Late Bloomer: Bunny Tails

Story by ForgottenWolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Late Bloomer

Back down the rabbit hole. Not much happens here between the two. Just trying to build the moment. Making a series is tiring but I'm all most done with final Chapter ^_^ Should be up soon.

***After the first play around, our Bunny tells Adam a few tales of her experiences with a question of her own. Learning is only half the battle, experience is how you learn.

Late Bloomer <Bunny Tails>

Chapter 3 "What just happened?"

Giggling lightly as she looked up at the ceiling, and then said with mocking voice.

"That was an orgasm, Mr.Adam" I could tell that she was imitating the High School principal, Mr. Henderson. "Orgasmus Maximus. Please take notes, this willbe on the final exam." She laughed, her breasts bouncing under my hand. I felt an intense rush of emotion for this wonderful girl. Love, I guess.

"Have you done that before?" I asked

"Oh Yeah. Sure... every night. By myself, in my room, listening to the radio. But it never felt like that before!" She had an expression of joy on her. Then she turned to me and sat up on the table. "Adam... your mouth is so amazingly hot!"

Then she scrunched forward, put her arms around my back, and kissed me. Nothing yet in my eighteen years of life compared to that kiss. I was expecting kissing a girl would be sort of dry and pinched, like the kisses my aunt gave me. However, hers was warm and wet, and her tongue pressed past my lips and into my mouth until it was dancing with my tongue. I was shocked, thrilled, devastated! It was literally as if a lightning bolt came out of her mouth and went down straight through my body into my....

A jolt of pure energy struck me and I had what I thought must be an orgasm. I felt a tiny little surge shoot up my penis, then a little bit of wetness squirted out the top and dripped down onto my balls. Later I learned that was just a little pre-cum, but I thought it was an orgasm. It was pleasant, but not nearly as awesome as I thought it would be, based on how the other guys in the locker room talked about it.

The kiss did not last long before she turned her back to me and shook her head as if she was dizzy. I knew at that moment our little encounter was done. I was already missing her soft touch, missing her fuzzy warm kiss.

I was sure we'd never be intimate again. I zipped my cock back into my jeans, having to bend it painfully to put it away. Sabine looked around for the wine glass, and finding it, drank one last drop that was in the bottom. She turned to me and grinned wickedly,

"I better not drink any more. It's making me a little naughty."

She bounced off the table and took one swig from the bottle, then corked it. She did not seem very drunk to me. When my aunt got drunk, she would stagger about and slur her words. However, she was just a little loose and hopping around like her fellow feral rabbits would.

She hummed to herself as she carefully washed out the wine glass and put it away. Then she took the bottle back out to the garage.

I sat there the whole time, feeling my boner slowly recede to nothingness, trying to remember everything I'd seen, and felt. I could have kicked myself for not reaching all the way under her top and fondling her breasts when I had the chance. What an idiot!

When she returned from the garage she looked at the clock in the den. It was 9:30.

"Yeah," she said, muttering to herself, "There's plenty of timeto fuck".

What did she just say? I must be hearing things I could swear she said...

Then I realized she was not talking about me, she couldn't be. She was thinking there was enough time to fuck some other guy after she left. Or possibly she knew I was listening and was just trying to mess with my mind.

She smiled at me and came into the kitchen.

" Wow! That was awesome. I liked how you moved your hand with me. Moreover, sucking my fingers... oooh that was hot!"

"Yeah?," I replied. I did not move, did not know what to do.

"Did you cum too?"

"Come where?"


I looked blank, like a deer in head lights.

Her nose twitched and said, "You don't know what cum is?"

I shrugged and said, "I'm a former home-schooler."

"Oh, yeah. Okay. Cum is what they call the stuff that comes out when you have an orgasm." She imitated the principal's deep voice again,

"Semen, commonly referred to as cum. Present tense: cumming. Past tense: came. For example: Sabine wanted Adam to cum for her. Suddenly Adam was cumming. Adam came all over his lap."

She giggled, then said in her own voice,"Soooo....did you cum for me?"

I nodded. I was pretty sure I had. "Yeah. When you kissed me."

"But... both your hands were on me."

"Yeah... I guess."

"So you came without even touching yourself?"

"You're a good kisser."

She giggled. "Eighteen", she said thoughtfully. "Man, you sure don't look it. You're so short... but you're awfully cute. I bet you've heard that before."


