Wereness 5: The Barn

Story by Woulfe Maelstorme on SoFurry

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<< Forward >>

What can I say except it is taking yet another story to get to The Migration. Such as with all good stories...you don't rush its progress. The Migration will actually pick up right where this one leaves off.

The following story contains strong sexual content and may even contain elements that dare to brutally smash right through societies little barriers known as taboos. Taboos are usually things society dare not do, but have proved many times to be much less threatening than these sheltered individuals would lead you to believe. Thus this ideal metaphor for such a situation: What is the point of living if one is simply too scared to even go out of their house? Possibly this and future stories will deal with just about every sexual taboo known to human kind. It also includes an element some strict Christians might declare evil even. So if this is not your sort of story, please move on and kindly don't send any hate mail my way.

Woulfe Maelstorme

<< The Barn >>

A light breeze blow across your face and you expect to at least get something of a chill out of it. Instead the sensation feels a tad warm. Then your ears pick up sounds that are contrary to what time of day it is supposed to be. Other oddities are noticed as well.

No owls hooting and no whippoorwills and crickets chirping...

The birds are chirping instead and lots of them...

The smells seem to be a bit potent for nighttime too...

Intense ambient warm light is also seeping through your closed eyes...

Your skin is also more easily stimulated by touch as well.

You finally open your eyes and get two bold answers immediately, as you also prop your horizontal self up on elbows. Your immediate vision is briefly intensely bright and blurry... then begins to soften into normal images.

You see that you are clearly still under the maple tree and it is mourning...

You also notice something different in and at the bottom of your vision...

The muzzle is no where to be seen and you are in human form again...

There also seems to be no presence of glued leaves or stickiness on your skin.

You then sit up completely and examine yourself closer, paying brief attention to the usual mourning erection. Your vision becomes filled with your body as you do this.

"What happened?" you ask no one in particular.

The approaching sound of grass being mashed under foot, bring the answer.

"Your body simply reverted back to human form to conserve energy and replenish its reserves. Judging from the way you slept the other night, I bet you didn't even get a chance to charge yourself up."

"No I didn't sleep well at all that night." You answer while still looking at yourself.

"That is not quite what I meant, but will explain on the trip planned for today. Since we clearly didn't get what I planned done yesterday, today's trip will be longer. To be honest, it is probably best. That way we can talk about everything and finally total complete understanding between the two of us."

You finally look up and squint a bit in the mourning glare and see the Shire had also reverted back to his rugged Scottish human form.

"That actually sounds like a great idea. Is she coming too?" You nod down towards the barn, as you bring your head and brace your hands firmly against the ground.

"Aye. First we are stopping by your campsite and retrieve your gear. Then we are moving on to the city and get all your human affairs wrapped up."

"Hmm... do you have registration for her?" You ask with a bit of concern.

"That I do. I have registration for me as well... and will be getting yours today."

"Me? Why?" You look back up at him and frown.

"Because it will come in handy in the future. Trust me... you have so far."

He grins at you and holds out his left hand to you. You shrug and take it with your left, as both of you tense and hoist your body up off the bed of leaves and matted grass. You casually brush whatever is still clinging to your buttocks, as he raises his right arm and rests it on your shoulders.

"Look... you will see what I mean when we get in the barn and I show you what I have planned. By the way, do you still have food at your campsite?"

"Yes it should still be there. No one that I know of dares to go this deep into the woods."

"Good. We will go straight to the barn then and get ready for the trip. I have everything packed and ready for the three of us." He turns his head towards you and smiles.

All you do is simply look back at him, with a concerned look on your face him and then forward, as the two of your retrace the path from yesterday. The therapeutic walking barefoot and splashing through the cool creek water helps relieve the tension caused by your concern and decide to stop just as you step in the creek itself, on a rock ledge.

"Something wrong?" He asks.

You just shake your head no and step back a little, to sit down on a submerged rock shelf behind you. The tension finally goes away completely and you finally smile up at him.

"I'll just leave you here and come back with some clothes for you."

