Dane In My Life - The Introduction

Story by Derek Alexander on SoFurry

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#1 of Dane In My Life

The beginning of a series of a two boys growing up and discovering each other and themselves in the process.

Disclaimer: If you are under the age of 21 or 18, depending on the laws in your area, you shouldn't be reading this. If you don't like the idea of sex between two males, back out now. If you don't like one of those males to be an anthropomorphic dog and the other human then stop. If you do like those things then by all means continue.

*Author Note* This is my first story on this site that I've been meaning to write for a while. I intend to write it in a series and appreciate comments both negative and positive as I see that as the only way that a person grows and gets better.

"Time to get up Alex. It's time for school." The energetic voice that pierced my slumber was that of my mother. "You don't wanna be late for your first day."

"I'm up, I'm up." Even I wasn't convinced with my words. "I'll be down in a minute mom."

She made a little sound of satisfaction and left me to get myself ready.

After a big yawn and stretch I sat up in my modest twin bed. I ran my fingers through the shaggy brown hair that had started to block my vision. My mom's nagging words telling me to get a trim swam through my head before I swept the hair out of my eyes.

I swung my hairless legs over the side of the mattress and stood to look at myself in the full length mirror hanging on my door. The push ups and sit ups that I did over summer break seemed to help a little, cause where flat tan flesh used to sit on my bones, there was now definition in my features. I could even see the beginning of that "V" that fit people get below their abs. I had to admit that I looked good. The skinny muscle looked good on my tall 6'1" frame.

I snapped myself out of my useless inspection and turned to get my clothes out of the dresser by the foot of my bed. A simple black shirt and blue jeans should be fine. The shirt now fit snuggly over my small budding chest and my jeans were comfortably loose. After a quick brush of my teeth I bolted downstairs and settled at the table to eat a bowl of cereal while I heard my mom getting herself ready for work in the bedroom. Keith, who was my mom's live in boyfriend, had left early for his job. Good thing too, I can't stand that guy.

"Ready sweetie?" Mom had stepped into the kitchen and grabbed a water from the fridge. She was dressed in a short black dress which showed a bit too much cleavage for my taste and I had to look away. "Oh stop it! You know I have to wear this stuff for work."

"I know, still not something I wanna see, and yeah I'm ready. I threw my bowl in the sink and grabbed my bag from by the door and got into the car.

"It's a beautiful day outside."

"Yeah." I hated small talk, even with my own mother.

"So..." She cleared her throat as if gaining courage. "Is there anyone you're looking forward to seeing when you get to school. I mean I know you've been doing your workouts..."

"No mom..." I knew why she was nervous. I decided to admit to myself over the summer that I was gay. I had never really thought of it much, but I knew that I would find myself looking at men more than I would girls. And I figured I might as well spend my senior year being honest with myself, and it was this honesty that had spawned this invisible elephant that followed me into every room in our house. "No one in particular, just gonna throw myself out there."

"Okay sweetie, just asking, you be sure to let me know if anyone gives you any trouble." We had pulled up to the front of the school. "I love you no matter what. Have a great first day honey." She gave me a kiss and I got out.

B.J. Barkington High School was a moderately small school in my hometown and the first in the state to integrate furs. The school, and town in general, had a dark period where hatred had gotten out of control, but over the last decade it had become the shining example to the whole nation that furs and humans can coincide.

It was this example that had new furs flocking to Smithville in droves. Mom received monthly newsletters that informed her that the senior class would be jumping from 67 to 98 this year. I would be graduating with 31 people I had never met.

I stepped through the front doors and saw that I was one of the first to show up. I appreciated the quiet while going to the bulletin board to see where home room was and who would be my classmates for the semester.

Upon looking down the lists I saw that this year was gonna be a lot different than last. To account for the new influx of students they had hired a set of new teachers and after a quick search I saw that my homeroom teacher was new and I didn't know half the kids in my class.

It was also at this time that I noticed a large presence slightly behind me over my right shoulder. Peeking over, I had to look up to see the large mug of a kid, who looked like a Great Dane, trying to find his name. He looked confused and started to clinch the singular strap by his left shoulder with both hands.