"No? Well, you are. Beautiful. Your face... your eyes, your lips. You're just a beautiful boy, Adam"

I blushed and said, "Thanks."

"Are you a virgin, Adam?"

I gulped, "I asked you first".

She chuckled, "Come on. I know you're a virgin. It is obvious. Just admit it."

"Okay. I'm a virgin, but what about you? You still haven't answered the question."

"Come into the living room and I'll tell you." She beckoned me with a finger, then turned and bounced out of sight.

I stood, slowly. Not sure what to do. I felt like running back to my bedroom... back to my battlefield... back to my childhood. But I didn't. I screwed up my courage and walked into the living room.

Sabine was sitting on the couch in a seductive pose, looking up at me sweetly, but with a hungry expression in her eyes. I paused. She patted the seat next to her. I sat down. She put an arm over my shoulder and threw her long legs over my lap, and put her other hand on my chest. It was so intimate... so close!

"Well, Adam, here's the deal. I am not a virgin. Not technically. But I feel like one, if that counts." Her whiskers twitching along with her little close. She continue.

"Mark Butch was his name, and he fucked me at my eighteenth birthday pool party this summer. I was half passed out on drinks at the time, so I don't remember much... actually, I don't remember anything. I just woke up in the garage with my bikini bottoms off, and blood all over my legs. I found out later that he popped my cherry while I was half asleep, but the blood freaked him out so bad that he just took off. Ever since then, he's been bugging me to give him another shot, but I think it was awful shitty of him to sleep with me while I was asleep.. I mean, is that rude, or is that rude?"

"That's criminal, actually."

"Yeah. You're right about that. I've told all the girls to stay away from him. He probably won't ever be invited to another party at this school."

"Seriously, you should call the cops."

"And say what? I was planning to mate him anyway. He knew that, and I guess he just figured that he already had my permission, so why not? Still, I don't think it's cool."

Those eyes of hers looking at me with such....I don't even know. "You wouldn't fuck me if I were passed out, would you Adam?"

"No way!." However, the thought of fucking her made my blood pressure soar.

"Of course not. That's 'cause you're not an asshole. You're a sweetie."

She leaned forward and gave me a peck on the lips. Her breast pressed into my arm for a second. Wow.

She continued, "Anyhoo, since I was unconscious when it happened, I don't count that one. Therefore, I'm a virgin as far as I'm concerned. I did have a near miss, though. I almost fucked a guy at the band competition last month after I blew him and his friend."



"What do you mean?"

She giggled. "I blew them off... gave them blowjobs."

She laughed at the blank look on my face. I'd heard that phrase in the locker room, but I had absolutely no idea what it meant, only that it was sexual in nature.

"You don't know what I'm talking about, do you?"

I felt my face flush red. "I don't know anything about anything."

She nodded and laughed a little, but stopped when she saw the look of dismay on my face. "No that's cool. In fact, I think it's sweet."

There was a little pause and she looked off into space. I felt her move slightly. She was about to let me go... to take her legs off my lap... to let me go on being a child. So I clamped my hand on her legs, not letting her get up. "I may look young, Sabine, but I'm eighteen. Almost nineteen. I'm months older than you, in fact. I want to know what happened at the band competition. Tell me. Blowjobs and all."

Her eyes twinkled. She'd been hoping I'd say something like that. "Okay, Adam. So here's the whole story: the Band had just played. They sounded okay, but the Colorguard did a great job, so I was totally stoked. We had a half hour free before we had to assemble to hear our results. Most of the band went off to the bathroom, or to get some snacks, but I went back to the locker room to get my lip-gloss. But I accidentally went into the boy's locker room and ran into a couple of older boys from the other marching band."

She looks at me to make sure I was still listening which was little difficult to do with how she was sitting. She continues.

"They were in there drinking from a flask. I was thirsty, so I just walked up to them and took the bottle from them and swigged it. That was some sour stuff. I don't know what it was, but it was hard liquor of some kind. I didn't get drunk or anything... heck I only had a mouthful, but... I don't know... drinking makes me horny, I guess. And these guys looked awful cute. One of them was kind of shy but the other was bold. Since I never learned their names, I will just call them Shyboy and Boldguy.