He then turns around and walks up the opposite rock ledges, out of the creek, and towards the barn. You just simply sit there and actually recline against the rocky bank behind you and simply admire the motions his body makes, as the muscles flex with his movements on the way to the barn. You attention then drifts to the barn itself and decide to take in its full detail and realize why you didn't pay much attention to its detail before. Its structure shares the same organic construction as the house. However the walls are straighter and appear to have not been grown at all. Other than this, it shares the same color scheme and overall style as the house.

The open front doors clearly meet and form an egg-like shape, only with flat bottom...

This side of the barn reflects the shape, but has a squared off bottom...

The doorframe fits the doors shape exactly and funnels out a bit at the ground...

The building's corners on this end do the same and resemble very smooth tree trunks...

When you see him just enter the doorway, you use him as size reference for the barn...

You judge the doorway to be eighteen feet tall at the peak...

Fourteen feet at the wide bulging point and ten where the doors meet the ground...

The corners seem to be fourteen more feet away, on both sides, from the wider point...

The actual side of the barn has three more supports just like the ones on the corners...

There is also sign of one more being the corner at the opposite end...

The spacing of them seem to be the same fourteen foot measurement...

The side itself seems to not be very tall and is a mere twelve feet in height...

The middle supports on it seem to continue past and form in a support arch for the roof...

Unless you are seeing things, the roof seems to currently be transparent...

Where there should be eaves, there are horizontal connecting ribs between the supports...

They bear a more slender version of the supports shape and seem to merge completely...

Now that you think about it, the roof matches the curve of the doorway exactly...

You therefore judge its peak to be an additional fourteen feet up...

The barn itself seems to be marriage of old building materials and organic designing...

You had become so engrossed in the barn's design you didn't really notice him come back with the clothes. You vaguely hear the sound of him walking back into the creek and then notice a folded beige towel enter your lower field of vision. You turn away from the barn and just look at him puzzled and then completely snap out of your daze.

"Sorry. Guess that was a bit rude of me."

"Not at all. I take it you approve of the barn's design as well." He bobs the towel in front.

You get up in the water and take it from him, as your eyes meet. You just smile back and partially unfold it to dry your chest and arms. You then ask about the barn.

"How did you ever build a barn like that?"

"Actually it was... ( there really is no adequate human word for it ) ...infested by an existing seed for such a structure. There are certain members of us who are good at this sort of thing. You will get to meet them later on. The seed was planted inside by one of them and then "guided" to where it should break the ground's surface. Once it did this, it made its way up the barn's walls... a lot like clinging vines would."

"Interesting way to reinforce old buildings." You comment with a smirk.

"Then when the vines met at the top, they melded together and extended additional vines that bore right into the existing wood itself and brought it back to life. Once this was done, the shape of the barn was then modified slightly to be more organically efficient. For finishing touches, the doorframes underwent similar modifications and the existing metal roof was consumed and replaced by the organic shell you see now."

"Hmm...never really noticed the colors until now either."

"Yes the original traditional red and white paint had to go. That was actually cleverly lifted from the wood and blown off by micro blasts of air from the pours in the reanimated wood itself. That is why the supports and doorframes have the dark brown green color, while the walls are simply dark green."

He turns away and walks back out of the creek and up to the barn. You follow, keeping the towel in hand, and stop to sit down on the rocky bank. After drying your legs and feet you notice the promised clothes are nowhere to be seen.

Then as if your mind was read, "Your clothes are on the porch steps."

"Thanks." You answer to his retreating figure and look up to see them right there.

You get back up and finally take notice the house has the same color scheme as the barn. The only exception being the porch railing and floor boards, on the porch and steps. Their color was the same beige as the towel you are holding. One couldn't actually call them boards any more, now that you know what they likely are. You then walk up, toss the towel on the floor and go through what you have to wear.

"Looking for socks?" You hear him say, coming up behind you.

"Yes. Can't very well wear the work boots without them." You comment with a grin.

"Don't need them. The boots are..."

"Wait. Don't tell me. 'The boots are organic too."

"Aye. Don't worry about sweat and such. The boots take it right from your skin and pass it outside to evaporate. They may not be the boots your use to, but they are all you need. Besides, regular boots would simply look terrible with those shorts."

You grab those very shorts and notice some sort of soft red lining inside them. You point to it and the boots with a questioning look on your face.

