Love From A Stranger Part 6

Story by Brickhousebunny21 on SoFurry

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It's been a year since Barbados's father had died by Jessica's hand, Julia and Jessica live inside the cave with eachother as they mother their human son, Barbados. They were laying in the bed of hay with the blanket on top of it, Barbados was naked due to have already bathed in the lake. Jessica and Julia were kissing him on his cheeks, since a year passed, Barbados is now 11 years old and was smiling happily as Jessica and Julia kissed him on the cheeks.

"Barbados you just get cuter the more someone loves on you!" said Jessica giggling.

"I agree, Jessica he's so adorable I could kiss him all day." said Julia happily.

Barbados remembered every good thing that has happened to him since Jessica and Julia met him, he could consider himself lucky or blessed. Jessica was rubbing Barbados's chest, Julia rubbed his belly. Barbados felt relaxed and well soothed, a tear trickled down his right cheek. He was happy that he has people who care about him it made a tear of joy shed from his eye, Julia and Jessica noticed the tear trickling down.

"What's the matter sugar muffin?" asked Jessica with a sympathic look.

"It's nothing, well I've never been this happy in my life. It's beautiful, it's thanks to the both of you that I'm free and I no longer suffer anymore." said Barbados feeling blessed.

"Your right, but what your dad did to your biological mother was pure evil. What you've been through was what I consider bad luck, but you have us now and feel loved." said Jessica conforting Barbados.

Julia's heart beat a little faster due to the lustful feeling she felt right now, she gave Jessica that look and she knew what was going through her mind.

"Hey Barbados want us to make you feel better, if you know what we mean?" said Julia seductively.

She gave Barbados a long lick with her collossal tongue on his belly, Barbados shivered from the foreplay turning him on.

"Jessica you wanna have a go after Julia?" said Barbados smiling as his entire belly was being stroked by Julia's giant tongue.

Jessica had a seductive grin.

"Thought you never ask." said Jessica as a response to him.

Barbados's 15 inched cock sprang up fully hard and erect, Julia moved her mouth to his hard-on and placed her whole mouth on Barbados's wang. Julia sucked lightly as she ran her tongue over his phallic, Jessica licked her lips and ran her collosal tongue over Barbados's entire chest, tickling his nipples.

"Oh sweet paradise, lick me till I'm drowning in pokemon salivia, girls." said Barbados his heart beating a little faster from the massive tongue bath.

Julia's mouth felt soft and warm, she sucked hard as she bobbed her head up and down. Jessica was keep him sexually stimulated as she licked Barbados's chest and belly, this was a lovely experience he was having. Barbados felt the pleasure start to rise up, Julia sucked harder and bobbed head faster.

"Yes ooooooh don't stop ladies." moaned Barbados pleasurably.

Barbados couldn't think of a happier place to be, his dick getting hotter as his seed was working it's way out of his body.

"Oooooh here it goes." gasped Barbados in pleasure.

He shot his seed inside Julia's mouth, she swallowed every drop and removed her mouth.

"Jessica time to switch places, you suck him while I lick him." said Julia in a sexy voice.

Jessica and Julia switched positions, Julia was now licking Barbados's entire chest and belly while Jessica wrapped her whole mouth around his still erect hard-on. Jessica licked and sucked Barbados's hard-on like Julia did and Julia licked his chest and nipples, stimulating his brain.

"Oh this feels nice." said Barbados giggling.

This was heaven to Barbados, two sexy female pokemon were fucking him till his heart contents. His nipples were fully hard and erect, Barbados enjoyed the feeling of being sexually played with. The seed boiling it's way out, again. Jessica sucked harder as she ran her tongue all over Barbados's dick, his body was wet with pokemon spit. The seed was quickly rising straight out of his member and shot his cum again this time inside Jessica's mouth, she swallowed all the seed and removed her mouth. Julia stopped licking and Jessica sat in front of them.

"Now the fun really starts." said Julia with look of hunger in her eyes.

She got on top of Barbados and inserted his cock inside her entrance, Julia kissed him on the lips before she started bouncing on him. Jessica watched so she would get hornier when it's her turn to fuck Barbados, Julia was filled with strong, horny, lust. Barbados's wang felt all wet and warm inside Julia, he never knew how fun it was to get fucked deep down to his soul.

"This will be the most fun night I of my life" said Barbados looking pleased. "Ride'em cow girl!"

Julia bounced faster as she felt her inside pushing on Barbados's hard-on, Jessica was really getting turned on at the sight of this. Barbados was getting turned on too as the pleasure was returning, his breathing increased a little bit.

"Julia ahhh go faster." moaned Barbados his brain getting stimulated with sexy thoughts.