"Uhmm, hi, do you need help?" He shook in nervousness when I spoke and even pulled back a little before mumbling back.

"If you could tell me what all this means, please?" His big fists clinched even tighter.

"No problem. My name's Alex, what's your name?" I reached my hand out to shake his.

"Sam." He loosened his grip and extended to shake. I couldn't help but notice that my hand was dwarfed in comparison.

"Let's see....Sam Sellers?"

"Yes." He had gone back to his strap and was mumbling again.

"You're in homeroom with me. There's about 20 of us in each class. We'll be classmates for the year. If you want, I'm heading over there now. You can follow me and sit next to me and I can show you around." His cropped ears, which had been laying flat until then, had stood up a little.

He happily agreed and adjusted his bag on his shoulder as we made our way down the hall. As we walked down the hall he told me about how he grew up being homeschooled because his parents didn't trust human schools until they heard of our town and what we were doing here. He told me about his old town and I tried to listen while taking the sight of him.

I had grown up around furs but he was by far the tallest I had ever seen. He was easily 6'9", maybe taller. His fur was pitch black all over except for some white on his knuckles and a patch on his chest. He was wearing a tight plain blue shirt that did little to hide the muscle underneath. All I could think to myself was how striking he was to see.

We had gotten to class early and talked more about what we liked. I told him I liked sports and video games and he did as well. He told me he liked art and to draw. I told him I liked to write. We were really connecting and I knew I had found a good friend.

The first day breezed by as the teachers told us what to expect for the year and generally just let us goof off. Sam and me talked more in each class and had agreed to hang out after school. Our day ended with gym class and all we did was get assigned our clothes and lockers before being allowed to wait it out on the bleachers.

"So what do you wanna do after school?"

"Don't know, I have a basketball court at my house if you wanna play?" For the first time today I saw him with a hint of confidence. "I might have a pair of shorts that fit you, so we could head straight there?"

"Ummm..." I had to think about it. How in the hell could I take him on one on one? "Sure, why not, you'll probably kill me, but should be fun?"

I swear he grinned. The first sign of confidence I'd seen.

We rode on the bus together, and for most of the ride we kept fairly quiet. He talked a little about his neighborhood and how the move went. It was mostly just small talk before we finally arrived at his stop.

His house was a decent size in front. We walked through the back gate to get in and that's when I saw that he had a full size court in his backyard. I think my jaw dropped at the sight of it. He wasn't kidding when he said he had a court. It had to be regulation size and the baskets looked like your standard NBA rims as well.

"Wait here while I go get some shorts for us."

I did as he said and went over to a ball and started to toss it around a bit while I waited. I missed most of the shots, but made a decent three pointer just as he was coming back outside.

"Nice shot. Maybe it'll be closer than I thought."

"Nah, just lucky." He tossed me the shorts he grabbed. "So where are we changing?"

"Ummmm, here should be fine right? Don't guys change in lockers together?" He kinda looked around nervously before fidgeting with his hands again.

"Well you're kinda right, guys do do that. Usually it's actually in a locker though." Now I was the one looking around nervously. I didn't want to come out to anybody this early but I knew it could be a big deal. "Hey Sam, I have to tell you something."

"Yeah man, what is it?" He had already begun to take off his khaki pants before turning to face me.

"This last summer I came out to my parents." I paused, the words felt foreign and strange on my tongue. "I just wanted to tell you before, in case you..."

"Dude, chill out. I don't care about that. I just want someone to chill with. Now let's change and play ball."

We both turned away from each other and changed into our shorts before playing.

We both worked up a pretty good sweat playing a few games of one on one. The games were closer than I thought they would be. He was amazing in the paint, but as soon as I was able to stop him and he had to take an outside shot he was useless. The exact opposite could be said of me. Unfortunately it wasn't enough and true to his confidence he won all three games.

"I gotta say dude, I'm pretty impressed. How often do you play?" We we had both taken a seat on the couch and he threw on some Sportscenter in the background.

"I play every now and then at the park, but not much." I took a sip of the water I grabbed before trying to clear the air. "So I know you kinda blew over it earlier, but are you really okay with me being...you know?"