"Aye. That be what makes your boots work the way I mentioned to you."

"Guess there is no point in asking where the underwear is then." You chuckle.


"Just looking at the style and color of these clothes makes me think we are going on safari. The same light brown color. The boots even look like classic safari boots."

"The color is simply the most practical."

"And this is." You turn around and hold up a sleeveless safari shirt, with a confused look.

"Stop thinking in human terms and think about shape shifting practicality." He chuckles.

"I noticed the whole inside of the shirt is red also." You comment and turn it facing him.

"All you need to wear is what you see. The clothes use organic seams instead of the buttons and zippers of your city clothes, which have already been disposed of by the house. You will notice the same principal with the boots. Now put your new clothes on and follow me to the barn."

You shrug and then step into the shorts and boots, followed by throwing the shirt on. You bend down and clearly see exposed yellow along where there should be laces. You pull up on the material, then tug and fold it back down to cover the yellow area. You then raise back up and do the same with the front of the clothing. The brief feeling of being confined sets in, as you stand there. It soon fades and you walk forward, to his right and with him to the barn. Stepping inside proves to be an experience in itself.

Instead of the typical dirt or concrete floor, the surface is made of something that looks like green carpet. The whole interior is varying shades of light brown. The entire side on your right is completely open and bares wall design identical to the outside. Bulging from each of the three supports are bladder-like pouches the size of a large dog and resemble cocoons. The surface looks like a tangle of vines, with a soft subdued white glow inside. A look up past the horizontal supports shows nothing but the roof's ribs. The rest is currently transparent, all the way up to the peak and a central large rib running the full length of the barn. Bulging only where the other ribs intersect and the bulges themselves identical in structure to the ones on the wall.

Inspection of the other side revealed a solid red roof and somewhat familiar barn facilities. The back half was open and actually had a solid firm beige floor. Sitting on it was a basic old fashion box wagon, with some subtle organic enhancements to its frame. Every inch of it was dark brown. The massive metallic load in it catches your eye though. You decide to finally walk further into the barn and get closer inspection of what it is. Every single crate is metallic and silver, with bold rounded edges and corners. They are clearly built with substantial cushioning in mind and big enough to hold three people inside each. The three crates easily cover the whole bed, laid side by side in it. You look to your left and spot one more familiar thing.

"Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't that harness a bit too heavy and big for the mare?"

You point, then walk towards a beige dummy displaying the entire harness setup and stop at the wagon's front. The dummy itself is proportioned to a Shire horse's build and size, to hold all the equipment properly. It is even orientated sideways, against the wall behind it and points to the barn's middle. He finally steps further into the barn and up to the front of the harness dummy.

"I wouldn't dream of having her wear this massive thing. It is made exclusively for draft horses and nothing else." He answers slightly protectively.

"Still, we have one problem. We don't exactly walk on four hooves. I'm sure no one in the city has ever seen a werehorse or any werecreature at all. They are believed to be myth and nothing more."

"Not quite. But we will discuss that, en route to the city itself, later."

You stand there with a questioning expression on your face and make one more inquiry.

"Seeing that I am wearing the clothes, and the harness is too big for the mare, just how are you going to wear it?"

"By simply changing to a draft horse. Not a two legged one mind you."

"You can do this?"

"We all can with practice. We even have the option of a more human two legged form."

"Let me guess. That takes practice too."

"Now you got it."

With that last word, you see him lower to all fours and begin changing. The whole change itself seems to be more balanced than what you managed. His head, hands, torso, legs, feet and skin; all change at the same time and uniformly. It is almost like watching a picture of him being morphed within a photo-editing program. With the exception of him keeping his stallionhood relaxed through the whole change. The site of it lengthening rather quickly, during the efficient one-minute change, stirs your own maleness to life in the shorts. You look down and notice a well-defined bulge forming and straining against the fabric. You take your left hand and reach over to rub it through the fabric, briefly unaware of the horse approaching you. When you feel a gust of warm air across your face, you look up and meet with his dark eyes.

[I see you got something out of the change yourself.] He nickers.

"You can thank the site of that massive wonderful tool of yours for that." You smile.

