Bridging The Divide

Story by AstroSecant on SoFurry

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I can only imagine what it's like to not get along with a roommate, because I never actually had any. I doubt many of those cases end up like this.

OBLIGATORY CONTENT DISCLAIMER: This story contains sexual acts between two males, some dom/subness and slight force, and a build-up involving obsession over a Calculus textbook. Will it be resolved? You'll just have to read to find out!

Mark wanted to scream. So badly.

He hated math classes, and he especially hated math assignments. It wasn't that the very subject of math was so bad, nor was he necessarily bad at it - quite the contrary, he tended to do quite well, which was fortunate given that the careers he was considering were rather math-intensive. But he found the classes to be the absolute worst, and the sooner he didn't have to think about them anymore, the better.

But he didn't have that luxury now. He had an assignment due the next day, and his textbook had mysteriously vanished. He was pretty sure he know where, as well; his roommate, Jared, had most likely taken it, again. Without his permission, again. It wasn't Mark's fault he'd gotten the last available copy; he'd just been more proactive, or so he told himself.

He wasn't in the habit of sharing with his draconic roommate. The two had a rocky relationship, to put it lightly. The fact that they were stuck together in the small college-owned house wasn't easy for either of them; they sparred routinely and even the little things would bring about huge fights. They tried to avoid each other as much as they could, but living together, there was only so much they could do.

It wasn't a problem with the house itself; it did offer some things a dorm didn't, though both of them would have preferred the dorms anyway for being closer to where their classes were held. But the two weren't exactly friendly from the first meeting, and the move-in proved to set a bad tone from the get-go; Mark had broken Jared's lamp, and Jared had dropped a box of Mark's books into a muddy puddle. Each accused the other of doing it intentionally, and that led to a lot of sniping which extended beyond the first day into the first week, and then further.

Not liking each other didn't make it any easier to deal with the small annoyances. The big problem between them was that they were so far apart in terms of personality and preferences. They regularly sparred over chores, food and other supplies, guests, and much more. Neither of them liked the other's choice in music, video games, or TV shows. Even trying to split up time for using the bathroom brought about loud arguments.

They'd each put in multiple requests for transfers, enough that the housing office had given them strict orders to stop bothering them. The matter was simple: there were far too many students to be moving them around, and the two were way down on the list for transfers if things did open up. So for the time being, they were stuck with each other. And they made sure to let each other know how much they hated that.

Despite their efforts at avoidance, they did have some overlap in classes. Calculus was one of them, and Jared had been furious that Mark had managed to snag a textbook and he hadn't - not having one meant spending a lot of time going around either to the library or other students to get copies of the assignments. Mark had no interest in being so kind - on the contrary, he rather rubbed it in the dragon's face quite a bit, at least until his own book started to disappear from time to time. The last time, it had been gone for quite some time, long enough that Mark had had to make the trips out to get the assignment done; the day after, he'd found it conveniently hidden in Jared's room, leading to yet another blow-up.

If he's got it again, I might legit kill him, he thought as he stomped out of his room. Jared's was only down the hall, hardly a trek, and he wanted to make sure the dragon knew he was coming. He pounded on the door, making sure he was heard no matter what. "The fuck d'ya want?" came a loud shout from inside, a growling yell that probably would have been more frightening if Mark hadn't gotten more than used to it by now.

"Open up. I'm missing my Calculus textbook. I want it back."

"I don't have your goddamn textbook! Go away!"

"You said that last time, I'm not falling for it again! Come on, get off your ass and let me in!"

This time only silence returned. There was no sound from the inside that indicated that Jared was even getting up to open the door, which had Mark starting to burn. He didn't believe Jared for a minute, and he was determined to make sure he took his own long look, whether the dragon wanted to pretend he didn't exist or not.

The locks on the doors were not especially good, and Mark had figured out long ago that fiddling with the doorknobs enough would cause them to slip. Jared's door seemed to be one of the worst, as it took only a few seconds for the knob to turn, and he swung the door open with an undeniable force.


Mark stared wide-eyed at the sight, his anger momentarily overshadowed by shock: Jared was laying on his bed, completely nude, his erect cock pointing straight up in the air. The dragon didn't seem to be doing much to hide it, either; his attention, and anger, were directed right at Mark. "What's the matter with you?! You can't just barge into my room like that!"

" could have said something, at least! Besides, I need my book!" He tried to scowl directly into Jared's face, but his eyes were having trouble remaining there; for all their conflicts, he couldn't help but think to himself that the dragon was quite appealing to the eyes.

"I told you I don't have your fucking book!"