He kinda squirmed a little and it made me nervous. "Alex, you see how shy I am. I grew up being home schooled by my parents. What I know about sex is what I learned in sex education. I never really put much thought into it at all."

"So you've never had sex before?" I asked him, already knowing the answer.

He was doing his best to avoid eye contact and he was clutching at his chest again. "No, I've seen the textbooks with the pictures of reproductive organs and stuff though."

"Have you ever masturbated? Watched porn?" And again, judging how nervous he was, I had a hunch at the answer.

"No...well...wait...ummm..." He seemed to be opening up a bit. "My dad had memake sure all my stuff worked and matched the pictures right around when I hit puberty. What about you, ever have sex or masturbate and stuff?"

It was my turn to get a little nervous. "Umm, yeah, I fooled around with a girl in our class when I we were freshmen. I could never really get into it though. We never went past second base." He looked at me a little confused. "Kissing and touching each other. Anyway, I masturbate a lot more since then though, it's kinda addicting." I looked over at him and he seemed a bit interested. Almost as if I had opened up a new world to him. "So did you stuff work when your father showed you?"

"Stuff... oh yeah, yeah it all worked. Why?"

"I don't know, never seen another guys up close except for in the locker rooms or the computer. I don't know really know how it all works. Haven't you ever been curious?"

"Well...." He fidgeted with his shorts now. "I feel myself get stiff when I get out of the house and see people in the street and..." He started to cross his legs. "I want to, but it feels awkward and I don't really know how. My dad showed me when I was ten and I wasn't really 'reproductive' then. I remember it felt pretty good... "He trailed off and looked to be searching for something to say. "Is it really all that good?

"Awww dude! It's the best! I do it atleast twice a day." I could feel my shorts begin to tighten. "You wanna try it? I could help you?"

He immediately tensed but relaxed after a short moment. "Do you mean it? Do you really want to?" He looked over at me and I could see lust in his eyes.

"I would love to. I'm pretty curious myself and you are pretty cute." I was rock hard inside my shorts now.

He had very beautiful eyes. They were green and had a softness to them that was endearing. He was searching my face, searching his own mind for the answer. He kept opening his mouth, about to speak, before closing it and swallowing hard. I could tell he wanted me to, but didn't have the courage to act on it. So I got off the couch and moved between his legs. My own nerves were causing my hands to shake. This was new territory for the both of us, but I never questioned our desire.

"Do you need me to?..." He motioned towards his shorts, asking if he needed to remove them.

I just shook my head 'no' and told him to relax and tell me if I was doing something wrong or if he needed me to do something diferent. My hands started to trail across his thighs, gaining courage to finally feel for his crotch. His legs were shaking and only got worse as my hands reached closer. I felt the heat radiating from his groin and I could even smell his arousal. It hung in the air like a thick musk. It was intoxicating and only drove my dick to pulse harder.

"Now let's see what we have here."

My hands both reached their prize at the same time and he breathed in a sharp intake of breath. What I felt was huge. It took me a moment to register exactly what I was feeling. What I did feel was definately not normal. I had watched my fair share of porn, and was even a little unfamiliar with a dogs anatomy, but this was something entirely new.

Through his shorts I could feel his sheath and the dick contained within. I could feel his heart beat through the dick that was doing more than a good job at filling both of my hands. Every pulse caused my heart to catch in my throat. This was it, I was really fooling around with another guy. And not just any guy, but a really hung furry beast of a man.

The more and more that I tugged, the more and more that his breathing became labored. When I would try and tug down his sheath he would wince though. "Don't pull on it through my shorts. My dad says it's bad for me and that I could get an infection."

I moved quickly to mouth my apology but was cutoff by Sam quickly reaching for the hem of his shorts and tugging them down. It happened so fast that I didn't know what to say so I stayed silent. He pushed down pretty hard and they fell down around his ankles before he started to try and kick them off.

