable sensations as he counted down those precious few seconds before...

"Cum, puppy."

The dragon wished he could be sharing Kalyan's yelping howl with his co-workers as his friend began to spurt out his load. The pleasure wracking his furry body had him shouting out and barking; after having spent so much time jerking himself off alone, the husky craved the feeling of being lost in these far more powerful sensations. In the moment, he was certain no orgasm had ever sent such perfect, flawless tenderness through him like this in his life. He couldn't tell how long he lasted, nor was he certain of how much time he spent trying to relax, to compose himself what little he could while that slick, tight rubbery feeling remained on his still stiff cock. "Mmmmmmrrrrrrrrr... Serik..." Kalyan finally opened his eyes, gazing down at his ever-eager rod. It took him half a moment to realize it was tightly coiled in the tip of a very flexible, rubbery tail. The husky looked up to meet Serik's gaze.

"I didn't know your tail was th- SERIK!"

Only his friend's head and face were still familiar. Serik's body was no-longer that of a dragon's; his scales had been coated over by the smooth, slightly textured rubber. His arms and legs were gone, and his form appeared long and lithe. His rubbery shaft was spilling pre all over his new body, the mess dribbling down and joining the husky's fresh puddle.

"Don't worry pupp- mmmnnngh!" Kalyan watched on, worrying more and more with every passing moment as the thick goo almost seemed to leap and splatter itself all over Serik's face, plenty of it spilling into his mouth. His features were no longer recognizable as he softly drank at the rubber liquid, feeling it coating itself through his mouth and throat. "Sssssso delectable..." The voice that spoke was no longer that of the dragon's.

"Serik, no!" The husky grabbed at the tailtip coiled around his cock, thankful that he was able to unwrap it and free himself. He dashed over to his friend's side, knowing he had to do something- had to get his friend out of this situation. "Will yourself out, Serik! Why are you... Why did you do this!?"

The new rubber snake's facial features molded themselves out, and a wide cobra hood flared into being, bright red patterns spreading and forming into captivating shapes. Seconds later, a thin, forked snake tongue darted up toward Kalyan, and the creature sent a smile his way. "Ssssssuch a naughty puppy... Did I sssssay you could move?" The snake's voice was eerily chilling, further frightening the poor husky as he began to raise his head up. His sleek body moved so fluidly, so effortlessly.

Kalyan said nothing as his hands met the snake's muzzle with force, shoving his face away in fear. He turned away and began to run for the door, tears welling in his eyes as he shouted. "Serik, you IDIOT!"

"K-Kalyan, wait!"

The husky stopped. He didn't halt because of any command, nor by request. He sniffled and whimpered, rubbing his hands over his eyes, his gaze locked on the door a mere few feet away from him.

He stopped because he heard his friend's voice.


"Serik?... D-did you get out?..."

"No need, hon." Serik's voice was warm and loving, but the husky wasn't yet put at ease. "I'm perfectly safe, and so are you."

"How are you talking to me right now? I thought you'd been taken over... How are you resisting the controlling effect?"

"There is no controlling effect, Kalyan." The husky's furry ears and tail quivered a little bit. "Would you please turn around? I would love to look at your face, cutie..."

"I... I don't want to. Your eyes will-..." Serik watched his friend squirm in place. Perhaps he should have been more thoughtful from the beginning; maybe he wouldn't have frightened his friend like this.

"There's a system in place to prevent anyone from becoming a victim; Kalyan, you're entirely safe. I'm really sorry I spooked you like this... I thought you would get a startle out of it at most..." Serik hung his rubbery, hooded head. "That's no excuse, is it? I'm really sorry... Your idea was so exciting to me, and despite how you felt about it I clung to this hope that it would excite you, too."

Kalyan whined softly. He finally managed to blink away his tears, and he rubbed his hands over his eyes again. "It was exciting when I first thought it up... It wasn't until the night before voting that I started freaking out."