"_Boldguy said, 'you have to pay for that drink', and I replied, 'how?', 'with a kiss', he says., 'sure'. So we kissed for a while. _

Shyboy blushed bright red and was about to leave, but I grabbed his hand and held him there as I Frenched his friend. Then when I was done with Boldguy, I turned, threw my arms around Shyboy and started kissing him, even harder and filthier than I'd kissed his friend. I rubbed my body all over the poor boy. It was probably his first kiss, because he didn't know what he was doing. But I gave him a bit of an education, just like I did with you back there in the kitchen. I tell you what, though... he didn't catch on nearly as fast as you did." She leaned in again, and kissed me longer, slipping her rough tongue into my mouth. My cock started acting up again, but I didn't realize it.

She continued, "While I was kissing him, his friend started feeling me up. You know, squeezing my tits through my top and grabbing my butt and stuff. I felt Shyboy's jolly friend getting hard against my belly..."

Shit! My cock was poking up into her calves! She smiled and shifted her legs off my lap. I figured it was because she was grossed out at the feel of my erection. But she just reached down with her left hand, and ran it up my thigh until it was fully cupping the growing bulge in my jeans. I gasped, and my cock pushed against her paw.

"Yeah, it felt just like this. So I got down on my knees in front of Shyboy and unzipped his fly... kinda like this..." She reached up to my fly, and slowly drew it down. Every muscle in my body tensed up in shock. "You should have seen the look on his face. He couldn't believe I was doing it." You should have seen the look on MY face!

"I bet not," I managed to stammer as the zipper, and her soft fingers, crossed the tip of my penis. The bulge of my white underwear emerged from my fly, suddenly unencumbered by the tight jeans. When the zipper was all the way down she wrapped her long soft fingers around my erection and gave it a squeeze. My heart leapt in my chest.

"Wow. Uhhh, where was I..? Oh, yeah... I took his cock out of his undies and put it in my mouth. I thought he was going to pass out. I hadn't given a blowjob before, but Vicky told me how she gave a blowjob to some guy backstage at the talent show, and I'd always wanted to try it out. But I didn't want to do it to anyone at our school, 'cause then everyone would hear about it and they'd all think I was a slut, just like Vicky!" She squeeze at my erection with little more but still gentle enough. She continued.

"Anyway, she'd told me basically how to do it. I don't know why they call it a blowjob, because you don't blow, you suck. Kind of like the way you sucked the pussy juice off my fingers earlier." I blushed and smiled.

She looked down at my bulge and said, "So I sucked him while I stroked his cock..... something like this..."

She began to stroke my cock gently. I felt light headed.

"His friend was totally amazed by what he was seeing. He moved up next to me and unzipped his fly and out flopped his cock right next to me.. I wrapped my fingers around it and then I started sucking him too. It was fuckin' hot! Then I started going back and forth between them, sucking their cocks one after the other. Their cocks, by the way, were very different. Shyboy's was longer and narrower... about the same size as you, I'd say, with a big head, and Boldguy's was short and fat. I mean, real fat... like maybe two and a half inches thick, but only maybe four and a half inches long. It was hard to fit in my mouth. I couldn't help but scrape him a bit with my teeth. But I had no problem with Shyboy's. I liked his better. I used to think all cocks were the same. But they're all different, like snowflakes." She giggled. Her paw was going up and down my underwear-clad cock, and I was about as large and hard as I'd ever been in my life. She looked down and said, "What about yours, Adam? What does your snowflake look like?"

I stammered, "Well... wh... why don't you take a... a look for yourself.

"I think I will," she said, smiling. She flipped around and lay across my lap, her left breast resting on my thigh. She grabbed the waistband of my underwear and slowly pulled it down, her face eager with anticipation. Her nails brushed against my hard flesh as my cock folded out like a page in a pop up book.

"Wow" she said. "That's... not what I expected."

"What do you mean?"

_"I thought... maybe you'd look like a little child... but this is....the cock of an eighteen-going-on-nineteen-year-old if I ever saw one." _ She looked up at me and smiled, feeling a flush of pride.

I could not believe it. I absolutely couldn't believe it. It was a mental image I can still see, clear as a photograph, to this very day. Her beautiful eyes looking at me... her furry soft legs... her bra-less breasts in that pink sweater, squished up on my leg, just inches from my naked cock.

I watched, utterly mesmerized, as her beautiful lips spoke the wonderful words, "Do-you-want-me-to...suck your cock, Adam?"

I felt a tear fall down my cheek. It was so great... almost more than I could bear. I couldn't speak. She didn't know how to interpret my tear, so I smiled to let her know I wasn't sad or anything. But I was too overcome with emotion to speak.