Julia went as faster as she could when she was clamping harder on Barbados's organ, what a experience he wished could last forever. Julia's insides were squeezing harder and harder as she bounced up and down rapidly on Barbados's member, his seed boiling inside his balls screaming to pop out. Barbados's orgasm was nearing it's peak, Julia thrusted harder as she ever could.

"Julia I'm cumming." gasped Barbados.

With a few more thrusts he came inside Julia, her inner walls clamped around his member and came along with Barbardos. Jet after jet squirted out of his penis, about 10 minutes passed and Barbados reached his limit. Julia kissed him on the lips, slipping her humongus tongue inside Barbados's mouth as their tongues wrestled. They explored eachother's mouths rapidly, briefully and broke the passionate kiss.

"Okay Jessica, I got him all warmed up for you. Make her proud, Honey." said Julia giving him a peck on the cheek.

Julia pulled out of him and lay next to Barbados, sexually satisfied. Jessica quickly got on top of him and inserted his member inside her waiting entrance, Jessica bounced up and down and landed a kiss on Barbados's lips.

"Mommy will fuck the shit out of you until your balls are bone dry." said Jessica seducingly.

She gave him a giant lick on the cheek as she continued to bounce up and down, Barbados didn't care if he was tired or not. Barbados would do this a hundred times if he wanted to, Jessica was waiting to fuck him since the idea popped into her mind.

"Yeah that's the stuff." said Barbados with a pleasured expression.

"I'm going to give you the biggest, strongest, logest, most powerfully, mind blowing, out of this world, orgasm of your young, cute life. Here comes my tongue!" said Jessica in a sexy tone.

She gave Barbados a lick on his chest, leading up to his cheek. Barbados was in sex heaven when the pleasurable feeling was rising back to the surface, again.

"The spark is slowly rising back, go faster Jessica." said Barbados smiling blissfully.

"Sure thing, cutie pie." said Jessica her voice sounding seductive.

Jessica gave him a peck on the cheek and increased her speed, Jessica's inner walls were squeezing harder and harder around Barbados's massive cock. Barbados's human cock was swelling up, it was 2 inches larger.

"This feels so good, I don't know how long I'm gonna last." said Barbados gasping in pleasure.

"Hopefully you'll last until I'm filled to the limit with your semen." said Jessica in a pleasured tone.

Jessica went as fast as she could go, bouncing rapidly up and down on Barbados's large wammer. Barbados's seed was boiling inside his balls, again just pleading to come out.

"Jessica I'm almost there." moaned Barbados.

"So am I, a little longer and we'll cum together." said Jessica moaning.

Barbados's body was drowning in sweat, Jessica's insides were clamping as hard as they could around his member that it was being squeezed to death. But it felt good, Barbados didn't care if it hurt or not.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oooooooooh Jessica I'm cumming." Barbados gasped in pleasure.

"Yes, that's right. Cum baby, shoot your cum into mommy." moaned Jessica sounding pleasured.

They closed their eyes, Barbados and Jessica were in a world of pleasure as they both came hard at the same time. Barbados shot his human load inside her vagina walls and Jessica's vagina clamped around as she cummed all over his balls. Jessica kept bouncing which made Barbados even more longer, about 15 minutes passed and they were still cumming.

"Woahhhhhh fuck." they said in unison.

They finally reached there limits and their orgasms ceased, Jessica locked her lips on Barbados's in a passionate kiss. She slipped her giant tongue inside and the two of them explored eachother's mouth, there tongues intertwined and the both of them enjoyed french kissing. Jessica and Barbados broke the kiss and Jessica placed her mouth on his left nipple as she licked and sucked it, Julia crawled over and she too licked and sucked Barbados's right nipple.

"Wow baby, suck them good." moaned Barbados enjoying the sensation.

Julia and Jessica stopped sucking and wrapped their arms around Barbados in a loving group hug, Barbados was in between them and he loved it. They rested for several minutes and recovered from their power love making.

"Feel better now, sugar?" asked Jessica happily.

"You bet I am." said Barbados proudly.

"That was fun." said Julia.

The three of them enjoyed the afterglow of the passion from their powerful orgasms.

"I'm really glad that the two of you are my mommies, I love you both!" said Barbados looking tired.

"We love you too, love muffin." said Julia and Jessica in unison.

They kissed Barbados on both his cheeks, the three of them fell asleep in a warm group hug. Barbados used to be abused and unloved, left without a real loving family and now he's got a family who treat him with love and respect. Jessica and Julia loved Barbados for who he really is and forever the three of them shared two things that Barbados wanted for a long time that he finally has, a loving family that loves both him and eachother and they'll protect him from anyone who wants to harm him. Jessica and Julia have a son and Barbados now has two loving parents, a happy family.

The End