[Go ahead. I know it has been a while since you touched a nice thick horse cock with your human hands. Feel free to even stay down there and suck it if you like.]

"I just might do that." You grin and lower to your knees.

The moment your knees touch the floor, you notice the shaft already hard and beginning to slap against his belly. You move back into a sitting position and begin the process of shedding your clothes and boots. Once done, your make the next move.

You move back forward, onto your hands and knees, and up under his chest...

Your eyes watch the shaft's bobbing motion, as you stop one inch from it...

You reach up with your left hand, just as it makes the downswing...

The soft loving grip you make, is just behind the cock head...

The entire shaft itself has a slight shine to it, from its firmness...

You focus your attention on the textured cock head itself and then close your eyes...

Your inhale deeply of the strong musk coming from it and smile...

The feel of it throb in your hand, brings your own maleness to full throbbing firmness...

You use the other arm and legs to sway your mouth closer and stick out your tongue...

It makes contact with the slightly protruding tube at the piss slit and begins licking...

At the moment, you focus your effort on the opening and work the tongue all around it...

Occasionally you push the tongue in, as far as it will go, and rim it out...

[Oh that feels so great. Do it for as long as you like.] He wickers.

You sigh and move your mouth onto the end of the cock head itself...

The increased moisture around the head makes the scent of the musk stronger now...

You begin breathing more deeply and find yourself completely assaulted by it...

This stimulates a new trick with your own human penis...

The sensation of your belly and cock head being thumbed against briefly distracts you...

Then you realize it is actually your own cock thumping like a horse's does when hard...

The brief distraction soon blends with the musky scent and adds to the experience...

You begin moaning around the cock head, as the thumping becomes quite pleasurable...

Then one more sensation enters your world and against your buttocks...

He begins nibbling lightly on the right one and gradually makes his way to the crack...

At this point you have taken the cock head completely in your mouth...

You begin moving your tongue all across its surface...

Just as his muzzle finds your crack, he switches to long soft licks down it...

Each time he applies more pressure and goes farther in between...

Satisfied your mouth has a grip on the cock head, you begin stroking his shaft...

You pay particular attention to the underside and give it the most pressured touch...

You stretch your arm halfway to the ring and then move back to your face...

Content with this tactic, you begin making one-quarter arc movements with you hand...

At the same time your rest your tongue just under his cock head and begin suckling it...

By the time you establish this new rhythm, his tongue is already on your puckered hole...

He begins working harder with his tongue and strokes, as it begins pushing in...

[Mmm. I'm so close and your arse smells so good.] His wickers become more guttural.

[I'm so close and your cock tastes just as good.] You respond with stronger suckling.

His strokes now press right into your hole, then come out and stroke across your balls...

Your thumping cock starts making wetter sounds as precum begins leaking out...

His cock begins leaking precum also and trickles right across your stroking tongue...

Instead of swallowing, you let your mouth fill and leak around the lips...

Your stroking hand then catches it and slathers it along his throbbing stallionhood...

All of the physical stimulus seems to reach a height and begins flowing together, as the outside world soon fades away completely. The only world in your mind now is making this stallion feel good and receiving the gift of his massive hot load of seed. The firmness and motions of his licking tells you he is just as lost in pleasuring you as well.

Your suckling soon increases enough to suck his seed right from his balls...

His licks then become even slower and firmer...

Your cock begins bobbing harder and slower...

His shaft soon becomes very stiff...

The cock's piss hole starts retreating, as the edge of the cock head begins expanding...

His licks stop and he buries his tongue in as far as it will go in your rimmed hole...

You pull your stretching mouth off the mushrooming cock head, just as you feel the slight bulge form under his shaft form. Your left hand comes down to the ground and you look ahead at the fleshy shallow funnel that has replaced his cock head. Then the baptism of a few seconds occurs and feels like an eternity.

The piss hole expands slightly, as it fills with the cream colored seed...

Then it leaps right from the hole and directly at your face...

You close your eyes just as it hits your nose and splashes across all your features...

The impact and smell causes your cock to erupt its first jet, on the upswing...

It splatters and trails right up your torso and towards your chin...