She grinned and said in a simple clear voice, "If you want me to suck your cock,....just....nod."

I nodded. I nodded....and nodded. She licked her lips but never took her eyes off mine. She scrunched down, and licked my cock with her tongue, from the base to the tip. She put two fingers around it and pulled me into her open mouth. Her hungry lips wrapped around my naked flesh, and a thrill of pleasure shot through my abdomen.

I saw the pleasure in her eyes, and she saw the pleasure in mine. It was more amazing than anything I'd ever imagined. If someone had told me a girl would want to put my penis in her mouth, I wouldn't have believed them, but this was something strangely fantastic, surreal, and wonderful beyond measure. And it felt just as amazing as it looked, better than my hand by a long shot. Her mouth was wet and warm and I could feel every detail of her rough tongue as it danced around the head of my cock.

At that moment I was thankful that I'd been so insulated and ignorant about sex. Because this was like a starving person in some third world country suddenly being served the most delicious food in the world. It was heartbreakingly perfect. She finally broke eye contact and went to work on my cock. I put my hands in her silky fur, as her head bobbed up and down over my lap. Sometimes I could feel her teeth on me, but it didn't hurt. It felt wonderful.

I kept thinking, 'Holy shit! My penis is in a girls mouth! Sabine! is giving me a..a..blowjob! I can't believe it!' I put my left hand on her waist, slipping it under the sweater to feel her soft body. Her mouth felt amazing around me. I could feel her sucking and slurping, while her long ears laying down over her head touching my thighs and belly. Wow, the sight of the top of her head going up and down over my lap was mind blowing. I ran my fingers through her furry head, and ran my fingers a top her ears.

Ripples of pleasure began to slam me in the gut, making me twitch and flinch. It felt great, but much too soon I reached that point I had always reached before, where the pleasure became overwhelmingly painful, so I ...I had to stop her.

_"Too much!" _ I hissed.

"Okay" she gasped, out of breath. "I don't want you to come too soon anyway." She stroked my cock lightly, and bounced it playfully with her soft paw fingers. "Those band boys didn't even last this long."


"A couple of minutes, tops. I was just getting a rhythm going when Boldguy came in my mouth."

I was barely paying attention. My eyes were locked on the sight and sensation of her beautiful fingers stroking my cock. "Really? He did that... in your mouth?"

"It felt like he shot a gallon of goo in my mouth... it was all thick and funky. I almost gagged from the surprise. Vicky hadn't said anything about cum. Maybe the guy she blew didn't cum, or only came a little, or not in her mouth... But, whatever... I wasn't sure if I should swallow it or spit it out, but I didn't want to get any of it on my uniform. We had to perform again later. So I swallowed it. It took two or three gulps to get it all down."


She laughed. "Maybe. I don't know. I kind of liked it. It tasted salty." God, she had a pretty face and such a beautiful laugh.

I put my hand under her chin, and she looked up at me. I said, "Kiss me."

She got up, straddled my lap, and kissed me hard and passionately. I could feel her breasts squished into my chest, and her belly pressing my boner against my stomach. She kissed me for a minute or two, then pulled back and held my face with her paws and looked at me with real affection. Then as she continued her story she kept moving her crotch against my cock, keeping me hard... making me jump from time to time as another little spasm rolled up it.

"Boldguy got limp as soon as he came. He zipped himself up almost immediately, looking a little embarrassed. I sucked his friend a while longer, but suddenly I wanted him to fuck me. That wasn't my original plan, but... what can I say? He had a pretty cock."

She stopped her movements to make sure I was listen. When I groaned a little, she continued her movement and her story with a smile.

"I lay down on the floor and pulled my tights and panties off, and spread my legs wide and told Shyboy that I wanted him to fuck me hard. He look so scared."

"Like me."

" Are you scared? You don't feel scared." She wrapped her paw around my cock and started stroking me. "No he was absolutely scared shitless. He was shaking and quaking as he undid his belt and pulled his trousers down. Then he got on his knees, and fumbled with his cock trying to aim it at my pussy. But then he groaned and suddenly squirted all over me... all over my pussy and thighs. I laughed my ass off. He kept apologizing, but I didn't mind. I loved the way his cum felt surging onto my skin. It was so warm... almost hot! I scooped it up with my finger and llicked it, while he gawked at me like I was some wild rabbit on earth. His cum tasted a little different from the other guy's. I guess it has something to do with what you eat."