"Like I believe you? You're just hiding it from me to spite me! I know it's in here, I'll find it even if I have to search for it myself!"

"Well, hurry the fuck up then! And stop looking at me like that!" Jared thumped back onto the bed, glowering, one hand returning to his dick but only stroking it very softly. Mark fumed at his nerve, conveniently forgetting that he'd been the one intruding, and tried to set himself to the task of searching for the missing textbook.

It proved to be harder that he had expected. Jared's room was fairly cluttered, but there still weren't a lot of places to hide a textbook; it didn't seem to be in plain sight. Mark was still intent on performing a thorough search, but Jared was proving to be an effective distraction. He'd never had an eye for dragons before, but as he stole brief glances Jared's way he was starting to wander why - there was definitely plenty to like. Man, why'd he have to be such an asshole...

"Hey, you're looking for a damn book, and it's not over here! Get a move on already!"

"Jeez, I'm going, all right? Not my fault your place is a damn sty!" Mark renewed his search, but maintaining his focus was proving difficult. Against his better judgment he was continually sneaking looks back at the dark-blue-scaled form laying on the bed, standing well out from the white covers. Jared wasn't huge, maybe a couple inches taller than Mark and built fairly similarly; despite the difference in species, the two were probably more alike physically than in any other way. Though Mark could tell the dragon was significantly larger in one respect, and that thought made him flush a bit. He looked again a little too long, and was caught out with a growl.

"Gettin' really tired of this. If you're not gonna get me off, get your shit and get out so I can do it myself!"

Mark muttered curses under his breath and turned back to peruse the bookcase. He still couldn't stop himself from glancing back, though, and now Jared was looking at him and clearly knew when he did. It wasn't helping that he wasn't seeing anything like the textbook anywhere, and his mind was rather more interested in something else.

"Okay, that's it." Jared suddenly sat up and swung himself off the bed, marching forward to Mark at a rapid clip. "Take off your fucking clothes, NOW."

"What?! Are you fucking nuts?!" It sounded less bold than the words should have made it sound; he was suddenly against the desk, Jared's nude body right up on him, the dragon's muzzle meeting his nose, and the mix of surprise and unintended arousal combined to soften his response. His heartbeat, normally already fast when dealing with the dragon, was now racing for a different reason...or maybe it was the usual reason but being misinterpreted by his brain. Either way, the effect was the same.

"Don't give me that. You've been staring at me and my dick more than you've been looking for that damn book. Either you're just trying to piss me off or you want it so bad you can't think about anything else, and don't think you can lie to me when I can see your goddamn boner in your pants right now. Now strip, and do it fast, before I do it to you!"

He could have told Jared to fuck off - he'd done it enough in the past, it was usually pretty easily done. But as Jared stepped back to give him room to act, he found himself mesmerized again - that smooth, scaled body, thin and not very muscled but with just that slight hint of tone, and even that dripping dragon dick that he'd never even imagined thinking about before but now couldn't break away from his mind. Maybe Jared had just expected him to freak out and run away or start a fight with such an aggressive approach, but instead it seemed to be the tipping point for Mark.

Off came his sweatshirt and then his T-shirt, the garments simply tossed onto the floor in a heap next to him. Next came his pants and his socks, leaving him almost bare to Jared, his boxers hiding little of his arousal, causing him to turn somewhat red. As he hooked his thumbs along the band, he glanced at Jared, and saw him looking intently at Mark, his eyes burning with want and need and excitement, his breathing somewhat quickened; it seemed that the dragon was as eager for this as he was. He wondered, fleetingly, if he had been thinking about this for a while, and then the thought was gone, as were his boxers, leaving him as nude as Jared. Again he couldn't help but notice their similarities, though Mark lacked that little tone that Jared possessed, and his own length couldn't hope to match up to the dragon's in any way, save for perhaps eagerness.

"Fuck yeah..." Despite that, the dragon's breathed approval seemed to indicate that he was more than satisfied with what Mark had to offer. "C'mon...get over here, and start taking care of me, suck me off."

The tone was quiet, yet undeniably aggressive, imbued with a rumbling growl that Mark had never heard before, yet sent a shiver down his spine. He usually hated the dragon's aggressiveness but part of him very much desired it now, and that part was in charge. He dropped to his knees in front of Jared, head almost at the level of that prize, one hand touching it with slight hesitation. His eyes darted downwards, catching sight of clawed toes; he'd long thought the dragon crude for so often going shoeless, but right now the sight of those claws added to the sense of aggression, the bestial pawer that had sucked him in. It spurred him on, and his hesitation vanished as he started to lick over the tip of Jared's pole.