The jolt causes you to lower your head, just as the second jet erupts from his shaft...

It splatters across your head and then trails right down your back to your buttocks...

You shoot your second jet and catch it with your whole throat and chin...

Your hearing fades out, just as a whinny is heard and his tongue leaves your slick hole...

Time seems to return back to normal, just as you raise your head back up and open your eyes. You sit back on you haunches and rest your shoulders up against his chest, just as his mushrooming head releases third jet on the upswing. It completely drenches your face and entire front of your body. The sound and power of his whinny resonates through your shoulders and into your chest. The cock then retracts a bit and swings down completely, dripping semen and begins swinging idly. Your own cock makes one more slap against your belly and squirts its third jet right at your chin. The effects of the orgasm make you a tad lazy and you slump sideways, to your right, against his front leg. You legs slide out from under you, as your body slowly rotates with the momentum and leaves you facing the other leg. His head then reaches down and he begins licking your face clean. You just close your eyes and sit there in your sexual afterglow.

A gentle nudge against your cheek, brings your eyes open again. While turning your head to the left, you bury its face into the side of his head and inhale deeply the strong musk on his skin. You then raise your left arm and begin stroking the other side with its hand.

[How about we get in the shower and clean ourselves up, before taking the trip now...Hmm?]

[Sounds like a good idea.] You reply.

[Then lets go.] He suggests, as he pulls his head up and away.

You let the arm fall to the ground and look down at yourself. There wasn't a single inch of your chest or belly that wasn't covered in the combined seed expended by the both of you.

[Definitely a good idea.] You confirm as you shift your weight forward onto the hands.

You catch peripheral signs of his legs shifting about your vision, while looking at the ground and bring your legs up under you, into a squatting position. By the time you look up, the stallion's body is no longer covering and is walking towards the barn entrance you came through earlier.

You raise yourself completely upright, while turning your head to the right and see him stopping right at the entrance and facing towards what appeared to be a stall. Upon closer inspection, while walking towards him, the facilities seen earlier did resemble stalls. They simply had the same organic modifications as the rest of the barn. There appear to be only two stalls and both seem a bit bigger than a typical one. One striking feature is noticed immediately, when finally reaching the stall he is standing in front of. While the stall next to the wagon had a modified swinging gate, the other one has a diaphragm style door to it. Another distinguishing feature was while both had similar walls, this one had an additional transparent section extending to the ceiling of the barn itself. This effectively closed it off from the rest of the barn very effectively. You turn to face him with a questioning look on your face.

[Shall we get in now?] He motions with a swinging head.

[After you. I want to see exactly how this works.] You motion with a raised hand.

[If you insist.]

The moment his body is within an inch of the door, it opens with the same quiet organic sound as the one inside the house. Your ears notice no real change in surface firmness as his body completely disappears inside. You decide to finally follow him in before the door closes, leaving you to wait until he is finished using it. Once you step inside, the door closes and immediately water begins falling from the ceiling. You briefly tense up and brace yourself for the usual shock of the water hitting you. The stallion finally turns around perks his ears forward at you, just as the water touches and soaks you both thoroughly.

[There be no need for that. The water is already set to match our body temperature. No adjustment required. The moment we stepped in here the barn read our body temperatures and thus new exactly where to set the stall for our personal comfort.] He knickers.

[Just habit I suppose.] You admit while rubbing your hands all over yourself.

The water itself is exactly as he said. After about fifteen seconds, the water itself slacks off to a gentle falling mist. This clears the view up for a more detailed inspection of the shower stall itself. The whole interior is the same red color as the inside of the clothing he gave you to wear. Even the floor itself was red and now seemed to begin softening up a bit under your feet. The opaque parts of the walls appear to be at least twelve feet tall. The corners themselves bulge out quite a bit and the same color as the support structure of the barn itself. Each of them has the same bladder light source, positioned right at the top of the opaque surface, and begin to glow with a soft blue color. In fact the exact color is the same as seen in sterilization chambers back at the city universities. The bottom of the bladders seemed to possess a secondary bulge with two gland-like protrusions on them. They resembled the udders on a foaling mare.