As he fumbled to get his shorts around his shoes I wastaking in the beautiful sight of his naked genitals. I could now see that the patch of white fur on his chest trailed all the way down to his groin and stopped just where his pubes would be. His sheath was completely naked of fur and the skin looked stretched tight by the package inside. There was a slight bulge at the base which must have been the knot I had read about. Beneath his sheath, resting well below around mid-thigh, were his balls. They were hairless and looked absolutely massive. They were pulsing and jiggling around as he shifted his legs. They must have been the size of extremely large chicken eggs. I could only imagine the pool of pent up sperm that was swimming around inside.

"Okay, I got my shorts off." He stared at me still, Anxious to see what I would do next.

His testicles were so mesmerizing that they were the first thing I reached for. Each testicle filled out more than my hand could hold. They each felt to be only a little smaller than a softball would be. I loved rolling them around and squeezing them. The skin was so soft and they had so much weight to them that I loved the feeling of them rolling around in my hands. I started to imagine what his cum would taste like. I imagined him blowing his load all over my face and glazing me like they did in all the porn I had watched.

All the attention I was showing his balls was turning him on because it wasn't long before my gaze was drawn upwards to the tip of his sheath where I could see the tip of his pink cock peaking out. Beads of liquid were starting to form and I couldn't help but wonder how they would taste.

"How are you feeling? Is there any particular way I should go about this?" I asked, concerned about his well being.

"What you're doing feels fantastic. Dad said to be sure to pull my penis all the way out past the knot or it would be uncomfortable and could even be painful."

I nodded in understanding and reached both hands towards his sheath and gave it a good squeeze. The skin definately felt tighter than when I gripped it through his shorts. I started to give it a few playful downwards tugs but was surprised when Sam instantly thrust his hips forward and squirted me in the face with cum.

"What the..." My mouth just hung open while a few more squirts landed on my shirt. "Did you just cum?"

"No!" He groaned. "Oh god that feels good!" His breathing was short and ragged. "That's just pre-cum. It shoots out in bursts until I lock into a bitch. Then I start cumming." He looked down to see me wince a little at the sudden sharpness of words. "Sorry, dads words not mine. Please don't stop." He was pleading as he thrusted his hips more.

I was surprised the spurts but after a second it had dipped into my mouth and I could taste it. It was clear and wattery, but surprisingly sweet. I liked the taste and didn't shy away from aiming each one towards my face. When I started stroking again I was met with even more thrusts which caused almost of his dick to pop out. I could both feel and see his dick starting to get larger in sets of pulses. I also noticed that his once 'normal' sized girth was slowly pushing my grip farther and farther apart.

"Take me all the way out! I can feel my knot growing!" He looked down at me and had a look of panic.

"What do I... do I just...?" I gripped his sheath as hard as I could and pulled down hard, past the knot.

"Uggghhhh! GOD! That feels fantastic!" His voice sounded so relieved. His breathing slowed and it appeared that a great pressure was taken off of him. The panic that befell him moments ago had vanished. "Oh wow, that's fucking cool. I've never felt anything like that."

"Are you okay? Are you about to cum now?"

"Ummm, I don't think so? All I know, is your hands feel nice and slick and I have this strange wish that you had more of them. Is this what actual sex feels like?"

"If it feels like you wanna be completely inside of something or someone, then yes." I stroked my hands in unison from his tip to just above his knot, trying to cover as much of his dick as I could. I would squeeze hard just before returning to the top of the tower of flesh that was his dick. "That's all I could think about at least."

My breathing was now the one that was ragged and I even started to salivate. The scent that came from him was so strong now that it was all I could think about. The sight of his dick such a turn on that I found myself grinding against the base of the couch. He was absolutely massive that it was hard to put into words. Even with both fists gripping him I couldn't touch his entire length. I would need atleast two or three more hands to do that. I was no expert in judging size by sight, but it must have been 12 inches long, possibly still growing, and that wasn't including the knot. And that was an entirely new beauty. His knot was large and bulbous. From my perspective I looked like two baseball sized bulbs sticking out next to each other at the base of his shaft. When I would bend his length down I could see the top of his knot was more rounded and bridged the two sides. Judging by how he his pre hadn't changed I could only assume that it would get larger than it already was.

"That sounds right." His eyes were closed and he was reveling in the feeling of my hands squeezing his dick.

