A New Friend

Story by Sammy Eriola on SoFurry

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A New Friend

I was out in a meadow on a warm night, just enjoying the warm weather.

"Boy..It's so nice out tonight.." I purred softly as I stripped down to almost nothing, save for my black underwear, and my collar, and I layed down in a patch of grass up on a small hill, stretching out my body, letting it soak up the gentle rays from the moon and stars. I closed my eyes in relaxation and drifted off slightly. I was unaware of the dragon that had made his way to me.

"Hello.." He said. My eyes shot open suddenly and I rolled away out of instinct and looked up at him.

"Oh, Hello!" I said back, standing up and forgetting that I had nearly anything on. "Whats your name?" I then asked softly, walking up to him, and I then blushed very dark, realizing I was nearly naked, I quickly gathered my clothing and dressed.

"My name is Lod.." He said, watching me and eying my body without me noticing. He was a black dragon, with red scales on his chest and stomach, black wings and red hair.

"Hi! My name is Korey." I said back, sweat dropping a little, reaching out to shake his claw while I swayed my hips gently. He took it and smiled a little.

"Hello, Korey." He said, walking up to me, lowering his head as he was taller than I was, and sniffed my chest. He blinked and smirked up at me, "Smells good, and its shiny.." He then brought his head back up and sniffed at my hair and smiled.

"Ehehee, thanks. I try my best to keep clean, I even use Lavender soaps." I said softly, enjoying the attention this stranger had decided to give me.

"Oh..Thats a nice scent." He said smiling. I then, for some odd reason, began to gently hum and sway my hips. Lod looked at me a little and smiled. He then blinked.

"I..I want to draw you." He said quietly as I tilted my head at him.

"Aww.." I blushed dark, and fidgeted my hands sheepishly. "O-Okay." I said, smiling. I could've sworn at that moment, the dragon's eyes took on the shapes of hearts, and I giggled.

"U-Um..Do you have a mate?" He stuttered, blushing lightly. My heart sank just a tad, but I nodded.

"Its okay though, I mean we can fool around if we don't get serious about it, y'know? Playful things." I giggled. He smiled and ruffled my hair and ears, causing them to twitch.

"By the way, I wanted to strike a deal with you, swap ideas and prices on my art but..since your so beautiful..I am going to put you on my free art list." He stammered slightly and smiled down at me. I was purring happily the whole time that he ruffled my hair, liking the way that he was taller than me, and able to make me purr so easily after just meeting me.

"Really, you'll do that?" I said softly, looking up at him.

"Yeah. But just to let you know... it will take some time to do it cause I have a lot of other stuff to do and my sketchbook is getting old, but I just have to draw that you 'cause its so cute. I would also like to do a solo pic for you as big as I can... finally someone has listened to my slogan "The more details the better!' " He said, smiling down at me still. He then reached into a pocket and braught out a digital camera and handed it to me.

"Here are some of the things I've drawn in the past." He said, as I looked through his art on it slowly. Each and every single picture was well drawn and caught my interest well. I just couldn't wait til I was in there too!

"Ooh it all looks fantastic!" I said gleefully, giggling softly while my tail swished back and forth slowly.

"Oh my god!" He laughed, holding me tight and nuzzling me, catching me off guard. "I can't wait until we get started!"

"Neither can I!" I giggled again. He then brought out notebook and began to write things down about me, a description. I walked up to him and smiled.

"Whatcha writing?" I asked, curiously.

"Oh, just a description for when I am not able to see you here and there. This will help me remember." He smiled and showed it to me. I blinked and blushed, pulling out a pair of glasses that I absolutely abhorred wearing, and quickly read it.

"Wow you write pretty small cutie." I said, taking off my glasses and handing him the paper.

"Haha, yeah..See? It only took one seventh of the page!" He laughed and closed his notebook, setting it down in the grass.

"Wow, I envy that. When I write, the letters are always way too big." I laughed and sweat dropped just a little.

He laughed, "That's funny. Now.. does that help you or make things worse when it comes to doing projects?" He asked, scratching his head.

"Well..In a good way it's because if I need like say five pages of text, the big text easily fills that up with less writing, ahaha." I laughed and leaned back against a rock, chewing on the tip of my glasses absently as I looked at him.