She spoke in the principal's voice again, "Remember, children. You cum what you eat."

I laughed. "So... he didn't fuck you."

"No. I would have waited for them to get hard again, but they were kind of freaked out, or scared of getting caught or something. They just took off without saying a word. Well, I bet by now they regret being such chicken shits. But I'm glad Shyboy didn't after all. He probably would have cum in me.. My mom would kill me. I'm also glad because it would have been stupid to throw away my first fuck to a guy like that. The first one really should be.....someone special."

I realized that she was trying to tell me that, whatever else might happen between us tonight, we wasn't going to fuck. I certainly wasn't anybody special. But that was okay.....

"So, " I said, "You've only done it once?"

_"Like I said, I don't count that first one, so, no, I've never done it. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it."_She let a little giggle out from her own joke, which I also gave a half smile.

_ "I've kissed a lot of guys, though, and I gave a blowjob to Trever... I forget his last name. You know, the hyena with the pierced ears, and who tells all lame jokes about others mothers."_ "Trever Jones?"

"Yeah. We were at a party last month. We were joking around and I called him a 'dickless dog' and he whipped out his cock to prove that he was not dickless."

"In front of everybody?"

"No no no. Most everybody had gone home by then. It was just him, me, Diana the host of the party,her brother Dan and Vicky. Everyone was laughing, but they shut up when I got on my knees and gobbled him up."

"You did that... in front of them?"

"One wine cooler too many, I guess. I really need to stop drinking. I'll end up a slut like Vicky, if I don't watch out. But yeah, I sucked him in front of the others... it was just too beautiful to resist."

Her grip tighten when she said the word, Beautiful. "I would never have thought a joker like him was packing such weapon. The others just watched, hardly believing what they were seeing. I sucked him until he came, but this time I wasn't as surprised. He came more than the other band guy did, but I swallowed it all... well, most of it."

That story blew my mind. "Wow... his dick is really big."

She swatted me playfully. "How do you know that?"

"I've seen him in the shower after gym class."

"Reeeaaaally? You see guys in the shower? The girls have separate stalls."

"Well, the guys have one big shower. You can't help but see everybody."

"But, still... you like checking out guys cocks?" She was smiling wickedly.

"I guess. I ... I was afraid I'd have the smallest, you know..."

She gave my cock another tight squeeze, "You have no reason to worry about that, Adam. To tell you the truth, his was way too big for me. It hurt my jaw sucking him. Yours on the other yummy and perfect."

I blushed. That was a wonderful thing to know.

"But tell me, who else has a big cock?"

"Uh... Tyler is pretty big, not as big as Trever's, though. Jameson is about the same size..."

"The Drum Major? You're kidding!"


"Wow. Well I guess they're both hyenas. Makes sense. They do have a wild side."

"Well the biggest one of all is a Canine."

"Who?" she asked, eyes gleaming.

"Tristan Mcneely."

Her eyes opened wide. "Really? Sandra little brother? You're kidding me!"

"He never showers with the other guys, but I saw him changing sweat pants once. He accidentally pulled down his underwear and I saw is big ol' thing. I don't think anyone else noticed."

_"Really? How big was he?" _ I held my hands about 11 inches apart.

"Shit!!! And he wasn't even hard?" I shook my head.

"The girls all think Tristan's the biggest dork in school! But all this time he's been hiding the biggest dick in school! That's just perfect! I have to tell Vicky! Maybe she will tell me whom she's fucking, in exchange for that tidbit. She's been feuding with Sandra for years."


"Yeah, now more than ever. Sandra graduated last year, so Vickyshould be top bitch on campus now, but Sandra's going to nearby College, and is still trying to call the shots at the high school. She keeps having parties where she invites all the popular seniors, but never Rona. She's totally trying to steal Rona's friends."

"Wow. Drama. I didn't know that kind of stuff was going on."

But now that I know about Tristan's cock, I might just have to go and check him out." _She giggled._

_ "I'm just kidding. I do not care for the big ones. Trever has been pestering me to have sex... but I won't. Not just because he is too big... he's just not nearly special enough to waste my semi-virginity on." _ Her face changed expressions and looked into at mine_. "Hey, Adam, I have a question for you."_

"What is it?"

"Would you like to take my semi-virginity?"

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