Now that his dick was mostly erect his pre-cum was now coming out as a slow trickle and was a wonderful lubricant. I had never used anything quite this slick when masturbating and I'm sure he was loving every second.

"If this is how it always feels I could get used to this." My dick twitched with the excitement of being able to do this again. "Grip my knot!" He screamed. "I need to cum!"

The heat fom his dick burned in my hand. When I gripped his knot and it felt hard as steel. I was holding his knot like a baby would hold a sippy cup and when I squeezed down I could feel it bulge out and balloon. No matter how hard I would squeeze I couldn't compress it any. His knot inflated until it was the size of a cantaloupe. His pre started to change and become thicky and more milky.

"I can feel it! I"M CUMMING!" I was staring in sheer amazement at the sight before me with my jaw open and that's when I felt his two strong hands on the back of my head pull me down forcefully. I tried braced myself against his thighs with my hands, fearing that he would force my jaw to break along his thickness. Everything happened so fast that I had no time to react and my mouth was invaded by the large tapered tip just as the first shot of cum blasted from his dick. "Suck it bitch!" More cum flooded my mouth and started to fill the remaining space quickly. "Get your fucking hands back on my knot bitch! I want you to feel me pumping your stomach full with my seed. Swallow!" I should have been surprised or upset about his sudden aggressiveness, but it only turned me on more and I did everything he told me to without question. "That's a good bitch, open up your mouth. I want to feel the back of your throat. I want to see how much your little mouth can take." His words only turned me on more and with only the pressure from the couch I could feel my dick start shooting off inside my shorts. "I can smell you bitch. I knew you wanted this. I knew you wanted me to rape your mouth with my massive cock and fill your belly with my seed. His demeanor was a complete one eighty degree turn around from how I first appeared. He seemed like an entirely new person and I loved it. "Take one hand and feel those nuts. Feel your meal being fed to you. Feel each and every squirt..." He groaned

I felt his balls and they must have swelled when his knot did because they felt larger than before. They felt almost twice as big as they were, but with each new spurt and each swallow I could feel them start to shrink. It had only been a few minutes but my stomach already felt full and he showed no signs of stopping. I started to explore the dick in my mouth and it was huge. No matter how much he wanted me to open up I couldn't take more than his large tapered tip and each time I tried I would either gag or retreat back from the pain in my jaw. No matter what though I was reminded of his strength which never allowed my mouth to leave his dick.

His dick tasted different than anything I had ever expeirienced. When my mouth was empty I could detect a slight metallic taste. Which wasn't bad at all, but when mixed with his sperm it was the sweetest thing. I enjoyed swallowing his sperm and feeling it warmly trickle down my throat into my bloated stomach. As much as it started to hurt, I knew I would doing this again.

After what seemed like forever he let go of my head and laid back on the couch. He was still cumming, but it had slowed to a small spurt every half minute or so. Sam brought his head forward and looked at me with a loving gaze. "Did you enjoy your meal?"

After the next spurt I pulled off and smiled at him. "Still am." I drove straight back down to swallow the next shot.

He looked down at me with even more appreciation and even started to stroke my cheek with his furred hand. "I think I'm almost done."

And sure enough I felt his knot start to deflate and shrink back into his sheath. My hands then drifted from his knot to his balls and they were now the size of large eggs, which were considerably smaller than when I started. I enjoyed just sitting there with his dick in my mouth, feeling it shrink until it was a 'normal' size.

"Hey Alex?" He looked down at me and I could see his hands begin to do their nervous fidget. "I'm sorry for snapping and getting aggressive like that. I don't know what came over me. I've never had that happen before." His dick slipped from my mouth and into his sheath.

I got up to sit next to him on the couch. "Why are you sorry? I obviously loved it. So much so that I came in your shorts." I looked down and saw all the cum that had soaked into my shirt and the spit that had spilled onto my collar. "You were so hot and tasted so good."

I swear I saw his dick twitch. "How's your stomach? It looks a little bloated."

I pulled up my shirt and sure enough it had bulged out to look like I was three months pregnant. "Holy shit! I guess it's a good thing you don't masturbate."