The effect was immediate, Jared moaning rather loudly and intensely for such a minimal act. Feeling a bit of satisfaction at the obvious approval, Mark continued, swirling his tongue around the tip and along the shaft, using his hand to aid in working the dragon. Though he'd never done this before, he'd seen and read enough to have a good idea of what to do, and Jared certainly wasn't disapproving of any of it.

The first bout of pre still caught Mark off-guard, though, and he almost pulled off when he felt two clawed hands push him back down, forcing him to swallow whatever came out. It was a bit saltier and had a less pleasant taste than he'd expected, but he powered through it, focusing on the pleasure he was giving rather than the taste. After another minute, he could hear Jared panting, and more pre was filling his mouth; he wandered if he was going to be getting a taste of a much thicker fluid soon.

But before that could happen, Jared pulled him off, looking loathe to do so but clearly having other ideas. "Huuh...fuck, never thought that would feel that good...c'mon, get on the bed, I gotta try out that ass of yours."

It took a moment for Mark to comply, but he did, getting over to the edge of the bed and leaning down over it, presenting himself for Jared. He didn't expect the dragon to huff and suddenly bark out, "No, no...I want you to look at me while I fuck you..."

A bit put out, he nonetheless obeyed the command, flipping himself so he was on his back and looking upwards. Jared growled approvingly as he stepped over, Mark spreading his legs in invitation. There was some definite uncertainty as he watched Jared line himself up - he was a virgin and he didn't want the dragon to go too hard on him, lest he break something.

Fortunately Jared seemed to recognize this as well, because he pushed himself in fairly slowly, spreading Mark's ass only bit by bit, letting him get mostly used to each stage before moving in further. The discomfort was fading fairly rapidly, aided by his oral work and the frequent bouts of pre being shot into him by the overly-sensitive cock. It was clearly doing wonders for Jared as well, the dragon unable to restrain his moans and gasps. " damn tight..."

Mark let out a moan of his own as Jared finally bottomed out in him. It felt unbelievable, like nothing he'd ever imagined, and he was rapidly becoming desperate for more. The sensations coursing through him were quickly overpowering his mind, and at that moment it didn't matter that he was a virgin, it didn't matter that Jared and he had been fighting virtually nonstop for months, all he wanted was that dragon dick to take him for all he was worth.

And take him it did, as Jared pulled back and slammed in again, quite forcefully this time. A trace of pain returned as he began to work Mark over hard, but it was soon gone again, and he was soon letting out soft cries under the pleasurable assault, his eyes never leaving the drake's face. Jared was in a world of pleasure himself, having never experienced these sensations before either; it was infinitely better than anything he'd ever done solo, and he was having to strain to keep from blowing already. At least, he wasn't going to let it happen before he'd gotten one out of Mark.

He thrust harder, faster, clenching onto Mark's arms as he tried everything to increase the pleasure. Their eyes met over several brief, fleeting moments, unable to miss the mutual pleasure their coupling was bringing...

Then, finally, Mark could take no more, and one last strike to his prostate brought him over the edge, his seed firing out of his cock and landing on his chest and thighs. Each thrust brought a new spurt, and they came quickly now, with Jared trying to reach his own peak in rapid fashion. True to his word, on his final thrust he held himself in, unleashing his torrent of semen deep inside Mark, coating him in his dragonic essence.

To both of them it felt like it was almost over before it began, and as Jared pulled himself out it almost felt too soon. But both of them were more than spent by their first bouts, and there was a clear sense of finality between them as Mark sat up, panting and looking at Jared with less malice than he'd had for a long while. "You...may be an ass...but you know how to fuck...I'll give you that..."

Jared snorted. "Course I am, you know dragons are sex masters...still, damn, wasn't expecting you to be that good of a lay...and ya even took me all the way, not bad for a human."

"Hmph. Maybe shelve the ego and quit acting like a bitch all the time and I'll let you have another crack."

"Yeah, yeah, you just keep yapping, I saw how much you loved that. You'll be begging for my cock again, and you know it."

"Ass." Mark huffed, and finally picked himself and his clothes up and departed, walking a little funny but not too badly. Still, there was definitely a change in tone between them even so soon afterwards; they both found themselves thinking about what had happened and definitely looking at each other with a notably less villainous light. And neither one was ready to let that be their last encounter, though they were both silently trying to vow that they'd make the other one crack first.

Later that evening, with the events of the day still on their mind but several hours past, Mark would open his lowest desk drawer and find his Calculus textbook laying underneath a flurry of loose-leaf paper.