" But then again, it could also be bad because it doesn't give enough info." I chuckled and ran a paw through my black hair. "Oh well, I guess either way its fine."

"Uhh yea i see..." Lod said, licking his lips, while his thick tail began to sway playfully.

I had a momentary lapse in thought as he licked his scaled lips and I giggled shyly, "Wha..?". He scratched his head and looked down at my foot paws, blushing lightly. "U-uh..nothing..." He said, lightly blushing. I smiled and flicked my tail unconsciously, thumping it against the rock, and as usual I forgot how long it was and wound up wrapping it around my leg.

"Ohhh Okay then." I chuckled, smiling bigger, standing forward from my perch on the rock and gently began to sway my hips to a beat that had been in my head the whole time, which I seemed to do a lot of lately. Lod blushed deeper, resisting temptations and he sat down in the grass, facing me, and unconsciously stared at my movements. I smiled at him, blushing still and I began to hum, after all I was a bard at heart. As I hummed, I went from swaying my hips, to dancing slowly and rhythmically to the rhythm in my head, closing my eyes completely, and softly parted my lips and began to sing gently along with it. Lod wasn't able to resist doing nothing anymore, so he got up and took out a his iPod and turned on a waltz, as he noticed the night sky and the full moon high above. As they stood in the meadow of the moonlit field, the Paxsky gently swaying and the dragon smiling, he walked up to me and held out his clawed hands,

"Wanna dance?" He asked me, in a gentle loving voice as the dragon's tail swayed side to side in a waltz rhythm that began to play from his iPod. I stopped and blinked at the dragon that had asked me the question, and I opened my eyes, which had a sort of misty look about them. I smiled at him.

"Why of course, I would love to!" I said, setting my paw in the dragons claw, which seemed a lot smaller than the claw, while a smile crossed my face, and my tail slid up my own leg, before wrapping around my hips like a thick furry belt. Lod smiled at me, and looked deep into my eyes, then slid his right hand behind me to reach my back and held my other paw up in his claw. Then we began to dance One, Two, Three... One, Two, Three... One, Two, Three.

"You know... you have lovely eyes..." He said softly as we danced, to his waltz, as my gentle ears picked it up easily. I blushed lightly at Lod's compliment.

"Thank you." I said shyly and looked back up at him, dancing with him, having been the only second time in his life he had ever danced with another person.

"Yours are pretty cool." I then said, giggling softly, as a gentle breeze kicked up, blowing my hair and fur lightly. Lod's Wyvern eyes glistened in the moonlight as he continued dancing, the same breeze picked up lightly blowing his long mane that ran down from his head to his back to the tip of his tail as it swayed in the same rhythm. Lod has always felt a bit lonely, but right now he felt that he has everything in his hands, in front of him. The song continued and had a sweet sound to it as they stepped One, Two, Three... I smiled softly as I looked into Lod's eyes. I had been shy at first, but now felt much more comfortable in the dragon's arms, something I hadn't felt in awhile. I blushed again as I saw Lod's mane ruffle in the breeze and I let off a small giggle. I then tilted my head to the side, some of my hair moving over my face as I smiled, one eyer peering at him I continued the dance, before finally laughing out in happiness and peace. The sound rang through the night air, its delicate treble pleasing to all that would hear it.

The dance lasted well into the night, and both Lod and I decided that since we were both far from a town, that we would just stay in this warm meadow, laying in the grass and chatting the rest of the night away, enjoying the atmosphere we had created together. As the sun slowly came up, Lod looked up to the skies and raised a claw, a sphere of light seeming to float down. Lod took it in his claw, pressing both claws together now, and a bright flash occurred. I tilted his head, very curious as to what the dragon was doing.

Lod smiled and opened up his claws, a shining golden locket was curled up in his claws.

"It's..It's beautiful." I said softly, looking from the locket into Lod's eyes.

"Its for you, a special present from me since I can't have you as a mate, I can at least have you as my closest friend." He said, taking the locket and holding it up in front my face. I blinked and lowered my head, letting him bring the locket and setting it around my neck, under my thick collar. I looked down and touched it softly and smiled big. "Thank you, Lod. I love it!"

::Part Two coming Soon.::

Lod is Copyright of Henin; http://www.furaffinity.net/user/henin/

I hope you guys enjoy this and I'm sorry if its a little short.

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