"Because you thought it would be dangerous- I know. But sweetie, I promise you, we're both completely safe. You can trust me..." Kalyan could hear a very soft, squeaky sound as Serik's snakey body began to glide over the floor, slowly approaching him from behind. "Please, Kalyan, turn around. Nothing bad will happen, I promise."

He neither moved nor spoke. The nervous dog's mind was racing; it really seemed like his friend wasn't lost within the morph sphere's control; if that much was true, then perhaps his other concern with this design hadn't come to pass, either. However, he was not yet convinced.

"My idea had to do with a personality override, and a gaze that would force another to lose his or her will... When were things changed?"

Serik slithered closer still, and Kalyan's rigid body shivered slightly. "I convinced the head scientist to tell me about the email you were sent. You didn't read all of it, did you?" The husky softly shook his head. "It was determined within the labs during the programming phase that some of your ideas would have to be altered for the purposes of safety."

Those furry ears seemed to perk up, if only a little. "It was?"

"As it turns out, there are no mad scientists working in Mistake's labs. Just like you, they would never wish for anyone to be in any kind of danger due to the items they craft. You were contacted and approached over working directly with the scientists to shape your idea into something safe for everyone... Safe, fun and so very sexy... Just what you wanted, sweetie."

A rubbery tailtip softly and carefully touched against Kalyan's hand. He tensed up for a moment before whining gently, allowing it to rub against his palm before slipping between his fingers and coiling around his wrist.

"But I left. They should have just canceled the whole thing."

"Perhaps I put a stop to that by claiming ownership..." Kalyan squeezed the rubbery tail in his hand without realizing. "We're close enough that I was allowed to explain your concerns and your vision to the other scientists. That was good enough for them. I worked in your place to see that your idea would be made real... Real and completely safe. I can control when I want to have..." Serik stopped speaking only for a quick moment before resuming, "ssssuch an alluring, ssssseductive tone..." Another brief moment of silence, "and when I want to sound like myself. As for the hypnotic gaze, well..."

"...Well, what? Tell me..."

"...I can only hypnotize someone for one hour, and..." Kalyan is quickly yanked by the tailtip clinging to his hand, forced to spin around in order to keep balanced. His eyes immediately meet those of the rubber snake's, a mere couple of inches away. The husky felt weak in the knees, unsure if he could even bring himself to turn away. "... Only if they really, really want it."

Kalyan found himself drawn into those gorgeous eyes, a sensation of deepness surrounding him. Only after a few long moments had passed did he realize... "I'm still conscious... Serik, I'm not-..."

"There's a difference between staring longingly and completely losing yourself, yet at the same time, they're not all that far apart, are they?"


Kalyan leaned over into Serik's rubbery body, who quickly slid his form forward to create a cushion of rubber for the husky to lay over. He could hardly believe it; everything was really okay. It was better than okay. This fantasy he'd been dreaming of could come true, after all.

"...This is even better than I'd imagined it would be, Serik..."

The rubbery tailtip stroked along Kalyan's cheeks. "I knew you'd love this, puppy." He squirmed a little, and Serik's tail could feel his cheeks growing warm. "But you know, there's a lot more to love than simply rubbing and hugging against my sleek coils..."

"Mmmmmmnnn..." He grabbed onto as much of that rubbery body as he could, squeezing himself against it. "Will you show me?"

Serik leaned his head down, touching his soft nose against Kalyan's; their gazes instantly locked together. "Of courssssse..."

"S-Ser... ik..." Kalyan's vision began to grow cloudy. Details of the room he was in were blurring away. Only Serik's rubbery face didn't seem to melt away.

"Lovely puppy... You don't have to talk anymore, do you?"

Kalyan softly shook his head, fur rubbing deeper into the rubber that was very slowly wrapping itself around his body.

"That'ssssss right, puppy... Do you like how it feelsssss to be wrapped and coiled up tight?"

"Awwwrrff..." Kalyan let out a sweet little whimper as the coils tightened around him, nodding gently. He wasn't sure what he was feeling anymore, but it felt so good that he only wanted more of it.

"I'm enjoying it, too... Wrapping up my gorgeousssss little puppy in my body... Mossst exciting..."