You see the stallion walk past your right side and up to the bladder. The curvature and dimensions of the stall make for difficult exact measuring. It seems the glands are just high enough for him to lower his head and rub against them. The moment his body makes contact they extend and flex with the curves of his body, as seen once his back follows his head. The liquid reacts strongly to the light and glows a bright blue color as a result.

[Walk over to a gland and begin applying the gel. They don't secret anything unless you apply pressure to them, like I do. Also you won't need as much as me with that tiny human form of yours.] A detectable sense of sarcasm comes from him.

[In comparison to you at the moment maybe.] You taunt and turn towards your left.

You walk up to the glands on that side of the stall and do as he says. The gel immediately secretes the moment you apply pressure with your raised hands. It comes out completely clear and doesn't glow at all until it touches your skin. Once it starts glowing the gel begins spreading all by it self. It first completely covers your hands and then spreads up your arm and stops at the shoulders.

[The dirt residue is what activates its cleaning enzyme. The blue color is a residual effect of the enzymes working. The glowing is simply the enzymes reacting to the lighting in here. When you notice the gel no longer glowing and turning clear again, then it is done cleaning and you simply rinse it off. Go ahead and apply more to the rest of you.]

Seeing how far the first batch spread, you acquire the same amount and apply it to your legs. Then apply another batch to your chest and belly. The amount on you now stimulates your sense of touch. It is like wearing a second skin. The slight warming sensation is exactly like when the stallion's seed coated your body earlier. You admire the progression of the gel a bit longer and then look up and to your right.

[Your whole body is glowing stud]

[Aye...yours isn't too dim itself either.]

You look back down and find the gel has completely spread over your entire body. Your vision then acquires a fuzzy blue halo around its edges as well. You lift your hands up and find the gel has covered your face as well, sparing only your eyelids and lips.

[This is amazing stuff. This gel behaves almost like super smart nanomachines.]

[It is in a way. It just simply comes from nature and isn't created in some city lab.]

You look up again and find the stallion standing just to your right. He moves his muzzle to your lips and extends his tongue out to lick them. You raise your right hand up to his muzzle and begin rubbing the underside, while opening your mouth and allow the firm tongue access inside. You turn your whole body around to face him and bring the other hand up to his mane and stroke his neck. The kiss deepens as his soft wickers blend with your moans of contentment. You close your eyes and loose yourself in the sensation of his textured tongue exploring the extent of your oral cavity.

When you open your eyes again, signs of the blue halo are gone. Just then the fine mist is replaced by showering water again. You notice his eyes are open as well. You break the kiss and wrap your arms completely around his neck, hugging him tightly. He lowers his head to rest completely on your shoulders and softly wickers some more.

[Thank you so much for this new life. I never dreamed of loving a stallion like I love you. I don't want to ever go back to that city to live again.]

[You have entered and completed my life now. I always wanted both a stallion and a mare for mates. Now I can finally start thinking about where to go forward.]

You gaze up at the ceiling and find yet another marvel of this organic structure. The water is actually falling just like rain. The entire ceiling over the stall has pours secreting water. You let your gaze fall back down to his back and then close your eyes.

"I love you so much stud." You then hug the stallion harder and cry.

<< Addendum >>

For those who want or require only the best of reading and viewing pleasure for this story, you can email me and request the original format version in native MS Word 2000 format. To my knowledge, the document can even be opened by the latest versions of MS Word, MS Works Word Processor, Lotus Word or OppenOffice programs.

Simply email me: [email protected]

Now feel free to post any comments you may have,

Woulfe Maelstorme

Wereness 6. The Migration

\<\< Forward \>\> This story will expand more on the Clydesdale's experience during the event known as The Migration and thus likely to answer any lingering questions one might have. Unlike previous stories there will be no yiff going on within this...


Wereness 4. The Bonding

\<\< Forward \>\> I am so pleased to see my latest story get a 10 rating and now confident there is lots of people waiting to see what happens in this story series. It is even likely that the story will soon grow so big it will split and become...

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Wereness 3. The Decision

\<\< Forward \>\> Sorry for the long delay...but the wait was worth it. This story will begin moving things along. This includes both the story and the sex. With this story, the reader gets a brief view on life in a place currently known simply as...

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