The husky felt himself being turned around carefully, the snug rubbery coils doing all the moving for him. Soon he found his face being pressed into the snake's rubbery crotch, and the most beautiful cock he'd ever seen stood at attention as it was rubbed against his muzzle. He could still see those piercing, powerful red eyes gazing at him in his mind as he lazily nosed at Serik's rubber shaft, sniffing and moaning.

"Take my cock into your mouth, puppy... Show me what a sssslutty little thing you are..."

The thought of being a slutty puppy excited the husky, his own erection returning while the member before him pushed itself through his lips. He began to suckle so perfectly, his tongue rubbing along the bottom and sides of the tasty cock.

"Aaaahhhhhh... Ssssslutty puppy... You've grown ssssso good with that mouth of yourssss... You're already hungry for more, aren't you?"

Even if he were of the mind to respond, he wouldn't have gotten a chance to. Serik groaned as he thrust forward a bit more, feeding his puppy plaything the warm member he seemed to crave. Kalyan's deep, lustful moans served to further pleasure his partner, his voice sending such a wonderful feeling through the rubber meat. As the husky's own cock rubbed and poked at the coils squeezing him, Serik began to guide his tailtip back to where it originally belonged, having difficulty amidst such fantastic pleasure.

"Mmmmmmmrrrrgh... No sense in holding back, is there?" Serik's voice had returned to normal, convinced that his favorite puppydog was already so far under, he wouldn't regain control until the full hour had passed. "We can both go at this again and again... Keep sucking, puppyslut... I'm going to give you such a good drink... Perhaps you could use a facial, too. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"

"Mmmmnnnnn..." Those moans were bringing the rubbery snake closer and closer, and he had no intention of holding back. His tailtip made contact with Kalyan's cock and slowly began to coil around it, slipping along inch by inch.

"Ooohhhhhh, puppy... I hope you're ready... Puppies like you just can't get enough delicious cum, can they... Nnnngh..."

Kalyan leaned forward as much as he could, stuffing his slutty muzzle all the way down over the rubber shaft. Serik let out a startled grunt as his member began to throb, signalling his imminent release.

"Rrgh! Aaahhhh! G-good puppy!"

Such a wonderful mess began to shoot and spurt into the puppyslut's mouth, getting all over his tongue. Despite his haziness he quickly began to swallow, his lips massaging the base of Serik's rod as he slurped and drank. The sensation of pleasure was so different for Serik; cumming as a rubber snake felt very different from cumming as a dragon, and he embraced the jolts of pleasure traveling through his coils. Blissful little jerks almost saw him release his friend, but he managed to keep him in that loving squeeze. When he could feel the final few shots approaching, he slipped his shaft free from those sweet, loving lips. The naughty mess splattered against his face and quickly became stuck in his pretty fur.

"Mmmmmmm... Such a naughty puppy, you made such a mess all over your face... Haha..." Serik's face dipped lower to meet with Kalyan's, and he gave his dazed friend a tender kiss on the lips. As he slipped his hungry tongue into the husky's messy muzzle, his tailtip gave a gentle squeeze around its prize. Kalyan leaned into the warm kiss while the rubbery coils surrounding him began to loosen and slither away. By the time the kiss was broken, he was on all fours on the floor, staring up into his friend's deep gaze, his cock being held tight and snug.

"You look a little out of it, puppy... You need a walk, don't you?"

The husky felt a pleasant little tingle inside of him... Yes, he wanted to go on a walk. Good puppies love to go on walks. "Mrraaawwrrff!" He felt a little jerk at his shaft, and shivered as he dribbled a few spots of pre onto the floor before following along in the direction of the naughty tug, heeling next to the sexy snake beside him. After a moment of fiddling with the handle, Serik had the office door unlocked.

"That's my puppydog... Let's show everyone what a good boy you are..."

Meeting Warryn

You've been so anxious upon arriving at Warryn Pleasures that you haven't yet mustered up the courage to step out of your car. The company parking garage is as quiet as one would expect it to be during business hours, save for the unintelligible noise...

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